Scott Lively Ministries

Perv-pandering Pence pivots to compromised Christian college

During the bulk of his tenure as Donald Trump’s supposedly loyal vice president, my opinion of Mike Pence rose higher than my previous view. He first appeared on my RINO radar a few years earlier when, as Indiana governor, he caved to pressure from the LGBTs and killed strong and needed legislation designed to protect Christian businesses from attack by homosexual activists who use state and local anti-discrimination laws as an offensive weapon rather than the defensive shield they were sold to the public as. My column of April 1, 2015, titled “Indiana Meets the Borg,” opened with these two paragraphs:

“Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.” That was the message of the Borg to Capt. Jon-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise on the television series “Star Trek: Next Generation.” The Borg was a conglomerate of species forcibly transformed into cybernetic drones controlled by a hive mind called the Collective. The Borg grew ever stronger by appropriating and exploiting the assets of whatever new species it encountered as it roamed the universe in pursuit of its insatiable lust for power over the lives of others. Both individual and corporate victims of the Borg were assimilated into the Collective, losing their identity to the hive mind.

“This week, the state of Indiana met the Borg, which on planet earth is spelled LGBT. Like Capt. Picard, the governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, has attempted to reason with Borg and learned that there is no compromise with the Collective. “Resistance is futile,” said Borg drone Tim Cook, the formerly human representative of the now-Collectivist entity Apple Computers. The refrain was echoed by a chorus of other drones, including some from the newly Borg-acquired National Collegiate Athletic Association.

[I went on to explain how the LGBT Borg got such power in corporate American in the first place.]

I went easy on Pence in that piece because he seemed to at least be willing to allow a weak and watered down version of the bill to become law (which later occurred), but I ranked him as a rising RINO on my personal scorecard. Frankly, in retrospect, I believe Pence’s moral compromise on what was probably the most important Bible-based policy of his career was what qualified him in the minds of the Purple Uniparty puppet-masters as worthy of the vice presidency under Trump. They needed someone as clean on the outside but dirty on the inside as Bush 41, who served the same “ace in the hole” function under Reagan.

Hole-card Bush wasn’t needed to fall on a grenade like Pence was: Bush did his dirty work undoing Reagan’s conservative policies after Reagan termed-out – as the “New World Order” president who (intriguingly) gave his defining speech on that theme one decade to the day before 9/11. Hmm. In contrast, Pence was forced to make the ultimate political sacrifice for the Purple team by committing what was arguably treason on J6 (by refusing to allow a vote by Congress on pausing the certification of the fraudulent election pending investigation) and lost any chance of earning the presidency. In further service to his masters he endured the humiliation of a pitiful run against Trump in the 2024 presidential primary.

So what was Pence’s reward for giving so much to the globalist cause? A plum posting to a lucrative A-list NGO, foundation, corporate board or Ivy League university? LOL. No! He was shunted off to puny, pedestrian Grove City College, most famous in pro-family circles as the Christian college that employed fellow “gay pandering” turncoat Warren Throckmorton as a psychology professor.

Some of my longer-term readers may recall that Throckmorton was the snake-in-the-grass who single-handedly launched the decade-long campaign of personal destruction against me that culminated in the federal lawsuit accusing me of “crimes against humanity” for teaching the biblical view of homosexuality in Uganda. I did so at a Kampala seminar in early March of 2009, and also gave comments to Ugandan members of parliament in their National Assembly Hall, urging them to focus not on punishment but on prevention and rehabilitation in their planned but as of then unwritten legislation opposing the normalization of homosexuality. I cited my own personal experience of choosing rehab instead of going to jail for a drunk-driving conviction. (Legally speaking, I consider alcoholism and homosexuality to be roughly equivalent behavioral disorders.)

Immediately following my comments, while I was still in Kampala, Throckmorton launched a surprise attack against me, falsely claiming I was pushing for forced therapy for homosexuals. I was utterly shocked, because even though I had not met him personally, I considered him to be a pro-family peer. He had put out an exceptional video for the ex-“gay” movement titled “I Do Exist” and was well respected in pro-family circles. But apparently, the LGBTs found some dirt on him or otherwise managed to flip him because his knife-stab in my back was only the first in a new mission to attack any Christians who threatened the LGBT cause. I was further shocked when, upon confronting him by phone, he defended his actions and doubled-down on them. He created an entire section on his website devoted to attacks upon me.

I was only one of several, including the eminent Christian historian David Barton, who had recently stoked Throckmorton’s ire by venturing onto the pro-family battlefield with some strong pro-family comments. Upon reading an article about Barton’s publisher suddenly canceling the publication of his book “Jefferson Lies” (refuting lies about Jefferson), I noticed an awfully familiar pattern in the discussion about how the cancellation came about. I called Barton and pieced together that, yes indeed, Throckmorton had orchestrated the attack. I then wrote two articles in Barton’s defense. (See here and here.)

I cite this personal history only to show that I had good cause to ask the leadership of Grove City College in writing to reconsider their relationship with Throckmorton or at least re-affirm the biblical stance on homosexuality. I don’t think any of them replied, but at least I tried.

Since then I haven’t had cause to think much about Grove City College until today, when it was reported on The Gateway Pundit that Pence has been hired by GCC as a “distinguished visiting fellow for the new Center for Faith and Public Life, which appears to have been created just for him. (If anyone can find out who funded it, I’d love to hear from you! I suspect it’s somebody from The Lincoln Project.)

If, as they say, “personnel is policy,” GCC has just made itself a Never Trumper sinking ship, on top of having been a sanctuary for a Bible-defying pro-LGBT saboteur. If I were a parent of college-bound teens, I’d cross this twice-failed “college of Christian compromise” off my list and keep them as far away from the traitor Mike Pence as possible.

The Strong Commonalities of Russia and Israel

All my life I’ve been pro-Israel for reasons I never gave much thought, and several adult Jews I encountered in my troubled life as a teenager were a great blessing to me at pivotal moments. I was decidedly non-religious then – inattentive to the Roman Catholic teachings of my childhood and only casually dabbling in the New Age paganism that constituted my spiritual life from age 12 to 28 (precisely my years of alcoholism and drug addiction.)

My first wife was a similarly non-religious Russian Jewish girl who married me in an Episcopal Church – I don’t think we ever had a single conversation about the traditional faiths we came from in the 18 months or so we were together before my addictions broke us apart. I’ve just always been drawn to Jews by an inner magnet and viewed them favorably as human beings. I never even heard of “Zionism” until I was in my 30s as a staunch evangelical Christian of the pro-Israel Reagan Revolution, and didn’t research it in any meaningful way for at least another decade. (I’ve since published a lot on this topic.)

Arguably, my biggest impact on the world was publishing “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party” in 1995 with my co-author Kevin Abrams, an Orthodox Jewish Holocaust researcher. Together with a distribution alliance of thousands of Orthodox rabbis in the U.S., we so thoroughly debunked the LGBT movement’s attempt to fabricate a “Gay Holocaust” under the Nazis comparable to the Jewish Holocaust that they were forced to abandon their plans and along with them the “Pink Triangle” (used to identify the relatively few homosexuals in Nazi work camps – not the death camps) as the primary symbol of their movement in the 1980s and early ’90s. The LGBTs then stole the rainbow from the Black Panthers and Jesse Jackson’s “Rainbow Coalition” to replace the triangle.

That book earned me a permanent spot on the SPLC’s hate map and top-level cancellation long before the “cancel culture” ever started. But it also opened countless doors, including being hired by prominent New York Rabbi Samuel Dresner to co-write his last book, on the LGBT theme, when his cancer became too incapacitating. (Sadly, he died before it could be completed.)

I’ve since visited Israel four times, the last in 2017 leading a church group from California, and more recently I spoke in defense of Israel at an international conference in Riga, Latvia, where I was part of a panel discussion with Rabbi Yehuda Glick, then a member of the Israeli Knesset.

Previously, this very same Riga-based Russian-speaking denomination sponsored my wife and me on our year-long speaking tour through the former Soviet Union, including a list of venues in Russia that stretched from Blagoveschensck in the far east all the way to St. Petersburg in the far west. I frequently testify about this tour because it was such a rare and amazing experience. I got to see places and aspects of Russia few Westerners have ever observed firsthand and came away with a deep respect both for the Russian people and for President Putin.

I’ve done missionary work and otherwise traveled in 68 countries so far and I recognize the Russians as the closest in mentality and ideology to American conservatives of any nation in the world – which is why our leftist elites propagandize and war against them so aggressively – to keep us separated at all cost. I respect Putin because I was immersed for months in the country he single-handedly transformed from lawless gangsterism following the collapse of the Soviets to a highly civilized and prosperous society in which entrepreneurialism thrives, conservative solutions like the flat tax are a reality, LGBT propaganda to children is totally banned, and the Russian Orthodox church has purged and replaced virtually every shred of communism.

Ever since OBiden orchestrated the outbreak of war in Ukraine while cynically calling Russia an “unprovoked aggressor,” I’ve done my best to present the truthful Russian side of the story to my readers in contradiction to the false narratives of our corporate media – and to remind my sometimes duped fellow conservatives that our media always lie about everything we care about, so why trust them about Russia? To do this I have diligently sought out the most honest and objective of the pro-Russian writers and pundits and vetted their analyses to the best of my ability.

The biggest turning point in the propaganda war over Ukraine occurred when it became clear to military strategists and honest civilian observers like myself that Putin could not be forced to give up the pro-Russian territories he had liberated and would likely take more Ukrainian territory, including potentially the biggest plum, Odessa. Suddenly, “coincidentally,” Hamas committed its massacre in Israel, conveniently justifying a military and media pivot to Israel and the sharp reduction of Western funding, resupplying and media attention to Ukraine.

I have stated from the beginning that I believe the Oct. 7 massacre was genuine Hamas-driven terrorism but was deliberately unleashed by hidden globalist elites to serve, first, their overarching geopolitical timeline and, second, the parallel necessity of (eventually but inevitably) taking out Iran’s nuclear capabilities. The third reason they let slip the Hamas dogs of war was to further regime change in Israel, because for the first time in its history, modern Israel is under the control of Torah-faithful Orthodox Jews, not the Marxist Torah-defying Fake Jews of New York and London. (And even in the midst of war, the “color revolution” Obama started in 2015 continues under the OBiden administration.

The Muslim world naturally united against Israel after the massacre, which changed the calculus of the Ukraine propaganda war because Russia has (understandably but regrettably) allied with Shiite Iran as a counterbalance to the U.S. alliance with Sunni Saudi Arabia et al. Therefore, almost immediately most pro-Russian writers and pundits began backing Hamas and attacking Israel in their updates – equating Israel with Ukraine as adversaries of Russian interests with key common attributes.

My immediate reaction was the opposite: that it is Russia and Israel who are most alike in the war of geopolitics, while the “Palestinians” are, like Ukraine, bribed-to-the-brim puppets of the same leftist Western elites. It is Israel whose national interests have been increasingly threatened (geographically and politically) over the past half century by encroaching Islamists – backed by the ultra-leftist U.N., just as NATO has incessantly, incrementally encroached on Russia since WWII, backed by the U.N.

Israel is obviously a more complex case because many of the globalist elites in question are (non-resident) Torah-defying Jews with mixed motives and loyalties regarding the Jewish homeland. But in the current context in which the true Orthodox Jews control Israel and Orthodox Christians control Russia, both holding the same Bible-based moral compass on the essential left/right cultural conflicts of our time – while Hamas and Ukraine are both simply tools of regime change by outsiders – the Israel/Russia commonalities are stark and potent.

If I were an adviser to either Israel or Russia, I would be working to translate this line of reasoning into practical policies strengthening the Christian/Jewish alliance along biblical moral and cultural lines and even encouraging the Muslims to join in against the great secular humanist threat to all humanity – satanic transhumanism, the true ultimate goal of our actual common enemy.

Eugenics and America’s Fertility Crisis

Like many voters, I never realized in vitro fertilization was such a big deal politically until Alabama rightfully acknowledged that embryos are human beings and in-state IVF companies reacted by scaling back or shutting down to avoid legal liability for the embryonic lives in their custody. By “chance” this development happened roughly at the same time that cereal manufacturers were exposed for allowing anti-fertility chemicals in breakfast foods.

To be clear, the news media did not imply intent on the part of manufacturers, but I would like to remind everyone that breakfast cereal pioneer John Harvey Kellogg was part of a coalition of powerful American eugenicists who aggressively pushed abortion and forced sterilization policies since the 1910s, before handing off leadership of the (grotesquely racist) global eugenics movement to Adolf Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s after an outraged American public started pushing back. Kellogg’s version of Hitler’s later policies were advanced by his own organization, the Race Betterment Foundation.

If you’re wondering why so many people suddenly need IVF services today to procreate that their numbers can skew elections, perhaps you have your answer – or a partial one: The elites have once again been caught replacing the natural world and its processes (think Monsanto) with artificial ones that, conveniently, also generate income for themselves. (The craven, highly profitable “transgender” surgical industry is another glaring example.)

Ever since Thomas Malthus predicted (falsely) in 1798 that human population would soon outstrip food supplies, “Malthusianism” has been a central tenet and motivator of the global elites. The two obvious questions Malthusianism raised were 1) how to produce more food, and 2) how to limit population. In the present era, Kellogg’s now multinational conglomerate apparently figured out how to do both simultaneously.

But a third obvious question arose among the elite aristos of Malthus’ era (who in many cases were literally “en-titled” members of royal dynasties) who assumed for themselves the right to set laws and social policies to steer the world toward their vision of the future. That question was “If population must be reduced, who do we keep and who do we get rid of?” Out of the contemplation of that question was born “eugenics,” formalized by Charles Darwin’s nephew Francis Galton and expanded worldwide through international conferences and networking. The meme and motto of the movement emerged in the Second International Eugenics Conference (1921) in the form of the infamous “Eugenics Tree” logo, captioned “Eugenics is the self direction of human evolution.”

It is widely believed that eugenics ideology died out after World War II due to its association with Nazi Germany, but in reality it just faded into the background where, due to technological advances in genetics, robotics and artificial intelligence, it slowly but fully morphed into “transhumanism.”

From antiquity in Judeo-Christian civilization, human fertility had always been considered both a personal blessing and a social priority. “Be fruitful and multiply” was one of God’s first commands – and it has never been rescinded despite what people may think under the ever-rising pressure of Malthusian anti-family propaganda by Bill Gates and his ilk.

Biblically speaking, in vitro fertilization is not evil in itself. In at least one instance, when the normal fertilization failed in the Bible, God endorsed an alternative. The story of Judah and Tamar in Genesis 38:1-10 indicates that surrogate impregnation of a woman by a close male relative of her husband was socially expected, even mandated if her husband died. Indeed, when Judah’s son Onan deliberately spilled his seed on the ground during sex with Tamar to avoid his procreative duty to his deceased brother Er, God killed him for it!

Onan’s crime was not masturbation as some teach, but refusal to impregnate Tamar for the perpetuation of Er’s line. It was an anti-fertility crime – as is the presumed elite population-control campaign using anti-fertility chemicals. Let’s not forget that Gates (whose father was a Planned Parenthood board member) and the ultra-corrupt WHO stand accused of putting such chemicals in tetanus vaccines for women in Africa. Leftist media “fact checkers” dispute that, but who believes anything from them after the Twitter Files exposé? Follow the money and the ideology to find the truth.

Prior to advances in anti-fertility chemistry by Big Pharma, surgical sterilization was the primary preventive measure of the eugenicists, and abortion (pre-birth infanticide) was their back-up system. These were relatively small-scale operations from the 1920s through the ’40s, centered on ethnic minorities, but then in the 1950s the elites launched the “sexual revolution” to divorce sexuality from fertility (and family) as a universal social priority and to fully normalize every form of anti-fertility and anti-family practice and policy. The porn industry, the no-fault divorce movement, radical feminist ideology, the abortion industry, the LGBT movement and the pharmaceutical birth-control tsunami were all elements of this strategy that made supposedly “consequence-free” (meaning pregnancy free) sex the highest aim of Western civilization. It has always been about population control.

The weakest link in the eugenicist game plan has always been women, because God designed them as baby-makers and nurturers, physically, emotionally and psychologically. Turning women against their own nature has always required massive effort and expense by the elites, with limited success. Time and life experience has always been on the side of nature with even many of the most virulent self-centered feminists in their teens and 20s later escaping the net and reconnecting with their mothering instincts. I think the attack on women we’re seeing by these same elites using transgenderism is in fact punishment driven by frustration and rage that the Malthusian’s methods just aren’t working. Yes, there is still a large pro-abortion contingent in the electorate, even including women who have otherwise reverted to a more natural version of themselves, but it’s not unbreakable.

I believe the answer to all of it is for men, individually and collectively, to start affirming true femininity and natural womanhood with all the confidence of a conquering army and the passion of an election campaign. Bypass the battlegrounds the left has chosen for themselves and go right to the women, letting them know they are valuable and needed just as God made them. Because the only real antidote to the culture of lies and artificiality enslaving our society today is honest interactions among real people who speak plain truth and pursue a return to the God’s natural order in their own lives. Neither Malthusianism, nor eugenics, nor transhumanism have any place or power in that world.

Easter/Passover is only half the story of salvation

These are the animals which you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat …” – Deuteronomy 14:4

The most profound truth ever revealed to me by the Holy Spirit as an already saved and justified Christian was the centrality of the so-called “two house teaching” to Bible history and prophecy. I summarized it in my article “The Most Important Forgotten Truth of the Bible” and wrote my theology textbook “The Prodigal Son Prophecy” to explain it in detail from the Hebrew cultural perspective of the Apostles and the Prophets.

One central aspect of the two house reality is that Christians and Jews are separate but equal cohorts destined to accept Christ and live in harmony together during the Millennial Kingdom before spending eternity in Heaven with the Father. That’s the hidden underlying message of the Parable of the Prodigal Son explained in my summary.

Importantly, Christians (including many individual ethnic Jews) gain eternal salvation through the First Advent of Christ, while Jews (collectively) and a “mixed multitude” of second-chancers gain salvation through the Second Advent, when God says, “I will pour out on the house of David and on the people of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and prayer, and they will look on Me, the One they have pierced. They will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves for a firstborn son” (Zechariah 12:10), an event that can only occur, Paul adds, when “the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” (Romans 11:25). Paul offers a full treatise on this theme in Romans. Romans 9-11 could stand alone as its own book on the topic (as could chapters 1-8 on the topic of systematic theology).

The Bible teaches the two house reality clearly and plainly for those with eyes to see. A simple pure-Scripture introduction to it is spelled out in Hosea 1-14, Jeremiah 3 and Ezekiel 37 when read in sequence with a Bible literalist perspective.

Symbols and patterns throughout the Bible reinforce the two house reality in amazing ways, including the repeated pairing of symbols: for example, the (10 tribe) House of Israel symbolized as the “vine” (Genesis 49:22; Isaiah 5:3, 7) and the House of Judah (two tribes plus the Levites) as the “fig tree” (Jeremiah 24). The harmony of the two houses is shown by the pairing of these symbols in Bible history in 1 Kings 4:25, “So Judah and Israel lived in safety, every man under his vine and his fig tree” and, in the millennial context, in Zechariah 3:9-10 and Micah 4:1-4.

More relevant as we celebrate Easter/Passover is the pairing of the symbols of the sheep and goats – which, with the ox, lead the list of “clean” animals in Deuteronomy 14:4. Sheep are a symbol of the House of Israel and goats are a symbol of the House of Judah.

Don’t just look at the Passover story to see this, but look at the larger pattern of the resurrection theme in the Bible. The following is from “The Prodigal Son Prophecy”:

“There are three iterations with several common elements in each: a father, a firstborn son, the sacrifice of a lamb, and an object on which the sacrifice was given effect.

“Genesis 22:1-13. The first iteration of this biblical pattern was the near-sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham. Abraham was the father ready to sacrifice his firstborn son on the command of God. At the last moment God Himself provided a substitutionary sacrifice in the form of a sheep. The sheep, instead of Isaac, had his blood shed upon an altar. “By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac on the altar. He who had received the promises was ready to offer his one and only son, even though God had said to him, ‘Through Isaac your offspring will be reckoned.’ Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and in a sense, he did receive Isaac back from death” (Hebrews 11:17-19).

“Exodus 12:1-13. The second iteration of the Passover pattern is found in Exodus 12. All the firstborn males of the land were to be killed by God (as punishment for Pharaoh’s slaughter of the firstborn of the Hebrews during the infancy of Moses.) “Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well” (Exodus 11:5). Only those households displaying the blood of a sacrificial lamb on the lintels and doorposts of their homes were spared.

“The father figure is Pharaoh, and his firstborn son is the first to suffer God’s wrath. The sheep is a one-year-old male. The object on which the sacrificial blood is given effect is the door frame of the house.

“The Gospels. The third iteration is found in each of the four gospels, in the story of the crucifixion of Christ, which occurred, literally, on Passover, immediately preceding the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:4-6). “Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed” (1 Corinthians 5:7).

“The Passover pattern was completed in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. God the Father gave His only son (John 3:16). The Father is God. The son is Christ. The lamb is Christ. The object on which His shed blood was given effect was the cross.” [End excerpt.]

Now consider the most significant way the symbol of the goat is associated with the House of Judah. While (except for Passover) sheep and goats are virtually interchangeable in ritual sacrifice under the Mosiac law – only goats (two of them) are designated for the Day of Atonement when the Levitical high priest of the House of Judah enters the Holy of Holies annually with the blood of one goat, to atone for the sins of the people, while the other, the “scapegoat,” carries the sins of the people out into the wilderness. The use of the goat was continued by the House of Judah after Christ had brought salvation to the “Lost sheep of the House of Israel” and remains mandatory for Jews under the Law of Moses – UNTIL the “Day of Atonement” becomes the key event of the SECOND Advent of Christ when he “touches down” to the Mount of Olives per Zechariah 14, with the Host of Heaven (glorified believers among them) at His back (Revelation 19:11-21.)

But importantly, those who choose to remain “goats” in the Millennial Kingdom – instead of joining the Messiah’s sheepfold, where all His followers are united under “Shiloh” (Genesis 49:10) as the single 12-Tribe-plus-former-Gentiles House of Israel – are cast from His presence per Matthew 25:31-41.

Bottom line: Passover/Resurrection Day is only half the story of salvation, awaiting the second coming of Christ to complete the reunification promised by God in numerous passages of Old Testament prophecy.

Postscript: I cited Deuteronomy 14:4 in part to introduce a fascinating interpretation of it by Rabbi Menachem Feldman titled “The Secret Symbolism of the Calf and Goat,” with heavy (but perhaps unintentional) two house overtones – in which (pre-Moses) the goat becomes the symbol of Judah because he was the brother of Joseph (patriarch of the House of Israel) who orchestrated his sale into slavery, after which the brothers faked a story of his death for their father Jacob by smearing the blood of a goat on his coat of many colors.

Indiana Jones and Ashes of the Red Heifer

Until this very morning I did not know that Stephen Spielberg’s character Indiana Jones may have been based on a real person named Vendyl Jones, nor that one actual quest this man was pursuing was to find the ashes of the last-sacrificed red heifer, in addition to the Ark of the Covenant. In response to my recent column “Should Christians support the building of Third Temple?” a longtime supporter sent me the following message based on half-century-old memories:

“About 45 years ago, Vendyl Jones (Indiana Jones) came to our SBC church. His dog was named Indiana. At that time he was searching for the ashes of the red heifer, not the Ark of the Covenant as the movie version told us. He said, and he may or may not be correct, that there have been hundreds of red heifers without spots or blemish, but they will not do. The ashes of the new red heifer must be mixed with the ashes of the previous red heifer. Kind of like the apostolic succession of the red heifer. So he was searching for the container of the ashes of long ago. Important or not I do not know. I followed his work for several decades, and they never found the ashes. And his general theology may not be accurate either. And he was successful in getting several work teams from our church over there to dig, but they found nothing.”

Sure enough, a Google search turned up this fascinating Wikipedia article that opens with this sentence: “Vendyl Miller Jones (May 29, 1930 – December 27, 2010) was an American Noahide scholar who directed archaeological searches for biblical artifacts such as the Ark of the Covenant.” A very colorful and adventurous figure with a theologically unique life’s path certain to be of interest to many WND readers, Vendyl’s life would make a great biographical film in its own right. Along that path he learned that “In 1964, the Journal of Near Eastern Studies reported the 1952 discovery of the Marble Tablets in Beirut, Lebanon. That same year the Copper Scroll was found in Cave No. 3 at Qumran, West Bank, which listed the hiding places of 64 sacred articles which included the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant.”

This revelation inspired him to try to seek out these priceless treasures personally, and he spent many years doing so, moving to Israel and recruiting (as my friend testified above) American Christians to go there and dig for them, including “eight excavations at Qumran, involving over 300 volunteers.” These did recover significant artifacts. His list of accomplishments and high level Israeli allies in this work is quite impressive, but for my purposes the red heifer connection is most interesting.

“While attempting to find or grow a red heifer in order to revive the ancient temple rituals, Jones was an active member in the 2004 attempt to revive the Sanhedrin along with Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, head of The Temple Institute, and later worked with the President of the Sanhedrin Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz.”

The Temple Institute is the organization driving the Third Temple effort. My wife and I have twice visited its museum in the Hebrew Quarter of Old Jerusalem, which houses a sacrificial altar and all the implements and objects necessary for the restoration of Temple worship, fashioned to precise biblical requirements. The Sanhedrin has in fact been re-constituted and has begun issuing findings in matters of theological concern, such as the reinstitution of the counting of the Jubilees and declaration that the Hebrew year beginning in the fall of 2015 was a Jubilee year – the first recognized in Israel in roughly 2,000 years.

Per Wikipedia, “Jones also claimed to have been the subject of a movie script that was circulated in Hollywood, and which he claimed inspired the character of Indiana Jones. … According to the story, a certain Randolph Fillmore, who had been on one of Jones’s digs, wrote the first draft for ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’; Vendyl became ‘Endy,’ then ‘Indy.’ … According to the now defunct Vendyl Jones website: ‘In 1977, a young man volunteered for one of our archaeological digs. His name was Randy Filmore. He wrote a screenplay based on Vendyl’s experiences and titled it “The Search for the Ashes of the Red Heifer.” Upon returning to the States, Randy contacted Vendyl with the news that he’d found representation for his script in Hollywood. To this day, Vendyl has not heard from Filmore. When Vendyl recounts this story to the press, they often misinterpret it as a claim by Vendyl that he and Indy are the same.'”

Vendyl stated in his book “A Door of Hope: My Search for the Treasures of the Copper Scroll” (2005): “I have never stood up and declared, ‘I am the real Indiana Jones.'” My guess, bolstered by my friend’s testimony, is that he did believe and make that claim (if not in those words) – which may actually be true – but backed way off after getting served with a cease and desist order by some Hollywood megafirm promising personal destruction by legal fire and brimstone if he persisted.

My friend’s comment about the need for the new red heifer ashes to be mixed with the old raises a question I have never seen discussed, and I don’t know of any biblical reference to it. That would be a matter for the Sanhedrin, I suppose. But they and the Temple Institute are pressing ahead with preparations for the sacrifice.

Since I last published on the red heifer theme, I’ve learned three important new facts (from this article):

First, that a massive altar for the red heifer sacrifice has already been built (see photo in the article), indicating to me they are dead serious about completing the ritual ASAP.

Second, that the annual Hebrew Sabbath of the Red Heifer falls on March 29 of this year – just a few days from now as I write this (though there is no published plan that I know of, nor specific biblical mandate, to conduct the sacrifice on that day).

Third, that “bringing red cows” to the Holy Land was named by Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida as one of the motives for the Oct. 7 massacre in a speech marking the 100th day of the war in Gaza.

I’ve always been a fan of the Indiana Jones movies, but the real life action/adventure unfolding before us regarding the red heifer and the potential for Third Temple is more exciting than anything Spielberg put on film.

Postscript: In response to several reader comments, I want to be clear that I do not insist that the Temple must be rebuilt for the prophecy of Matthew 24:15 to be fulfilled. A temple is not mentioned by name, just “the holy place.” I am on record for years that Ezra 3:6 shows unambiguously that an altar can serve as a holy place when the Temple has not yet been reconstructed. That said, I expect to see a Third Temple physically erected in Israel even though it’s not technically necessary.

Post-postscript: After I had completed this article, I received a link to another interesting article about Vendyl Jones here.

The Third Temple and the Day of the Lord

Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day…The …Day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and its works will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to conduct yourselves in holiness and godliness as you anticipate and hasten the coming of the day of God” (2 Peter 3:8-13).

Prophecy watchers are all aflutter over reports that the Orthodox Jews now in control of Israel (for the first time since its national reincarnation in 1948) are in the final stages of preparation to build the Third Temple, an essential element of end times eschatology. All eyes are on the four red heifers shipped to the Holy Land from Texas in 2022 after Rabbinical authorities deemed them fit for sacrifice to produce the ashes needed for the ritual cleansing of the High Priest, allowing him for the first time in two millennia to perform the duties prescribed in the Mosaic Law for building and consecrating the Third Temple.

According to CBN “These red heifers are now between 1 ½ and 2 years old. To replicate the ceremony mentioned in the Bible, they need to be at least 3 years old. And within that time span, they cannot have a blemish or anything that would disqualify them for the ceremony, even one white or black hair”…“So we believe that it’s very likely that the ceremony would happen somewhere in the area of Passover, 2024, out to the possibility of Shavuot, 2024.”

So we have an assessment by inside sources that the red heifer sacrifice will “very likely” occur between April 22 and June 13th of this year. And, rumor is, the Jews have (for redundancy) three pre-constructed Temple buildings in undisclosed locations ready to moved to the Temple Mount whenever the time is deemed right. I have added my own conjecture that one could be airlifted into place by construction helicopters practically overnight.

As a practical matter there is no “good” time for the Jews to build the Third Temple because the entire Muslim world will erupt in genocidal fury against them. But, hmmm, that’s already happening on a somewhat smaller scale since October 7th, isn’t it? And it’s the Muslims’ who drew “first blood” in this war. So the dynamics of a Jewish reclamation of all or a part of the Temple Mount under these geopolitical conditions are much more favorable to them than they would otherwise be.

And from the domestic political perspective in Israel, there is no guarantee that the current Authentically Jewish pro-Temple government will long survive efforts by the Torah-defying Fake-Jewish elites of the US to overthrow them and return their Leftist allies to power. (I frankly suspect these “elites” deliberately unleashed Hamas in October as a regime-change tactic.) So there’s a strong political motive for the Jewish Right to build the Temple ASAP: they might never get another chance.

Now we Christians are (as on every other theological matter) divided on the question of whether we should support the effort to build the Temple. On the “nay” side are arguments against Torah-based Judaism itself and the fact of the supersession of Christ’s sacrifice over that of “blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean” (Hebrews 9:13).

Hebrews 9 is a mini-treatise on this topic, ending with the observation:

“So it was necessary for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices, but…Christ did not enter a man-made copy of the true sanctuary, but He entered heaven itself, now to appear on our behalf in the presence of God. Nor did He enter heaven to offer Himself again and again, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own….But now He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment, so also Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many; and He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await Him.”

[Regarding the last half-sentence, note especially that this entire Epistle is for the Hebrews, who will not collectively accept Him as Savior until the second coming per Romans 11, especially verses 25-26.]

But I stand with those on the other side of the issue in reliance on 2 Peter 3:13, that the righteous should “anticipate and hasten” the “Day of the Lord” – which is in Millennialist theology the seventh of seven thousand-year days, the Sabbath, mirroring the seven 24-hour days of creation.

This is a good place to address the Millennialism implicit in Peter’s teaching about the Day of the Lord, because the internecine division we face on the Third Temple seems to closely track with positions on the Millennial Kingdom – with those literalists like myself embracing the promise of a literal thousand year reign of Christ on a physically reclaimed and restored earth prior to our ascension with Him to Heaven. While “Amillennialists” and “Post-Millennialists” cling stubbornly to the Roman Catholic doctrine that spiritualizes the Millennial Kingdom as merely symbolic.

Peter – whose second letter represents his final word to the church – affirms the literal interpretation both by identifying the “Day of the Lord” as a thousand year term and by compressing and conflating all the many events of that “day” into one sentence emphasizing the last event before ascension – the incineration of all matter. But Peter’s first word to the church – his sermon on Pentecost – also affirms the thousand year “day.”

“Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, lifted up his voice, and addressed the crowd…‘listen carefully to my words….this [speaking in tongues] is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people….and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and glorious Day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:14-21).

Four thousand-year “days” had passed in biblical reckoning when Peter preached that, and three days – the “last days” invoked by Joel – remained. Peter was no doubt familiar with Hosea’s prophecy (again to the Hebrews) about God’s reunification with the two houses of the Hebrews in the Millennial Kingdom which reads:

“For I am like a lion to Ephraim and like a young lion to the house of Judah. I, even I, will tear them to pieces and then go away. I will carry them off where no one can rescue them. Then I will return to My place until they admit their guilt and seek My face; in their affliction they will earnestly seek Me”…. “Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us to pieces, but He will heal us…After two days [the Christian Era] He will revive us; on the third day [the cusp of the Millennial Kingdom] He will raise us up, that we may live in His presence” (Hosea 5:14-6:2). See also Ezekiel 37:15-28.

So I say, “Come quickly, Lord Jesus” and I will hasten that day by supporting the Jewish Third Temple effort – even though it means enduring the Antichrist Kingdom that will usurp it. UNTIL Christ ends Satan’s reign personally and dramatically per Revelation 19:11-21 and then – on His thousand-year Sabbath Day – establishes and rules the Peaceable Kingdom of Isaiah 11.


‘Joey the Scapegoat’ will soon exit stage left

Originally published 3/11/2024

I have great respect for former Trump speechwriter Darren Beattie of Revolver News whose work is truly and consistently stellar, but I must respectfully disagree with him on his March 7 article, “The Left Has to Replace Biden. Here’s Why They Can’t.”

He writes: “To attentive political observers, then, it may seem like the DNC is the obvious place to put in the fix. Didn’t they do that in 2016 for Hillary, protecting her while undermining Bernie Sanders at every opportunity? So, if the party feels doomed under Biden, why not do the same thing and start juggling the rules to allow a convention switcheroo? The bylaws of the DNC do explicitly mention that the DNC’s powers include filling a vacancy on the national ticket; such a vacancy is to be filled by ‘voting … in accord with procedural rules adopted by the Rules and Bylaws Committee and approved by the Democratic National Committee.’ That word is key: vacancy. As long as Biden is around and running, no such vacancy exists.”

Beattie’s logic and analysis is strong and sound on the points he made, but he ignored the one possible scenario I began speculating upon in evolving stages since before Biden was formally nominated for the position in 2020: a perfectly timed and staged Biden stroke (or equivalent malady) to create a vacancy allowing the DNC to appoint a replacement at their 2024 convention under its internal rules. This would allow a relative handful of DNC shot-callers to install whomever they wish to replace him. My money is on “Big Mike” Obama (not Gruesome Newsom) so Barack can get his fourth term just in time for the Great Reset.

This “vacancy by health crisis” scenario would have the added benefit of making “Joey the Scapegoat” politically immune from consequences for all his crimes and evils – and those of his co-conspirators. Everything gets retroactively blamed on “poor old Joe” who is (supposedly) off drooling in a nursing home, not prosecutable due to diminished capacity.

The Obiden Justice Department conveniently just set the table for this. Per Reuters, “Robert Hur, the special counsel appointed to investigate whether President Joe Biden improperly handled sensitive government documents, is a former high-ranking Justice Department official with experience in prosecuting sensitive leak investigations. On Thursday, he concluded that probe and found that Biden retained classified materials about Afghanistan after leaving the vice presidency in 2017 but said he will not be criminally charged.”

Of course, Reuter’s omitted the reason that he’ll skate, which was stated by the nominally more conservative Forbes in its article titled “‘Elderly Man With A Poor Memory’: Special Counsel Explains Why Biden Won’t Face Charges Over Classified Docs.”

Those wondering why Obiden’s own DOJ – normally so junkyard-dog ferocious in fighting his battles – would seeming disrespect the president so cavalierly now have their answer. Like so very much in today’s public square, it’s all about narrative-setting and selling. The Biden departure narrative is being built on the foundation that it’s Joe’s age and health to blame for the classified documents theft – and everything else.

From my own platform as a columnist at WND (the venerable journalistic warhorse that’s been continuously fighting for truth, justice and the American way since the Reagan Revolution), I started publicly called Biden “Joey the Scapegoat” just after the 2020 Democratic convention when it became clear to me that Trump had damaged golden girl Elizabeth Warren so badly that Biden would have to take her place as the candidate. It was essentially Obama stepping back in via the Biden Avatar as the only Democrat power-broker strong enough to go head-to-head (so to speak) with The Donald.

I’ll admit I had a dog in that fight. I believe I played an important part in derailing the President Pocahontas train by primarying Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker in 2018, whom I am convinced was intended to serve the Purple Uniparty cause during the 2020 primary as the red half of a Warren/Baker cross-party Never-Trump tag team and then as a key Cabinet member in a “bipartisan” Warren administration. Since late 2017, Politico was leading the Big Media campaign to set up uber-RINO Baker as “the most popular governor in America” in anticipation of 2020, but all hope of that died when “crackpot bigot” Scott Lively (so labeled for my authorship of “The Pink Swastika”) became the first conservative to win a spot on the Massachusetts gubernatorial ballot at a GOP convention in decades (winning nearly a third of the delegates) and took fully 36% of Baker’s expected-landslide vote in the 2018 primary – despite a near-total news blackout of my candidacy in all the conservative leaning portions of the state. Good riddance, Charlie and Liz!

And soon, good riddance, Joe! But there will be no cause for celebration in that event – for one thing because the alternative will be so much worse. But for another, the collective corporate media will be set to pounce on any “evil Republican or conservative” who dares to speak ill of the “helpless stroke – or perhaps brain tumor?– victim” as he exits stage left. I for one will be set to call foul on their fake outrage by reminding them of what they did to (now recovered) WND Founder Joseph Farah as he lay in a hospital bed after a severe stroke: The Washington Post took that opportunity to run its nastiest-ever hit piece on him in the hope they could finally kill WND, and perhaps the man as well. But both Farah and WND have made an impressive comeback, as, possibly, America might as well if we can finally be free of Barack Obiden in ALL his permutations and get Donald Trump back into the White House.

I’ll close by suggesting the possibility of a different and even more sinister variation on the Biden health crisis scenario: a Biden incapacitation by a new Fauci super-bug, justifying a new season of lockdowns and mail-out balloting! I don’t expect that, and believe WWIII/false flags blamed on Russia and martial law are more likely, but I don’t think anything – or combination of things – is off the table for the Trump Derangement Syndrome- afflicted elites and their minions.


My Cornered-Rat-o-meter is Spiking to Dangerous Levels

It’s been an amazing week of wins for President Trump, the MAGA Movement, the J6 POWs and all freedom-lovers in America. All the warheads in the left’s anti-Trump lawfare clusterbomb are present spinning wildly off into space and likely to explode without hitting their target. MAGA’s unapologetic dominance of the GOP is reaping huge success and sending RINOs like Mitch McConnell into forced retreat. The criminally corrupt DOJ is finally getting slapped down by the federal courts on its gross J6 prosecutorial overreach and selective enforcement against political protestors. And – despite unprecedented censorship and narrative enforcement by the entire deep state alliance of Big Government, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Everything Else – the truth about the Covid plandemic, the stolen election, the Biden crime family and the callous US waste of Ukraine’s male population as a failed Kamakazi weapon against Russia – is rapidly red-pilling the American masses.

But, for the more jaded of us monitoring the situation through the lenses of Christian eschatology and proven conspiracy theories, the jubilation is heavily tempered by trepidation. The Cornered- Rat-o-Meter on my wall – which predicts the likelihood of extreme measures being taken by the ruling elites by the degree of their desperation – is not just spiking to dangerous, unprecedented levels but shooting out sparks and flashes. There is NOTHING they will not do to stay in power, and the window of time for them to take effective action is quickly narrowing.

Allow me to review what I believe are the leading factors in their calculations.

First is their need to retain control of the US Federal Government which, in practice, rules the world on behalf of the Central Banksters and hidden uber-elites of a cabal of top western and allied nations.

The cannot under any circumstances allow Donald Trump to regain control of the US unless they secretly buy him off regarding their most essential requirements – which is not beyond the reach of plausibility given his still un-repented-for role in Operation Warp Speed and severely anti-biblical endorsement of so-called “Gay marriage.” As much as I strongly support President Trump’s campaign and intend to vote for him, I do not worship the man as – alarmingly – many others seem to do. He is not the Messiah, just a extraordinary man with flaws.

Second, is the existential threat of Russia as a reemerging super-power openly organizing the BRICS “multi-polar” international order – which by definition would spell the death of US/UK global hegemony, which would presumably collapse under the weight of America’s $34 Trillion debt, and the $multiple Quadrillion debt of the current world system. And if that is the incentive of the “stick,” the corresponding “carrot” incentivizing the conquest of Russia is its vast storehouse of natural resources – at $75 Trillion the largest in the world by far. You see, the plan all along has been the plunder and balkanization of Russia, which fact is Russia’s motive for rearming and re-asserting its version of our Monroe Doctrine.

Third, a major factor potentially determining whether “multi-polar” competition will cause America to collapse by ending our reserve currency exclusivity (which is supposedly all that stands between us and bankruptcy) is the globalist contingency plan called the Great Reset. In the prophetic context the Great Reset looks like what the Bible implies will be a comprehensive new economic system to serve the Antichrist’s “beast” government – powerful enough in its control of individual wealth and trade that people who refuse to “take its mark” will be unable to buy and sell. The frantic, often irrational-seeming race to fully implement the Great Reset by 2030 is driven by the dual threat of the Russian multi-polar agenda and the rise of anti-globalist populism exemplified by Trump.

Fourth, to justify the Great Reset there logically must be a Great Collapse or the people of the world would never go along with it. There is no more powerful force in civilization than cultural inertia – which force can only be redirected by a society-wide paradigm-changing event such as a natural or man-made disaster (e.g. the bubonic plague or the Great Depression) a “miraculous” quantum-leap technological advance (e.g. the printing press or the Internet) or large-scale war. Interestingly, the Bible prophesies that all four types of events will mark the “beginning of sorrows” (labor pains), at the dawn of the short-lived Antichrist Kingdom.

Looking at all the variables currently at play today, my guess is that to achieve their Great Reset the elites will follow the four part sequence prophesied in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24:5-7 (not necessarily in that order):

1) Wars and rumors of wars. World War III is already percolating but may soon escalate dramatically. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a major false flag terror event this election season in the US or against Americans on the territory of a strategic ally like Poland, Lithuania, Romania or Moldova followed by US boots on the ground in Ukraine. I will triple-down on my personal conspiracy theory that those boots will not primarily be worn by Americans but by the “military aged young men” that have been illegally flooding across our border by the millions over the past decade. I reiterate that I firmly believe the primary purpose they have been deliberately lured here is to fight America’s next big war. I further believe the coming mass “draft/conscription as a path to citizenship” policy will unite the left and right: a rare win/win, especially when everyone knows that post-Vietnam Americans would never again tolerate the large-scale loss of their own sons in a foreign war.

If the war-justifying event is on US soil, it would likely also be used to justify martial law and the suspension of elections and other civil liberties – just as we’ve seen (or not seen if you rely on corporate news media) in Ukraine. Voila! Their Trump problem solved and MAGA patriots characterized and quelled as potential/actual “traitors” under police state scrutiny – with J6-style prosecutors lined up six deep to ensure they’re properly punished for any dissent!

Then there’s 2) Disease. Covid 19 was the dress rehearsal for creating global infrastructure for something much worse likely being cooked up in Fauci’s labs even as we speak. 3) “Natural” disasters which may or may not be man-made but will cause massive famine and death. 4) The rise of false Christs, plural.

Revelation 6 contains John’s expanded version of the same teaching, representing the four categories as the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” But in 6:2 the White Horse is the False Christ, singular, the Antichrist, who shows signs and wonders to sell himself as real. I believe one of those acts will be the declaration of an artificial global debt jubilee (as part of the Great Reset) – aping Jesus whose first act of ministry in Luke 4:16-21 was declaring an authentic Jubilee holiday pursuant to biblical law.

I could go on but space constrains compel me to stop here. To summarize this article, by all means, fellow patriots, rejoice at this week’s good news – but “keep your powder dry.”

Karl Marx and the Serpent Reasoning of Almost Christians

First published 2 25 2024

“The way to Hell is paved with good intentions,” Karl Marx, Das Kapital: The Production of Surplus-Value, Vol. One, Chapter Seven, Section 2.

And [the serpent] said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’ ” The woman answered, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden, but about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You must not eat of it or touch it, or you will die.’ ” “You will not surely die,” the serpent told her. “For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:1-5)

You can tell by his writings that Karl Marx loved playing God, but like his Marxist successors today he wasn’t very good at it, lacking any sense of irony and wasting all his native intelligence in efforts to redefine obvious natural truths and systems to fit his own flawed narratives. He possessed a vastly superior vocabulary to modern acolytes like Kamala Harris, but shared her pedantic and condescending style – always presuming to teach the world what he did not fully understand himself, and wreaking havoc because he had the de-facto political power to impose his will on other men’s lives.

Unlike Herbert Marcuse, his super-star ideological descendent who founded “Cultural Marxism,” (nick-named “Marcuse the Obtuse” by his hapless students) Marx wrote plainly enough that his errors are readily observable (which perhaps explains why Marcuse chose the path of obfuscation through gratuitously complex rhetoric.) For example, consider the leading quote above and its context. With no apparent sense of self-awareness Marx cited the “road to Hell” aphorism as he spoke in the third person as a hypothetical “Capitalist” confronted with a lack of profit from a yarn manufacturing venture. Here is the passage:

“An instrument of labour is a thing, or a complex of things, which the labourer interposes between himself and the subject of his labour, and which serves as the conductor of his activity. He makes use of the mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of some substances in order to make other substances subservient to his aims....Thus Nature becomes one of the organs of his activity, one that he annexes to his own bodily organs, adding stature to himself in spite of the Bible.  

“Our capitalist, who is at home in his vulgar economy, exclaims: ‘Oh! but I advanced my money for the express purpose of making more money.” The way to Hell is paved with good intentions, and he might just as easily have intended to make money, without producing at all....“I might have played ducks and drakes with the 15 shillings; but instead of that I consumed it productively, and made yarn with it.’ ... Let him therefore console himself with the reflection that virtue is its own reward. But no, he becomes importunate. He says: ‘The yarn is of no use to me: I produced it for sale.’ ... Our friend, up to this time so purse-proud, suddenly assumes the modest demeanour of his own workman, and exclaims: “Have I myself not worked? Have I not performed the labour of superintendence and of overlooking the spinner? And does not this labour, too, create value?” His overlooker and his manager try to hide their smiles.” [Emphasis added.]

In the space of a few paragraphs the smug and supercilious Marx unintentionally reveals the reason his own life’s work led civilization to a Hell on earth: he rejected the wisdom of God in favor of “serpent reasoning.” The serpent persuaded Adam and Eve to adopt the premise that God’s guidance could be wrong and that following their own counsel would make them “gods” like Him.

In the matter of economics, God’s counsel on economics is spelled out clearly in the Bible. For example private property is implicit in the Ten Commandments (“Thou shall not steal” has meaning only when things can be owned) and the socially just redistribution of wealth is prescribed in the Torah as a function of the seven year Sabbatical and fifty year Jubilee cycles. But, rejecting God’s wisdom, Marx and his humanist fellow-travelers intended to remedy some genuinely evil social conditions of his era (such as the virtual slavery of children in mines and factories, and obscene hoarding of wealth by new-money elites with no inclination to noblesse oblige) by engineering humanistic and eugenicist social changes of their own design, backed by resentment-fueled class warfare.

In the portion I highlighted above in bold, Marx ignorantly misinterprets Luke 12:24-26, which reads:

“Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds? “And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? “If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest?”

Marx completely missed that trust in God’s providence – and the practical implementation of His Bible-based ethics, morality and governing systems – was the only right answer to the “social injustice” of his day.

It has been roughly two centuries since Marx started paving his generation’s road to Hell. Today, the “elite” strata of our 21st Century society is teeming with Karl Marxes, each brimming with good intentions animated by serpent reasoning. They’re cooperating together with factory-like efficiency to achieve their mutual fantasy of a “perfect” society, and their collective efforts have upgraded the Marxian path to a super-highway.

The common denominator of these men (which term properly incorporates women in authentic biblical reasoning) is defacto secular humanism – serpent reasoning – regardless of whatever religion they may nominally profess.

Authorities differ on the original source of the “road to Hell” quote but I believe it’s first use in the form and meaning assumed in this article was a sermon by John Wesley in 1741: “The Almost Christian” It’s worth a read, especially the opening paragraphs in which Welsey describes what would in the early 20th Century be called the “social gospel,” which American Humanists invented to undermine the church, and which more recently has served as the stepping stone to the widespread “social justice” movement in today’s “Almost Christian” church.

When you talk to self-styled “Progressives” or their self-deluding “Almost Christian” counterparts in their unguarded moments you find they almost universally perceive their intentions to be good, but in reality, to whatever extent they substitute their own serpent reasoning for God’s wisdom, they are, literally, paving their own personal road to Hell (John 3:18) and dragging the rest of society down with them.


Stranded in Middle Earth

Scott at the site of “Isengard” in Glenorchy, New Zealand

My regular readers know that I generally write about current events, theology and geopolitics in a testimonial style and live my life to maximize my experience-based insights. Much of what I experience is directed more by God than by myself and I have learned to simply follow His leading whenever there are turns in the road I didn’t plan. A frequent challenge is to trust Him regardless of the way things look and seem in these transitions. I write to you today from one of the most challenging side trails He has ever taken us on.

Anne and I usually take our annual vacation in January and or February and we increasingly favor cruises because shipboard life is most accommodating of Anne’s severe degenerative scoliosis. I wanted this year’s cruise to be extra special because I don’t know how long her declining mobility will last, so I booked a short segment of a world cruise that embarked in Los Angeles and disembarked in Sydney, Australia. Now, we had been to Sydney before without any need for a visa and thus were surprised to arrive on January 18th at the pier in LA to find a visa requirement had since been imposed on Americans. The cruise line insisted we could not board without one, and so we joined the approximately 200 other people scrambling to use the online visa application which in most cases granted one immediately. In the midst of that the site crashed, so the ship staff said we could board if we could show proof of a completed application and acceptance of payment. Thankfully, we had gotten that far in the process before the crash.

One day later Anne’s visa was granted. I was required to provide more information such as proof of financial ability to support myself in Australia (even though I would be there less than a day – to catch a flight home). That led to another request for more information including an extensive questionnaire that required me to create an immigration account and upload documents. I received another email verifying my completion of the process and another payment, including a promise I would get a response by email. That was on January 29th. One week later I still had no visa and began to get concerned, so I replied to one previous email that seemed to have come from a real person, titling it “Urgent ETA Inquiry.” I explained that (per Australian law) I and my handicapped wife would be ejected (in Dunedin, New Zealand) from the ship on February 10th for lack of a visa because was the last port before Sydney. That email (obviously not to a human being) triggered another demand for creating an immigration account and uploading more information – which, when I tried, rejected my effort because I already had an account.

Recognizing then that I was either trapped in a closed-loop computer-controlled AI hell with no human oversight or I was being targeted for my political views by ultra-woke DEI hires in the Aussi immigration bureaucracy, I started making contingency plans. I discovered that Dunedin, home of a huge international medical university catering largely to Chinese students was celebrating Chinese New Year and every reasonably priced hotel room in the city was booked. So instead I booked one of the last available rental cars at the airport for pickup on the morning of Feb 11th and arranged for the ship to let us disembark at 5:30AM, just ahead of its departure from port at 6AM. Originally the ship was to have left the afternoon of the 10th but a severe storm off the southern coast caused them to delay and so (we rejoiced) we could have one last night on the ship, pick up our car, and drive west to Queenstown near many filming locations for the Lord of the Rings movies.

However, on February 10th as I was leaving the ship to pick up my rental car to park it near the pier for our early morning Feb 11th disembarkation I was encouraged by a staff member on the ship to try again to get an “instant” visa because that had worked for many other people onboard in my situation. So, giving up my rental car reservation (by simply being a no show) I stayed onboard, did the retry and paid another fee. But instead of getting an instant visa, I got an email message saying I would receive a response within 72 hours. Still holding out hope, I checked my email every few minutes for the next three hours. Finally, I returned to the front desk to see if anything had come through on their end.

No such luck, but to my shock a cold and stern security office came up as I stood in a crowd in the lobby and demanded that I immediately gather my belongings and get off the ship, as if I were a criminal. “We have confirmed arrangements to disembark at 5:30AM tomorrow,” I said. “That will not be possible,” he replied, and added “The immigration official is right now waiting to process your disembarkation to New Zealand.” I replied “Your agent assured me we could disembark tomorrow morning and you have a legal obligation to honor that. You’re telling me me and my handicapped wife are being forced off the ship with no hotel rooms available in town?” He replied, “Whoever told you that made a mistake.”

Having no recourse we were in fact required to disembark into the bitter cold evening winds (the southern hemisphere equivalent of a polar vortex was peaking). Thankfully the port agent who had come onboard with the immigration official was able to reserve a hotel room for us in a nice hotel and to arrange taxi service to get there. I thought at first these were being provided by the cruise line as a courtesy, but learned that was not true when we left the taxi and were asked for payment.

The next day, there being not a single rental car available in Dunedin, we caught the bus to Queenstown where we were able to book a flight to Sydney that will allow us connect with our already scheduled flight back home. And because we’re arriving at the airport and not a cruise dock, there is no visa requirement. The one redeeming aspect of this change of circumstances is that we get to see one of the most magnificent and beautiful regions of the world – and have booked a bus tour of LOTR film sites for this afternoon.

How is any of this relevant to my readers? I believe what Anne and I have endured is a tiny glimpse into the future of AI controlled humanity. There is no good reason for Australian Immigration to have these problems – and I can tell you that every single New Zealander I’ve mentioned our plight to has related similar horror stories of their own or their friends. Further, two fellow travellers on this ship had it even worse (at least in the application process). One was required to get a full medical exam and a blood test. The other was forced to produce the death certificate of their grandparent (or parent) who’d been deceased for decades. Bizarre – as if some sadist with a creative imagination is randomly tormenting applicants – but I believe it’s all computer driven and not human controlled. That’s much worse, frankly, because at least a bad human can have a change of heart. Robots, however, and that’s really what were talking about here, are truly heartless – and truly mindless, because AI will never be anything but computer programming, no matter how sophisticated it gets.

Yesterday, I finally got a response to my third application. It instructed me to create an account on their immigration website.

Folks, if there is any chance at all of escaping this nightmare on a grand global scale it can only be by preserving human to human alternatives to the artificial world. I’ve drafted sample legislation that could do that and I offer it now as a free public domain resource. Take it to your legislators and get it passed while there’s still time.

The Natural Life Conservation Act

To be adopted as a State Constitutional Amendment where possible,
but otherwise by statute

“No product, service or information sharing transaction important for the functioning of citizens in their day to day lives, shall be available exclusively on the Internet, but in all such interactions, most especially those involving government or corporate entities, the ability to easily and conveniently live ones life outside the digital world shall be preserved as a sacred and fundamental natural right.”