Scott Lively Ministries

Goodwill Toward Men

First published on WND, 12/18/2023

And suddenly there appeared with the angel a great multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests!” When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.”

When the Bible was written, and until the rise of Marxist feminism in the 20th century, the term “men” as used in these verses meant “all humankind” but with the intentional, unmistakable overtone that the male sex was absolutely dominant over the female sex, individually and collectively. That straightforward summary of God’s natural order for family and society was never viewed as something negative for or toward women, but was rather God’s chosen system for women to flourish – under the provision and protection of men mandated by Him to cherish them as His greatest gift and most fundamental responsibility.

In practice it was always a flawed system because ALL of God’s standards for human conduct are “aspirational” goals for always imperfect man. But the failure of the church to preserve God’s system of male/female relations as best it could, even within the walls of its institutional denominations, is the primary cause of modernity’s social and cultural collapse.

As James, the brother of Jesus and first bishop of Jerusalem, wrote in his letter to the church, “Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

What is the one crisis common to both widows and orphans that makes caring for them the purest form of religion? It is the loss of the male “covering” over them – causing women to become husbandless, and children to become fatherless. Indeed, it was the desperate need for a husband for Ruth, ancestor of Jesus, that drove the widow Naomi to orchestrate (by God’s plan) Ruth’s womanly allurement of the kinsman redeemer, Boaz, who was smitten by her beauty and virtue.

Had “feminism” prevailed in her day, the capable and self-sufficient Naomi would likely have instead become the CEO of her own thriving business back in Moab and God’s plan for redemption of man by God would have been thwarted, lacking the legal status of Judean ancestry, through Joseph, necessary for Jesus to qualify to inherit the scepter of Hebrew royalty.

One of the chief contributions of the book of Ruth to Christendom is the timeless lesson of the central importance of female submission to male authority. These Bible stories aren’t mythology for us to separate out and cherry-pick details to suit our fads and whims – they are expositions of biblical law framed and illustrated by historically factual events to teach underlying legal principles that remain constant and binding despite the passage of time. To highlight that truth, Jesus drove an explanation point like a golden stake on the Mount of Beatitudes, proclaiming, “You have heard it been said that … but I say to you …” Each one of those pronouncements declares the superiority of the eternal spirit of the law over the temporal letter of the law, keeping them fresh and timely despite changing social mores and logical adaptations of the laws’ letters. (We don’t still stone teens to death for rebellion, but teen rebellion remains legally punishable within the spirit of the law.)

Right about now, many female readers are fuming, and their feminized male companions are rationalizing like a whore caught in adultery – because it IS a form of adultery to choose the ways of the world over The Way. “Friendship” (wink, wink) with the world, is enmity toward God, warns James, adding “You adulteresses! … whoever chooses to be a friend of the world renders himself an enemy of God. Or do you think the Scripture says without reason that the Spirit He caused to dwell in us yearns with envy? But He gives us more grace. This is why it says: ‘God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.'”

The sin-root of feminism is surely pride. The sin-root of male submission to feminism is, as James writes “double-mindedness” (compromise). The combination of the two sins in human relations paints the very picture of “being polluted by the world” because none of the talking points of feminism come from the Bible – which offers only a few out-of-context verses to bolster them, and even then very feebly against the overwhelming counter-argument of Scripture as a whole.

The fatal flaw in most church efforts to restore “biblical masculinity” is their unwillingness to chop the root of the tree bearing the poisonous fruits we’re so desperate to overcome: feminist ideology itself. They want to be sensitive to differing opinions, meaning they are “double-minded.” But as I used to teach in my classes on critical thinking and debate, you can never win an argument in which you’ve adopted your opponent’s presuppositions (for example on LGBT issues, agreeing that “discrimination” against homosexuality and transgenderism is morally wrong) because conclusions are dictated by premises.

Mine was the first generation of American boys indoctrinated with feminist ideology, which descended on our public schools like the Spanish Inquisition in the early 1970s. I didn’t break free from it until the late 1980s while separated from my wife, who had kicked me out of the house to end the heated war of wills I had going with my oldest step-son over obeying basic house rules. It was shortly after my miraculous deliverance from alcoholism and drug addiction (since the age of 12), and I was no longer the happy-go-lucky permissive drunk the step-kids tolerated and sort of liked. I was becoming a man for the first time.

I came home to my lonely Portland, Oregon, apartment one afternoon to find Dr. James Dobson starting a lecture called “Where’s Dad” on secular television. Talk about a divine appointment! Over the next half hour he laid out the fundamental principles of biblical masculinity so clearly that I found myself at the edge of my seat exclaiming “yeah, yeah!” as he dismantled, one by one, all the precepts of feminism I had been indoctrinated in. Thirty minutes later I was a totally changed man (and years later got to share this story personally with Dr. Dobson when we were both speakers at a conference in D.C.).

Now, my wife, a former Vassar girl with a masters in anthropology from the University of Chicago, was about as feminist as a woman can be who still prefers men. But, again, just days later by divine intervention, God broke her independence and both of our hearts as we stood helpless together looking through hospital glass at our infant son strapped to a gurney in ICU over multiple grand mal seizures triggered by an ear infection. God melted us back together in that moment, and we’ve had an exemplary Christian marriage ever since. We’ve both changed a lot over those years by following the biblical model.

In my next article, I will focus on the solutions to the problem I outlined here, but I wanted to first establish my credentials to speak on this topic both intellectually and personally.

Civilizationally speaking, goodwill toward men (mankind) starts with honoring the dominant role of men (males), the chief model for all being the man-in-infant-form Jesus whom the shepherds longed to see.

Updating an Ancient Hard Edged Hymn

Updating an Ancient Hard Edged Hymn, 12/15/2023

In 1542, Martin Luther published his classic hymn “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word,” the original version of which began

“Lord, keep us in thy Word and work,
Restrain the murderous Pope and Turk,
Who fain would tear from off thy throne
Christ Jesus, thy beloved Son.”

He penned these words in 1541 in response to a call to prayer by church leaders over the then imminent Muslim invasion of Vienna, the culmination of a dozen years of steady Islamic conquest of Christian lands and forces. After that particular threat subsided he edited the verse to broadened its reach:

“Lord, keep us in thy Word and work,
Curb those who by deceit or sword
Would wrest the kingdom from your Son
And bring to naught all He has done.”

Most Americans don’t know that Martin Luther was such a huge figure in Danish history that the Constitution of Denmark had, until recently, required all Danish laws to comport with Lutheranism, its state religion. I only learned this fact during a seminal battle against today’s greatest threat to Christendom: LGBTism.

A few years ago I was asked to hold a Bible conference in Bournemouth England where by divine appointment I met the inimitable Pastor Jonny Noor and and a Danish countryman who had joined him in partnership to defend their nation after Jonny’s Christian radio broadcast (from his home in the Negev Desert in Israel) condemned the then-recent “legalization” of “gay marriage” in Denmark. A trio of morally corrupt government officials, led by Govt. Minister Manu Sareen, had ramrodded “gay marriage” into law in typical lawless fashion, blatantly violating Section Four of the Danish constitution.

Greatly distraught, and burdened by the pessimism of several lawyers who predicted that overturning “gay marriage” by appeal to the constitution would be nearly impossible, these two Christian soldiers were brought to my Bible conference by a British Christian activist who had met them in Germany, where they were traveling as pilgrims seeking the Lord’s guidance. We enjoyed several days of anointed Holy-Spirit enrichment and excellent fellowship, including strategic brainstorming about the way forward. This included the input of one of the top international law attorneys of England and other sharp Christian minds. But, of course, it was to no avail – the LGBT’s conquered the Danish government like the Muslim’s conquered Constantinople and immediately began crushing all internal dissent, while marching on to their next target, Finland.

The first of the state churches to fall to the “Gays” was the Anglican Church of England, whose stand for biblical morality had been strongly bolstered by the cornerstone of modern human rights jurisprudence, the Magna Carta. The first demand of that incredible document (a copy of the original I personally viewed at Salisbury Cathedral) states in pertinent part: “the English Church shall be free.” That juridical foundation-stone served as a bulwark against all threats to the biblical worldview in English law for eight centuries until the rise of so-called “Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) erupted like oozing sores on the British body politic, somehow trumping biblical morality.

I played a small part in that battle, as well, by divine appointment spending a night with my family at the home of David Anderson in Edenborough, Scotland on the very weekend he was tasked with writing a policy paper against the repeal of Paragraph 28 banning the promotion of LGBT issues to schoolchildren in the UK. We only met David, who happened to be the head of the Scottish Evangelical Alliance, because we stopped to chat with one of his church members that day who was passing out gospel tracts downtown. That parishioner then, impromptu, arranged for our stay at Dr. Anderson’s home. That very night we hammered out a great policy paper. But, again, using political dirty tricks, the LGBTs prevailed over the Christians in the British Parliament on that issue, striking down Paragraph 28, leading directly to today’s horrific pandemic of sexual deviance among UK schoolchildren.

Similarly, the first demand, nay, MANDATE upon government of our Bill of Rights to the US Constitution was “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” It was proposed and passed by the very men who were printing and distributing Bibles as school books on behalf of the government, funded by the treasury. I’ve written extensively on this theme And yet, with no legal grounding in four thousand years of jurisprudence globally, having merely been DEEMED a category of human rights by the wishful proclamation of special interest groups in the 20th Century, the First Amendment fell to the “Gays” as easily as the Magna Carta had done. America’s natural family and marriage-based societal immune system collapsed and now our country is so morally disease-ridden and crawling with parasites of every kind we may not survive.

As the Bible warns Psalm 12:8: “The wicked prowl on every side when vileness is exalted among the sons of men.”

In 1542, Martin Luther specifically named the human foes of Christendom to give believers a specific target for their prayers. When those prayers were answered, he changed the target to include any other threats that might arise. I think it is time to update Luther’s hymn to again specify the chief enemy of the church. That enemy is the LGBT “movement” which is in reality an army of conquest. Just like the Islamists they dream of global conquest, show no moral or ethical restraint in their wars of aggression, enslave and indoctrinate every person they conquer (and all their descendants from that moment forward), and after each victory re-purpose every institution, technology and asset into weapons of war against the next target. Exactly like the “Borg” of Star Trek but in real life.

So I offer the following two-stanza revision to update Luther’s ancient hymn.

Lord, keep us in thy Word and way,
Restrain the grasping Trans and Gays,
Who fain would steal our every lamb,
to blind them to the great “I AM.”

Aloft our spires restore the cross, redeem for us the souls we’ve lost, cast down the sullied rainbow flag, that mark of Babylon’s leprous hag.

To end on a more positive note, I’ll close with this link to one of the fruits of my partnership with Jonny Noor – the music video titled The Rainbow Belongs to God.”

The People of the Book vs Transhumanism

The People of the Book vs Transhumanism, 12/2/2023

I’ve had harsh words for the Islamists in recent articles relative to their attempted re-conquest of Israel through terror and international cultural pressure, but I’ve not changed my missionary heart toward the Muslim people on a case by case basis, and I think there are opportunities for evangelism through cooperation against the great, emerging common threat of transhumanism.

The “people of the book” is a phrase used in Islam to acknowledge the common roots of Muslims, Jews and Christians as a basis for cooperation. The best example of that doctrine in practice was in the “Golden Age” of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain), when there was (especially from the Jewish perspective) intermittent relative harmony under Muslim rule for several centuries. A modern example of the doctrine is President Trump’s Abraham Accords. Cooperation IS possible as I can personally attest, and may soon be necessary in the face of rising transhumanist villainage.

Before the plandemic I was developing a side-ministry called the Bible Study Cruise Network for holding nondenominational daily Bible studies on the largely unworked mission field of cruise ships. (Remember, Christ’s Great Commission says to “Go ye into ALL the world” – not just the slums.) On a 2017 cruise from to Sydney to Singapore we made a stop on the island of Java, where Anne and I very much wanted to see the world wonder called Borobodur – an ancient Buddhist temple complex carved out of the jungle after being lost and hidden in a gorgeous remote valley for a thousand years. Unfortunately, the ship’s cost for getting there was prohibitive and so we set out on foot to seek our own alternate adventure locally.

Intimidated by the dangerous-looking neighborhood just past the port entrance, however, we turned back, but were stopped by the police/military squad guarding the gate. The Sargent of the trio grilled us about our intentions, and upon learning that we were thwarted in our desire to visit Borobodur, abruptly said “Wait right here, I’ll take you myself.” He then handed his rifle and bandoleer to his subordinates, got his car, and took us on a long and wild ride through the lawless jungle roadways of Java — to and through the gate of the Borobodur complex, using his authority to get us VIP treatment. Along the way we had a wonderful discussion of theology. Even though he was a strict Wahhabi Muslim he gushed eloquently about the common grounds for harmony among Muslims and Christians. But then, with remarkable vehemence, he looked me straight in the eye, and said “But NOT the Jews.”

Being by then miles from port in third-world conditions and completely dependent upon this man for our safety, I held my peace and deflected to another topic, remarking on how amazing it was for a devout Muslim to be helping devout Christians to visit a Buddhist holy site. We further explored the topic of universal values rooted in God’s natural order, and became email friends for a year or so before losing touch.

I was well prepared for that conversation because only the year prior, I had been asked to travel to Muslim Kyrgyzstan to help pass protection for natural marriage in the national constitution. I learned only on our ride from the airport to the guesthouse that our host was not a Russian Orthodox Christian, as I believed, but a Muslim. My mind instantly flashed back to articles I had published in the previous years strongly critical of Islam and wondered if we would survive the trip. But our host was a thoroughly gracious man whose behavior would have made me assume he was Christian if he hadn’t said otherwise. Long story short, the amendment passed and I invited him to co-publish from Bishkek my precis on universal values titled the Declaration of the Natural Life Movement. We have been friends by email ever since and plan some day to attend the Nomad Games together (Central Asia’s version of the Olympics).

After returning from Bishkek, I bought a copy of “The Quran: With References to the Bible” jointly published by Christians wanting to facilitate a more objective approach on cross-creedal issues, and I began promoting the idea of Christian/Jewish/Muslim cooperation against what I now summarize as the “transhumanist agenda.” I argue that’s the next, rapidly developing, phase of the LGBT culture war which will dominate after “transgenderism” breaks the world’s children free from their natural moorings to the natural order of sex and family.

However, pushback against my cooperation-with-Muslims effort was very strong by some Christians in my support base. I realized I was still far ahead of the curve on transhumanism and moved that effort to the back burner, reintroducing it slowly as events made it more understandable to people. It’s not that I disagreed with their genuine concerns about Islam and Muslims, but I knew they had not yet perceived the true threat of transhumanism which makes those religious differences (politically, not theologically) less important in the big picture. It’s ideologically akin to leftists on the “nutty-crunchy” environmentalist side of the Progressive spectrum only awakening to the importance of conserving the natural family when they finally recognize the family as the “human eco-system” being destroyed before their eyes. Once they see the issue as a question of “natural vs artificial” rather than “left vs right” they become reachable. In both cases it takes time and a climate in which the ever worsening consequences of “progress” force reasonable people to rethink their views.

This morning I woke with the intention of writing an article on the imminent explosive rise of robots as a component of the transhumanist agenda and assumed I’d be breaking new ground with it. However, the first item of interest I found in my email as I sipped my coffee was a link to a Leo Hohmann article on Substack: “Invasion of the humanoids: No, this is not science fiction!” making the same points I intended to make. As I wrote in an email to him, “If I weren’t familiar with the working of the Holy Spirit in the realm of dreams and visions I’d think this ‘coincidence’ uncanny.”

The big takeaway I offer my readers from this is that massive changes loom on the horizon equivalent in their cultural impact on civilization to the industrial revolution or the invention of the Internet. But in practical terms this leap will be much bigger in consequence because it poses an existential threat to the meaning of being human, and the very real prospect, perhaps even the inevitability, of humanity being usurped by transhumanist creations that will (by 2030 according to Musk, Netanyahu and the head of OpenAI ) pass beyond our ability to control. It represents the end of God’s rule over man and the beginning of Man’s rule over God – or so it is imagined in the delusional minds of the transhumanists.

For those with a biblical worldview, it is the rise of the “Beast.” The “Created Thing.” And for all the “people of the book” it represents a threat so dangerous and so contrary to the several fundamental values we share, we should stand against it TOGETHER.

Jews vs Jihad Janissaries

Jews vs Jihad Janissaries, 11/24/2023

In early March of 2022, about one week into the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine, I published an article titled Human Shields and Swords in Ukraine and America. The main thrust of the piece was a comparison of Ukraine’s use of human shields (and swords) in the first days of the Russian SMO with the Marxist’s use of LGBT-groomed children as human shields (and swords) in the American culture war. Presciently, however, the article cited the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as the supreme model for how human-shield operations function best. I wrote:

“Sometimes the ‘defenders’ behind the human shields are actually the aggressors, such as the Muslim rocket squads in the Gaza Strip and West Bank who operate from schools, hospitals and apartment buildings. Or the ‘defenders’ who retreat to a position behind civilians after offensive actions, kinetic or political, including war posturing (such as openly working to put nuclear weapons on your enemy’s borders). Either way, the civilians are human shields.

“Perhaps most evil is the offensive deployment of human ‘shields’ as ‘human swords.’ Again, the Muslim world offers the best examples. Muslim warlords didn’t just use their own civilians as human shields, they created entire slave-armies of captured enemy soldiers and civilians and used them as human swords in the front ranks of all their battles, so that defenders would need to kill their own countrymen to defend themselves.

Even worse, they both stole boy children and demanded boys as a form of tribute, whom they cruelly broke psychologically through sodomy and torture, and then trained as willing slave-warriors. History’s most famous proof of this is the case of Vlad the Impaler (mythologized as ‘Count Dracula’) – given in tribute as a boy to the Ottoman Turks. Vlad witnessed their use of impalement torture, then escaped to later lead counter warfare against the Muslims in which he used the mass impalement of thousands of captured Muslim troops to demoralize and successfully turn back an invasion.”

The use of slave armies by the Muslims throughout history has been carefully documented by Daniel Pipes in his scholarly book, Slave Soldiers and Islam, whose thesis he frames in the title of his article “Military Slaves: a Uniquely Muslim Phenomenon.”

My own WND article of November 9, 2023, Why the Palestinians refuse to civilize, alluded to this phenomenon and showed how it had been adapted wholecloth and perfected by the Cultural Marxists who now employ it globally as a perspective and practice I call “Oppression Theology.” From the outside, the world now perceives all current events as stories of victims and victimizers in which the “oppressed” are justified in whatever revenge they choose to take against their “oppressors.” But in the behind-the-scenes, big-picture overview it’s the just the modern elites creating slave armies to fight their battles like the Muslim warlords of old once did (and how the Hamas handlers do today in “Palestine.”)

This is why the parallels between Hamas-controlled Gaza and Zelinsky/Azov-controlled Ukraine are so striking (for those capable of seeing past the official narratives of the corporate media). In these conflicts it is Russia and Israel that are painted as aggressors in the official war propaganda, even though both are responding to very long-term provocation and aggression that escalated suddenly as a trigger to war. Or perhaps it is better to say – “were escalated suddenly” – to emphasize the intentional workings of the puppet-masters’ hidden hand. And it is the Ukrainians and “Palestinians” who have consistently played the victim card while intentionally using civilians as human shields while hard-spinning every civilian casualty as “murder” and/or “genocide.”

The most famous of the many Muslim slave armies were the Janissaries (from whom “Vlad the Impaler” escaped), established by the Ottoman Turks who ruled the last Muslim Caliphate (global Islamic government to which all Muslims must submit), which (King of the North?) Turkish President Erdogen longs to restore. and trending geopolitics makes more likely.

As I frequently remind my readers, it was only just over a century ago that the British Empire liberated the Holy Land from the Turks and gave it back to the Jews (to whom God granted it as a perpetual covenant.

While the flaws of the “Anglo-Zionists” are many, their best contribution to modern civilization may well be the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire and subsequent division of the Muslims into opposing factions – the key to which has been maintaining Jerusalem in the hands of the Jews. For while, yes, Jew hatred is a major unifying factor in Islam, their greater interest as religio-military factions is power and control. What has kept them divided is competition for the top seat in the Muslim hierarchy when it finally reconstitutes under the next Caliph – the literal heir in Islamic doctrine of Mohammed himself whom none can disobey.

Here is the operational bottom line in today’s geopolitical equation: whomever retakes Israel into Muslim hands and holds it is very likely to be the next Caliph. And since there is no higher goal in Islam than global conquest for Allah, is there anything true-believer Muslims wouldn’t sacrifice to attain it – including martyrdom as “civilian refugees” posing as human shields to win the cultural victory as the world’s greatest “victim class?” And thus fatally weaken Israel among its narrative-susceptible American backers. That’s why I call the Gazan population “Jihad Janissaries”: a mix of religiously fanatical willing martyrs and submissive slaves with no other choice.

The idea of a revived Muslim Caliphate hell-bent on global conquest may seem absurd to many readers of this article but only because the average westerner has lived so long under US/UK/NATO hegemony and its pursuit of a secular humanist global order that we assume it’s the permanent norm. We think that even if we don’t reverse the grotesque moral decay our Secular Humanist elites have produced we’ll still plug along under watered-down or Marxist-flavored Judeo-Christian rules.

But all over the globe Muslim fanatics are drooling over the prospect of regaining power – while President Putin in Orthodox Christian Russia plays the dangerous game of empowering them as a weapon against NATO, which in turn will not back down from its plan to break-down and Balkanize the Russian Federation (an existential threat). What could go wrong?

Anyone who opposes the idea of living under Muslim rule is an utter fool for backing the “Palestinian cause.” To misquote Voltaire, and perhaps explain Revelation 6:9 and 20:4, “those who fail to learn from history may be doomed to beheading.”

Oppression Theology and “Black Privilege.”

Oppression Theology and ‘Black Privilege,’ 11/20/2023

In my last column, Why the Palestinians Refuse to Civilize, I put the Israel/Hamas conflict in its proper perspective as the inevitable fruit of cultural Marxism’s division of all humanity into oppressors and the oppressed, with the Palestinians achieving the collective status of “most oppressed” after decades of painful and careful cultivation of that image, and, thus far, winning the all-important propaganda war among the brainwashed American policy-setters with its grand prize of the right to punish and plunder their “oppressors” without limit. Today I am coining the term “Oppression Theology” to define this phenomenon more precisely as as form of Secular Humanist religious dogma and show how it functions domestically.

Yesterday here in Memphis my day started with breaking news – delivered right to my cell phone in the form of a “bolo” emergency alert – that an armed and very dangerous mass murderer was on a rampage, with three killing sites already behind him. We later learned that it was a family affair, and the multiple victims were the man’s relatives by blood and marriage. He was an African-American man, as are (vastly disproportional to their numbers as a minority) a high plurality if not strictly the majority of excessively violent criminals in Memphis and frankly all the deep blue cities. It’s strictly verboten to point this out, but we all know it’s true.

The problem with inner-city African Americans isn’t the “African” part as so many racist-types insist, but the “American” part, because America’s Africans have been stewed and steeped in the “victim/plunder” marinade of Cultural Marxist “Oppression Theology” more than any other faction of our “multi-cultural” society. (After multiple African missions I know the African-Africans are not naturally like that.) The poisonous “critical race theory” being forced upon America’s schoolchildren emphasizes a “white privilege” narrative painting all whites as inherently oppressive regardless of their overt actions, and paints all blacks as inherently oppressed regardless of their personal successes.

This has, of course, created a de-facto victim-based “black privilege” in our society – including both 1) the right to plunder the assets of the oppressors in the form of presumed eventual high dollar reparations (with increasingly widespread shoplifting and looting considered by many just a deserved advance against future payments) and 2) the right to disregard any aspects of the law and customs of the oppressor’s society with impunity (including most obviously here in Memphis the traffic laws). These problems are compounded wherever the Soros machine has installed its agents in the criminal justice system: “justice” is simply redefined to serve the social goals of “oppression theology” which means no prosecution, no punishment, and, sadly, no protection for black neighborhoods from home-grown thuggery.

Back in my days as State Communications Director for the Oregon Citizens Alliance, I did several Manhattan-based daytime TV talk shows, including Montel Williams,’ to share my conservative views. One time I was asked to come and address “affirmative action” and didn’t realize I’d been set up until the curtain began to rise and the floor monitor displayed the title of the segment: “White Men on the Edge.” The audience was, of course, all black and primed for rage, but I nonetheless put on a knowing smile and shared that affirmative action is bad policy because it is counter-productive – breeding resentment against blacks because of favoritism. Nobody likes line-cutters! (And that goes double for border-jumping “immigrants.”)

But, of course, that’s the real point of victim-plunder ideology – to breed resentment, create social chaos and break America down.

The next most victimization-empowered class of Americans are the “gays” whose spokesman “Michael Swift” explained the victim-plunder mentality most eloquently in his classic essay The Gay Revolutionary (which Congressman Bill Dannemeyer read into the Congressional Record back in 1987.)

“This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor. We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses…Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding….The family unit – spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence–will be abolished….All churches who condemn us will be closed.”

There are an additional 15 paragraphs here if you have the stomach for it, ending with this: “We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution. Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.” This essay was called “satire” at the time but history proves it was deadly serious – a blueprint even for “gay” victim/plunderers. [Emphasis added]

Black Lives Matter is a joint venture of elite-controlled blacks and “gays,” run by a pair of black openly Marxist lesbians. As I’ve always said “ the lives of black people matter very much but ‘Black Lives Matter’ is an evil Marxist cult whose far left agenda destroys Black families and their neighborhoods.”

Importantly, all these victim/plunder armies are tools controlled by a globalist social-engineering elite with a heavy emphasis on breaking stalwartly self-reliant Judeo-Christian America as the necessary prerequisite to global Marxist government. I was onto BLM as an agent provocateur in this plan all the way back in 2014 as I explained in my article “Bad Moon on the Rise: Bill Cosby, Ferguson and Obama” I bolstered my case in “The Cosby Conspiracy” in 2021 with additional evidence

Look around, America. What is the common denominator on display among all these forces breaking America down? It is, as Swift admitted: “The ferocious bitterness of the oppressed” – the fruit of Cultural Marxist religious fanaticism. We must accept this is spiritual warfare and act accordingly.

The Cult of Anti-Zionism

The Cult of Anti-Zionism, 11/12/2023

In my prior column I promised to explain my phrase “the Cult of Anti-Zionism.”

According to Google Summarizer a cult is “a social group with socially deviant or novel religious, philosophical or spiritual beliefs and practices.” By that definition, I call “cult” on the growing hodgepodge of fringe-faction post-millennial Christians, Muslims, Marxists and a sliver of ultra-ultra Orthodox Jews who share the viewpoint that “Zionism” is the main source of political and cultural evil in the modern world and that all its members are not actually Jews but a network of “Khazarian Mafia” families bent on world domination. Typical of their mindset is this comment I got this week in my email: “Zionists are fake Hebrews. Let God sort It out. Satanist’s baby eaters are not Included. I will not support them or their Lackies in the fake church.” Apparently, I am the “lackie in the fake church” to whom she was referring.

To be clear, I do not consider myself a “Christian Zionist” which is a highly politically loaded term that means different things to different people. I prefer the term Millennialist, which better reflects the common doctrine Christians and Jews shared about the restoration of the TWO Hebrew houses (Israel and Judah) to the Holy Land during the nearly five centuries in which the Christian Hebraic Movement cooperated with Millennialist Jews in Great Britain and Holland. Their partnership under the banner of Zionism (the still future “two-stick” homecoming to Israel per Ezekiel 37) included the pro-active Christian repatriation and resettlement of Jews in the Holy Land through most of the 1800s, but ended abruptly in 1897 with the formal establishment of “Zionism” (in actuality Neo-Zionism) as an exclusively Jewish nationalist political movement. Exactly twenty years later the British liberated the Holy Land from the Turks and gave it to the Neo-Zionists, rather than to the partnership of Christian and Jewish Millennialists who had made it possible.

That having been said, I strongly support the restored nation of Israel as a fulfilment of biblical prophecy, even as I strenuously object to the influence of the super-rich functionally Marxist, anti-Torah Jews who have tried to recreate the Jewish homeland culturally as as mini-America – complete with LGBT supremacy and an abortuary in every neighborhood. I love Israel like I love America – the way one loves a dear relative who has fallen into the clutches of a religious cult — by which I mean in this case the cult of Secular Humanism (the religious form of Marxism that denies it is a religion).

Ironically, many Christians who have embraced Anti-Zionism have done so because they conflate Zionism with Secular Humanism and thus decide that Zionist Jews are not true Jews. That’s not such a big leap of logic considering just how many very powerful fake Jews we have in America and their obvious inordinate influence both here and in Israel. But just as Christianity is plagued with “tares” among the “wheat” (Matthew 13:24-29), Judaism has (per Jeremiah 24) its “bad figs” amidst the “good figs.” The Apostle Paul addressed this topic directly in his treatise on Christian attitudes toward the Jews in Romans 11:

“God did not reject His people, whom He foreknew. Do you not know what the Scripture says about Elijah, how he appealed to God against Israel: ‘Lord, they have killed Your prophets and torn down Your altars. I am the only one left, and they are seeking my life as well?’And what was the divine reply to him? ‘I have reserved for Myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.’ ”

As is within our right, we Christians appropriate this passage frequently, forgetting this was originally given to the Hebrews and that our claim to it is only by virtue of being “grafted in” (Romans 11:17-18). Paul firmly rebukes those who ignore this truth, saying “Now if some branches have been broken off, and you, a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others to share in the nourishment of the olive root, do not boast over those branches. If you do, remember this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you.” Importantly, he said this specifically of Jews who had not yet accepted Christ, and will not do so collectively until His second coming (Romans 11:19-30).

So both by biblical logic (and by direct observation by honest Christians like myself) there are many genuine Hebrews – as measured by faithfulness to Torah – among the “Zionists.” What standard then are we bound to judge the entire group by? Does a majority of “tares” or “bad figs” in any congregation condemn the entire body? Clearly not according to Paul. And not according to God, certainly, who was pressed by Abraham to define just how many righteous men were needed to spare even Sodom from His wrath and settled on the number 10. I am NOT granting by this line of reasoning the idea that a majority of Zionists are “bad figs,” just showing that even if they were, it doesn’t change our Christian duty of fairness toward each person as an individual.

The term “Khazarian Mafia” has recently become popular in the debate over Zionism on the Anti-Zionist side. As I explained to a Jewish friend who complained about my citing the term in a past article:

“I actually see the emergence of the “Khazarian mafia” rhetoric as a positive step because of its logical implications. Yes, its the same old batch of Jew haters who espouse it, but the rhetoric itself departs from targeting “the Jews” as a single monolithic body and instead targets non-Hebrew Jews who lack a legitimate ethnicity-based claim to the covenant God made with the patriarchs. That’s a huge concession and a backhanded affirmation of the legitimacy of the special status of those with true Hebrew ancestry and Torah-grounded theology.

More importantly it begs the question why the ethnic Khazarians claim Jewishness. That necessitates a discussion of the actual basis for the special status which is not primarily racial but theological, a proper understanding of which redeems Yahweh-worshiping “Khazarians” as true Jews (as I did in my article) and, prima facia, exposes ALL Yahweh-rejecting non-Hebrews as fake Jews. That’s both a victory for the biblical worldview and a powerful challenge to the authentic Jewish community to stop protecting and therefore identifying themselves with the anti-Torah civilization-destroyers [bad figs] in their midst who literally have no legitimate claim to Jewishness.”

Sadly, the breakout of war in Israel has escalated the crisis of Anti-Zionism in Christendom and complicated the pursuit of objective truth on all the related issues. War breeds jingoism (mindless hyper-partisanship) on both sides of any conflict, causing both sides to rigidly adopt slates of official positions regardless of their factual accuracy. Trying to point out mitigating factors in the spirit of a truth-loving mediator can get you painted as a traitor and shunned. I’m afraid we’re moving rapidly toward that in the ideological conflict about Zionism – but that will not change my position that truth is the only antidote to lies, and I will keep telling it, no matter the cost. Anti-Zionism IS a cult, rooted in heresy, and its growth in Christendom is harmful.

Why the Palestinians Refuse to Civilize

Why the Palestinians Refuse to Civilize, 11/8/2023

On my fourth trip to Israel I led a church tour group from Riverside, California – a two week tour timed to coincide with 10 Days of Awe, which starts with Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets) on the bibical calendar of Leviticus 23, and ends with Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Most of our daily excursions took us to places on the standard tourist list but on Yom Kippur I arranged an “off the grid” tour of the Kidron Valley with a Messianic Jewish guide with special expertise in Jerusalem history.

Even though the Kidron Valley runs directly between the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives – almost literally a stones throw from each other – it is a place almost completely wild compared to the carefully maintained tourist areas. The eastern hillside on the northern end of the valley has many ancient burial chambers just abandoned and neglected, with trees growing out through their openings, and on the valley floor was the half-eaten rotting carcass of a dead sheep and the older remains of other animals. An abandoned building that looked like it had once attempted to serve as a tourist attraction was the home of a pack of wild mongrel dogs, which were thankfully still only puppies.

But in the middle stretch of the hillside as we hiked south was a different pack of “predator puppies” – a group of pre-pubescent Palestinian boys who immediately began throwing stones at us from up the hill. Thankfully, they seemed more interested in impressing each other with their daring than in hurting us so their aim was poor and the force they used to lob their missiles rather weak. Still, our small group included several women, and there was no Israeli police presence virtually anywhere because it was a high holy day, so we just picked up our pace and prayed for God’s protection. When we reached the southern end of the valley, at the base of the City of David where Hezekiah’s water tunnel ends (a tourist attraction), we felt saver, even though the boys had followed us there on bicycles.

I put on a charm offensive with the obvious leader of the group, who spoke reasonably good English, and won him over. The group then accompanied us back up the valley on our return trip – mostly friendly (with a blustery edge) and overflowing with curious boy questions.

Muslims consider themselves People of the Book (the Bible) along with Jews and Christians, even though they follow the Quran and “The Life of Mohammed” as their religious guides – linking themselves to the Bible through Abraham’s son Ishmael, whom they portray as the favored son and heir rather than Isaac. That’s a major doctrinal chasm coloring virtually every aspect of civilization arising after Genesis 17. We three groups (to the extent we actually follow the Bible) have very strong agreement on Creation, the natural family, the special status of the Abramic bloodlines and other foundational values, but on a great many issues covered by Genesis 18-Revelation 22 there is variance and tension.

This is a problem because in Genesis 16: 12, the Angel of the Lord warned Abraham that soon to be born Ishmael “will be a wild donkey of a man, and his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand against him; he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” Islam is the religious embodiment of the seed of Ishmael, birthed from the lifetime of military conquest of its prophet Mohammed as chronicled in his biography which in some ways carries more weight than the Quran – the book of doctrines – itself.

During its first century, Islam was actually considered a sect of Christianity, but that soon morphed into the hostile rivalry that has ever since characterized it. The history of the world since then is a chronicle, first of the wars of conquest waged westward against Christendom by the Muslims, then of the eastward multi-century Christian military counter-campaign, and then, roughly since the rise of the British Empire, the attempted containment of Islam in the lands of the east.

Throughout it all the most contested territory has always been Israel which has repeatedly changed hands among “the People of the Book” like the most coveted toy of three fighting brothers. Most of the time it has been held by the militarily stronger brothers, Islam and Christianity, but during the peak of its global power, when also the crypto-doctrine of British Israelism dominated its elites, the British Empire decided to give the Holy Land back to the Jews who had formed a nationalist Jewish movement which coopted the name Zionism in 1897 to facilitate their repatriation there. (For the prior four centuries Zionism had been a joint Christian Jewish movement centered on the shared doctrine of Millennialism, but after 1897 it was exclusively associated with Jewish nationalism in a restored Israel.)

In 1917, at the end of WWI, the Jews finally got hands-on control of Israel including West Jerusalem. At the end of WWII they formally established the secular State of Israel. In 1967 they got de-facto control of East Jerusalem and much of the covenant territory outlined in the Bible.

The Islamic people of the religion of military conquest have never accepted Jewish ownership of the Land God covenanted to them, but they have not had the strength to take it back because of the combined military might of the nationalist Jews and of the (still nominally) Christian Anglo-American alliance. So instead they have engaged in asymmetrical warfare in various forms including “intifadas” while at the same time waging much more consequential CULTURAL warfare, exploiting the weaknesses of the west against us – most especially those related to the disease of Marxism, and most particularly the powerhouse Marxist doctrine of “oppression.”

Under the doctrine of oppression the greatest evildoers are “oppressors” and the greatest good is “liberation of the oppressed from their oppressors.” The doctrine is so incredibly powerful in the Christian west because it appeals to the essential Christian virtue of protection of the weak, and thus it has allowed cynical western Marxists to usurp power, even to the point of now politically controlling both the US and UK, as well as the EU. It is also the perfect counter to traditional Jewish influence in the west, which has relied in large part on reminding Christians about their “oppression” of Jews over the centuries.

The key to cultural victory in the western world today is defining oneself as a victim and one’s opponent as a victimizer. And that in turn depends upon how good your propaganda is compared to your opponent. The Palestinians refuse to civilize, despite billions of dollars of assistance, because Muslim military strategist have cultivated them since the 1940s to become the world’s ultimate victim class in the eyes of the west – even to the point that they could get away with justifying their October 7th massacre as “pushback against oppression” – just like the Black Lives Matter terrorists of 2020 – and be fully backed in that irrational contention by huge numbers of Americans (especially youths), even at Jewish-funded Harvard University.

Unfortunately, because they have (with few exceptions – please excuse the profanity) refused to distance themselves from actual oppressors like the many fake Jews backing such atrocities as the LGBT campaigns to enslave our children, the pro-Israel lobby throughout the west has lost its edge on the scale of “oppressor/oppressed” and at the same time alienated an increasing number of Christians who are being sucked into what I call the Cult of Anti-Zionism. I’ll address that phenomenon and how I think all this will play out in my next article.

Vladimir Putin’s Dangerous Game

Vladimir Putin’s Dangerous Game. 11/1/2023

I have never been afraid to show my respect for Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom I believe is the most competent, effective and law abiding head of state on the five member UN Security Council. I’ve weighed and rejected the various claims made against him over the past twenty years as fairly obvious war propaganda, and have admired his calm and measured prosecution of the current war in Ukraine that NATO forced upon him. His leadership in preserving and promoting true marriage, the natural family and gender normalcy against the LGBT global war-of-conquest is the unrivaled model for the world and the only real hope for a rollback of that truly satanic and literally existential threat to humanity. If Russia falls to that agenda, the entire world will drown in its own moral sewage just like America’s groomer-targeted schoolchildren in the deep blue cities are doing. All our other disputes will be moot because we will have lost the favor of God.

As someone who has done missionary work in Ukraine and worked shoulder to shoulder with Ukrainian Christian co-workers around the world in the culture war battles against the LGBT agenda, I deeply deplore the staggering human losses that the poor Ukrainian people have suffered in their tragic role as cannon fodder proxies for the US/UK aggressors. But the blame for that falls squarely on those who orchestrated the very long campaign of encroachments and provocations against Russia, repeatedly broke negotiated settlements such as the Minsk accords, and deliberately sabotaged the French and German brokered peace agreement of March 2023 (and Nordstream 2). High on the American segment of that list of evil elites are Obama, the Clintons, the entire inner circle of the present Obiden administration and their many allies in the “controlled opposition” wing of the GOP.

That having been said, I remain a stalwart American loyalist of the Constitutional Republic bequeathed to us by our Founders, large remnants of which survived the Marxist coup of 2020 and could be the core of a restored republic during a second Trump term (something I strongly hope will happen). And I am also an unwavering supporter of the Bible-based legal right of Israel to possess the Holy Land despite its own infestation with US and EU-backed evil leftist elites pushing civilization-eroding Marxist agendas.

Vladimir Putin’s dangerous game – perhaps more accurately characterized as a tightrope walk over the pit of hell – is his attempt to balance the realpolitik variables of geopolitics vis-a-vis the BRICS alliance/NATO showdown while managing the risks of overly empowering his Islamic political and military allies. As an heir to the Christian Byzantine Empire whose wondrous capital Constantinople (now Istanbul) was wrested from them by Muslim warlords centuries ago, today’s newly revived Russian Orthodox Empire should know better than most the consequences of underestimating Mohammed’s religion-of-conquest, literally founded on militarism.

It was Trump, not Putin, who first upset the (“divide and conquer”- motivated) balance of Middle East powers (so carefully created and maintained by the British since WWI) with his Abraham Accords (something I largely supported). But the unintended consequence of that peace-effort was to unite the religious fanatics of the entire Muslim world against the “sacrilege” of recognizing Israel’s right to exist, which sudden “harmony” Putin has exploited to pull the former Islamic rivals away from the US and into his political orbit.

Indeed, an argument could be made that one of the several reasons the globalists unleashed Hamas on Judah (per my personal conspiracy theory) was to force Putin into the near-impossible position of trying to preserve his long-cultivated good relations with Israel while not alienating his Muslim allies. The recent story of Muslims hunting down Jews in a Russian airport highlights the thorniness of the problem Putin now faces.

Compounding the complications is the escalating conflict in the US/Russia proxy-war theater of Syria, which pre-dates the Ukraine war. Israeli officials are now issuing thinly veiled threats to assassinate Syrian President Assad, a close Putin ally, as a massive buildup of combat-ready US military forces accumulate in the eastern Mediterranean, angry with the sting of defeat in Ukraine. Looming huge in the wings is Turkey, which has just issued its own threat to Israel that should it choose to do so it could send massive forces of its own to Gaza “overnight.”

Should there be a restored Califate (a single Islamic governing authority uniting all Muslims) it is Turkey that dreams about and claims the natural right to form it (re-form it) as a Neo-Ottoman Empire. Other powers might disagree, but that is now a conversation about possibilities made plausible by current events, as is Christian discussion of the “Gog and Magog” war of biblical eschatology in which either Russian or Turkey hold the role of mastermind in rival theories of whom the “king of the north” may be in that prophecy.

It is in the very nature of geopolitics for rival Empires to form alliances with otherwise incompatible nations with their own regional rivalries — and for all parties to downplay their own hypocrisies while highlighting those of their opponent. The whitewashing of our US alliance with Sunni Saudi Arabia is a case in point relative to the Russian alliance with Shiite Iran. “Our Muslims are less a danger to the world than yours” is a mantra now ringing hollow for both sides as the Islamic factions all appear ready to coalesce into one furious swarm of hornets.

The US, whose formerly chiseled masculine face to the world in matters of war has been replaced by that of a effeminate transgender tattooed in rainbows, has lost much of its credibility with the Muslim world and may never get it back. But the face of Russia, Putin, has that world’s respect at this most critical juncture of history. I expect he will address the Muslims regarding the Israeli war with the same calm and measured style I mentioned above – staying neutral on Israel as Israel has stayed neutral in Ukraine – while being careful not to alienate those in his own coalition whose cooperation he must preserve.

It is and will remain a dangerous game – not a gamble, but a series of calculated “lesser of two evils” decisions very much like what Trump was forced to make during his presidency. Trump and Putin are both masters of that political game while both keep their eye on the prize of maximal national health and prosperity for their own people.

If by God’s mercy we avert the descent into the global collapse/reset I write so much about, and also restore Trump to the White House in 2024, I believe there is a very good chance Trump and Putin will together walk the world back from the brink of global Marxism, kill the “climate change” canard, restore traditional values, and establish a healthy balance of super-powers that will respect national sovereignty and sweep all the shattered pieces of the globalist one-world dictatorship into the dustbin of history. Admittedly that’s a Yuuge IF.

The Real War for Israel

The Real War for Israel 10/29/2023

It is often said that truth is the first casualty of war but that is a lie. Jesus is Himself the embodiment of truth (John 14:6) and He abides eternally as the Builder and Sustainer of all things in Creation (Colossians 1:15-17). He also promised and delivered the Holy Spirit to all Christians “to guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). His truth is the only thing that separates “the elect” from the rest of the world when the Great Deceiver begins his short reign upon the earth by the permissive will of God, it having been “given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority was given to him over every tribe, people, language, and nation” (Revelation 13:7). “If it were possible,” reads the key text of Mark 24:24, “even the elect would be deceived” by the signs and wonders the Antichrist will use to dazzle the eyes of the non-elect.

Who then are the “elect?” Logically, they must at minimum be those Christians who actively “abide in Christ” and are thus submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit, because no other source of information will be trustworthy once the Great Deceiver turns on his “signs and wonders” machinery. Remember that this broader period of time (which seems already to have begun) is traditionally called “the Age of Apostasy,” meaning a very great many people who have claimed the name of Christ will betray Him and defect to the Evil One, even before he emerges costumed as the “Angel of Light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).

And even before the signs and wonders begin “the mystery of lawlessness is already at work” (2 Thessalonians 2:7) and those with eyes to see can recognize it rising around us like insanity-inducing vapors from the steam vents of hell.

On this landscape shrouded in the roiling fog of war let us pull back the heavy curtains of war propaganda and seek to discern what is actually happening in Israel – because it is from the perspective of Israel that all prophecy was written and is properly considered.

The war today in Israel is not primarily Israel vs Hamas or Hezbollah, or Syria, or Iran or all of Islam. It is a civil war of Jews – the globalist Synagogue of Satan “Jews” of the United States vs the ultra-nationalist authentically Judean Jews who came to power in Israel last November for the very first time since the British repatriated the Jewish people in their ancestral, God-covenanted homeland in 1917. This new Jewish government represents primarily the Sephardic minority, descendants of Jewish “golden age” on the Iberian Peninsula whose ethnic claims to the Holy Land have never been contested – as opposed to the majority Askenazi Jews of largely Khazarian (non-Hebrew) ethnicity by way of Germany (where the literal Seat of Satan was reconstructed by the last Caesar of the Second Reich in the late 1800s and so very many modern evils originated).

To be clear, Khazarian heritage does not in itself disqualify any individual from membership in authentic Judaism because the Mosaic Law had always allowed for non-Hebrew conversions (Deuteronomy 23:1-8). But it is from this cohort of Jews that the evil branch of Torah-defying fake Jews has grown into a world-strangling vine heavily laden with the Grapes of Sodom: the George Soros and Paul Singer and Chuck Schumer types.

To understand what is happening in Israel we must step back to see the bigger picture of the entire world at war. In a very real sense WWIII began with the election of Barack Obama to the White House, whom many still recognize as a prime candidate for the final Antichrist even though he mostly lurks in the shadows at present. It was Obama who dramatically escalated the globalist campaign for world control – sponsoring along with “Pope” Francis the 2023 Agenda for Sustainable Development which is the final blueprint for achieving global government, and which the UN has ominously just pledged to complete in the seven remaining years – even while admitting they are behind schedule (consider the implications of THAT).

Obama’s election marked the beginning of a world-wide rebellion against globalism that has continuously grown larger and more powerful every year since. Here in the US it began with the Tea Party, which morphed into the MAGA movement, which is has become an unstoppable army of America First nationalists determined to restore Donald Trump to the presidency. In the UK it empowered Nigel Farage to deal a mortal blow to the globalist EU in the form of Brexit by a still mostly silent majority of patriots that has been smouldering with anger since the Plandemic and chaffing under containment (so far) by the world’s most advanced police state. In Russia it emboldened Vladimir Putin to finally push back against NATO nuclear encirclement by which the same globalists intended to subjugate the Russian Empire and force American “Democracy” (read LGBT supremacy and cultural Marxism) upon it. The BRICS alliance Russia leads is a coalition of otherwise incompatible nationalistic countries united primarily by a desire to break free of globalist control.

Finally, it provided an opportunity for the Jewish nationalists of Israel to take the government into their own hands. Here I see the clear hand of God at work because it was only possible due to Benjamin Netanyahu’s determination to stay in power. For the first time, he could not form a government without empowering the ultra-nationalists, which he did in spite of his opposition to their agenda. Netanyahu is himself a mixed bag – a globalist with conservative leanings, but God used him to bring the Temple Builders into power. That’s right, the ultra-nationalists are firmly Orthodox and they intend to build the Third Temple. They are “messianic” in the sense that they believe the Messiah’s (first) coming is imminent, and they have done virtually everything necessary short of sacrificing the red heifer to restore ancient Temple-centered Judaism in the Holy Land. The red heifer ceremony has apparently been planned for Passover season, 2024.

The loss of Israel to the nationalists was the ultimate nightmare scenario of the Synagogue of Satan globalist “Jews” who have since engaged in all-out political and judicial warfare to stop the them from reforming the leftist controlled Israeli judiciary (where the real power over policy is wielded, just as is true in the US). In the past month these globalist “Jews” seemingly lost that domestic Israeli battle, while at the same time realizing they have lost the Ukraine proxy war. Their time for desperate measures had come – and for that reason, I believe, THEY unleashed Hamas on Israel. (Netanyahu may or may not be complicit but its too soon to tell.) And when, not if, the true Jews build the Third Temple, these globalists will somehow wrest control of it from them and install their own man – Satan’s man – in that place.

So, yes, Israel clearly is in a multi-front war, but the central and most consequential front is the civil war the media is not covering.


For more analysis from this perspective read Scott Lively’s newest book “Dynasty of Darkness

Frankenstein Goes to Harvard

Mary Shelly’s immortal classic has become a real life morality tale to liberal Jews who created a monster they can’t control. I’m not talking about Hamas – at least not directly – but about Harvard University.

It’s late October and we’re again approaching that most hallowed of secular humanist holidays, Halloween, when the nation will be given over to a celebration of demons, dystopia and death – all dressed up like pigs in lipstick to make it fun for the kids. It began long ago as a form of push-back against the Roman Catholic church-created holiday, All Saints Day, when a very strict human-created moral code would clamp down on the Christian world like the torture implements of the Spanish Inquisition. All Hallows Eve, like it’s cousin Mardi Gras and distant relative, the Bachelor Party, were designed to celebrate one last night of “freedom” by indulging deeply in vice and sin before surrendering the next day to slavery. At least that’s how the world thinks of the Romanized church and its derivatives.

No groups had more to hate or fear from Roman Catholic tyranny in the middle ages than the Jews and Proto-Protestants who would team up in Holland and Great Britain in the 1500s on the common theme of Millennialism (belief in a future literal Jerusalem-based Millennial Kingdom ruled by the Messiah). They held this belief in common, in direct contradiction to the official Roman Catholic doctrine of Amillennialism (no Millennial Kingdom) – and for this they both suffered during the Inquisition. Their subsequent intermittent but continual cooperation and cross-pollination produced or at least facilitated the Protestant Revolution and the Hebraic Movement in Christendom, most easily recognized in the Judeo-Christian crypto-theology of “British-Israelism” which heavily influenced the British Empire for over four centuries, ending only after the British conquered the Turks and gave the Holy Land back to the Jews in the early 1900’s.

In parallel to that relatively healthy, God-honoring track of Messianic Judaism and Hebraic Christianity in all their myriad forms, a separate track of resistance to Roman Catholicism and its network of monarchies formed around “secularism” – also integrating Jews and Christians, but around a common atheism, producing Marxism, Secular Humanism and their many variations. This track was dominated more heavily by the Jews, whose misguided liberal views and attempts to fundamentally transform civilization to conform to them are the subject of this article. They are today reaping a whirlwind of their own making – a Frankenstein monster they brought to life with their own hands.

These Torah-defying liberal Jews’ road to this hell was admittedly paved with the very best of intentions but the most inverted and hubristic logical premises: they thought they knew better than God what’s best for humanity.

Let’s now shift our gaze to Harvard University, which like Stanford on the west coast has been among the most intensely coveted destinations for their own children. Stanford provided a foretaste of the current crisis earlier this year which I addressed in my article “Woke Fascism at Stanford Law” in mid-March.

Like in the Stanford case, I have personal knowledge of the matter at hand because I debated criminal justice reform at Harvard Law School as an Independent candidate for Governor of Massachusetts in 2014. The Democrat candidate was Attorney General Martha Coakley, who was running on that theme, but both she and GOP contender Charlie Baker (who won that election) boycotted the event because I was there. (If I remember right, Coakley popped in to make a brief statement to her base and then split but Baker was a total no-show.)

As you may know, I have enjoyed super-pariah status among the hard left since the late 1980s, and have the high honor of holding perhaps the longest continuous “Christian hate group” designation of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and so I am no by no means a stranger to leftist tantrums and disruption tactics. But my Harvard experience was unique. Even when I debated “gay marriage” at Berkeley (in 2004?) the ACLU moderator kept control and forced the crowd to be civil. At Harvard, the LGBT contingent that turned out to harass me was given carte-blanche to take over the room – with no meaningful pushback by weak-willed school officials running the event. I chronicled that here.

I knew then that Harvard was a lost cause.

The first article I read this morning with my coffee was “Wexner Foundation Cuts Ties With Harvard After ‘Dismal Failure’ To Condemn Hamas’ ” in the student newspaper The Harvard Crimson.” All the Harvard administrators faces should be crimson with shame that their cowardice in the face of Woke insanity has produced such a massive revolt among the core of its base. BUT, irony of ironies, it was primarily that base of liberal Jews who pushed that wokeness in the first place.

It is in the nature of liberals to mis-read reality whenever it conflicts with their narratives, so the collective pro-Israel left is likely to blame previously hidden “white supremacy” or a secret “right-wing” conspiracy for Harvard’s ideological civil war. But perhaps this time some might actually awaken to the fatal flaws in their woke agenda – because Harvard is just the flagship of a nationwide anti-Israel rebellion in American academia. Many college campuses – and even high schools – are metaphorically on fire like the streets of France are literally.

The greatest irony of all in this crisis, is that the major benefactor, when all is said and done, is likely to be Donald Trump – who has been Israel’s staunchest political ally and maintained the most immovable barrier to funding the Palestinian agenda of all the recent presidential administrations. Obiden’s crew was caught on its back foot, spewing pro-Palestinian platitudes when the Hamas terror crisis broke – and no amount of the coming major military pounding of Israel’s enemies will wipe away that memory in the minds of the Jews.

Shelly’s Frankenstein was a nightmarish morality tale about playing God. Let us pray that the liberal Jews awaken from their ideological stupor to recognize that they created the Harvard Frankenstein and all the other woke monsters now ravaging the countryside, and that they repent and seek the forgiveness of God, who alone has the power to fix what they broke, and to fix them.