Scott Lively Ministries

My Wartime Mission to Ukraine

Culture War: This 2007 article in a pro-family Russian newspaper ran while Dr. Lively was in Ukraine holding seminars for local believers on how to stand up to the LGBT agenda.

On September 23, 2022 putative president Joe Biden awarded homosexual activist and icon Elton John the National Humanities Medal “for his work to end Aids.” Going off script, OBiden let slip a frank Freudian admission, saying “By the way, it’s all his fault we are spending $6 billion in tax payer money this month, to help AIDS, fight HIV/AIDS.”

Now, it’s certainly NOT true that Elton John deserves ALL the blame for the “gay” plague of AIDS (originally called GRIDS: “Gay-Related Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome”). A young Dr. Anthony Fauci, for example, deserves special recognition in the AIDS Hall of Shame for re-purposing the failed and highly toxic cancer drug AZT (the Remdesivir of the 1980s) as Big Pharma’s highly lucrative $olution, inflicting an early death on untold thousands of sufferers. (Yes, Fauci has been America’s top shill for the pharmakeia sorcerers since the Reagan administration.)

BUT, Reginald Kenneth Dwight, AKA “Elton John” ranks high among the homosexual elites who normalized sodomy as a lifestyle across the globe over the past few decades. Let’s just stop dancing around the indelicacies of AIDS reality and admit that AIDS is spread almost exclusively by receptive anal intercourse – the act of sexual deviance that has defined male homosexual relationships (and increasingly heterosexual ones in the age of porn) since time immemorial and is expressly condemned in the Bible as a capital offense.

Unlike God’s specially constructed life-facilitating vaginal canal, designed for handling even the most enthusiastic copulation, the relatively thin and porous lining of the alimentary canal is designed for absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream (and elimination of deadly waste) and is inadequate to prevent the passing of microbes and diseases into the body. Plus it tears relatively easily rendering the body virtually defenseless. Read more about this in The Health Hazards of Homosexuality .

You shall not lie with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination,” reads Leviticus 18:22. And in the New Testament restatement of that law, ensuring that Christians don’t make the mistake of thinking it was only forbidden in the Old Testament, Romans 1:24-26 reads “God gave them over in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another…Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones [which can be interpreted as either or both lesbianism and/or submitting to heterosexual sodomy]. Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another.”

Now pay special attention to the next verse: “Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received IN THEMSELVES the due penalty for their error.” [Emphasis added.] This is directly prophetic of the AIDS plague in these last days. And life-long LGBT culture-warrior Elton John undoubtedly knows this. No amount of “humanitarian” ex-post-facto damage control can undo his part in encouraging men around the world with same sex attraction disorder to give in to their homosexual temptations. Elton John is no humanitarian!

This brings me to my wartime mission to Ukraine. I’m, of course, not talking about the current Ukraine/Russia war. Under the current wartime dictatorship of the LGBT zealot and former TV drag performer Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a world-renowned “homophobe” like me likely wouldn’t survive long there. In fact, the only speaking invitation I have ever turned down in my life due to a Holy Spirit “check” in my spirit was a request to do some pro-family seminars in Ukraine in (I think) 2018. It reminded me of what the Apostle Paul described in Acts 16:6. I knew in my spirit if I went Ukraine on that trip I would be killed or otherwise incapacitated by the Obama/Soros/Clinton/Biden agents already running the country by then from the shadows.

When Zelenskyy (the Jewish Barack Obama) says he wants to fundamentally transform Ukraine into a European Israel he doesn’t mean the Orthodox Jewish quarter of Old Jerusalem: he means Tel Aviv, which advertizes itself as the “Gay Capital of the World” And to show just how much this is a priority for him, he has taken time to push for “gay marriage” even during the war! [warning – highly offensive graphic].

No, MY war has always been the culture war, and my mission to Ukraine was in June of 2007 – when the early groundwork for the current kinetic war was only just being prepared by SENATOR Barack Obama, George W. Bush’s point man for setting up the network of bio-weapons labs across Ukraine.

I was then in the midst of my 50-city pro-family speaking tour of eight countries of the former Soviet Union, based mostly in Riga, Latvia where myself and the late great Black mega-pastor, former Cowboys football star, and famous friend of Rush Limbaugh, Ken “Hutch” Hutcherson, took on Bush’s US Embassy for forcing a Gay Pride parade on the people of Latvia – against the wishes of 95% of the population. We lost the battle when a massive army of riot police and double steel fencing ensured a tiny group of “gays” and transsexuals (and diplomats from the US and Sweden) were allowed to march, and Hutch was abruptly removed from his position with the Bush White House Office of Faith Based Initiatives.

Shortly afterwards, I was in Ukraine at the same time that Elton John was there to normalize the LGBT agenda and lifestyles to the formerly morally conservative Ukrainian people by giving a free concert in Kiev. It was just another of those David and Goliath battles I’ve been in all my life: the nobody Scott Lively trying to help local believers organize a resistance while the globalists blitzkreig’d the culture with a super-star reprobate.

But God will have the last word in this war and I’m happy to be on His side no matter how badly it looks like its going through worldly eyes.

Pastoral Letter to a Porn Addict

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”
(Romans 8:1)

received an email the other day from a man who read my book The Petros Prophecy outlining the Bible’s case against homosexuality and its role in end-times prophecy. He thanked me for writing it and confessed that he struggles with homosexual lust and porn addiction. He asked for advice on how to cope with his situation, and I connected him with First Stone Ministries which ministers to people dealing with homosexuality and other sexual brokenness. He replied with a heart-wrenching description of his emotional torment and a second request for my advice. I then answered from my own life experience as a 16-year alcoholic and drug addict healed miraculously in prayer in 1986, and my subsequent work ministering to people with homosexuality and addiction issues through my work as a pastor, missionary and Christian lawyer.  

The following is an expanded version of my reply, which I think may be helpful to others struggling with addictions of various kinds. People who have never experienced addiction should be reminded here that addictive conduct is not truly voluntary in the normal sense of the word because the addict’s will power is no longer capable of defeating (except incidentally under optimal conditions) the temptation to which he has become enslaved and which grows in power with each successive failure.

The key to being able to live with yourself as a person who struggles with habitual sin is God’s grace and mercy. We can’t ever be good enough behaviorally or legalistically to deserve His love, but thankfully He loves us anyway like a parent loves a toddler. 

Justification – our ticket to heaven — is ours by faith alone in Christ alone, never by works of any kind “lest men would boast” (Ephesians 2:9), But Sanctification (becoming Christlike) takes work and lots of it. It is always and for everyone about progress not perfection, one day at a time, and about recognizing that self-condemnation is siding with the Accuser of the Brethren against our own Advocate in the spiritual/mental/emotional courtroom of our heart.  

Importantly, the Judge of All Things is always going to acquit whomever the Advocate represents (it’s a system totally rigged in our favor!), so the only thing accomplished by self-condemnation is voluntarily trading peace for misery in our sojourn through life. Correcting that upside-down state of mind allows us to honor the command to “count it all joy” when we face our life’s challenges, despite our deficiencies (James 1:2).

My advice is to change your primary focus away from preventing relapses through will power (which is virtually impossible to sustain as a long-term strategy). Instead work actively to cleanse and tend the open wounds that cause the pain which drives you to seek relief through ritual sin, by applying the balm of God’s grace and mercy which, over time, will heal them. Wounds heal slowly and incrementally, although in some rare situations Christ brings instant healing for His own reasons. Most people face the longer, sometimes much longer natural healing process, also for His own reasons. 

Per Romans 8, abide in the spirit even as you inhabit the flesh that you can’t fully control, and keep the two separate in the sense that you never forget that the flesh is just a temporary vessel destined for death, while the real YOU is already in timeless Heaven, a part of the “cloud of witnesses” watching your human self alternately swimming and treading water in Creation’s river of time. Or, to use Paul’s metaphor, “running the race that is set before us” … “throwing off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles us” (Hebrews 12:1). 

Years ago on an early morning prayer walk before serving as a guest preacher in a Southern California church, the Lord taught me a short string of words and phrases that explain very simply the purpose of life:

The purpose of life is to be conformed to the character of Jesus Christ,
through a life-long series of challenges uniquely designed
for each person by God Himself.     

You WILL face a never-ending series of challenges in life. God designed them carefully and specifically for you. It’s your mission to help Him shape you to be Christlike in the way you respond to them. The same is true for every human being ever born. So don’t get caught up in self pity, or self-condemnation, or self-absorption, or self-aggrandizement, or self-justification or self-righteousness, or any other self-centeredness. Die to self, surrender to His plan, and enjoy the sanctification process as He intended you to do.  

And also remember that “freedom in Christ” includes freedom from the expectations of men. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide in all things, not the opinions of other people, especially those who have never experienced addiction.  

But at the same time NEVER give up! Never surrender to despair. Never self-identify with the sin you struggle with (“gayness” is a condition, not a type of person). And Never, Ever compound your sin by declaring it not to be sin.  

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your entire spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is faithful, and He [not you] will do it [through your glorification by HIM at the appointed time] (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).  


An Open Letter to Gab’s Andrew Torba re ‘Christian Nationalism’

Dear Brother Andrew. I am a Hebraic-oriented Evangelical Christian attorney, pastor and historian who has devoted my entire adult life in Christ to Christian social, cultural and political activism. I bought your book “Christian Nationalism” to support the mission of Gab Social, and want to offer you some constructive criticism. 

At the outset, I want to commend you for your courage and vision in taking on the powers and principalities of the present age by working to break the chains of censorship and suppression of free speech, particularly of the biblically-informed views that so powerfully contradict the secular humanist dogma of our Marxist would-be masters. They are the true enemies of “Judeo-Christian” civilization, and of course I choose that phrase intentionally to respectfully contradict your well-intentioned but misguided representation of its meaning and purpose relative to our national identity and heritage. 

I will also add that I am both a member of Gab and a vehement defender of your right to address the distinctions between Judaism and Christianity. I do not consider you an anti-Semite, and in fact believe that the secularized ethnic Jews working to destroy your work are actually far more anti-Semitic than they claim you are in that they deny and/or defy the Torah, whereas you worship and revere its Author. 

What defines a “Semite” (Shemite) if not Yahweh-worship? It certainly can’t be an ethnic connection to Shem (or Abraham or even Jacob) which virtually all humanity now shares because of genetic diffusion over millennia. No, it must be the practice of true Judaism, whose terms are defined by the Torah and Tanach (Old Testament Scripture), NOT the Talmud (commentaries on the Scripture by various Hebrew scholars with widely divergent views, values and validity). 

Indeed, Judaism itself is as factional as Christianity but on a smaller scale, only because it’s so much smaller in numbers. Jews are not just doctrinally divided, but notoriously so! As the famous old joke goes “Ask two Jews, get three opinions.” Thus, to cite the view of any Talmudic “sage” as representative of all Jews or Judaism itself (as you did on page 56) is as intellectually dishonest as an anti-Christian Jew or Secular Humanist cherry-picking from the collective works of Christian scholars to define all Christianity.  

You begin Chapter 4 “This is Not a ‘Judeo-Christian’ Movement” asserting that “Christianity and Judaism are totally distinct, incompatible, and irreconcilable religions.” In one essential sense that is true because, as you emphasize, Judaism denies that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. BUT, unlike all the other people groups of the world that also deny Christ (including all the secular factions in our diverse MAGA and populist/conservative movements whom you rightfully seem very comfortable collaborating with), true Torah-faithful Jews believe in A Messiah who will do all the things that Christians anticipate Jesus Christ will do on His second coming.

Most Jews simply “missed the bus” on Jesus/Yeshua during His first advent (by God’s own plan), but remain standing in line for the next one, which Romans 11 tells us they WILL catch, when (as God adds in Zechariah 12:10) “I will pour out on the house of David and on the people of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and prayer, and they will look on Me, the One they have pierced [and] mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves for a firstborn son.” 

You and I presumably share all or most of that would be considered the most fundamental tenets of the Christian faith, and many non-essential doctrines too. But we differ strongly on “supersessionism” (replacement theology) which you defend as the justification for your personal theology. Importantly, what you have laid out in “Christian Nationalism” is your personal theology, which does not represent Christianity as a whole, but only one slate of views among the constellation of denominations. That’s not a problem insofar as you admit it, and don’t attempt to impose your interpretations on non-essentials as dogma on the rest of Christendom.

The flaw in your analysis of supersessionism (page 57) is the appeal to tradition (one of the classic fallacies of formal logic)  Whenever we justify ourselves by church tradition instead of the Bible itself, we depart from sound Holy Spirit guidance to tenuous worldly humanism – the common error behind Roman Catholicism’s self-authorizing “Magisterium” theory and Talmudic Judaism’s self-authorizing “Revered Sages” club. Correcting that error in Christendom was the implicit premise of the Reformation, but unfortunately, the reformers failed to reform numerous extra-biblical human-created doctrines in Protestantism, including the RCC’s dramatic changes to the God’s holiday calendar, the presumed right of the church to enforce dogma through murder (i.e. Calvin’s execution of Michael Servetus), and a severe Greco-Roman cultural bias in interpreting Scripture that differs markedly from the Hebraic cultural perspective of the Apostles and the Prophets.

Many of those human-created doctrines were quickly jettisoned as Protestantism splintered into numerous factions, such as Presbyterianism that made the world-changing quantum shift from the top-down ecclesiastical power-pyramid exemplified by the papacy (and Anglicanism) to bottom-up self governance authorized by the “priesthood of all believers” and organized like the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15. THAT is the deepest foundation-stone of America and of the modern movement for constitutionalism (foreshadowed by the Magna Carta in 1215, also heavily influenced by Jews). 

The process of getting from Scottish Presbyterianism to the Pilgrim Separatism of the Plymouth Colony was heavily influenced by Christian-Jewish cross-pollination. Indeed, I know from my studies of this, that there would never have been a US Constitution or the populist overthrow of the western monarchies if not for the 16th and 17th Century Hebraic Movement in Holland and Great Britain. And that is why America is and has always been “Judeo-Christian.” It has nothing to do with how many Jews were active in the physical founding of America, or how Christian-centric the first state constitutions were, it is simply an honest acknowledgment of the Jews’ role in nudging Christians back to their First Century heritage that made America possible: a shared intellectual property right, if you will, like co-authors of a book or a scientific theory. 

Lastly, you asserted on page 61 “It is impossible to overstate the importance of the historic cataclysm that was the Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD.” Sorry, but it not only IS possible, you have done it. If that post-millennial doctrine were true, the real proof would have been unmistakable over the next thousand years, especially the end, but of course, it didn’t look at all like the Millennial Kingdom of prophecy – because Christ’s earthly kingdom, while very near, has not yet begun. You would know that if you studied the Bible from the literal Hebraic perspective, but you don’t and I respect that as your right within the bounds of Christian liberty. 

My point with the prior paragraph is to illustrate that factionalism will be the death-knell to any attempt to build unity on a theological foundation, which is why the Founders and subsequent Christian generations chose the broadest possible platform – Bible-based Yahweh-honoring monotheism (exemplified in our national motto, “In God we trust”) – and not any flavor of Christian sectarianism (which led to many serious conflicts among the denominations in our early days as a nation and thus the ban on establishing state “religions” – meaning “denominations” — in the “Establishment Clause” of our constitution.)  

I don’t expect you to change your theology based on one letter from me, but I do hope you will reconsider your gratuitous exclusionary rhetoric regarding our spiritual cousins in the House of Judah, treating at least the many who share our cultural values (and the all-important Creationist paradigm) with the same basic respect and comradery you show to Atheists in the MAGA and conservative movements. And I offer my assistance in making this necessary course-correction if you care to accept it. 

Pastor Scott Lively, J.D., Th.D.

American Babylon and the LGBT Plague

Click on graphic to watch Prophecy and Politics show on this theme

This article got a lot of attention this week, bring picked up by several news sites including Rapture Ready and Natural News. Click on the graphic above for a short video reading of the article.

American Babylon and the LGBT Plague

Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist” (Colossians 1:15-17).

She had a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the unclean things of her fornication; and upon her forehead a name written, Mystery, great Babylon, the mother of harlots, and of the abominations of the earth” (Revelation 17:4-5).

Truth is the perspective of God about His Creation. He is omniscient, meaning His perspective is flawless and infinite. He is omnipotent, meaning he has absolute sovereignty over all He has made. And He is omnipresent, meaning He exists in and sustains every part of it.

We know this not only because the Bible tells us so, but because the Creation itself testifies to it, so clearly that those who fail to recognize God’s authorship have NO EXCUSE (Romans 1:18-20). That deliberate choice to suppress truth is what damns every lost person to Hell: not sin, not false doctrine, not idolatry, not law-breaking but simply unbelief in Christ. “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18).  

Because of Adam’s sin, every person begins life on the “down” escalator, Hell-bound, absent an affirmative confession of faith in Christ. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved…For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10). Salvation really is just that simple.

It is sanctification, or becoming Christlike over the course of our lives, that is the hard part, as we who are justified await glorification (perfect spiritual completion) upon His second coming. We are promised in Philippians 1:6 that He who began that good work in us WILL be faithful to finish it.

How does all this relate to American Babylon and the LGBT plague? Bear with me.  

As Paul warns in Romans 1, suppression of truth about God doesn’t just foreclose salvation to you, it sets you on a path AWAY from sanctification, so that instead of becoming increasing more clean, healthy, life-affirming and Christlike, you become increasingly more dirty, sick, death-affirming and anti-Christlike. The far end of that path is the reprobate or depraved mind that the Bible associates specifically and singularly with homosexuality, which in turn is associated with a long list of civilization-destroying behaviors. Not every sinner goes that far down the path of defiance, but more will do so the more they see others do it.

Importantly, the warning is not primarily about the consequence to individuals, but to society as a whole. And it is the same warning given both to Noah’s generation before the Great Flood and to Sodom and Gomorrah before they were incinerated. Bottom line: the widespread normalization of homosexuality is THE key harbinger of God’s wrath from Genesis to Revelation. This truth is crystal clear to those who actually study the evidence as I have summarized it in the chart below and explained in detail in my free book The Petros Prophecy: Simon Peter’s Prophetic Warning About the Heresy of the Last Days.  

The reason that people have no excuse for denying the existence of God or redefining Him to suit themselves (which is just another form of denial) is that WE are part of the Creation. The plainest, most inescapable truth about Creation is that we are male and female by design. To deny one’s DNA-dictated and physiologically self-evident binary heterosexual identity is not a joke. It is deep-seated mental illness and spiritual rebellion at the same time.

Critically, whatever the cause may be, no degree of temptation to indulge oneself in homosexuality or transgenderism, nor the degree of one’s weakness in resisting that temptation, justifies the choice to DEFINE oneself by anything that God calls an abomination (Leviticus 18:22, Deuteronomy 22:5). 

Where is America on the scale of rebellion against God in these matters? We are leading the entire world! Democracy, human rights, the rule of law and the liberal world order have all been redefined since the Obama regime to prioritize sexual deviance. Should the MAGA “red wave” be defeated in November, this entire generation of young people will be coercively recruited to LGBTism beyond anything ever seen in this world. No human effort will be able to stop it.

US hegemony has been virtually synonymous with global LGBT cultural arm-twisting since Obama with only a partial slowdown under President Trump (who shamefully endorses “gay marriage” – which may have been the spiritual reason he lost the White House – just like Solomon’s embrace of deviance cost his descendants David’s throne). (Beware of LGBT Trojan Horses in the MAGA movement!)

Likewise, an Obiden victory over pro-family Russia in the Ukraine war (strengthening and enhancing America’s sole-superpower status as global LGBT agenda-enforcers) would absolutely ensure Ukraine and all of Europe would get the same treatment as American schoolchildren – backed 100% by the Demons of Davos. Some will cringe at this idea, but Russia may be the only hope for stopping the globalists in Europe and saving the Ukrainians (and all Europeans) from a fate WORSE than death – the LGBT enslavement of their progeny.

It is impossible for me to summarize America’s current geopolitical role without being reminded of Revelation 18:2-3: “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.”  

But God also speaks to the Christian remnant in this passage, saying: “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities” (Revelation 18:4-5).

Coming “out of her” may mean many things, but one of them certainly is personally distancing ourselves spiritually, culturally and politically from America’s embrace of all-things LGBT. It is also essential for the remnant collectively to expel “gay theology” and LGBT ideology from Christendom, the conservative/MAGA movements and the lives of our children and grandchildren. 

Being Christlike ALWAYS means speaking plain truth to defeat lies. Sometimes it also means kicking over tables and driving bad people away with whips (John 2:15). As always let the Spirit be your guide in how and when you do that, but do something!  


Dark Brandon Rising

Barack Obama’s Avatar, the putative president Joe Biden, debuting as “Dark Brandon, September 1, 2022

Could OBiden’s Nazi-themed speech of September 1st have been subtle psychological preparation of the American people for imminent war with Russia and a not-so subtle taunt and mockery of Vladimir Putin’s pledge to de-Nazify Ukraine (and the west)?

Dementia Joe wasn’t always Barack Obama’s avatar, but as what’s left of his mind has slipped slowly into the shadows, he’s become more and more obviously just a skin suit for the Fundamental Transformer. Obama’s biggest challenge in pulling this off has been the “just plain likeable Grampa Joe” narrative that the Uniparty had settled on to get him “elected.” Grampa Joe’s creeping dementia (or should that read ‘demented creepiness’?) has been far too obvious to hide from the general public which increasing perceives him as weak and incompetent. All this has happened while the same narrative-spinners have cast Trump as the personification of evil menace – a towering monster so threatening to “our democracy” as to justify the impressment of every person, agency, organization and resource in an all-out war to stop him, the constitution be damned.

However, because the Obama team all think like pot-smoking Hollywood scriptwriters they perceive Biden’s negatives not so much as a reflection of policy failures but as a deficiency in his narrative. And conversely, they believe the public likes Trump better because of HIS narrative. Naturally, their pothead solution is to make Biden look more like Trump (not the real Trump, but the Trump of their narrative). If the public wants Hitler instead of Grampa Joe, so be it.

Thus, the invention of “Dark Brandon:” floated as a sneak preview for a while in the chat-rooms of the creative elites, and then bursting fully-formed onto the political scene in Hitleresque glory like the launch of a new Marvel superhero. His shocking diatribe against MAGA Americans on 9/1/22 wasn’t just hate-speech, it was the launch of a marketing campaign, a rhetorical call to domestic political war, and, very possibly the psychological preparation of the nation for actual war against Russia. (Is that the real reason OBiden was flanked by Marines?)

Trump’s greatest sin per Obama/Clinton propaganda is his “treasonous collusion with Russia.” No amount of hard proof de-bunking it will ever kill that accusation: it is the Hitlerian Big Lie of our time, and the essential cornerstone of the defense strategy of the criminal conspirators behind the political enslavement of Ukraine and the plundering of its vast riches. Only Russia has the power to break their stranglehold and expose their crimes, and that is the main reason for the unprecedented flood of US money and weaponry into Ukraine, even to the point of drawing down our own arsenal, and the heartbreaking, needless sacrifice of countless Ukrainian lives.

Of course, much of that treasure is to buy the silence and cooperation of their Ukrainian oligarch co-conspirators, whom they rightfully fear will flip on them if they believe criminal prosecutions by a victorious Russia are inevitable. And that prospect looms larger every day because, contrary to US war propaganda, Russian has been handily winning the war all along and has just crushed the best of the best of the remainder of the US trained Ukrainian army in its long-awaited counter-offensive along the Donbass front. Truth be told it was a humiliating disaster.

At this point, the only hope of a Ukrainian victory, and a continuation of the cover-up of the Ukrainian crime scene, is direct US military involvement. That would mean WWIII (which may have been the plan all along, in furtherance of the already-unfolding global great collapse before the great reset, framing Putin as the scapegoat for all of it). How it starts is an open question, but some sort of false-flag here or there is likely. When? Perhaps on 9/11, just like their Benghazi debacle – a do-over on a grander scale.

[9/10 UPDATE: Yesterday’s significant Ukrainian breakthrough against Lugansk People’s Republic forces on the northern Donbass front appears to be a very thinly veiled US/NATO-led operation, in coordination with western media suddenly bragging about calling Putin’s bluff on outside interference. Obama’s playbook since the 2014 Maidan coup has always been to force Russia to take action through un-ignorable provocations and then accuse Russia of unprovoked aggression. This pivotal battle, especially if it causes Russia to strike NATO in retaliation (or a false flag is staged to make it look like Russia did), could be the trigger to WWIII. Is the timing of this battle on the weekend of the 9/11 anniversary just coincidence?]

On the election front, don’t forget that pro-Ukraine propaganda by the leftist and neo-con media has proven to be by far the most effective wedge for splitting Trump’s MAGA base – a fact which increases the likelihood of war. (And has deep conspiratorial implications for the RINO establishment GOP’s just-announced “Commitment to America” theme in the home stretch of the election. A “bipartisan” call to wartime unity could paint the anti-war MAGA faction as an unpatriotic and traitorous fringe – ostensibly vindicating Dark Brandon’s accusations, and neutralizing the red wave, especially in back-stabber McConnell’s RINO-controlled Senate.)

The Obama team knows that the American people have no confidence in the ability of wimpy Grampa Joe to lead America to war against Russia. But they believe Dark Brandon could change their minds. In reality, it’s just Obama switching to a more suitable avatar.

All acting is by definition deception. You are not who you’re pretending to be. But acting through an avatar is a special kind of deception because you can do it somewhat or completely anonymously, depending on the circumstances. That adds a sense of invulnerability that fosters risk-taking and diminished inhibitions. When Avatarianism is combined with pot-head delusions of grandeur and the sense of megalomaniacal entitlement you get Barack Obiden in the form of Dark Brandon – and all the chaos and insanity that come with it. If it can be imaged as a Hollywood movie, it is within the realm of possibility of becoming an actual Dark Brandon strategy.

But there’s a darker interpretation of all this, in which key players know exactly what they’re doing and the Dark Brandon transformation is a reflection of deliberate diabolical evil, not stupidity. This takes us into the realm of biblical prophecy and demonology.

Human operation through an avatar is virtually identical to the demonic possession of a human. The avatar is merely a disposable host for the human agent. The possessed human serves the same role for a demon. The parallel to Obama’s presumed “possession” of the Biden avatar is remarkable.

The visual staging of Dark Brandon’s debut was strikingly similar to that of Obama’s own acceptance speech for the 2008 Democratic nomination for president, which, like Hitler’s Nuremberg rally stage, was directly modeled on the Pergamum Altar – the “Seat of Satan…where Satan dwells” in Revelation 2:13. Accidental? Unlikely.

In my book-in-progress Dynasty of Darkness , the Antichrist of Daniel 11 and Revelation 13 is not one single person, but just whatever person the demon Satan happens to be in possession of at any given time. I have never hesitated to state that Obama is the best fit for the Antichrist I have seen in my lifetime. If, as Dark Brandon, he launches WWIII, unleashing the four horsemen of Revelation 6 and Matthew 24, I’d say that’s pretty much definitive proof. And I’d be urging prophecy watchers to start counting down the 3 ½ years before he steps out from behind Dark Brandon to fully reveal himself as himself.

Only Christianity can Defeat Marxism

Click on graphic to watch video on this topic.
Image Source: The Foundation for American Christian Education

“For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through the world.”

John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity (1630)

“Any country grounded in Judaeo-Christian values can’t be overthrown until those roots are cut” 

Antonio Gramsci, Founder of the Italian Communist Party,
Prison Notebooks (1929-1935).

Conservatism is a loser’s game – by design. In concept and practice Conservatives fight to “conserve” the always leftward-drifting status quo, while Progressives pursue “progress” toward the Marxist vision of a Socialist Utopia. As GK Chesterton wrote in 1930: “The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition.” 

In reality, the Marxists stole all their ideas from the true progressive worldview, biblical Christianity, and normalized the “progressive/conservative” paradigm to guarantee that the “tide of history” would always advance their agenda. 

The Christian concept of “progress” was showcased by lawyer Winthrop in his famous sermon/essay envisioning America as a model of Christian charity and values. Republican icon Ronald Reagan and Democrat icon John F. Kennedy both invoked Winthrop’s sermon to reaffirm that shining vision as the essential American ideal. 

How did the Marxists eventually supplant that vision with their own? First, in the early 1900s they perverted Scripture to create a counterfeit “social gospel” to divorce “goodness” from God and established a counterfeit alternative moral code we call “political correctness” which calls good “evil” and evil “good” (Isaiah 5:20). Over time, that code became dogma, enforced ever more harshly by their own version of blasphemy laws which punish dissenters through such things as “anti-discrimination” policies, “hate speech” codes and “DIE” oaths (Diversity Inclusion and Equity). This very short clip encapsulates the DIE’s goal for Christian America

They also substituted the Bible’s promise of Christ’s Millennial Kingdom with their utopian fantasy of human self-perfection through social engineering, eugenics and transhumanism. In their corrupt alternative Atheism, statism and sexual anarchy replace godliness, individual sovereignty and the marriage-based natural family. And “progress” is measured by the extent and pace of the transition.

While a significant part of the American population was being secularized by the Marxist “social gospel” strategy, the terms and framework of the cultural/political debate were also being secularized to fit the conservative/progressive paradigm with all of its implicit Marxist presuppositions. The growing plurality of “non-religious-people-with-traditional-values” (and, shamefully, a large number of Christians) were duped into adopting the “conservative” label, not realizing it was a logistical trap which locked them in the role of foot-draggers, forever doomed to eat the dust of the progressive course-setters on an ever-leftward march to “utopia.” It’s why so many “conservatives” today embrace “gay marriage” while still (temporarily) fighting transgenderism, but almost nobody still fights against sex outside of marriage. I explained this phenomenon more extensively in my 2019 article The False Choice of Conservative vs Progressive.

In my follow-up article The False Choice of Socialism vs Capitalism I explained that:  

“The origins of left/right progressive/conservative polarization come from France during its revolutionary period that started in the 1790s. The French Revolution, like the American Revolution, was ultimately a war by the “lower classes” against the top-down rulership of European monarchies.

“Crying ‘No King but Jesus,’ the children of the First Great Awakening (1740s) in America…won that war in 1776, creating the world’s first, best and longest lasting constitutional republic: a non-sectarian Bible-based model embraced by theists and deists alike that ended both rule by Monarchy and formal class distinctions.

“The French, however, associated Christianity with the corrupt Roman Catholic system then undergirding the French monarchy and thus rejected the Judeo-Christian framework of the American model….The French Republic which emerged from the revolution was forced back under Catholicism by Napoleon and pursued a pre-Marxist proto-socialist agenda….That ended with the “June Insurrection” of 1848 in which ten thousand unemployed workers were slaughtered by the government for protesting a subsistence-level “welfare” program…. 

[Importantly, the newly published] Communist Manifesto (1848) by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels was translated to French and published in Paris a few weeks before the June Insurrection… [where] the French parliament in 1848 was a political battlefield pitting the “Party of Movement” (progenitors of the progressives) against the “Party of Order” (the pro-Royalist ‘conservatives’). The Party of Movement sat on the left and the Party of Order sat on the right in their assembly hall. 

So the framework for the Marxist “tide of history” narrative in which they play the ‘progressive’ heroes fighting for freedom and liberty for the oppressed, and we’re the ‘conservatives’ defending the status quo of privilege for the rich and powerful [has never changed].”  

What has changed is that Christians have forgotten that Christianity is the true “progressive” agenda which imposes an affirmative duty of upon believers to be active stewards of civilization and culture. Ironically, that is also the forgotten core message of John Winthrop’s iconic sermon, whose primary purpose was to exhort believers, whether rich or poor, to voluntarily share their resources for the good of the whole community – the exact opposite of the Marxist confiscation and redistribution schemes that would emerge two centuries later. But he also implied/predicted there would be cultural war between these views.  

As he wrote in 1630 “The Lord will be our God, and delight to dwell among us, as his own people, and will command a blessing upon us in all our ways. So that we shall see much more of his wisdom, power, goodness and truth, than formerly we have been acquainted with. We shall find that the God of Israel is among us, when ten of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemies; when he shall make us a praise and glory that men shall say of succeeding plantations, ‘the Lord make it like that of New England.’ For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill….Therefore let us choose life that we, and our seed may live, by obeying His voice and cleaving to Him, for He is our life and our prosperity.”

The culture of life and the culture of death have always been in a winner-take-all war. There is no neutral ground, Christian. What Winthrop wrote in 1630 is true today. You must get and stay on the right side of the battle line, and that begins with how you think about Christianity itself. It is not a passive faith, and your job is not to resist change or be submissive in the face of it. The opposite is true. Christianity is about “pulling down strongholds and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God” – in which campaign we are intended to be “more than conquerors.” Conservatives are doomed to failure, but WE Christian Constitutionalists are the true progressives whose pro-active evangelical persuasion of the world to live biblically is the solution to every problem the Marxists have caused. 

The Skunk Factor: The Role of “Weed” in America’s Decline

America’s “New Normal”

Shortly before my first run for governor of Massachusetts in 2014, the Bay State became one of the first to legalize “medical” marijuana, and would soon legalize recreational use. I was one of five candidates in the race that included uber-RINO Charlie Baker, ultra-corrupt Democrat Attorney General Martha Coakley, and three Independents: Progressive darling Evan Falchuk (launching a new Socialist party), businessman Jeff McCormick, and yours truly. My reason for running was two-fold: to have a platform to shine the light of the gospel in the darkest arena of human affairs – politics – and to break out of the “Saul Alinsky box” the leftist media and LGBT-fascists had put me in in furtherance of their strategy to bankrupt and humiliate me with litigation and drive me from the state.

Under any other circumstances the “anti-gay” pariah-pastor Scott Lively would NEVER have been granted any respect or coverage in the highest state race in the bluest state, but by the grace of God, Socialist hero Falchuk was also running as an Independent and it would have been impossible for the powers-that-be to have given him a platform while excluding the other two Independents (especially since McCormick had the money to make them regret it if they had tried). And so they were forced to include me in election interviews and news coverage and in both of the official debates televised live statewide! I pulled no punches in either debate, calling out Baker and Coakley on abortion as a form of murder, chastising Baker for his support of the LGBT agenda, and championing the biblical worldview on every issue boldly and unapologetically. It was glorious!

But the most consequential issue of that period was actually the legalization/normalization of marijuana, and I was the only candidate to take a strong stand against it. It featured most prominently in the first debate, held in filled-to-capacity Symphony Hall in Springfield. I got the best laugh of the event when the question came round to me, saying “I’ve probably smoked more pot than anyone else in this room. I smoked mountains of it.” After the laughter subsided, I followed up by saying “I am therefore the most qualified person here to address the subject” and proceeded to make the case that the “medical” aspect of the legalization (while legitimate in a limited way) was mostly just a pretext for decriminalizing recreational use, and that would have serious negative social consequences.

I started smoking pot at fourteen when a hippie-dude picked me up on a country road hitch-hiking home from my girlfriend’s house. I had been an eager consumer of alcohol since the age of twelve, and “weed” was a welcome addition to my wild and rebellious lifestyle. Although I took many other drugs over the next dozen years, marijuana was my drug of choice, and not just because it was cheap and easy to score. I loved the feeling of “creative genius” that came over me when I got high, when all of my thoughts and imaginings seemed so much more interesting and exciting. But it was all just self-delusion, as I discovered from later reviewing, sober, the notes I had written while high. Nevertheless, like so many others of my generation, including many people still enslaved to it (and defending it now as “medical use” lol ), I became a full-fledged pot-head.

In reality, marijuana makes you stupid, not smart. It’s probably the single highest factor in the educational failure of teenagers – especially inner-city Black kids who have ready access to it. When Anne and I personally ran our inner-city mission in Springfield, MA from 2008-2015, next door to Commerce High School, we witnessed dozens of clusters of teens ducking into alleyways (and behind our church) to smoke weed on their way to school every morning. You can’t learn anything when you’re high, and when you come down from the high you suffer with dull-witted lethargy for the rest of the day or until you smoke some more. As pothead Tom Petty sang in Learning to Fly “coming down is the hardest thing.”

I was one of the first potheads at my high school. At the start of my 9th grade year (1974), there was a small handful of us who would sneak off into the woods to get high each morning before the first bell. By the end of that school year there were over a hundred. I had been on the honor roll through the 8th grade and even skipped a grade in science, but within the first two weeks of smoking pot I sank from the very top to the very bottom of my algebra class and a year or so later completely dropped out of school.

It is commonly argued that marijuana is not an addictive drug, but that is a egregious and socially destructive lie. True, it’s not physically addictive like heroin, and there are some people who can take it or leave it as a recreational drug, just like alcohol. But marijuana is highly psychologically addictive and is especially hard to quit because the use of it over time profoundly effects one’s ability to use reason and rationality in decision-making. That’s a handicap that lingers for weeks after you stop because the active drug THC stores up in your fat cells and continues releasing slowly in the body. I didn’t feel fully normal again literally for months after I finally stopped after 14 years of use.

Marijuana use can also cause schizophrenia/psychosis – which may explain periods of extreme paranoia I occasionally suffered. But thankfully, it didn’t seem to cause lasting brain damage. So when at 28 I rediscovered personal ambition and the capacity for long-term planning in my post-pothead life (shortening one’s time-horizon is another side-effect of pot) I was eventually able to finish college, graduate law school and establish my own law firm.

Looking back, I recognized in my own life the little-noted truth that marijuana addiction severely stunts your emotional growth. And when I started trying to save marriages in my Christian family-law practice, I recognized that factor in the lives of some of my clients and/or their spouses, too. It was practically axiomatic that if one party was a regular marijuana user there would be no reconciliation in that relationship because the pot-head was simply too self-absorbed and emotionally immature to change.

I was shocked during my 2014 campaign to learn how many self-described conservatives wanted marijuana to be legalized and how vigorously they would parrot the “medical use” talking points. In all but a few cases I could see that was just a smoke-screen (pun intended) and they were just potheads like I had been. But it helped me to understand why legalizing weed was and is such a high priority for people like George Soros, who has heavily funded the effort nationally.

Why? Because habitually smoking pot makes you irrational and self-centered, robs you of initiative and keeps you emotionally immature. In other words, it turns otherwise normal people into weak-minded liberals – the perfect citizens for a dictatorial Socialist regime.

So in your assessment of what has gone in wrong in America – and why so many people have gotten swept up in nonsensical Antifa and BLM delusions and LGBT lunacy, submitted mindlessly to medical tyranny, and/or have dropped out of the workforce to collect welfare and laze around at home – don’t forget “the skunk factor.” That stink you’re smelling in the presence of a pothead isn’t just the dope himself – it’s the toxic stench of deliberate civilization-destroying social engineering by an elite class who wants EVERYONE stoned to better control us.

The Homosexual Hijack of the Holocaust

Part Three of The Battle for Measure 9

You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination…you must not commit any of these abominations—neither your native-born nor the foreigner who lives among you…anyone who commits any of these abominations must be cut off from among his people

Leviticus 18:22-29 of the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible.  

The dominant campaign theme of our “No on 9″ opponents was that the Oregon Citizens Alliance and me personally were “like the Nazis” for opposing LGBT civil rights status based on “sexual orientation.” It was this deeply offensive and utterly false propaganda campaign that initially led me to team up with Orthodox Jewish Holocaust researcher Kevin Abrams to write The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, and to develop strong relationships with numerous pro-family conservative Jews around the nation. But in the process, I uncovered a conspiracy among the LGBTs to basically steal the Jewish Holocaust for themselves for political leverage.  

Contrary to today’s rising chorus of fringe historical revisionists of the anti-Zionist movement, the Holocaust was an actual plan and policy of Nazi Germany, totally consistent with the philosophy and practice of the eugenicist elites of the early 20th Century. Adolf Hitler, John D. Rockefeller, John Harvey Kellogg, Margaret Sanger, and Josef Mengele were the Klaus Schwabs, Justin Trudeaus, Gavin Newsoms, Jacinda Arderns and Anthony Faucis of their generation: protean transhumanist sociopaths for whom humanity was mere cattle whose utility could and should be improved by scientific experimentation and selective breeding/culling.  

Addressing the future of eugenic advancement in Mein Kampf (1924), Hitler praised the United States as the “one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States.” He would devote his life to overcoming that shortcoming.

Eugenics was the heart of Hitlerian ideology and the source of such diverse Nazi policies as the Master Race theory, the Lebensborn Aryan human breeding farms, the bizarre “science” of phrenology (skull measurements), Dr. Mengeles’ lab experiments on concentration camp prisoners and of course, hatred of the “inferior races,” especially the Jews, whom Occult Queen Helena Blavatski condemned in her book “The Secret Doctrine” as the holdovers of the primitive “root race” that proceeded modernity’s superior Aryan “root race” in her theory of the cyclical evolution of humankind. 

Crazy Blavatsky’s “Theosophical Society” was represented in Germany by Guido von List and Jorge Lanz von Liebenfels who together formed the Armanen Order that played a huge role both in Hitler’s personal life and in the creation of the Nazi Party. They were the first to use the swastika in Germany more than a decade before the Nazi Party was formed, and Lanz von Liebenfels was rightly called “The Man Who Gave Hitler His Ideas” in a 1958 book by Wilfried Daim. Hitler was an avid reader and collector of Liebenfels’ magazine Ostara, which blended occultism and eugenics. I have fully documented this history in Chapter Two of The Pink Swastika. 

(I can personally attest that the Theosophical Society still operates around the world, having stumbled onto one of it’s lodges when I lived in heavily occult-influenced Portland Oregon. And a revived version of the Armanen Order also exists in Germany.

So, yes, the Holocaust was a real historical event, and the malign ideology that spawned it is alive and well today. Attempts by nut-jobs to rehabilitate uber-eugenicist Hitler as a wrongly “canceled” and misunderstood hero of nationalism are as traitorous to humanity as they are stupid.

However my focus in this article is the Holocaust as a symbol of victimization of the Jews specifically, and how the LGBT movement has, to a limited extent, hijacked it to serve their own political agenda.

Kevin Abrams and I wrote The Pink Swastika in large part to debunk the myth of a “Gay Holocaust” in Nazi Germany equivalent to what the Jews suffered. We proved their claims were wildly exaggerated and that their adoption of the inverted pink triangle (used by the Nazis to identify the relatively small number of homosexual in labor camps – not the death camps) was a cynical political ploy to hijack the Holocaust, just as they had hijacked the rainbow flag and control of the Black civil rights movement from the Black Panthers and Jesse Jackson’s “Rainbow Coalition.” 

In addition to our book, we created the International Committee for Holocaust Truth in 1996, whose most prominent members were the late Drs. Judith Reisman and Howard Hurwitz, and Rabbi Yehuda Levin. We then published a report for the ICHT titled “Refuting ‘Gay Holocaust’ Revisionists,” which I reworked for my article “How American ‘Gays’ are Stealing the Holocaust,”  which was published as Part Three of my book The Poisoned Stream (1997).

Working with a national network of Orthodox rabbis, we used those tools to thwart the “Gay Holocaust” plot and forced the LGBTs to drop the pink triangle strategy. In response, they shifted to the rainbow as their banner, and they downscaled and moved their Holocaust hijack efforts out of the public view.

In 1997, during my summer law program studying International Human Rights at the University of Strasbourg (France), I took a weekend trip to nearby Munich, Germany to visit the Dachau concentration camp in my research for the third edition of The Pink Swastika. There I was disappointed to find (even then) the pink triangle prominently represented in the form of a stone monument which established a propaganda beachhead that (I now know) was later expanded to a high-visibility “Gay Holocaust” memorial in downtown Munich itself, psychologically emphasizing the special importance of the “gays” relative to the Jews as a victim class.

Ironically, the new Munich memorial (which I only just learned about) commemorates the site of a “gay bar” that was the prime meeting place of Ernst Roehm’s butch-homosexual SA Brownshirts, whose role as chief Nazi perpetrators overwhelmingly dwarfs the significance of the relatively few homosexual victims they persecuted (for effeminacy and/or Communist affiliation). (See The Pink Swastika, 5th Edition, Book 1, page 43 )   

I had not given much thought to the “Gay Holocaust” hoax since the late 90s until a recent walk along the waterfront in New Orleans brought me face to face with its high-visibility Holocaust memorial, prominently featuring the LGBT rainbow. That brought all the memories of the Measure 9 campaign – and the Brownshirt-style bullying of the “gay” fascists we suffered – flooding back, along with a resolve to speak out anew against their continuing historical revisionism.


Note to the reader. I have decided to update and republish my 1997 ICHT report in conjunction with the 30th anniversary of the Measure 9 vote, November 3, 1992. This article is in part an invitation to my readers to offer research assistance on this theme in the form of photos, links, anecdotes and other documentation (by email directly to me here

You may read the original report HERE to get up to speed on the topic before you visit your own local Holocaust memorial to assess and document the extent to which it has been hijacked by the LGBTs. Also check the donor lists for evidence that LGBT mega-donors have essentially purchased Holocaust “victimhood-rights” from the Jewish hard-leftists (some homosexual themselves) who typically run these facilities in gross violation of their own religious mandate.  

How American Gays are Stealing the Holocaust

This article was originally published in 1997 as Part Three of The Poisoned Stream by Scott Lively. It is being republished now as a stand-alone article as an addendum to Dr. Lively’s book-in-progress “The Battle for Measure 9: the No Special Rights Act,” which will be released before the November 2022 elections in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the vote on Measure 9 in Oregon, November 3, 1992.

Born to Make Kiddie Porn



But around the world the people are getting fed up with the LGBT agenda and its poisonous fruits (pun intended).

The Greeks Push Back!

Greek political leader Afroditi Latinopoulou (below):

“There is increasing pressure from the LGBT community and specific media on the government to legislate civil marriage and adoption by LGBT people. To close the matter once and for all, both I and the vast majority of Greek society do not want to hear about marriages between men or women, let alone adoption by same-sex couples. It is something irrational, unnatural and against our religion.”

The Born Gay Hoax: The Battle for Measure 9.

The Historical and Cultural Context, Part Two.

In Part One, The LGBT Campaign for Special Rights, I detailed the how the four-decade long LGBT strategy to gain constitutional protection for their lifestyle choices under the “right to privacy” was thwarted in the 1986 Bowers v Hardwick case, at which time they pivoted to a new campaign for special rights as a civil rights minority under the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment. The cornerstone of the new strategy was convincing the courts and the public that homosexuality was an innate and unchangeable condition, not a behavioral choice: the “born gay” hoax.

While the notion that homosexuals were “born gay” goes back to Karl Heinrichs Ulrich, the “grandfather of gay rights” in the mid-1880s in Germany, the idea was not truly central to the American LGBT movement prior to Bowers and many if not most “gays” treated sexuality as a matter of choice – a choice that should be protected in their view under the right to privacy.

But after the publication of their strategic social engineering blueprint in 1987 (“The Overhauling of Straight America”) it became obligatory for all homosexuals and allies to learn, parrot and promote a new narrative in which LGBTs were 1) victims of gross societal discrimination, 2) that was especially grievous because homosexual status was an innate and unchangeable condition, not a behavioral choice, and 3) that these “sexual minorities” would never be safe from hatred and violence until good-hearted people throughout the society rose up to protect them in the cause of social justice, and to enact laws against “homophobic” discrimination.

For the advancement of that narrative and agenda, the LGBTs began forming “human rights committees” in the late 1980s and early ‘90s, primarily at the city level both to create a sense of urgency about “discrimination” as a social crisis, and to bundle “sexual minorities” together with legally established legitimate minority groups to foster the perception of equivalence. Racial minorities nearly always served as figureheads of these committees (and indeed, the Black civil rights movement was fully hijacked through this process) but the driving force was always the LGBT movement.

Usually, these committees focused their efforts on combating “hate crimes,” and public opinion about these crimes was shaped by annual or more frequent reports on “hate crime” statistics, based largely upon unverified citizen reporting systems that served to create the impression that “hate” was a significant and growing problem in the community that could only be solved by anti-discrimination ordinances passed into law by local authorities. Incidental “hate crimes” (real or staged) in the community provided additional opportunities to push for these laws. If the local community was too conservative to include “sexual orientation” in the list of protected groups, it would be left out at first and added by amendment later.

This “Lavender Bulldozer” strategy, as I called it was brilliantly diabolical and very effective. They used the left’s control of the “blue” cities to work from the bottom up to establish the appearance of a nation-wide trend of citizen support for the concept of homosexuals as a civil rights minority group meeting all the elements of the constitutional legal test. And wherever “sexual orientation” was granted anti-discrimination protections, the entire LGBT agenda would eventually follow, because opposition and dissent became – in essence – immoral if not actually illegal beyond the technical parameters of the law. And, of course, the left conspired to act AS IF all opposition was illegal. In virtually every jurisdiction where it passed, the anti-discrimination ostensible “shield” against losing one’s home or job for “being gay” was in actual practice a “sword” for offensive culture war against all dissenters — including some Christian bakers other service companies made famous for refusing to submit to bullying.

Once the Lavender Bulldozer strategy had been proven at the municipal level, it was recreated across the cultural landscape, including the business realm, evolving over several decades into today’s phenomenon of “woke” fascist control of huge swaths of corporate America.

But these were just side-benefits of the LGBT campaign to gain special rights for themselves in constitutional law, which few people outside of their own circles realized was the ultimate goal.

The leaders of the Oregon Citizens Alliance were among those few who had looked behind the curtain and knew what was coming. We designed Measure 9, the No Special Rights Act to thwart their effort. Its simple premise was that voluntary sexual conduct was not a proper basis for minority status, especially not conduct which was manifestly “abnormal, wrong, unnatural and perverse.” As OCA State Communications Director it was my job to explain and defend Measure 9 in the media and directly to the voters.

My first and most basic line of argument was that if any person, by simply declaring themselves “gay,” could get the same hard-won, enhanced rights that had been legitimately earned by Blacks, it would make a mockery of the civil rights movement.

No less eminent a figure than General Colin Powell agreed with that premise, stating in a letter to Congresswoman Pat Schroeder on May 18th, 1992 ( just six months before the vote on Measure 9): “Skin color is a benign, non-behavioral characteristic. Sexual orientation is perhaps the most profound of all human behavioral characteristics. Comparison of the two is a convenient but invalid argument.”

It is a testament to the importance of Measure 9 as an attempt to prevent eventual LGBT cultural hegemony, that Powell’s eloquent summary of the truth about sexual orientation can hardly be found on the Internet without prior knowledge of it’s verbiage and great persistence. A quote that should hold a very prominent place in the history of the culture war is more heavily suppressed by Big Tech than even the pernicious talking points of Holocaust deniers. (I was only eventually able to cite it here because I kept a physical newspaper clipping from the Salem-Statesman Journal newspaper of June 6, 1992 in my personal records.) If Measure 9 had become constitutional law in Oregon, the culture war on homosexuality would not as likely have ended with the LGBTs and their allies having the power to censor and/or “cancel” dissenting voices.

I compare the suppression of Powell’s quote to the that of Holocaust deniers intentionally, because the LGBTs’ successful hijacking of the Black civil rights movement directly parallels it’s unsuccessful attempt to also hijack the Holocaust.

I will detail that aspect of the Battle for Measure 9 in my next installment.