Scott Lively Ministries

The LGBT Campaign for Special Rights

Note: This is the first in a series of articles detailing The Battle for Measure 9 and its significance in the history of the culture war.

The Battle for Measure 9. The Historical and Cultural Context, Part One.

Thirty years ago, on Nov. 3, 1992 (the day Bill Clinton was elected president), the people of Oregon voted on Ballot Measure 9, the “No Special Rights Act,” which would have amended the Oregon constitution to prohibit the state from adding “sexual orientation” as a basis for civil rights minority status and prevent homosexuals from illegitimately gaining the legal, political and social entitlements that came with it.

Measure 9 was a world-class political slug-fest and the first truly major battle of the LGBT culture war following the Bowers v. Hardwick ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in 1986. Bowers had affirmed the constitutional right and power of states to regulate sexual conduct in the public interest, specifically homosexual sodomy. That was a massive setback for the “gay liberation” movement because Bowers represented the culmination of a nearly four-decade-long LGBT strategy to gain constitutional protection for homosexual conduct as a “privacy right” under the Due Process clause of the 14th Amendment.

SCOTUS had long before interpreted the 14th Amendment to prevent state governments from infringing on “fundamental rights” and had expanded what constituted “fundamental rights” beyond those enumerated in the Constitution to include other “rights,” such as “privacy,” IF they could be shown to be “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition” or “implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.”

The “father” of the “right to privacy” was Justice Louis Brandeis, the secularized Jewish Marxist son of “heretical Sabbatean” Frankist (anti-Torah) parents who believed their religious duty was to “transgress as many moral boundaries as possible.” Brandeis co-authored an 1890 article in Harvard Law Review “widely regarded as the first publication in the United States to advocate a right to privacy, articulating that right primarily as a ‘right to be let alone.'” And he was made an associate justice of the Supreme Court by Woodrow Wilson in 1916 where he advocated relentlessly for its adoption as constitutional law.

While there are many aspects of the right to privacy that promote and affirm benign and civilization-enhancing human rights, there was a darker side that reflected the Frankist mindset. When finally it was embraced intellectually by SCOTUS as a fundamental right, “privacy” became the primary vehicle for advancing a Frankist and Marxist “social justice” agenda pursuing sexual anarchy through judicial activism, most famously in the landmark case first adopting the “right to privacy” as law: the 1965 Griswold v. Connecticut case (contraception on demand for married couples). It was dramatically expanded in the recently overturned 1973 Roe v. Wade decision (judicially legislating abortion on demand).

But the political driving force behind the “right to privacy” as a vehicle for social engineering had since at least the 1940s been the “gay liberation” movement led by the first lasting homosexual rights organization in America, The (Marxist) Mattachine Society (founded in 1950 by Marxist pederast Harry Hay). It’s goal and vision, as articulated by early Mattachine leader Dale Jennings was, tellingly, to promote “the right to be left alone.”

That in a nutshell is the legal and historical background of how and why Bowers came before the court in the 1980s.

However, Justice Byron White’s 5-4 majority opinion in Bowers soundly slammed the door on the LGBT “right to privacy” strategy. White, a Catholic JFK appointee and perhaps the last truly conservative Democrat on the court, left no room for doubt, declaring emphatically “to claim that a right to engage in such conduct is ‘deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition’ or ‘implicit in the concept of ordered liberty’ is, at best, facetious.” A strong concurring opinion by Chief Justice Warren Burger cited the “ancient roots” of prohibitions against homosexual sex, quoting William Blackstone’s description of homosexual sex as an “infamous crime against nature,” worse than rape, and “a crime not fit to be named.” Burger concluded: “To hold that the act of homosexual sodomy is somehow protected as a fundamental right would be to cast aside millennia of moral teaching.”

Devastated, the armies of homosexual and Marxist activists retreated to their war rooms. After Bowers, they needed an entirely new strategy. They pivoted quickly from Due Process to their best alternative legal track and political theme: that homosexuals should be constitutionally protected as a civil rights minority under the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

That juridical path had been opened in the Eisenstadt v. Baird (1971) case, granting to single people an access to contraception on demand which had been limited to married couples in Griswold. Importantly, by basing this new “right” in “equal protection” instead of “privacy,” the court didn’t just create a separate path to “gay liberation,” it utterly demolished the legal and moral distinction between sex in marriage vs. fornication. It was perhaps the first and most consequential example of false equivalence in the reasoning of the court on sexual issues.

But this separate path faced separate hurdles. To be granted special civil rights protections and benefits under the Equal Protection clause, a group had to be formally recognized as a “suspect class,” which category included only “discrete and insular minorities” determined by “a variety of factors, including but not limited to whether the person has an inherent trait, whether the person has a trait that is highly visible, whether the person is part of a class which has been disadvantaged historically, and whether the person is part of a group that has historically lacked effective representation in the political process.”

In practice, it boiled down to a three-part test: 1) a history of social discrimination, 2) an immutable condition, and 3) political powerlessness.

The post-Bowers strategy thus centered on a national propaganda and social engineering campaign that was outlined by key LGBT strategists in an astonishingly frank 1987 Guide Magazine article titled “The Overhauling of Straight America” – which was later re-framed and rephrased in a more typical euphemistic style in the book “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s” (1990).

Neither the elements of the legal test nor the ultimate goal of eventual legal victory at SCOTUS were mentioned in the article, but the campaign it launched was designed to convince lawmakers and the public that homosexuals met the elements of the test.

The cornerstone of the new strategy was the “born gay” hoax, which I will address in my next installment: The Born Gay Hoax.

Daviding the Big Tech Goliath

The Bible’s best example of asymmetrical warfare is the story of David and Goliath. Goliath was a literal giant armed to the teeth and backed by a massive army. David was a young shepherd so little regarded in King Saul’s Israel that he was relegated to running errands for his older brothers who had for 40 days been arrayed impotently with the rest of Saul’s army along a battle line that was frozen in place by Goliath’s intimidation.

But when David arrived on the scene delivering lunch for his brothers and heard Goliath’s gloating mockery of the Israelites for having no warrior willing to fight him mano-a-mano, David burst forth in righteous scorn and indignation “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who dares to the challenge the armies of the Living God?!!” Saul immediately enlisted David as his champion and offered him the King’s own armor. But David rejected it, dispatched Goliath with a slingshot, and then cut off the giant’s head with his own sword as a trophy of battle.  

Today in America, God’s people seem similarly impotent against a Goliathan Tech monopoly over an Internet domain that has all but replaced the “public square” and its “marketplace of ideas” once enjoyed as the common wealth of prior generations. This Goliath has virtually unlimited power to punish and “cancel” anyone who dissents from the official narratives of our political “elites,” who have abused their own power to grant Goliath immunity from prosecution on the judicial battlefield. We see the same corrupt government/corporate collusion in the realm of “public health” in which poisonous Big Pharma (King Og of Bashan, if you will) has been granted similar immunities to poison us. But, of course, speaking this truth about giant Og’s “vaccines” will get you crushed by Goliath as rapidly as if you affirmed the fact that Trump won the 2020 election and the usurper/puppet/stooge Biden is a traitor.  

Asymmetrical warfare in the legal arena is far different than in the kinetic military context. Military conflict pits separate entities against each other, but the legal battlefield is designed for the resolution of internal conflicts. Kinetic civil war is the result of failure to resolve these conflicts internally, causing the single entity to split into two warring bodies. But as long as the entity remains whole its judicial sphere is intended for resolving disputes. 

This has always been true since God established the “rule of law” in human civilization starting with Adam. The most refined form of God’s system was seen in the Israelite Republic, established in the Holy Land through Joshua. That period is remembered as the era of the Judges, but in point of fact the people under that system enjoyed the liberty of self-rule (under the Mosaic Law) punctuated by the intervention of Judges raised up by God whenever self-rule degenerated into anarchy or foreign enemies invaded (in consequence of the peoples’ sin).  

The closest modern replication of the Israelite Republic is the United States of America. In fact, it was the 1788 election sermon of Harvard President Rev. Samuel Langdon, “The Republic of The Israelites An Example To The American States,” which broke the political logjam that had been preventing the final state, New Hampshire, from ratifying the newly written US Constitution. 

When top-down centralized government in the form of Saul’s monarchy replaced the final Judge Samuel’s republic, God adjusted his system to emphasize what we know today as a “balance of powers” between “Kings” and “Priests” which morphed over the millennia into what the British common law called the Court of Law and the Court of Equity. Vestiges of this distinction remain even to this day in the American judiciary and in the (largely misunderstood) political maxim “the separation of church and state.”  

Throughout Bible-based civilization, Church and State have been recognized as separate sovereigns with equal but distinct roles and power, serving as “co-adjuvants” of society. (That is the true reason churches are not taxed in America – because the “king” has no authority over the “priest.” Read my essay here for a more thorough explanation.)  An entertaining example of this separation of powers is seen in Victor Hugo’s novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame, where refugee Esmerelda receives sanctuary in the church, beyond the reach of the King’s law. The medieval Christian church merely replaced the ancient Levite “Cities of Refuge,” preserving a legal concept still in use (and gross misuse) today in the leftist “Sanctuary City” false narrative. 

Interesting stuff, but how does it relate to waging asymmetrical warfare against our Big Tech Goliaths?  

The Court of Equity still exists in America with power separate from the Court of Law. An example is when a party gets a judge to grant an “injunction.” An injunction is not based on law (though it may be codified in law) but on the exercise of equity (fairness) within the discretion of, and dependent upon the ethics and honor of, the presiding judge: stopping a law or corporate policy from being implemented until a court of law rules on which party is in the right in the dispute – just as a person who had accidentally killed someone in ancient Israel could run to a City of Refuge for protection from the “avenger of blood” until it was determined if he was guilty or innocent of murder.  

Another surviving equitable legal doctrine is “unconscionability,” usually seen modernly in contract law addressing “terms that are so extremely unjust, or overwhelmingly one-sided in favor of the party who has the superior bargaining power, that they are contrary to good conscience.” (Sound familiar?)  

Modernly, equitable remedies are only available when a party cannot obtain relief unless there is “no adequate remedy at law,” usually boiling down to whether or not monetary damages would be a sufficient remedy for the injury in question. How can one quantify the monetary value of informed consent? Freedom of of speech or conscience? The right of citizen self-rule? And how can questions about such rights even be addressed when a corrupt over-reaching government has foreclosed access to the Court of Law with devious tactics like Section 230?  

Only in the Court of Equity does there remain hope to vindicate citizens rights when the Executive and Legislative branches of our tripartite government have conspired on behalf of and in league with powerful corporate oligarchs to close the Judicial branch to the victims of their tyranny. It is outrageous! And unconscionable!

On July 25th 2022 at 4:07AM YouTube terminated my account for “election misinformation” (basically for repeatedly saying that Trump won) wiping out three years of video content I had archived there and providing no meaningful appeal process or even the ability to speak with a human representative of the company. Since then my lawyerly mind has been seeking some means of fighting back against this seemingly unbeatable Goliath with the smug arrogance of an imperial monarch to whom We The People are less than serfs. 

It seems to me there is a strong legal argument to be made for an injunction against YouTube cancellations for unconscionability in the Court of Equity because Section 230 has essentially eliminated any “adequate remedy at law.” As a lawyer (long retired) my expertise has always been in the art of analysis and advocacy, not the craft of litigation. This essay is an SOS to my fellow attorneys across America. Contact me if you can help pursue this – pro-bono here in Tennessee. Or if you have the skill-set to give this idea real legs (and practice your craft in a constitution-respecting jurisdiction) by all means take the idea and run with it yourself. Everyone else, please help this idea go viral, if for no other reason than the educational value to your fellow citizens.   


Kamala, the Horror of Babylon

The American experience has become a horror story that’s about to get truly scary. The most blatantly sexually corrupt – and publicly reviled – woman in American political history remains just one heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States as the Obama team waits for the exact right moment to pull the plug on putative “President” Biden. 

What started in 1620 as the dream of America as a “Shining City on a Hill” has morphed into the nightmare of “The Shining” with crazy Joe Biden as the axe murderer of cultural normalcy, Jack, and Kamala Harris as his hapless wife, Wendy, set to inherit the dystopian ruins he leaves behind. But Harris’ story goes much deeper than Hollywood – to the apocalyptical Babylonian script of Revelation 17 which America now emulates – in which she IS the “Horror,” if not (technically) the “ ‘Whore’ of Babylon.”

That old serpent Barack promised to fundamentally transform America and man, has he delivered. In his eight years in the White House he mysteriously transformed this once-Christian nation into a demon-infested Babylon, and then, from his shadow-government war-rooms in downtown DC he first orchestrated the 2020 election coup and has ever since played the part of ventriloquist Edgar Bergen to Biden’s evil “Chucky” revision of the lovable Charlie McCarthy doll (a wooden puppet controlled by an arm up his backside) as his minions feverishly consolidated their control over all our institutions under the cover of a continuing medical pandemic and a “domestic insurrection of white supremacists.”  

Obama’s next major milestone and the ultimate humiliation of the “white America” he so fervidly reviles will be the ascension of the utterly inept and embarrassingly gauche Kamala Harris to the highest office in the land, at the very height of our worst national crisis ever. 

Now, when I say Obama team, I don’t mean to suggest there’s a perfectly harmonious network of smiling servants united for the common “good.” No, it’s more like how William Shirer described the homosexual Brownshirts of the early Nazi Party in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, saying: [they] “quarreled and feuded as only men of unnatural sexual inclinations, with their peculiar jealousies, can.” The Obama “team” of sexual and cultural deviants is a pack of snarling dogs and rats and snakes and weasels with a fair number of swamp RINOs mixed in – all biting and back-stabbing each other like Orcs – but all totally subservient to B. H. Sauron of Mordor (and Martha’s Vineyard). The only ones they hate more than each other is us.  

Shirer’s title evoked Edward Gibbon’s 16th Century masterpiece “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” and rightly so, because the fall of both empires was the consequence of moral corruption, and particularly sexual corruption. And when the true story is eventually told of the fall of the American empire, the cause will be the same.

In the Bible, the “Whore of Babylon” is not a woman but a city.  

Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy… And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. …And he said unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth” (Revelation 17:1-18). 

However, as I document in my book-in-progress Dynasty of Darkness, (which you may freely access here) the city/nation of Babylon is very closely associated with the female demon known variously as Ishtar, Astarte, Ashteroth, Isis, Ostara and other names. Ishtar was her Babylonian name, and it was in her honor that the Ishtar Gate to Babylon was built by Nebuchadnezzar (presumably with the riches stolen from the Temple of God in Jerusalem). Ishatar was the demon consort of Marduk, AKA Bel, Baal, Zeus, Wotan, Satan and other names.

A likely human possession/manifestation of Ishtar was Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal and priestess of her father’s Temple to Baal at Tyre. And, of course, Jezebel figures prominently in the Bible as the epitome of evil in female form. Interestingly, the Pergamum Museum in Berlin has two primary exhibits: the original Pergamum Altar to Zeus (called “Satan’s Throne” in Revelation 2:13) and the original Ishtar Gate from Babylon. I viewed them both during the Berlin portion of my research for the book. Kamala seems to fit the Jezebel profile.

Babylon means “gate of the gods,” and I believe that it, or perhaps the Temple of Marduk within it, was an actual demonic portal in the same exact sense that the Bible implies regarding the “Seat of Satan”…“where Satan dwells” (ibid).  

“Mystery Babylon” is the end times manifestation of that ancient city which prophecy gurus of various denominational camps have associated with various modern cities, most frequently Rome as the global center of the Roman Catholic Church, with its seven hills and long (but not recent) history of murdering dissenters as “heretics.”

Another guess is New York City, the arguments for which I find somewhat more compelling: e.g. it was the capitol of the United States when the constitution was ratified, has a world famous statue of a torch-holding Ishtar figure in its harbor, and is both the whoredom-spewing media-capital of the world and headquarters of the United Nations (UN – which best fits the definition of “waters” on which the Whore of Babylon sits in Revelation 17:18; “peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues”). But these are all just speculations whose accuracy awaits the test of time.

What is not speculative, is the seeming inescapable, horrifying specter of our country falling into the incapable hands of Kamala Harris as the world collapses into lawlessness and chaos. 

“Who can save us from this nightmare?” is the natural question we’re all INTENDED to ask at this stage – because it has all been staged to bring is to this very spot, where fear and anxiety make us ready to accept whatever “savior” the dark principalities and powers plan soon to unveil. Because the Whore of Babylon is just a supporting role in this real-life horror movie, while the Luciferian “Star” waits in the wings. Somehow, some way, I suspect it will be Obama.  

However, no matter what human form that false Messiah will take, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Choose you this day whom YOU will serve. 


How ‘The Matrix’ is Becoming Reality

This article touches on mental health issues. If you or someone you know struggles with mental health, you might find helpful Pastor Lively’s 10-point outline for addressing mental healing from a purely biblical perspective. Click here to read God Heals the Mind with Truth

Avatarianism and the Danger of the META-verse  

After eating from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil “the eyes of both [Adam and Eve] were opened, and they knew that they were naked; so they sewed together fig leaves and made coverings for themselves…and they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called out to the man, ‘Where are you?’ ‘I heard Your voice in the garden,’ he replied, ‘and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself’ …

“Then the LORD God said, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. And now, lest he reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever’ … Therefore the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden and stationed cherubim on the east side of the Garden of Eden, along with a whirling sword of flame to guard the way to the tree of life.” Genesis 3:8-24.

In 1999 when the focus of the entire world was on the (manufactured) threat that Y2K might wipe out the Internet we had all just started to depend upon, the movie The Matrix introduced and popularized the concept of a “metaverse:” a completely man-made and limitless artificial universe. In retrospect, the movie seems to have been predictive programming for humanity – even to the point that its creators later said The Matrix was a metaphor for transgenderism

Exactly one decade later, the movie Avatar became the second highest-grossing Hollywood film of all time, taking the metaverse concept to the next level. It was still only a vision then, the stuff of science-fiction animators and Hollywood wizardry, but in the years between the Matrix and Avatar the phenomenon of human beings operating anonymously through avatars in the limited realms of video games and on social media became well established. 

Then on November 11, 2021 Mark Zuckerberg announced the re-branding and renaming of the global giant, Facebook, to “META” because the technology to support a more fully immersive metaverse had finally arrived.  

My first response to that announcement was to predict META would become a haven for pedophiles and other sexual predators who could fully indulge their perversions without risk of arrest.  My prediction would soon be vindicated in a raft of news stories.

Over time, I have come to recognize that the metaverse has its own psycho-spiritual dimension that I call Avatarianism: the lifestyle of trading one’s true identity as a creation of God, for one or more “Avatars” or artificial projections of oneself which one invents or adopts to operate through in the “metaverse” (which includes all aspects of the Internet where people can function in the form of Avatars). Again (like drug use) the real problem isn’t necessarily casual use, but a lifestyle that usually begins with casual use. 

Psychologically, Avatarianism is a manifestation (and facilitation) of Narcissistic Personality Disorder on a mass scale, specifically “Vulnerable Narcissism” which WebMD explains “is usually the result of childhood neglect or abuse. People with this behavior are much more sensitive [e.g. “Snowflake” syndrome]. Narcissistic behavior helps to protect them against feelings of inadequacy. Even though they go between feeling inferior and superior to others, they feel offended or anxious when others don’t treat them as if they’re special.” This disorder has obviously reached epidemic levels in our society – I believe by design.  

Spiritually, Avatarianism is an extension of the satanic Secular Humanist religion in which man is his own God, and it serves the spiritual purpose of separating human beings one step further from their Creator. Just as these bodies of flesh we inhabit are merely vessels through which our true spiritual being operates in the natural world that God created for us, Avatars are vessels we inhabit in the artificial world of the Internet, a quantum leap further from association with God. And just as the term “worldliness” describes the choice of human beings to identify with the natural flesh they inhabit and not their spirit, Avatarianism describes intentional self-identification with “digital flesh” and not their natural vessel.  

Transgenderism is a transitional form of Avatarianism on the overlapping cusp of the natural and digital worlds, designed to condition young people for life in the metaverse. They are being programmed through transgender ideology to adopt the mindset that nothing created by God, even one’s own sexual physiology and sense of humanness, can be trusted as good and right – but everything can and should be changed to suit one’s self-perceptions as guided by “progressive” groomers. 

In a very real sense, a “transgender identity” IS an avatar, inside which hides a damaged child.      

I now recognize that META is an acronym for a long-term four-step process and strategy by which Secular Humanists have worked enslave humanity in a completely artificial Luciferian “Utopia.”  

  • M stands for Malthusianism which holds that unchecked overpopulation will inevitably destroy both humanity and planet earth. It is the satanic counterpoint to God’s command to “be fruitful and multiply” and the globalists’ justification for controlling and culling the human population.
  • E stands for Eugenics which is the “science” of both limiting population and controlling “the self direction of human evolution.” It is a refutation of God’s promise to supply all of our needs if we trust Him and follow His guidance (Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Romans 8:28). 
  • T stands for Transhumanism which is the use of advanced technology to transform “homo-sapiens” into something different and “better.” It is the fulfillment of the Luciferian prophecy in the Garden of Eden that through defiance of God “you will be like gods,” achieving immortality by control of the Tree of Life. 
  • A stands for Avatarianism which is the part played by the common people in this tragedy: acceptance of citizenship in an artificial world in place of God’s Creation.

Consider how the major issues of our time reflect that strategy: abortion, non-procreative sexual deviance, sterilization and spontaneous miscarriage through global “vaccine” mandates, other “vaccine” consequences like adult Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), school-shootings and other mass murders, assassinations, riots and Reign of Terror-style mass executions (on the near horizon?), lockdown/hopelessness-driven suicides, wars (perhaps WWIII and perhaps including nuclear weapons), famine (through intentional political and physical sabotage of the food supply chain), pestilence (not just Covid), and natural disasters that may not actually be “natural.” 

These ALL further the Malthusian agenda of population reduction, using the “science” of eugenics (combined with abuse of political power) to produce social chaos (and mass narcissistic personality disorder) that justifies transhumanist solutions and drives anxious human beings toward the “escape-hatch” of Avatarianism. 

But there’s an even deeper spiritual/psychological significance to Avataianism that goes to the issue of repressed human guilt and fear for defying God. 

In 2016 my wife and I met a Muslim “stoner” on a train in Europe. As a former “stoner” myself, I had a long conversation with him in which he talked about living the life of a partying “practicing” Muslim. The most striking thing he said was that he and his Muslim friends would only party in underground settings like basements because “God cannot see you there.” I have no idea whether this is an actual Muslim teaching, but he believed it and thought he remained righteous in God’s eyes by doing so. 

Avatarianism is the retreat of fearful, guilt-wracked human beings behind artificial projections of themselves, to seek false comfort in the illusion of anonymity, believing that God either cannot see or does not care what they do through their Avatars and that humans can create their own “reality” and their own rules. We’ve all seen how Avatars work on social media where people seem to be much more aggressive, cruel and profane then they likely would be if everyone knew who they were. It’s that sense of freedom in anonymity taken one step further into theology: embracing the delusion, like the Muslim “stoner,” that there are things God just can’t see.  

Is sin really sin if it’s just in your mind? Yes, it is. The true sin of Adam and Eve wasn’t in eating the apple, it was in the mental CHOICE of believing that God could be wrong and that He did not have their best interests in mind when He set His rules. Every conscious choice is an act of the mind. Can you do or think anything that God cannot see? Scripture says NO. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13) and “There is no darkness or deep shadow where the workers of iniquity can hide” (Job 34:22). Do you get a pass because you say you “don’t believe in God?” No, because He is obvious in His creation (Romans 1:20) and His truth is indelibly written on every heart (Romans 2:15).

To defeat the lie of the META-verse, simply affirm the witness of the Creation.

Establishing EADN: The European-American Defense Network

by Dr. Scott Lively, White Equalist

Pastor Scott and Pastor Constant “Steve” Cooley, co-founders of the Redemption Gate Mission Society and it’s inner-city mission, tour a Springfield, MA museum display on the history of the abolitionist movement against slavery, October 6, 2019.

It has become increasingly apparent that the “progressive” political left in America intends to fully cancel and erase the heritage, legacy and culture of European-Americans from the United States under the pretext of fighting “White Supremacy.” I am a 14th generation American on both sides of my half English and half French extraction. Like most European-Americans I agree that “white supremacy,” to the extent that it aligns with Nazism or the Ku Klux Klan is wrong, harmful and contrary to the Judeo-Christian worldview that our European-American ancestors founded this nation to advance. In fact, we are dedicated “White Equalists” whose racial philosophy is summarized in the preamble of the first organic law of this nation, the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. We have always believed that.

However, as with so many aspects of the progressive agenda, the words and phrases leftists use are simply euphemisms to put a benign face on malicious campaigns of hate, bigotry and violence. Statistics in police-suppressed inner-cities prove that black lives don’t really matter to “Black Lives Matter.” The supposedly “anti-fascist” Anti-fa is a modern variation of Brownshirt fascism. The LGBT-driven “Diversity, Inclusion and Equity” (DIE) movement is pathologically and narrowly dogmatic and exclusive. “The supposedly “anti-racism” Critical Race Theory is simply a grievance-based system for promoting and institutionalizing anti-white racism. The “my body, my choice” invocation of “self-determination” is a one-way street to the abortuary with no regard for the bodies or rights of unborn babies or anti-Vax born people.

For far too long, European Americans have stoically endured the battering these mentally and morally-challenged anarchists have subjected us to, confident that the law-and-order infrastructure and ethics of civility and good-will we established as the core of Americanism would survive and prevail. Rather than working to bolster and advance “white supremacy,” we conceded that racism and privilege did exist (to a limited, and rapidly diminishing extent) in America, and began working even harder to achieve the truly color-blind society we had always aspired to. It was the racially-diverse but majority-white MAGA movement that proved itself most dedicated to that goal, while pointing out that the people shouting loudest about suffering racial discrimination had been living for generations almost exclusively in the bluest and most “progressive” cities.

But since the 2020 election our confidence in America’s resiliency has been shaken as one after another of our fundamental constitutional rights and systems of self-government have given way to top-down statist dictates and hyper-partisan corruption. And the pernicious ideology of cultural Marxism has swept through both the gate-keeping institutions of the nation and the ranks of our youngest citizens like a zombie apocalypse.

It is time to act on the realization we’ve all been awakening to: that the “progressives” don’t just want to change society, they want to fully control it in every possible way, and to punish everyone who ever supported the old system. And they are on track to pull it off if we don’t rise up to stop them.

European-American identity is not in the least “white supremacist.” It is multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-creedal and multi-colored – spanning a wide spectrum from nearly albino-white Protestant Scandinavians, to dark-skinned Catholic Mediterraneans, to olive-skinned Jews scattered across the continent. Our identity is not defined by any of those narrow categories but by the broad and deep Judeo-Christian CULTURE that emerged over the course of centuries on the European continent, and was spread throughout the world during the colonial era – to (on balance) the great benefit of all the people of the world. It is marriage based, family centered (around a loving and nurturing model of patriarchy), community-oriented and civilization-building. Its values in their ideal form are self-determination and self rule, ethics-based law and order, morals-based culture, and tolerance-based diplomacy toward outsiders.

The European concept of natural rights that emerged in the 16th and 17th Centuries during the Hebraic movement in the church embraces and promotes national sovereignty and secure borders, freedom-based entrepreneurialism, the right to own and enjoy personal property and enter into contracts free from government intrusion, and the entire social framework of citizen created and controlled “ordered liberty.”

These are a few of the aspects of Americanism that came almost exclusively from European Americans – embodied in the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution which they wrote and established as law. They are the best parts of our cultural heritage and are things to be proud of and to preserve.

America long ago embraced a multi-cultural identity as people from other cultures came to live among us because of what we had built. They wanted to be a part of it and our immigration policies were generous to them. Despite a few rough patches we welcomed everyone and assimilated them. Slavery was a grievous blemish on our history, but we overcame it, integrated its victims into our society, and increasingly prospered their children and children’s children from generation to generation.

Americans have greatly valued the contributions of other cultures to our own, and the present diversity of our society is a testimony to our goodness and generosity as a people. None of that is problematic.

What IS problematic is the army of Marxist agitators we allowed to exploit our goodness and tolerance until they gained the power to wage a cultural insurgency against us. It is these agents provocateur who have deliberately ripped off the nearly healed scabs of slavery and poured salt into the wounds for their own evil purposes. They are the snakes in the kinder-gardens luring children into sexual debauchery. They are the Satans on the high hills of corporate commerce promising that all the rich kingdoms arrayed before them can be theirs if they bow down and worship at the altar of wokeness. Their every act is designed to destroy Judeo-Christian culture.

I am only one man, and I already have many irons in the fire, but when I see a great unmet need, I attempt to meet it. My answer is to establish EADN, the European American Defense Network under the auspices of my church. I will work to articulate fact and logic-based talking points to help European Americans reclaim our heritage, legacy and culture while also condemning unbiblical “white supremacy” – thus neutralizing the enemy’s chief weapon for demoralizing our people.

Whether you are black, brown, white, Protestant, Catholic or Jew, be proud of your European-American heritage and culture. Get up and fight back. Remind America and the world how much it owes to European Americans, while showing honor and respect to the contributions of other cultures. Let’s show them all WHY America became the greatest nation on earth, by making it great again!


The Truth that could Unite Humanity Against the Evil Elites

Click on graphic to watch an episode of Lively Conversations on the topic of this article. Pastor Scott writes: I was one of the first people ever to cross this bridge over the Green River in Greenfield, MA as a newborn baby being driven home to Shelburne Falls from the hospital where I was born. It stands in my mind as a metaphor for the disintegration of America during my lifetime.

[W]hen Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. So they show that the work of the law is written on their hearts.” Romans 2:14-15.

I was prompted to write this article by reading a piece titled “Biden’s global initiative to replace Christianity with atheism faces GOP backlash” That “backlash” won’t get much attention amidst the many more urgent news items exploding like cluster-bombs all across the cultural battlefield. But the Biden/Obama initiative illuminates how the elites defeated Christianity here using incremental secularization, and suggests a strategy for Christians to reclaim the planet by uniting theists in a movement to conserve the natural world.

Long ago in America when our society was marriage based and family centered and the health, happiness and innocence of children was a high national priority, the state of the nation we find ourselves in today was unimaginable. Like many of you, I was greatly blessed to have been born in those years – 1957 to be exact – and to have spent my childhood blissfully ignorant of the great evils that today’s children are steeped in. We roamed freely through our neighborhoods with no fear of human predators, safe under the collective watchfulness of all the adults (regardless of their politics) and were tucked into our beds each night before the television networks were allowed to broadcast “adult” material. “Adult” in those days did not mean triple-X porn, but all subject matter deemed unsuitable for children. The world wasn’t perfect, but in most ways that really matter it was so vastly better than what we face today that it seems in retrospect almost utopian.

Utopia: “A society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its members” says Wikipedia. True utopia is the Bible’s vision of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. The lion will lie down with the lamb. Children will safely play with vipers. The animals eat grass instead of each other. And the humans live in such harmony and obedience to God that the worst sin described during that era is the failure of a few people to make pilgrimage to Jerusalem to keep the feasts of God. It is the natural world as God created it to be before sin ruined the plan, and it exists for the future thousand year reign of Christ on David’s throne, because Satan and the wicked are held in chains during that entire period, pending the Great White Throne judgment. That is the teaching of the Bible if taken literally, as I do.

As in all things regarding God’s creation, there is an alternative Satanic perspective designed to deceive human beings into turning order to chaos and blessings to cursings. Modernly, that is the “progressive” view, which defines “progress” as the destabilization of all aspects of the natural order, and the self-defilement of humanity. The plan has exceeded all expectations and we’ve reached the “beyond surreal” stage where the political, cultural and corporate elites now devote themselves to coercing children down to the age of toddlers to declare themselves “non-binary” transgenders and demand publicly funded chemical castration and genital mutilation. All other aspects of the social order – fiscal, medical, legal, electoral, geopolitical – manifest a similar degree of chaos.

And, like the “Whore of Babylon,” America has exported its recipe and appetite for chaos across the world, year after year, since the early days of the 20th Century. Initially, we were far from the only center of “progress” in the world, but we advanced important elements of the plan, such as corporate-funded eugenics, and Hollywood-quality propaganda more rapidly, so we took the lead. And, of course, following WWII we gained unrivaled power to force “progress” on the rest of the world.

Now, my analysis so far is clearly from the biblical worldview, which is a non-starter for framing a universalist approach to overthrowing the elites. My intended audience is Christian social and political activists like myself. We’re the type who spread the Gospel across the world in prior centuries against all odds, and we have the drive and creativity to accomplish great things. But we’ve been outmatched in modern post-Christian America because the “progressives” have used their control of public schools and public information systems to “innoculate” the population against traditional forms of Christian evangelism and to make them perceive us as hate-filled oppressors.

“Post-Christian” societies are nearly impossible to re-Christianize because of that, and because most believers have been co-opted to varying degrees by deviously crafted false theology such as the “Social Gospel” (created by Marxist “Secular” Humanists to appropriate Christian “goodness” while rejecting Christ as its source – thus the motto of the American Humanist Society “Good without a God”). After awakening to this reality, I invested a decade of my life trying to re-Christianize Springfield, Massachusetts as a model for the church but largely failed. The problem wasn’t in the evangelism efforts to the inner-city where we were based – those were very fruitful – it was in the vicious opposition to our cultural-transformation campaign by hard-core progressive activists in government, media and on the streets, which intimidated the vast majority of local Christians and pastors into silence and passivity. The progressives, having taken power through Marxist social activism, were never going let upstart Christian social activists usurp them.

The “progressives’” secret weapon for conquest of Christian America was incremental secularization to suppress theism and foster atheism – precisely what the Biden/Obama regime intends to do at a faster pace with this new global initiative.

The key to reversal of their “tide of history” is to remember that even today more than 80% of the world’s population shares an inherently theistic or “natural law” perspective of the world. We have many different religions but all recognize and respect the natural order of God’s universe

The elites use tactics of polarization to “divide and conquer” us, but Christianity’s secret weapon is to “love your enemies” and to bless everyone through self-less stewardship of civilization as a vehicle for teaching and upholding the law of God. We never did it perfectly, but we did it very well in America for a long time, respecting religious freedom. That same perspective and practice, if applied to the task of uniting the globe’s theistic majority to conserve the natural world in all its aspects, could save us all from the elites’ emerging “utopian” transhumanist hell.

The truth that could unite humanity against the evil elites is that God’s law is written on every heart, and, despite $trillions spent pushing materialistic atheism, its most basic elements such as marriage, the natural family and the blessing of children are still self-evident to the vast, vast majority of humankind. Conserving and enjoying the natural world is our collective natural right that Christians are best equipped to champion as our own “global” agenda.

The Fall of Roe and Perhaps Soon of Old Joe

Long-time readers know that I got my start in Christian activism with the fight to end child-killing in America. On June 24, 2022, the ruling striking down Roe v Wade was released, and I spent a portion of my day reading significant parts of the opinion. Justice Alito wrote masterfully for the majority in what will go down in American history as one of the most important legal documents ever written. Of course, the greatest praise must be reserved for President Donald Trump who kept his promise to put the three pro-lifers on the Supreme Court who sealed Roe’s fate, and ended fifty years of centralized federal power in service to the culture of death. The Dobbs v Jackson ruling was a powerful blow against the Altar of Molech, and for both Life and Federalism.

Importantly, while the scandalously leaked early draft of Dobbs suggested we would get a 5-4 pro-life decision, the final vote was actually 6-3, with Chief Justice Roberts joining the conservatives in upholding the Mississippi ban on child-killing past the 15th week of gestation. To my knowledge, I am the only conservative pundit who publicly called for Roberts to side with the conservatives as a message to the insurrectionists on the left that their efforts to intimidate the court into preserving Roe MUST backfire on them. And, indeed, Roberts concurred in upholding the Mississippi law, while dissenting on the issue of overturning Roe and Planned Parenthood v Casey. To his credit, Alito eviscerated Roberts’ arguments for preserving Roe in a special section of the ruling.

Now the battle to end child-killing shifts back to the individual states, and the battle lines are clearly drawn. This is a huge problem for the political left because continued hyper-polarization under the illegitimate Biden regime has strengthened and solidified the most extreme elements of the far left inside the Democrat Party, and exposed their truly lunatic beliefs and agenda to the whole country. “Moderate” voices on the Blue Team have been drowned out by homo-fascists across the board, who now exercise effective control over even corporate America, as evidenced by the self-immolation of Disney, which has lost nearly half its stock market value in just a few months and yet openly presses on with a plan to groom all of America’s children into homosexuality and transgenderism.

Dementia Joe’s response to the Dobbs ruling was to declare that the 2022 election would now be defined by the fight for abortion. First, it won’t be defined by abortion because nothing can truly compete with the economic meltdown and runaway inflation as a voter priority. But second, even if abortion could compete, the voters are absolutely NOT ideologically aligned with the radical left’s very extreme position. And third, for once, the psychological impact of public policy being “settled law” in the minds of the general public will work in our favor and not against us.

Remember how this phenomenon worked on the issue of “gay marriage?” When the Obergefell v Hodges ruling came down in 2015, suddenly half the pro-family-leaning members of the public just laid down their weapons and surrendered because “gay marriage” had become “settled law.”

I predict that same thing will happen on abortion, and that fact, in turn, will infuriate the hard left and ratchet-UP their pressure tactics against the remaining part of their coalition still under their influence — especially political leaders. In that quarter, there’s another psychological impulse that we will observe among the zealots, which is that during this time of stress they will want to punish the ““moderate” leaders for not being pure-enough in their ideology and actions.

The cunning witch Nancy Pelosi understands this phenomenon very well and went “full radical” during the first Trump term to prevent AOC from usurping her leadership role. She could get away with that because her position is by nature partisan, but Dementia Joe can’t. A hyper-partisan presidency — on either side of the line — is offensive to the very types of American’s who capitulate naturally to “settled law.” And, he’s already earned their distrust and disfavor by losing control of the economy.

Frankly, I think the overturning of Roe may be the last straw for the putative Biden “presidency.”” No matter how far he shifts to the left, he will not be able to placate the growing “Jane’s Revenge” contingent, but every step he takes in that direction will alienate more and more of the political middle. And the rest of the Democrat elite will increasing realize their only hope to avert the total shipwreck of their political fortunes will be to toss the “Joe-nah” overboard.

While the Roe reversal is an encouragement, and the prospects for a Red Tsunami are seemingly improved, the bigger picture both domestically and geopolitically is still greatly concerning. Rats are most dangerous when they are cornered, and we know the rats we face across the world today are capable of great evil and willing to justify virtually any means toward the end of keeping and consolidating power.

The Blessing of Fatherliness

A father to the fatherless, and a defender of the widows, is God in His holy habitation” (Psalm 68:5).

Of all the factors contributing to our crisis of civilization today, perhaps the most destructive is the phenomenon of “fatherlessness.” Fatherlessness means simply the lack of a father, which tells you nothing unless you know what a father is, from the perspective of Him who created them. A mother is equal in value to God but the father is first in the order of family and society by His own design: “The head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man…For just as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God” (1 Corinthians 11:3,12).

A father is more than just a seed-bearer who cleaves unto a wife and produces children – he is God’s agent of His system called “patriarchy.” Patriarchy is the ordering of human civilization by male authority, in which the fathers serve the role of provider for and protector of their own nuclear family AND of whatever extended family proceeds from it: grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins – the entire patch of the fabric of human society originating from his DNA. Every father who fulfills God’s mandate to “be fruitful and multiply” becomes in time the de-facto patriarch of his own clan. 

The “human race” is one single tapestry made up of all these patches of fabric interwoven together. The idea of separate and distinct “races” is an illusion caused by standing too close. In reality, all the things we think of has hard and fast distinctions are simply transitional shades of color, form, texture, luminescence, location. By standing back to see us as God does, every thread holds a place on a spectrum – innumerable spectra actually — and all are connected together in one whole. Even groups that attempt to limit their gene pool to select clans or tribes or nations are in the big picture inseparably connected to everyone else. 

Patriarchy is what holds this fabric together. It is the source of strength and survivability for each individual family and all the clans it connects to directly and indirectly. This is why the Bible portrays fatherlessness as the most hopeless state that a human being can find themselves in. And why James (the ultimate law-and-order Apostle of the early church) writes “Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27).  

It is no accident that the first target of Cultural Marxism (endorsed by Lenin himself) was the patriarchy, by the creation of what we know today as radical feminism. And it is no accident that the first and most zealous recruits to the radical feminist movement were secularized Jewish women in Europe, chafing under a pro-forma patriarchal system, detached from its religious and spiritual roots and justifications. Today in Judaism, it seems that only Torah-faithful Orthodox Jews understand and preserve the patriarchy, while ultra-leftist ultra-angry Jewish women dominate every other form of the religion, championing every type of sexual and societal rebellion against God’s law – even by their own children who survive their zeal for abortion. Secularized Jewish men and boys are relegated to role of helpers in the feminist cause.  

But, of course, that ideological virus has spread to most of Gentile society in the western world too, so we’re now all one big dysfunctional human family in which any hint of patriarchal sentiment is bludgeoned down mercilessly as “toxic masculinity.”  

Mine was the first generation of American boys trained in feminist ideology in the public schools. I graduated high school in 1976 thoroughly indoctrinated in the feminist world-view without even realizing it. We were the first generation of boys not to be properly prepared for heading our own natural family as a protector and provider, but instead were unleashed to “question authority” and “do what feels good” which, of course, meant indulgence in sexual promiscuity to the extent that the girls would go along with that. I still held enough residual presuppositions about family life and structure – and the critical importance of the female duty to model sexual restraint for the sake of preserving the primacy of family – to be shocked when Cindy Lauper’s song “Girls just want to have fun” became a top-of-the-charts hit. Even in my very left-wing, hedonistic, marijuana-addled state I knew that was a sign of coming social collapse.  

Marxism created feminism, feminism created the crisis of fatherlessness, and the crisis of fatherlessness created the social, cultural, political and religious chaos we are suffering today.  

Fortunately, the cure to fatherlessness is within the grasp of every man alive today. It is simply to BE fatherly – to everyone. Each man is created by God in HIS image to exercise HIS authority in every role created for men to fill. Every form, function and facility of masculinity is stored in every man’s heart, mind, body and soul, waiting to be tapped and utilized for any task he sets his focus on. And one task every man is assigned in this life is to BE a provider for and protector of women and children. If speaking that civilization-saving truth makes me a “sexist,” so be it.    

Being fatherly to someone means caring for them as a patron, meaning as a source of encouragement, strength, wisdom, guidance, challenge and even warning. The love of a father is confident, assertive and nurturing in the sense of coaching but not taking over. Every man can do it, and should do it, especially with his own family, but even with strangers or any age or stage of life. For Christians especially, fatherliness can and should be a lifestyle.

Mine was the first of the “broken home” generation, and I personally had a terrible father in many of the most important roles he was supposed to model for me. Despite that, I became a very good father to my own children and as a pastor and family law attorney have helped many men to be more fatherly. So I know first-hand that it is possible, and it works!

What’s most needed now is for all men everywhere to step up and embrace the mission of restoring fatherliness in whatever spheres YOU can influence. The cure for the disease of fatherlessness, is fatherliness, and that cure is in YOUR hands, Man. What greater gift could you give to the people of this broken world than the Blessing of Fatherfliness?


Christian Russia vs Globalism

Two little-noticed news stories capture the true picture of the state of the global culture war today. The first is from the American deep red state of Idaho, where The Satanic Temple is holding a “Pride” event that features a “Drag Dance Party” and “Unbaptisms” – a ritual in which people who were once baptized as Christians publicly renounce Jesus Christ. The other is from Russia, where the national Duma (legislature) has just introduced legislation to expand its 2013 ban on LGBT propaganda to children to include ALL LGBT propaganda throughout the society. 

To my knowledge I am the only culture war analyst in the world who contends that the current Russia/Ukraine war started not with President Putin’s February 24, 2022 “Empire of Lies” speech, nor with the Obama/Soros orchestrated Maidan coup on February 22, 2014 to replace pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych with their own stooge but with Vladimir Putin’s signature on June 30, 2013, making the LGBT propaganda ban the law of the land.

More than any other factor in the vast constellation of geopolitical rivalries and concerns, that single act declared the Russian Federation an enemy of globalism, and more importantly in the realpolitik sense, an enemy of the megalomaniac “closeted” homosexual Barack Obama who, even then, had done more to advance the global LGBT agenda than any other living man. 

I also stand alone, or in extremely rarified company, in defining the LGBT agenda as THE last-days Biblical-worldview litmus test – by God’s own design — dividing the enlightened from the deceived.  My book The Petros Prophecy explains how and why so-called “gay theology” is THE heresy of the last days that the Apostle Peter warned us about in 2 Peter 2.  And I have been a voice in the wilderness declaring that the LGBT-driven “sexual revolution” is THE centerpiece of the Cultural Marxist strategy for socio-political transformation of the nations of the world.  My WND column of last week explained how the defilement of God’s rainbow is THE key evidence of the emergence of the Antichrist kingdom.

To most of the world, these assertions make me a “nut-case,” but I long ago stopped letting the opinion of the world influence my beliefs. My audience is thus the remnant of Bible believers willing to risk hatred and mockery to seek and speak truth. My role has been, in part, that of a prophet in the sense of Ephesians 4:11-12, and thus rejection is just part of the job.

The more difficult fork of this prophetic path has been applying these conclusions to the real-world culture war outside the United States, particularly the role of Russia, which very few Christians know much about, and where so much of the “Christian consensus” is shaped by neocon wolves in sheep’s clothing like Mike Pence. 

I never fully trusted Pence after his capitulation to the “woke” mob as Indiana Governor, when the Indiana legislature passed a religious freedom bill that strongly protected pro-family freedom of speech on “gay” issues. Pence refused to sign the bill until it had been amended (gutted) to placate the LGBTs. My WND column of that week was titled “Indiana Meets the Borg.” In retrospect, I think Pence’s surrender in that fight was what qualified him among the elites to be Trump’s “Bush 41″ VP (the globalists’ agent in the Trump Whitehouse just as G H W Bush was their agent in the Reagan Whitehouse).  

In any case, backstabber Pence  is a leading example of how the establishment RINOs cooped American Christendom in service to the neocon warmongering agenda. Even otherwise honorable men like Rush Limbaugh and Dr. James Dobson got suckered into that ideology, for example, in support of the Iraq wars. It really wasn’t until the Republican party got caught neutralizing the Tea Party movement (by first competing with and then absorbing it) that many of us awakened to the political realities and realized that paleo-conservatives like Pat Buchanan had been right all along.

Regarding the Ukraine war, the conservative movement has been slowly awakening from the globalists’ propaganda-driven hypnosis to realize that Russia is NOT the bad guy in this conflict, but was set up and used as a scapegoat by the very people who orchestrated the plandemic, stole our election and turned America’s children into sexual anarchists and social-justice terrorists.  

Being forced to take preemptive military action to preserve legitimate and essential national security interests is not “unprovoked aggression.” In fact, Russia’s legal defense under international law to all of the globalist false accusations and propaganda is very sound. If you’re not yet convinced of these things, you should spend some time reading sources not controlled by our enemy-of-the-people media. On the question of globalism, start here.

However, if you are among the remnant of the remnant who appreciate just how close our nation has come to triggering the wrath of God, and that Russia is now actually far closer as a nation to honoring the biblical worldview than we are, you will recognize that IF the Lord tarries, and IF He intends humanity to have a reprieve from globalist tyranny, it just might be that Russia, not America will be responsible to stopping the evil elites from enslaving us all. Or perhaps (best case scenario), we MAGA millions might retake our country in 2022 and 2024 and partner with Russia against the globalists (as Trump strongly implied we would in his 2016 campaign)!

Frankly, I think it is much more likely that we have reached the end of the line and are watching the final scenes of prophecy unfold. Yet, that is all the more reason to speak the truth about all things. And the truth is that Russia is now a more Christian nation than we are, and the evil people ushering in the Antichrist kingdom are based here, not there.   
