Scott Lively Ministries

Human Shields and Swords in Ukraine and America

DO NOT BE DECEIVED: The very same globalists who installed Biden through election fraud, burned our cities, staged the ongoing genocidal plandemic, and turned American school-children into “gays,” trannys and SJWs, also installed the Zelensky regime in Ukraine…

The use of human shields in warfare of any kind is a horrifying satanic tactic, and, ironically, it is most effective against people who are truly humane. The tactic uses our humanity against us, because we don’t want the innocent to be harmed.  

Human shields can be used both defensively and offensively. An example of the use of human shields by “defenders” is what Ukrainian Soros agent Zelensky is doing in Kiev. He forcibly conscripted all male civilians into the militia, equipped them with Molotov cocktails, and ordered them to face down Russian tanks (instead of simply agreeing to never put nukes on Russia’s border, which Putin offered as the solution on Day One). 

I do not disregard the heroism of those who chose voluntarily to fight for their homeland – which is honorable and virtuous regardless of the legitimacy of the political goals of the leaders of either side. However, those who did not volunteer for this are literal human shields for the Zelensky/Soros government, even if they reluctantly join battle under duress so as not to appear cowards, or in the hope they will have a better chance of survival.  

It’s hard to conquer an opponent who uses civilians as human shields. No matter how hard the other side tries to strike surgically against purely military and physical infrastructure, innocent people sometimes get hurt: e.g. Israel re the Palestinians and the US re ISIS and the Iraq wars. In such cases you can only tell which leaders are truly monsters based on whether the dead civilians were intentionally targeted or merely “collateral damage” in an attempt to strike surgically at military targets.   

The truly EVIL players in these games are the ones who WANT civilian carnage (ISIS is notorious for this) and will stage it or even orchestrate it for the propaganda value (such as the Palestinians do routinely). Zelensky’s bad intentions on this score are growing clearer, and, even worse, he now seems intent on triggering WWIII by coercing NATO (or the US) into striking Russia.  

In the fog of war, it can be very difficult to discern what is real and what is fake or which side actually harmed those who are truly victims. The Jussie Smollett mindset is common among the leftist political elites and the media. In fact, it is probably reasonable these days to believe the opposite of anything the American corporate media says is true, probably including the Ukraine war, but certainly on any culture war issue.  

The emotional power of war propaganda, and the media’s expertise in steering public opinion with it, cannot be overstated. And, of course, no-one is more manipulable by propaganda than politicians. Once the elites get the politicians to stampede, the public usually follows. That’s how they managed to turn the entire world into one giant concentration camp in the name of public health for the past two years. It was all done through fear-mongering culture-war propaganda that turned politicians (including, unfortunately, President Trump with Operation Warp Speed), into puppets – although many like Newsom and Cuomo were more-than-willing puppets.  

Another example of culture war propaganda to which President Trump has succumbed, and on which nearly all politicians and much of the public have been stampeded into “group think” (aka “political correctness”) relates to the LGBT agenda. But I’ll get to that – and some redemptive comments on President Donald Trump — in just a moment.  

Sometimes the “defenders” behind the human shields are actually the aggressors, such as the Muslim rocket squads in the Gaza Strip and West Bank who operate from schools, hospitals and apartment buildings. Or the “defenders” who retreat to a position behind civilians after offensive actions, kinetic or political, including war posturing (such as openly working to put nuclear weapons on your enemy’s borders). Either way, the civilians are human shields.

Perhaps most evil is the offensive deployment of human “shields” as “human swords.” Again, the Muslim world offers the best examples. Muslim warlords didn’t just use their own civilians as human shields, they created entire slave-armies of captured enemy soldiers and civilians and used them as human swords in the front ranks of all their battles, so that defenders would need to kill their own countrymen to defend themselves.

Even worse, they both stole boy children and demanded boys as a form of tribute, whom they cruelly broke psychologically through sodomy and torture, and then trained as willing slave-warriors. History’s most famous proof of this is the case of Vlad the Impaler (mythologized as “Count Dracula”) – given in tribute as a boy to the Ottoman Turks. Vlad witnessed their use of impalement torture, then escaped to later lead counter warfare against the Muslims in which he used the mass impalement of thousands of captured Muslim troops to demoralize and successfully turn back an invasion.

In the American culture war, the Marxist left has taken a page from the “steal the children” Muslim playbook. They have exploited and abused their control of the “captive audience” of American schoolchildren to create a slave-army of Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) which they now deploy as human swords. Case in point is the group of school children and Woke adult handlers who last week chanted “F*** DeSantis” in the rotunda of the Florida State House in protest of a parental rights bill to ban “gay” propaganda to schoolchildren below the 4th grade.  

If President Trump had survived the election coup in 2020 we would have no Ukraine war (because he respects Russia’s legitimate security interests and wants to disband NATO) and a much stronger position against all forms of Wokism in general here at home. Despite his (temporary?) compromises on so-called “gay rights” and the “vaccine” Donald Trump is the most powerful anti-globalist in the world. Vladimir Putin is second. Globalism would be quickly crushed if American and Russia agreed to cooperate on that goal as candidate Trump implied in 2015-16. That is the forbidden truth behind the campaign to “cancel” the Russian nation.

The very same globalists who installed Biden through election fraud, burned our cities, staged the ongoing genocidal plandemic, and turned American school-children into “gays,” trannys and SJWs, also installed the Zelensky regime in Ukraine. They WANT WWIII to destroy the old world order so they can bring in the new one through their “great reset.” And they’re trying to manipulate YOU into demanding war against Russia, while pretending to resist the “will of the people.”  

My fellow patriots, in the name of God I implore you not to be deceived by the oldest war-propaganda tricks in the book. Look carefully behind the human shields and swords in Ukraine and America. In both places you will see the ugly, satanically-contorted faces of George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the whole globalist cabal sneering back at you.


Is God Using Biden to Punish America?

Why do half of us suddenly trust the very same media, Democrats, neocon RINOs and the leftist “international community” about Russia and Ukraine when we know they lie about everything else we care about?

Sunday I published an article at titled “Is God Using Russia to Punish Ukraine?” In this follow-up article I want to push back against a growing anti-Russian narrative being strongly pushed by neoconservatives, who have joined with the cancel-culture globalists to launch the mother of all propaganda and punishment campaigns to “cancel” an entire nation: pro-family, anti-globalist Russia.

I want to help people resist that narrative by asking some pointed questions, because in the cancel culture (as I know all too well from personal experience), everyone who associates with or defends in any way the target of a smear-job fears getting get canceled too. That’s how this new form of war is waged against the little people by the elites.

The latest reminder of that was watching the despotic Justin Trudeau regime declare martial law to crush peaceful opposition to vaccine tyranny in Ottawa. Remember Ottawa? Remember vaccine tyranny? The trucker convoy bearing down on D.C.? Hillary’s spy-treason? Election fraud? CRT propaganda? The Second Amendment? “Gay”/transgender grooming of children in our public schools? None of that seems to matter now because of the Ukraine war, and that’s no accident. As I said in a recent WND article, “From time immemorial elitist despots have started wars to deflect attention from domestic political crises.”

Let’s leave aside the question of whether Christian Russia – which has both honored God and protected normal marriage in its new constitution – has any right to use military force to stop the Obama/Biden/Clinton/Soros-created LGBT Woke-ocracy of Ukraine from putting anti-Russian nukes on the Russian border.

Let’s instead ask whether God is using Barack Obama’s avatar, Joe Biden, to punish our own country. I’ll answer with another question: “Politically speaking, what is the last best hope for saving America?”

Isn’t it the MAGA movement?

What MAGA movement? Do you mean that formerly united group of Trump supporters now fighting with each other tooth and nail over whether or not Vladimir Putin is (the globalists’ version of) the Antichrist? Or whether the Ukraine president (a former TV comedian who thought performing a homoerotic dance skit with three other men would be a good message for the children of his nation) is a hero for forcibly conscripting his entire male civilian population to be slaughtered in an unnecessary no-win battle with the overwhelming might of the Russian army, when he could win the peace by simply agreeing to remain neutral and not join NATO?

President Zelenshy is 2nd from left

And who are the very worst enemies of the MAGA movement and America itself? Aren’t they the same people beating the war drums against Russia, and who for years have been pushing Ukraine as hard and fast as possible into full-blown Cultural Marxism? Why do half of us suddenly trust the very same media, Democrats, neocon RINOs and the leftist “international community” about Russia and Ukraine when we know they lie about everything else we care about?

And even if they were right, which they aren’t, why are we letting them pit us against each other at the expense of our common goal to take back America … from THEM?

Jesus warned us that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Joe Biden has divided us by starting a war, just as I predicted he would, and did it in such a way as to spread disinformation about Russia, just like Obama did with the Ukraine coup in 2014.

So, back to my earlier question: Is God using Biden to punish America? That’s really a rhetorical question because the answer is obvious. God is unhappy with America because we have turned our backs to Him as a nation and allowed His enemies to gain control of our social, cultural and political institutions. His enemies are our enemies, and the proof of that is the illegitimate puppet regime of Joe Biden, so evil and so corrupt in so many ways that we grow exhausted just listing them.

America is adrift on an ocean of baby blood, on a rudderless ship infested with loathsome parasites and predators – and yet the only people capable of taking back control of the ship can’t keep our focus on the task at hand. Instead we’re hanging over the rail to get our best look at distant fires on somebody else’s ship.

In my last WND column, I wrote, “President Trump, who would never have gotten into this situation in the first place, will be the main beneficiary of this crisis IF the MAGA movement keeps its eye on the prize of retaking the country and doesn’t get caught up in anti-Russian jingoism.” I’ll close by re-stating that point:

The bottom line is this. Biden’s Ukraine war and Russia scapegoating is part of a larger strategy for killing the Red Wave in 2022, and if we’re not smart enough to see that and make a course correction back to unity and focus on the essentials, he/they might just pull it off.

Is God Using Russia to Punish Ukraine

Before I get to the spiritual, let me recount the political realities.

In my last article I explained how Biden/Obama and the globalists set up Putin with a reverse “Cuban Missile Crisis” to have no choice but neutralize Ukraine militarily. In another recent article  I explained WHY they did it: America’s domestic crises are so bad for the Democrats and RINOs they desperately need a distraction. (And it’s working, judging by the almost total lack of public interest in the massive US Trucker Convoy rolling toward DC). 

In both articles I said a Russian war in Ukraine would also provide cover and a scapegoat (Putin) for their “great collapse” of the world economy in preparation for the “great reset” planned probably for this Spring, but perhaps later because the primary goal is solidification of Marxist control of the US in 2022 and 2024. (Cutting off Russian banks from the SWIFT international financial transaction network may well be the trigger to that collapse considering that Russia has the 12th largest economy in the world.)

But explaining WHY military action was necessary on Russia’s part does not equate to cheer-leading. Acknowledgment of geopolitical realities is not an endorsement of war or callousness toward its tragedies. 

Very importantly, we must remember that the Ukrainian people are pawns in a US/Russia proxy war, the blame for which falls squarely on Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and a host of major players of the hard left (including the neo-con RINOs). They are the true culprits who first staged an anti-Russian coup in 2014 to take over Ukraine, and then proceeded to plunder it like drunken pirates while at the same time goading and manipulating the Ukrainians into taking a dangerous and unnecessary hard-line stance against Russia on the false promise that the US military had their back. 

It was also these US interlopers who backed an arguably genocidal civil war pitting Ukrainian nationalists against the ethnic Russian separatists in the Donbass region that borders Russia. The US media has not covered that war because if doesn’t fit the narrative.

Now, let me put on my pastoral hat to look at the spiritual side.

I have not just sympathy but love for the Ukrainian people. I did a mission tour in Ukraine in 2007 where I preached in churches in Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk, fellowshipped with many Christian brothers and sisters, did media interviews and held pro-family seminars. It was a deeply rewarding visit. When I returned from that trip I served for a year on the pastoral staff of a Russian-speaking church of mostly Ukrainian immigrants.

This history gives me a special insight on the spiritual cause of Ukraine’s national crisis. Let me introduce that topic by quoting the head of UK’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI6):

“With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights.”

Truer words were never spoken about the difference between Christian Russia and the US-created Ukrainian Woke-ocracy that rebuffed President Trump when he tried to help untangle the Biden web of criminality there. Here also is a disturbing short music video featuring Ukraine’s President in a homoerotic dance with three other men.

Even in 2007, under the George W. Bush administration there was a major push to turn Ukraine into an LGBT haven. At the very same time that I was holding pro-family seminars with Ukrainian Christians, an Elton John concert was being heavily advertised in Kiev with open references to his LGBT political agenda.

A couple of years after the Obama/Soros coup, I was invited to go back to Ukraine to lead a pro-family strategy conference. It was the only time in my life I turned down such an invitation. It was because I felt a strong sense in my spirit that the US political network in the country would somehow “take me out” if I went there. I felt like Paul being told by the Holy Spirit in Acts 16:6 not to go to Asia, so I declined. 

Between the time of my 2007 visit and the 2014 coup, the Ukraine government moved steadily to the pro-family side. The Christian values of family proved stronger than Elton John’s LGBT propaganda. After Russia passed it’s national ban on “gay” propaganda to children in 2013 (something I had advocated for in my tour of Russia), Ukraine was one of five countries I was then tracking because political leaders were talking about adopting the same law in Ukraine. Then, of course, Obama turned 180 degrees against Russia and his US/Russia “reset plan” that had been aggressively touted by Hillary Clinton’s State Department for several years. 

I contend that was when the Obama team decided to re-start the cold war and make Russia an international pariah, starting with LGBT public-relations sabotage of the Sochi Olympics in February of 2014, and escalating with the Ukraine coup. I sent and published a letter to President Putin in August of 2013 predicting that Russia would be targeted because of the ban. Once in US hands, Ukraine dropped all efforts to pass the ban.

Germany heavily pushes “gay pride” in Kiev.

I went to Moscow in late 2013 to attend the planning session for a major international pro-family conference that was to have been held, literally, in the Kremlin. We got a private tour of its conference facilities and several of the seven Orthodox cathedrals on Red Square. My sole purpose in attending that meeting was to promote the group’s endorsement of the Russian “gay” propaganda ban as a policy objective for every country that would be attending the conference. The issue was made moot when the Ukrainian coup and its intended Russian reaction (i.e. annexing the Crimea) caused the conference to be cancelled.  

I believe it was the choice by Ukraine’s leadership to embrace the LGBT agenda and reject the family values of its Christian and Orthodox Jewish heritage that caused God to withdraw His hand of protection from the nation. It is the same cause and effect relationship that has led to America’s descent into Marxist tyranny, like so many other countries in the western world. 
In His word, God has warned humanity that the widespread normalization of homosexuality is the chief harbinger of His wrath.**

As the “gay” activist said: “we should remember the values and freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights.” Indeed we should, because on the critical spiritual issue of “LGBT rights,” Russia is on God’s side and Ukraine is on the side of Sodom, along with all the countries likely to come to Ukraine’s aid if this thing spins off into WWIII.  
My prayer is for God to spare the Ukrainian people but overthrow the corrupt Ukrainian government and replace it with a healthy pro-family one. I pray the same for America.


** To understand what the Bible actually teaches about the LGBT agenda from Genesis to Revelation, and to learn why Pastor Lively believes so-called “gay theology” is the heresy of the last days warned about by the Apostle Peter, read his book The Petros Prophecy, which you may freely access here) . 

The Storm before the Calm

For several months I have been predicting that the globalists will stage a “great collapse” this winter as a set-up for the “great reset.” I am writing this article in the very early hours of February 24th as live-fire military conflict begins in Ukraine. The corporate media is spinning this conflict as unprovoked Russian aggression, but it’s really a logical Russian reaction to deliberate un-ignorable provocation by the Biden/Obama administration. Biden has created this crisis both to deflect attention from serious political trouble at home, and to create a scapegoat for the “great collapse,” which I believe is imminent. 

The start of this mess was Joe Biden’s sudden, arbitrary and unilateral push to fold Ukraine into NATO, essentially to put anti-Russian nukes on the Russian border. It was the political, geographical and diplomatic equivalent of the Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse, with Vladimir Putin in the role of JFK.

Ukraine didn’t ask for this. The European powers did not ask for it — and in fact Germany is in very the last stages of approving their already built and much-desired Nordstrean 2 oil pipeline to double the flow of Russian oil and gas to Europe via Germany. Some even suggest that stopping this pipeline is the real goal of the Biden administration because US influence in Europe would diminish as Russia’s grew — but I think this is only one contributing factor in a much larger strategy. (Political realities have forced Germany to suspend the pipeline approval — for now — but I suspect it will open as scheduled in April after things have calmed down a bit.)

Setting up Russia to have essentially no choice but to respond militarily was exactly what Obama, Biden, Clinton and Soros did in 2014 with their coup to remove Ukraine’s pro-Russian president and replace him with an Obama puppet. As I’ve said many times before, that coup — especially regarding the Crimean Peninsula and its centuries-long military importance to Russia — was the geo-political equivalent of Russia taking Hawaii away from the US. We would never accept that. To protect his legitimate national interests Putin had no choice but to annex that territory, an action which was overwhelmingly ratified by the mostly ethnic and culturally Russian inhabitants. 

Smug and smarmy LGBT zealot Barack Obama (who had come to hate Putin with a deep burning passion for banning “gay” propaganda to children nationally in 2013) set up these events like a row of dominos: planning from the very start to accuse Russia of military aggression. That military “aggression” was then used both to re-start the cold war and justify US military intervention in Ukraine as a pretext for plundering it. That kicked off a campaign of Mafia-style piracy — a “protection racket” on an national scale — which was, of course, headed by Joe Biden (the big guy) in the role of Tony Soprano with son Hunter serving as his in-country head Capo.   

Also in consequence of the Obama coup, two other less strategic but strongly culturally aligned Ukrainian “oblasts” or “states” (Donetsk and Luhansk) declared independence, triggering an on-and-off civil war that continued to the present. When, this month, Biden rejected Russia’s demand for a promise that Ukraine would NOT become a base for anti-Russian nukes, Putin’s predictable decision was to formally recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent countries, and to enter into mutual defense agreements. That, from the Russian perspective, justifies the current military incursion into these two states including the offensive assault on Ukraine airports, weapons and military infrastructure.

Geographically Donetsk borders Russia and has a stretch of coastline on the Sea of Azov (with access to the Black Sea) close to Crimea. Luhansk is immediately north of Donetsk and also borders Russia. The two states/countries now essentially form a friendly buffer zone for Russia between itself and US-controlled Ukraine. The Putin strategy copies what the US has done in the Baltics and other places, and is thus legally comparable to similar US actions under international law. I predict the international community will eventually recognize these states as nations. 

The world’s attention is now riveted on Ukraine, as the Biden/Obama administration intended, and, even before the outbreak of hostilities, the US media this week began blaming our domestic crises on the Ukraine/Russia conflict. The US elites now have their distraction and their scapegoat in the form of a Russian Bear, which most Americans (even far too many conservatives who should know better) still think of in Cold War terms.   

President Trump, who would never have gotten into this situation in the first place, will be the main beneficiary of this crisis IF the MAGA movement keeps its eye on the prize of retaking the country and doesn’t get caught up in anti-Russian jingoism. We may see American deaths in Ukraine (where we have had special forces personnel all along), triggering a pre-set full court media blitz to gin up patriotic furor amidst a call to “rally behind our president,” with accusations of treason if we don’t. (The anti-war movement will stay curiously silent at best, or join the war chorus at worst). We may see some sort of false flag event on our soil blamed on Russia — my best guess is a cyber attack on our energy grid in the northern states. I have argued that Obama staged the now-forgotten fake power shutdown in Vermont in 2017 as part of a plot to start a hot war with Russia during the Obama/Trump transition — so there is precedent for this. 

Through all of this, never forget the blame belongs to Biden!

In any case, if there is going to be a “great collapse,” now is the time. If I’m right, the crisis will be short-lived so the “great reset” can be launched this Spring. But war could “spiral out of control” as well (accidentally or by design) and drag out the process much longer. Either way, it’s all about the US 22 and 24 elections — on which hangs the fate of the world.

BUT we know that this world — and our lives — are in the hands of our Savior, Jesus Christ whose own plans will not be thwarted. Whatever those plans may be, we can trust HIM!!    

The LGBT Shepherds of Apostasy

This is the video version of Part 18 of Dr. Scott Lively’s book The Prodigal Son Prophecy: God’s Amazing Plan for the Restoration of the Two Hebrew Houses and the Salvation of the Gentiles. Having fully explained his approach to theology and prophecy in the prior segments, Dr. Lively tells how his culture war ministry shifted to prophecy and why he believes the rising last-days age of apostasy in the US has from the start been driven socially and politically by the LGBT movement.

Click on graphic to watch video. Following is a portion of the text version. Both the video and full PDF of the text are available HERE. From the book:

The Emerging Age of Apostasy

Here I will shift to a testimonial style as a first-person witness of the topics I will address.  
I began writing this book just over a decade ago in 2011, at which time I had already devoted twenty years of my life to fighting the culture war as a front lines Christian social and political activist across the globe. It was not accidental (in God’s plan) that the focus of my ministry was opposition to the so-called LGBT movement. The “sexual revolution” has always been led (sometimes from behind the scenes) by this small but powerful faction since it emerged in Germany in the 1860s. This sexual juggernaut is both the centerpiece of the globalist agenda (in the sociopolitical context), and the fulfilment of prophecy regarding the age of apostasy (in the religious/spiritual context).  

Regarding the sociopolitical context, my first book (co-authored by Orthodox Holocaust researcher, Kevin Abrams), The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (1995) details key aspects of that history and their effect on Germany. My fourth book Redeeming the Rainbow: A Christian Response to the “Gay” Agenda (2009), addressed the continuation of that history in the United States, which became the new center of LGBT-driven “sexual revolution” after Germany was defeated in WWII. In many ways, the German experience was the “dress-rehearsal” for the American saga of debauchery and deviance-created chaos we are living today.  

In any case, for the first twenty years of my thirty year ministry, I was single focused on the sociopolitical battles – to such an extent that in 2014 the largest and most powerful LGBT organization in the world, the Human Rights Campaign, named me the top opponent of their agenda internationally, in a dossier funded by the billionaire “gay rights” activist Paul Singer. I have thus had a particularly crucial vantage point on geopolitics relative to the rise of apostasy, which, importantly, the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:18-32 (bolstered by 2 Timothy 3:1-9) describes as 

1. A spiritual phenomenon measured by cultural effects 

2. Triggered by the widespread normalization of homosexuality. 

So, when in 2011 the Lord turned my attention to prophecy as a parallel ministry track, I already had a unique understanding and perspective of the cause/effect relationship of LGBT activism to cultural chaos. That gave me special insights into end time prophecy, culminating in my sixth book The Petros Prophecy: Simon Peter’s Prophetic Warning About the Heresy of the Last Days (2017). Significantly, that book began as a section of this book, but took on a life of its own through its identification of “gay theology” as a heresy which became increasingly conspicuous as the LGBT conquest of Christian churches and denominations escalated in conjunction with the legal, cultural and political imposition of “gay” marriage on the nation.

The most important references to homosexuality in the Bible are catalogued in the chart on page 172 which was created to support the claim of The Petros Prophecy that the sum of the parts revealing the mind of God on this issue is greater than the whole, showing that the social normalization of homosexual perversion has always been the chief harbinger of the wrath of God. The implications for that – in the context of our question “What Happens Next” – are both profound and disturbing…   Continued HERE.

The Systemic Racism of White Liberals

Dr. Scott Lively draws upon his years pastoring a multi-racial inner-city church and his two runs for MA governor to explain and expose the systemic racism of the white liberals who control most of America’s urban centers.

Strangely missing from the push-back to “Critical Race Theory” by outraged white conservatives is the observation that nearly all the black people complaining sincerely about long-standing systemic racism have lived their lives in the bluest of the blue cities which have been controlled by white liberals for generations. 

The essential premise of Critical Race Theory — i.e. that black people have been deliberately kept down by white people — is correct. But the racial repression is not perpetuated by the white majority or “white culture” itself, but only by the minority of white liberals who control the key institutions that dominate and exploit black people and black culture for their own corrupt ends. We shouldn’t be denying the reality of systemic racism in the communities where most black people reside; we should instead be exposing its white liberal perpetrators and purging their racist ideas and practices from our society.

Think about it: urban governments, public education at every level, entitlement programs, the corporate media, social service agencies, job-training programs and virtually every other entity with the greatest authority or influence over (the vast majority of) black people are controlled by white liberals, and that has been true to an ever increasing extent since Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson reportedly promised his fellow white liberals in 1963 “I’ll have them n*****s voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.”  

That quotation is, of course, hotly disputed by “fact checkers,” despite audio recordings of LBJ using the “N” word as comfortably as a Grand Dragon of the KKK, but the Civil Rights Act he signed into law in 1964 would seem to have fulfilled that promise even if he never said those exact words out loud.  

LBJ was the mastermind of the plan to give the Democrats total control of America’s urban centers and to turn their inner-cities into virtual slave plantations where the poor and needy could be turned into cash cows to fund every leftist cause. He did this by creating entitlement programs at the federal level where huge amounts of tax money are held in reservoirs managed by liberal bureaucrats, who in turn funnel that money into the hands of their fellow leftists at the state and local level.  

Having lived for a decade in the inner-city of Springfield, Massachusetts (a mini Detroit or Baltimore) where I ran a Christian mission to the bottom strata of society, I know what I’m talking about.  

It was “Dee,” one of my church members (a very savvy and spiritually mature black retired state worker) who enlightened me to how the Democrats exploit poor blacks to gain a seeming unbreakable stranglehold on America’s big cities. In short, they congregate entitlement program recipients in the inner cities to reduce costs for services to the absolute minimum so most of the money can fund an army of socialist workers (and voters) organized in public employee unions to keep their Democrat political patrons in office. (Importantly to the issue of election integrity, our election and judicial bureaucracies are also staffed by these unions, which are almost universally headquartered in the deep blue cities nation-wide.)  

Several of our church members were homeless people who confirmed that the intake workers at the homeless shelters had checklists of entitlement categories, and they worked to get each incoming person on as many lists as possible because every category was a separate income stream from federal coffers to the state and cities.  

“Dee” called Springfield a “catfish farm,” designed to enslave inner city residents to permanent government dependency, keep them under political and ideological control as a voting bloc, and prevent them from escaping the dependency cycle. 

In my 2014 run for Massachusetts governor as an Independent, my black running mate, Shelly Saunders, lived at one of these shelters. We called ourselves the Miracle Ticket and promoted a plan for liberating inner city families through entrepreneurialism (similar in some ways to President Trump’s successful 2016-2020 “Platinum Plan”) but it got ZERO attention or support from the liberal media or politicians because they need blacks to stay on the plantation. 

The reason why “welfare families” are often multi-generational is not that inner-city people lack entrepreneurial skills and drive, it’s that their opportunities are deliberately suppressed by the white liberal masters. It is no accident that the only (legal) choices most inner city people have for economic survival is government dependency, government employment, or low-end no-future wage slavery in corporate franchises. (Never forget that the Marxists and the “woke” Predatory Corporatists are partners in “catfish farming” just as they are partners in the plandemic lockdown strategy, and in the China model of one-world government.) 

Does anyone really think that black parents WANT their sons to become street thugs in gangs? Or their daughters to abort more black babies than are actually born? Or for their children to smoke weed every day before school (as dozens did behind our church building and in alleyways all over the neighborhood) so it’s impossible to thrive academically? Do black men WANT to be cut off from their children by anti-family welfare policies?

Having ministered to countless inner-city residents one on one at our Holy Grounds Coffee House church and on the streets, I know their hopes and dreams are the same as every other group. But, since the 60s, the liberals have created a system for keeping black families broken and communities destabilized while constantly stirring the pot of victimhood and resentment and cynically pointing the finger of blame at white conservatives who have no influence at all in those cities.  Orthodox Jewish Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, made famous for his success curing Covid patients with hydroxychloroquine and zinc, did an interview recently on the America First Report about the evil of the plandemic co-conspirators. In it he said, profoundly, “Slavery has always been the most lucrative industry in the history of humanity.” 

The Democrats have never ended their involvement in black slavery, they merely moved their operations from the plantations to the inner cities, and learned how to cloak their actions in the devious rhetoric of LBJ’s “war on poverty” while projecting their own racism onto conservatives.  

Most white conservatives are fully vindicated by our united sincere embrace of the self-evident truth that “all men are created equal…endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights [including] Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” 

But most white liberals are fully condemned by their rejection of the Creator and their aggressive division of human beings into competing factions whose value is measured by their willingness to kill babies, restrict liberty, and inflict suffering on anyone who disagrees.
We will end systemic racism in America only when we end the rule of white liberals. 



by Maximus Transphobicon

If the 1930 and 40s were the Golden Age of Hollywood, the more recent trend of passing off 90 minute toy marketing commercials as feature films could be called the Dark Age. Nothing better defines the Hollywood Dark Age than the Transformer franchise in which various mechanical forms of transport, transform themselves into either superheros or supervillians and bash each other endlessly across and against various urban landscapes with mind-numbing repetition. 

The clear and consistent message for children that is embedded in the Transformer series, and all the many comic-book movies of the same genre is that “special” people (be they human or machine) can transcend the limitations of the natural world and transform themselves into super heroes with super powers by simply identifying as “super” and getting a little help from substances (e.g. spider venom) and/or already-initiated mentors.  

Was it all just harmless fantasy, or were these films deliberately grooming children to embrace transgenderism right under the noses of their parents?  

One of the early films was “X-Men,” a very thinly veiled LGBT coming-of-age/“coming-out” allegory that became its own entire franchise on that theme. In time the leftists dropped the pretense that the film series was “just entertainment” and admitted its true message and goals. Need proof? Look at this 2018 article from that asserted “X-Men Series The Gifted Needs to Trade in LGBTQ Allegories For Actual, Queer Mutants.”  Got that? “Actual, Queer Mutants.” You grey-hairs and Boomers think that’s a joke. The kids ensnared in transgender delusion don’t.   

The Matrix trilogy, which spawned the “red pill” metaphor so beloved by conservatives, was also defined (after the fact) by its creators as an allegory on transgenderism.  

I suggest the entire genre is similarly intentionally contaminated, and has played a significant role in the rise of “Generation Trans.”  

Of course, children have been the target of LGBT grooming for decades now through many vehicles – not the least of which is GLSEN, the national network of LGBT activist teachers and administrators in our public school system (Loudon County is by no means an anomaly), but the entertainment industry also shares a big part of the blame.  

We adults forget how blurred the line between fantasy and reality can be in the minds of children (and some adults who never grew up). My Mom once told me a true story about her brother Walter whose favorite TV show was Superman. One day he put on a home-made cape, climbed atop the family car and tried to fly across the back yard, breaking his arm in the process. 

That was back in the early 1950s when actual reality was universally culturally affirmed. Think how easy it is for kids today to embrace delusions about their identity and purpose when the ruling class has literally gone insane on matters of sexuality and human relations. How many of these adults’ own tendency toward delusion became pathological in part from consuming the same pop-culture propaganda and programming that enslaved their kids?  

My purpose here is not to attack Hollywood, which is impervious to criticism, but to highlight the fact that Generation Trans did not develop spontaneously in the natural course of human societal evolution but was orchestrated by forces that have been at work for a very long time and which advance their agenda incrementally through multiple spheres of influence simultaneously. 

Transgenderism did not become the cause celeb until homosexuality had been normalized, and the campaign to normalize homosexuality did not take center stage until heterosexual promiscuity had been normalized. This is a long-term agenda we’re watching unfold, being pushed by people, principalities and powers with a very long view and the patience to allow each stage to settle in slowly until enough of the public accepts it to ensure nothing will be successfully reversed. 

Don’t believe that? Tell me what you think are the prospects for re-criminalizing adultery in America and what’s actually changed to make that idea seem ridiculous. Adultery isn’t any less immoral or harmful today than it was when it’s criminalization was considered a no-brainer by virtually everyone. We’ve simply been the victims of incremental desensitization.

Recognizing that truth should lead any honest person to admit that, unless something changes in our approach, we conservatives are going to lose the transgender battle just like we lost the homosexual battle, and later on we’re going to lose the transhumanism battle after they’ve crushed us on transgenderism. And some of the very same people fighting hard against transgenderism today are going to simply shrug their shoulders at it tomorrow, just like today many “conservatives” have decided homosexuality is no big deal anymore. 

The left wins because they have a vision for the future that drives their movement and excites their activists. They envision a perfect socialist utopia built upon the ashes of Judeo-Christian civilization and they constantly work pro-actively to achieve it.  
Meanwhile, conservatives work to “conserve” the status quo and are motivated to action only when it’s threatened. With only defense and no offense, we always eventually lose, regroup around the new status quo, and go back to sleep until the next assault by the left. It’s a strategy for guaranteed failure.    

The solution is for conservatives to change our strategy from reactive to pro-active. We do have a long-forgotten pro-active vision called the Shining City on a Hill. It is the vision of the Founders for an ever-strengthening and expanding Constitutional Republic with a cultural melting pot capable of transforming and conforming all other cultures to the goodness and blessing of Biblical truth. That was our “manifest destiny” which got sidetracked when we shrank back from Marxist aggression and became accommodationist. We should and must repent of that passivity and get back to fighting for righteousness!

To translate this call to action into comic book metaphors and the language of Generation Trans, I now “choose to identify” as a super robot, Maximus Transphobicon, and everyone must now affirm my value as an insurrectionist against Marxism and Transgenderism and follow my example.

But seriously, until the Lord returns it IS our job to “save the world” from Satanic oppression. Let’s reclaim the true supernatural powers He has given us, and get back in that fight.


The Madness of King JoeBama and the Specter of WWIII

Click on above graphic to watch Scott’s Prophecy and Politics show of this past week. His topics include a first hand report on mask tyranny in California, Neil Young and the bizarre reversal of liberals and conservatives on the question of personal freedoms today compared to the 1960s and 70s, some analysis of the Zucker resignation from CNN including his opinion that the “sex scandal” explanation is a cover for something deeper, the decades-old Bush and Clinton connection to China, and, finally, the issue of foreign wars being started as a distraction from domestic problems by national leaders, which inspired the article below.

From time immemorial elitist despots have started wars to deflect attention from domestic political crises. The most consequential recent example is that of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the last emperor of Germany whose reign from 1871 – 1918 was called the Second Reich. “Kaiser” is the German translation of “Caesar,” evoking the imperium of both the original Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire (later called the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation) which largely dominated Europe from Charlemagne to Napoleon. 

Megalomaniacs of that stature are extremely dangerous people when their power or legacy is threatened, and such was true of the last Kaiser. When in 1907 a powerful German Jewish newspaper publisher named Maximilian Harden made pubic the allegation that Caesar Wilhelm was politically controlled by a cabal of homosexuals, it triggered a massive public scandal called The Eulenburg Affair causing highly embarrassing, high-profile legal and political problems for Wilhelm that dragged on until the outbreak of World War I. 
Another German Jew, Samuel Igra, documented all of this in his 1945 classic book German’s National Vice, which makes a strong case that Wilhelm was the hidden hand responsible for starting WWI. 

Igra also argued persuasively that Adolf Hitler’s antisemitism was first inflamed by Harden’s moralistic attack on the homosexuals surrounding the Kaiser, because at the time of the scandal, Hitler was a “gay” prostitute in Munich and Vienna whose personal heroes included the Kaiser’s “gay” pals (because some were, literally, Prussian war heroes). So, in a sense, Wilhelm was responsible for WWII as well, especially given how closely Hitler identified with him, treasuring a homosexual love letter written by Prussian warrior-king Frederick the Great to a boyfriend, and calling his own regime the Third Reich. (There is even a case to be made that under Obama the US became a Fourth Reich with the same deviant characteristics in its elites.)

Another case of foreign war as a distraction from domestic crises was that of King George III who deliberately provoked our American Revolution through all the actions enumerated in our Declaration of Independence. George had problems at home, not the least of which was pressure from the increasingly powerful populists of the Whig Party who (rightly) demanded ever more constitution-based rights in England while laying the groundwork for an independent constitutional republic in the new world. 

King George’s problems were compounded, however, by his degenerative mental health, much like our own King Joe Biden who appears determined to start a war with the Russian Federation to deflect public attention away from all his domestic scandals.   
Like Wilhelm, Joe is (in whole or in part) controlled by homosexuals, if, like me you believe the uber-megalomaniac Barack Obama is one.  And Obama’s homosexual agenda has also been central to the Russian/Ukraine conflict, which he and George Soros orchestrated starting in 2013

Also like Wilhelm, JoeBama could very well start a world war. Now, the conservative press in the US is emphasizing how much we Americans really don’t want a war with Russia. But crazy King Joe and his overmind Barack don’t care. They have a couple of key elections to steal in 22 and 24 before their power can be fully solidified, and they just can’t allow President Trump or the rising America First movement to thwart them. (Importantly, the RINOs have their “dogs” — i.e. homosexual prostitutes, per Deuteronomy 23:18 — in this fight too.) 

War traditionally unifies Americans behind a sitting president and if in this case it didn’t create unity under putative President Biden, it would at least provide a plausible pretext for martial law if a false flag attack or two could be pinned on either the Russians or, better still, “Russian-sympathizer White-Supremacist Trump supporters.” (The left would even trumpet this as final vindication of their “Russian Collusion” claims).  

Who else would be on board for world war, or at least a Bush-style “coalition” against Russia? Well, first of all we have the other English-speaking countries of the former British Empire. The UK, of course, where so much gung-ho war policy seems to be centered. Justin Trudeau’s Canada would probably like very much to nip its nascent populist revolution in the bud at this point (and I don’t think it is accidental that Canada’s Pravda media ridiculously claims Russia is behind the truck convoy).  Likewise, Australian leaders are also probably having nightmares of torch-wielding lynch mobs and guillotine parties about now as the plandemic narrative justifying their brutal tyranny crumbles around them, and protest rallies keep growing bigger and louder.

Israel, like the UK, is looking down the metaphorical barrel of a “vaccine” shotgun in the hands of newly awakened angry citizens as the death toll from “adverse” reactions to the clot shot and boosters mounts. (That can only get worse for all the mandate zealots in power everywhere.) Plus, Israel has the problem of Iran’s imminent nuclear weapon capability to deal with, and Iran is a key ally of Russia.

A strike on Iran in the context of US “coalition” hot war with Russia would seem virtually inevitable, and may in fact be the goal of all this warmongering. The Russia/Ukraine border “crisis” could even be a elaborate pretext to justify planned (and I would argue necessary) attacks on Iran’s nuke infrastructure that would otherwise violate international law. (To be clear I do NOT endorse war with Russia to achieve that goal or to bring Ukraine into NATO).    
If Iran formally backs Russia, it likely brings in the rest of the Shiite and Iran-allied countries: Syria, Yemen, Algeria, etc. There’s your world war, as all their treaty-based mutual assistance pledges are triggered and the Sunni Muslim allies of the US take them on across the Middle East.

I’ve long contended that the elites would cause a Great Collapse this winter to soften people up for a Great Reset in the spring. I’ve suggested it would likely be an economic collapse, but World War III would do the job even better – and could be extended through 2024 if needed – pushing back the Great Reset correspondingly. 

Is any of this certain? No. What is certain is increasing pain, suffering and tyranny of various kinds under King JoeBama and the rest of the global elites until such time as we oust them from power, or the Lord returns to deal with them all Himself.

I never thought I’d hear myself say this anywhere but in the punchline to a joke about smarmy liberals, but we should all be praying for world peace. Seriously.

 (I have documented Igra’s contentions in my book The Poisoned Stream, and my own assertions about Hitler in The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party both of which you may freely access on this website.


On the question of freedom vs tyranny, the sheep and goats are almost fully divided now in America: we’ve never been quite this polarized because the Marxists have never had this much power to use government to enslave people. That’s not to say we’re the first nation to be “fundamentally transformed” in this way (as the Great Divider, Barry Soetoro put it), just that it was never expected to happen in America. 

While it’s generally a very good thing that freedom loving people are now united, there lurks the danger of what we used to call “mob psychology” whenever people form ideologically-based opposing armies. In wartime the phenomenon is called “jingoism.” In two-party politics it is called hyper-partisanship. It is the human tendency to self-suppress independent thinking and embrace dogma whenever everyone around us is doing the same thing, And it is the devil’s tendency and agenda to exploit the weakness in every human system – especially systems vulnerable to emotional and perceptual manipulation – and he always works both sides of the street.

“Mass formation psychosis” is a term coined by Belgian psychology professor Mattias Desmet in his upcoming book The Psychology of Totalitarianism to refine understanding of what previously had been called “the madness of crowds.” Its use to explain irrational mass-compliance during the Covid 19 plandemic has been popularized Dr. Robert Malone, whose recent talk on the topic went so “viral” that Big Tech went into overdrive to censor it   – and by doing so confirmed its validity as a concept and their own complicity in driving it.    

I discussed the phenomenon on my Brighteon.TV program Prophecy and Politics last week, modifying the term slightly to “mass formation hypnosis” which I think is more accurate because psychosis is something that “just happens” to someone, while hypnosis is something deliberately done to him.  My point in this article is not primarily to help spread the word about this important topic but to caution everyone on the right that people on BOTH sides of a polarized society are susceptible to mob psychology. My greater purpose is remind/explain how an authentic Biblical worldview provides immunity from this psychosis.  

First, a word about jargon. Jargon is specialized language invented to convey meaning among only those who can speak it. Sometimes it is a legitimate and helpful tool for expanding human knowledge such as when new observations in science or technology cannot adequately be explained using existing vocabulary: for example, the jargon of “quantum physics” to define the qualities and behavior of newly discovered physical objects in deep space or inside the atom.  

Other times jargon is a tool of social manipulation to shape and steer public perceptions and opinion, such as the invention of the anti-Christian slur “homophobia” and the lexicon (vocabulary list) of “sexual orientation theory,” designed to frame disapproval of sexual perversion as mental illness. Likewise, “critical race theory” – which is simply fake social science invented to promote anti-white racism — is a reinvention/revision of words and meanings to steer society through mass psychological manipulation. 

The so-called soft sciences (psychology, sociology, anthropology. etc.) overflow with jargon, both benign and malignant. Professor Desmet’s theory of “mass formation psychosis” is a typical of the former. But this realm of social sciences is where the malignant forms – of both lexicons of jargon, and the human control systems they describe — have been conceived, nurtured and perfected as tactics of social engineering like bat viruses in a Chinese gain-of-function laboratory. 

Social science departments in the temples of Secular Humanism we call our university system are the labs where “mass formation psychosis” was transformed from simple observations about crowd behavior into systems for directing crowd behavior in service to puppet-masters. It is where propaganda and entrapment tactics were perfected along with every other “science” of human manipulation. 

Dr. Malone uses “mass formation psychosis” to explain the behavior of the left in their intellectual surrender to the official Covid 19 narrative. I would argue that their surrender to the LGBT agenda, especially the truly insane aspects of transgenderism, is a better example.  
I would also argue that the QAnon narrative is an example of the same phenomenon on the right, and is very likely driven by the exact same puppet-masters from their alphabet-soup agency bunkers. (I’m still getting occasional emails from QAnon holdouts – or agents pretending to be holdouts – predicting imminent mass arrests of the Biden administration and its co-conspirators.)  

BUT, people with an authentic biblical world view don’t need specialized jargon to understand what’s going on in America or how to cope with it. The secret behind “mass formation psychosis” is simply the natural human tendency to look to authority figures for guidance when they lack enough information to decide for themselves about something – OR, more importantly, they lack the confidence in their own powers of observation and reasoning to trust their own conclusions about it. 

In a crowd situation where everyone lack information, the tendency is to assume the group has knowledge that you don’t, thus the “stampede” effect (e.g. toilet paper hoarding). Once the crowd identifies an authority figure to trust, the tendency is reinforced for good or ill, depending on the character and agenda of the authority. 

However, it seems to me that the real test for “mass formation psychosis” is whether people revert to trusting themselves once enough information is available to do so. The psychotically deluded don’t accept evidence that contradicts their delusions so long as their authority figure keeps them on the hook, but normal people who start out as part of a stampeding crowd for lack of a good reason to do otherwise and then discover a good reason usually will then leave the crowd in spite of what that authority figure says

By that measure, recent events show that normal people are indeed leaving the “slave” herd in large numbers on numerous issues including Covid, voter fraud, and parental rights in public schools, meaning they didn’t actually have “mass formation psychosis,” just bad information. 
This shows that Objective truth widely shared is the antidote to totalitarianism
It explains why people with a genuine biblical worldview who see reality for what it is, and trust their God-given powers of perception and reasoning, are immune to this manufactured psychosis.

And it shows us that the cure to “mass formation psychosis” for those genuinely afflicted with it will come when/if we finally break the Big Media/Big Tech stranglehold on our public information systems

 and put Anthony Fauci in jail.

The Elites’ Coming Narrative for Spring 2022: Mission Accomplished!

If you want to understand how the Democrats set their strategies on any issue or objective, just ask yourself, “How would a Hollywood script-writer story-board it?”. From the Benghazi botched kidnaping plan, to the Russian Collusion and Impeachment scams, to the Covid 19 plandemic, to the Ferguson-thru-Floyd race-rioting, to the J6 “White Supremacist Insurrection” it’s pretty easy to see how events and accompanying propaganda seem to follow pre-set story-boarded narratives. In other words, the Progressives’ “tide of history” is always pro-active, not reactive.

True, the story-boards are adjusted in real time for unforseen developments but always to preserve the pre-set narratives as the highest priority, because for Progressives, the narratives are Scripture, while “reality” is just a culture-created illusion that must be conformed to “Scripture.” Thus, to the leftist elites, DNA and physiology-defined male/female gender is actually fluid and malleable, while subjective, self-perceived “sexual orientation” is fixed and immutable, grotesque ideology-based double standards in the enforcement of the law are applauded, and irrefutable documented truth about the righteousness of various police shootings of dangerous criminals who happened to be Black is simply deemed irrelevant.

A leftist narrative doesn’t have to be true, or universally convincing, but only sufficiently plausible to persuade and retain a majority of the public. That some people publicly dissent actually helps their cause because “Us vs Them” social polarization (which they control) helps to solidify the loyalty of the sheeple to the narratives in the same way that Blue vs Red political campaigns work to separate most voters into two hyper-partisan camps. For example, the elites WANT the “unvaxxed” minority to be raising their voices in anger and engaging in civil disobedience so that the more ambivalent members of pro-vax side think that taking the jab is their best way to signal loyalty to the side of virtue and distance themselves from the “nutcase fringe” (explaining why so many people brag about getting jabbed on social media).

Conversely (and perversely) their campaign of BLM and Antifa rioting in 2020 served the same purpose in reverse, prodding the propaganda-entranced “majority” to signal their “anti-racism” virtue by wearing Black Lives Matter T-shirts and babbling about White guilt. (I use the terms “majority” and “minority” advisedly here because the leftist definition of “majority” always includes as many dead people and identity-theft victims as they need to steal an election, and their definition of “minority” is any-sized group of dissenters.)

The Coming Narrative For Spring 2022: Mission Accomplished.

Leftist strategic planning is easy to recognize once you imagine it in story-board form. The elites were always going to declare victory over Covid at the most politically strategic moment and that moment had to be in 2022 to help them in the mid-term elections. Plus, they’ve always expected Joe Biden wouldn’t last to 2024 and so they wouldn’t waste the political capital of a victory over Covid pandemic to bolster him in 2021. Instead they’ve done the opposite: doubling-down on the plandemic, and setting up Biden as the scapegoat for all of their failures.

I think they plan to dump or sideline him within the next 90 days after ratcheting up the pain and misery index most likely in the form of a “Great Collapse.” The idea is to make the “before picture” so bad that the “after picture” of a “Great Reset” has greater positive impact on the public. In movies they call this “before picture” the “pit of despair,” and it’s always followed by a stunning victorious recovery that marks the final climax of the film.

I predict that a “stunning victorious recovery” from the plandemic is scheduled for April or May to capitalize on the theme of spring renewal, followed by a river of “infrastructure” funding flowing into the economy (and the pockets of key Democrat and RINO ballot-harvest specialists) through the summer and fall. They intend to buy off the voters in the same way that Gavin Newsom did to win his recall election in California.

What is the evidence for this narrative pivot?

1) The CDC quietly announced back in September 2021 that it would stop using the “PCR” test for diagnosing Covid cases on December 31st. The inventor of PCR technology, Dr. Kary Mullis, made it clear that by using certain protocols for the PCR test, scientists can come up with results they want , saying with PCR, “if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.” Thus, The PCR test was always a scam for the purpose of (vastly) inflating Covid numbers with false positives. But even as the CDC honchos announced they were dropping the PCR test, they kept it in play until Jan 1 st Why? To ensure the highest possible 2021 case-count to ensure a more impressive contrast with vastly lower numbers in 2022.

2) Then on January 8th, 2022 the new governor of New York, Kathy Hochul (replacing the nursing home mass murderer Andrew Cuomo), issued a report on current (dead of Winter — peak flu season) Covid hospitalizations. New York has always been ground zero for plandemic statistics and propaganda, but for the first time it distinguished (in the data itself, not in the explanation of the data) those patients admitted “for Covid” (49%) from those admitted “with Covid” (51%). So it’s pretty easy to predict that their 2022 statistics are going to report only people admitted “for Covid,” guaranteeing a better than 50% drop in hospitalization numbers based on that factor alone. With the PCR test gone, most or all the false positives will also be gone — deflating the Covid count further.

3) Suddenly in the new year there are media figures, pundits and politicians either admitting error or suddenly coming out as harsh critics of the public health officials to get ahead of the narrative pivot from crisis to recovery. Early examples are cited in this Zerohedge article
Look for a lot more of this.

4) Bolstering my prediction of a Great Collapse is fresh news on global “supply chain” problems.

Lastly, here is my prediction of how the media will spin all the 2020-21 tyranny to protect the tyrants:

“An understandable fear of this terrible disease combined with a genuine concern about protecting the public caused some leaders and pundits to over-react a bit, BUT in the end it all worked out for the best because together we have finally achieved victory over Covid 19, so lets not live in the past or place blame on those who may have been a little overprotective in their actions, but let’s look to the future and come together to build back better.”

I believe this has already been story-boarded.