Scott Lively Ministries

America Owes President Trump a Massive Debt

The all-too predictable RINO campaign to defeat Donald Trump’s bid for the White House in 2024, before it has even been formally announced, has begun. Interestingly, it features as its leading argument that Ron DeSantis would make a better president and wouldn’t have all the “divisive” and distracting baggage Trump has. We’re expected to believe that the RINOs actually want DeSantis as president, when all they really want is a Trump/DeSantis primary-season bloodbath so the White House will stay blue and they can keep their lucrative posts as willingly controlled “opposition” and preserve the corrupt cozy collegiality of the Purple Uniparty.

Does anyone really doubt that Mitch McConnell deliberately sabotaged the MAGA takeover of the U.S. Senate to preserve his own place and power? Does anyone really believe that the light-in-the-loafers Lincoln Project perverts would willingly let “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis get within a hundred miles of the presidency? No, the dump Trump to crown Ron is a bait-and-switch con game trolling for suckers. Donald Trump is not going away, and the only thing that will come from the effort to dump him is an expansion of the list of people we know can’t be trusted to defend the Constitution and Truth itself: some because they never stood on principle in the first place and others because they are otherwise good people who nevertheless allowed themselves to be duped into the role of useful idiots, even after having their eyes opened to election fraud, the plandemic and other serious crimes of the elites.

Every virtue-loving American, but especially the latter group being lured into the RINO trap, should remember one essential fact: Donald Trump doesn’t need to win another election to legally and morally deserve a second term in the White House. HE ALREADY EARNED IT IN 2020! The Usurper-in-Chief occupying the Oval Office is a filthy traitor whose every pronouncement is a pack of lies, and whose very presence behind the presidential podium is an act of contempt for the citizens of this country and our Constitution.

America owes Donald Trump a second term in the same way that a government-run impound yard owes a new car to a victim whose own car was stolen while under government protection. Our election system has a legal and moral duty to conduct free and fair elections and to ensure the rightful winner is seated after an honest, objective and transparent review of the votes cast by legally qualified citizens only. That process was hijacked and grossly abused by a vast network of conspirators of both parties, united by a visceral hatred of Trump so intense that it justified in their warped minds the greatest political crime in world history: a literal regime-change coup in the most powerful nation on earth and a cover-up of that crime, which continues to this very day using every possible weapon and tactic in their considerable arsenal. Not even the United States Supreme Court could stand against that conspiracy, as all the many highly meritorious lawsuits were derailed on cynical procedural pretexts – even the ones that reached the Supremes.

And yet, by the sheer persistence of one of the most remarkable men ever born on this earth, that conspiracy – intended as an American version of the Reichstag fire – has been exposed, explained and partially extinguished in the build-up to the 2022 midterms.

Every honest, educated citizen in America knows that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, and by the time he is finally inaugurated in January of 2025, the entire world will know that as well – with all the evidence laid out clearly on the table for all to see, along with a list of those awaiting prosecution to the fullest extent of the law – some of them deserving the death penalty for treason. The MAGA movement in the House of Representatives and throughout the citizenry will pursue that mission with a passion for truth, justice and the American way that would put Superman to shame.

Donald Trump doesn’t have to earn his second term a second time, but he will. Only an act of God telling him not to run, or assassination by the elites, will stop that from happening.

The best thing Ron DeSantis could do to ensure his own future presidency is to stand down in the 2024 race and instead make himself Donald’s Trump’s wingman, showing himself to be the obvious and deserving “heir to the chair” through loyalty and the proactive exportation of Florida policy victories to other conservative states. DeSantis should work the states, while Trump works the feds. DeSantis should state clearly that 2024 belongs to Trump by right and that he will do all in his power to ensure he isn’t cheated again by the uniparty.

Our debt to Donald Trump is far greater than just the seat he already earned. We owe him our eternal gratitude for keeping the Clinton crime family out of the White House. Hillary would have done infinitely more harm to America than the feckless boob Biden has been able to do as Obama’s handicapped avatar. I said back in 2017 that our debt to Trump for that one gift alone would have justified him spending his entire presidency vacationing on the golf course.

But Trump rolled up his sleeves and began shoveling the Augean stables like Hercules, winning many fabulous prizes he presented to us as gifts. The yuuge list of policy accomplishments is a gift that keeps on giving despite Biden’s best efforts. Trump’s exposure of the deep state and all its minions to public scrutiny is a priceless gift, as is his continuing willingness to do bare-knuckle battle with them on our behalf. His healthy governance by example instead of just by theory was deeply inspirational to the entire conservative movement, top-to-bottom. We would never have received the gift of Ron DeSantis, or Glenn Youngkin, or Kari Lake without Trump first busting up the frozen wasteland of patronage politics like an Arctic icebreaker. We never would have seen the grassroots erupt like a wildfire in a meadow in school board meetings across America if not for Trump. We never would have seen the weasel Roberts lose his swing-voter kingship at SCOTUS without Trump.

This list could go on and on. I’m not going to offer the standard platitude about Trump being a flawed man like the rest of us, because he’s NOT like the rest of us. Only Donald Trump could have brought America back from the precipice of Marxist hell in 2016, and only Donald Trump can finish that job. He is absolutely perfect for the task God has assigned to him, warts and all, and America owes him a massive debt. Admitting that and fully backing his campaign (should he choose to climb back on that bronco and not hand the reins to Ron early) is the very least we can do.

How We Won and Lost the War for Civilization

Today, Nov. 8, 2022, I am publishing the first draft of my book “The Battle for Measure 9: The forgotten true story of how pro-family conservatives (temporarily) WON the LGBT war on civilization in 1992 as told by a firsthand witness.” It is the 30th anniversary of the Measure 9 vote in Oregon and its sister ballot-initiative, Amendment 2 in Colorado. I called that day Black Tuesday because it was also the day Slick Willie Clinton took the White House.

This is the fifth in a series of articles based upon this booklet. My focus today is why we lost that election in Oregon (but won it in Colorado), the single biggest factors being the betrayal of the Oregon Republican Party and the Roman Catholic Church.

The Republican betrayal is epitomized by two infuriating events. First, at the height of the 1992 election season, when it looked like we could actually win despite an astonishing, unprecedented effort to stop us, the chairman of the State GOP, Craig Berkman, did a joint in-person television commercial with his Dem counterpart – the two of them sitting side by side on barstools in a live-to-camera setting – to denounce Measure 9: a grievous stab in the back by the GOP establishment “elites.”

Second, after we retooled Measure 9 and reintroduced it as Measure 13 in the 1993/94 election cycle, we ran it in 26 cities and county local elections, winning all 26 consecutive votes by margins as high as 80%. Then, the GOP-controlled legislature “preempted the field,” declaring that only the state legislature had the power to decide these issues, invalidating all 26 of our wins with the stroke of a pen!

The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) in Oregon committed its own act of betrayal of the pro-family cause in an 11th hour decision NOT to endorse Measure 9 despite its conformity to biblical morality and (until then) the strong support of Catholic believers across the state. This was the decision of then-Archbishop William Levada.

Before I bash Levada and the RCC hierarchy for just cause, let me pause here to state unequivocally that I love my Catholic brethren, whom I consider to be authentic Christians of a legitimate Christian denomination, some of whose doctrines I strongly disagree with. But, because I believe that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone (Romans 10:9-13), I conclude that believers who honestly share that faith have total liberty in Christ to choose to adhere to Roman Catholicism, or Calvinism or Pentecostalism, or Messianic Judaism or any of the other hundreds of confessions/denominations across the world. No faith confession is free of flaws, which might affect one’s sanctification process, but thankfully flawed doctrines do not invalidate one’s justification (Romans 8:39). I have proudly included faithful Roman Catholics on past governing boards I’ve set up, and count as one of my highest honors being hosted by Cardinal Janis Pujats of Riga, Latvia, to jointly teach a class with him on understanding the history, goals and tactics of the LGBT movement at a Catholic seminary in 2007.

Here is the opening paragraph of Levada’s Wikipedia page as of Nov. 7, 2022:

“William Joseph Levada (June 15, 1936 – September 26, 2019) was an American cardinal of the Catholic Church. From May 2005 until June 2012, he served as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Pope Benedict XVI; he was the highest ranking American in the Roman Curia. He was previously the Archbishop of Portland in Oregon from 1986 to 1995, and then Archbishop of San Francisco from 1995 to 2005. While serving as archbishop, he was criticized for covering up sexual abuse by priests within his jurisdiction. Levada was created a cardinal in 2006 by Benedict XVI.”

Reading between the lines from a front-lines culture-war perspective, Levada’s willingness to play ball with the demonic elites on the most pivotal grassroots battle in the LGBT culture war arguably propelled him to the top of the power pyramid. He was rewarded first with transfer to San Francisco – the Shangri-La of homosexual culture – and then succeeded Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) himself as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith – the highest body of moral authority on issues of sexuality in the RCC – despite the cloud of controversy that hung darkly over him in the pederast-priest scandal.

My guess is that Levada was himself a homosexual and one of the key members of the Vatican “gay mafia” Pope John Paul II privately battled and Pope Benedict publicly warned against just before he “resigned” (was deposed) in a transfer of power to “Pope” Francis, which many conservative Catholics contend was a coup orchestrated by Francis and Barack Obama. Yes, I know this sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, but more and more the people of the world are recognizing that many former conspiracy “theories” are actually factual. One important fact to remember is that Levada was the single-most powerful American Catholic during the entire season of the culture war in which LGBT hegemony was imposed on this country while official Catholic opposition to the agenda was muted at best.

I must add here that I think Pope Benedict was a righteous man who attempted to navigate an impossible political quagmire with grace and resolve, but like President Trump in his first term, he did not have actual control of the government under his supposed jurisdiction. The Vatican “deep state” was and is just as corrupt as the American one, and both Benedict and Trump started with just a beachhead, which each significantly enlarged through skill and persistence. But neither ever had full control, and both were removed from office by powerful forces of wickedness. Francis and Biden are the obvious puppets of similar deep state forces whose common denominator is Barack Obama. (Let’s never forget that in 2015 Obama and Francis tag-teamed the launch of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the U.N. – which is the foundation upon which Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum has built the geopolitical machinery for imposing transhumanism and the Great Reset upon the world.)

In any case, I believe the anti-family activism of Berkman and Levada was the political sabotage that killed the Measure 9 campaign in Oregon. We – meaning the larger coalition of pro-family activists using our No Special Rights theme – did, however, win approval of Colorado’s Amendment 2 with a 53% majority. It took a far bigger betrayal at a far higher political level to kill Amendment 2. That was only accomplished by the utterly lawless invalidation of the people’s will by Justice Anthony Kennedy in the Romer v. Evans case. For details about that sordid betrayal of our U.S. Constitution, you’ll have to read the (free) book.

Seth Rich, Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump Walk into a Bar…

OR Hell Hath No Fury Like Hillary Clinton

Seth Rich, Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump walk into a Manhattan bar. The bartender looks up and says to Trump “We don’t serve your kind here.”

Trump replies “What kind is that?” The bartender says “the kind with Hillary Clinton monogrammed steak knives buried in their backs.”

So Trump says “There’s no Hillary Clinton monogrammed steak knives buried in MY back.” “Wrong again, Orange Man,” gloats AOC, “they’re in all the people who HAD your back on J6.”

America has never produced a wicked witch quite so vile and vindictive as Hillary Clinton (though many come close). Nobody knows that better than Donald Trump, whose second term in the White House was stolen from him and given to Clinton-team water-boy Joe Biden, under the day-to-day control of the Obama-team’s Susan Rice. In reality these top-strata elites are just one big team, and Hillary isn’t the one at the very top of the power pyramid. But among those of the female persuasion (by birth, I mean) Hillary Clinton is the top-DOG if you catch my drift. (Rhymes with “witch,” if you don’t.)

Despite the best efforts of the enemy-of-the-people media, it is all but common knowledge these days that the Russian Collusion hoax was Hillary’s revenge for The Donald “stealing” her final shot at the presidency: her long awaited, desperately coveted quid-pro-quo for bowing to the demand of Democrat patriarch Ted Kennedy (from his deathbed) that she step aside for Obama in 2008. Like so many women in the “man’s world” of politics have always done, she grudgingly put on her best fake smile and accepted a lesser role, as Secretary of State, and maximized her time bribing, extorting and money-laundering to fill her political hope chest (aka the criminal operation called the Clinton Foundation she runs in partnership with Monica’s boyfriend (her other “women’s lot in life” cross to bear).

Poor Hillary. So much pain, buried so deep, but soon all would be made right when she – on behalf of all women everywhere – would finally shatter the ultimate glass ceiling and take her rightful place as Queen of the World – like Tolkien’s Galadriel with the “one ring” of power:

“And now at last it comes [dreams Hillary]. You will give me the Ring freely! [by popular election of the American people!]. In place of the Dark Lord [Obama] you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!’ ”

But, alas, on election night 2016 (elections were still being decided on election day then) the unthinkable happened.

Hillary was beyond apoplectic – she was infuriated past the bounds of sanity. Her rage, so often murderous in her long climb to power (dragging her horn-dog, obligatory alpha-male escort up each torturous rung – pretending always to sit second chair –walking the necessary half-step behind him – always summoning from deep within herself an Amazonian strength to fix him with an adoring gaze whenever the cameras were rolling) reached new extremes.

Her enemies must pay!

Enemy #1 was not, surprisingly, Donald Trump. It was Seth Rich, because he was the Benedict Arnold of the Army of the Dems – the one who (I am convinced) ratted her out to Wikileaks and created the fatal email-scandal that she never really recovered from. Ironically, “Bernie Bot” Seth Rich was (I am convinced) seeking revenge on Hillary for her seriously dirty tricks against the Bern-Meister in the 2016 Democrat primary. Remember that charnel-house chapter of internal Democrat civil war? Technically, Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016, four months before the election, but the sin for which he was struck down did not bear its ultimate fruit until November 3rd. Rich’s murder (to use the satirical term I invented during law school) was an act of “anticipatory retaliation” on Hillary’s part (allegedly).

Enemy #2 was Donald Trump, of course, and enough has been written on that sordid saga to fill the interconnected Clinton, Bush and Obama presidential libraries twice over – if they weren’t already filled with “stolen” documents the National Archives legal department deems too insignificant to dispute. I seem to recall reading a piece reporting that Hillary actively lobbied the National Archives to go after Trump at Mar a Lago but can’t find it again now that the Google monopoly has improved its system for burying news-story searches it doesn’t like. In any case, I believe it’s still Hillary’s team running the State Department (while Obama runs the White House) so whatever Clinton-affecting actions Blinken, Wray and Garland take can be assumed to be Hillary’s will.

Enemy #3 is, of course, former Clinton pal Harvey Weinstein, who, like Seth Rich, forsook Hillary for Bernie, undermining her support among the super-important Hollywood power-brokers at a critical time in the 2016 election cycle.

Now, in my reading of the conspiratorial tea leaves, Weinstein was by far the most difficult to hit. Seth Rich was a nobody. Donald Trump was universally reviled by everyone who mattered (in Hillary’s world). But Harvey was a horse of a different color. If the Hollywood left was to wake up to find his severed head in their bed, the means of putting it there had to be unstoppable, the fact that it happened had to be un-lamentable, AND the shot-caller who called it had to be unmistakable (to elite insiders only). It would not be the first time Clinton-angering heads would roll, so to speak, as a message to the entire criminal underworld. Just ask Ron Brown and the survivors of Mena, Arkansas.

The means was exposing Harvey as a serial sexual predator (which everyone who mattered had known about and tolerated for decades). The hit squad was the Hillary-controlled “me-too” movement – the pink-bereted special-forces brigade of the vast army of angry feminists uniformed in “I’m With Her” T-shirts (the backbone of the Hillary for President campaign). Once outraged radical feminism collectively rose up on behalf of their sexually victimized sisters, the “everybody-does-it” nod and wink rationalization for Hollywood’s culture of “transactional sex” collapsed like the proverbial House of Cards (which, not accidentally, was the likely reason Kevin Spacey followed Weinstein to the (boys) me-too guillotine – Hillary presumably didn’t like how she was portrayed in his TV series of that name). Given those facts, no one but his closest friends could publicly defend Harvey or lament his takedown.

And, of course, everyone who mattered knew it was Hillary who did it, as now do the Hillary-designated “Deplorables” (at least as many as read and believe my conspiracy theory/aka brilliant analysis). It’s not really a joking matter, but I hope to share with all of you the “last laugh” when we finally, some day, “lock her up!”

Tulsi Gabbard and the Need for a Natural Rights Coalition in the MAGA Movement

Click on graphic to watch Scott’s Prophecy and Politics show on this theme.

After my recent WND column mentioned having collaborated with Tulsi Gabbard’s Dad, Mike Gabbard, back in the 1990s (drafting the Framingham Declaration defining the natural family I received several emails questioning whether Tulsi Gabbard should be welcomed into the MAGA movement given her mixed voting record as a Democrat.

Tulsi famously renounced the Democrat Party recently, saying “I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, hostile to people of faith & spirituality, demonize the police & protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.”

Since then she has become a rising star in MAGA political circles for her ringing endorsement of top Trump-backed candidates like Kari Lake.

The main concern I’m hearing from Christians regards her voting record on abortion which is very mixed. On the hopeful side she has taken some strong pro-life stands. The following is from a Yahoo News story of December 16, 2020, quoting a press release from Democrats For Life in America:

“Former Democratic Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard introduced her SECOND Pro-Life bill this week, which would amend Title 18 of the U.S. code to give pain-capable fetuses rights under the law,” DFLA wrote on Facebook. “Tulsi has previously voted against this bill three times, but is now the SPONSOR of the new bill. This is proof that DFLA can convince Democrats to join the right side of history.”

Whether this sudden switch represents the true face of Tulsi Gabbard or a tactical post-election shift of political expedience to better align with the MAGA movement is uncertain. Her upbringing might suggest that IS her true face, because her Dad was one of the strongest pro-family champions I have known, and she worked in a couple of his anti-LGBTism organizations.

But when push came to shove in the LGBT political battles in Congress in 2012, Tulsi apologized to the “gays” for her earlier pro-family stance and began pushing for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act – a gross betrayal of the pro-family cause on one of the most fundamental of pro-family issues: the sanctity of marriage. She then became a reliable member of the House LGBT “Equality Caucus” with a voting record consistently above 83% from the Human Rights Campaign during the same years HRC was attacking me as Public Enemy #1 of the global LGBT agenda.

I must admit that I had a much more favorable opinion of Tulsi Gabbard before I started researching her – and I based my theme and title for this article on that prior opinion. But after a couple hours of research I must say I really don’t trust her. Her resume is impeccably tailored to help her 1) rise high in the political realm, including her attainment of the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserve, and 2) prove that she is pragmatic enough to serve whatever agenda the dominant power of the day demands in exchange for power of her own. She now wants power in the MAGA movement and is taking pro-family positions again on issues like the Florida Parental Rights Bill, and opposition to the transgender agenda. The leftist LGBTs have renounced her, while Trojan Horse MAGA homosexuals like Glenn Greenwald (whom I respect as a writer but condemn for selfishly using children as props to normalize homosexual parenting) have defended her.

My gut tells me that Tulsi Gabbard is genuinely pro-life and pro-family at heart, but doesn’t consider the principles important enough to stand on at the cost of losing power. I could never do that, which is one reason I have never held political power and lost both my elections for Governor of Massachusetts.

Importantly, Tulsi is not a Christian but a Hindu, which brings me around to the theme of working with non-Christians on the natural rights which are common to all the world religions and the vast majority of the people of the world.

Tulsi Gabbard is not the person I thought she was when I sat down to write this article, and she doesn’t exemplify a true natural rights advocate, in the same way that, for example, the Muslim parents in Michigan do that have joined with MAGA activists to oppose the transgender agenda in the public schools. Those Muslim parents, for all their differences from Christian parents on other matters, are genuinely principled people on the issue of parental rights regarding sexuality.

But even Tulsi, when circumstances allow her to get away with standing for natural rights without losing her power, will do so. So in a sense she may be an even better exemplar of the “average American” who says what they need to say to avoid being attacked for “bigotry” – but deep down knows right from wrong and wants the right to prevail. And isn’t that exactly who Donald Trump is drawing out by the millions to his rallies – where in the safety of huge numbers they can shout the things they have previously been afraid even to whisper.

Natural rights include especially the rights of the natural family: the right to life, parental rights, the right of children to a real Mom and a real Dad, the right of families to dictate school policies, the right of family-centered communities to set the state’s standards on all things related to children and families. These are self-evident universal rights all humanity recognizes, and only a tiny soulless strata of elitist ghouls want to destroy.

It would help all of humanity for the MAGA movement to intentionally develop a natural rights coalition that welcomes all the world’s theistic religions and ethnic groups. Because if we normal people who love marriage, children and family all banded together and restored those natural rights across the world, 95% of our social and geopolitical problems would be resolved, and the elites would be exposed for the tiny, insane radical fringe they have always been. And people like Tulsi could just be themselves on the issues most important to civilization.

Because I knew her Dad and respect her upbringing on natural rights issues, I welcome Tulsi Gabbard to the MAGA movement, on a probationary basis, until she proves that she really is pro-life and pro-family by publicly defending those principles at real cost to herself and not just as a political maneuver to curry favor with Trump. She brings a lot to the team, but not yet political integrity.

Russia’s Ronald Reagan?

Under Ronald Reagan, the US Supreme Court affirmed the bedrock constitutional right of states to regulate sexual conduct and particularly homosexual sodomy in the landmark case of Bowers v Hardwick in 1986. Under Vladimir Putin the Russian Congress banned “gay” propaganda to children in 2013 and is planning to extend that ban to all such propaganda.

Russia’s Ronald Reagan (10/30/2022)

To be clear, I love America and consider her the greatest nation in history, despite the cancer that has metastasized within her over the past decades. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, and even if she breaks apart in the raging storm that is upon us, I will go down with this ship, fighting with every ounce of my strength to save her till my last breath.
That having been said…

Who in the world today shows exemplary leadership as a national chief executive? Definitely not Dementia Joe Biden! Woke tyrant Justin Trudeau? Certainly not. Emmanuel Macron? Olaf Scholz? Are you kidding? EU head Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen – the woman just exposed for (alleged) collusion with Big Pharma in a $36 billion rape of European taxpayers? Give me a break. How about the new Prime Minister of the UK – that globalist dude who replaced the previous failure after just six weeks? Too soon to tell, but the signs don’t look good. Australia? New Zealand? Woke disasters. Mexico? Iceland? Anybody in the Baltics? The Balkans? Africa? Asia? Nobody really stands out in a positive way.

The right-wing babe just elected in Italy looks promising – though I’m not a fan of women holding executive government power, unless they are, in a biblical sense, a Deborah raised up by God because of a lack of a competent alpha male. It’s too soon to tell, but the fact she is kow-towing to NATO (meaning OBiden) regarding Russia right out of the gate is definitely concerning. Sweden just took a turn for the better, but, again, its too soon to judge its new leaders

Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil has done a good job – and I hope he survives politically. Viktor Orban of Hungary has done an exceptional job and sets a great example for the rest of the leaders of Europe.

But, in terms of current top-seat-holding leaders nobody in the world (except for Orban on a smaller scale) really comes close to Vladimir Putin, whom I consider to be Russia’s Ronald Reagan. This honorific, of course, flies in the face of decades of insidious US and UK war propaganda painting Putin as Hitler-like, but of course the same people say the same thing about Trump. It’s all lies – or if true in some parts (like Trump’s tendency to exaggerate) – the faults are not qualitatively different from other world leaders who get a pass on equivalent flaws.

Crucially, there is NEVER an evidence-based contested hearing on the accusations against Putin – only one-sided conclusory pronouncements of guilt crafted by intelligence agencies and parroted by the corporate media. The brainwashed public then repeats the narrative endlessly or gets their character assassinated. I can get away with speaking these truths because my character was assassinated long ago, but rose like Lazarus from the grave thanks to faith in Christ. All praise to Him, I no longer fear death by slander.

Trump would top the list of the most exemplary national leader if he had survived the 2020 election coup, but he didn’t – a fact I attribute to his God-defying embrace of homosexuality generally and “gay marriage” specifically. (When you invoke God as your guide while insulting Him by rebelling against His law, there will always be a consequence.) As a political pragmatist I still support Trump and greatly appreciate what he has done for the cause of constitutionalism, and I will vote for him if he runs again (something I have strong doubts about), but I will do it with reservations.

There were four populist/conservative giants who led the world in 2016 when God gave us an 11th hour global reprieve from the final stage of the one-world Marxist conquest. Trump was obviously the most powerful and significant of them. The other three were 1) Nigel Farage in the UK, by virtue of his orchestration of BREXIT – a campaign all the more brilliant and impressive in that he did it without benefit of a seat of high power in the government. 2) Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel – who plotted a relatively conservative course despite intense hatred and opposition from the hard-left, super-powerful US “Jewish” elites in concert with the Obama machine. And 3) Vladimir Putin.

Today, only Putin remains in power, and he does so despite literally the entire globalist machine running at maximum speed to drive him out militarily and steal his natural resource rich country from his people. This is a man who took the reins of power when the former Soviet Empire was in ruins and in a single generation transformed the nation from a hell-hole of chaos and gangsterism into a thriving stable and secure country with morally and fiscally conservative policies grounded in the rule of law. Yes, it is more autocratic than Americans would be comfortable with, but it’s [fact-schecked] not a dictatorship (in contrast to Zelensky’s Ukraine, which truly is one), and the Russian people genuinely support their government and Putin himself at levels American politicians can only dream about. I’ve been there on three major mission trips, studied it from the inside, and can testify to the truth of it.

The key to Putin’s success has been the restoration of Christianity as the wellspring of its culture. That has been Russia’s bulwark against every “woke” pathology now ravaging the west like the Black Death of the Middle Ages. And because of that, no other country in the world is doing more to protect its children from LGBT insanity and perversion than Russia – even to the point of expanding its 2013 ban on “gay” propaganda to children to include a ban on transgenderism advocacy

And no other country is doing more to oppose and defeat globalism, which OBiden has euphemistically termed “the rules based international order” (in which the “rules” are – as every conservative American knows in regards to domestic policy – whatever the DC elites say they are.) Indeed, the new multi-polar order Putin envisions, and speaks about so eloquently, is the very antithesis of globalism. His recent speech on this topic, while sobering is very rational, intelligent and encouraging:

In this life I revere no one except Jesus Christ. I see all human beings realistically, as flawed and fallible – to be judged honestly on their merits in the context of their circumstances with grace and humility. And to be graded on the curve of all humanity, not against some perfect standard none can meet. Ronald Reagan wasn’t perfect, but I admire him as a leader. I hold Putin in the same regard relative to his leadership of Russia.

To be clear, I love America and consider her the greatest nation in history, despite the cancer that has metastasized within her over the past decades. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, and even if she breaks apart in the raging storm that is upon us, I will go down with this ship, fighting with every ounce of my strength to save her till my last breath. It is that love and patriotism that compels me to speak the truth about Putin’s re-Christianized Russia, which could and should be America’s closest ally if we could just delouse ourselves of the “elite” Marxist parasites that are killing us – and, by extension, killing all the rest of world we force to fly our “rules based” rainbow flag.


[11/4/2022 update. In the few days since this article was written Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil was “defeated” in a highly suspect election and Bibi Netanyahu was re-elected in Israel.]

Support the Julio Severo Family

This is a letter we published in our online newsletter on October 13, 2022, but the needs of Julio’s widow and children continue, so we have published it here as-is to give potential donors some background information.

Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress (James 1:27).


This Pro-Family Activist Hero Lived for the Cause of Christ and Died Suddenly in 2021 Leaving a Widow and Seven Young Children

Donate HERE and select the option

Emergency Help for Julio Severo Family

Scott Lively Ministries is a small organization with a relatively small support base typical of long-term missionary families. We rely entirely on month to month donations and have no extra funding to cover the needs of the Severo Family. In fact, by fundraising for Julio’s family we risk not being able to cover our own expenses, but we’re willing to take that risk out of love for a brother who gave his all for the global pro-family movement and the defense of the biblical family. We therefore hope that whatever you give will be above and beyond your regular support to us, but if you lack the means to do both, please give to support Sarah and the children this month.

If you send a check, write it to Redemption Gate Mission Society

(a church, so your donations are tax deductible).

The mailing address is on the donate page.

Some background:

Julio was one of my closest international ministry allies who translated many of my articles into Portuguese and distributed them all over the world. We became friends when he was in his native Brazil during the period when the LGBT fascists were taking over the government and trying to pass a horrific “anti-homophobia” law under whose terms Julio would have been jailed for boldly speaking biblical truth. Even thought it wasn’t passed into law, the corrupt powers tried to prosecute Julio anyway, and he fled Brazil for an undisclosed neighboring country, taking his young family into the jungle as “illegal aliens” in hiding from his very dangerous enemies. There he and his wife Sarah had several more children and they all endured the travails of poverty, being sustained only by their love for each other and the meager income Julio received from his work as a pro-family missionary and freelance writer. 

I didn’t know just how difficult life really was for the Severo family until Anne and I went to their country to finally meet them in person. I determined then to do whatever I could to help them, but only a couple of years later Julio died suddenly of health conditions he did not disclose to anyone (even me) nor get treatment for, for lack of funds and fear of alerting the government to his status as an illegal. 

Julio’s death was a blow to all who knew him. He was such a bold witness for Christ and the cause of the biblical family. But, of course, it was an unmitigated disaster for his wife and seven young children (the oldest being just 15 then, I believe). 

As soon as we learned of Julio’s demise, several of us Americans who were closest to him formed an ad-hoc group called Friends of Julio Severo and organized a fundraising drive to support Sarah and the kids. I offered to collect and manage the funds under our Redemption Gate Mission Society (church) umbrella and we raised a little over $40,000 that I then disbursed to the family in monthly support payment sufficient to sustain them at survival level (the cost of living is surprisingly higher there than one would expect), and we also helped them get legal help to become legal residents of their adopted country and some much-needed medical help for Sarah. We are still not disclosing the country in which they now reside out of concern about Julio’s political enemies (because as you know the hatred and vindictiveness of the far left is boundless and implacable.)

When the balance of the Severo support account got low I did another fundraiser — twice now — raising a greatly diminishing amount each time to the point that our efforts seem unsustainable. 

As of today there is less than one month’s support left in the Severo fund, and if the downward trend continues we’ll barely get them through the winter from what comes in from this appeal. It’s crunch time for the Severos.

Whatever you donate is tax-deductible because we are a church and caring for widows and orphans is a high biblical priority. So this is my appeal. If you donate by mail, please make your checks to Redemption Gate Mission Society and put “Severo family support” in the memo.  

Again, because we’re a small ministry with a small support base, optimally, whatever you give would be above and beyond your regular support to this ministry, but if your ability to give is limited, I ask that you donate to the Severo family this month instead of us. 100% of what you give will go to them. We are covering all the overhead costs for managing the funds.

Julio and Sarah’s dream was to immigrate to America — legally — and our initial appeal included that fact and a hope we would raise enough to make it possible. But we raised only enough to sustain them where they are. We remain hopeful that one day a wealthy donor will step forward and make their dream come true, but our part will remain one focused on their simple survival until the children grow old enough to support themselves. The two older ones are getting closer to that time, but they’re still in school now, and frankly there is very little work available where they live. Sarah has no special skills to draw upon other than being a full-time Mom to a house full of little ones and no husband or extended family to help. They do, thank God, belong to a local native church.

God bless you as you give to help them survive.

Carrying on Julio’s Work

Following is an article that gives additional background on Julio’s ministry, and Dr. Lively’s intention to carry on his work in Brazil and around the world.

To give to support the continuation of Julio’s pro-family activism by Dr. Lively donate HERE and select the option “Julio Severo Fund (to carry on his work).”

The Homofascism of the Lula Regime in Brazil (published 10/23/22)

On October 30, 2022, the people of Brazil will chose a new president in a run-off election featuring the conservative incumbent Jair Bolsanaro, and the Marxist former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, aka Lula. Current polling in the corporate media shows Lula in the lead raising the nightmare specter of a return to the extreme homofascism that marked the Lula regime from 2003-2010. It was during Lula’s regime that Brazil’s LGBT Brownshirts drove my friend and ministry ally Julio Severo and his young family into hiding in a foreign country. He died there in 2021, partly in consequence of the dire poverty they faced as Brazilian ex-pats living illegally in exile. My ministry has taken up the task of helping his widow, Sarah, and seven young children to survive without him.

In 2007, while I was on a 50-city tour of the former Soviet Union warning people about the coming wave of US-backed homofascism across the world, Julio Severo was already suffering it in Brazil. My recent article citing my battle with the Bush 43 US Embassy in Riga Latvia in the summer of 2007 alongside the late great Ken Hutcherson is evidence that globalist agenda had already been launched – even before Obama made it the top priority of the State Department from 2008-2016. And Julio’s experience showed that Brazil under Lula was part of the leading edge of that anti-family tsunami.

I first learned of Julio’s ministry in a Lifesite News article by Matthew Hoffman that was emailed to me in June of 2007. The following three paragraphs, edited for length, are from that article:

“During its second year in office, the Lula regime initiated a program, “Brazil Without Homophobia” which teaches that homosexual orientation is unchangeable, and seeks to construct “a culture of peace and values for promoting human diversity.” … Since the initiation of Brazil Without Homophobia, the government has spent millions of dollars funding “Gay Pride” parades and TV programming, and is promoting pro-homosexual “education” programs in the public schools. …

“In addition, the Lula administration is promoting a new “anti-homophobia” law that would prohibit any expression contrary to the homosexual agenda, forbidding Brazilians “To practice, induce or incite discrimination or prejudice of race, skin color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity…What is determined in this article involves the practice of any kind of violent, constraining, threatening or humiliating action, of moral, ethical, philosophical or psychological order.” … The Brazilian legal system has also begun to allow homosexual adoptions.

“Brazil Without Homophobia” also promises to promote the homosexual agenda at the international level, a commitment that the Lula regime has fulfilled with a rare enthusiasm.”

Julio Severo became a target of the Lula anti-“homophobia” campaign, but was spared prosecution because pro-family conservatives in the Brazilian legislature prevented the bill from passing. So instead the Lula regime went after him for refusing to vaccinate his children. Julio was an “anti-vaxer” long before the Covid clot-shot debacle awakened the rest of the world to the evils of Big Pharma. According to the Hoffman article “a homosexual government official used his refusal to involve his children with vaccines against him and had a court order to remove his children from their home.” This was technically the catalyst for Julio fleeing Brazil, but make no mistake, it was an act of homofascism on the government’s part, not a concern for the Severo children.

Allow me at this point to remind the reader that the slur “homophobe” is an invention of the LGBT movement to characterize literally ALL disagreement with its political agenda as mental illness. A phobia is a anxiety disorder, and the purpose of the “homophobia” slur is to frame disagreement as hateful bigotry driven by an irrational fear of homosexuals.

“Homophobia” was originally a psychiatric term for a person’s fear of his own homosexual inclinations back in the days when “science” admitted the truth about sexual health and actually helped people overcome same-sex attraction disorder. But after the LGBT movement took permanent control over the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in a political coup in 1973, the “science” was edited to serve the new agenda. And the term “homophobia” was re-purposed to create an anti-Christian/anti-naturalist pejorative equivalent to the anti-homosexual slurs “fag” and “dyke.” All such slurs are dehumanizing and antisocial, and “homophobe” should be condemned alongside the other two, but of course the only standards upheld by the left are double-standards.

“Homophobia” was part of a package of words and concepts designed to advance the newly contrived theory of “Sexual Orientation” which has since fully supplanted self-evident objective truth and reason regarding innate binary heterosexual complementarity in Marxist-controlled academia and the popular culture. So successful have the LGBTs been in brainwashing the public that even many of those fighting the current battle against transgenderism have swallowed hook, line and sinker the sexual orientation theory that justifies transgender ideology: it is a form of cognitive dissonance on the right that (if not overcome) guarantees their eventual defeat (after a string of temporary diminishing victories – just like on “gay marriage.”) No one can win a debate once they stipulate that the opponents’ presuppositions are true.

Julio was one of the few Christian heroes who both knew these truths and devoted his life speaking them despite great personal cost. He is, in the truest sense of the word, a martyr for the cause of Christ.

And Lula, the LGBTs Goliath on the Brazilian battlefield, is as evil and corrupt a figure as anyone in the pantheon of principalities and powers ruling America today, which includes even Obama himself.

I am urging Christians around the world to join me in prayer that Lula does not return to power in Brazil. But either way, I intend to carry on Julio’s pro-family work in Brazil, starting with a mission to that country in early 2023.

Luciferian Transhumanism vs The Natural Family

Click on the above graphic to watch Scott’s
Prophecy and Politics show on this theme.

For about a decade I have been a part of the growing chorus of voices warning about “transhumanism” – a phenomenon that in worldly terms is defined by the technological advancement of the interrelated, mutually force-multiplying sciences of genetic engineering, robotics and artificial intelligence. In spiritual terms, it represents the prophesied last-days rebellion of mankind against our Creator God as we humans attempt, like gods, to create a “better” version of ourselves as if His creative powers are inferior to ours and He is inferior to us (the Luciferian delusion of Isaiah 14:12-14, reflected also in the Serpent’s beguilement of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:1-5 and God’s response in 3:22-24).

I have been alone in linking transhumanism directly to the LGBT movement, contending that the LGBT agenda represents not just a coalition of sexual dysfunctions but a chronology of stages in the deconstruction of God’s created order (from the tips of the branches toward its roots), and that “transhumanism” represents a hidden “T” contained within “transgenderism” in the LGBT abbreviation.

Transgenderism is the penultimate (next to the last) stage of deconstruction of the civilization God made for us – destroying the human perception that we are created male and female in His image (Genesis 1:27). Transhumanism is the ultimate stage – destroying through genetic modification God’s separation between humans and animals as distinct “kinds” (Genesis 1:11-25). Transhumanists perceive themselves as wiping the earth clean of God’s “mistakes” (returning back to the blank canvas of Genesis 1:6-10) and creating their own utopia in which they are immortal.

This is not hyperbole but an actual plan currently being implemented by the World Economic Forum’s Yuval Noah Harari (whom I have labeled the best candidate for the end-times False Prophet I’ve seen in my lifetime). Significantly, Harari is an admitted homosexual in a counterfeit “marriage” to another man.

In the incomparable genius of God, the solution to every human error is simple truth. And the solution to the error of transgenderism/transhumanism (and the whole package of LGBT errors) is the simple self-evident truth of the natural family.

One of the great privileges of my life was being a part of a special ad-hoc committee of pro-family leaders who met in Framingham, Massachusetts, in the ’90s. It was set up by a sister in Christ named Nancy Sutton (who then had a ministry to conservative students at Harvard), and drew about a dozen front-lines activist leaders, including Peter LaBarbera, Robert Knight, Frank York of Focus on the Family and a few others I can’t remember.

I flew in from Portland, Oregon, with Mike Gabbard (Tulsi’s dad) who did a layover in Portland on his way from Hawaii. (His health food restaurant there had been put out of business by homosexual picketers after he publicly stood up for the natural family – and so he joined the culture war and led his own natural family into politics).

Our gathering, in a basement meeting room of a large hotel, was a single day-long general strategy session that narrowed over the course of the day to establishing a definition of the natural family that could not be co-opted by the LGBT movement (a harder task than one might think). In the end our “Framingham Declaration” declared this: “A natural family is one man and one woman and their children, by birth or adoption, or the surviving remnant thereof.” It is to my knowledge, the only process-created definition of the natural family ever framed. And, importantly, it both affirms binary heterosexual complementarity as the essential prerequisite for a natural family and implicitly excludes as unnatural any reconfigured “family” unit that adds a new homosexual partner to the mix to replace either of the original parents, because only the surviving remnant of the actual family is deemed natural. Two homosexuals cannot create children together naturally.

Interestingly, without our prior knowledge, there was a major “Christian” conference on “Gay Theology” occurring simultaneously in the big fancy hotel ballrooms above our heads. It was a gathering of hundreds of people from one of the liberal mainstream denominations (I don’t remember which one). While our tiny group of Davids were working to find a solution to America’s LGBT challenge in our plain and sparse basement chamber, the globalist Goliath of pseudo-Christendom was basking in worldly luxury above us as it advanced the leading heresy of our day – which I have contended in my book “The Petros Prophecy” is THE end-times heresy warned about by the Apostle Peter.

One of the great pro-family Davids of our generation who was NOT with us that day in Framingham is the late Julio Severo of Brazil. Julio was one of my closest international allies. We became friends in 2007 just as LGBT fascists, emboldened by their massive “Gay Pride” events in Rio, were taking over the Brazilian government and trying to pass a horrific “anti-homophobia” law under whose terms Julio would have been jailed for boldly speaking biblical truth. He was forced by severe, active persecution to flee to an undisclosed neighboring country, taking his young family into the jungle there as “illegal aliens,” in hiding from his very dangerous enemies and suffering the travails of poverty. Yet he pressed on in the cause of Christ until his sudden, untimely death in May of 2021, leaving behind his wife, Sarah, and seven young children under the age of 14.

Julio’s family is the living epitome of a natural family – “the surviving remnant thereof” – and I will never again recite our Framingham Declaration without thinking of his widow and seven children. Because there was no one else to step in and help them survive, my ministry did so starting in June of 2021, even though our support base is small – typical of long-term missionary families. But God has blessed our efforts on behalf on the Severo family which has allowed them to stay together in their home with all their basic needs met.

Julio Severo, his family and Scott Lively (right).

What we have done for the Severo family is what remnant Christians need to do for the natural family everywhere. We need to boldly affirm it. We need to surround and protect it. We need to sustain it as the essential “ecosystem” of humanity in the face of homo-fascism and trans-insanity.

I didn’t intent this article as a fundraiser, but if you want to help Sarah and the children, please give HERE. To give directly to their support choose the option “Emergency Help for the Severo Family,” or you could choose “Julio Severo Fund (to carry on his work)” because I have decided to take a mission trip to Brazil and work with Julio’s support base there to both raise funds for his family and to promote the natural family as the antidote to transhumanist poison.

This fight against transhumanism is a global battle and the only solution is to restore to primacy the natural family foundations and functions of civilization as He designed it – everywhere!

The Day Before Eternity

Click on graphic to watch the second part of Dr. Lively’s conversation with Pastor Otto Gershon of the Hebraic Assembly of Port Angeles, WA. The article below was inspired by that conversation.

“It shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem [in the war of Armageddon] shall even go up [to Jerusalem] from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles”

Zechariah 14: 16-19.

“Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is His Name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS [Jehovah Tsidkenu]”

Jeremiah 23: 5-6.

Many Christians think of themselves as Bible literalists but really aren’t, the proof of which is seen in the widespread Christian ignorance or rejection of two important doctrines: the two-house covenant and the Millennial Kingdom.

I addressed the two-house covenant in my last article [and invoked it in my choice of the Jeremiah citation above re Judah and Israel]. Today I will address millennialism, in celebration of “the great [eighth] day of the feast” of tabernacles/Sukkot (John 7:37-38) which symbolizes the Millennial Kingdom and was the day on which Jesus declared His deity in by announcing His authority to direct the anointing of the Holy Spirit – the “living water.” According to the rabbinical holiday calendar for 2022 that eighth day was October 16th.

Millennialism is the doctrine which holds that all Creation is a seven thousand year period matching the seven 24-hour days of Creation: six days/millennia of work, followed by a Sabbath day/millennium when God and man will dwell together: the Millennial Kingdom. Importantly, the “Feast of Tabernacles” is the seventh of the biblical feasts of Leviticus 23, and also the name which designates the three-feast fall pilgrimage that serves as a ritual rehearsal for the events of the second coming. (They are Yom Teruah AKA the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur AKA the Day of Atonement, and Sukkot AKA the Feast of Tabernacles.)

Millennial doctrine is implicit in the Book of Hosea – the Bible’s key blueprint in allegory form for two house and millennial prophecy – where in Chapter 6, Verse 2 it reads “After two days He [Jesus Christ] will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His presence.

Peter, writing about the “Day of the Lord” in 2 Peter 3:8 informed us that “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” When he wrote that, four one-thousand-year “days” of human history from Adam to Jesus were already completed, and thus, those first “two days” in Hosea 6:2 are the next two one-thousand-year “days” of the Christian era – spanning the fifth and sixth millennia. The “third day” is the “Day of the Lord,” the Millennial Kingdom (the third “day” after the advent of Christ, but the seventh “day” of Creation). Indeed, we are now fast approaching that last 1000 years: Day 7, the Sabbath “Day,” when the King of Kings literally dwells with mankind on David’s Throne on a redeemed Planet Earth (Matthew 19:28; Ezekiel 37:20-24).

Importantly, changes from one millennium to the next do not occur instantaneously at the strike of a clock but gradually like the transition of the seasons: there is always an overlapping cusp from one to the next. Thus Adam, (who was told by God that in the “day” in which he sinned against Him he would die – Genesis 2:17) lived not 999 years until the stroke of midnight on year 1000, but died on the cusp of the first and second millennia – at the age of 930 years (Genesis 5:5).

The current cusp of the sixth and seventh “day” began as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24:32-35, with the sprouting of the fig tree (symbolic of the House of Judah in Jerusalem per Jeremiah 24). Therefore, since the return of the Jews to their inheritance, the Holy Land of Israel, we have been in that cusp, awaiting several essential events including:

A) All the drama prophesied in Christ’s “Olivet Discourse” of Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, including especially,

B) The resurrection/“rapture” of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.

C) The “Winepress of God’s Wrath” of Revelation 14:17-20, and

D) The return of Christ as the “Lord of Hosts” of Revelation 19:11-21 [which I intentionally invoked in my choice of the Zechariah 14 citation above because it is a singular event in all of history unequivocally linked to the second coming].

To be sure, some of what I have described above is not, strictly speaking, stated in literal terms, but in allegory or symbolism about events clearly intended to be TAKEN as literally true. Thankfully, the Lord Himself removed all ambiguity about the literal nature of these events in His final word to humanity as given to the Apostle/Prophet John in Revelation 20:1-4. He said in no uncertain terms:

Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven with the key to the Abyss, holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And he threw him into the Abyss, shut it, and sealed it over him, so that he could not deceive the nations until the thousand years were complete. After that, he must be released for a brief period of time.

Then I saw the thrones, and those seated on them had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. And they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

This straightforward passage confirms the reality of the Millennial Kingdom, the resurrection/“rapture” of the saints, and the co-regency of saints as literal truth.

Regarding a believer’s fate after death it is commonly said we will “die and go to heaven,” which is technically true, but there’s an essential interim step many Christians ignore because of bad doctrine. Yes, we will spend eternity together in heaven, but (very soon) there is a seventh, final Sabbath “Day” before Eternity: Christ’s Millennial Kingdom.

This is yet one more reason that the forgotten Hebrew cultural perspectives of the Apostles and the Prophets really should matter to Christians. For more on this theme, read my free book The Prodigal Son Prophecy (see button bar above).

The Reconciliation of Christians and Jews

Click on the above graphic to watch Part One of the two part conversation of Pastor Scott Lively of First Century Bible Church with Pastor Otto Gershon of the Hebraic Assembly of Port Angeles, WA.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.

– Malachi 4:5-6.

He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; He will collect the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the earth. Then the jealousy of Ephraim will depart, and the adversaries of Judah will be cut off. Ephraim will no longer envy Judah, nor will Judah harass Ephraim.

– Isaiah 11:12-13.

The most important forgotten truth of the Bible is the history and prophecy of the two houses of the Abramic covenant. Simply, the package of unbreakable promises made by God to Abraham were inherited by (and affirmed by God to) Isaac and Jacob. But when Jacob married two wives – Leah and Rachel – the law of inheritance mandated a split of the promises between the two houses.

Leah’s house, named the House of Judah after her son Judah, inherited the right of royalty (the Scepter Promise) and all the kings of the Jews forever after, including Jesus, were a fulfillment of that promise (Genesis 49:10).

Rachel’s house was named the House of Israel because her son Joseph held special legal rights as the firstborn son of Jacob/Israel. Technically, he was the 11th of Jacob/Israel’s 12 children, but he was the firstborn son of Rachel, and Leah’s firstborn son Reuben had been disqualified from his birthright because of sin (1 Chronicles 5:1), so the firstborn birthright inheritance fell to Joseph.

Joseph’s “Birthright Promise” included the blessing of vast numbers of descendants, and a double portion of everything, including especially the land. So, instead of a single Tribe of Joseph, his sons Manasseh and Ephraim became equal in status to their uncles as patriarchs over the Tribe of Manasseh and Tribe of Ephraim, respectively. In this way, Joseph received a double portion of the land and of influence among the 12.

Jacob famously passed the firstborn birthright to Joseph’s younger son Ephraim instead of Manasseh (Genesis 48:1-22), which was a choice God Himself confirmed in Jeremiah 31:9, saying, “For I am Israel’s Father, and Ephraim is My firstborn.”

Importantly, that verse is the centerpiece of a passage prophesying the promise of a New Covenant upon Christ’s first advent, and a reconciliation and return of the two houses to the Holy Land upon His second coming (Jeremiah 31:1-40). This same prophecy in different terminology is given in Ezekiel 37:1-28.

Evidence of power sharing and trading by the two houses is found throughout the Old Testament. Joshua the Ephraimite and Caleb the Judean were the only two spies to vote for honoring God’s command to conquer the Holy Land from the south soon after their deliverance from Egypt (Numbers 13-14). After the 40 year wilderness punishment of the people for defying God, Joshua became the first “president of the Israelite Republic” (if you will) when the people finally were allowed to cross the Jordan into the Holy Land and enjoy the freedom of relative self-determination under the rule of (Mosaic) law.

God’s tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant were housed in Shiloh in the territory of Ephraim for the first approximately 400 years, under the authority of the House of Israel.

After the House of Israel failed greatly by allowing Canaanite idolatry to rise among the people, God destroyed Shiloh and gave the House of Judah political authority over the nation. “[The House of Israel] enraged Him with their high places and provoked His jealousy with their idols. On hearing it, God was furious and rejected Israel completely. He abandoned the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent He had pitched among men. … He rejected the tent of Joseph and refused the tribe of Ephraim. But He chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which He loved. … He chose David His servant.” (Psalm 78:58-70)

Importantly, the House of Israel was never again restored to power over the 12, and when the House of Judah also failed God through idolatry (under Solomon) the two houses were permanently divided into two kingdoms led, one each, by the House of Judah and the House of Israel. Ephraim of the House and Kingdom of Israel again led the way but into deeper sin, not righteousness, until God literally “divorced” the 10 tribes of Israel and sent them away into the wilderness where they lost their identity and were scattered among the Gentiles.

The high drama of this story, and God’s plan to eventually restore the House of Israel to Himself, is told in exhaustive detail in allegory form in the book of Hosea. Hosea adds essential details and context to the prophecies of Jeremiah 31 and Exekiel 37, characterizing Judah and Israel as God’s “wives,” of whom He only divorced Israel, not Judah.

Long story short, the death of Jesus Christ on the cross released Israel to remarry, and thus ALL who believe in Him (from every tongue, tribe and nation – Genesis 22:18) become part of the Bride of Christ (the renewed House of Israel), awaiting remarriage to God at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. To learn more about this, read my free book “The Prodigal Son Prophecy.”

The main point here, however, is that the truth of the two house covenant solves several key problems that keep Jews and Christians in conflict. It corrects the major flaw of “replacement theology” (supersessionism) by showing that only the House of Israel was “replaced,” not the House of Judah. It acknowledges that the House of Judah (Torah-believing Jews) still has a separate, strained but unbroken relationship with God on His terms that are explained to Christians in Romans 11. It explains the severe enmity that has existed between Christians and Jews for nearly two millennia. And it serves as context for recognizing the season of transition at the end of the Age of the Gentiles and the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom.

In the millennial prophecy of Ezekiel 37: 15-28, “the Lord GOD says: ‘I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel associated with him, and I will put them together with the stick of Judah. I will make them into a single stick, and they will become one in My hand.'” That is the very picture of Christ-embracing Messianic Judaism – AND the separate but parallel track of Hebraic-oriented evangelical Christianity such as is practiced by my First Century Bible Church. Both are evidence that the Lord’s return is very near.

Is WWIII This Year’s “October Surprise?”

The above photo captures the true essence of the Russia/Ukraine war and who is really behind the US/NATO/Ukraine policy. Obama personally loathes Putin for signing the Russian national ban on “gay” propaganda targeting children — which hatred neatly serves the interests of the US oligarchs of the permanent-war military industrial complex. Joe OBiden is just a puppet.

Preface: I’ve been monitoring the Russia/Ukraine war very closely since the beginning and comparing the non-stop shamefully dishonest propaganda of the OBiden-controlled media with news from independent, mostly pro-Russian sources. What matters to me is truth, and that is coming almost exclusively from the pro-Russian side: It’s almost exactly the reverse of the U.S./USSR contest of the Cold War, with America now taking the old Soviet role and the Russian Federation taking the ethical higher ground formerly held by the U.S.

Everything done by Putin in this conflict is reasoned, rational and either clearly legal under international law or clearly defensible by comparison to U.S. interventions in foreign nations, which our government insist are legal.

If you don’t share that view, it’s likely the fault of your “news” sources. Tag-teaming propaganda by the leftist and neocon (RINO) media (which includes huge swaths of Christian media controlled by neocons like Pence, Romney and Ryan) is the only reason so many Americans are backing OBiden on this war. If the average American knew what I know from my independent research, there would never even have been a Russian incursion into Ukraine because we would all recognize that our government has nefariously orchestrated every single step of this conflict since at least 2014.

That orchestration includes especially the Russian invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, which the lying media has the audacity to call “unprovoked” after deliberately covering up the very serious provocations. The psyops campaign against our own people regarding Ukraine has been done at a John 8:44, Father-of-Lies level of deception, particularly regarding the media-created “war crimes” to stir public outrage and keep the cash flowing into the war machine. (Never forget what these exact same propagandists did and are still doing to Donald Trump! They. can. not. be. trusted. about. anything.)

Here is my analysis of where we are in the OBiden rush to World War III.

The starter gun has sounded, the four horsemen are out of the gate, and the culling of humanity through war, disease, famine and natural disasters is about to begin in earnest. It’s a prophesied spiritual season, but a worldly geopolitical one as well.

On the worldly stage, OBiden pulled the trigger on Sept. 1 in a performance dripping with Nazi symbolism – both to evoke the previous world war for context and to subtly mock Vladimir Putin’s anti-Nazism rhetoric about the Ukraine war. American pundits were mystified by the unprecedented “Dark Brandon” drama of the speech and saw it only through the lens of poll numbers and the coming election, but the globalist conspirators planning the “Great Reset” undoubtedly recognized it as the launch of the main phase of the prerequisite “great collapse” in the form of a new world war.

Within a week, the Obergruppenfuhrer of the CIA, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, made a surprise appearance in Kyiv, and two days later the (apparently) successful Ukrainian counter-offensive backed by billions in top-shelf U.S. weaponry began. That the Americans had taken hands-on control of the Ukrainian war machine on behalf of NATO was the obvious message. (I say “apparently” successful because I suspect Russia has been playing rope-a-dope with the West by a series of tactical withdrawals to lure the Ukrainians out of their fortified bunkers where they have been decimated by airstrikes and artillery.)

In response to direct U.S. intervention, Russia moved up the referenda elections in the Donbass to make the four pro-Russian oblasts it had liberated in the war an official part of the Russian Federation. Contrary to our media’s absurd but predictable claim of election fraud (Oh, the irony!), the election result was as foregone a conclusion as Texas voting for Trump – but was also endorsed as legitimate by international observers.

So now any attack on the four new bear cubs will be an attack on Momma Bear Russia, and there will be hell to pay by those who do. And they (“we”) will press the attack because WWIII seems to be our October Surprise for 2022.

Added to hell’s invoice is the rather obvious but perhaps legally unprovable U.S. sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines to ensure vassal-state Germany cannot break with her U.S. master and mend fences with Russia to avoid becoming a post-industrial frozen wasteland this winter. That likely won’t be the last false flag of the season. And the chances of one here at home – blamed on Russia, of course – seem fairly high.

Frankly, every death in Ukraine since as least April (when OBiden sent Boris Johnson to kill the peace deal that Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France had brought within inches of adoption) has been the fault of our government. And realistically, the death toll going back all the way to the 2014 Obama/Soros Maidan coup, including the 14,000 people killed in the Donbass by Ukrainian shelling through February 2022, is “our” fault, too.

Looking at it all from the highest level of geopolitical pragmatism, there would be a reasonably strong argument to be made for preserving U.S. global hegemony and discouraging Russia from building a multi-polar alternative IF American values and vision reflected the altruistic Christian heritage of our past. But American “values” today are the most corrupt and perverse of any nation on earth, and the future our leaders envision is a dystopian transhumanist freak show of woke tyrants and sexual deviants.

And even if that were not true, and we were still an ethical and virtue-aspiring people like the good old days, the question about what our nation’s role in the world should be is a matter for WE the PEOPLE to decide, not a thin upper strata of globalist elites and greedy predatory corporatists. I think the American people, if given the choice, would be inclined to share the world’s resources with other nations for mutual benefit rather than violently subjugating all competitors on behalf of U.S. oligarchs.

So what comes next? As of Oct. 5, the Russian Special Military Operation, which was limited to liberating the Donbass and diminishing the Ukrainian military threat will end, and real war will begin against the U.S. and NATO forces that took direct (but still not admitted) control of the Ukrainian forces in September. That will serve as justification for the OBiden military also to “take the gloves off,” triggering various mutual-defense treaties on both sides and the explosion of war across the world. I would dearly love to be wrong, and to celebrate a peace treaty in the coming weeks instead of a cascade of disasters, but things look grim as of today.


Updates in support of the above contentions: