Scott Lively Ministries

Joshua the Christ: Why Did God Name His Son “Jesus”

Throughout my Christian life, the way God has communicated special truths to me is through my mind in the first thoughts of the day. This morning He led me to understand why He named His son “Joshua,” which is the direct English translation of the Hebrew “Yeshua” (or Yehoshua). In contrast, “Jesus” is the indirect English translation of the Latin “Iesus,” which is in turn a translation from “Iesous,” which is the Greek version of Yeshua. While all these names identify Yeshua as Messiah (Christ) the persistent preference for “Jesus” over “Joshua” in English-language Bibles has enormous ramifications that are related to what I have called “The Most Important Forgotten Truth of Christianity:” the ancient separation and still-future reunification of the two Hebrew houses.

The path to understanding this revelation begins in Matthew 1:18-25 with God’s intervention in the naming of His Son. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to embrace Mary as your wife, for the One conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus [Joshua], because He will save His people from their sins. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet [in Isaiah 7]: ‘Behold, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel” (which means, ‘God with us’).”

How mysterious that the angel would cite Isaiah’s prophecy that the child would be called “Immanuel” to explain the command to name Him “Joshua,” instead. The names Yeshua (deliverer) and Immanuel are NOT synonymous, but are instead descriptive of different aspects of His role and purpose. In my experience with the Bible, this is a giant “TAKE NOTICE” sign. Some are tempted to dismiss the sign by trying to distinguish “called” from “named,” but that doesn’t work because ALL Hebrew names are intended to be descriptive of traits and/or roles.

So why the special designation “Yeshua?” As usual context is critical. Isaiah 7 recounts God’s deployment of the Prophet Isaiah to King Ahaz of Judah to tell him not to fear the military alliance of Israel and Syria which has marched against him. The chapter’s dominant theme is the shocking treachery of the House and Kingdom of Israel in joining with a heathen nation against the House and Kingdom of Judah.

In the 2 Kings 16:5-6 summary of this incident we find the very first use of the term “Jew” in the Bible (short for Judean): “Then Rezin king of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel came up to Jerusalem to war: and they besieged Ahaz, but could not overcome him. At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drove the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.”

Compare to Isaiah 7:1-2 “Now it came to pass in the days of Ahaz…king of Judah, that Rezin king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up to Jerusalem to make war against it, but could not prevail against it. And it was told to the house of David [led by Ahaz], saying, ‘Syria’s forces are deployed in Ephraim.’ So his heart and the heart of his people were moved as the trees of the woods are moved with the wind.”

Note that the Isaiah version emphasizes the two Hebrew houses: the “house of David” (a Judean) represents Judah while Ephraim represents Israel (Jeremiah 31:9). Now look at the immediate context of the Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah 7:13-17 “Hear now, O house of David!…the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel…The Lord will bring the king of Assyria upon you and your people and your father’s house—days that have not come since the day that Ephraim departed from Judah.”

When did “Ephraim depart from Judah?” When God split King David’s united kingdom in two parts because of the sins of his son Solomon. Jeroboam the Ephraimite led ten of the twelve Hebrew tribes in secession from Judah’s rule, creating the Kingdom of Israel, while Solomon’s son Rehoboam kept two tribes Judah and Benjamin, preserving the Kingdom of Judah .

Isaiah 7 was prophesying the then-imminent conquest of the Kingdom of Israel by Assyria, which was the consequence of Israel’s grave rebellion against God under Ahab and Jezebel. For that sin, God “divorced” Israel (but not Judah) and banished Israel from His presence. But He also promised she would one day be restored to Him as a wife. That story is told in the Book of Hosea (in allegory form), Jeremiah 3, Ezekiel 37, and is summarized in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (in which the older son is Judah and the younger is Israel).

The key to the story is that under God’s law, a divorced wife cannot remarry her husband, but if the husband dies, she is free to re-marry. Enter “Jesus” Christ, whose mission was “to seek and to save that which was lost” (i.e. the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”) – upon whose death and resurrection everyone believing in Him becomes the “Bride of Christ” awaiting the still-future “Wedding Feast of the Lamb” when they will be (re)married to God. Israel (but not Judah) became defined by Christianity.

How does the name Yeshua, or Joshua, enter into this equation? Joshua the Ephraimite, disciple and successor of Moses, is the first biblical use of this name. Joshua was the first Commander of the independent but united twelve tribes in the Holy Land, who established and presided over the first home of the Ark of the Covenant, in Shiloh, in the territory of Ephraim. Joshua was the first political head and first prophet of the Hebrews there, who “saved his people from their sins” (Joshua 5:2-9, 24:14-27).

Joshua was an Ephraimite precursor and prototype of the later united Davidic Monarchy, and in many ways Joshua was the better man. His leadership system was chosen by God while David’s monarchy was a system chosen by the Hebrews in rejection of God (1 Samuel 8:7). Under Joshua, the religious system was centered on God’s tabernacle in Shiloh, while David’s religious system centered on a Jerusalem Temple which God did not ask for (2 Samuel 7:4-7).

Jumping to the New Testament, Joshua/Yeshua/Jesus the Christ was the “son” of the Judean Joseph and the Levite Mary (Luke 1:5, 35-36) named for the most important Ephraimite in Hebrew history. His earthly ministry began exclusively to the House of Israel, and then quickly expanded to the House of Judah and “all the nations of the earth.” And during His ministry he cited Isaiah more than any other prophet. Joshua the Christ IS the child conceived by the virgin in the Isaiah 7 prophecy, and He IS the deliverer who both restores Israel and will reunite the two Hebrew houses. By calling Him Jesus instead of Joshua, all those important facts are obscured.

Perhaps the best solution is just to drop the English, Greek and Latin variants and stick with His actual Hebrew name, Yeshua.

How many other deep Bible truths are we missing by thinking like Romans instead of Hebrews?


Pastor Scott Lively is the founder of First Century Bible Church which studies the Scripture from the Hebrew cultural perspective of the Apostles and the Prophets. For more information on the theme of this article, read Pastor Scott’s book The Prodigal Son Prophecy on this website.

The Easter Miracle of the Walking Dead

When Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He yielded up His spirit. At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split. The tombs broke open, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. After Jesus’ resurrection, when they had come out of the tombs, they entered the holy city and appeared to many people” Matthew 27:50-53.

I am a Bible literalist: where God’s Word purports to be stating something literally, I believe it. “Let God be true and every man a liar” wrote Paul in Romans 3:4. Some things in the Bible are clearly not literal, but figurative, including poetry and parables, but the assertion that some deceased Christians rose from the dead upon the death of Jesus Christ is stated as a hard fact. To attempt to “spiritualize” that fact to appease doubters (including yourself) is to call God a liar or to say the Bible is not trustworthy. Either way, you’re guilty of blasphemy, which is, literally “the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God.” That’s Merriam-Webster’s definition – a source we tend to trust, even though dictionaries are only as reliable as the humans who edit them (a scary thought, especially when one includes Wikipedia).

We’ve just celebrated what we call “Easter,” which many Protestants prefer to call Resurrection Day to disassociate it from Easter’s occultic pagan roots and themselves from Roman Catholic traditions, but which Bible literalists call The Feast of First Fruits. If you don’t know what I’m talking about read Leviticus 23:1-11 and 1 Corinthians 15:12-23.

My problem with the “Reformation,” which shattered Roman Catholic religious hegemony into a thousand independent Christian factions, was that it didn’t try to re-found the church on its original First Century foundations, but only reached back to Augustine’s Fifth Century traditions, which were Greco-Roman or “Hellenic” and not Hebrew. For that reason most of the modern denominations share various human-created presuppositions and perspectives about the Bible that were “baked in” to Christianity from the second through the fourth centuries.

These presuppositions and perspectives aren’t necessarily wrong in their essence – celebrating “Easter,” or “Resurrection Day” is still celebrating the same events and honoring God – but they rob the believer of true clarity of sight, like watching a television show through a gauze curtain while wearing sunglasses. Much of the fine detail, nuance and context is obscured.

Thankfully, once freedom of religious inquiry was made possible on a grand scale by Luther and Calvin’s rebellion, the First Century reality of “the Priesthood of all believers in Christ” was restored to Christendom and exploded across the world. Out of that came the bottom-up “presbyterian” alternative to top-down “episcopal” church life, grounded in the concepts of individual freedom and equality in Christ, which then spilled out into the secular world in such philosophies as the social contract and constitutionalism. Our beloved (formerly) Bible-based America was only made possible by these things.

With those changes came the greater need for reliance on the Bible itself instead of church teachings and traditions. Calvin called it “Sola Scriptura” but one needn’t be a Calvinist to be Bible-centered in one’s faith and practice.

Now back to the “Easter” miracle of the walking dead. The birth of religious freedom in the Reformation was like the tearing of the veil before the Holy of Holies which literally ended the Hebrew restriction of access to God’s throne to a High Priest. Because of that, Paul wrote in his Letter to the Hebrews that we can each individually come boldly into God’s throne-room (Hebrews 4:16) without the necessity of any human intermediary. Further, the effect of the Reformation was also like breaking open the tombs of imprisonment to church dogma and setting loose “deceased” Christian believers who then walked among the living with an unimpeachable testimony of deliverance.

This might seem like Catholic-bashing but it’s not. For one thing, the Reformation spurred major changes in Catholicism itself. The RCC today is not the same as it was then. Moreover, it is obvious to me that God chose the RCC as the primary vehicle for carrying Christianity across the centuries of the Age of the Gentiles and it did so (largely) faithfully, showing through the lives of its best members exemplary piety and Godliness, and through its works such as the great cathedrals of Europe a true reverence for and dedication to the cause of Christ. Is it an organization of flawed human beings including many during its history with demonic influence? Quite obviously. Is it an entity wholly and ever given over to work of Satan? Obviously not.

More importantly in my theology, Christians are as free to exercise their liberty in Christ to choose the Roman Catholic denomination as they are to follow the Mosaic law in Messianic Judaism or to emphasize the gifts of the Spirit in Pentecostalism or to adhere to the Baptist Distinctives or the Calvinist TULIP or the Seventh Day Adventist Sabbatarianism. For if, as I believe, salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone (Romans 10:9-10, 13), and nothing can separate a saved Christian from the love of Christ (Romans 8:38-39), who has promised to complete the good work He began in us (Philippians 1:6), then the rest is really “non-essentials.” Not unimportant, but also not a deal-breaker for God. If your faith for salvation is in Mary, you’re in deep trouble, but if your faith is in Christ, your reverence for Mary as a specially-blessed but nonetheless fellow sinner saved by grace is laudatory.

What I wish we would ask each other instead of “what denomination are you?” is “how much of what you believe is the result of your own diligent searching for the truth of God and how much is just blind submission to someone else’s assertion of authority in spiritual matters?” (Philippians 2:12).

This brings me finally back to the walking dead of Matthew 27 and the test of faith it represents. I will let Paul himself address you on this point (who might possibly have had these walking dead in mind when he wrote this). “If it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:12-16).

What you believe about the dead raised upon Jesus’ death is very much a test of your faith.
Did you pass?


American Exceptionalism Impossible Without Christ

“There are six things that the Lord hates, Seven that are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who declares lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers” Proverbs 6:16-19

I have always been a truth-teller in defiance of approved but false narratives and paid a price for it. My first book The Pink Swastika (1995) exposed the history of rampant homosexuality in the Nazi Party and Hitler’s inner circle, earning me an early, permanent “hate-group” designation on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s master list. My public denunciation of President Trump (whom I otherwise strongly support and will vote for in 2024) on the issues of “gay marriage” and Operation Warp Speed, earned frowns from many other Trump loyalists (though many agreed with me) and will likely prevent me from ever being invited to speak at a Trump event. Most recently, my defiance of the anti-Russian/anti-Putin narratives – in particular urging conservatives to actually read/watch Putin’s Empire of Lies speech of September 24th, and questioning the “Russian atrocities” propaganda — has gotten me IP shadow-banned from one of my favorite news sites, Citizen Free Press, and from the Daily Mail (which has always seemed to me to be a UK deep state organ designed for conservatives).

As a pastor, I have always preached that whatever thing one loves more than the truth on any topic is the doorway through which the devil will invade your life and begin slowly leading you down the path toward the “reprobate mind” (described in Romans 1:18-32 as the mind that literally can no longer discern truth because it is so completely ensnared by lies). Most people don’t slide all the way down that slope because there are truths they will not relinquish, but they become “double minded” by consistently choosing some lies over truth because it would be just too uncomfortable or costly to stand firmly on the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

These are the people (mobs of them) who just won’t speak up when the Emperor of Ukraine and his US handlers march by naked: because the group-think narrative they’re afraid to buck (or are duped into believing) pretends he’s actually dressed in resplendent finery. For voicing opinions like this a very prominent long-time ally accused me of treason last week – but then apologized when I vigorously defended my patriotism.

In the aftermath of that exchange I suddenly remembered a forgotten event from 10th grade. It was a school-wide special program about the Vietnam war in which a few select students were chosen to take one of the various positions on the issue and deliver an address over the PA system supporting that view. Having been very much out of favor among the staff and faculty for my left-wing radicalism, I was shocked to be asked to defend the view that anti-war activism was actually the patriotic thing to do. It was my first-ever public speaking gig. Fast forward to the present, I am again on the anti-establishment side, but as an anti-war paleo-conservative defying a war-mongering leftist and neo-con establishment in a new season of propaganda-driven jingoism.

Of the many hard truths Americans need to come to terms with, several involve Russia and Putin. Perhaps the most painful of them is that Vladimir Putin (whatever you may think of him) is right in calling the current US administration (and that of Obama, Clinton, Bush Jr and Bush Sr) an “Empire of Lies.” Somehow we conservatives rightfully agree these leaders were/are corrupt cheats and liars in domestic policy, but won’t tolerate the Russian president saying the same thing from his perspective about our foreign policy. (They may be scum. But they’re OUR scum.)

Most painful for me personally is being confronted in the pro-Russian media with mockery of our continuing claim to “American Exceptionalism” in world affairs. The painful truth is we haven’t seen true American exceptionalism since its partial, temporary resurgence under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, and to a lesser extent under Donald Trump (lesser because Trump never actually had full control over the Defense and State departments or the Intelligence agencies). From Bush 41 to the present America has been in steady, rapid moral and ethical decline at home and abroad, except for the four-year Trump reprieve.

American exceptionalism was embodied by one factor unique in human history: the preeminence of individual liberty under God.

Our exceptionalism was born in 1620 when the Pilgrims’ “Mayflower Compact” – a constitution in the form of a Christian covenantal oath – established the world’s first genuinely democratic government “for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith.” That mission was re-codified in humanity’s most powerful natural rights document ever published, our Declaration of Independence. And upon that foundation, the first organic law of this nation, these United States became a model to the world of how a constitutional republic administered by a Christian nation could maximize the freedom, security and prosperity of the individual. And it did so by limiting its government to only those powers delegated by a population whose individual faith-based goodness and self-restraint sought the common good.

Never perfect, but always aspiring to perfection as the Shining City on a Hill, we truly were exceptional – the pinnacle of civilization in the final centuries of the time of man, peaking during and immediately following our conquest of totalitarianism in the middle of the 20th Century.

Never perfect, because just as in the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, there was always a force for evil in our midst, growing alongside the desire for good. And as our steadily increasing prosperity and security lured us into thinking God’s past blessings would just continue to flow — as if they were our due and not the generous gifts of His favor – we let down our guard, forgot our first love, and degenerated into Secular Humanists.

And so today the Tares have all but overwhelmed us, and the totalitarianism we thought we conquered is very close to enslaving the entire world.

The root of the evil isn’t in post-Soviet Russia, and it isn’t in the person chosen by the globalist elites to be the New Hitler. It is in Davos, and Beijing, and Washington DC, and NYC, and Hollywood, and Sacramento, and Chicago, and Boston, and London, and Toronto, and Sydney, and Brussels, and Kiev, and every other center of Marxist power in this world.

American exceptionalism died when we Americans traded God for Secular Humanism. We will never see its rebirth until we reclaim individual liberty under God as our preeminent goal and value. And we will never reclaim individual liberty UNDER God until we first restore God OVER us.

But most importantly, God will not restore US if we do not love truth above all else, for He IS truth.

Liberace, the False Prophet and the Mark

Top Candidate for the False Prophet. Watch the video to see why.

Many in the Boomer generation still remember where they were when JFK was assassinated. Millennials can all tell you where they were when the victims on 9/11 died in the twin towers. But does anyone remember where they were when Liberace died? I do, because it was the first time I was ever too fearful as a (baby) Christian to publicly agree with a “politically incorrect” statement I believed to be true.

It was February 4th, 1987 and I was part of a small group of men who had just been hired to sell knock-off “yellow-pages” advertising to businesses in Portland, Oregon. I had heard the news driving in and mentioned it to the group, one of whom was an outspoken Christian. His surprisingly blunt response to my Liberace mention was to say “Too bad he went straight to hell.” I instantly realized he was probably right but I was too intimidated by what the others might think of me to admit I too was a Christian who believed that. I felt ashamed, not because I agreed with him, but that my faith was so weak compared to his. It was a milestone in my Christian walk.

Liberace, a piano prodigy from the age of four, was the most flamboyant homosexual of the 20th Century: described in the Daily Mirror in 1956 as “the summit of sex—the pinnacle of masculine, feminine and neuter. Everything that he, she and it can ever want… a deadly, winking, sniggering, snuggling, chromium-plated, scent-impregnated, luminous, quivering, giggling, fruit-flavoured, mincing, ice-covered heap of mother love.” Liberace always denied being a homosexual, but was outed by both his former teenage live-in lover/houseboy and by actress Betty White who admitted having many times been his “beard” in public (to give him the facade of heterosexual normalcy). Liberace died of AIDS.

From that day forward I carried on an inner struggle against self-censorship on politically incorrect topics. It was only after years of suffering persecution for my faith as the spokesman for a Christian political organization which fought abortion and the LGBT agenda that I finally won that internal battle and experienced the liberation from the expectations of men that is promised in John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” What He offers is not just freedom from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2), it is the freedom to believe and speak hard truths regardless of what anyone else thinks about it.

Most Christians do not enjoy this freedom, but are bound up in concern about looking good to the world – or at least not looking too bad. And because of that, they are easily controlled by the principalities and powers of the world. For most, all it takes is for an idea or argument to be scorned as foolishness or labeled a “conspiracy theory” and Christians will fall all over themselves distancing themselves from it. The weak-of-faith majority literally hand the power to steer society over to mockers and deceivers who turn every teller of hard truths into a social pariah until only the spinners of official narratives are left to set the tone, define the reality, create the celebrities, teach the children and choose the leaders who make the rules we all must live by.

It all comes down to telling the truth. God IS truth. His Creation is reality. His law is perfect. His Word is our command and our comfort, for in it we have every answer to every question if we diligently seek it in loyalty to Him above all other voices.

Here’s a hard truth. In all my years of Christian truth-seeking I have never encountered any person whom I considered a candidate for the False Prophet of Matthew 24:24 and 2 Peter 2:1 until now. I’m not talking about the Antichrist, mind you, but the one who prepares the way for the Antichrist and perfects the delusions that enslave the people of the world on his behalf.

That candidate for False Prophet is Yuval Noah Harari, a spokesman for the World Economic Forum and “futurist” whose mission is to prepare humanity for “transhumanist” re-creation as a new species. He is a “Jewish homosexual,” “married” to a sodomy partner, whose vision for the future doesn’t just deny the reality and deity of God, it doesn’t even acknowledge Him. It is a vision so foreign to Biblical truth, and so enraptured with the technological potential for human “self-perfection” that it could have been the invention of Artificial Intelligence itself, but is in fact Satan’s ancient Luciferian dream of supplanting God – now finally within his grasp.

I’ve put “Jewish homosexual” in quotes because in God’s law equating Judaism to Yahweh-worship, homosexuality is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), a capital offence (Romans 1:32), and thus “Jewish homosexual” is a self-contradictory phrase like “dry water,” a logical impossibility. But there IS a last days “Synagogue of Satan” made up of false Jews, warns Revelation 2:9, and Harari seems well suited to be it’s Rabbi (teacher). I strongly urge you to watch the videos linked above!

I have long contended that Secular Humanism is the only belief system that fits the description of the Antichrist’s religion in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. It must be so beguiling as to cause people from every faith to embrace it, which is only true of Humanism: a religion that denies it is a religion, but whose deity is man himself, and whose goal is transhumanist “self-perfection” without God’s permission or involvement (Genesis 3:22-24). It is the common denominator of the globalist elites regardless of individual church, synagogue, mosque, temple or coven affiliation.

I will be mocked by the world for writing this, and opposed by various preachers of their own set dogmas, but I only care what God thinks.

If you are a Christian who shrinks from admitting these or comparable truths for fear of others’ opinions, be warned: suppressing the truth, even to yourself, is “unrighteousness” that leads ultimately to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:18-32). In this era of rising apostasy, characterized by extreme lawlessness and strong delusions, it is easier than ever to be deceived by simply following the crowd. That path leads directly to the Mark of the Beast and the most consequential choice of your Christian life. If you’re already this conditioned to submit to the will of man, what makes you think you’ll be strong enough to reject the Mark?

Be not deceived! Fear not! Speak truth boldly and trust Jesus (Psalm 15).

Sex and Civilization

In this next-to-last video of the series, Dr. Lively reads the fourth and final segment of Chapter 11 of The Prodigal Son Prophecy “Sex and Civilization” and walks the reader through his three charts on The Biblical Order of Civilization.”

This is the video and PDF version of Part Nineteen of The Prodigal Son Prophecy. All prior segments of the book may be found HERE.

An America First Primer on Explaining Disney Deviance

Every MAGA mom, dad, grandparent and concerned patriot needs to read this article, to understand that the crisis they have suddenly awakened to in the form of a Dystopian Pedophilic Disney Corporation – and the blatant, aggressive LGBT recruitment of their children and grandchildren in U.S. public schools and colleges – has very deep and dark roots. And that far more than boycotts and pressure campaigns will be needed to take back more than just a few inches of territory from the Cultural Marxists responsible for it. The LGBTs conquered this ground using those exact same tactics – they are the victorious grand masters of the game of cultural regime change and will crush you like a bug if you underestimate them.

Some of us have been fighting this relentless incremental blitzkrieg as a rearguard action (no pun intended) for a very long time. Not many are still standing, because everyone who ventures onto this field of battle pays a very heavy price. Ask Anita Bryant, who took them on in the 1970s when 90% of America was pro-family and agreed with her, but got crushed anyway. Hillary Clinton’s “politics of personal destruction” were perfected by this movement, and it is not accidental that her infamous “Basket of Deplorables” speech was delivered at a Manhattan LGBT fundraising gala of her most powerful backers. To the one who coined the term and her core constituency, “Deplorable” means, above all else, “anti-LGBT.”

The roots of America’s LGBT conquest go back to pre-war Germany, where the most notorious Nazi pederast (boy lover), Ernest Roehm, head of the Sturmabteilung (Storm Trooper) Brownshirts, was also the most prominent member of the German Society for Human Rights, the first national-level organization to equate homosexual rights with human rights. It was German-American soldier Henry Gerber and two “gay” friends who established an American chapter of the Society for Human Rights, Dec. 10, 1924, in Chicago. It was disbanded after the three men were prosecuted for sex with teenage boys, but one of those boy victims became an adult homosexual who in turn recruited teenager Harry Hay into the “gay” lifestyle. Hay (the “Father of Gay Rights”) went on to form his Mattachine Society in the early 1950s as a network of secret Marxist cell groups of “gay” activists dedicated to cultural regime change.

In parallel to Hay’s “street” activism, German immigrant and Frankfurt School pioneer Herbert Marcuse worked top-down from first the OSS (precursor to the CIA) and then the top tier of America’s elite universities to advance his theories of Cultural Marxism, blaming marriage and the natural family as the chief barrier to Marxist conquest.

Beginning in the late ’40s, Alfred Kinsey built upon the work of Hay and Marcuse in his own lifelong campaign to overturn all legal restrictions on so-called “sexual freedom” (aka sexual anarchy). He was funded by Rockefeller to sell that agenda to the white collar elites. Then, in the ’50s, Hugh Hefner, who called himself “Kinsey’s pamphleteer,” added pictures of nude women and low-brow “news” articles to sell the same agenda to blue-collar Americans. The first LGBT objective was to promote widespread heterosexual promiscuity to lower resistance to eventual homosexual normalization. In-the-closet Hollywood legends like pederast Rock Hudson did the heavy lifting by normalizing adultery and mocking marriage in films like “The Seven Year Itch.”

By the late 1960s, the “gays” had come out of the shadows and taken their rightful place at the cutting edge of the “Sexual Revolution.” In the June 28, 1969, Stonewall Riots, Hay’s stated (bait and switch) goal of “the right to be left alone” (an appeal for tolerance) was traded in for full-throated Marcusian radicalism and a vision for total LGBT cultural supremacy.

The formidable America First journalist Emerald Robinson has just published a piece titled “Why Does Disney Hire So Many Pedophiles?: The LBGT community has now merged with the pro-pedophile community.” Being young and new to this issue, she doesn’t realize that she has the order reversed. It was the “pro-pedophile community” – more accurately the pederast community – that launched the LGBT movement. Pederasty, the sexual relationships of adult homosexual men with pubertal boys and young men, is the core of “gay” male culture going back to at least the ancient Greeks. It was men of this persuasion who openly dominated the American “gay rights” movement from the ’20s through the ’70s, then retreated into the background when lesbianism came into its own in the mid to late ’80s concurrently with a new movement-wide public relations and marketing strategy. That strategy was outlined in a remarkably frank 1987 article titled “The Overhauling of Straight America,” which was rephrased in more subtle terms and expanded into a full book titled “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s.”

“After the Ball” was the blueprint for all that followed, including especially the brainwashing of the millennials (and subsequent generations) to embrace “gay rights,” including “gay marriage” as fundamental human rights. They were so successful that large numbers of the America First patriots just awakening to the crisis of transgenderism are still actively defending “gay marriage” as if it were a separate, unrelated and fully resolved issue, rather than the slippery slope that got us here.

The pro-family movement only emerged as a force to be reckoned with during the Reagan Revolution of the 1980s, in part because Ronald Reagan (while California governor) got suckered into killing the Briggs Amendment, designed to prevent homosexuals from becoming public school teachers – and by the ’80s the subsequent flood of LGBT activists into the public schools was already turning classrooms into “gay” recruitment centers (albeit on an smaller and more subtle scale than today). To help remedy that and other LGBT assaults on the culture, Reagan’s ally on the Supreme Court, Justice Byron White, wrote the majority opinion in Bowers v. Hardwick, recognizing the right of states to regulate sexual conduct (particularly sodomy) in the public interest. But then, when Reagan unsuccessfully tried to put Robert Bork on the court (to create a rock solid conservative majority) his punishment by the elites was to accept Anthony Kennedy as a substitute. Kennedy went on to overturn Bowers and write all four of the majority opinions establishing LGBT cultural supremacy in America, including Obergefell v. Hodges (the cases that invented a constitutional right to “gay marriage” from thin air).

I’m running out of space so I will close with this fact. At the very first national LGBT convention in 1972, 200 groups hammered out the first written “Gay Agenda.” Part 2, Item 7, of that agenda call for “The elimination of all laws governing the age of consent.” That goal has never been repudiated, and in fact, is implicit both in the concept of self-determination for child “transsexuals” just endorsed by Biden, and in the active indoctrination of kindergartners Disney is so desperate to protect by overturning the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law in Florida.

Is this Transhumanism Guru the False Prophet of Revelation?

Click on graphic to watch Harari’s speech on transhumanism to the World Economic Forum. Click HERE to see him admit his homosexual “marriage.”

Many in the boomer generation still remember where they were when JFK was assassinated. Millennials can all tell you where they were on 9/11. But does anyone remember where they were when Liberace died? I do, because it was the first time I was ever too fearful as a (baby) Christian to publicly agree with a “politically incorrect” statement I believed to be true.

It was Feb. 4, 1987, and I was part of a small group of men who had just been hired to sell knock-off “yellow pages” advertising to businesses in Portland, Oregon. I had heard the news driving in and mentioned it to the group, one of whom was an outspoken Christian. His surprisingly blunt response to my Liberace mention was: “Too bad he went straight to hell.” I instantly realized he was probably right, but I was too intimidated by what the others might think of me to admit I too was a Christian who believed that. I felt ashamed, not because I agreed with him, but that my faith was so weak compared to his. It was a milestone in my Christian walk.

Liberace, a piano prodigy from the age of 4, was the most flamboyant homosexual of the 20th century, described in the Daily Mirror in 1956 as “the summit of sex – the pinnacle of masculine, feminine and neuter. Everything that he, she and it can ever want … a deadly, winking, sniggering, snuggling, chromium-plated, scent-impregnated, luminous, quivering, giggling, fruit-flavoured, mincing, ice-covered heap of mother love.” Liberace always denied being a homosexual, but was outed by both his former teenage live-in lover/houseboy and by actress Betty White who admitted having many times been his “beard” in public (to give him the façade of heterosexual normalcy). Liberace died of AIDS.

From that day forward I carried on an inner struggle against self-censorship on politically incorrect topics. It was only after years of suffering persecution for my faith as the spokesman for a Christian political organization that fought abortion and the LGBT agenda that I finally won that internal battle and experienced the liberation from the expectations of men that is promised in John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” What He offers is not just freedom from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2), it is the freedom to believe and speak hard truths regardless of what anyone else thinks about it.

Most Christians do not enjoy this freedom, but are bound up in concern about looking good to the world – or at least not looking too bad. And because of that, they are easily controlled by the principalities and powers of the world. For most, all it takes is for an idea or argument to be scorned as foolishness or labeled a “conspiracy theory” and Christians will fall all over themselves distancing themselves from it. The weak-of-faith majority literally hand the power to steer society over to mockers and deceivers who turn every teller of hard truths into a social pariah until only the spinners of official narratives are left to set the tone, define the reality, create the celebrities, teach the children and choose the leaders who make the rules we all must live by.

It all comes down to telling the truth. God IS truth. His creation is reality. His law is perfect. His Word is our command and our comfort, for in it we have every answer to every question if we diligently seek it in loyalty to Him above all other voices.

Here’s a hard truth. In all my years of Christian truth-seeking, I have never encountered any person whom I considered a candidate for the false prophet of Matthew 24:24 and 2 Peter 2:1, until now. I’m not talking about the Antichrist, mind you, but the one who prepares the way for the Antichrist and perfects the delusions that enslave the people of the world on his behalf.

That candidate for false prophet is Yuval Noah Harari, a spokesman for the World Economic Forum and “futurist” whose mission is to prepare humanity for “transhumanist” re-creation as a new species. (While Matthew 24:24 and 2 Peter 2:1 describe multiple lesser false prophets, Revelation 16:13 and 20:10 indicate there will be one preeminent False Prophet who operates in partnership with the Antichrist – this is the role to which I see Harari as a likely candidate).

Harari is a “Jewish homosexual,” “married” to a sodomy partner, whose vision for the future doesn’t just deny the reality and deity of God, it doesn’t even acknowledge Him. It is a vision so foreign to biblical truth and so enraptured with the technological potential for human “self-perfection” that it could have been the invention of Artificial Intelligence itself, but is in fact Satan’s ancient Luciferian dream of supplanting God – now finally within his grasp.

I’ve put “Jewish homosexual” in quotes because in God’s law equating Judaism to Yahweh-worship, homosexuality is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), a capital offense (Romans 1:32), and thus “Jewish homosexual” is a self-contradictory phrase like “dry water,” a logical impossibility. But there IS a last days “Synagogue of Satan” made up of false Jews, warns Revelation 2:9, and Harari seems well suited to be its rabbi (teacher). I strongly urge you to watch the videos linked above!

I have long contended that Secular Humanism is the only belief system that fits the description of the Antichrist’s religion in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. It must be so beguiling as to cause people from every faith to embrace it, which is only true of Humanism: a religion that denies it is a religion, but whose deity is man himself, and whose goal is transhumanist “self-perfection” without God’s permission or involvement (Genesis 3:22-24). It is the common denominator of the globalist elites regardless of individual church, synagogue, mosque, temple or coven affiliation.

I will be mocked by the world for writing this, and opposed by various preachers of their own set dogmas, but I only care what God thinks.

If you are a Christian who shrinks from admitting these or comparable truths for fear of others’ opinions, be warned: suppressing the truth, even to yourself, is “unrighteousness” that leads ultimately to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:18-32). In this era of rising apostasy, characterized by extreme lawlessness and strong delusions, it is easier than ever to be deceived by simply following the crowd. That path leads directly to the Mark of the Beast and the most consequential choice of your Christian life. If you’re already this conditioned to submit to the will of man, what makes you think you’ll be strong enough to reject the Mark?

Be not deceived! Fear not! Speak truth boldly and trust Jesus (Psalm 15).

Putin Talking Points and the Monroe Doctrine

Before you grab your pitchfork and join the media-inflamed mob rallying for the assassination of Vladimir Putin as a “murderous psychopath” you should actually read his sane, straightforward and well reasoned February 24th speech announcing the invasion of Ukraine. But even before you do that, take a moment to review (below) America’s nearly 200 year-old political doctrine on the military justification for protecting our security interests far beyond our borders.
Scott does a reading of this essay and an offers analysis of Putin’s “Empire of Lies” speech and the Monroe Doctrine.

In 1823, when the emperor of Tzarist Russia invited the United States to negotiate a resolution of contested coastal lands along the northwest of the North American continent, President James Monroe responded with a proclamation in an address to Congress that would forever-after be called the Monroe Doctrine. In his own words, he said that when “the rights and interests of the United States are involved … the American continents … are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers. … We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.” [emphasis mine]

Our official government summary of the Monroe Doctrine adds that “the doctrine warns European nations that the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs. … [emphasis mine]

“[I]n 1904, European creditors of a number of Latin American countries threatened armed intervention to collect debts. President Theodore Roosevelt promptly proclaimed the right of the United States to exercise an ‘international police power’ to curb such ‘chronic wrongdoing,’ in his so-called Roosevelt Corollary (or extension) to the Monroe Doctrine.

“While the Monroe Doctrine’s message was designed to keep European powers out of the Western Hemisphere, Roosevelt would strengthen its meaning to justify sending the United States into other countries of the Western Hemisphere. As a result, U.S. Marines were sent into Santo Domingo in 1904, Nicaragua in 1911, and Haiti in 1915. …

“In 1962 [one year after the CIA’s Bay of Pigs fiasco], the Monroe Doctrine was invoked symbolically when the Soviet Union began to build missile-launching sites in Cuba. With the support of the Organization of American States, President John F. Kennedy threw a naval and air quarantine around the island.”

On March 11, 1981, President Ronald Reagan restated Monroe in what would be called the Reagan Doctrine, saying, “On this side of the Atlantic we must stand together for the integrity of our hemisphere for the inviolability of its nations, for its defense against imported terrorism, and the right of all our citizens to be free from the provocations triggered from outside our sphere for malevolent purposes.”

Wikipedia adds, “The doctrine was a centerpiece of United States foreign policy from the early 1980s until the end of the Cold War in 1991. Under the Reagan Doctrine, the United States provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements … in an effort to ‘roll back’ Soviet-backed pro-communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.”

Every President since Reagan has used some variation on the these “defensive” doctrines to justify offensive military actions around the world. Meanwhile, as an increasingly more robust treaty-based international criminal court system has arisen, U.S. justifications have involved allegations of chemical weapon usage or storage – seeming to avoid criminal exposure for what would otherwise be illegal attacks. How many of these claims were true is a matter of debate, with skeptics bolstered by the infamous “missing WMDs” that had been the pretext for the invasion of Iraq, and the vehement, persuasive denials of the Assad regime following American attacks supposedly in response to Syrian chemical weapons usage. I personally believe our CIA has grown so corrupt as to be capable of routinely staging such incidents without a twinge of conscience (and might just do so again in Ukraine).

It has recently become fairly common knowledge that in 2014, the Barack Obama regime, assisted by George Soros, staged a coup in Ukraine to remove the democratically elected pro-Russian president and replace him with a “puppet monarch” who would further the NATO long-game to fully encircle Russia with nukes. Under our own Monroe Doctrine, that was an act of war justifying military action. But instead of taking on the U.S. directly, Russia (Roosevelt and Reagan-like) merely annexed Crimea to retain possession of its most important naval base, and gave support to the secessionist goals of ethnic Russians in Crimea and two breakaway states on the Russian border.

The Crimeans voted overwhelming to ratify the annexation. But the right to vote – and even to speak their native Russian language – was then taken from the people of Donetsk and Lugansk by Ukraine, and an eight-year bombing campaign was waged against them, killing 14,000 people, reportedly with U.S. weapons. The water supply to Crimea was also cut off by Ukraine, while the ultra-nationalist Azov Battalion of outright self-declared Nazis was sent to Mariupol to prevent the Russians from establishing a land bridge between the Crimean peninsula and Donetsk.

All of these facts were withheld from the American people by our government and media until President Putin gave his speech of Feb. 24 announcing the Russian “special military action” in Ukraine, so our media were forced to shift from cover-up to narrative-spinning.

Then, the Russians found the U.S. bio labs that none of us regular Americans knew or suspected had been in Ukraine for many years. Unlike the U.S. in Iraq, the Russians actually found makings for weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which, under our own well-worn excuse for foreign military intervention seems a pretty darn strong legal defense.

Today, after a days-long pingpong match of Biden administration admissions and denials, the Wall Street Journal has done a weasle-worded “deep dive” on the bio labs (beginning with a whitewash of Obama’s part in it), which reads partly like a defense pleading in criminal court and partly like a set of talking points to help the co-conspirators get their narrative straight.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the great Soros-funded “Hero of Democracy,” Volodymyr Zelensky, has suspended all rival political parties and nationalized the media instead of just surrendering to spare his people further suffering. Like all leftist ideologues, Zelensky’s reality is “the narrative,” and his mission is selling it to people of the world. Yes, he has won that propaganda war, especially in America (to our great shame). But in the real world he lost the real war on Day 1 – and could have avoided every civilian casualty from that point forward by simply agreeing to Russia’s reasonable demands – an offer that has been on the table with little change ever since.

By the logic and reasoning America has used for 200 years – the fault for ALL of this is OUR egregious violation of Russia’s legitimate security interests in its own region.

Add this to the long, long list of Barack Obama-caused disasters. If not for evil Obama (and his “puppet monarch” Biden), Ukraine and Russia would be at peace, and the world would not be on the brink of World War III.

The Perfect Citizen in a New World Order

Many years ago when I was a teenage pothead, I wrote my first short story, called “The Perfect Citizen” about a young man, Justin, living in a totalitarian society where every spoken word was scripted by the state and deviation from the script was absolutely forbidden. It opened at the family breakfast table where the four members of his family (Dad, Mom, Justin and younger sister) first pulled their scripts from the wall-mounted printer and then carried on a typical conversation that involved carefully reading their lines aloud for the benefit of the state compliance agents, who – because it was a private home – had microphones but not cameras for monitoring script adherence.

But, between the lines, using non-verbal signals and deviations from the script too minor to trigger police action, they carried on a separate exchange “off-script.” In this case it involved the father’s effort to invite the son to a secret rebel resistance meeting, stirring instant fear and tension among the family members.

The main conflict of the story was the boy’s internal struggle over loyalty to his father vs. loyalty to the state. In the end, to win the favor of his girlfriend – a social-climbing statist – he turns in his dad to the compliance police. The story closes with the scene of Dad being loaded into a squad car while Justin’s bouncing-for-joy girlfriend exuberantly lavishes him with hugs and kisses, exclaiming, “Oh Justin, you’re the perfect citizen! The perfect, perfect, perfect citizen!” as a single tear trickles down Justin’s cheek.

I was a full-blown leftist in those days, in the sense that George Orwell was one (though I didn’t actually read Orwell till I was in my 30s). Subconsciously, I had glimpsed America’s own Marxist future and captured it in a work of “fiction.”

Yesterday, when a December 2021 news article was belatedly linked at (ironically enough) Citizen Free Press, I saw The Perfect Citizen come one giant step closer to reality. Under the title “Worldwide Social Credit Industry – Infrastructure to Support Social Credit Systems Represents a $16.1 Billion Opportunity by 2026,” the article matter-of-factly discusses the great money-making opportunities now possible in the emerging field of police-state surveillance of the citizenry. After listing some of the multinational corporate giants competing for market share in our future slave-state, it summarized the “opportunities” in a set of bullet points:

“The COVID-19 pandemic has facilitated substantial interest in citizen monitoring solutions. …

  • Cameras and other optical equipment for social credit systems will reach $723M globally by 2026
  • Advanced computing will be used in conjunction with AI to provide nearly flawless identification and tracking
  • Various forms of biometrics will be used for identity verification as well as verifying the presence/location of people
  • Starting as tangential to public safety and homeland security, the social credit market becomes mainstream by 2026
  • Social credit systems represent the ability to identify (mostly people but also some ‘things’) and track activities for purposes of grading behaviors and applying ‘social credit scoring.”

While no mention is made of the Maoist origins and goals of “social credit” ideology, the article admits that “most systems will have socially acceptable behaviour at their core … government, companies, and society as a whole must determine ‘good’, ‘bad’, and ‘marginal’ behavior within the social credit market. … [S]ystems will ultimately be used for a variety of commerce and lifestyle-related issues … accessibility within public places such as concerts, sporting events, and other assemblies. High social scoring individuals within the social credit market will be granted preferred access to both real and digital assets. … [T]he convergence of … disparate technologies … will facilitate value within the social credit market … sensors, biometrics, cameras, and other optical devices, computer vision systems, and other advanced computing platforms.”

Ah, the banality of evil as our natural rights and freedom die not in a blaze of glory on a battlefield but by slow-motion absorption into a real-life “Matrix” of cybernetic transhumanism facilitated by financial advisers.

In the end, social credit slavery will come down to saying what the elites tell you to say. You will need to prove your allegiance to their groupthink narratives through vocal affirmation, because as we learned during the BLM riots “silence equals violence.” Mere tolerance of things you disagree with will never be enough: you must bake the “gay pride” cake. And if you don’t, you will be destroyed – even if you win temporarily in court because the judicial system has not yet caught up with the “tide of history.” (Ask the Boy Scouts whether even a Supreme Court ruling can save you from that.) One cannot silently ignore the enemies of the State – the homo/transphobics, the unvaccinated, the white equalists, the Russia apologists, the climate change deniers, the Trump supporters – you must actively fight them to keep your social credit score from falling.

How close are we to being conquered by China? You can measure it by the extent of anti-Putin jingoism. We expect weak-minded liberals to be easily manipulated, but I use the Putin example precisely because it showcases the power of China-aligned elite-captured propagandists to generate “moral outrage” among Christians and conservatives on an issue where nearly all available information is controlled by the same corporate media and globalist elites that took down Trump and orchestrated the Wuhan plandemic. Even the minority willing to defend the Russian nation are routinely throwing Putin himself under the bus as a concession to the mob.

It is plausible based on what the American public has been shown on TV that Putin is (repeat after me) “a murderous psychopath,” just as it was plausible in early 2020 that COVID-19 would decimate humanity without global totalitarian lockdowns, just as it was plausible in early 2017 that Trump had colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary. But if, like me, your standard for judgment is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you strongly question everything the lying media wants you to believe and perform your own “due diligence.” On Putin you could start here.

While reviewing that evidence, remember that bloody televised war propaganda, constantly reinforced as the official narrative by politicians and pundits, is EXACTLY how public opinion was controlled in Orwell’s “1984.”The main point of this article is not to defend Putin, it is to warn that YOU will be the next Putin, the next Trump, the next Lively if the left decides you’re enough of a threat to warrant a propaganda campaign against you (or the group you belong to).

When the slave state fully arrives will you dare to speak “dangerous” truths? (Are you daring to do so now?) Or you will be The Perfect Citizen?
