Scott Lively Ministries

The Hebrews Irrevocable Right to the Holy Land

In Genesis, God gave irrevocable title to the Holy Land to the Hebrews.

“On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, ‘To your descendants I have given this land – from the river of Egypt to the great River Euphrates – the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites.'” These are the spoken words of God recorded by the inerrant Word of God (Genesis 15:18-21).

God reconfirmed the promise in the form of a perpetual Deed of Trust in Genesis 17:7-8, saying, “I will establish My covenant as an everlasting covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. And to you and your descendants I will give the land where you are residing – all the land of Canaan – as an eternal possession; and I will be their God.”

In Numbers 34:1-12, God again spoke personally to Moses as the Hebrews were preparing to cross the Jordan into the promised land, establishing the specific legal boundaries of the deed:

“Your southern border will extend from the Wilderness of Zin along the border of Edom. On the east, your southern border will run from the end of the Salt Sea, cross south of the Ascent of Akrabbim, continue to Zin, and go south of Kadesh-barnea. Then it will go on to Hazar-addar and proceed to Azmon, where it will turn from Azmon, join the Brook of Egypt, and end at the Sea. Your western border will be the coastline of the Great Sea; this will be your boundary on the west. Your northern border will run from the Great Sea directly to Mount Hor, and from Mount Hor to Lebo-hamath, then extend to Zedad, continue to Ziphron, and end at Hazar-enan. This will be your boundary on the north. And your eastern border will run straight from Hazar-enan to Shepham, then go down from Shepham to Riblah on the east side of Ain and continue along the slopes east of the Sea of Chinnereth. Then the border will go down along the Jordan and end at the Salt Sea.”

There is no ambiguity in this matter. God made a binding, perpetual covenant with the Hebrews giving them eternal title to the Holy Land. That covenant was not broken by the Assyrian or Babylonian conquests and mass deportations from the land, nor by the Roman Empire’s “permanent,” enforced banishment of the Hebrews in A.D. 135 when they renamed it “Palestine.” No human power can rescind or nullify a deed granted by God.

Importantly, the deed was to all the Hebrews collectively, not the Jews alone. The modern world has forgotten that “Jew” is a nickname for “Judean,” first used in the Bible when the Judeans of the Southern Kingdom and the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom were at war. The word Hebrew was introduced in Genesis 14:13 in the phrase “Abram the Hebrew,” and later became synonymous with the phase “children of Israel.” Remembering that is essential to properly interpreting the historical restoration of the Jews to the Holy Land by the British Empire in 1917.

While I have never seen the case presented as such in debates about the Jewish/Palestinian conflict, the Christian British liberation of the Holy Land from the Muslim Ottoman Turks in World War I clearly falls under the ancient universal law of war and conquest: to the victor go the spoils. Indeed, this law was well-established in Abram’s day when (again in Genesis 14) he chased down and conquered the Elamite-led forces who had plundered Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim and Zoar and taken many captives, including his nephew Lot. Upon his return in victory he famously divided the spoils and paid the Bible’s first tithe – to Melchizedek.

When the British defeated the Turks they held the universal right of the conqueror and they exercised that right by restoring the Jews to their inheritance via the Balfour Declaration. Notwithstanding modern international law among the world powers and the claims of the conquered Palestinians, both biblically and traditionally the Holy Land became again morally and legally the rightful possession of the Hebrews.

It being the Brits in charge of this land transfer, however, the deal was crafted in such a way as to retain de facto control in furtherance of granting them an advantage in the never-ending geopolitical contest for world domination. Essentially, the British Monarchy cut a deal with Jewish hyper-nationalists (who had formed the political movement known as Zionism in 1893) to let them have Israel on the condition that the country serve as a military outpost representing Western interests on the Muslim frontier. Cut out of that deal were the Christian millennialists who had partnered with the Jews since the 1500s in the extremely influential movement called “British Israelism” and shared the biblical vision of a restoration of the two Hebrew houses (defined by Judaism and Christianity) per such prophecies as Hosea 1-3 and Ezekiel 37. For more on this theme go here.

From the biblical perspective, the Jews have every right to “occupy Palestine” because it has always belonged to them by right, and the failure of the Palestinians to capitulate to Jewish rule makes them responsible for all the natural consequences rebels must face in war – because war is exactly what they have been waging since the Jewish rightful owners of the land returned. And it is to the great shame of the Anglo-American powers that they have given credence to Palestinian ownership clams instead of backing the Jews and forcing the Palestinians to submit to realities or relocate elsewhere. We Americans would never have tolerated in Germany or Japan after WWIII what the Jews have been forced by our geopolitical games to endure since WWI.

And to those misguided Christians who deny the Jewish right to the Holy Land on the grounds that they are not ethnic Hebrews but Khazars (which is true of many but by no means all of them), be aware that the current “right-wing” government fighting for Israel’s survival represents the interests of the Sephardic Jewish minority whose Hebrew heritage has never been in question. (While it is the “Kazarian” dominated Ashkenazi Jews of the hard left Soros and Singer type who invited the current war by taking all the guns away from the people while they were in power and viciously sabotaging the new conservative regime.)

As unacknowledged owners of the other half of the “two house” inheritance, Christians have an equal biblical stake in the Holy Land we will one day share with our spiritual cousins the Jews. We should do all we can to preserve it in Jewish hands until that day.

October is Gay Recruitment Month

While the world’s attention has been drawn to the spectacle of the The Mideast Road to WWIII, here at home the wholesale recruitment of America’s children into the LGBT sex cult has again picked up speed. This is the true priority of the “progressive” movement. They really don’t much care about the adults so long as they can hoodwink enough of them to keep their “election” results plausible enough to stay in power. Who they really want are the kids for all the obvious reasons, and “Gay History Month” is the cornerstone of their recruitment strategy.

Unlike Gay Pride Month, which is an annual, inescapable shock-and-awe propaganda campaign to convince Americans that resistance to LGBT cultural supremacy is futile, Gay History Month is much more subdued and stealthy – advertised mostly in loyal leftist venues to rally the groomer foot-soldiers, but downplayed in most of the “mainstream” media. Nearly all of the Gay History Month recruitment efforts are done behind the schoolhouse doors by a decades-old national network of LGBT activists called GLSEN, which was vastly enlarged and upgraded by Obama’s “Safe School’s Czar,” Kevin Jennings, before he was forced out of the Obama administration (by public outrage) for his defense of pederasty (man/boy sex).

GLSEN’s original name was the “Gay Lesbian Straight TEACHERS Network (GLSTN), but was renamed the GLS Education Network to obscure the activist role of public school teachers. Jennings also vastly expanded the use of Gay Straight Alliance student clubs for training newly recruited schoolkids as student activists and as a pipeline for trafficking these kids to the adults. The formal junction for child/adult interactions is a companion network of outside (often taxpayer-funded) LGBT community centers that “serve” a typical age range of 12-24. But, of course, once the child has “come out” to the larger LGBT community it is nearly impossible to track their movements.

Every year GSA clubs snag tens of thousands of new recruits by creating a warm and inviting “safe space” for the socially awkward and “oddball” kids just looking for somewhere to belong. This, is, of course, the traditional role of Christians in the schools, but hostility to Christianity by increasingly dominant leftist public school teachers and faculty has been high and increasing since at least the 1980s, so these days there is virtually no alternative to LGBT culture in the public schools. Obama ensured that America’s high schools and even junior highs would become like little “college campuses” regarding all things “gay.” Today even elementary schools and preschools are integrated in the recruitment system, and “transgenderism” has been included in the lifestyle options list for new recruits (with “gayness” as the fallback for those unwilling to become transgender pioneers). Any hint of opposition to this agenda is deemed “homophobic” and punished in a myriad of ways.

Thanks to conservative educational efforts like the “Sound of Freedom” movie, the American public has been awakened to the reality of international sex trafficking, previously known as “sexual slavery,” and are rightfully horrified. BUT, in some ways the “trafficking” of public school children into the LGBT movement is worse, because the LGBT recruitment system persuades children to voluntarily join its sex cult as a permanent lifestyle, a decision relentlessly hardened by continuous, mutually reinforced, self-deluding “sexual identity” dogma. Unwilling sex slaves can be rescued and resume a normal life, but, a great many LGBT recruits lose any sense of sexual normalcy, becoming “social justice” fanatics in defense of deviance, more zealous than even religious cultists. And attempts to rescue them – even through talk-therapy – have literally been criminalized in a growing number of left-leaning jurisdictions.

And, yes, behind all the media-crafted benign facades of “normalcy” is the reality of pederasty, the core of “gay” male culture from time immemorial. Lesbianism’s underlying pathology of emotional dependency and dysfunction presents a different kind of threat to the social order, but male homosexuality is driven by disoriented sexual lust that very often fixates on boys.

True “Gay History” is a poisoned stream of pederast exposés, from Hitler’s Brownshirt commander Ernst Roehm’s criminal conviction for recruiting boys from a Munich high school, to Obama bundler and Human Rights Campaign founder Terry Bean’s long season of courtroom scandals involving the “alleged” gang rape of a teen boy. And those were just the ones who got caught.

Every major step of the LGBT movement’s advance has been made by pederasts. The first openly homosexual organization in America was Henry Gerber’s chapter of Ernst Roehm’s “Society for Human Rights” in Chicago in 1924, before Gerber and his two cofounders were convicted of pederasty with teen boys. The next milestone was pederast Harry Hay’s Mattachine Society in the late 1940s. When public outrage got NAMBLA (the North American Man Boy Love Association) banned from Gay Pride parades in the 1970s, Hay (the so-called Father of Gay Rights) marched with a sign reading “NAMBLA walks with me.”

Harry Hay was Kevin Jennings’ inspiration for starting his GSA organizations.

NAMBLA was a “gay” activist organization started by David Thorstad (founder of the Gay Activist Alliance) and Thomas Reeves who wrote this about the LGBT movement: “Almost every one of the early openly homosexual writers was a pederast. Pederasty was a constant theme of early gay literature, art, and pornography. The Stonewall riots were precipitated by an incident involving an underage drag queen, yet that detail was not viewed as significant. … Many of the leaders of early gay liberation and the founders of the major gay groups in the U.S. were boy-lovers (Reeves in Pascal, Marc (ed), Varieties of Man Boy Love :47).”

Regular readers will recognize that I’ve cited these facts in prior article exposing the ugly true history of the LGBT movement. Each version addresses some other aspects not covered here, so I invite you to review the list here.

As I’ve reached “retirement” age, the culture war has somewhat passed me by. My battles pretty much culminated in the great loss of true marriage in 2015 with the Obergefell v Hodges ruling at SCOTUS. The line of conflict has since moved down the field to transsexualism, and many of the new anti-groomer forces in the conservative movement have foolishly accepted “gay marriage” as normal – which robs them of all moral authority in their otherwise laudable attempts to stop the Trans-Train. I’ve mostly leapfrogged that stage and am among a small number pioneering the transhumanism resistance movement (the inevitable next stage after transgenderism).

But my main role today is as a chronicler of the culture war past, many battles of which I fought on the front lines all over the world. I hope that will give me some credibility with those just awakening to these issues today. To them I say get your own children and grandchildren OUT of the public schools ASAP, at all cost, and fight with all you’ve got to rescue as many others from those indoctrination camps. If its true that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it – failing to learn from actual “gay” history could mean losing your very progeny to one of the worst of all possible cults.

The Mideast Road to WWIII

Note: This is a re-write of Dr. Lively’s prior post “WWIII as a Facilitator of Something Worse.”

In my WND column of last week, “The race to global government,” I summarized the post-Reagan globalist takeover of our national government and international alliances by malign domestic forces. I ended my article with links to two news stories that highlight the culmination of their strategy and agenda, and a promise to comment on them.

The first headline is self-explanatory: “Leaders at the U.N. make a 7 year agreement to implement a single global agenda.” It details how and why “Officials from all over the world gathered in New York City to commit their nations to fully implement the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals over the next seven years.” Essentially, the globalists are escalating their efforts to impose tyrannical global government on humanity by 2030.

The second predicts “‘2030 is when the merge happens,’ OpenAI president tells Netanyahu of coming man-machine merger,” with “two possible futures: A future extinction of mankind, [or] a future ‘heaven’ in which AGI eliminates poverty, hunger, and sickness and mankind merges with machines.” Only God creates heaven. Any man-made counterfeit will be hell on earth: making this a secular prophecy of the “beast” government.

The single greatest threat to the globalist agenda is the still-rising populist/nationalist revolution behind the domestic MAGA movement in the U.S. and the Russia-led BRICS alliance across the world – both of which seem unstoppable despite massive suppression efforts. Trump and his MAGA army are simply crushing all opposition in what’s left of the GOP primary race, while the Dems weigh their slate of bad options under the walking corpse Biden. Putin is handily winning both the Ukraine war and the economic sanctions war, each victory on both fronts incrementally drawing an increasing number of nations into his orbit.

As I (and many others) have been predicting all along, the fall-back plan of the elites to retain power is World War III to facilitate their Great Collapse/Great Reset strategy. Yet all their efforts to provoke the Russians into NATO intervention-justifying escalation in Ukraine have failed.

Conveniently for the elites, however, the world was suddenly shaken this week by a shockingly savage Hamas attack on southern Israel, tied closely to Iran in initial media reports. Suspiciously, it comes just as the NATO powers are finally admitting (obliquely) they’ve lost the Ukraine war and MAGA “radicals” in Congress have mortally wounded the golden goose of Ukraine funding. And just as the elites have agreed to dramatically escalate their global takeover.

Even more suspiciously, we’re expected to believe that Israeli intelligence was taken completely by surprise. I’m NOT saying this was a “false flag,” especially since this is exactly the sort of “revenge” radical Islamists dream about, but I do strongly suspect it was steered or orchestrated. I think it likely, even, that these bloodthirsty dogs of war were deliberately unleashed by the very people who have mercilessly fed up to 500,000 Ukrainians into the Russian meat grinder.

Now Netanyahu is invoking Pearl Harbor and Israel has 9/11-level justification for wiping out its enemies. No more walking on geopolitical egg shells to appease the United Nations. No more nail-biting or politically necessary self-restraint about taking out Iran’s nuclear capabilities militarily. And now NATO will have its justification for WWIII, as mutual defense pacts kick in on both sides of the NATO/BRICS battlefront – as it memory-holes its humiliating defeat in Ukraine.

Is this, then, the kick-off of the Great Collapse? Was this week’s heart-wrenching carnage of innocents in Israel just the first entry in a long parade of real-time, real-life horrors that will drive the world to its knees, ready to accept deliverance in the form of a new global government and a new global economic system? Will the rebellion of the dollar-disenfranchising BRICS alliance be smashed and shattered – or further empowered? The world nervously awaits it fate.

On the Bible prophecy front, we seem right on track for the Antichrist kingdom, as the world collapses into barbarism and the demonic realm is unleashed.

In any case, we of the remnant should remain cool and calm, knowing that the Lord of Hosts will soon arrive on His preset schedule to take this planet under His control.

Our most important role in the expanding crisis is to point people to the simple truths that God is still on the throne, that He made us in His image, that this world belongs to Him and that all its natural systems and order remain available to us as a sanctuary from satanic tyranny.

The left is notorious for “never letting a good crisis go to waste.” I remember particularly that on 9/11, while the rest of the nation was in deep shock and mourning, the California Legislature met to push through a lightning vote on some big LGBT legislation.

This time, how about we Christian patriots use the crisis for a godly end? We often cite Christ’s general command to “occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13), but in his Olivet Discourse laying out the chronology of the end times for his disciples at their request, He specifically states: “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of his household, to give the others their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions” (Matthew 24:45-47).

“Their food” is the milk and meat of the Word, and the blessings of His natural order. I believe we can do the most good by reaffirming and conserving His natural world in our laws: undermining transhumanist ideology while giving sanctuary to those seeking an escape from the insanities of the counterfeit parallel world of artificiality. I will outline my proposed strategy for pulling this off in my next article.

The depraved Machiavellianism of the elites has been exposed to the people of the world, so they can’t hide their plans anymore – but they can still implement them because they hold power. That WILL change, either very soon by the hand of MAGA and BRICS, or a bit later by the Lord’s return – but we’re guaranteed global pain and suffering in the interim. Either way, our duty is the same: to “occupy” in His name and through His systems of goodness and order.

WWIII As the Facilitator of Something Worse

Just yesterday as I write this, the world was shaken by the shockingly savage Hamas surprise attack on Southern Israel, tied closely to Iran in initial media reports. Israel now has its 9/11-level justification for taking out Iran’s nuclear capabilities militarily, which in turn will trigger WWIII, as mutual defense pacts kick in on both sides of the NATO/BRICS battlefront. But this is just the means to an end…

In this season of crisis and chaos it’s hard even to keep up with the news on all the various threats to humanity we face, let alone meaningfully respond to them. We’re each in our own way fighting furiously on several fronts to resist the grooming of our children and grandchildren, the jack-hammering of our constitution, the theft of our elections, the pharmaceutical defilement of our bodies, the debasement of our economy, the erasure of our national borders, the censorship of our opinions and the elimination of the biblical worldview from public life. Fighting them all isn’t just difficult, it is impossible, and that’s the point. We are being deliberately overwhelmed by those with the power to create social chaos – all for their purpose of imposing the greatest of all threats upon us with minimal resistance: transhumanism. It is, by far, a threat greater than WWIII, which will serve to usher it in.

I am by no means the first to raise the alarm about transhumanism – which has been a growing technological and ideological phenomenon for at least 20 years, but in terms of awareness of the threat I am far ahead of the curve on this topic among conservatives, many of whom still do not even know what transhumanism is. And even this late in the game, I am an early pioneer of what is still not big enough to be called the “transhumanism resistance movement.”

In my WND column of last week “The Race to Global Government,” I summarized the post-Reagan rise of the globalist take-over of our national government and international alliances by malign domestic forces. I ended my article with links to two news stories that highlight the culmination of their strategy and agenda, and a promise to comment on them.

The first headline is self-explanatory: “Leaders At The UN Make A 7 Year Agreement To Implement A Single Global Agenda.” It details how and why “Officials from all over the world gathered in New York City to commit their nations to fully implement the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals over the next 7 years.” Essentially, the globalists are escalating their efforts to impose tyrannical global government on humanity by 2030.

The second predicts, happily, “ ‘2030 is when the merge happens,’ OpenAI president tells Netanyahu of coming man-machine merger,” with “two possible futures: A future extinction of mankind, [or] a future “heaven” in which AGI eliminates poverty, hunger, and sickness and mankind merges with machines.” Only God creates Heaven. Any man-made counterfeit will be hell on earth: making this a secular prophecy of the “beast” government.

The single greatest threat to the globalist agenda is the still-rising populist/nationalist revolution behind the domestic MAGA movement in the US and the Russia-led BRICS alliance across the world – both of which seem unstoppable despite massive suppression efforts…

BUT, just yesterday as I write this, the world was shaken by the shockingly savage Hamas “surprise attack” on Southern Israel, tied closely to Iran in initial media reports. Israel now has its 9/11-level justification for taking out Iran’s nuclear capabilities militarily, which in turn will trigger WWIII, as mutual defense pacts kick in on both sides of the NATO/BRICS battlefront. Suspiciously, it comes just as the NATO powers are admitting they’ve lost the Ukraine war and MAGA “radicals” in Congress have mortally wounded the golden goose of Ukraine funding – and just as the elites have agreed to dramatically escalate their global takeover.

This, then, is likely the kick-off of the great collapse – a parade of real-time, real-life horrors amidst which the last thing on anyone’s mind will be the abstract threat of transhumanism.

I’m NOT suggesting the Hamas attack was a false flag, but I do think it may have been orchestrated in the same way the Ukraine war was orchestrated, and by the same strategists. I also believe it is an Assyria/Babylon-like fulfilment of Bible prophecy as the world collapses into barbarism and the demonic realm is unleashed. Those two perspectives are not mutually exclusive.

In any case, we of the remnant should remain cool and calm, knowing that the Lord of Hosts will soon arrive on His pre-set schedule to take this planet under His control.

Our most important role in the expanding crisis is to point people to the simple truths that God is still on the throne, that He made us in His image, that this world belongs to Him and that all its natural systems and order remain available to us as a sanctuary from satanic tyranny.

The left is notorious for “never letting a good crisis go to waste.” I remember particularly that on 9/11, while the rest of the nation was in deep shock and mourning, the California legislature met to push through a lightning vote on some big LGBT legislation.

This time, how about we Christian patriots use the crisis for a godly end? We often cite Christ’s general command to “occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13), but in his Olivet Discourse laying out the chronology of the end times for his disciples at their request, He specifically states: “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of his household, to give the others their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions” (Matthew 24:45-47).

“Their food” is the milk and meat of the Word, and the blessings of His natural order. I believe we can do the most good by reaffirming and conserving His natural world in our laws: undermining transhumanist ideology while giving sanctuary to those seeking an escape from the insanities of the counterfeit parallel world of artificiality. I will outline my proposed strategy for pulling this off in my next article.

The depraved Machiavellism of the elites has been exposed to the people of the world, so they can’t hide their plans anymore –but they can still implement them because they hold power. That WILL change, either very soon by the hand of MAGA and BRICS, or a bit later by the Lord’s return, but we’re guaranteed global pain and suffering in the interim. Either way, our duty is the same: to “occupy” in His name and through His systems of goodness and order.

The Race to Global Government: A Timeline

The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.

– Eric Schmidt

During my stint as the California state director of Don Wildmon’s American Family Association, I had the rare privilege of sharing a head table with Phyllis Schlafly at a banquet held in her honor by the California chapter of her organization, Eagle Forum, in Santa Rosa. We had become friends over the years, but I had never previously heard her give a speech. That evening, as I sat next to her traveling companion and conservative Hollywood legend Jane Russell, Phyllis gave a point by point eye-opening, eyewitness account of the history of the conservative movement starting from her days supporting Barry Goldwater. It was a remarkable testimony filled with personal anecdotes and insights – and with hope, which we all needed because the Clintons were then in office, working overtime to roll back the conservative gains of the Reagan Revolution.

Most memorably, Schlafly contended that the most powerful force in the modern world for advancing our cause and breaking free from the tyranny of the elites was the internet. She contrasted the heavily controlled society of the “Walter Cronkite era” with the then-present day freedoms of information-sharing among the populace, and predicted that American conservatism would never again be shackled and powerless as it had been in the early days. She was right – but what she didn’t address was the desperate lengths to which the elites would go to retain their power in the face of rising opposition.

Starting with Bush 41, America entered an era in which the fear of Reaganesque populism drove the elites to establish new technology-based systems of government control and manipulation, and to rush toward globalism to head off revolution. Those systems were created during the Silicon Valley explosion of computer-based industries – the technological equivalent of the California Gold Rush – when a brand new class of American oligarchs emerged, led by people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos.

It was no accident that these men were almost universally leftist ideologues, because it was a “managed” revolution under our first full-fledged (but veiled) Marxist regime, the Clinton administration. And its leaders were mostly not generated spontaneously: They emerged victoriously from a pool of young hand-picked Ivy League scions, contending amongst themselves for the choices plums and vastest fortunes.

And it was no accident that so many of them were male homosexuals, because that group is the most ideologically reliable contingent of the “progressive” movement. The LGBTs were on the ascendency themselves as a power-bloc – being highly energized to achieve cultural supremacy after having suffered the worse defeat in the history of their movement under Reagan in the 1986 Bowers v. Hardwick case at the Supreme Court.

It was no accident that “gays in the military” (and in its cultural “cadet” program, the Boy Scouts) was Bill Clinton’s top issue in his 1992 campaign (something on which I confronted him on live television). It was no accident Clinton gave homosexuals top secret security clearance for the first time in American history – openly homosexualizing the “deep state” as it drastically ramped up its command-and-control functions domestically and abroad.

There had been an open globalist agenda for decades by then (at least since the Woodrow Wilson administration), but the internet made its goal of centralized top-down global government more urgent, because opposition to global controls was growing apace, threatening Anglo-American hegemony. Rebellion internationally was growing at an especially alarming speed as Muslim countries tried to throw off globalist banking controls (which violate fundamental Islamic doctrine) – triggering what I have finally, grudgingly come to admit was probably a false-flag operation by Bush 43: 9/11, as a pretext for justifying the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and expanding NATO throughout the Muslim world.

Then, under Obama, globalist urgency became even more frantic as domestic push-back reached its (then) highest level since the Civil War. The Tea Party rebellion against Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform America” was so threatening to the globalist oligarchy that the GOP elites had to come out of the closet and reveal their Purple Uniparty partnership with the Dems. The RINOs managed, barely, to neutralize and absorb the Tea Party into Republicanism by the end of Obama’s second term – while the Democrats ran their parallel “Occupy Wall Street” scheme to minimize defections to it from the grassroots. By then, however, populism had (from their perspective) “metastasized” into what we would soon be calling the MAGA movement, but which was and is really a global phenomenon.

From late 2015 to mid 2017, my wife and I did a 27-country personal fact-finding tour of the global conservative/populist movement. For example, we were in London for the Brexit vote and in Hungary when Viktor Orban stood up to the EU on open borders and “gay marriage.” I helped Kyrgyzstan defend marriage in its constitution in 2017 with seminars and a media campaign in Biskek. That tour followed a 50-city speaking and pro-family activism tour through eight countries of the former Soviet Union in 2006-2007. So I have had a rare “overview” of the global rebellion that produced the Donald Trump presidency in 2016 and the amazing (informal) conservative “alliance” of Trump, Netanyahu, Putin and Nigel Farage. The British Brexit divorce from the EU, the American Trump phenomenon, the “no more NATO expansion!” Russian Federation and the new “right-wing” government of Israel are all the fruit of that movement – though few on the right seem to recognize their common root.

Make no mistake, however, the leftist elites recognize it and are so utterly terrified they pulled out all the stops to kill MAGA in 2020/21 with election fraud, the plandemic and massive police-state censorship (but failed!) and by intentionally provoking the Ukraine war (which they’re losing). So now they’re in frothing-at-the mouth desperation – ready even to trigger World War III to usher in their “Great Reset.”

But to paraphrase H.G. Wells, there’s a great orchestrator behind this chaos – an intellect vast and cool and unsympathetic, who regards this earth with envious eyes – awaiting his time to conquer and reign. And his top human minions are just as cool, or rather cold blooded. The final step in their plan has just been launched: a seven year countdown to full globalist control, culminating in a transhumanist “singularity.”

I’ll give you my take on those two items next week.

A contrarian Trump scenario for 2024

When state security services like the CIA or KGB want to plant an essential top-tier agent deep into enemy territory, they build a narrative around him that makes his loyalty to that enemy’s agenda seem unassailable. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies do the same thing – like infiltrating the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers with agents seemingly more zealous than the actual members – endeavors that are usually managed far more competently than the OBiden J6 clown show and the amateurishly staged Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping.” Only a blatantly corrupt and complicit judiciary is preventing these schemes from total implosion. Imagine how much worse things would be for us if actual pros were running those operations.

OR, is that what we are intended to conclude as part of a deeper and more devious design? Is all this agitation and chaos just the set-up to sell us a “deliverer” who we decide is our only hope to save us, but then turns out to be a false “messiah” – just like the Great Reset is being set up by the Great Collapse?

Let’s look at all these current events in the prophetic context, first through the lens of end-time theories we’re pretty familiar with, and then to align what we discover with the most relevant deliverer analogy in Bible history.

Sticking with our statecraft metaphor and the question of competence, in the case of the emerging Antichrist Kingdom, we’re taking about the ULTIMATE state security apparatus, under the Ultimate “Great Deceiver,” Satan, who has been granted permission by God to conquer and rule the earth for a short time (Revelation 13:7). Jesus Himself warns in Matthew 24:24 that “if it were possible even the elect would be deceived” by the Satanic plan, how much more so the worldly minded and those who are only nominally Christian?

And we are warned by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2, “Let no one deceive you in any way, for it [the Day of the Lord’s return] will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness – the son of destruction– is revealed.” Thus there will be a period of time (most likely the first half of a Shemitah-cycle, three and a half years) in which the Antichrist operates behind a veil of deception that causes the world to believe he is the Messiah.

So, the prophetic context in which Antichrist emerges is one in which the world welcomes and heralds him as the deliverer. Deception is the watchword – of a degree only the “elect” can escape. In the first-century context, “elect” meant Jesus-accepting Jews, but I think that category today includes all Christians with an understanding of the Hebrew cultural context of the prophecies. And, of course, that includes all believers who actually listen to the Holy Spirit, unshackled from human doctrinal limitations.

Who is “the world” in this context? Remember that unless otherwise indicated by context, all prophecy should be viewed from the perspective of Israel and within the same Hebrew cultural context implicit in all the prophecies. He will thus be perceived primarily as the deliverer of Israel, with secondary benefit to the rest of the world.

However, America holds a special place in end-time prophecy because of its close parallel to the Israelite Republic. I’ve done a lot of study and written several articles on this theme over the past few years. Amazingly, our world-changing U.S. Constitution was only ratified after a political logjam was broken by Rev. Samuel Longdon’s sermon “The Republic of the Israelites an Example to the American States” (1788). And if you recognize that America’s first constitution was the Pilgrim’s covenantal oath called the Mayflower Compact in November 1620 – our republic lasted exactly 400 years – until the Marxist coup of November 2020. The duration of the Israelite republic is held to have been 400 years – an important symbol in biblical numerology.

Both republics were defined by self-determination under the rule of law: the Mosaic law for the Hebrews, and a sequence of Bible-based constitutional law frameworks for the Americans, the most lasting set beginning with Americans first organic law, the Declaration of Independence (another covenantal oath), upon which rested the Articles of Confederation, which were replaced by the U.S. Constitution.

But what’s most interesting are the parallels of America and ancient Israel in the transition from a republic to an autocracy. For 400 years in which “Judges” were raised up only in times of crisis, the 12-tribe Hebrew nation enjoyed self-determination under the Mosaic Law and the general authority of the House of Israel based at Shiloh. In the end, the people fell so far away from God that they disrespectfully used His Ark as a “magic charm” to try and defeat the Philistines, who then stole it from them (I Samuel 5). Shiloh’s authority was broken then, and the city became a symbol of reproach. God shifted governmental authority to the House of Judah, which would eventually reign through a monarchy from Jerusalem, per the prophecy of Jacob in Genesis 49:10.

It is that interim period, from the collapse of the republic to the rise of the monarchy under David (a type of Christ), that parallels our situation today in America. The Israelites rejected their republic and demanded a king. In 2020, the Americans “rejected” their republic in favor of top-down centralized government. The first king the Israelites got under their new system was King Saul – a wicked man with dementia. The first “king” Americans got under the new system was Joe Biden – a wicked man with dementia.

In Israel under Saul, David was actually anointed by God to reign, but Saul refused to relinquish the throne and instead devoted all of his energy to destroying David. In America, Joe Biden wrongfully occupies the White House, preventing the duly elected President Trump from reigning, and devotes all of his energy trying to destroy Trump.

If the pattern holds, our King Saul will be replaced in 2024 by Donald Trump, the David figure, who is a type of Christ. But that would mean he would be the false Christ, because the real Christ will only return at the end of the great tribulation (per Matthew 24:29-30), just before the outpouring of God’s wrath on the wicked – Revelation 19:11-21.

I like Trump and don’t want this to be true, but already he’s being spoken of in messianic terms as the world’s only hope (a characterization his personality type would unfortunately seem inclined to embrace after a victorious return to the presidency), and we’re still more than a year away from the 2024 election, with the Great Collapse likely to occur in the interim, driving the entire world to desperation and unprecedented susceptibility to savior-hunger.

The Global Showdown of Anglo-Zionism and the Russian Empire

As Russia and the BRICS Alliance increasingly challenge US global hegemony, Americans will increasingly be confronted about the history of “Anglo-Zionism.” Here is some historical analysis on what that phrase really means. 

The most illuminating book I have ever read aside from the Bible is J.H. Allen’s Judah’s Scepter and Joseph’s Birthright” which expounds his version of the doctrine of British Israelism (that Brits and Jews share a common Hebrew ancestry) – a version I do NOT endorse, but to which some of the monarchy and many of the elites of Great Britain did subscribe (going all the way back to the 1500s), and which contains some highly intriguing elements that are at least plausible when separated from the larger myth. Allen published his fascinating summary in 1902 at the peak of BI’s social and political influence, five years after the formal establishment of Zionism (a Jewish Nationalist movement) in 1897 and fifteen years before the British Empire liberated the Holy Land – by military conquest – from the Muslim Ottoman Turks in 1917 and essentially gave it back to the Jews with the Balfour Declaration.  

Allen’s book offers by far the best summary of and biblical justification for the so-called “two house” teaching, which is the deeper and genuinely reliable scriptural bedrock on which the semi-mythological doctrine of BI is built. For that reason alone, it is well worth your time to read. It is upon that same foundation that I wrote my own book The Prodigal Son Prophecy, which, among other things, expands upon Allen’s “two house” explanations with further biblical proofs. My book, however, takes on the larger task of reexamining all of Bible prophecy from the Hebrew cultural perspective of the Apostles and the Prophets – showing in that process just how central the two-house doctrine actually is to God’s plan.

In the process of testing Allen’s summary of the doctrine of BI, I found so many highly questionable and vigorously disputed contentions that I was forced to reject the theory as offered while sifting out and setting aside the more plausible elements of it for further study. While engaged in that study over the past decade I came to realize that the truth of BI theory is really a separate issue from the geopolitical impact of belief in the theory by powerful elites. The distinction is analogous to that of a rich man who bequeaths his estate to someone he becomes convinced is his long lost heir. Whether or not that inheritor is truly a relative is an important question, but the practical consequences of the belief in its truth is an entirely different and perhaps more important matter.  

My primary focus, therefore, has shifted to a study of the development of the BI doctrine as a socio-political phenomenon in Great Britain and Western Europe, and that really begins with the rise of the Hebraic Movement in Christendom.     

What I mean by the Hebraic Movement is the rediscovery of the Hebrew perspective of the Apostles and the Prophets by Christian theologians with the help of Jews among whom they began intermingling because of shared or parallel persecution under the Spanish Inquisition. Over the course of a century or more these groups fled Spain: the Jews coalescing primarily in Holland, the Christians primarily gathering in England, Scotland and Switzerland but they continued in intermittent intellectual/religious fellowship and a constant shared apprehension of the power of Roman Catholicism. 

Out of that cooperation/cross pollination came Protestantism itself, built upon the “Messianic Jewish” understanding of “the priesthood of all believers” exemplified by the Jerusalem Council in Acts. Martin Luther was strongly influenced by the Jews and vigorously defended them at the start of his reform ministry, before fully and shamefully reversing himself, presumably under intense pressure from traditionalists amid his increasing frustration that they would not convert to Christ (which had been his only practicable self-defense for fellowshipping with them in the first place). 

Protestantism began formally under Luther and developed two key early branches: one under John Calvin in Switzerland and the other under John Knox in Scotland. The Knox branch formalized bottom-up Christianity in Presbyterianism, blossoming into the phenomenon of the Scottish Covenanters, from which came constitutionalism as a form of government.

The most monumental landmark of their cooperation was the purported sojourn of the Pilgrim Separatists with the Leyden Jews just prior to that fateful voyage of the Mayflower to to Plymouth, where “America’s first constitution” The Mayflower Compact (a covenantal oath) was written, and where America’s first Protestant church was built on Leyden St (and still operates today — as a Christian bed and breakfast in which I’ve stayed).

BUT, the vehicle by which all these things came about (at least from the 1500s) was the shared Christian/Jewish religious/political doctrine of British Israelism — which they believed to be true even if much of it wasn’t. British Israelism was the doctrinal taproot of what is today called Anglo-Zionism, and the ideological basis for the partnership of the British Monarchy and Jewish mercantile bankers that established the British Empire and ended the monopolistic religious/political tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church.

I contend based on my research thus far that British Israelism or “Anglo-Zionism” was the largely unheralded ideology of the elites that built the British Empire. I wrote a three-essay series documenting my support for this thesis here.

Now I must address the unpleasant implications of whether the Jews in the British Israel coalition actually believed the doctrine, or only invented it or used it as a tool to manipulate the British monarchy into fighting its battles. That will be the claim of today’s fervent Anti-Zionist movement in Christendom. I believe most Jews were sincere Millennialists, especially from the 1500s through the 1800s, but some were not, especially approaching the turn of the 20th Century, and that latter group is whom the Bible calls the “Synagogue of Satan.” I believe that’s who rules the Anglo-American and NATO alliance today and why the world is racing toward global tyranny overrun with systems of human enslavement and moral degeneracy (before the Russians can derail their train). 

I will defend the True Jews with the Bible’s Jewish parallel to the Wheat and Tares. Wheat is symbolic of Christians. Figs are symbolic of Jews. In Jeremiah 24 the good figs, like the true wheat, are taken away to a place of safety while the false/bad category are destroyed. And, just as Jeremiah and a remnant among those “left behind” were spared the wrath to fulfil God’s purposes, so will 144K Jews be sealed against death to survive the bowl judgments after the resurrection/rapture. That 144K (and a mixed multitude) will survive the 10 Days of Wrath and repopulate the earth during the Millennial Kingdom. 

The Bible shows that Christians and Jews WILL be reconciled in the Millennial Kingdom, and that British Israelism/Anglo-Zionism, properly understood – and purged of “tares” and “bad figs” and corrupt geo-politics and fantastical mythology — IS, like Messianic Judaism, a fulfilment of prophecy. Russia, while trying to hold the moral high ground in it’s Byzantine revival seems in all of this to be God’s instrument to bring the world to its final pre-millennial crisis where that purging will occur. 

The Impending Dem Bum-Rush of ‘Joey the Scapegoat’

(All Glory to God for the things shared in this testimony. It was all Him using a willing vessel.)

Joe Biden was never intended to become “President” of the United States in 2020. That slot was intended for Elizabeth Warren of the bluest of the blue states, Massachusetts, following a strategy that God used yours truly to foil. That strategy was a tag-team effort of the nation-wide Purple Uniparty led on the red side by the Bush Team through their man Mitt Romney, and on the blue side by the Clinton/Obama Team using Warren herself.

The key to the plan was setting up Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker to take down Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential primary season as the “voice of Republican reason,” while Old Pocahontas made a beeline for the oval office, where her first act as President would be the “refreshingly bipartisan gesture” of hiring Baker for a top cabinet post as the nation breathed an enormous collective sigh of relief that the “hateful and divisive” Trump era was finally over.

The strategy kicked off as a nationwide media campaign in 2017 and early 2018, exemplified by a Politico article titled “How Charlie Baker ditched Trump to become the most popular governor in America

The essence of the plan was for both Baker and Warren to win off-the-chart landslide victories in the November 2018 elections while giving each other the occasional high-profile neck rub to “show how the grown-ups can work across the aisle for the good of the people.” All of this would be gushingly praised non-stop by the corporate media and contrasted with clips of Trump acting “rude” and “mean.”

Charlie Baker was being set up as America’s Knight in Shining Armor: not to win the presidency in 2020 (because the conservatives in the GOP would never back him in the general election) but only to weaken Trump sufficiently in the primary and among Independents so that Warren could beat him in the general. In the general, Baker would bash Trump and praise Warren – perhaps as a hired gun on CNN or some other key media outlet. BUT when I primaried Baker and annihilated that “most popular governor” narrative, Mitt Romney was substituted for that Trump-bashing role – far less effectively as a barely-relevant Utah Senator – and at huge political cost.

They could theoretically pull all this off because nowhere is the Purple Uniparty more fully in control of a state than Massachusetts. But there was a big problem to fix first – because lesbian then-Attorney General Maura Healy (and now governor) was next in line to be governor and probably would have beaten Baker handily in 2018 if she ran against him. But for the sake of taking down Trump, Healy “graciously” stayed out of the race and the Dem machine allowed only a couple of no-name political weaklings to run in her place. The whole thing was a blatant stand-down by the Democrat Party to clear the path for Baker.

Meanwhile, the Massachusetts Republican Party had been in the iron grip of the RINOs since the Bush Machine successfully ran Utah Mormon Mitt Romney (a sort-of reverse carpet-bagger) to win the MA governorship in 2002. Romney is essentially the red-team counterpart to Joe Biden – a political “waterboy” who does what he’s told and takes whatever job he’s assigned. After serving in the MA governor’s role (where he launched the prototype of Obamacare), he was later assigned to take a dive to Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election, just as his fellow Bush waterboys John McCain did in 2008, and Bob Dole had done for Bill Clinton in 1996. Importantly, Baker was Romney’s protégé, personally hand groomed.

So confident of its power, the RINO MAGOP had for years openly cheated to keep conservatives out of the governor’s race. At the GOP convention in 2010 (at the height of the Tea Party) they kept conservative hero Christy Mihos off the ticket by back-room ballot stuffing until he fell below the 15% minimum to qualify for the primary – after having obviously won more than 15% in the floor vote. Furious conservatives had no legal recourse but in the next gubernatorial convention in 2014 my friend Brian Camenker of MassResistance organized video-taping of the floor vote, so when the RINOs cheated again to keep my friend Mark Fisher off the ballot, he sued and won a settlement that cost the MAGOP nearly $500,000 (including attorney fees).

I first ran for Mass governor in 2014 as an Independent conservative and so I was an ideological insider with front-row seats to all the political circuses. My purpose in that run was to to have a platform to preach the biblical worldview in the political arena (where its rarely heard) but also to break free from the “Saul Alinsky Box” the MA LGBTs had locked me in to destroy my pro-family ministry there and drive me from the state. Read this article to learn about that tactic and how I beat it. Here is more information about that 2014 and 2018 races.

I had no intention of running for any office again, but when Baker announced in late 2017 he would use MA state tax dollars to refund Planned Parenthood any money they lost from the US Congress for their role in the grotesque baby parts harvesting scandals exposed by undercover pro-life activists, I was suddenly inspired to go after him politically. Having always been a “waterboy” for Jesus Christ I jumped into that task with both feet – but with no knowledge of any of the Baker/Warren strategy I outlined above – I learned all that later. I was just a useful tool for the Lord, saying “Here I am, send me” (Isaiah 6:8) – with invaluable practical knowledge from my prior run.

In 2014 I ran to win – not EXPECTING to win absent a massive miracle, but running for real and I was dead serious. That meant running as a Republican, and that meant taking on the Bush/Romney/Baker machine. I had to pull money from my (not so big) retirement account to launch my campaign including a $25,000 fee for the right to give a speech on the main stage at the state convention. Long story short, the MAGOP pulled out ALL the stops to try to keep me off the ballot including an elaborate cheating strategy. BUT, in a truly glorious, genuinely miraculous David and Goliath showdown I not only thwarted their fraud but, in a barn-burner speech that earned a roaring standing ovation, broke the bank with an unprecedented 27.6% delegate count, and went on to win 36.1% of the primary votes. (The look on then GOP Chairwoman Kirsten Hughes face during my speech – bottom of the page – is priceless!)

I spent less than 150,000 dollars for 100,000 voted compared to Bakers $7 million for 175,000 votes, while being boycotted by the state media, except for the Boston Globe which painted me as Satan incarnate.

God used me to destroy the Baker/Warren anti-Trump strategy, which means I’m partly to blame for Joe Biden being sent in as a substitute for Warren, just as Romney substituted for Baker. And like Romney, Biden is not up to that job, and thus has been set up as a scapegoat for the collapse of their plans – which are inevitable because Donald Trump was NOT broken and replaced in 2020. The best they could do was a clumsy and blatant coup and cover-up that has been unraveling ever since.

I first publicly predicted that “Joey the Scapegoat” would be taken out by the Dems in my WND column of October 25, 2021 As usual, my timeline was too short, but the rest is still timely and accurate. Now even the rank and file Dems know he’s pretty certain to get the bum’s rush out of the White House – and fairly soon.

Brazil and the Crisis of BRICS

In one of the little ironies of history, Edward Gibbons began publishing six volume writing project, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in 1776, just as what would become the American Empire was being launched with a revolution against a powerful British Empire still in its ascendency. His final book in the series was published in 1788 as America was in the middle of its two-year transition from a Confederacy to a Constitutional Republic. The British Empire peaked around 1914 and was surpassed by the United States as the world’s foremost super-power in WWII, becoming the sole super-power upon the success of the Anglo-American partnership in collapsing its chief rival, the Soviet Union during the Reagan/Thatcher Administrations.

Studying the history of geo-political upheavals is fascinating, but living through one makes the topic personal and often painful. Today the world is in the midst of a new upheaval involving many of the ancient powers seeking a new global order, led by a coalition called BRICS which is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. On August 22-24, 2023 the BRICS coalition doubled in size, adding Iran, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt, and Ethiopia, effective January 1, 2024.

The dominant powers of this group are primarily Russia and China, with Russia providing the executive and military leadership and China providing both the financial stability of an economic giant and the political leverage of holding most of deeply indebted America’s loans. But all twelve of these countries are major developed nations with a common interest in ending Anglo-American hegemony – which largely translates into ending US/British control of global trade and banking, and defanging NATO as its global enforcer.

For decades, rival elites on both sides of this divide have been engaged in a global chess-match set mostly along the imaginary boundary line of Europe and Asia – because apparently most of them accept Mackinder’s maxim that whoever controls Eurasia controls the world. But adding to the complexity of this equation, and bringing in other regions, especially the Middle East, is the importance of trade routes, including oil pipelines.

If you start with this premise and look back over geo-politics since WWII, all the subsequent lesser wars and “police actions” initiated mostly by the US fit easily into the chess-match paradigm. Syria is about rival oil pipeline routes. Iraq and Lybia were about global banking dependency. Iran is about control of the Suez Canal. The Ukraine war is both about oil pipelines and creating an “Israel” on Russia’s border – meaning a heavily militarized forward base to represent western interests on a mostly hostile frontier.

It is also about gaining a tighter political and economic grip on Europe through energy dependency, of which the US destruction of the Nord Stream II pipeline was an essential component: to prevent a Russian/ German economic alliance that would have also supplied all of Europe with cheap, abundant energy.

US domestic policy is being heavily affected by these geopolitical moves. For example, I contend that the sudden move to ban natural gas stoves is to free more supply for Europe which is building gigantic transfer terminals to receive liquified natural gas from US tankers to offset the loss from Russia (none of which is getting US media coverage).

Indeed, the entire frantic “climate crisis” over carbon emissions – while also a means of increasing globalists power – also seems to be an acknowledgment by “our” elites that the BRICS alliance might very well wrest control of the oil-based global economy away from us, and we need to be positioned to survive a global ban on carbon-based fuels that we will attempt to impose as a counter-measure. While that goal may prove unattainable given the growing clout of the BRICS alliance, it does at least provide an emerging narrative theme to justify future wars and police actions to “save the planet” from “criminally carbon-spewing nations.”

This chess-game framework also explains why we’re being conditioned to prepare for a Great Reset. We already have no ability to pay back China and other holders of our massive debt, but that problem will become exponentially worse if/when the dollar loses its globally exclusive reserve currency status. The best chance for retaining our hegemony would be the announcement of a global debt jubilee in conjunction with the launch of a completely new economic system which we control. Think of the Great Reset like geo-political chemo-therapy: a dose of poison designed to kill off the “cancer” in the world (i.e. non-submissive regimes) which theoretically would not kill the host body in the process, but leave it stronger in the end.

As much as the extreme moral degeneracy of our elites makes the thought of a new global order more appealing, I don’t think BRICS can beat the west in this worsening conflict and I believe the example of Brazil shows why. Brazil’s recently coup-reinstalled President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is as much a creation of the American left as any of our home-grown blue-state tyrants, but he’s also a highly ambitious political animal who presumably would rather not be under the American thumb. He was one of the original founders of BRICS (which got its name in 2010 from a Wall Street financial analyst) and is the only one of the original heads of state from its founding.

The BRICS threat to US hegemony in 2010 was nominal, but by last month’s meeting in South Africa it was massive and growing. Lula’s participation in that meeting suggests to me he now is either serving as a US mole in the BRICS leadership, or he believes BRICS represents a realistic opportunity to break his country free from US control. Perhaps it was only for managing public perceptions but concurrent with the BRICS summit, the Brazilian Supreme Court (which staged the coup that reinstalled him) passed one of the world’s first anti-homophobia laws with actual criminal penalties.

That fascist law was a major bone for Lula to throw to the American leftists who helped rig the Brazilian election, in essence saying, “I’m still your boy.” But it also exposes the weakness of the glue holding BRICS together – the LGBT agenda is anathema to Russia and the other members. There is really nothing but a mutual desire to escape US control that keeps them aligned – and THAT makes it extremely vulnerable to the British side of the Anglo-American pact, who are history’s greatest masters of “divide and conquer.” Watch and see.

To the painful personal side of this crisis, it was Lula who, during his first term in 2007 first attempted to criminalize pro-family activism and my great friend and ally Julio Severo had to flee Brazil for the jungles of Guatemala after leading the defeat of the law. He, his wife, and their young seven children lived in exile there until he died in 2021. My ministry has ever since provided financial support to keep them together in one home, fed and clothed. My point is that global changes always hit the “little people” hardest – but being aware of what’s really going on helps us to better prepare and adapt. ###

(To help Julio’s Severo’s widow and seven children survive and get their legal status resolved donate here using the Emergency Help for the Severo Family option. To help carry on Julio’s work defending the biblical standard for marriage and family against LGBT bullying choose the “Carry on his work” option )

The Rivalry of Joseph and Judah

Evangelical Pastor Scott Lively of First Century Bible Church and Messianic Jewish Rabbi Otto Gershon discuss the history of Messianic Judaism from the earliest days of the New Testament to the present time, and how the doctrine of the Two House Covenant plays out in Bible history and prophecy, especially as it relates to the First and Second advent of Christ.

The division of Jacob’s covenantal inheritance into two separate houses occurred simply by his marrying two wives, Leah (House of Judah) and Rachel (House of Israel). The rivalry of these two houses for power and influence among the twelve-tribe nation began early and is showcased in Genesis 37 when Joseph first flaunted his favored status with their father Jacob (exemplified by the “coat of many colors”) and in revenge was sold into slavery among the Gentiles by jealous older half-brother Judah. Joseph becomes a slave in Egypt, where his later tribal identity gets linked to the image of the ox (the fatted calf/golden calf becoming highly symbolic of his sojourn there).

Living among the Gentiles would forever be a dominant theme of Joseph’s life (the man as well as the tribe, house and kingdom) as prophesied by Jacob in Genesis 40:22 in which the fruitful (highly populous) vine (symbol of the House of Israel) would grow “over the wall” (outside the boundary of the Mosaic law). Joseph, as the “prodigal son,” of Luke 15:11-31, would also famously live among the “swine” (Gentiles). When his House becomes also a Kingdom in rebellion to David’s grandson Rehoboam, it’s first act is to reject essential tenets of Mosaic Judaism. Eventually its land is purged and repopulated by Gentiles, as represented during the time of Christ by 1) the Samaritans and 2) a mixed population of Hebrews and Gentiles called Galileans in “Galilee of the Gentiles” which is the northern portion of what had been Northern Israel. 

Most importantly, upon the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the House of Israel becomes the home to all Gentiles (and individual Jews) who accept His gift of salvation — all of these saved ones collectively being identified as the “Bride of Christ,” awaiting remarriage to God in the Wedding Feast of the Lamb just prior to the Millennial Kingdom.  

Meanwhile Judah is the older brother who 

1) not only stays metaphorically within the boundaries of Hebrew identity (i.e. stays in strained but unbroken fellowship with the father) in the prodigal son parable, but 

2) physically stays with father Jacob while Joseph lives as a slave in Egypt, plus 

3) legally inherits and fulfils the covenantal promise of holding the “scepter” to the Hebrew monarchy per Genesis 49:10, starting with David, and 

4) thus actually defines “Judaism” as the centerpiece of Hebrew identity for those who decline to accept the Christ of the First Advent but instead stubbornly keep their focus on the Christ of the Second Advent (the one and the same Messiah to whom they remain partially blinded as summarized in Romans 11.     

The Apostolic Age of Christendom, which spanned the period from the birth of Jesus to the publication of the Book of Revelation and death of it’s scribe John (roughly 90CE), ended with a transition of power from the House of Judah (Jerusalem-based Judaism) to the House of Israel (Rome based Christianity). 

Importantly, because the franchise of Salvation in Christ was opened to the Gentiles by Jesus, the power in question was no longer limited to the political and geographical boundaries of the twelve tribes but became more a measure of their collective authority in the world, especially religious authority.

Lets review the history of the two house rivalry. During the life of Jacob, the twelve tribes had been united under his authority as holder of the entirely of the Abrahamic Covenant. While there was rivalry between the House of Judah and House of Joseph, the House of Jacob nevertheless dominated both. It wasn’t until Jacob’s death that a successor would assume the dominant role. That successor, of course, would be Joseph. Indeed, all twelve tribes joined him in Egypt for hundreds of years, subject to the authority of his house, which was in turn subject to the top authority of the Gentile world, the Egyptians.

In the end Joseph’s house lost its influence when a Pharoah arose “who did not know Joseph” (Exodus 1:8, Acts 7:19) and power shifted temporarily to the House of Levi through the intervention of Moses. God raised up Moses and the House of Levi to lead the Hebrews out of slavery, establish the Levitical Priesthood, and to become a unifier of the twelve tribe nation under one common, comprehensive body of laws. This was the also the origin of what we call “the separation of church and state” (a benign social distinction in God’s design for civilization).

During the Exodus and the subsequent years in the wilderness, the people were being prepared for the conquest and colonization of the Holy Land, which was legally theirs by God’s decree in Genesis 15:18-19. They were also being formally and thoroughly restored to their distinct tribal identities: receiving separate and distinct tribal symbols and banners, roles and responsibilities, and being organized by tribe in precise geometrical order around God’s tabernacle.  

When it was time to enter the Holy Land, Moses sent in one spy from each of the twelve tribes. Importantly, only Joshua of the House of Ephraim (Joseph) and Caleb of the House of Judah insisted that they obey God and invade. But fear among the other ten tribes prevailed and they were all then cursed to spend another 40 years in the wilderness – a curse that has echoed across the centuries on the 9th of Av.  

Upon the death of Moses the Levite, power shifted back to the House of Israel under Joshua the Ephraimite. Remember that it was to Joseph’s second-born son Ephraim that Jacob/Israel had personally bequeathed the first-born right of inheritance per Genesis 48:13-22. That’s why the name Ephraim is synonymous with House of Israel, as reconfirmed in Jeremiah 31:9.

Joshua established Shiloh as the political and religious capital city of the twelve tribe nation and home to God’s tabernacle for roughly 400 years. Eventually the Ephraimites fell so far into Gentile idolatry that God allowed the Philistines to capture the Ark of the Covenant, ending the House of Israel’s reign in shame punished by the desolation of Shiloh and the elevation of the House of Judah to dominance.  

After a brief transitional period under the Benjamite King Saul (an Antichrist figure who slaughtered the Levitical priests at Nob and tried repeatedly to kill David) David the Judean became the first true King of Israel per Jacob’s prophecy of Genesis 49:10 and established his capital at Jerusalem in the territory of Judah.   

David’s united kingdom – the symbolic but imperfect representation of the Millennial Kingdom – lasted only through the life of his son Solomon, whose grievous sins cost him the throne and divided the two houses and two kingdoms against each other – under Rehoboam the Judean and Jeroboam the Ephraimite. 

That sibling rivalry will never end until the actual Millennial Kingdom, when “the jealousy of Ephraim will depart, and the adversaries of Judah will be cut off. Ephraim will no longer envy Judah, nor will Judah harass Ephraim” (Isaiah 11:13).  

What has never been done, to my knowledge, is a chronicle of that rivalry during the Christian Era. This has become my chief area of study in recent years, and elements of it have been the subject of various articles, but now I am ready to start documenting my findings in a more systematic fashion. This essay is essentially my starting point on that project.
