If Scott Lively Were Governor Today
I ran for Governor of Massachusetts in 2018. If I had won, it would have been my responsibility to provide effective leadership during the Covid 19 outbreak. Following is the approach I would be taking. Some of this is obviously with benefit of hindsight, but most is just how my constitutionalist presuppositions and knowledge of geo-politics and the culture war would naturally play out.
First, because I assumed from the start that this crisis was being orchestrated to take down the Trump economy, I would have assembled a diverse brain-trust to “war-game” the likely scenarios regarding leftist strategies and tactics – and effective counter-measures – during the coming battle in my own state, and opened a dialogue with like-minded governors.
High on the priority list would be a) neutralizing the all-too predictable media fear-mongering and weaponization of the crisis for political gain through public-shaming on social media and in live demonstrations at media outlets, and b) bracing for economic shock waves which would be inevitable if this truly were the next campaign following the Russian Collusion Hoax and Impeachment Scam. These adversaries and powerful and they always punch hard: even though they can always eventually be beaten, they always do major damage first.
Second, I would NOT perpetuate the false notion that “it’s the government’s job to solve the problem” but would actively enlist the people in the battle from the start — in a sense deputizing whatever part of the population that would be willing to volunteer to fight the outbreak and giving them practical tasks to perform like sanitizing public spaces, monitoring elderly neighbors, and carrying a ready supply of face masks and fact sheets to give out to people with seasonal cold and flu symptoms. What we want are communities of self-reliant familes, not a population of serfs ruled by elite puppet-masters.
This is the opposite of the unconstitutional “lock down” strategy backed by police state surveillance and punishments.
This also means I would NOT look to the federal government as the all-powerful Nanny, but use the crisis to showcase my state-self-sufficiency model of government (that I campaigned on).
Third, I would closely monitor the data out of China and the earliest secondary infection sites regarding the nature of the disease and the most effective response mechanisms. Thus, I would have followed the highly successful South Korea and Taiwan models: targeting resources toward most-at-risk groups and most-likely-to-spread-disease activities (e.g., I would NEVER have approved Mardi Gras in New Orleans).
Early on we knew that the elderly were most severely impacted, so one of my first acts would be hardening nursing homes and retirement communities and ramping up preventative care measures. The next step would be travel restrictions and sheltering policies for the very elderly and those with serious health challenges.
Fourth, I would have hardened the entry points to my state and deny entry or quarantine anyone from known epicenters.
Fifth, knowing from the 2017/2018 flu season that hospital capacity and equipment was going to be a big issue, I would have given special focus on preparing additional beds and necessary resources in advance.
Sixth, as soon as the miracle drug hydroxychloroquine emerged, I would have quickly acquired and deployed it, not letting existing drug approval laws get in the way of treating the most severe cases with it. Frankly, if Democrat governors can suspend virtually the entire constitution to serve their fascist response model, I could suspend obstructionist drug policies, and would do without hesitancy for those likely to die under existing legal treatment options.
Seventh, and most importantly, I would have begun this campaign with a call for prayer and repentance, and urged the public to actively seek God’s intervention.
I would NOT ban church gatherings, but would recommend a quick shift to the Biblically superior small-group home-church model and convert the large church buildings and complexes into sanitary refuge centers for infected but asymptomatic persons.
Abortion Loving New York Reaps Chuck Schumer’s Whirlwind of Death
Dr. Lively argues that New York City is presently reaping the whirlwind that Brooklyn-based US Senator Chuck Schumer threatened against Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh just three weeks ago. Lively points out that under Biblical legal principles, the punishment for bearing false witness against another is to suffer the same legal consequences the crimes they falsely alleged. On March 4th Schumer promised they would reap a “whirlwind [so severe] … You won’t know what hit you.”
The crime at issue is the capital crime of murder — per the pro-abortion narrative that women will die if Roe v Wade is reversed. Because Schumer represents a political entity that recently passed an horrific new baby-killing law, God’s sentence would apply to those under that corrupt leadership. Dr. Lively laments that the people of New York must suffer the consequences of their rulers’ actions but predicts that when all is said and done, NYC will have the highest casualties of any city in America.
Dr. Lively made this video on March 27th but felt compelled to delay publishing it to his blog and email newsletter. Later that day he discovered the New York Times editorial calling for more abortions during the pandemic and knew that this fact needed to be included in the record.
He wanted also to include a caveat to his prediction about the Coronavirus death toll in New York City, to wit, New Orleans will be a close contender for most deadly consequences due to its role as host of the annual Mardi Gras celebration of debauchery, which became the epicenter of infections in the South.
Sexual perversion and child killing: the two categories of sin that God explained to the Hebrews in Leviticus 18 were His justification for His expulsion from the Holy Land of the Canaanites. They are represented today in America by New York City and New Orleans.
Even now, New Yorkers could be spared by repenting of their evil.
Scott Lively’s Three Critical Questions
Video Summary: Dr. Lively describes a dream in which he was about to be murdered in prison by a gang of hardened convicts and asked three very basic questions to those would-be killers that stopped them cold. He then applies the lessons from that dream to the current war of aggression by the global Marxist elites against this Constitutional Republic called America, which he asserts is the pinnacle of Judeo-Christian civilization. An article under the same title written after this video was filmed and containing additional information may be read at ScottLively.net
Article: When I was a fairly new Christian I had a short but very powerful dream. I was in jail, about to be killed by a gang of hardened convicts, and my only thought was how to convert them to God first. Then out of my mouth came three simple questions:
Is there a God?
What does He want?
What happens if you don’t do what He wants?
No deep theology. No details of the Gospel. Just a direct challenge to the most primal part of the human mind about actions, consequences and authority. I later recognized this as a practical application of Proverbs 1:7: “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
My ministry of common-sense preaching and teaching on current events, history and theology from a strong pro-Trump constitutionalist perspective attracts a lot of people who don’t like organized religion, or who believe in God but don’t “go to church.”
Believe me, I know exactly where you’re coming from, and I think there are major problems in modern Christianity across the entire denominational spectrum. In my perspective, man-created doctrines, rituals, and the “religious corporation” form and function of today’s church are far from the Biblical model. And on top of that, the services are often so BORING that the only people who can sit through them are those who equate personal suffering with spirituality.
Worship is not supposed to be like that. And Christianity is not supposed to be compartmentalized and separated from all the other spheres of life. The true Christian life is spiritually organic and experientially omni-faceted – meaning we are supposed to be “in the world” in every sense of the word, but not “of the world.”
All of my commentaries analyze issues from the Biblical worldview and usually from the nationalist geo-political worldview as well, because I believe that this Bible-based, non-sectarian but God-honoring Constitutional Republic called the United States of America is the pinnacle of human civilization – the model for the world – and that the current effort to destroy America is the outworking of the Satanic agenda in the form of an all-out Marxist war of aggression against us.
Never forget that their vision is a Godless Global Socialist Order in which we are all slaves to the state, not Creations of a loving God; and to achieve that goal they must convince Americans that our national motto — “In God We Trust” – is just empty words. Whose side are you on? Because there are only two in this war for all the marbles.
So I’m issuing a challenge to all the “non-religious” men and women who love America and hate Marxism to set aside all your bad experiences with “organized religion” and skeptical opinions from confusing clericalism and fake Christianity from the real thing to just answer the three questions for yourself.
Is there a God? Deep down you know there is, because the One who made you put His signature on your heart! Don’t confuse “admitting God exists” with agreement to any other doctrines.
What does He want? He wants you to find that out for yourself and not from false or inept teachers.
What happens if you don’t do what He wants? In this world you unintentionally give aid and comfort the the enemy, both foreign (Satan) and domestic (the global Marxist elites). And in the end, you have to spend eternity with them, instead of the rest of us who did what God wanted (to the best of our limited ability).
Pray for His direct guidance, my Friend, and read your Bible, starting with the Gospel of John all the way up to Revelation, then go back to Genesis 1:1 and read the whole thing through Revelation. If you have questions or want help working things out, I’m available at scottlivelyministries@gmail.com.
Scott Lively on Economic Collapse and Prophecy
Dr. Lively talks about the $2 Trillion Coronavirus Bailout, the globalists’ efforts to collapse the world economy, and the geopolitical and prophetic implications of both if the bailout isn’t enough to stop the global debt bubble from bursting before there is time to fix the economy through a shift to conservative fiscal policies and restoration of our manufacturing base during the second Trump term.
More Deadly Than Covid-19: Trump Derangement Syndrome
Every politically conscious person in America still capable of honesty must admit that the media response to the Coronavirus Pandemic would be far, far different under Barack Obama than it has been under Donald Trump. That’s not conjecture, because we saw a nearly identical scenario play out with our own eyes during the H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic of 2009.
For example, on April 29, 2009, CNN painted the public risk as vanishingly small: “An outbreak of swine flu that is suspected in more than 150 deaths in Mexico and has sickened dozens in the U.S. and elsewhere has grabbed the attention of a nervous public and medical officials worried the strain will continue to spread…But even if there are swine-flu deaths outside Mexico, the virus would have a long way to go to match the 36,000 seasonal flu deaths in the U.S. each year.”
Wow – night and day – compared to their present faux-hysteria!
Interestingly, the media did not go after Trump during the 2017-2018 winter flu season, when CNN matter-of-factly cited the Centers for Disease Control that it had been the worst in more than four decades, hospitalizing 900,000 people and killing 80,000.
But that was during the height of the Russian Collusion Hoax, when they thought they had Trump on the ropes and were pressing in for the knock-out punch. They weren’t going to risk any other news story pushing Russian Collusion out of the headlines or give Trump a platform for showing unifying leadership in a national crisis.
It’s also significant that none of the liberal media are even citing the 2017/18 numbers in contrast to the current pandemic: 80,000 deaths out of 900,000 hospitalizations (both CDC approximations), which is a huge percentage – 8.9% – a higher lethality than coronavirus in the US, which has actually been dropping. [UPDATE: the figure of 900,000 was later updated by the CDC from 900,000 down to 710,000, increasing the mortality rate to 11.3% of hospitalizations.]
But this is a whole new playing field. Trump emerged from the Russian Collusion Hoax, then the Impeachment Scam, stronger than ever, and so the global elites have resorted to the extreme remedy of burning down the world economy – what I have called “Globalist Chemotherapy” – hoping to kill the “Trump Cancer” without killing themselves.
Meanwhile, as of Monday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Dem leadership are actively obstructing a trillion dollar coronavirus bailout that under any other circumstances they would be cutting off their own limbs to get Republican support for.
What could possibly be wrong with the minds of all these people?
The obvious answer is Trump Derangement Syndrome – a label coined as a joke that stopped being funny a long time ago and started looking like a real and very scary disease of the mind, characterized by a burning, frenzied malice that blinds the infected to reason and rationality.
As King Theoden proclaimed (in the movie “Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”) of the vast and vicious Ork army besieging his stronghold at Helm’s Deep “What can men do against such reckless hate?” Indeed.
I have contended from the beginning – starting January 31st to be precise — that this very real pandemic has been orchestrated by the globalists to tank the Trump economy, kill the nationalist/populist revolution around the world and usher in police-state controls under the cover of a medical emergency.
Most recently I argued that the total lockdown strategy by California and New York, followed immediately by Illinois and Massachusetts (the four deepest blue states) were a deliberate overreaction to create a stampede of state governors into lock-down mode and pressure Trump to do the same nationally. (The latter is not happening as yet, thankfully.) I suggested the purpose was to kill American small businesses which are the backbone of the conservative movement, and, along with the institution of the family, the dual source of American self-sufficiency and independence.
I highlighted the obvious political motive by pointing out that abortion clinics and marijuana dispensaries – heavily patronized by their most loyal Democrat constituents – were exempted from the lockdown, which logically would increasing their risk of infection and death if the panic-mongering projections were true, rather than cynical propaganda.
This morning, the Holy Spirit prompted me, with a clear internal voice, to look into the suicide rate of those driven to hopelessness by the fear-mongering and consequent disastrous financial fallout of the lockdowns. That spiritual unction was vindicated as soon as I searched the topic, finding a story titled “Chillingly, Scariest Coronavirus Death Toll May Not Come from COVID-19” documenting the high correlation of suicide with job loss. The correlation was also noted in an otherwise very hopeful article featuring a Stanford biophysicist (and Nobel laureate) predicting a quick end to the pandemic based on proven stats from China.
So in a very real sense, Trump Derangement Syndrome, might very well kill far more people through suicide and depression-related illnesses than the coronavirus does. But even if it doesn’t, the damage they’ve done to this country through deliberate exaggeration and fear-mongering will be lasting and painful for this nation. To be clear, “social distancing” and continual sanitizing is just good common sense and we shouldn’t minimize the risk of this very serious disease, but deliberately compounding the problem by spreading panic, suspending basic constitutional rights, and decimating small businesses is a “cure” worse than the disease.
There’s a silver lining to the present disaster, however. I’ve always believed Donald Trump will win reelection handily, but now I believe it will be an absolute rout, because once the actual hard numbers on the pandemic replace the wild projections and media spin, the American people, standing in the economic ruins of their communities, are going to be very angry at the lefties. Trump has already won the political battle over the pandemic with high public approval numbers. By November, he’s going to be utterly unbeatable.
Lively on the Elites’ Small Business Takedown
Video Summary: Dr. Scott Lively contends that a major target of the globalist elites in the orchestrated coronavirus pandemic is small business because it is a cornerstone of American self-sufficiency and serves as a barrier to the complete Marxist takeover of our society. He argues that the bogus state total-lockdown strategy is specifically intended to harm small businesses, many of which operate on slim profit margins and may not survive the lockdown. He highlights the political motive of the Cali and NY Governors who initiated the strategy by pointing out that abortion clinics and marijuana dispensaries are exempted from the close-your-doors-under-penalty-of-arrest orders.
Dr. Lively asks and answers the question “quo bono” (who benefits?) with commentary on the Purple Uniparty of co-conspirator Dem and GOP elites, representing them as Socialists and Predatory Corporatists, and the model of globalism they seek to restore in a post-Trump era as the Communist China model that emerged after the Bush/Clinton NAFTA sellout.
We conspiracy analysts and investigators have all been beating the same drum about the most obvious target of the coronavirus orchestrated pandemic – President Trump – and that is the most important trumpet to be sounding during this crisis.
But there’s a another critical target that only came into clear focus with the implementation of the Dems bogus state lockdown strategy: small businesses. Next to the institution of the natural family, Small Business is the most critical cornerstone of American self-sufficiency and the totally unwarranted and in my opinion utterly unconstitutional order to cease operations is a direct assault on millions of family-owned and other small business enterprises. Many of these businesses operate on slim profit margins and will struggle to survive if not go under – not because of the disease – but because of the lockdown, whose only justification is leftist and neo-con media-created panic (and I specifically include the once trustworthy Drudge Report in that hall of shame).
We already knew the lockdown strategy was politically motivated because it was led by Dem state governors in Cali and NY who never do anything without a political motive. But our conclusions were immediately confirmed by the news that these governors have exempted abortion clinics and marijuana dispensaries from the close-your-doors-under-penalty-of-arrest order. How’s that for a coronavirus spit in the face to conservatives and constituionalists.
In unraveling conspiracies it is always helpful to ask “Quo Bono?” (Who benefits?)
Who benefits from the crippling of small business in America? There are two primary benefactors who just happen to be the two partners in the Purple Uniparty of American politics:
Socialists and Predatory Corporatists – to put a clearer face on it, the Clintons and the Bushes are the poster-children for this conspiracy, but they’re just a more visible part of a much bigger cabal.
I’ve been developing my understanding of the Purple Uniparty since my 2018 run for governor in Massachusetts when I got an insiders view of how the cabal operates. It was especially noticeable in the inner-cities (where we lived then: Springfield, MA). The inner-cities are the elites’ pattern for modern day slavery: lots of people packed densely together in a small space, heavily monitored by the police, most dependent on government to varying degrees, with few options for economic survival other than monthly entitlement checks or dead-end subsistence jobs in corporate franchises: Socialism or Corporate wage slavery.
Remember, these are the two conspirators behind the open borders agenda also.
And that’s who benefits most from the takedown of small business.
Importantly, we’re not letting the Republicans off the hook in this analysis. Texas – headquarters of the Bush Dynasty which is just as hostile to Trump as the Clintons – was, I believe, the first Republican controlled state to join the lockdown.
This disease pandemic should be recognized for what it is: biological warfare in the Globalist counter-offensive to the Nationalist Revolution. The end they seek is global serfdom for the populists under strict control by the elites – a gigantic world-wide “inner-city” run by Marxist-compatible multinational corporations under a single centralized politburo: just like China became after the Clinton/Bush NAFTA sell-out in the 1990s.
There’s no mystery to China’s motive in unleashing the coronavirus bio-weapon. They’re conspiring with America’s Purple Uniparty to replace Trump with someone who can get the China-model of the globalist program back on track.
And there’s no mystery why they’re killing America’s small businesses in the process.
Scott Lively on Bogus State Lockdowns
As I watched the bluest of the blue states, California and New York go into Coronavirus Lockdown this week, I couldn’t help thinking about those inane comic-book Transformer movies where everyday machines transform into giant robotic villains and turn American cities teeming with weak and helpless human beings into smoking ruins. Except in our real-life version the transformers are the media-controlling evil globalist elites scrambling to transform America into a police state before the hard numbers on actual hospitalizations and fatalities can be used by President Trump to finally neutralize their fear-mongering.
Once it can be proven to the now panic-stricken public that this disease is actually less lethal than the Flu – based on actual cases, not exaggerated projections and spin – then the stampede will end, and the people will realized they’ve been played for fools and start looking for pay-back in the form of a Trump reelection landslide.
We’re still a couple of weeks away from that turning point, so the globalists are maximizing their leverage while they can. That’s the purpose of the state lockdowns, to ratchet up the fear factor, because they know that the stampeding herd will do far more damage to our economy than the disease itself, and that’s their strategy for defeating Trump.
Democrat bastions California and New York kicked this off because they’re hard-left cultural trend setters, then Blue Illinois and Pennsylvania followed immediately to create the sense of momentum, then the media began firing their rhetorical guns in the air to try to stampede the rest of the state governors. Some have already followed suit. Now comes the media thumb-screws for President Trump, who may be forced to initiate some form of national lockdown to placate the increasingly hysterical masses who might otherwise turn against him. Remember, a stampeding herd doesn’t think, it only reacts to the ones shooting the guns (in this case the media) and can thus be steered in any direction, even against the White House.
But there’s light at the end of the tunnel: hard science and simple math are already knocking down the propaganda among citizens who pay attention and know how to use a calculator. The numbers to watch are hospitalizations and fatalities. Of course, getting the flu is never fun, but if you don’t need hospitalization you’re irrelevant as far as justifying a police state emergency goes. So with just those two numbers (dividing the smaller by the larger and moving the decimal point two spaces to the right) you can follow the actual mortality rate of the disease.
For example, using Center for Disease Control stats, the 2018/2019 winter flu season had a roughly 6.97% mortality rate for hospitalized patients: 32,400 deaths divided by 490,600 hospitalizations. The 2017/2018 winter flu had a roughly 8.9% mortality rate: 80,000 deaths divided by 900,000 hospitalizations. So far, with numbers changing by the minute, the Coronavirus mortality rate is under 8.7% of hospitalizations – serious but certainly not sufficient to justify a world-shaking panic-attack.
From now on, every day the US statistics on Coronavirus will get clearer and the mortality rate will drop further because of the various known cures that have emerged in just the past few days using time-tested and readily available drugs. Keep in mind that these cures (for a disease that only started spreading about three months ago) were not known about in hardest hit China and Italy. Once those numbers become common knowledge, everything will change for the better. We might even be able to buy toilet paper again!
One last point. The Democrats and Never-Trumper Republicans are causing huge damage to the country with this scorched earth strategy, but they’re doing the most damage to themselves.
So the best thing all of us in the grassroots can do is spread the word that this pandemic is going to be under control very soon. It will be very helpful in the rebound phase to have documented all of the leftist fearmongering to use against them this fall. Take screen-shots and gather other evidence now because they might delete the examples of their treachery later.
Scott Lively on Keeping Things in Perspective in the Present Crisis
Dr. Lively urges Christians, especially Christian men, to actively calm and reassure the people in their circles of influence and help them to keep the present crisis in perspective. All believers should be setting an example of confidence and trust in God for all the circumstances of their lives, especially through hardship. He suggests that an important tool for combatting fear and depression is getting away from the artificial things in our lives such as TV and news organizations which only offer a second or third hand view of the world, and instead going to a park or other natural place to focus one’s mind and senses on God’s creation. He reminds viewers that the creation operates in cycles and seasons, ups and downs, valleys and mountaintops, and that we’d never appreciate the high points without contrast with the lows.
“We’re all in this together,” he says, “and we’re going to get past it. Whether this crisis is a short term bump in the road or the season of the last days, we can always rest assured that Our Lord has promised He will never leave us, nor forsake us.”
Scott Lively Says Trump Winning Again! This Time Over Coronavirus Media Fear-Mongering
Dr. Lively gives President Trump an A+ for managing the elites’ orchestrated pandemic so competently that his leadership as Commander in Chief is winning over even many Democrats. He predicts the media-created stampede will quickly subside once the “bailout” package is adopted by Congress and will be fully calmed once the actual US fatality and survival rates of the coronavirus are able to be determined with statistical accuracy based on actual cases and not media-spun projections.
Dr. Lively shares conservative concerns that another trillion dollars is being added to the national debt, but believes current circumstances warrant the spending. Further, he gives President Trump the highest possible marks for brilliantly co-opting the Democrat leadership by preemptively proposing the bailout remedy himself once he realized he was being outmaneuvered by media fear-mongering. He argues that debt can only be paid off in a strong economy and we won’t have one until we get this crisis behind us and get back to the work of pushing the Marxists out of power.
As a side note, Lively highlights the absurd panic-buying of toilet paper, programmed into the public response by media reporting at the start of the crisis, and then cynically covered as a “supply chain crisis” by the same media, as evidence that the stampede was definitely orchestrated.
Scott Lively on Coronavirus and End Times
Beginning in early 2011, I did an intensive and very illuminating seven year study of Biblical prophecy that culminated in my yet unpublished book The Prodigal Son Prophecy. I set myself the task of interpreting prophecy from the Hebrew cultural perspective of the Apostles and the OT Prophets de novo (from scratch) as if none of the modern Christian theories had been published, in the same way that an appeals court judge would systematically reconsider all of the evidence in a legal case without accepting any rulings of the lower court as conclusive.
In this process I used the Bible itself almost exclusively – the whole Bible — letting Scripture interpret Scripture and assuming a literal meaning of the text wherever a literal meaning seemed intended. I looked to outside sources only for peripheral questions like the historical context of Biblical events and deeper study into the nuances of Greek and Hebrew words and phrases.
Some of the conclusions I reached in that intensive project confirmed various elements of traditional Christian interpretations from the various eschatological camps, some did not, but in the end I had formed my own comprehensive model which harmonized all of the prophecies without resort to intellectual gymnastics to obscure or dismiss logical contradictions from the text. While I do not hold firm opinions on every specific aspect of prophecy, I believe I have a very sound and trustworthy framework for interpreting all past, present and future prophetic events that is superior to commonly followed models in the church today.
In brief summary, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, I used the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24-25 as a literal chronological timeline and aligned it with the Book of Revelation: recognizing that what Jesus revealed to John in that book was an expanded and augmented version of that same chronology. To decode the timeline of Revelation, I divided the roughly 25 events it records into four categories based upon the perspective of the passages from inside or outside of time, and oriented toward or from heaven or earth. I also looked to the Old Testament to understand the meaning of the symbols and idioms in the text, which helped immeasurably in the timeline alignment process.
In parallel to that endeavor, I studied the entire body of Old Testament prophecy to get a sense of the key prophetic themes that unify them when taken as a whole. I discovered the most dominant common theme related to the division and reunification of the two Hebrew houses: the most serious crisis of the Abrahamic covenant, caused by Jacob’s bigamy with Leah and Rachel, splitting the package of the specific promises of the covenant into two parts, one each being inherited by the two competing households and their descendants.
The second most dominant theme was the establishment of a future literal Millennial Kingdom on earth, where the newly reunified twelve tribes of the two houses would be ruled by the Messiah in a post-Armageddon regenerated earth.
I then reviewed the New Testament prophecies in light of the promise of future reunification of the Hebrew houses and recognized Christianity as the vehicle by which God accomplishes it.
Thus, the Parable of the Prodigal Son contains not just a profound truth about God’s mercy toward sinners, but a prophecy of the reunification of the House of Israel (Rachel’s household) with the House of Judah (Leah’s household) in the Holy Land at the dawn of the Millennial Kingdom. The latter scenario is one that those with a non-Hebrew perspective of the Bible will “see without seeing and hear without hearing” until they actually study the Old Testament passages that illuminate the text.
I have decided to finally publish The Prodigal Son Prophecy since I think there is a possibility that we may be watching last days events unfolding before us. Starting this week I will publish it as a series of videos based upon and accompanied by the text, posted on YouTube in a new playlist bearing the same title as the book.
The prophetic model that I have created does not predict any specific date when the timeline actually starts, but explains the timing and sequence of events once it does. There are numerous clues that the start may be very soon, including the imminence of the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem and the rapid rise of apostasy and sexual deviance. These clues raise the question of whether the Coronavirus pandemic is a “pestilence” in the context of what the Bible calls the “beginning of sorrows.”
A significant element of prophecy from the Hebrew cultural perspective are the cycles of sevens in Leviticus 25, including both the seven year “shemita” Sabbath cycles, and the fifty year (7×7+1) Jubilee cycles. Presumably, “Daniel’s 70th Week” (a key component of modern Christian eschatology on which I agree) is a seven year shemita cycle following a Jubilee.
Liberation of the land is the celebratory theme of Jubilee years. Thus, it is seems likely that the liberation of the Holy Land from the Islamic Ottoman Empire by the British in 1917, followed by the issuance of the Balfour Declaration inviting Jews to resettle there, was a Jubilee year in God’s calendar. The liberation of eastern Jerusalem exactly fifty years later in 1967 adds an exclamation point to that presumption. And if those were Jubilee years, the next would necessarily have fallen on either 2015 (under one system of counting) or 2017.
It is also assumed in my model that the Lord will return during the lifespan of the generation born in the “season” when the “fig tree” puts forth its leaves per Matthew 24:32-34. The “fig tree” is symbolic not of all Israel, meaning the 12-tribe House of Jacob, but of the House of Judah per Jeremiah 24.
There are other variables in the equation, but for the sake of brevity, let me summarize by saying that IF Rosh Hashana, 2017 marked the start of the 70th week, the all important half-way point when the Antichrist would be revealed would be on or near Passover in early to mid April.
That seems unlikely at this point, but within the realm of possibility, depending on how various ambiguous prophetic scriptures shake out. If within the next three weeks we see massive earthquakes, the outbreak of new wars, and a Jewish physical reclamation of the Temple Mount, then hold onto your hats. Otherwise, the current crisis – at least in the short term – would seem to be of more earthly than heavenly significance.