Scott Lively Ministries

Trump’s arrest is a lefty ‘Sieg Heil’ to the Rainbow Swastika

If it is true that history always repeats for those who fail to learn from it, it is doubly true when actual history is replaced by false revisionist narratives to serve a social-engineering agenda. How can you fix a problem you never knew you had? Sometimes, however, the “Wizard” behind the curtain loses control of the propaganda machine, and the previously brainwashed masses get a rude awakening to how much they’ve been duped. That’s today’s reality in America, where newly awakened conservatives and constitutionalists are suddenly on the verge of civil war with the mind-enslaved zombies of the “progressive” left whose lies have been exposed. It’s a showdown of the Awake vs the Woke. And it’s all thanks to the American Samson, Donald Trump, who has pulled down the Temple of Dagon onto their heads (and his own) to give the American Israelites a fighting chance to overthrow the Philistine demon-worshipers we call the “deep state.”

Without Trump we would collectively have slept right through the transition from a Constitutional Republic to a Global Maoist Technocracy under Hillary Clinton – ignoring the shouts of warning from “crack-pot bigots” like myself on the “radical fringe” of society. And that is, of course, why ALL the Woke, and a great many “useful idiots” following their lead, hate Trump with a passion that burns in them like the unquenchable fires of Hell, blinding them to all reason and prudence – to the point that many have abandoned even the pretext of rationality and justice. Trump is America’s “Judge” in the truest Old Testament Samsonian sense, and our fate as a nation is inextricably intertwined with his.

But Americans have only a partial understanding of just how deep the duplicity goes in history. Some of the most important truths necessary to understand our present crisis are still buried under layers of false narratives: the most important being the true history of Nazi Germany, which was in many ways a globalist dress rehearsal for all that is happening in America today.

Two simple, easily documented facts that will help to crack open the door of truth are 1) that the earliest, deepest root of the American LGBT movement was the Chicago chapter of the German Society for Human Rights (whose most famous member was topmost SA Brownshirt leader and Hitler’s right-hand man Ernst Roehm), launched in 1924 by a German-American soldier, Henry Gerber. And 2) that it was the OSS, predecessor of the CIA, who, in the early 1930s recruited the “father” of Cultural Marxism, Herbert Marcuse, and then unleashed him as a social engineer pushing the “sexual revolution” throughout America as the golden oracle of the elite university system. The very term “sexual revolution” was coined by his Marxist fellow-traveler, Wilhelm Reich, whose German version of his 1936 book “Sexuality in the Culture War” was renamed “The Sexual Revolution” for the English version. It was subtitled: “for the socialist restructuring of humans.” Let the implications of that phrase sink in for a moment in respect to our rising trans-sexual/trans-humanist nightmare.

Reich’s most famous book was “The Mass Psychology of Fascism” (1933), an anti-Nazi treatise that was one of the first to expose the homosexual core of Nazi male identity. For example, he wrote: “The male supremacy of the Platonic era is entirely homosexual. … The same principle governs the fascist ideology of the male strata of Nazi leaders (Bluher, Roehm, etc.) [who] … reactivate the sexual life of the Platonic era in their familial form of living. … Rosenberg and Bluher [the leading Nazi ideologists] recognize the state solely as a male state organized on a homosexual basis (Reich:91ff).”

Don’t be fooled by the apparent incompatibility of the Marcuse/Reich “Communist Socialism” with the Nazi Party’s “Nationalist Socialism”: This conflict was only a temporary reflection of the butch/femme division of the German “gay” male subculture in which the butches aligned with the Nazis and the femmes aligned with the Communists. Their internecine war is thoroughly documented in Volume 1 of “The Pink Swastika,” Fifth Edition, which you may buy in print form here or access for free here.

In post-WWII America, however, that butch/femme division was erased, allowing for the unity of purpose that is reflected in today’s rainbow swastika. The LGBTs learned the heavy price of internal conflict in Germany and ever since have made total unity against Judeo-Christian sexual morality their top priority, even, for example, in the face of massive societal push-back against the trans-insanity that has become the new front line of the battlefield.

Like Samson, Trump isn’t just a “Judge” but a symbol of patriarchal alpha-male masculinity (and traditional American hetero-normative values) – despite his reported dalliances with prostitutes, and despite his self-harming limited support for so-called “gay marriage” (by which he wrongly hopes to neutralize “gay” hatred toward him). Like Samson, Trump’s conduct as God’s appointed change agent is “complicated” at best. Nevertheless, Trump is a walking, talking symbol of binary heterosexual cultural primacy – perhaps (ironically) the only one in modern America who can’t be attacked for acting “holier than thou” (their neutralizer of choice against Christians).

Another critical fact buried by revisionists is the collaboration of the Nazis with the Muslims, led by the Mufti of Jerusalem, who formed his own Waffen SS Battalion in Palestine. He was succeeded by his pederast nephew, Yasser Arafat (a pseudonym). And, importantly, unique to Muslims is the strategy of creating armies of fighting “human shields” formed from the enslaved children of their targets for national conquest. That demonic strategy is the apparent spiritual inspiration for the growing enslavement of American schoolchildren as soldiers of the “cause of social justice.” And it is a strategy that has been so successful that a second generation of these slaves, under the “transgender” banner, is being groomed as terrorist special forces – conditioned by second-gen propaganda toward violent acts of “vengeance.” Following their lead, the long LGBT cold war against Christians is now going hot, with the recent Nashville massacre being a harbinger of the future for those who refuse to bow the knee to faux-pronoun fascism and other rainbow swastika tyrannies.

Learning from history doesn’t necessarily ensure you can avoid its repetitions. You also have to take effective action to stop the bad guys. In this case, it means educating Americans on the centrality of the LGBT agenda to the attack on our system, and the willingness to accept that the only real solution is a restoration of Judeo-Christian religious and cultural norms.

But the person who most needs to learn the history exposed in this article is President Trump, who seems completely ignorant of the fact that his indictment and arrest is above all else a Lefty Sieg Heil to the Rainbow Swastika.

We’re on Step 4 of homo-fascism’s plan

For the left, and particularly its LGBT agenda-steering de facto “executive committee,” the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (of “utopian” social engineering) has always been the power not just to suppress all dissent, but to force dissenters to vocally affirm and parrot its narratives. That is the secret to understanding the rising tyranny of “mis-gendering” and “dead-naming” laws and policies – with much, much worse to come if they have their way.

As I outlined in the preface to the second edition of my book “The Poisoned Stream,” there are five stages of “homo-fascism”: 1) Tolerance, 2) Acceptance, 3) Celebration, 4) Forced participation in “gay” culture, and 5) Punishment of dissenters. In America, that process started in the 1940s when notorious pederast (and “Father of the American Gay Movement”) Harry Hay’s Mattachine Society adopted “the right to be left alone” (the essence of tolerance) as its motto. This was not incidental, but part of a deliberate long-term legal and political strategy built upon SCOTUS Justice Louis Brandies’ theory that a “right to privacy” could be found in the “penumbras” of the U.S. Constitution.

That theory later became binding constitutional law, powerfully facilitating progressive judicial activism by leftist judges, which bypassed the peoples’ legislatures and imposed many culture-transforming policies upon us through the courts – the most consequential being advancements of the “sexual revolution” at the expense of Judeo-Christian moral norms. I have summarized that progression here.

Do not be deceived: In America’s culture war, the LGBT movement has been both the point of the spear and the thrusting arm behind it all along, and the other contingents of the progressive coalition have never been equal partners but always just a “stable of assets” of the “gays.” Many of the major change agents, like Brandeis, have been Jews, not (as claimed by neo-Nazis) because they “control everything” as a single monolithic block (the presence of many stalwart Jewish allies in the conservative movement alone belies that), but because their history of internal cultural liberality on sexual matters (in reaction to overly-restrictive Christian “puritanism”) made their more secularized members early targets in the homosexualization of the Western world. Just as the Boy Scouts, the U.S. military, the Anglican Church and countless other formerly conservative bastions more recently fell to the LGBT agenda, secularized Judaism was conquered (very early) by the same malign force.

As recent history has shown, no groups other than the strongly religious (e.g., true-believer Christians, Jews and Muslims) have displayed enduring effective resistance to the social virus of sexual anarchy – which “virus” is “progressive” not just in the sense of serving a pro-active political agenda, but also in the sense of spreading a degenerative behavioral disorder akin to drug or porn addiction: always worsening over time in ever more defiling and degrading forms of desire and conduct. And so, not just individually, but collectively (as a society containing increasing numbers of afflicted individuals), tolerance gave way to acceptance, then celebration of what prior generations of Americans rightly shunned as depraved and demonic.

Celebration trending to forced participation is the current stage of homo-fascism most of America is suffering. Some parts of the country – the deepest red regions – lag behind at the cusp of acceptance and celebration. Very few have held their ground at tolerance – the only (barely) biblical posture when observed as a “don’t ask, don’t tell” general approach toward individual strugglers and their social groups. Some places – primarily the deepest blue cities and universities – have reach the cusp of forced participation and punishment and are actively punishing dissenters to the (growing) extent that they can get away with it.

Importantly, the progressives are masters of incrementalism – an approach that is imposed on their street-activist armies by the “executive committee” elites, such as the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg whom I spotlighted as Exhibit A in my exposé of the strategy (exactly 10 years ago). She contended in a special speech at U Chicago Law School that Roe v. Wade was a bad ruling because it moved too fast, creating the pro-life movement. I argued that she was telegraphing to the left that SCOTUS was NOT going to create a right to “gay marriage” in its two pending LGBT cases as the street activists demanded and expected. I was soon vindicated in that prediction.

Likewise, I recognized that the ultimate champion of LGBT cultural supremacy, Justice Anthony Kennedy, who wrote all four of the majority opinions imposing it on us by judicial fiat, was not turning against his own cause in Dale v. Boy Scouts of America (2000) by siding with the pro-family majority. Nor, in my opinion, was he showing himself to be a true supporter of Dale’s hybrid right of “expressive association” (combining the right to free speech with freedom of association) in agreeing that the Boy Scouts should not be forced to embrace homosexuality in its ranks. He was only preserving the strategy of incrementalism – knowing that America was not ready for that step. Kennedy gritted his teeth and did it again in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission in 2017 (on the question of whether a baker could be forced to put a pro-“gay” message on a cake) because America was still not quite ready.

But then, after Kennedy resigned in 2018, Donald Trump threw a huge boulder in the path of progressive incrementalism by giving us a “conservative” majority on the Supreme Court that – thank God – is not following conservative tradition by preserving the new status quo created for them by their liberal predecessors. They are instead acting more like true constitutionalists and finally overturning lawless precedents like Roe v. Wade and (it is anticipated) the even more insidious Obergefell v. Hodges invention of “gay marriage.”

But it must be remembered by the activist armies of the right that they (we) have at least as major a part to play in the judicial roll-back to constitutionalism as our street-level counterparts on the left had in prior decades. Our present advantage at the high court MUST be maximized while it still exists, and that means we should be actively fighting the bad laws on the ground to create legal conflicts that can eventually reach SCOTUS. My long-time friend Hal Shurtleff of Camp Constitution did this with the help of my other long-time friends at Liberty Counsel – winning a stunning 9-0 victory for freedom of speech in the Christian flag case in my deep blue home state.

That victory could never have happened without Christian/constitutionalist street activism against bad laws. And there are no worse Constitution-killing laws in America than those crushing our freedoms under the rainbow jackboots of the LGBT movement. Homo-fascism is insidious and deadly and it must be fought first in the streets before honest judges can overturn it in the courts. Our people should be constantly “mis-gendering” and “dead-naming” and otherwise (non-violently) “breaking” those unconstitutional laws for the purpose of creating martyrs with standing to sue the government and every woke institution that practices homo-fascism. As journalist James O’Keefe famously exhorts: Be Brave – Do Something!

The Evil That Trans-Men Do

Everywhere is
Freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies
Tell me, where is sanity?

– I’d Love to Change the World,” Ten Years After, Top 40 hit in 1971

Like most Americans, I was greatly unnerved to hear the that a “trans man” murdered three 9-year-old children and three adults at a Nashville Christian elementary school, where this disturbed young woman had once attended. Even though school shootings and other mass murders have (predictably) become rather common in America, this one is especially tragic because it targeted grammar school kids. and because it is clearly a hate crime against Christians that we all know will never be characterized as such, so that no taint of negativity will ever stain the public image of the LGBT community.

To clarify, the radio news report I heard Monday did not identify the killer as “trans,” but instead featured a statement from Biden emphasizing the importance of gun control. I had to seek out conservative news outlets to learn the key fact that “our president” and his coconspirator media deliberately suppressed. But the story was too big for the media to bury, and so now virtually all media outlets are forced to cover it.

It has become standard practice for all divisions of the leftist power bloc to instantly and unanimously ascribe causality for any violence against LGBTs to everyone who criticizes their community or agenda; in other words, if you at any time in your life have ever said anything negative about LGBT people or their political agenda, it is your fault if someone you’ve never met or even heard of, shoots up a “gay” nightclub, for example. But, when the roles are reversed, it is never the fault of leftist rhetoric when someone sharing LGBT views commits a crime – such as when Floyd Lee Corkins attempted mass murder at the Family Research Council, using the SPLC’s “hate map” to find the organization’s location.

Causation is a big deal in criminal law, and rightfully so, because it would create social chaos for the judicial branch to punish someone other than the actual perpetrator of a crime without very strong evidence others were personally involved. That’s why there is well-developed legal doctrine on things like incitement so that free speech is not chilled. But chilling speech critical of anything LGBT is precisely why the left pretends there is NO legal guidance on incitement: They simply imply that the “wrong” kind of speech is legally actionable (knowing that it isn’t) because they want everyone to fear the possibility of criminal prosecution for merely stating facts and opinions they cynically deem “hate speech” (which includes anything even slightly non-celebratory). And they reinforce that posture by socially “canceling” people in the private sector as if their views are criminal. Even worse, they are now working feverishly to establish speech codes forcing people to adopt and use the “transgender” lexicon subject to actual punishments for “mis-gendering” and “dead-naming” anyone. It is Orwellian, bordering, literally, on the psychotic.

THIS is fascism! By the people who ridiculously, preposterously portray themselves as anti-fascist. And now their constant agitation and grievance-mongering among a class of mentally ill young people is pushing them to murder innocents. Does this legally qualify as incitement? Perhaps not, but it is a quantum leap closer to being legally actionable than what they already contend pro-family Christians are guilty of. And from the moral and ethical standpoint, it is unquestionably true that everyone conspiring to bury the truth of male/female binary heterosexual normalcy beneath an avalanche of politically driven, scientifically bankrupt trans-normalizing propaganda shares the blame for the murder of these little children and their teachers.

Enough is enough. It is past time for the normies to rise up and tear down the transgender normalization racket in our society. And if you don’t do that you’ll have no one to blame but yourself when this bloody atrocity becomes as common as Drag Queen Story Hour.

To be absolutely clear, this is not a call to violence against anyone – but it is a call to destroy the propaganda campaign that is literally raping the minds of America’s children. Take back the schools! Take back the libraries! Take back the media! Take back the seats of power from dog-catcher to the presidency! Take back America from these soulless ghouls! And in the process save their mind-enslaved victims by drawing them back into the light of truth and reason.

The Real Root of All Evil

The Bible does not say that “money is the root of all evil.” It actually says, in 1st Timothy 6:10 that “the love of money is the root of many evils.” Different versions offer slight variations in wording but the actual text comports with the self-evident reality that some evils have nothing at all to do with money. Murder, for example, is statistically more likely to be motivated by jealousy, revenge or rage than love of money.

Make no mistake, the love of money is very high on the list of things that cause evil results, as showcased in Ezekiel 28:11-16 which explains how Satan himself fell from grace. And to show just how insidious the love of money can be even in the church, consider that one of the reasons we have so many versions of the Bible with divergent wording is that copyright laws require a book to be substantially different from those already in print in order to claim an exclusive right to market it. 

But there is a greater evil that even Satan is not guilty of (though he is the author of it among humankind): Atheism, the personal, affirmative denial of God’s existence. Consider the implications of James 2:19 “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!” So in the biblical context, it could be said that Atheists are worse than demons – though not necessarily from the human perspective which measures evil by conduct in human affairs. To resolve that conflict God offers a two-tiered standard for judgement, summed up by Jesus in Matthew 22:37-40: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”  

We humans tend to overemphasize the second greatest commandment because it is more obvious and personal to us, but from God’s viewpoint, loving Him is paramount, meaning that denying He exists really is far worse than any human-on-human crime, even genocide.  

But even Atheism itself is not exactly “the root of ALL evil,” because, obviously, those who admit He exists – even the demons – also commit all manner of evil.   

The one thing that Atheists and sinning Theists (even those who love Him) have in common which makes every evil act they commit possible is Disregard for the WILL of God. It all comes down to whose will prevails, which is why The Lord’s Prayer which He taught to His disciples, centers on the phrase “thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” and why the Lord’s own prayer to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane ended with “thy will, not my will, be done.”

Of course, Atheists don’t give a second thought to God’s will in anything that they want to do, but in fact either arrogate to themselves the right and responsibility for managing the things of the world (on the theory that Man is his own god), or just live as they please without any regard for questions of “responsibility” (because, to them, ultimately nothing really means anything so why bother do anything but maximize personal satisfaction). And Theists, to the extent they are ignorant of the will of God or believe they have the right to ignore, modify or reinterpret His will, tend to be susceptible to all the worldly narratives and policies of the “humanists” (both “good” and bad) who seek to rule and reign according to their own will. 

The ones least susceptible to evil (but never fully immune) are those who seek diligently to know and follow the will of God in all things – including uncompleted Jews, Muslims and other sincere Theists (even if their source materials are flawed). I call these latter categories “the deceived unsaved” to distinguish them from the intentionally wicked. But among the sincere seekers, only those whose assurance of salvation is rooted in Jesus Christ, are protected by His payment for their sins from its eternal consequences (though they are not necessarily exempted from natural and worldly consequences while on this mortal plane). 

The key to understanding why the world is in its current degenerate state is to recognize that theories, strategies and solutions grounded in God-disregarding human will, regardless of whether they are motivated by benign or malign intent, are in every case fatally flawed because mankind does not have the knowledge or wisdom of the One who created all things for His own purposes. It is not enough to be able to “reverse-engineer” aspects of the created order through mathematics and scientific inquiry: the things the humans discover through these processes are always just a shadow of the larger reality. The limitations of every step of advancement is later proven, like the theory of “junk DNA,” to fall far short of the deeper truths — and that will always be true because of the infinite complexity of the mind/logos of God which sustains His creation. 

In the polarized context of the culture war we conservatives tend to attribute malign motives to the globalist elites, and in many cases that’s a well supported assumption, but in many other cases the motive (in the minds of the perpetrators) is benign, even when the results are not. I’ll never forget reading, in one sitting several years ago, the sequential introductions to the several re-publications of the Communist Manifesto, and being struck by the sincerity of the good intentions implicit in their contentions. That was the first step on my path to writing this article.

They didn’t recognize they were paving the road to Hell, seeing only the positives of their approach, of which there were several, including the end of child labor, more humane working conditions and the social shaming of greed-based commerce. 

And on the capitalist flip-side, looking objectively at the “developed” world, from a broad-brush materialist perspective, there is quite obviously a benevolent intention behind the vastness of our collective material wealth and social progress relative to prior centuries. Let one example suffice to prove this: for the people of the world to be able to walk around with a “smart phone” giving the poorest of the poor virtually unlimited access to the accumulated knowledge of humankind at the touch of a finger is wealth beyond the wildest imagination of our most prosperous ancestors – and this is just one of many such luxuries we enjoy. It would be just as easy for the 1% and their militaries to keep us all naked and in chains eating dirt if they were all as malicious as our rhetoric implies. So give credit where due (but only to the limited extent that is due).

Yet what shall it profit mankind to have gained this world but lost its soul? Money is not evil in itself, nor is being “rich” a sin. But human “advancements” without honoring the God who made them possible always end badly. Marxist “liberation” becomes slavery. Technological marvels become police-state manacles. Egalitarian impulses become reverse-racism mandates. Puritanism-loosening cultural reform becomes civilization-defiling pan-sexual debauchery. Every human attempt to bless the world for our own glory spawns a parallel curse on humanity.

THAT is why we’re in this mess and will never get out of it without true repentance. The real root of all evil is Us without Him.

Woke Fascism at Stanford Law

My only visit to the Stanford University Law School was in 2007 to present oral argument to a three-judge panel of the Federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the most important case of my career in constitutional law: Good News Employee Association v. City of Oakland. My small Temecula-based law firm, of which I was managing partner, represented two African-American Christian women whose attempt to organize a Christian alternative to the recently formed Gay and Lesbian Employee Association (GLEA) was brutally squashed by the Oakland city agency of which they were long-time employees. Although the GLEA had been enthusiastically welcomed by the city government, and allowed to recruit members using the city-wide employee email directory, when our clients posted a flyer in their workplace announcing the intention to form a Christian alternative, it was immediately removed and our clients threatened with termination for any future posting of “homophobic” content. That was in 2003 if memory serves.

We filed our complaint in the proper venue, the U.S. Federal Court in San Francisco, where it was (of course) assigned to the still in-the-closet Judge Vaughn Walker, the very man who would years later strike down Proposition 8 (California’s ban on “gay marriage” by popular vote on a citizen ballot initiative) and then retire to “come out” as a homosexual to nary a whisper of suggestion by any news media or pundits that he should have recused himself for conflict of interest. In retrospect, therefore, we understood why in our case he outrageously ruled against our clients, claiming that their free speech rights as pro-family Christians in the workplace were “vanishingly small.” *

The oral argument in our appeal of the Good News case was, surprisingly, held in the Moot Court room at Stanford Law School, because (I believe) the ultra-liberal three-judge panel wanted to entertain the liberal law students with the judicial equivalent of a gladiatorial slaughter of Christians. Going in, I knew our loss was pretty much a foregone conclusion, but one should always leave room for a miracle from God, and, hey, even as a sacrifice to the leftist mob, how many (little-guy) lawyers ever get to argue a truly righteous free-speech case before the second-highest court in the land? Sure enough, the panel affirmed Walker’s act of “vanishingly small” integrity, and in another surprising move that proved just how constitutionally bankrupt was his legal reasoning, they declined to officially publish their ruling – meaning it couldn’t be cited in other cases where its false logic could be eviscerated.

I offer this firsthand testimony to show that Stanford’s recent faculty-supported riot of left-wing law students to successfully “cancel” the speech of sitting federal Judge Kyle Duncan is not some sudden social outlier but the fruit of a creeping culture of wokeness on that campus that goes back at least to the turn of the millennium – facilitated by the highest echelons of the California elite.

I’m no stranger to cancel-culture bullying; among the many times I have been treated like Judge Duncan on college campuses was a candidate debate on criminal justice at Harvard Law School during my first run for governor of Massachusetts. The student activists were just as rowdy and obnoxious as those at Stanford, and the administration was just as passive in the face of their bullying tactics. In my case, the event was not canceled because it involved a panel in which I was the only target of hate, and much of the audience was there to hear what the liberals had to say. I was thus able to turn the tables on what amounted to a captive audience, using my allotted time to confront their hypocrisy.

My chastisements, of course, had zero effect because woke liberals are, to use a term from the criminal justice lexicon, incorrigible. And that’s the key fact to remember in looking for policy solutions to woke fascism. These people can’t be reformed by logic or reason, and will never stop demanding conformity of the world to their ideology, so the only practical means of restoring and preserving civil discourse without resorting to authoritarian suppression of one side or the other is to defang all such zealots by strengthening and aggressively enforcing equal access free speech codes in all public venues, including meaningful punishments for anti-speech bullies. We must restore our national commitment to freedom of speech and thought, and renew our conviction that free and open debate is the best remedy for bad ideas.

When the dean of Stanford Law, Jenny Martinez, issued an apology (and affirmation of the school’s commitment to free speech) to Judge Duncan, the woke mob went after her as well, lining the hall outside her office and creating what one observer called a “gauntlet” and “walk of shame” through which she was forced to pass. One hopes both Judge Duncan and Dean Martinez will have been awakened by their ordeal to the urgency of the need for campus speech policy reform.

For their part, the cagey law students countered the free-speech argument by contending that the “heckler’s veto” is also a free-speech right deserving of protection. To a point, I would agree with them. I’ve heckled a few deserving speakers in my time – though never to the point of shutting down their event. But to the Stanford mob my counter is that free-speech protocols are venue-specific, and the way to oppose any group’s speaker event to their own members and guests is to wait for the Q&A and offer your opinions then, hold your own speaker’s counter-event, and/or to hold a debate with both sides equally represented.

Fascists don’t and won’t respect such guidelines, so it falls to the rest of us, on both sides of the political spectrum to institute policies that preserve the right of all to be heard when it’s their time to speak, and to ensure all have the equal opportunity to avail themselves of this right without fear of cancellation or bullying. If we can’t restore that, the American dream is dead.


* Footnote: [Interestingly, in our San Francisco depositions of city officials (in 2004), they insisted on the record that posting the text of Proposition 22 on the same employee bulletin board would constitute grounds for termination. Prop 22 was literally state law, passed in 2000, defining marriage as exclusively one man and one woman – again by popular vote on a citizen ballot initiative. And, coincidentally, that deposition coincided with then San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s press conference in which (in a shameless display of political pandering which eventually propelled him into the governorship) he falsely claimed authority to “legalize” same-sex marriage by executive order. I watched that media circus live as a part of the crowd at City Hall. We soon filed a Writ of Mandamus against him for that, which was denied, though legal action by others succeeded in reversing it as outside the scope of his authority.]

Trump, Our Actual but (As-Yet) Uncertified President

This past week one of the last loose-ends from the 2020 election coup was tied up by the conspirators: the neutralizing of Jenna Ellis, arguably the most effective of the Trump attorneys who sought justice for the American electorate in the courts. The media widely but falsely reported that she admitted to lying about the election in a deal she made with the State Bar of Colorado to keep her law license.

What seems to the general public to be a slam-dunk victory for the “cleanest election in US history” choir (filthy scoundrels all) was in fact the administrative equivalent of a plea-bargain in which an innocent party facing certain defeat in court admits to a lesser charge and consequence to avoid a much harsher sentence. We’ve all seen how this works in Hollywood courtroom dramas and Ellis is a real life example. There was no way the leftist Colorado Bar Association and courts were going to let her get away with challenging the election results. Per a 2020 post-game wrap-up by KDVR in Denver “Tuesday night was a good night for Democrats across Colorado. Democrats now control the governor’s office, the state House, the state Senate …Hickenlooper’s win also gives Democrats control of both Colorado U.S. Senate seats in addition to their 4-3 advantage in the U.S. House.”

You get the picture, but an apparently fair-minded judge bucked the leftist mob to broker a compromise (censure, not disbarment) so she wouldn’t lose her license to practice. In any case, what she signed was in no way an admission that she “lied” – a point she vigorously argued on Twitter after the fact:

“The politically-motivated Left failed miserably in their attempt to destroy me. They’re now trying to falsely discredit me by saying I admitted I lied. That is FALSE. I would NEVER lie. Lying requires INTENTIONALLY making a false statement. I never did that, nor did I stipulate to or admit that.”

As a fellow attorney, allow me to paraphrase what I believe she meant to say but can’t: “To keep my license I was forced by the politics of a Democrat ‘kangaroo court’ to admit to ‘misrepresentation’ of certain official conclusions of the government which are now deemed to be ‘facts’ (which doesn’t mean they are actually true).” That’s the nuanced but principled lawyerly logic behind both her action and her post-plea-bargain statement that preserved both her license and her personal integrity.

Let me add my own un-parsed perspective here on behalf of Ellis (whom I have never met nor communicated with) and every other Trump defender in America who is constrained by politics and the risk of severe punishment. TRUMP WON the 2020 election by an overwhelming majority. We all know it, despite the relentless narrative-spinning, witness intimidation and criminal cover-ups by our corrupt government and media.

To eject Trump from the White House, the American Uniparty and its globalist allies around the world orchestrated the largest and most extensive campaign of fraud in the history of the world: the Purple Revolution. Their multi-faceted, multi-stage conspiracy included and integrated

• the Russian Collusion Hoax,

• two back-to-back baseless Impeachments,

• the genocidal global Covid-19 Plandemic (with all its many sub-components including lockdowns and coerced “immunizations” with poison),

• the creation of massive new election fraud infrastructure (including neutralization of election-safeguards by corrupt courts and legislatures, universal mail-out balloting and harvesting, Zuckerbucks, and unmonitored leftist-controlled ballot counting processes),

• the de-facto takeover of Big Tech by deep-state Intelligence agencies for use as censorship and propaganda machinery,

• the outrageous staging of the J6 “insurrection” (to prevent a vote to postpone certification pending congressional investigation, which made Mike Pence’s treason in certifying the false Biden presidency all the more heinous),

• and the post-election intentional triggering (through un-ignorable provocation of Russia) of the Ukraine War as a cover-up-facilitator and foreign distraction from the domestic fallout to the coup.

But despite ALL of that, Trump won in a landslide and a steadily increasing percentage of the public openly admits it.

I’ve had my disagreements with President Trump – mostly regarding “Operation Warp Speed” and his endorsement of some aspects of the LGBT agenda. But despite these very serious policy flaws Donald Trump is by far the best candidate we have to overthrow the deep state and bring the real America back from the abyss.

But more than that, TRUMP WON! America already owes him four more years in the White House and, like any other robbery victim, he doesn’t legally or morally have to win another election to claim his “property.” If our Supreme Court were not so politically controlled by the Purple Uniparty (shamefully rejecting on ambiguous procedural grounds all the many merit-filled lawsuits) the false certification of Biden would have been nullified long ago, the election coup and its many components would already have been fully reversed and overturned, and President Trump would perhaps by this time be watching re-runs of the post-trial public hangings of the traitors on a restored-to-actual-journalism CNN.

Circumstances being what they are in today’s lawless America, Trump does have to run again. But now the tables are turning because the lies of the left are unraveling. The heroic MAGA contingent in the House of Representatives is documenting the truth on multiple fronts simultaneously. The J6 video footage is debunking the insurrection narrative. Various Plandemic crimes, conspiracies and conspirators (including the rat Fauci) are being exposed. The media is beginning to cover damning truths on Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell.” And Elon Musk is restoring Twitter to a free-speech platform where the hard facts about all these matters are being paraded before the panicked eyes of the leftist elite. Suddenly, Obiden and all his minions are on the defensive as more and more, on topic after topic, people are saying “Trump was right” and demanding accountability.

For the sake of their own political futures and the rescue of the world from globalist tyranny, DeSantis and the rest of the Republican primary field should ceremoniously stand down, forcefully condemn the coup-criminals, and endorse Trump’s already-earned second term unequivocally. The primary season should be treated as a time of war-time national coalescence behind Trump and getting a massive head-start on assembling the most extensive “get-out-the-vote” army in US history, with DeSantis and other worthy contenders serving as the Eisenhowers, Pattons and MacArthurs of that effort.

Whether or not that happens, Jenna Ellis remains a national heroine despite her plea-bargain. And Donald Trump remains the (as-yet uncertified) President of the United States with four more years to serve, pending the upcoming eviction of the present White House squatter.


How LGBTs Exploit Blacks and Women

Amongst the progressive herd of woke sacred cows, none is more exalted than homosexuality, and there’s no better indicator of that truth than the LGBT movement’s “pride of place” in the wokeness “holiday” calendar.

Black History Month gets the frozen wasteland of February (the shortest month being the “short end of the stick” as it were). Women get March (the month of dirty slush and abortive false-spring disappointments). But the gays and trannies get June for “Gay Pride Month” – the best of summer, lush, green and bursting with life: the month of vacations in the sun and lots of sporting events showcasing the gloating superiority of “trans women” over natural women and girls.

June is, of course, the month most optimal for parades – and parade they do. Indeed, the “gay pride” parades are the high point of the woke year – and everyone on the left is expected – nay, required – to attend. It is the ultimate test of virtue – the woke equivalent of a pilgrimage to Mecca – with the highest virtue-signaling scores going to those who bring their children to cavort with the drag queens and leather fetishists. The woke media cover these celebrations like they were V-E Day in Times Square (1945) – and in a very real sense, they are.

Few recognize that these “gay pride” parades are, literally, celebrations of martial power in the tradition of conquering armies flaunting plunder taken from defeated foes. Not kinetic wars but cultural ones: not captured armor and artifacts but captured people and their cultural symbolism. The floats and finery of these processions accentuate a cavalcade of cultural appropriations: the trans appropriation of the emblems of femininity and feminism, the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” appropriation of Catholic imagery, the “welcoming and affirming” contingents of pseudo-Christians’ appropriation of Protestant imagery, etc. – and above all of them flies the rainbow flag, stolen in the 1980s from the Black Panthers and Jesse Jackson’s “Rainbow Coalition.” Each contingent of Boy Scouts, soldiers and sailors, cops, civil servants, business and community groups represent the conquest of a former secular foe to the LGBT agenda being marched, hook-jawed like the Assyrian captives of old before cow-eyed masses awed by “gay” supremacy.

And of course, beyond the scope of the parade context, every church, government building, corporation or sports team that flies the rainbow flag is acknowledging its conquest by the LGBTs. Importantly, they’re not flying the flags of “Women’s Pride,” “Black Pride,” “Hispanic Pride,” or any other “Pride” flags in anything other than temporary token acknowledgment of their ownership by the herd. It’s only the Gay Pride flag that has priority and permanence.

When it comes to dividing the plunder of cultural conquest it’s always “one for you, and two for me.” That’s how, in addition to ALL of June, the LGBTs also get ALL of October for “Gay History Month.” Again, not just any month, but the premium month of the fall season and, most importantly, the first full month of the new school year – when America’s children have finally gotten past the September squirms and settled in to the rigors and rhythms of the new school year.

They’re then optimally ready to be immersed in all-things “gay” in every academic subject and social event, for regurgitation “in their own words” through the rest of the school year – the first major test with high social credit value being “coming out to your parents” on Thanksgiving in November. (The dress rehearsal for that is, of course, “Coming Out Day,” Oct 11, when the entire student body gets to witness the dispensation of special status and privilege by the faculty, administration and already “out” peers to those who “bravely choose to self-identify as ‘gay’ or ‘trans.'”)

My point in this article is to show that the woke herd of sacred cows is not and has never been a “coalition of equals” but an LGBT stable of assets. Radical feminists were useful to them in politically neutralizing white straight men from the 1950s through the 2015 defeat of the exclusivity of heterosexual marriage, and then they were immediately labeled TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) and targeted for political destruction when the cutting edge of the agenda shifted to trans-sexuality.

Black figureheads were especially useful to them from the 1980s to the present as the political equivalent of “offensive lineman” (relative to LGBT quarterbacking) in the long campaign to socially engineer special rights for “gays” under civil rights law. But, again, “Blackness” now offers NO social credit if you’re not 100% pro-LGBT (e.g., Justice Clarence Thomas). To ensure total LGBT control, the leadership of Black Lives Matter was assigned to a pair of black lesbians, and “hetero-normative” icon Bill Cosby was preemptively taken out politically (pre-Ferguson) so as not to interfere. To quash all doubt of who called the shots, the second defining act of BLM was to launch the black-trans agenda in parallel to the war against cops.

Very soon we’re all going to be subjected to another tsunami of relentless, nauseating LGBT propaganda during “Gay Pride Month.” We can’t stop it (yet), but we can do better at pushing back than we have in the past. I am challenging every normal-thinking person reading this article to take on this task in your own way, and to begin preparing today. (Start by forwarding this article to your friends.)

The LGBT movement is built on a foundation of lies, and I believe its greatest vulnerability is the plain, documented truth about its history, goals, strategies and actions. My co-author Kevin Abrams and I proved this hypothesis when we thwarted the “gay” attempt to “culturally appropriate” (hijack) the Holocaust in the 1990s. Our book “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party” (First Edition, 1995), which was taken up as a sword against the “Gay Holocaust” fraud by a national network of Orthodox Jewish rabbis, stopped that effort cold.

But the greater benefit of this book is its extensive documentation of the Nazi roots of the American LGBT movement. My plan for “pride month” this year is to bring “The Pink Swastika” out of mothballs and promote its truths in an advertising campaign for the book. I’ve started my own bookstore for this purpose (because it’s aggressively banned virtually everywhere else) and have just accepted delivery of the first reprint of the Fourth Edition in 20 years. I’m not selling it for personal enrichment but to use 100% of the sales to fund an educational campaign about the ugly true history of the LGBT agenda, especially to the America First movement, which has encouragingly taken up the fight under the “anti-grooming” banner, but which is still mostly ignorant of the nuclear bombshell truths exhaustively documented in “The Pink Swastika” (using unimpeachable mainstream and LGBT sources). To help me in my campaign, please buy some books here or email me at to arrange to make a non-tax-deductible gift. (I’d also like tips on where to advertise and who might help promote the campaign for free.)

It’s time to take an ax to the Nazi roots of the groomer trees, but first they need to be exposed.

Dirty Harry and the Pendulum of Overcorrection

More and more as the woke Western world sinks deeper into the quicksand of quioxity (or, if you prefer, the tar pit of trans-lunacy), my thoughts turn to the great cultural savior of the 1970s: Dirty Harry.

As has been true in so many ways, fictional Harry’s true-to-life California – the land of fruits and nuts – led the U.S., and thus the world, in democracy’s first embrace of total wokeness in the matter of criminal justice. Long before the loosey-goosey liberalization of our election laws allowed the “cemetery vote” to sleazily slide sanctimonious Soros saboteurs into the seats of judicial power in our deep blue cities, 1960s California, most particularly the cesspool of San Francisco, showed liberals how to destroy the social order through judicial permissiveness.

How utterly shocked and outraged the criminal class became when into this lawless hell strode the vigilante-with-a-badge Clint Eastwood, with his cold-eyed disgusted snarl and massive Smith and Wesson model 29 revolver.

“I know what you’re thinking: ‘Did he fire six shots or only five?’ Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk? … Go ahead, make my day.”

That scene so perfectly embodied the fantasies of a fed-up nation that it rocketed the already famous Eastwood to the pinnacle of Hollywood celebrity, spawned three block-buster sequels and marked the beginning of a cultural swing toward the law-and-order right that would reach its apogee in the infamous “three strikes” laws and other sometimes pitiless policies (the opposite extreme).

Dirty Harry epitomizes the phenomenon of over-correction in human society. He emerged full-blown at the terminus of the swing to the far left and rode the pendulum all the way to the far right – disappearing as a character when his reason for existing ended. And then, after the zeal for a more punitive version of justice became institutionalized to the benefit of the cops and prosecutors (and some of them, per human nature, abused that advantage), there arose the Antifa/Black Lives Matter tag-team: the “Dirty Harry” of organized crime. Not one man, but a movement. Not a Hollywood movie, but violent street theater with burning squad cars and government office buildings – and the corpses of “extras” and bystanders as props.

“Hard cases make bad law” is an axiom among common-sense lawmakers – because the emotion of the moment, stirred up by an otherwise rare or “outlier” event, can override prudence and proportionality in crafting public policy – imposing new laws that go too far in restricting the rights of the majority on issues like the Second Amendment, for example. Activists on both sides of the political spectrum, but especially the “progressive left” (whose very identity is defined by their agenda to change things in contrast to the “conservative” desire to “conserve” the status quo) LOVE hard cases for that very reason. And the leftist puppet-masters steering society for their own purposes stand ready to exploit and maximize the political currency of those hard cases whenever they occur, and sometimes outright stage them (e.g. Charlottesville, the Whitmer “kidnaping” and J6).

As a Christian social activist and attorney, I have long studied this phenomenon from the front lines of the culture war. Thus when the Black Lives Matter army was first being publicly mobilized in Ferguson, I instantly connected the dots to why, mystifyingly, “America’s Dad” Bill Cosby (white America’s most respected black celebrity who singularly dared to tell black youths to “pull up your pants” and stop acting like thugs), had suddenly been “taken off the board” just prior to the riots, based on 30-year-old “me too” allegations. My 2014 article “Bad Moon on the Rise: Bill Cosby, Ferguson and Obama” details my analysis of that. Tellingly, the elites only let him out of jail after the 2020 coup was completed, at which time I published an evidence-rich follow-up piece, “The Cosby Conspiracy.”

Then, in 2018, during my second run for governor of Massachusetts, from my apartment/campaign office overlooking the Worcester Common, I happened to hear leftist anti-gun rhetoric being spouted over a bullhorn one day and went down to discover Parkland school-shooting celebrity David Hogg (the Greta Thunberg of the American gun-grab lobby) launching a 50-mile “March (Marx) for Our Lives” toward the Smith and Wesson factory in Springfield. I met them at the end, joining a pro-2A rally, pointing out in a media interview there that this was another example of leftists exploiting rare “hard cases” to strip Americans of constitutional rights, something that has become automatic on the part of leftist politicians at every gun-related media-circus-enhanced mega-crime.

Thankfully, I was nowhere near the ultimate example of “hard case” extortion: the George Floyd incident, which featured the deliberate unjust crucifixion of police officers as a side-show to the riots. But even now, two years later the pendulum has still not completed its leftward arc, which fact is ominous and disturbing, because the more polarized a society becomes, and the more jingoistic the people at the opposite poles get, the wider and wilder are the swings to the extremes. This time, the overcorrect-become-tyranny of the left has gone so far into the realm of orchestrated chaos – and sadistic punishment/humiliation of the normies and their children – that the developing fantasy of the right isn’t for a no-nonsense street cop. They want a more potent avenger with sights on the higher-ups, whose crimes include mass-enslavement and conspiracy to commit genocide.

The new Dirty Harry (still vigilante-ish but hopefully constrained by the law he seeks to restore) will need a bigger gun and a bolder plan of action. It won’t be enough for this Harry to “put the ‘punk’ perps in prison.” Higher-up heads must, literally, roll as in guillotines and execution swords. We’re taking a growing “French Revolutionary” fervor here that will require justice on a scale proportionate to the crimes – a Nuremberg II followed by public executions like the first Nuremberg did – or the mob will take their own vengeance.

But the elites recognize this too. Their figurehead middle-manager rats like Fauci and Wojcicki (the CEO of YouTube) see the first torches and pitchforks coming down the shoreline and are fleeing the ship, while their bosses, from their island redoubts off the coast prepare to deploy every dystopian police-state tactic ever invented, and some new ones that emerging technology makes possible. That’s really why we’re on the verge of World War III and in the early stages of a culling of humanity: Our nascent revolution is an existential threat to them and must be crushed at all cost!

We may be past the point of no return in the collapse of civilization, but if there is any hope for recovery and restoration (from the sub-spiritual perspective of the world), it will likely be by the hand of today’s real-life Dirty Harry, Donald Trump – if they don’t kill him first, or convince him to switch sides like he did on the fake vaccine and so-called “gay marriage.”

More likely it’s going to be our heads that roll (Revelation 6:9, 20:4) while we wait for the true Savior: not Dirty Harry or Don, but Immaculate Jesus whose second coming (Revelation 19:11-21) is “to judge and make war.”

Why We Need Natural Rights Based Sanctuary Cities

Across the world, from the dawn of civilization, humanity has shared self-evident universal rights such as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, given to us by our Creator. These are inherent, unalienable natural rights implicit in the natural order of things, independent of the religious and cultural differences of the human race.

The right of a man and woman to marry and bear children to love and nurture is universal, as is the right of all children to be raised by a mom and a dad in a natural family setting. Families have the natural right to guide and protect their children, raising them as they see fit, and to form communities with other families for mutual security and prosperity. Communities have the natural right to control the policies they deem necessary to thrive, to defend themselves from outside interference and to form alliances with other communities as states. My summary of natural rights may be read here.

Fundamental to all of these natural rights is the right of self-determination – each person being deemed by virtue of his or her individual creation by God as a person with unique identity, value and purpose. Thus all humans are equal stakeholders in all aspects of human civilization, especially the process of establishing laws affecting them as individuals, families, communities and states. This perspective of human rights is the premise of America and the essence of its genuine exceptionalism that made it a beacon of liberty for 400 years: exceptional in its aspirations if not always its implementations.

In opposition to natural rights, especially the collective right to delegate limited power to governing authorities, is the concept that “might makes right” by which those with the wealth and power to enforce their will on others assume an entitlement to do so. This is the eternal struggle of humanity from Nimrod to the World Economic Forum. The ocean of humanity had ever frothed with waves of tyranny and overthrow until the revolution that birthed the American island, unique in history, blessed with the firm fertile soil of a constitutional republic undergirded by the solid foundation of the Christian Bible (as understood by Christians with a first-century Hebraic mindset).

Yet, thanks to the success of Atheistic Marxism as a competitor to/corruptor of the Bible-based religions that formerly dominated the world, the American vision of a Shining City on a Hill has been suppressed. The “mighty” now rule mankind with a tighter grip than ever before, and what they will for us is a single global government under their exclusive control, with no regard for life and liberty, and a new definition of “happiness” that might seem to some to be just the same old slavery with high-tech shackles, but is actually far worse. Their vision is to extinguish the natural order and replace it with a transhumanist “Utopia” populated by a new, “improved” version of human beings which they will, literally, create in laboratories through genetics, robotics and artificial intelligence. What seems like dystopian science fiction is in fact an emerging scientific reality in its early to middle stages, backed by the most powerful forces in the world.

Julio Severo and I were fellow culture warriors for many years in the battle for defending true marriage and the natural family. We met just after he had taken his young family into exile from his native Brazil to escape persecution by the Marxist criminal Lula, who was infuriated that Julio had helped the Evangelical Caucus in the Brazilian legislature to stop a bill that would have criminalized “homophobia” (i.e., disapproval of the homosexual political agenda). In revenge, Lula attempted to jail Julio for refusing to vaccinate his children, forcing him to leave the country. (Now returned to power in an OBiden-backed Marxist coup, Lula has made vaccine tyranny the centerpiece of his administration.) Julio twice recruited me to go to Brazil to carry on his work with the pro-family network there, but both trips got canceled for scheduling problems. I in turn recruited him to fill in for me on a pro-family mission trip to Russia, which he did.

In May of 2021, Julio died unexpectedly, leaving a widow and seven small children who were technically “illegals” in their country of exile. When I learned of this, my ministry took on the task of providing for Julio’s family financially and continuing our shared mission to defend natural rights around the world. (Give to either cause here using the donor option list).

Out of that commitment came the decision to establish the Institute for Natural Rights in Julio’s name but with a new approach reflecting the practical realities his own life exemplified.

The situation in America today is looking more and more like that of Julio’s Brazil and frankly like the Roman military dictatorship of the first generation of Christians. Our list of options for pushback is shrinking while the tyrants gain increasing power to crush our resistance, and so, at least as a contingency measure, one strategy for the believers must be to create “sanctuary cities” for the righteous to flee to. A more positive characterization of this is to create the political/cultural equivalent of “nature preserves” in the form of natural communities where natural families can freely exercise their natural rights. And while there is still conservative control of numerous U.S. states, laws should be passed formally protecting the right to establish such communities and codifying the natural rights its residents may establish as their community policies – such as affirmatively normalizing natural family values in their public schools and banning all forms of LGBT propaganda and activism.

There are precedents for this approach (generally speaking) in the Amish communities, Sharia-based Muslim enclaves, and various religious and/or “hippie” communes over the past century. And, frankly, the pursuit of legal protections for Sanctuary City “nature preserves” should involve not just Christians, but a broad coalition of those who embrace natural rights (under Christian leadership as its initiators). Transhumanism is a threat to ALL humanity, and the natural rights we’re trying to preserve truly are universal outside of the tiny minority (globally speaking) of “Secular Humanists” trained to reject them. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, even nature-loving secular environmentalists should be with us on this! And, a working coalition on those terms (in agreement on at least 80% of our social crises) could conceivably go further and overthrow the entire transhumanist agenda by sheer power of numbers once it had been seasoned in the fight for the natural order against forced artificiality.

For now, we, like the Jerusalem Jews under Nehemiah, need to keep a sword in one hand for fighting those who would enslave, us while wielding a trowel with the other to build life-affirming sanctuaries behind solid defensive walls, while there is still time to do so.

A ‘Putin Apologist’ Takes on “OBiden” Propagandists

An apologist is a person who argues in defense of someone who is under attack and can’t defend himself. Every defense lawyer in civil and criminal law is one, preserving the fundamental right to a fair trial that is otherwise impossible when only the prosecution is allowed to speak, such as in the case of Vladimir Putin. But I don’t defend Putin only because he, like every other human being, deserves the fair hearing he has so far been denied. I do it because I am trained in Christian Apologetics to defend the far more important biblical mandate of truth-telling.

Based on my own due diligence, I believe Vladimir Putin is legally and ethically in the right in the matter of Russia’s “Special Military Operation” (a position I explained last March in my essay on Putin talking points and the Monroe Doctrine) and that both the U.S./U.K. deep state that orchestrated the war, and the controlled liberal and neo-con media spoon feeding its propaganda to the American people, are as thoroughly dishonest as the devil himself. Thus, as a truth-loving Christian attorney, I would not hesitate to take the role of Putin’s defense counsel in the matter of the Ukraine war and, if the trial court were a genuinely just venue where all the facts and evidence (the heart of which is well summarized and documented here) could be fairly presented to a truly impartial jury, I would be highly confident in victory for my client.

This is not to deny that Ukraine has become hell on earth for the Ukrainian people – whom I dearly love in Christ, grieve for and have personally ministered to on a mission trip there and in other contexts. The issue is who is actually responsible for first unleashing that hell and then preventing Germany, France and Israel from ending it in the early stages, using Boris Johnson as their hatchet-man. The chief culprits are the OBiden (Obama-Biden) regime and its RINO co-conspirators, whose vast criminal operations there might otherwise be exposed and punished.

Saying these things is risky business these days, and I have lost some supporters over this issue, but I fear the spiritual consequences of condoning and repeating lies and slander more than the worldly consequences of defying deep-state bullies demanding and coercing allegiance to false narratives. I’d rather be John and Baptist than Pontius Pilate. And I am ashamed for the church that so many “virtue signaling” Christians – even when rightly opposing U.S. involvement in Ukraine – willingly throw Putin and the Russians under the bus while letting the actual culprits (the true enemies of everything we hold dear) off the hook.

The lying warmongers orchestrating our serfdom in the Great Reset don’t care if we impotently oppose a war we have no power to stop; they only care that they don’t get exposed as the evil masterminds before their task is completed. We serve their cause when we obediently place the blame on their chosen scapegoat to avoid being called a “Putin apologist.” They use the same tactics to make us fear being called a “homophobe,” “white supremacist” and “climate change denier.” Make no mistake, Brethren, when it comes to false narratives, compliance makes you complicit! The price is slavery to an Empire of Lies you helped to sustain.

Imagine for a moment that instead of sending clandestine special forces and $110 billion (it’s actually much more than that over the past decade) to turn Ukraine into a staging ground for Russian regime change, we had invested that money in Central and South America, managed by teams of civil engineers to help turn those nations into more stable and prosperous countries.

Would their citizens still be so desperately miserable as to see their best hope for a happy life in becoming refugees in the United States? Highly doubtful – especially since that $110 billion is more than the combined annual GDP of several of those countries. We would not only be serving an authentically humanitarian cause but boosting regional trade and expanding consumer markets for U.S. goods. AND we would be greatly strengthening U.S. security in our own hemisphere – the very purpose of our Monroe Doctrine – by fostering mutual goodwill. There would be no U.S. border crisis, no gangs of criminal aliens slaughtering Americans in our cities, no bankruptcy of our social service agencies, no bloating of the Uniparty’s election fraud networks, no Marxist takeover of our southern neighbors. Instead, with stunning hubris, we’re funding the bloodiest trench war since World War I to deny Russia’s legitimate exercise of its own “Monroe Doctrine.”

American foreign policy has been run by demons for decades, even under Trump who never had anything more than nominal control of the Departments of State and Defense or their intelligence arms. And now we’re on the verge of WWIII, intentionally, to ensure their Great Collapse will set the stage for the Great Reset in furtherance of the globalists’ Agenda 2030.

Just as the State Department telegraphed its plan to blow up Nord Stream 2, OBiden announced that sending tanks to his puppet Zelensky would trigger WWIII … and now they’re in shipment with great fanfare. But for those of us who have been monitoring the war while ignoring the “Ukraine can win this!” controlled-media spin, the equipment escalation seems too obviously too little too late to be an actual battlefield strategy for the Donbass line where the victory of the now heavily mobilized Russian forces is a virtually foregone conclusion. And the new war narrative accompanying all of this has the feel of a child’s mystery novel or treasure map with the clues highlighted and underlined so there’s no chance that the plebes will wander off the path of discovery.

What conclusion are we being steered to reach? That the Russian bear, pushed to the brink by (conveniently timed) “unbearable provocation,” is enraged to point of irrationality. That suggests to me the set-up for a false flag event justifying direct NATO intervention. Interestingly, it’s a strategy that closely parallels what Biden puppet-master Obama did at the turn of the year in 2016/17 when he tried to trigger a hot war with Russia before Trump’s inauguration.

Remember that? Obama started military maneuvers in Poland and the Baltics while simultaneously staging a diplomatic crisis by expelling Russian diplomats from the U.S. – setting up the Russians to follow suit, an act which every American movie-watcher would recognize as the last step before war. Except that Gen. Mike Flynn – in the famous phone call that triggered Obama’s fury and intensive lawfare against him – sabotaged the plan by persuading the Russians not to respond in kind. In a matter of hours Russia turned from a table-pounding threat to expel American diplomats, to Putin himself magnanimously inviting the children of those diplomats to join his holiday celebrations, killing the Obama plan.

I see the same pattern in play now, but with no Mike Flynn to stop it. But I assume Putin knows that game and who is behind it. He will not take the bait, and would likely respond to any false flag maneuver in the same sane and measured style he has shown throughout this conflict. That minimizes the likelihood of WWIII, which will not proceed without the scapegoat firmly entrapped. In my view, thwarting that entrapment and exposing the lies the trap is constructed from is the best contribution I can make to the cause of truth – and of peace.