The Rivalry of Joseph and Judah

Evangelical Pastor Scott Lively of First Century Bible Church and Messianic Jewish Rabbi Otto Gershon discuss the history of Messianic Judaism from the earliest days of the New Testament to the present time, and how the doctrine of the Two House Covenant plays out in Bible history and prophecy, especially as it relates to the First and Second advent of Christ.

The division of Jacob’s covenantal inheritance into two separate houses occurred simply by his marrying two wives, Leah (House of Judah) and Rachel (House of Israel). The rivalry of these two houses for power and influence among the twelve-tribe nation began early and is showcased in Genesis 37 when Joseph first flaunted his favored status with their father Jacob (exemplified by the “coat of many colors”) and in revenge was sold into slavery among the Gentiles by jealous older half-brother Judah. Joseph becomes a slave in Egypt, where his later tribal identity gets linked to the image of the ox (the fatted calf/golden calf becoming highly symbolic of his sojourn there).

Living among the Gentiles would forever be a dominant theme of Joseph’s life (the man as well as the tribe, house and kingdom) as prophesied by Jacob in Genesis 40:22 in which the fruitful (highly populous) vine (symbol of the House of Israel) would grow “over the wall” (outside the boundary of the Mosaic law). Joseph, as the “prodigal son,” of Luke 15:11-31, would also famously live among the “swine” (Gentiles). When his House becomes also a Kingdom in rebellion to David’s grandson Rehoboam, it’s first act is to reject essential tenets of Mosaic Judaism. Eventually its land is purged and repopulated by Gentiles, as represented during the time of Christ by 1) the Samaritans and 2) a mixed population of Hebrews and Gentiles called Galileans in “Galilee of the Gentiles” which is the northern portion of what had been Northern Israel. 

Most importantly, upon the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the House of Israel becomes the home to all Gentiles (and individual Jews) who accept His gift of salvation — all of these saved ones collectively being identified as the “Bride of Christ,” awaiting remarriage to God in the Wedding Feast of the Lamb just prior to the Millennial Kingdom.  

Meanwhile Judah is the older brother who 

1) not only stays metaphorically within the boundaries of Hebrew identity (i.e. stays in strained but unbroken fellowship with the father) in the prodigal son parable, but 

2) physically stays with father Jacob while Joseph lives as a slave in Egypt, plus 

3) legally inherits and fulfils the covenantal promise of holding the “scepter” to the Hebrew monarchy per Genesis 49:10, starting with David, and 

4) thus actually defines “Judaism” as the centerpiece of Hebrew identity for those who decline to accept the Christ of the First Advent but instead stubbornly keep their focus on the Christ of the Second Advent (the one and the same Messiah to whom they remain partially blinded as summarized in Romans 11.     

The Apostolic Age of Christendom, which spanned the period from the birth of Jesus to the publication of the Book of Revelation and death of it’s scribe John (roughly 90CE), ended with a transition of power from the House of Judah (Jerusalem-based Judaism) to the House of Israel (Rome based Christianity). 

Importantly, because the franchise of Salvation in Christ was opened to the Gentiles by Jesus, the power in question was no longer limited to the political and geographical boundaries of the twelve tribes but became more a measure of their collective authority in the world, especially religious authority.

Lets review the history of the two house rivalry. During the life of Jacob, the twelve tribes had been united under his authority as holder of the entirely of the Abrahamic Covenant. While there was rivalry between the House of Judah and House of Joseph, the House of Jacob nevertheless dominated both. It wasn’t until Jacob’s death that a successor would assume the dominant role. That successor, of course, would be Joseph. Indeed, all twelve tribes joined him in Egypt for hundreds of years, subject to the authority of his house, which was in turn subject to the top authority of the Gentile world, the Egyptians.

In the end Joseph’s house lost its influence when a Pharoah arose “who did not know Joseph” (Exodus 1:8, Acts 7:19) and power shifted temporarily to the House of Levi through the intervention of Moses. God raised up Moses and the House of Levi to lead the Hebrews out of slavery, establish the Levitical Priesthood, and to become a unifier of the twelve tribe nation under one common, comprehensive body of laws. This was the also the origin of what we call “the separation of church and state” (a benign social distinction in God’s design for civilization).

During the Exodus and the subsequent years in the wilderness, the people were being prepared for the conquest and colonization of the Holy Land, which was legally theirs by God’s decree in Genesis 15:18-19. They were also being formally and thoroughly restored to their distinct tribal identities: receiving separate and distinct tribal symbols and banners, roles and responsibilities, and being organized by tribe in precise geometrical order around God’s tabernacle.  

When it was time to enter the Holy Land, Moses sent in one spy from each of the twelve tribes. Importantly, only Joshua of the House of Ephraim (Joseph) and Caleb of the House of Judah insisted that they obey God and invade. But fear among the other ten tribes prevailed and they were all then cursed to spend another 40 years in the wilderness – a curse that has echoed across the centuries on the 9th of Av.  

Upon the death of Moses the Levite, power shifted back to the House of Israel under Joshua the Ephraimite. Remember that it was to Joseph’s second-born son Ephraim that Jacob/Israel had personally bequeathed the first-born right of inheritance per Genesis 48:13-22. That’s why the name Ephraim is synonymous with House of Israel, as reconfirmed in Jeremiah 31:9.

Joshua established Shiloh as the political and religious capital city of the twelve tribe nation and home to God’s tabernacle for roughly 400 years. Eventually the Ephraimites fell so far into Gentile idolatry that God allowed the Philistines to capture the Ark of the Covenant, ending the House of Israel’s reign in shame punished by the desolation of Shiloh and the elevation of the House of Judah to dominance.  

After a brief transitional period under the Benjamite King Saul (an Antichrist figure who slaughtered the Levitical priests at Nob and tried repeatedly to kill David) David the Judean became the first true King of Israel per Jacob’s prophecy of Genesis 49:10 and established his capital at Jerusalem in the territory of Judah.   

David’s united kingdom – the symbolic but imperfect representation of the Millennial Kingdom – lasted only through the life of his son Solomon, whose grievous sins cost him the throne and divided the two houses and two kingdoms against each other – under Rehoboam the Judean and Jeroboam the Ephraimite. 

That sibling rivalry will never end until the actual Millennial Kingdom, when “the jealousy of Ephraim will depart, and the adversaries of Judah will be cut off. Ephraim will no longer envy Judah, nor will Judah harass Ephraim” (Isaiah 11:13).  

What has never been done, to my knowledge, is a chronicle of that rivalry during the Christian Era. This has become my chief area of study in recent years, and elements of it have been the subject of various articles, but now I am ready to start documenting my findings in a more systematic fashion. This essay is essentially my starting point on that project.


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BRICS and Loans May Break Our Bones

I’ve been pretty much housebound in our little cottage during the summer heat wave here in super-humid Memphis so I’ve begun playing a computer game called Civilization as a diversion from my various book-writing projects. It’s the 5th generation of this game, which first launched in 1991. I’ve never played the prior versions but this one is like the old board game Risk but infinitely more complex and enthralling. And, in God’s unpredictable sense of humor, it is the perfect complement to my recent studies on history and geopolitics. After just a few hours of playing, my understanding of the mindset of the upper elites’ had been greatly increased and refined. My abstract and academic perspectives on the global realignment taking place relative to the declining Anglo-America NATO powers and the ascending BRICS alliance came to life as I built my own empire and strove for global dominance.

The game puts you in the seat of power to make decisions require long term planning involving the fate of nations and the timing and trajectory of technology and social policy. Such things as the will of the people far below you are merely considerations to be weighed against other factors they can’t see or appreciate, including the will of competing powers that may be malicious or benign, and the demands of constituent powers and special interests within your empire (think Pfizer and the LGBTs) who may or may not care about people within their sphere of influence or control.

Playing Civilization V has been like watching a curtain being drawn back to expose all the major players on the world stage: one gigantic “Game of Thrones” – which consequence (the revelation of this truth, I mean) is so obvious to me now that I think both that game and the film series may actually be social engineering tools in their own right – designed by the elites to heighten appreciation for their challenges and thus lessen hostility to them: to “walk a mile in their shoes” so to speak. Heck, playing Civ 5 might very well be mandatory training for the World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” or perhaps even a secret aptitude assessment tool being monitored by elite recruiters (which concept has been a plot element of at least three science-fiction films/series I can think of.) “Game of Thrones” instills a sense of foreboding (predictive programming) about a rising threat to all of civilization from the frozen north (think Russia).

But here in the real world among the common people, self-determination is not a social privilege granted by benign or pragmatic elites, but a gift of God built into the order of Creation. And the many religions of the world that influence the will of the people are not, as in CIV5, totally interchangeable tools for population control. When the powers of the world align to impose new levels of control through contrived “climate crises” and “disease epidemics” (things not technically in the game but equivalent to things that are) the people of the real world do not just adjust and get over it (or maybe they do – but they shouldn’t.)

It does help, however, to have insights into how the elites think and see the world, especially regarding the much longer-term planning they do than the common people realize. For example, the Anglo-American elites knew at the end of WWII that the Russian Empire would grow as a threat to their already centuries-long global hegemon which arose under the British Monarchy (when “the sun never set on the British Empire.”) After WWII, the American side of the partnership rose to (real or apparent) dominance.

The planning goes even deeper than that as evidenced by Woodrow Wilson’s role in creating the League of Nations. His globalist influence continues through the work of the Wilson Center
offering in 2011 this summary of the American elites’ perspective that persists today:

“Sir Halford Mackinder, the father of geopolitics, argued that the power that controls Eurasia controls the world. How can the West ensure that the struggle for this fundamental theater in world politics is resolved in favor of Western democratic governance—without the autocratic domination of Eurasia?”

That’s why MacArthur wanted to keep the Allied war machine of WWII rolling to Moscow. But Truman fired him to take that option off the board and NATO was formed as an alternative, with a strategy of slow encirclement that has taken us incrementally to the Ukrainian/Russian border, which is, of course, the ultimate, existential red line for the Russians whose only choice was submission or war.

The Eurasian “world island” is dominated today by Russia and China who have their own vision for breaking the Anglo-American hegemon by challenging it with a new multi-national economic alliance called BRICS. It’s all about ending exclusive US control of the world “reserve currency,” the dollar. Theoretically, if the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) create their own workable system for international trade without using the dollar, the US will lose the ability to print unlimited sums to cover its massive debts, and our economy will experience an unsurvivable crash. Our loans suddenly will come due with no way to pay them off.

Does that explain the non-stop hard-sell of an economic “Great Reset” that nobody wants? Do the elites know dollar dominance is likely in a death spiral?

Is the self-destructive insanity of the OBiden administration all just cultural sabotage by China (using bribery and extortion of US pols) to weaken US resistance to BRICS and turn Americans against our own government? (If “our democracy” means sexual anarchy and the grooming and mutilation of children, hatred of “whiteness,” and unstoppable election fraud who would fight to preserve a hegemonic system based on “democracy” instead of embracing the BRICS idea of a new multi-polar order?)

Is fear of BRICS the real reason for the fear of Donald Trump and the “America First” movement? (Doesn’t “America First” implicitly reject the very globalist strategy driving NATO and its necessary system of endless wars and international bullying?)

The western media is downplaying the fact that BRICS added six new members this week: Iran, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt, and Ethiopia. The potential negative impact of this for the US is huge. Here’s a high quality analysis from the pro-BRICS side .

One surprising result of playing Civ5 is a renewed love and loyalty for the America I grew up in, and a greater hesitancy to view the BRICS alliance favorably. Because whatever short-term benefits the world might reap from a defeat of today’s deeply perverse and corrupt Anglo-American hegemony, the replacement system would soon be just as bad for other reasons – because alliances of strongmen only last as long as it serves their individual interests, and the only interest the BRICS nations really have is ending US bullying. After that it would be a very bloody free-for-all, except in the real world, and not in the safety of a computer game.

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The Boy Scouts of Gomorrica

by Dr. Scott Lively, 8/5/2023

1992:‘NAMBLA calls on the Boy Scouts of America to cease its discrimination against openly gay or lesbian persons in the appointment of its scout masters. This will permit scouts to be exposed to a variety of lifestyles and will permit more of those individuals who genuinely wish to serve boys to do so. I feel especially honored to have been asked to alert you of this resolution…I have also been a scout and a scout leader and share with so many in NAMBLA affection for the movement. We recognize, of course, that the action for which we call is inevitable. What a great added contribution your organization will make possible to all the boys and girls who participate in it when you take this step.’ ” Unanimous resolution of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) at its 16th membership conference, held in Chicago, August 7-9-1992, as reported by Leland Stevenson, Co-Recording Secretary of NAMBLA in the November 1992 edition of the NAMBLA Bulletin.

2023: “The Boy Scouts of America scouting organization is inviting ‘LGBTQ’ advocacy at its national jamboree camp in West Virginia. The advocacy was applauded by LGBTQ advocate Mike De Socio in the Washington Post. ‘There is value in the type of place it is becoming: one where any kid, of any race or gender or sexual orientation, feels at home.’ ” Neil Munro, Breitbart News, July 30, 2023.

There are few culture war losses more emblematic of America’s collapse into depravity than the pederasts’ takeover of the Boy Scouts of American (BSA) in 2013. I suspect there’s a special sub-basement of Hell for traitors to humanity like Obama agents Robert Gates and Rex Tillerson who orchestrated the BSA’s surrender from inside its own boardroom – despite the BSA’s absolute right to reject the LGBT agenda having been strongly vindicated by the United States Supreme Court in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale on June 28, 2000. My article “The Deep State Takedown of the Boy Scouts of America” (published in February of 2020) details the steps in that tragic process.

Around the same time that NAMBLA was (correctly) predicting the BSA’s “inevitable” capitulation to their agenda, I was confronting then presidential candidate Bill Clinton on live television on the matter and, by quickly pressing in with an (unapproved) follow-up question, essentially backed him into a corner on whether the BSA should be forced to embrace homosexuality: he famously said “No, I don’t support that,” an admission which Rush Limbaugh pounced on the next day on his radio show. (That exchange is also highlighted in my above-cited 2020 article.)

It’s hard to believe thirty one years have passed since then – and harder still to cope with the fact that every child born since the Clinton Administration has never known the America of natural family normalcy that existed in my childhood. Many children experienced it personally in their own homes, but collectively as a society they have come of age (probably without recognizing it) during America’s total transition from a Christian cultural worldview to the NAMBLA worldview.

Importantly, British and American Christians had REDEEMED boy scouting from its early roots which in fact aligned more with NAMBLA than with Christianity. Scouting did not begin not with Britain’s Lord Baden Powell in 1907 as is commonly believed but in Germany in the late 1800s with the deeply morally corrupt Wandervogel Movement. By 1912 the German scouting movement was so thoroughly depraved that one of its leaders brazenly published a book titled “The German Wandervogel Movement as an Erotic Phenomenon” which openly defended its culture of pederasty and told German parents they’d just have to get used to it.

After the BSA’s fall to the “gays” in 2013 I published my article “Satan Wins Back the Scouts” which documents the reality of early scouting. Please read it at The heavily censored evidence I offer in that piece you will likely not find in any other source. Here is a sample:

“[T]he Wandervoegel offered youth the chance to escape bourgeois German society by retreating back to nature…But how was this accomplished? What made it possible for the lifestyle created within the Wandervoegel to differ significantly from its bourgeois parent? The answer is simple: the Wandervoegel was founded upon homosexual, as opposed to heterosexual sentiments …In order to understand the success of the movement, one must acknowledge the homosexual component of its leaders…Just as the leaders were attracted to the boys, so were the boys attracted to their leaders. In both cases the attraction was sexually based”
 (Richard Mills, “Gay Roots: Twenty Years of Gay Sunshine,” 1991, pages152-53).

It should be apparent to every open eyed adult that organizations for boys attract pederasts like chickens attract hawks. (I’ve addressed that theme in my article “Desmond, the Boy Scouts and Pedophilia.”)

No one was more conscious of that fact than the founders of the Boy Scouts of America who created history’s best system for the “morally straight” training of boys into men. Indeed, it was that very phrase in the Boy Scout Oath that determined the positive ruling of the Supreme Court in the Dale case:

“On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.”

The Boy Scout Oath is a glimpse back to a world that has been lost to us. No, not lost but stolen by wicked Marxist ideologues intent on destroying Judeo-Christian culture on earth. Today instead of a nationwide consensus that boys and young men should be “morally straight,” we have a nationwide culture war where every child and teen is under relentless mental and spiritual siege by flagrant and militant sexual perverts (or their surrogates) in virtually all the spheres that influence their young lives.

Right before our eyes, and despite our best efforts to prevent it, the Boy Scouts of America has become the Boy Scouts of Gommorica – with a subliminal message for all the boys of America that God is impotent and irrelevant and morality is whatever you want it to be.

But I say these boys are worth fighting for, and that the Christian men and women of this nation should fight back by finding other ways to reach them (such as the Christian alternative called Trail Life with the truth about God, true masculinity and virtue.

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Jesus the Avenger of Blood

He’s not a baby in a manger anymore, He’s not a broken man on a cross. He didn’t stay in the grave, and He’s not staying in Heaven forever…People get ready, Jesus is coming!” 

People Get Ready! Misty Edwards, Forerunner Music (2007). 

I saw under the altar the souls of those having been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had upheld. And they cried out in a loud voice,
“How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You avenge our blood and judge those who dwell upon the earth?”

Revelation 6:9-10.

One of the important milestones in my maturation as a Christian was hearing the prophetic worship song People Get Ready! by Misty Edwards about a dozen years ago. I didn’t hear the whole song but only a short clip running from approximately 3:28 to 5:40. In the vernacular of the Hippie generation in which I came of age, it “blew my mind.” That two minutes of prophetic music completely transformed my perspective on the second coming of Christ from a merely abstract theological concept to a stark, looming reality, and it changed the image of Him in my heart and mind from the soft and gentle Jesus of the first advent to the image John painted of Jesus in Revelation 19:11-21. 

“Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war. He has eyes like blazing fire, and many royal crowns on His head. He has a name written on Him that only He Himself knows. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God. The armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. And He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh: King of King and Lord of Lords.”

“Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out in a loud voice to all the birds flying overhead, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings and commanders and mighty men, of horses and riders, of everyone slave and free, small and great.” Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army. But the beast was captured along with the false prophet, who on its behalf had performed signs deceiving those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. Both the beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. And the rest were killed with the sword that proceeded from the mouth of the One seated on the horse. And all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.”   

John’s word-portrait reveals the Jesus of the Second Advent as a man of war, and the avenger of blood. In it, His long-suffering tolerance for wickedness, in the hope all people would repent (2 Peter 3:9), has ended, and His wrath against those who have chosen to remain His enemies despite all the many chances He has given them is finally poured out on the earth. Just as the “wheat” (the righteous) were harvested and glorified to become part of the Heavenly Host attending His return, so are the “grapes” (the wicked) now harvested and crushed in the Winepress of God’s Wrath.  

Ever since I heard that song, the focus of my biblical worldview – in terms of what it means to be “Christlike” – has been forward looking and not backward, and I have felt strong vindication from the Lord in my career as a culture warrior. I have also largely abandoned the expectation that human efforts would solve the crisis of the world if we just stayed pure in our hearts and fought harder on the battlefield. Prophecy had come alive to me a few years before I heard the Edwards song, but my sense that His return would be sooner than later was sharpened, and, of course, events over this past decade have strongly strengthened that view. I fight to win anyhow – because it’s simply our duty always to be salt and light against the spread of corruption – but I know He is coming back soon when all these battles will be moot.  

For the past year my wife and I have livestreamed our weekly Freestyle Bible Study on Sunday afternoons. (Our archive of past studies is on Rumble.)  We go chapter by chapter through the Bible, reading and then discussing the text in a conversational manner. We’re in 1 Samuel this month and for the past two weeks (covering 1 Samuel 18-20) have read and discussed the rise of David the Christ figure in contrast to first Goliath and then King Saul, both of whom are Antichrist figures .

It struck me during these studies that while the church widely acknowledges David as a Christ figure (necessarily so if one has any respect at all for Bible literalism), that I had never in my Christian life heard anyone point out that the life and acts of David align with the Jesus of the second advent far more than the first advent. Both David and the returned Jesus are men of war who unite all twelve tribes under one monarchy. Never in the story of David do we see more than a glimpse of the soft and gentle Jesus of the first advent – and never in the earthly ministry of Jesus the Christ do we see more than a glimpse of the righteously angry avenger that David exemplified.

(Consider the call to the birds to come and eat the flesh of the wicked dead killed by the deliverer in both Revelation 19:17-18 and 1 Samuel 17:46 and how totally contrary this seems to the modern Christian concept of Jesus rooted exclusively in first advent portrayals, softened further by secular humanist values.) 

Neither do we see the unification of the 12 tribes as a result or aspect of Jesus of the first advent. True, we see members of all 12 tribes united in Christianity, but the tribes themselves remain split between the House of Israel (Christianity) and House of Judah (Judaism) through the entirety of the 2000-year-long Age of the Gentiles. Indeed, that division defines this age just as the reconciliation of the tribes (Ezekiel 37:15-28) defines the Millennial Kingdom, when Christ will “reign on the throne of David” (Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1:32).  

The Millennial Kingdom is showcased in the full chapter of Isaiah 11, where we find in verses 12-13 “He [Christ] will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; He will collect the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the earth. Then the jealousy of Ephraim [House of Israel] will depart, and the adversaries of Judah [House of Judah] will be cut off. Ephraim will no longer envy Judah, nor will Judah harass Ephraim.” This passage would make no sense if one assumed the Jesus of the first advent had fulfilled this prophecy. No, this prophecy remains unfulfilled – EXCEPT to the extent that the rise of Messianic Judaism (Christ-believing Jews) represents a foreshadowing of what’s soon to come.  

I believe the emergence of Messianic Judaism shows we are presently on the cusp of the end of the Gentile Age and the start of the Millennial Kingdom. I believe Messianic Judaism will be the religion of the Millennial Kingdom for the humans who repopulate the earth after Armageddon, but is NOT the religion of the Bride of Christ who will rule and reign with Christ (after glorification), no longer needing religion.

Importantly, as summarized by Paul in Romans 11, the House of Judah will not repent and accept Christ until the second advent, when the Jesus they see is the David-like “deliverer…from Zion” – and only then will they recognize that He was also “the one they pierced” … “and they will mourn for Him, like one mourning for an only son” (Zechariah 12:10). 

That time is not far off. People get ready!


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The Most Important Forgotten Truth of the Bible

I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate, And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land” (Isaiah 6:8-12).

This was God’s message to Isaiah upon his commission to become the prophet to the two Hebrew kingdoms in the generation when Assyria successfully conquered Israel and unsuccessfully attempted to conquer Judah. These two kingdoms, rooted in two separate houses (Leah’s and Rachel’s: Ruth 4:11) emerged at the very beginning of the twelve-tribe people-group called the Hebrews. At the time of the above Isaiah passage, the two houses/kingdoms were at war with each other – during which crisis the Judeans were called “Jews” for the very first time, specifically to distinguish them from the Israelites (2 Kings 16:6).

There would be a near-term “partial fulfillment” of the Isaiah 6:8-12 prophecy (perhaps better characterized as an “iteration of the desolation-of-Jerusalem Biblical pattern”) in the Babylonian conquest of Judah a century and a half later, and another partial fulfillment by the Romans in 70AD following the earthly ministry of Our Lord, and then a final and complete fulfilment in 135AD when the Romans expelled ALL Jews from the Holy Land “forever” and renamed it Syriac Palestine following the Simon bar Kokhbar revolt. That desolation of the land ended formally only in 1917 when the British Empire (at the height of the influence of Christian and Jewish Millennialists and the doctrine of British Israelism) liberated the Holy Land (by military conquest) from the Ottoman Turks and essentially gifted it to the Jews per the Balfour Declaration.

When Jesus began His ministry in Galilee of the Gentiles, the former territory of the Kingdom of Israel, He made it very clear that “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt 15:24) which was a prophetically important restatement of the limitation He imposed when He sent out “The Twelve” (Matt 10:5-6). The number of that first group of envoys was twelve because both Hebrew houses by this time included members of all twelve tribes, but the distinction between the two houses remained because the House of Israel had been “divorced” by God and went fully pagan, while the House of Judah had not (Jeremiah 3, especially verse 8, Hosea 1-3).

Having fulfilled various key prophecies by giving the genetic descendants of the House of Israel “first dibs” on salvation in His name, Jesus then broadened the franchise to “all the families of the earth” (Genesis 12:3), by sending out “The Seventy” (numerologically representative of the Table of Nations of Genesis 10: the 70 patriarchs descended from Noah). ALL who accept salvation in Christ from that day to this become a part of the “Bride of Christ” awaiting reunification with God through the Wedding Feast of the Lamb – fulfilling the promise of God to nullify the divorce by He Himself (the husband) dying on the cross to release the wife to remarry without violating the unbreakable law of Jeremiah 3:1.

Regarding salvation, the Jews were a special case, however, because authentic Torah-based Judaism implicitly assumed that the House of Judah would recognize its Messiah when He came: all the Biblical writings and rituals had been designed to prepare them for that. But Judaism had been severely corrupted in the years immediately preceding His first coming: the Jewish political world had been hijacked by the Edomite false-Jew Herod the Great (who, with Roman backing, had slaughtered the entire Hasmonean royal family (the descendants of the righteous Judah Maccabee who had overthrown the Antichrist figure Antiochus IV Epiphanes of Daniel 11). And internally, the cult of hyper-legalism called Phariseeism dominated Judaism. But because the House of Judah never ended and remains “married to God” to this day under the Old Covenant, there remains hope for the collective salvation of the Jews until the Second Coming – a doctrine that is detailed and reaffirmed by Paul in Romans 11.

All of this is enormously important in understanding why Jesus invoked Isaiah 6:9-10 in Mark 4:11-12, saying

The mystery of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to those on the outside everything is expressed in parables, so that, ‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn
and be forgiven
.’ ”

“Those on the outside” were (and are) those who, because of lack of cultural familiarity and/or spiritual discernment, could not recognize the teachings of the Tanach (Old Testament) which His parables conveyed in the form of symbols, metaphors and textual landmarks. Most Herodians, Pharisees and Non-Hebrews did not understand the hidden deeper meaning of the parables, even if they understood the surface meaning.

The best modern example of “seeing without perceiving” in Christendom is the parable that most closely fits the theme of “sibling rivalry” in Isaiah 6:8-12: the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

The surface meaning of the Prodigal Son parable happens to be one of the most profound truths of Christianity: that God welcomes back repentant sinners no matter how far they have fallen away from Him. The very clarity of this powerful message of God’s grace and mercy makes it the perfect cover for a deeper meaning that only Christ’s disciples and Torah-faithful Hebrews would have understood. But importantly, the surface meaning is not in the slightest degree diminished by the deeper message, a fact that is critical to remember when grappling with the revelation highlighted below.

Before I reveal it let me remind you that many Bible truths do not fit the Hellenic linear, two-dimensional perspective on Bible verses/passages which insists “either this/or that must be true exclusively.” In contrast, the Hebrew multi-dimensional perspective correctly recognizes “both this/and that can be simultaneously true.”

So, what is the deeper message hidden in plain sight in the Parable of the Prodigal Son?

“Very simply, the father in the parable is God. The older son is Judah, and the younger (prodigal) son is Joseph. These are the two actual sons of Jacob’s wives Leah and Rachel, respectively, the human roots of the two houses and later two kingdoms of Judah and Israel. Joseph, who is represented by his son Ephraim among the twelve tribes (as the symbolic head of the House of Israel per Jeremiah 31:9), led his house into idolatrous rebellion against God so egregiously that God “divorced” the House of Israel and sent him/them away to live among the Gentiles. God then made a way for Israel to be restored that simultaneously opened the door to salvation for the Gentiles.

To allay any doubt of His intended meaning (to the alert Hebrew listeners), Jesus designed the parable to directly connect the metaphorical redemption/restoration of the specially favored “Prodigal Son” in the parable with the historical restoration/restoration of the actual specially favored son of Jacob: Joseph (the patriarch of the House of Israel) by the Egyptian Pharaoh in Genesis 41. Note especially the symbolic significance of the robe (royal authority) and ring (lawmaking power) in the Genesis account, and of the sandals (ownership of land) in Ruth 4:7.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is in actuality a summary of one two house prophecy of the reunification of the two Hebrew houses in the Millennial Kingdom. That doctrinal theme not only dominates several of the Bible’s prophetic books and is heavily interwoven throughout entire Old Testament, it is also subtly referenced in numerous books of the New Testament. Only those whose spiritual eyes have been opened to the historical and prophetic significance of the two house teaching will recognize it, but once the blinders of unfamiliarity are removed the truth about the two house doctrine is impossible to “un-see.” There is obviously much more to the doctrine than this brief article can relate, but it is likely that you, reader, will now begin recognizing two house passages whenever you read your Bible and be amazed that you never previously realized they were there or how central they are to Christianity.

For more on this topic read my book The Prodigal Son Prophecy.


This article is a revised and updated version of an article published in October of 2019 under a similar title.

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Leftist lawfare and the abuse of power

The easiest way to distinguish real news reporting from the narrative-driven propaganda of the elites is the absence of reasoned counter-arguments to the message being pushed. Whenever any controversial matter is presented as if there is only one side to the story, you’re being manipulated, not informed. True news reporting (a rarity today) is fair and balanced, meaning that the opposing perspectives are acknowledged and incorporated in a manner that accurately reflects the true viewpoints of the parties. In contrast, narrative-driven propaganda presents only one side of the controversy or spins it by either misrepresenting the facts and/or the views of the disfavored parties, or just presenting the case as if the facts are unquestioned and any opposing arguments are so meritless as to justify their exclusion from the discussion.

Case in point: I happened to accidentally catch a “news” segment on NPR this week. It was accidental because I haven’t intentionally listened to NPR for years. It is one of the most relentless left-wing propaganda outlets in America. BUT, if you’re a fan of classical music, one of the few places on the radio dial to hear it is the NPR-controlled stations. I frankly think the music is bait to attract the more culturally refined strata of radio listeners (who, unlike me, tend to be decision-makers) so they can be spoon-fed the daily leftist talking points in a form most tailored to their tastes and susceptibilities. I always escape to another music station as soon as I hear the smarmy pivot to the “news” or commentary programs, which are invariably left-wing and propagandistic.

On this morning, however, I got hooked in when I started my car with the radio already tuned to the NPR station where an interview was underway, one I mistook for a discussion on the anti-sex trafficking movie “Sound of Freedom.” The two women were talking about the plight of children who had been enslaved and I was amazed and impressed to think NPR would actually cover that story. A few sentences later, my illusions were shattered when I realized they weren’t talking about actual victims showcased in “Sound of Freedom” but about a (presumably CIA) propaganda film about Ukrainian children supposedly kidnapped and taken to Russian “reeducation camps” by the Putin regime.

The interviewee then identified herself as a Berlin-based journalist covering the supposed criminal case against President Vladimir Putin for “Crimes Against Humanity” grounded in the kidnapping allegations. As an attorney credentialed in international human rights law, I’ve been following this matter from the start. I’ve known all along the charges against Putin are baseless and purely political: The children in question are nearly all from the pro-Russian Donbass region that declared independence from Ukraine in 2014 and formally voted (under the supervision of international observers) to join the Russian Federation in 2022. It’s just a pretext for geopolitical lawfare, and a fairly blatant one.

What I didn’t know, but learned from this journalist/spook(?) was that the path to indictment of Putin involved an unprecedented and frankly preposterous legal maneuver: The charging nation, Germany, a fully-controlled vassal-state of the U.S. since WWII, simply granted itself “universal jurisdiction” to prosecute the Russian president. Even the journalist acknowledged it’s lack of substance in a backhanded way, using the word “poof” to explain it’s origin as German law.

In all my years of watching corporate U.S. news about Russia and Putin, I have never seen a single counter-argument ever being offered in defense of President Putin (coverage of him is even worse than that of Trump). It’s been more than a decade since Obama restarted the Cold War to punish the Russians for banning “gay” propaganda to children, when every story began to paint him as a “brutal monster” – to the point that even many conservatives (who have zero reason to trust that same media on anything) seem to agree. I’m one of the few who swims against that tide. Bottom line: If NPR is touting it, you should KNOW it’s crap!

Let’s now turn our eyes back to the domestic front and the corrupt lawfare being waged against our anti-swamp hero Donald Trump (whom you should recall promised repeatedly in 2016 to normalize relations with the Russians, not destroy them). I’m not going to list all the examples of anti-Trump lawfare since you likely know them as well as I do. I’m just going to make the point that every one of them represents an Abuse of Power. Indeed, that phrase – “Abuse of Power” – defines every single Culturally Marxist act of the OBiden regime, including especially the Justice, State and Defense departments, the corporate news media, the cancel-culture social media, the public education system from the top universities down to the pre-school level, and even the public health industry.

The problem isn’t the law itself. Our constitution is still valid and sufficient to our needs. The government infrastructure remains adequate to the tasks it faces. The social systems we have relied upon for generations are still intact and effective in the sense of their structure and capacity. Law enforcement and the courts are inherently fully capable of coping with the load they face. America is still sound and functional in its “machinery.” Even the election systems – if not for corrupt people running them – are adequate to get the job done. The real problem in all these areas is the abuse of power by lawless leftists whom we have allowed into the seats of power.

What has been broken is the rule of law – and all the most egregious outrages we daily face under the “new normal” of Marxist control are proof of that: the worst being the perversion of justice by those tasked with exercising and preserving it (e.g., the FBI and Justice Department).

Lawfare by our government against its own citizens is the ultimate abuse of power – and that’s what the legal attacks on Donald Trump are all about.

Right behind that in gravity is the abuse of the power of information by the corporate media for the purpose of manipulating public beliefs and policy and to protect their co-conspirators in government.

And also desperately serious is the abuse of the superpower status of our nation to push us to the brink of World War III using Ukrainians as cannon fodder and Russia as a scapegoat. It’s all about triggering the Great Collapse to justify the Great Reset.

In every arena in which our elites “represent” us, domestically and around the world, their actions are lawless and their goals perverse. The whole world sees it, and most importantly, God sees it.

We citizens each have a civic duty to end the abuse of power by the exercise of our own rightful power under God and our Constitution, and that begins by seeking out the truth in every matter and insisting that truth, not narratives, be honored in every sphere of our society. Because if we can’t purge the lies and lawlessness from our midst before the elites bring in their Great Reset, there will be nothing left for us here but slavery.


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America’s Bloodsucking Marxquitos

The Northampton, Massachusetts church that claims the legacy of the great revival preacher Jonathan Edwards defiles his memory and his mission by flying the Gay/Trans Pride flag (Photo/Scott Lively)

Kyle Reece: Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
(The Terminator, 1984)

The thing that Hollywood portrays most accurately is the relentlessness of evil. That’s ironic, because Hollywood is so often a tool of evil, but to paraphrase what we conservatives like to say in defense of guns, “Hollywood doesn’t kill righteousness, people do,” and the film industry can be just as powerful a force for good as it is for evil. Its so-often accurate portrayal of evil is a case in point in that Hollywood has infused our popular culture with many unforgettable iconic scenes and images of evil (e.g., “The Borg,” “Alien,” the “Body Snatchers”) that rival even the stories of the Bible as “cautionary tales.” These are genuine warning signs about what evil really looks like – especially the implacable relentlessness of evil.

Whether people heed those warnings often comes down to the effectiveness of the church in contrasting that evil with the goodness of God – something that is almost never depicted by Hollywood (but increasingly is depicted accurately by a rising tide of independent film companies).

I happen to be in Springfield, Massachusetts this week where my ministry is still officially based, although I live in the Memphis area now. One of my favorite places here is just north of Springfield: the huge, forested dog park on the grounds of the former Northampton State Hospital, bordered on one side by a picturesque small river across from which is the grounds of the ultra-ultra leftist Smith College, where years ago a speech by my former Board Member Ryan Sorba on his book “The Born-Gay Hoax” was shut down by rabid, screaming protestors who broke a window to get in.

I went to the dog park for my early morning walk Monday to meditate on the theme of the relentlessness of evil as represented in the phenomenon of Cultural Marxism. I composed the first paragraph of this article in my head on that walk. However, I was again reminded that God has a sense of humor in that as soon as I entered the forest I was besieged by literally hundreds of mosquitos. As someone who tries to avoid putting bug spray on my skin, I’ve gotten pretty good at fending off the flying pests with a small leafy branch (a “cow-tail” if you will) but in this case there were so many and they were so relentless that I was forced to abandon my walk after a quarter mile or so and retreat to my car – swishing my cow-tail like a Jedi Knight in a hail of laser blasts.

So I drove a mile and continued my walk on the main street of Northampton proper. I am no stranger to Northampton – sometimes called “the lesbian capital of the world,” where my own sister (now deceased) had once lived as a lesbian before repenting through the power of Christ, and where my mentally-ill father (long deceased) had been institutionalized at the State Mental Hospital for the last dozen years of his life.

Even so, it was disturbing to be reminded of how far a city that had once been a powerhouse of Christendom can fall. On my city walk I passed three historic churches that had once advanced Christian culture and values, including the Edwards Church, named after Northampton’s most famous son, Jonathan Edwards, the man whose sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” is virtually synonymous with the First Great Awakening in America. All three churches were flying the Gay/Trans Pride flag, and (undoubtedly with no sense of irony whatsoever) the reader board at the Edwards Church advertised the message for this coming Sunday as “The Wheat and the Weeds.”

I have long believed that Cultural Marxism is designed to be the “terminator” of the Church – the end times cultural/spiritual “religion” whose mission is the total destruction of Judeo-Christian civilization and establishment of the Antichrist Kingdom. I’ve also recognized that its battle strategy is to defile humanity so thoroughly through enslavement to sexual perversion and child killing (the ancient core practices of the Canaanites that justified their genocide per Leviticus 18) that we destroy civilization with our own hands, and ultimately bring God’s wrath upon ourselves. That belief is strongly bolstered in the example of Northampton, but all of America is quickly falling into the same Marxquito-infested moral swamp.

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” – a proclamation that doubles as a roadmap of our path to victory through the swamp of lies and death. Speaking life-saving truth is our primary duty: not just the truth of the Gospel, the Good News of the free gift of salvation in Christ Jesus available to all who will accept it. But also the bad news about the consequence of sin. His Word tells us in Ephesians 5:11 to “Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them,” but also adds a warning in Ezekiel 3:17-19: “If I say to the wicked man, ‘You will surely die,’ but you do not warn him or speak out to warn him from his wicked way to save his life, that wicked man will die in his iniquity, and I will hold you responsible for his blood. But if you warn a wicked man and he does not turn from his wickedness and his wicked way, he will die in his iniquity, but you will have saved yourself.”

Like the “gay” hoards of Sodom, so intent on raping God’s two witnesses that they continued to claw and scrape at Lot’s door even after being struck blind by God, America’s bloodsucking Marxquitos are utterly relentless. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until God Himself stops them – with the end-times version of fire and brimstone.

Like Lot, however, if we deny reality and try to placate the wicked by offering our children (or passively letting them be indoctrinated with Marxist theology), we lose both their virtue and our own moral authority. There is no consequence-free Hollywood ending to the real life cautionary tale we’re living. There is only the division of saved and lost, determined by spiritual alignment with the Messiah or captivity to the godless Marxquitos – a choice heavily influenced by how well we Christians speak truth to life while there is still time.

For more on this topic read Scott’s free book, “The Petros Prophecy.”

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The One God and the One Flesh

3 ways we partner with God

The more insane and chaotic things get in the world of men, the more I seek refuge in the natural world. Yesterday on a sunrise walk in a beautiful park near me, I returned to a meditation theme I’ve enjoyed for many years: the idea that nature parks are created through the partnership of God and Man.

Nature parks reflect the exercise of the power of dominion that God the Father gave to us all, through Adam, over the Creation: the power of naming and taming His wilderness of plants and animals. He invites us to share in the creative process with Him as a joint venture despite (or perhaps because of) our responsibility for having defiled His perfection with the corruption of sin. Creating a garden is an act of redemption.

Likewise, the creation of beautiful architecture like the ancient cathedrals of Christendom and, really, all art that is truly art, meaning a truthful expression of the divine spark He placed in us, is also a redemptive partnership with God the Father. And in a still broader sense, ALL human endeavor, to the extent that it benevolently augments God’s natural order instead of creating counterfeit alternatives (Lucifer’s fatal error) is a joint venture with Him.

Our second form of partnership is with God the Holy Spirit in the process of our own pursuit of Christlikeness. The Christian metamorphosis from justification through sanctification until glorification is one of my favorite topics to preach on.

Justification (eternal salvation) is by faith alone in Christ alone, while glorification – from the status of flawed physical human to perfected spiritual being “in the twinkling of an eye” – is by Christ’s power alone when he keeps the promise that “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.” We humans have no role in those events except the willingness to surrender to the control of our Savior.

Sanctification, however, is a joint venture in which we actively participate in the process of becoming more like Jesus. The very purpose of Christian life is to be conformed to the character of Jesus Christ through a life-long series of challenges uniquely designed for each person by God Himself. How we face those challenges determines the speed and quality of the changes within us, even including the possibility of backsliding along the way.

Never can we actually reach perfection through our choices and efforts (only glorification can produce that), but every step in the right direction increases our blessings and rewards in this life and in the Millennial Kingdom. Our works will be tested, and some lazy people and constant backsliders will only get into heaven “as through the fire” (1 Corinthians 3:10-15), but while we remain in these human bodies, we can partner with God the Holy Spirit toward our own improvement and reap great benefit from it.

Our third form of partnership is with God the Son in the work of evangelism. God doesn’t need our help, but he wants it, like a dad wants his young child to help him do projects in the yard. He could get the work done faster and easier without us, but by including us in the process we are improved and blessed, and He has the enjoyment of fellowship with us.

I teach that all evangelism really comes down to nothing more or less than encouraging people to answer Jesus’ knock on their door. Revelation 3:20 says “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him and he with Me.”

We have no power to save anyone, but we do have power and opportunity to persuade others to answer the knock. And when we do that, either through the silent witness of our own lives lived openly for Christ, or through any form of active outreach (there is no set formula we’re obligated to use), we are true partners with God in “the good works which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)

The 3 manifestations of God to Man

We who have been saved by His intervention in our lives perceive God in three ways, according to the attributes and functions of His Trinity. While we know that God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, and that all three attributes belong to all three persons of the Trinity, it is helpful to recognize that Scripture indicates a special association of these attributes to the separate persons of the Trinity in the way they function.

We perceive the omnipotence of God the Father. Omnipotence is power, and it is manifested in its assertion. “So you are My witnesses,” declares the LORD, “that I am God. Even from eternity I am He, and none can deliver out of My hand. When I act, who can reverse it?” (Isaiah 43:12-13) “Dominion and awe belong to God; He establishes harmony in the heights of heaven” (Job 25:2).

We also perceive the omniscience of God the Holy Spirit. Omniscience is perfect knowledge of all things, and it is manifested to us in the channeling of power to produce effects, including the effect of human edification. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” (Acts 1:8). “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come” (John 16:13).

And, most importantly for our sakes, we perceive the omnipresence of God the Son. Omnipresence is God’s personal integration with and continual subsistence of all things everywhere. “He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made” (John 1:2-3). All things means “all things created, in the heavens and upon the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him, and unto him; and he is before all things, and in him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-17).

The 3 components of the One God and of the One Flesh

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart [the seat of knowledge] and with all your soul [presence] and with all your strength [power]” (Deuteronomy 6:4).

“I and the Father are One” (John 10:30)

The One God

God the Father employs God the Holy Spirit to channel His power into the world, most famously in His visitation to Mary, the mother of Jesus. The effect of this exercise of power by God the Father is the introduction of God the Son to human form. The full Trinity of the One God is present at the point of conception.

“So the angel told her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom will never end!’ ‘How can this be,’ Mary asked the angel, ‘since I am a virgin?’ The angel replied, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God'” (Luke 1:30-35).

The One Flesh

“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

The union of a man and woman in marriage is metaphorically and spiritually the melding of the two persons into one. When Jesus recited this verse in Ephesians 5:31-33, he added, “This mystery is profound, but I am speaking about Christ and the church.” Just as He and the Father are one, He and the church are one. He was thus invoking the Trinity, in that the defining factor of “the church” is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit per Acts 2.

Lastly, the union of a man and woman in marriage is also the physical melding of two persons into one when a child is born of their union. He or she is literally one flesh from two by the miracle of DNA – 23 chromosomes from the man, and 23 from the woman. And thus One God and One Flesh both mean three persons.


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The Prophecy of JRR Tolkien

Above: Jesus leads the Host of Heaven in His rescue of the earth from the armies of the Antichrist.
Below: Gandalf arrives (on the third day) to rescue Helm’s Deep from the armies of Sauron.

It is fairly well recognized in Christian circles that J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece, “The Lord of the Rings,” is in many ways allegorical of Christian themes. Supposedly, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and Frank Herbert had some sort of informal agreement to each write a trilogy rooted in a Christian religious theme. Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia” came closest to the mark, being a direct Christian allegory and Herbert’s “Dune” trilogy obviously fell far short (a view shared by Tolkien himself, supposedly). Tolkien’s own effort, influenced by a strong friendship with Lewis, hewed a middle path.

Peter Jackson’s film adaptation of “The Lord of the Rings” preserved many elements of the Christian allegory – the most obvious being the war of good and evil in the world that drives the story, and the unmistakable personification of Satan in the character Sauron. The great climax of the trilogy is clearly Tolkien’s version of the War of Armageddon.

Christ imagery in the film is most dramatically linked to the wizard Gandalf in “The Two Towers,” when (“on the third day”) in blinding white garments he appears on the crest of the ridge overlooking the valley of Helm’s Deep with the “host of heaven” and a blazing sunrise at his back, and then sweeps down the mountainside in a flood of unstoppable righteous vengeance against the wicked.

There’s plenty of “literary license” being taken there, but the imagery is straight out of Revelation 19:11: “Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war. He has eyes like blazing fire, and many royal crowns on His head. … The armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. … He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. And He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”

Of course, Hollywood must always defile the telling of the Gospel, and so Jackson’s version features Ian McKellen, an aggressive homosexual political activist (and groomer of schoolchildren) in the role of Gandalf.

However, the true Christ figure in “The Lord of the Rings” is not Gandalf but Aragorn (played by Viggo Mortensen), a character whose storyline mixes elements of Christian theology with those of British Israelism, a fact best encapsulated in the title of the final book “The Return of the King” (Isildur’s heir).

The most obvious aspect grounded in basic Christian theology is the theme of the second coming of Christ as King of Kings. Through most of the trilogy, Aragorn displays Christlike humility and devoted service to the cause of protecting humanity from evil, always soft-spoken and kind-hearted but unwavering in his righteous cause, like Jesus during his first coming. Only at the end is Aragorn revealed to be the “high king” (king of kings) foretold by prophecy, who then leads the armies of righteousness against the legions of Sauron/Satan.

A second major aspect, common to both traditional Christian theology and to British Israelism, is the theme of a prophesied Millennial Kingdom that follows the War of Armageddon. The coronation of Aragorn occurs only after the conquest of the wicked, amidst many symbols of millennial harmony – a scene much more extensive in the book than in the film.

But a third major aspect, central to British Israelism and unrecognized by most Christians, is the theme of an interrupted royal succession in which the throne is held for long ages of time by a “steward” (the steward of Gondor) awaiting the return of the true king. Indeed, there is a long succession of stewards that began when “Isildur conferred rule of Gondor upon Anárion’s son Meneldil, retaining suzerainty over Gondor as High King of the Dúnedain.”

To be clear, I do not endorse British Israelism, which has been largely debunked and become the subject of much ridicule over the past century. BUT very importantly, it is a doctrine that was so enormously influential in Great Britain from the 16th century through the very early 20th century that I contend it is impossible to understand the rise and rule of the British Empire without knowing BI’s history among the elites. What matters most is not whether BI is true, but that key elites believed it to be true and for hundreds of years set world-shaping policy based in part upon that belief.

The essence of BI doctrine is this: In Genesis 49:10, the patriarch Jacob prophesied that a Hebrew monarchy would arise under his son Judah, to wit, “The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the staff from between his feet until Shiloh [Christ] comes and the allegiance of the nations is his.” Judah had two sons, Zerah and Perez, and the monarchy was vested in the Perez line beginning with David and ending with Jesus (Matthew 1:3-16).

When the Perez line was supposedly terminated by Nebuchadnezzar’s murder of King Zedekiah and all his male heirs (Jeremiah 39:6-7), Jeremiah took the kings daughters (who did in fact survive, per Jeremiah 43:5-6) to Ireland where the alternate Judean royal line of Zerah had supposedly migrated generations before. Thus, BI theory contends, unbroken royal succession continued by marriage of the two royal lines, and expanded to Scotland and then Great Britain, memorialized by the “Stone of Scone” (“Jacob’s pillow”), which literally sits on a shelf under the seat of the official throne to this day.

At Christ’s first advent, Jacob’s “Shiloh” prophecy was fulfilled in part – ending the line of true royalty – but converting the British monarchy into stewards awaiting the return of the true king, Christ, and the prophecy’s total fulfillment in the Millennial Kingdom when “the allegiance of the nations will be His.”

Laugh if you must, but this is the very belief that from the late 1500s onward united certain Jews (Elves), Scottish Protestants (Dwarves) and the British millennialists (Men) in British-Israelism influenced policy that culminated (during Tolkien’s formative years) in the world-shaking liberation of the Holy Land from the Ottoman Turks (Orcs) in 1917 and the subsequent repatriation of the Jews there.

And, bizarrely, Tolkien’s high fantasy seems coincidentally (or perhaps prophetically) to have foreshadowed the British monarchy today in that the final Steward of Gondor was Denethor (King Charles), whose wife Finduilas (Princess Diana) bore him two heirs, Boromir (Prince William) and Faramir (Prince Harry) before dying during their childhood (as did both Finduilas and Diana), and who reigns under the menacing shadow of a powerfully ascendant, deeply malevolent Mordor (the emerging Antichrist Kingdom).

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Milestones on the March to WWIII

Over the past few months, the U.S. “Ministry of Propaganda” has begun a campaign to prepare Americans for a restoration of the military draft. The first hints came in the form of hand-wringing about armed services recruitment levels, and just this week the prospect of an actual return to the draft was floated in (no surprise) The Atlantic magazine, in an opinion piece titled “The All Volunteer Force is in Crisis.” Ironically, I think that was the same day an article ran on Revolver titled “Report: Army’s trannies are exempt from physical fitness standards.”

I predicted a return to the draft back in 2009 in an open letter to U.S. senators titled “Don’t Repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,'” which I traveled to Washington, D.C., to hand deliver to their offices. My two-page argument began: “Repealing the ban on open homosexuals serving in the U.S. military would be a mistake of historic proportions. First, there would certainly be a mass exodus of normal men from a homosexualized military, leading to the reinstatement of compulsory service. The entire premise of a military system based on voluntary service is that young men will want to serve. But will normal men want to volunteer when they know they will share close quarters with other men for whom they will be objects of sexual interest? It is a recipe for deep and widespread moral and morale problems.”

In hindsight my (frankly “no brainer”) warning was clearly prescient, but even I did not foresee the extent of the horror Obama’s DADT repeal (by the hand of George W. Bush’s holdover Defense Secretary Robert Gates) would unleash on our military.

We normies alternately joke and grieve about the “ineptitude” and “insanity” of the Obiden administration, but there is one over-arching, unspoken truth we haven’t yet faced collectively: The ultra-elites behind the elites behind the bobble-heads like Joe Biden we’re allowed to see are evil, but they’re not stupid. There is a practical reason for everything they do. Importantly, their social-engineering timeline is not measured in months or years but in decades and even centuries – much longer than the parts of their strategy we serfs receive as diktats in such documents as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (formally released in 2015 by Obama and Pope Francis).

A recent, quite fascinating article exposing a bit of that hidden history is Richard Poe’s piece “How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews): The Untold Story of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, MI6, and the Russian Revolution.” A companion read if you’re so inclined is an excellent article by Alex Krainer, titled “France under attack,” that reads almost like an addendum and “proof-of-thesis” to the Poe piece. And if you want to look deeper still for the fingerprints (and motivations) of the hidden hands of the ultra-elites, consider my series “Judah Under the Gentiles” (which in the context of these recommended readings puts some of the blame back on the Torah-rejecting Jews Poe tries to exonerate). For dessert, you simply must read Winston Churchill’s forgotten short essay “Zionism versus Bolshevism,” which I learned about from Poe (who unfortunately mischaracterized it as an antisemitic rant).

My point is that our current march to World War III began long before the 2014 Obama/Soros coup that started the present war in Ukraine, and almost certainly has been in the works since the end of WWII in a very general sense. The world is one gigantic game board for those who really rule over us – the 1% of the 1% – (humanity’s self-appointed governing council). They prepare us for each new stage of change long before its implementation, using all the spheres of cultural influence they have always controlled (e.g. Hollywood and Academia), so that we serfs of all stripes share common conceptual foundations of their making (e.g., “evolution” and “sexual orientation” theories) for interpreting the planned changes they introduce sequentially.

Using the various social structures they build for us upon those foundations, they, of course, play the endless game of divide and conquer to reduce the threat of overthrow, always managing and manipulating both ends of the political spectrum and pitting the polar extremes of the cultural divide against each other (e.g., Tea Party vs. Occupy). Each set of partisans, both left and right, Blue Team and Red Team, always think their side has the “truth” and “right” – which terms are always defined by manufactured presuppositions spoon-fed to us all since infancy (which, with few exceptions, only strongly committed Bible-believers have the power to escape).

But even those at the Purple Uniparty level are just pieces on the board. As middle-management, these elites get to see a lot more of how the game is played, and to revel in their perks, including the exhilarating exercise of control – but control only of those beneath them in the pyramid of principalities and powers and only so long as they faithfully submit to those above them.

We in the lower strata are never allowed to see the ultra-elites at the pinnacle’s peak, but there are a few people visible to us at the very top edge of the elite strata at its cusp with the ultra-elites. The actions of those few offer the best clues to what’s coming. I’m alluding in this context specifically to George Soros and his “open borders” agenda.

In my May 15, 2023, column on WND I theorized that the young men being lured (for more than a decade now) to criminally trespass across the U.S. border by the millions (thinking its their own idea) are destined to be conscripts for war in Ukraine. I also opined that our disastrous Vietnam War experience guaranteed that Americans would never again tolerate the mass-sacrifice of their native sons in foreign wars. (Likewise the Europeans who have largely surrendered their sovereignty to NATO to avoid the need for large standing armies.)

But nations sorely riven by open-borders invasion would unite in agreement that those “immigrants” could and should earn their place by military service as cannon fodder in a foreign war – in our case a long and hallowed American tradition. And those same Americans (including the multi-generational military families now banning their kids from joining) would sigh in relief that the otherwise bizarre and inexplicable homosexualization of our military caused them to discourage the enlistment of their own sons during the peace-time lead-up to the coming “war-time” draft.

The new mantra we’re hearing on the Ukraine debacle is that if (when) Russia finishes defeating the Ukrainian army, Americans will have to step in with boots on the ground. The latest neocon to parrot that threat (prediction) is the election-fraud traitor Mike Pence. That’s a clear milestone on the path to world war, as has been each of the several dramatic escalations in U.S. war machinery being provided to Ukraine, the latest being cluster-bombs.

These milestones are intended to seem like incidental policy developments being crafted in real time – but the road to the third world war was blazed and paved long ago, and that truth helps explain many things about America today that are otherwise unfathomable.

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Don’t Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

From the Archives

Introduction by Dr. Lively, July 8, 2023:

On February 2, 2009, I published an article in Accuracy in Media titled The Nazi Model for “Gays” in the Military. Shortly thereafter I revised it and retitled it to serve as appeal to US Senators considering the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” I released an advance copy to my supporters seeking funding to do a personal outreach to Congress. My note to supporters and the final draft of the revised article are published below.

Among the offices I visited on the day of my outreach was that of my home state Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, who had been elected to replace recently deceased Ted Kennedy on a strong pro-family platform. I was told by his staff that he had proudly voted not to allow the repeal bill out of committee. But that vote failed, and by the time the full floor vote came up, the “gays” had fairly obviously blackmailed Brown into not just flipping, but holding a special photo-op signing session with the leading “gay” activists of Massachusetts arrayed behind him. Disgraced by this outrageous betrayal, his formerly promising political career crashed and burned and he never won another general election. Brown shares considerable culpability for what has since transpired in our military.

My Note to Supporters

Dear Pro-Family Patriots,

The worst idea in a long string of bad ideas by the Obama administration is the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. I am personally going all-out to try to stop the repeal. I am looking for sponsors to fund a book distribution of copies of The Pink Swastika to every member of the U.S. Senate. To help, make a donation at We’re asking for donations of $25 or more to help cover the cost of books and travel.

I will personally hand-deliver copies of the book, and the essay below to each Senate office sometime within the next 10 days so please act quickly. If you are within driving distance of D.C. and would like to join me for a day of lobbying, please e-mail me at Please also distribute this message to your pro-family lists.

May God Save America, Scott Lively, J.D., Th.D.


Repealing the ban on open homosexuals serving in the U.S. military would be a mistake of historic proportions.

First, there would certainly be a mass exodus of normal men from a homosexualized military, leading to the reinstatement of compulsory service. The entire premise of a military system based on voluntary service is that young men will want to serve. But will normal men want to volunteer when they know they will share close quarters with other men for whom they will be objects of sexual interest? It is a recipe for deep and widespread moral and morale problems.

Then there’s the likelihood of physical conflict among the troops. Will proud young men being honed to become weapons of aggression against America’s enemies tolerate being ogled in the showers or touched inappropriately or bunking near sexually-active “gays“? Undoubtedly blood will spill over such (inevitable) indignities.

But what will be the political consequence? Once homosexuals are invited to serve, the authorities will be committed to integrate them into the ranks, which means “sensitivity” training, anti-discrimination policies, and all of the other “politically correct” nonsense that has been such a disaster in the other spheres of our society. These policies have smacked of pro-“gay” fascism in the civilian world; how much worse would it be in the rigidly-controlled environment of the military?

A sizable percentage of men would not willingly subject themselves to such an environment. So, ironically, reinstatement of the draft would be made necessary by “homophobia,” and for that reason the anti-war Lefties would suddenly become defenders of compulsory service.

Of course, no amount of “sensitivity training” will change the fundamental nature of young men and so it is likely that some form of segregated service would eventually be proposed. (We’ve seen this trend begin to arise in public education, where all-“gay” schools are the latest development.) This would be the biggest mistake of all, raising the specter (over time) of a homosexual takeover of the military branches.

Most people don’t realize that male homosexuality does not always lean to the effeminate. Historically, male homosexuality was much more often associated with hyper-masculine warrior societies which were usually very brutal and very politically aggressive. The most recent example was in Germany. Hitler’s initial power base when he launched the Nazi Party was a private homosexual military force organized and trained by a notorious pederast named Gerhard Rossbach. Rossbach’s homosexual partner Ernst Roehm, who was also Hitler’s partner in forming and building the Nazi Party, converted the “gay” Rossbachbund into the dreaded SA Brownshirts.

“Many of the [S.A.‘s] top leaders, beginning with its chief, [Ernst] Roehm, were notorious homosexual perverts,” wrote the preeminent historian of the Nazi era, William Shirer in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

In The Homosexual Matrix, C.A. Tripp writes that “[f]ar to the other extreme [opposite of effeminate “gays“], there are a number of utterly masculine, sometimes super masculine homosexuals. They are obsessed with everything male and eschew anything weak or effeminate. Unquestionably they represent the epitome of what can happen when an eroticized maleness gains the full backing of a value system that supports it.”

Masculine-oriented male homosexuality tends also to be pederastic in nature, meaning that it often involves relationships between adult men and teenage boys. The ancient Spartan army, for example, drafted young teen boys and paired them with adult homosexual soldiers. Brownshirt leaders in Germany recruited boys from the local high schools for sex. Roehm himself once briefly fled Germany for South America over a scandal involving a young male prostitute. This bodes ill for the young men who will be our future draftees.

The scenario I see unfolding if we allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military is an initial period of turmoil in which members of the services would attempt to show their opposition through the limited means available to them. This would result in a clamp-down by military authorities in an effort to force acceptance, accompanied by a sensitivity-training regimen. One or more incidents of violence against homosexuals, real or staged by the “gays” themselves, would ensure prioritization of the politically-correct policies, and justify pro-homosexual “affirmative action.”

Next would come a severe drop in enlistments and re-enlistments, triggering the reinstatement of the draft. This would in turn begin a degeneration of the moral and ethical culture of the services as those with the highest personal values would be most likely to leave, being replaced, in many cases, by men whose motivation is to share a male-dominated environment with others of similar sexual proclivities.

Whether or not a segregated service was initiated, a homosexual subculture of servicemen would form, characterized by intense internal loyalty and political ambition. Eventually, this “army within an army,” buoyed by pro-homosexual “affirmative action,” and the ability to act covertly (due to the fact that some would remain “closeted“) would come to dominate the services. What would they do with such power? The historical precedents are uniformly bad.

Lastly, and perhaps most serious is the loss of our moral authority around the world, especially in the Moslem countries. Until now, we have relied upon the partnership of moderate Moslems in our campaign to marginalize the extremists who already call us The Great Satan for our moral ambiguities. Yet how quickly will we lose the popular support of these people and governments when they know that the soldiers we are sending for “nation-building” on Moslem soil are overt, practicing homosexuals? We are handing the extremists an entirely new and powerful recruiting tool, and undermining the goodwill of every socially conservative nation on the planet, culminating in a net increase of danger for our troops and decrease of respect for our way of life.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was an enlightened compromise when it was first conceived, and has proved to be a successful policy for our military. If anything, we should be expanding Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell into civilian life, rather than imposing the sexual libertinism of our corrupt civilian culture on the military. If, God forbid, we take that radical step, the consequences of its repeal will be severe.

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30 Days of Pride-Month Pushback

For the month of June, 2023, our focus is on education about the history goals and tactics of the LGBT movement and all our uploads will be posted to a special section of this website HERE.
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How the US Proxy War in Ukraine Harms Israel

For years I have been in correspondence with an American ex-pat who shares my respect for Russia and Putin. I have appreciated this man for introducing me to information sources outside of the US/UK media bubble. By having learned about and regularly monitored these sources, I believe I am one of the better informed Americans on the Russian perspectives of the issues.

Unfortunately, this man has become increasingly hostile to Israel over this same period, and particularly scornful toward “Christian Zionists.” I’ve given up trying to reason with him on the matter because he’s become ideologically entrenched. Essentially, while I remain simply a truth-seeker anchored by a mature biblical worldview, he has become a “team player” for the Russian Federation which has responded to NATO aggression/sanctions by building alliances with the Islamic nations and Communist China. Its new worldview is thus laced with coalition-affirming arguments from Islamic and Communist perspectives in the same way US propaganda has traditionally included pro-Saudi themes for the same reason (even after 9/11).

Russia’s “marriage-of-convenience” geopolitical partnerships are ultimately incompatible with the Russian Orthodox theology at the core of post-Soviet Russia and will eventually produce schisms, but in the meantime the nascent anti-Semitic inclinations of Orthodox believers (rooted in the doctrine of supersessionism – or “replacement theology” – which it shares with Roman Catholicism and some Protestant denominations) has been rekindled by close relations with the Muslims. That has manifested in a strong and growing anti-Zionist sentiment among both Russian nationalists and Orthodox Christians (even here at home). It is made much worse by blatant anti-Torah perspectives and policies of the Israeli government, symbolically represented recently by its outrageous equation of hostility toward the morally reprobate George Soros with anti-Semitism.

More to the point, all authentic Christians and Torah-faithful Jews abhor the leftist Jews’ embrace and often sponsorship of the LGBT cult driving the larger leftist agenda globally, but the opposing “anti-Zionism” cult fails to distinguish and defend authentic Jews as a priority in their analysis and rhetoric — raising the distinction (if at all) only as a point of self-defense when accused of anti-Semitism.

Meanwhile, two dangerous new developments affecting Israel have arisen on the world stage.

The first is the de-fragmentation of the Islamic world through the strategic maneuvers of Russia and China, breaking the barriers erected between Islamic factions by the British after WWI to prevent the resurgence of the Ottoman Empire (the last actual Caliphate). The Brits intentionally separated the Turk’s former empire into nation-states and fostered rivalries between them to prevent reunification: an age-old Imperial tactic which the Assyrians mastered in the ancient world and which the British modernized during their own long dominance of the world. After WWII the US took up the mantle and the strategy. And, of course, the Jews have always had a (biblically grounded) hand in this going all the way back to the Hebraic Movement in Christianity of the 16th and 17th Centuries in England (and Holland), evidenced by the world-changing (but now largely debunked) doctrine of British-Israelism that persisted from the early 1600s until just after WWI.

The second development is the recent, unprecedented ascension of Orthodox Jewish nationalists to power in Israel, triggering a low-level civil war with the fully secular and semi-secularized religious Jews who have ruled the modern Jewish state since it’s formation in 1948. These Ultra-Orthodox Israelis are the true “Zionists” as measured by the claims and aims of the formal establishment of the Zionist Movement in 1897. But not by the two house (British Israel) version of Zionism that had already been repatriating Jews to Israel since the early 1800s under the auspices of the Anglican Church.

The distinction between the two forms of Zionism holds the key to understanding both where these two new geopolitical developments place us in prophecy, and how remnant Christians can maneuver through the theological and political minefields that now exist. In short, the British Israel version of Zionism is grounded in the two house prophecy of the Bible in which the House of Judah (the Jews) and the House of Israel (Christianity) will be reconciled in the Holy Land during the Millennial Kingdom when Jesus Christ will physically rule the world from the Throne of David in Jerusalem. (My book The Prodigal Son Prophecy extensively explores this theme , but you can read a summary of it here.)

The later, now dominant form of Zionism is a Jewish political movement that ignores the long history of Jewish and Christian cooperation to reclaim the the Holy Land and asserts an exclusively Jewish claim to the territory. Importantly, however, this “selfishness” by the House of Judah is an essential part of end-time prophecy, according to Jesus in His Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24-25 (especially 24:32-34). He taught that the season of the end begins with budding of the “fig tree” (deeply symbolic of only Judah, see especially Jeremiah 24). It concludes with the fulfillment of Jacob’s prophecy over Judah from Genesis 49:8-12: “Judah…Your hand shall be on the necks of your enemies…The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes and the allegiance of the nations is his….He washes his garments in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes.”

Thus, modern Judah WILL hold power in the Holy Land “until Shiloh comes.” Shiloh (ancient capital of the House of Israel) is symbolic of Christ. “The allegiance of the nations” will be His only upon His second coming when “He washes his garments in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes” as described in detail in Revelation 19:13-15 “He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God….He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.” (Read all of Revelation 19 for clarity.)

Do the Jews have an outsized influence in the world? Of course they do, by God’s own design — which is not to say that influence is always benign. Indeed, in the last days it is the (Soros-like) Synagogue of Satan that brings in the Antichrist Kingdom: right before our eyes, while the remnant of true Yahweh worshipers, Christians and Jews (the two witnesses), suffer the wrath of the world, which drives them together on the very cusp of the transition from the Age of the Gentiles to the Millennial Kingdom. Christians WILL be welcomed back to Israel by the true Jews at that time, which gets closer every day.

Until then, which Zionism is actually Christian? BOTH! If you trust God’s plan. But between then and now God’s Holy Land (and all who support the House of Judah’s covenantal right to it) will suffer the severe consequences of rule by the wicked whose top leadership is even today orchestrating WWIII and all the Soros “sorrows” that brings.

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An Alternate Theory on Open Borders

I haven’t seen anyone else offer this opinion, but I believe the flood of illegal immigrants who have been coming over our southern border for the past decade – mostly military-age young men — may actually be intended to serve as cannon-fodder for the now-admitted American-run Ukraine war of attrition against Russia. Their status as non-citizens of the US would allow them to become foreign mercenaries to Ukraine identified only by their country of origin, theoretically preserving the ability of our corrupt elites to plausibly deny that their actions constitute direct US war with Russia (triggering all the serious complications of constitutional and international law that would entail).

These young men would be recruited/conscripted in the US, perhaps (carrot and stick fashion) in conjunction with the threat of deportation/prosecution, then trained and equipped in the US or Europe alongside native Ukrainian soldiers, but paid by US tax-money laundered through the Ukrainian government in the form of wages. Conversely, we might openly declare war and institute a draft to do pretty much the same thing. (Interestingly, even illegals are legally required to register with Selective Service. )

Is this a plausible theory? The corrupt elites whose minions rule us from their deep-state bunkers in the Defense and State departments of our government love fighting wars with proxy armies. They learned a hard lesson during the Vietnam War that Americans would no longer tolerate forever wars in which large numbers of their own children died for ideological pretexts masking mega-corporate geopolitical strategies. So proxy-wars became necessary to keep the military-industrial complex humming and Anglo-American global hegemony intact.

Importantly, these elites are not short-term thinkers but plan decades, even centuries ahead. I’m not talking about the figureheads who change from election to election or their deep state handlers but the old, old money family dynasties who feature so prominently in populist conspiracy theories/realities but are never actually seen. We don’t see them but we know they’re there, like the invisible electricity that powers our consumer appliances. They’re real people with real power and a real agenda that proceeds without regard for what the common people think they want.

Think they want?” The “tide of history” shows that the commoners are as malleable as play-dough in their hands when the time-line for shaping the public’s “wants” spans generations. They know their systems for social engineering work and they are very patient. They didn’t push for transgender self-determination in the 1950s because they knew their strategy for LGBT cultural supremacy would require slow incremental change — focused on the children – while at the same time placating the older generations by allowing them to achieve a continual series of temporary, ultimately meaningless, partial victories. It works the same on all issues.

In other words, effective long-term social engineering always follows the Marxist dialectic: thesis, antithesis, synthesis: two steps forward (to set the path), one step back (to placate the conservatives), a short pause to consolidate (synthesize) the new “status quo,” then repeat for a net gain of one step “forward” each cycle. That’s how the elites manufacture their metaphorical “tide of history” and make it look like spontaneous organic change to those observing it subjectively in real time.

That’s the beauty of truly long-term planning in societies of short term thinkers. The elites knew, for example, even during the Eisenhower administration that world war with the Russian Empire would be inevitable. But they also knew that the passion of many in the victorious WWII generation (including General MacArthur) for pressing on immediately to defeat Communism was foolishness and that immediate war against the Soviet Union on the Asian front would be disastrous. From their elite perch above the geo-political narratives (which even before the “Cronkite Era” they spoon-fed the common people through their controlled media) they had watched a woefully under-prepared Russia decimate the unprecedentedly formidable Nazi war machine in 1941 and 42 while learning from it’s mistakes and then transforming itself into a Soviet military superpower by 1945.

Instead they began a long-term delay and containment strategy, knowing that the creation of the New York City-based United Nations in 1945 and their already existing control of global banking and oil production, would allow them to steer world affairs while they built the NATO alliance and, slowly, over a period of decades, tightened it like a noose around the Russian Empire. The official North Atlantic Treaty was signed in 1949 signaling a formal break-up of the Allied coalition of WWII and the start of a cold war with the Soviet Union. NATO was militarized in 1951, and through it the Anglo-American partnership established global hegemony and set its sights on creating a single global government (whose visible roots actually go back to the Woodrow Wilson administration and his post-WWI League of Nations in 1920 – revealing, again, that these are very long-term planners). The takedown of the Soviet Union in 1991 sped the process.

Now, I do not believe that the nations of the world would live in harmony if not for (currently wicked) Anglo-American dominance, as those who support the rising Russian-orchestrated “multi-polar” world order now contend. And if the benign British and American values of the Christian era still prevailed, I would still be among the world’s strongest defenders of the “melting pot” version of the American dream as a global template. But power always corrupts and idealism always succumbs to the rationalizations of the power-hungry, which is why every form of government in world history including our beloved America has failed to honor God’s intentions for civilization, and why His final solution is His soon-coming Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMaschiah).

The Russian Federation, with its hopeful championship of pro-family normalcy and rightness of cause in defending its legitimate national interests in the face of relentless NATO aggression, will not be the salvation of the world but only play it’s role as global scapegoat in the looming great collapse and great reset. The current, unsustainable partnership of Orthodox Russia with Islamic nations and Communist China would inevitably devolve into conflict, even if it survived WWIII intact, which it won’t and neither will we. The Antichrist kingdom will be the temporary victor pending Christ’s second coming, and all the world will suffer that evil rule together.

But between now and then there is (if Bible literalism trumps comforting pre-trib rapture theories), some heavy tribulation to survive per the chronology revealed to us by Jesus in Matthew 24-25. And our job as believers preparing for His return is to read the signs of the season to gauge as best we can where we presently stand in the prophetic time-line.

I first advanced my open border theory a few months ago that the young men being lured to criminally trespass across our border by the millions were destined to be conscripts for war. Since then even big-city Democrats have begun pushing back against the flood because it has reached their jurisdictions. And yet, the elites are doubling down and drawing even more illegals into the net, while at the same time they are using high-profile transgender stunts to intentionally drive American men away from military service and create a perceived need for a return of the draft. I think both those things strengthen my case. Time will tell if I’m right.

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Yes, Democrats Should Pay Reparations

by Dr. Scott Lively (Offered with a slight overtone of sarcasm)

The reparations movement may seem like nothing more than the mother of all shake-down operations in the tradition of the BLM riot-backed corporate extortion scheme of 2020 (raking in $83 billion), but many modern Democrats (of the rank and file) do genuinely seem wracked by guilt over black slavery, and rightly so, since their predecessors in the party were its chief orchestrators and defenders. So, to the extent that it IS motivated by genuine repentance, it is understandable — even laudable — that paying reparations for slavery is now high on their political agenda. However, in typical Democrat fashion, they want somebody else to pony up the money: specifically the American taxpayers — instead of paying for their own mistakes, which suggests they aren’t sincere at all.

But just for the sake of argument, lets assume they’re ready to repent and just need a little reminder about what reparations really are and who should pay them.

High on the list of those who should not pay them are Republicans. The Republican Party was created in large part to end slavery, and after the Civil War finally did end what Christian abolitionists had been trying to ban since the days of John and John Quincy Adams, the first two dozen or so black legislators in America were Republicans. While not every 19th Century Republican was an abolitionist (they had their RINOs too), the unquestionable political home of the slavery abolitionist movement was the Republican Party – much like it is the home of the abortion abolitionist movement today. So when Republicans express sympathy for the historic plight of black slaves they are aligning with their own ideological heritage. When Democrats do so it represents at best a mea culpa recanting of their heritage and at worst mere diversionary virtue signaling and cynical blame-shifting.

The City of San Francisco, California is leading the way on creating a blame-shifting model for taxpayer funded reparations. In the case of San Fran itself, the model isn’t completely off base since most of its taxpayers are Democrats who – collectively – should (arguably) be paying whatever reparations are deemed appropriate. But if their model were imposed on the whole nation it would unfairly punish a majority of citizens – including especially the heirs of abolitionist Republicans – who are not at all culpable even by the most liberal reading of the facts of American history. And even in San Francisco there are many taxpayers who should NOT be required to pay restitution under its false theory of vicarious collective guilt.

So how can we as a nation maneuver through the reparations minefield to a just and equitable solution on an issue that is certainly not going away because it is paying huge political dividends to the very culprits doing the blame-shifting?

First, let’s not over-react to the issue itself as if it has no merit. Generally speaking, “reparations” is a common factor in judicial proceedings, going to the questions of justice and restitution for wrongs done. It is addressed in myriad contexts every day in courts of law and equity. Whatever was stolen from someone must be restored by the thief, and those who have done harm to others have a duty to make them whole to the extent possible. That is the most foundational principle in Torts (private harms adjudicated in civil lawsuits) and Crimes (harms that injure not just the specific victims but society as a whole). It is the role of government to administer courts to ensure justice is done.

That said, on the question of reparations for black slavery prior to the 13th Amendment, I would argue that at least some reparations have already been paid, starting with the Union dispensation of “40 acres and a mule” to former slaves in the south, and through many other guilt-based social policies that have shown special favor to blacks for past wrongs done, including “Affirmative Action.” Frankly, I think those reparations may not have been adequate compensation in many cases and some things that might seem to fall in the category of “reparations” have in fact done more harm than good — in large part because of corrupt motives of the key architects of the “entitlement” system that spawned them: the worst of these bad actors being Lyndon Baines Johnson who used the theme of “social justice“ to create an entirely new system of inner-city black enslavement… to the Democrat Party. In fact, I believe the harm done to black families and inner city communities by modern Democrats is in some ways worse than the original form of enslavement.

Critically, notwithstanding the relentless grievance-mongering propaganda of the hard left, reparations is NOT a black vs white issue, but an “actual victim” vs “actual perpetrator” matter. The simple truth which kills that malicious narrative is that neither blacks nor whites are victims or perps based on the color of their skin, but on their actual provable conduct/experiences (for example, some slaves were white and some slave-holders were black). Neither is any person guilty of the sins of their parents or ancestors.

Now, if the original slave-holders were enriched by the (often decades-long) theft of the labor of others, and those riches lie at the foundation of an unbroken stream of accumulated wealth held by their modern descendants, the actual descendants of those slaves would seem to have a strong claim against the actual descendants of the slave holders. Other than that there is no legal or moral justification for holding any living person accountable.

However, there is one class of legal “persons” whose life and thus culpability is perpetual: corporations — which are considered fictitious persons under the law. Many of the slave-holders were not families but corporations, whose history can be traced through their and their successor’s mandatory government filings all the way back to the years at issue. Companies whose wealth includes income from slavery would seem to be legitimate, indeed prime targets for reparations.

But, importantly, political parties are another type of fictitious persons created and maintained by government filings, and thus should fall within the scope of culpability for the purpose of reparations. So if I were a reparations activist, that would be my priority: identifying and prosecuting the guilty, starting with the Democrat Party.

Now, if governments ever do decide to pay reparations (like the British government did incrementally from 1807 to 2015) they should be conditional on the equivalent of a “full satisfaction of claims” sign-off by the recipients and their lobbyists/activists, guaranteeing a total cessation of both grievance-based politics and public tolerance for thuggery — both of which have been intentionally driven by the “Woke” political left for their own selfish ends.

But we all know that condition would never be honored, just as we know from long experience with the liberals, that the “reparations” movement (especially for those setting its agenda at the top) really IS just the mother of all shakedown operations – with taxpayers as the patsy who would, once again, pay the bill.


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How LGBTs Exploit Blacks and Women

Amongst the progressive herd of woke sacred cows, none is more exalted than homosexuality, and there’s no better indicator of that truth than the LGBT movement’s “pride of place” in the wokeness “holiday” calendar.

Black History Month gets the frozen wasteland of February (the shortest month being the “short end of the stick” as it were). Women get March (the month of dirty slush and abortive false-spring disappointments). But the gays and trannies get June for “Gay Pride Month” – the best of summer, lush, green and bursting with life: the month of vacations in the sun and lots of sporting events showcasing the gloating superiority of “trans women” over natural women and girls.

June is, of course, the month most optimal for parades – and parade they do. Indeed, the “gay pride” parades are the high point of the woke year – and everyone on the left is expected – nay, required – to attend. It is the ultimate test of virtue – the woke equivalent of a pilgrimage to Mecca – with the highest virtue-signaling scores going to those who bring their children to cavort with the drag queens and leather fetishists. The woke media cover these celebrations like they were V-E Day in Times Square (1945) – and in a very real sense, they are.

Few recognize that these “gay pride” parades are, literally, celebrations of martial power in the tradition of conquering armies flaunting plunder taken from defeated foes. Not kinetic wars but cultural ones: not captured armor and artifacts but captured people and their cultural symbolism. The floats and finery of these processions accentuate a cavalcade of cultural appropriations: the trans appropriation of the emblems of femininity and feminism, the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” appropriation of Catholic imagery, the “welcoming and affirming” contingents of pseudo-Christians’ appropriation of Protestant imagery, etc. – and above all of them flies the rainbow flag, stolen in the 1980s from the Black Panthers and Jesse Jackson’s “Rainbow Coalition.” Each contingent of Boy Scouts, soldiers and sailors, cops, civil servants, business and community groups represent the conquest of a former secular foe to the LGBT agenda being marched, hook-jawed like the Assyrian captives of old before cow-eyed masses awed by “gay” supremacy.

And of course, beyond the scope of the parade context, every church, government building, corporation or sports team that flies the rainbow flag is acknowledging its conquest by the LGBTs. Importantly, they’re not flying the flags of “Women’s Pride,” “Black Pride,” “Hispanic Pride,” or any other “Pride” flags in anything other than temporary token acknowledgment of their ownership by the herd. It’s only the Gay Pride flag that has priority and permanence.

When it comes to dividing the plunder of cultural conquest it’s always “one for you, and two for me.” That’s how, in addition to ALL of June, the LGBTs also get ALL of October for “Gay History Month.” Again, not just any month, but the premium month of the fall season and, most importantly, the first full month of the new school year – when America’s children have finally gotten past the September squirms and settled in to the rigors and rhythms of the new school year.

They’re then optimally ready to be immersed in all-things “gay” in every academic subject and social event, for regurgitation “in their own words” through the rest of the school year – the first major test with high social credit value being “coming out to your parents” on Thanksgiving in November. (The dress rehearsal for that is, of course, “Coming Out Day,” Oct 11, when the entire student body gets to witness the dispensation of special status and privilege by the faculty, administration and already “out” peers to those who “bravely choose to self-identify as ‘gay’ or ‘trans.’”)

My point in this article is to show that the woke herd of sacred cows is not and has never been a “coalition of equals” but an LGBT stable of assets. Radical feminists were useful to them in politically neutralizing white straight men from the 1950s through the 2015 defeat of the exclusivity of heterosexual marriage, and then they were immediately labeled TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) and targeted for political destruction when the cutting edge of the agenda shifted to trans-sexuality.

Black figureheads were especially useful to them from the 1980s to the present as the political equivalent of “offensive lineman” (relative to LGBT quarterbacking) in the long campaign to socially engineer special rights for “gays” under civil rights law. But, again, “Blackness” now offers NO social credit if you’re not 100% pro-LGBT (e.g., Justice Clarence Thomas). To ensure total LGBT control, the leadership of Black Lives Matter was assigned to a pair of black lesbians, and “hetero-normative” icon Bill Cosby was preemptively taken out politically (pre-Ferguson) so as not to interfere. To quash all doubt of who called the shots, the second defining act of BLM was to launch the black-trans agenda in parallel to the war against cops.

Very soon we’re all going to be subjected to another tsunami of relentless, nauseating LGBT propaganda during “Gay Pride Month.” We can’t stop it (yet), but we can do better at pushing back than we have in the past. I am challenging every normal-thinking person reading this article to take on this task in your own way, and to begin preparing today. (Start by forwarding this article to your friends.)

The LGBT movement is built on a foundation of lies, and I believe its greatest vulnerability is the plain, documented truth about its history, goals, strategies and actions. My co-author Kevin Abrams and I proved this hypothesis when we thwarted the “gay” attempt to “culturally appropriate” (hijack) the Holocaust in the 1990s. Our book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (First Edition, 1995), which was taken up as a sword against the “Gay Holocaust” fraud by a national network of Orthodox Jewish rabbis, stopped that effort cold.

But the greater benefit of this book is its extensive documentation of the Nazi roots of the American LGBT movement. My plan for “pride month” this year is to bring The Pink Swastika out of mothballs and promote its truths in an advertising campaign for the book. I’ve started my own bookstore for this purpose (because it’s aggressively banned virtually everywhere else) and have just accepted delivery of the first reprint of the Fourth Edition in 20 years. I’m not selling it for personal enrichment but to use 100% of the sales to fund an educational campaign about the ugly true history of the LGBT agenda, especially to the America First movement, which has encouragingly taken up the fight under the “anti-grooming” banner, but which is still mostly ignorant of the nuclear bombshell truths exhaustively documented in The Pink Swastika (using unimpeachable mainstream and LGBT sources).

It’s time to take an axe to the Nazi roots of the groomer trees, but first they need to be exposed.


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Wokeness is a Progressive Religious Cult

Recently I received a note from a supporter asking me to define “Woke” and explain why “Wokeness” is spreading so rapidly. Here goes:

As a culture-war term of art, “Woke” is roughly equivalent to “Progressive” but connotes an extreme form most comparable to religious fanaticism. A “Woke” person is a passionate fully committed convert to the Progressive “religion” of Cultural Marxism, but one especially zealous for the cause of imposing its doctrines on the world. “Woke” is therefore the Satanic equivalent of “Born Again,” and “Wokeness” is the demonic equivalent of evangelical fervor. Thus the current battle for America should properly be viewed as a religious war of conquest by Woke armies against Judeo-Christian norms and cultural infrastructure. And the new “cancel culture” norms they strive to establish are their version of Inquisitor-enforced anti-blasphemy laws, minus (for now) the torture dungeons. Conservatives need to wake up to the fact that secular tactics cannot defeat spiritual enemies.

The greatest flaw of “conservatism” is its reactive emphasis on “conserving” the secular status quo, while the greatest advantage of “progressivism” is its constant pro-active pursuit of an essentially religious vision for the future. Progressives always have that vision to strive for, a systematic agenda to get them there, and doctrinal “narratives” about the vision and agenda to motivate, define, and morally justify themselves by. The Conservatives’ primary goal and agenda is to stop the progressives from achieving their goals by dragging their feet and throwing up roadblocks to lefty “progress.” Thus the Conservatives always win at first because it’s easier to obstruct than to build, but the Progressives always prevail over time because persistence always pays off – and because (since the early to mid 20th Century) Progressives control public education and the media which they use to indoctrinate the Conservatives’ children with Progressive theology while they wait for enough grey heads to die off to permanently tip the balance in their favor.

Generation by generation, issue by issue, ratchet-like, they engineer social change ever leftward and everybody on the right follows a few steps behind: fighting “gay marriage” tooth and nail under Reagan, then mindlessly inviting “gay” couples to their anti-Trans events under Trump. What changed except our supposed principles? And what makes us think we can beat them this time using the exact same playbook – which they wrote?

The best of the American Conservatives (a minority of mostly strong Christians) have the goal of restoring the models created for us by our Christian founders: the biblical vision of a “Shining City on a Hill” and the Bible-based aspirational goals of the Declaration of Independence which they attempted (largely successfully) to codify in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But most of the rest of the Conservative “movement” are just traditionalists who resist change by nature without any particular knowledge of the reasoning, philosophy or theology behind their traditions. The closest they get to a common defining ideology is “patriotism.” They have lost their Christian faith – or perhaps more accurately have lost faith in the power of Christian faith.

Sometimes these Populist, Libertarian and nominally-Christian types get reawakened to foundational truths when the Progressives move too fast and cause the frog to jump out of the pot. That happened first in the Baby Boomer generation under Jimmy Carter, triggering the Ronald Reagan presidency and the “Reagan Revolution,” and then in the Millennial Generation under Barack Obama which triggered the Tea Party Revolution, the Donald Trump presidency and the MAGA movement. In both cases it was visionary pro-active Christianity that empowered Conservatism to (briefly) reclaim some ground.

Unfortunately, through simple incrementalism in their “long march through the institutions” over the past century, the Progressives have taken enough of the seats of power, and destroyed enough of America’s constitutional infrastructure, that they may now be invincible. Their combined sense of excitement and impunity from that realization has spawned today’s hyper-aggressive Cult of Wokeness. The 2020 election coup, the plandemic, and now the “trans-demic” all illustrate a level of power and control among the now “Woke” Progressive elite so enormous that they now openly defy laws, ethics and social conventions with virtually zero accountability.

The double standards they operate by in every public sphere are so blatant and egregious that they transcend what many believe is just a delusional lack of self-awareness of their own hypocrisy. No, they are knowingly and sadistically toying with us – like Disney doubling and tripling down on their grooming agenda targeting our children and grandchildren while sneering at us with smug superiority as we try unsuccessfully to bring them to heel with boycott-based financial punishment. We’re plunging down the mountain in a speeding car, furiously pumping brakes that just don’t work and realizing that they really don’t care about the old money system anymore – “Woke” religious zealotry has supplanted even the profit-motive.

The Woke Progressives don’t care about the Boomers anymore. Our numbers are dropping every day. They don’t care about anti-Trans activism by the Millennials who will cave faster than the Boomers did because they already embrace much the rest of the LGBT agenda and thus have no moral authority or sense of history. Woke Progressives have got pretty close to 100% control of the schools, media, corporations, sports leagues, and NGOs so there is really nothing we can do stop them from transitioning ALL the children who are not being specially shielded and counter-trained by their parents. Florida and a few other states are laudably trying to keep Wokeness out of the schools but that’s not enough to protect kids from a trillion-dollar multi-institutional culture-wide campaign of Woke evangelism in the age of social media.

Importantly, because the Cultural Marxist strategy behind the Progressive agenda has always pushed the sexual revolution to disintegrate true marriage and the natural family (the immune system of every nation), recruiting the kids into sexual anarchy clears the path for everything else. That’s why it has such a high priority on the left.

All the above is just practical reality from a materialist perspective. Biblically speaking, I believe we have reached the point in the prophetic timeline described in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: “The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.”

Wokeness IS that “powerful delusion” (or at least a major aspect of it) and nothing can save the children from it but the truth of Christ. Rise UP, Oh men of God and proclaim that truth!

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Only God Can Save Us Now! But Will He?

The greatest flaw of “conservatism” is its reactive emphasis on “conserving” the status quo, while the greatest advantage of “progressivism” is its constant pro-active pursuit of a vision for the future. Progressives always have a goal to strive for, a systematic agenda to get them there, and doctrinal “narratives” about the goals and agenda to motivate, define, and morally justify themselves by. The Conservatives’ primary goal and agenda is to stop the progressives from achieving their goals by dragging their feet and throwing up roadblocks to lefty “progress.” Thus the Conservatives always win at first because it’s easier to obstruct than to build, but the Progressives always prevail over time because persistence always pays off – and because (since the early 20th Century) Progressives control public education and the media which they use to indoctrinate the Conservatives’ children with Progressive ideology while they wait for enough grey heads to die off to permanently tip the balance in their favor.

Generation by generation, issue by issue, ratchet-like, they engineer social change ever leftward and the rest of us always follow a few steps behind: fighting “gay marriage” tooth and nail under Reagan, then mindlessly inviting “gay” couples to their anti-Trans events under Trump. What changed except their supposed principles? And what makes them think we can beat them this time using the exact same playbook which they wrote?

The best of the American Conservatives (a minority of mostly religious people) have the goal of restoring the models created for us by our Christian-Progressive founders: the biblical vision of a “Shining City on a Hill” and the aspirational goals of the Declaration of Independence they attempted (largely successfully) to codify in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But most of the rest of the Conservative “movement” are just traditionalists who resist change by nature without any particular knowledge of the reasoning, philosophy or theology behind their traditions. The closest they get to a common defining ideology is “patriotism” (which can be it’s own trap as the elites’ Ukraine boondoggle and devious Russia scapegoating continues to prove).

Sometimes these Populist, Libertarian and nominally-Christian types get awakened to foundational truths when the Progressives move too fast and cause the frog to jump out of the pot. That happened first in the Baby Boomer generation under Jimmy Carter, triggering the Ronald Reagan presidency and the “Reagan Revolution,” and then in the Millennial Generation under Barack Obama which triggered the Tea Party Revolution, the Donald Trump presidency and the MAGA movement.

Unfortunately, through simple incrementalism in their “long march through the institutions” over the past century, the Progressives have taken enough of the seats of power, and destroyed enough of America’s constitutional infrastructure, that they may now be, and likely are, invincible. The 2020 election coup, the plandemic, and now the “trans-demic” all illustrate a level of power and control among the Progressive elite so enormous that they openly scorn law, ethics and social conventions with impunity. The double standards they operate by in every public sphere are so blatant and egregious that they transcend what many believe is just a delusional lack of self-awareness of their own hypocrisy.

No, they are knowingly and sadistically toying with us – like Disney doubling and tripling down on their grooming agenda targeting our children and grandchildren, sneering at us with smug superiority as we try unsuccessfully to bring them to heel with boycott-based financial punishment. We’re plunging down the mountain in a speeding car, furiously pumping brakes that just don’t work and realizing that they really don’t care about the old money system anymore — perhaps because they know the new one will make them better than whole after we’re dead at the bottom of the gorge.

The Progressives don’t care about the Boomers anymore. Our numbers are dropping every day. The Progressives don’t care about anti-Trans activism by the Millennials who will cave faster than the Boomers did because they already embrace much the rest of the LGBT agenda and thus have no moral authority or sense of history. Progressives have got pretty close to 100% control of the schools and media, and corporations, and sports leagues, and everything else so there is really nothing we do can stop them from transitioning ALL the children who are not being specially shielded and counter-trained by their parents. Florida is laudably trying to keep it out of the schools but that’s not enough to protect kids from a trillion-dollar multi-institutional culture-wide targeting campaign in the age of social media.

Importantly, because the Cultural Marxist strategy behind the Progressive agenda is all about using the sexual revolution to disintegrate true marriage and the natural family (the immune system of every nation), recruiting the kids to sexual anarchy clears the path for everything else. That’s why it has such a high priority on the left.

All the above is the practical reality from a materialist perspective. Biblically speaking we have reached the point in the prophetic timeline described in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: “The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.”

There is no more fundamental a truth than our Creation by God as male and female in His image. There is no more Satanic a lie than the abomination of “gay marriage,” except the denial of male/female binary exclusivity by God’s design.

The Conservative movement has largely moved on from the “gay marriage” battle to the fight against trans-insanity. In doing so, it has sealed its fate, and that of our nation. There is no America – indeed, there is no truly human civilization – without true marriage. To accommodate homosexuality as a social norm and to grant homosexual partnerships the status of marriage is to utterly reject God’s plan for humanity. That defilement of marriage was, according to the ancient Rabbis, the specific sin that triggered Noah’s flood. And, the societal normalization of homosexuality was what got Sodom incinerated by God – specifically as a warning to humanity about the last days destruction of the earth by fire (Jude 1:7).

Nineveh was spared destruction by God because it repented after Jonah’s warning. America is about as far from an attitude of repentance as a nation can get – even among the Conservatives. Things have gotten so bad that only God can save us now. But will He?

There’s nothing more to say except “Repent! For the End is Near.”

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How corporate America actually went woke

As with most of the left-wing fascist developments in America over the past century, the deepest roots of corporate wokeness originate in the LGBT movement.

On April 12, the Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece by “gay” activist Gregory Angelo title “I Helped Make Corporations Woke, and I Regret It.” In it, he confesses to pushing for policy that he knew was bad for the company he worked for, knowing it really had no choice but submit due to “the public flogging the company would take if it failed to support the bill.” He adds, “The trend I helped begin, I now realize, was a disaster. In the past three years, major U.S. corporations have weighed in on everything from abortion and Black Lives Matter to election laws – even as the American public overwhelmingly wishes they wouldn’t.”

Angelo’s confession is a prime example of what is called a “limited hangout” – a spy-craft euphemism from our deep-state intelligence network that means admitting to something relatively small to hide a much bigger truth and deceive the listeners into believing you are trustworthy for “being honest.” You then become a go-to public figure among naïve conservatives who elevate you to pundit-du-jour status on all the talk shows and quote you in all their articles – when all the while your true, secret mission is to prevent the bigger truths from being exposed. And, in Angelo’s case, it includes furthering the post-Obergefell LGBT Trojan Horse strategy to normalize so-called “gay conservatives” in the larger conservative movement by perpetuating the newly invented false distinction between the OGs (Original Gays) and the Groomer Gays/Transexuals (until such time as anti-“groomer” public outrage dies down and the coalition can again admit to being “best buds”).

One of the bigger truths he’s trying to keep covered is that “grooming” has always been a top agenda item of the LGBTs. For example, see Section 2, Demand 7, to state governments of the 1972 Gay Rights Platform: “The repeal of all laws governing age of sexual consent.” That didn’t come from some fringe faction in mom’s basement but was the product of a national convention of the top 200 LGBT organizations in America at that time.

Angelo undoubtedly knows very well the trend he describes did not begin in the 2010s but goes back to at least the 1980s. And take special note than the purpose of his “confession” is not to apologize for forcing the LGBT agenda down America’s throat, but only to help his movement avoid accountability in the growing backlash by pretending it was just riding a existing cultural wave not of its own making.

I was writing about the LGBT takeover of the corporate world back in the early ’90s – which I described then as the “Lavender Bulldozer Strategy.” In short the already large army of LGBT activists, most of whom were still “in the closet,” used their anonymity to infiltrate and take over corporate human relations departments, specifically to gain control of the hiring positions to bring in more of their own people. When enough of the activists had become employees, they would come “out of the closet” en masse, forming a “Gay and Lesbian Employees Association” that would then demand special rights in the company, including mandatory “sensitivity training” both to impose pro-LGBT groupthink on the entire workforce and to identify opponents who could then be neutralized or ousted tactically by HR.

Once a corporation had been fully absorbed and homosexualized, all of the corporate resources and assets would be re-purposed to serve the LGBT cause, as the company was integrated into the larger interconnected LGBT network spanning all the spheres of social, cultural and political influence.

Of course, the “noble theme” of their takeover campaigns was always “civil rights,” a brand they fully owned as a movement after hijacking it from the blacks in the 1980s. I have explained that sordid history here.

At the turn of the millennium there was a serious conservative counter-campaign trying to stop the hostile takeover of the corporations. Indeed, I was in D.C. on 9/11 with a pro-family strategy group that included a representative of the Alliance Defending Freedom (then called the Alliance Defense Fund) tasked with heading that pushback effort. But ADF was no match for the LGBTs even then.

Starting with the election of 2008, things got much, much worse under Obama whose plan to “fundamentally transform America” put all things LGBT front and center on the priority list and spread the woke infestation not just across the entire for-profit corporate world, but through the nonprofits/NGOs as well, including the Boy Scouts of America, whose shameful takedown I chronicle here.

Under Obama, the “Lavender Bulldozer” was upgraded to its current status as the “Rainbow Borg” and deployed against professional sports, the media, academia and federal and state agencies. When conservative legislatures in states such as RINO Mike Pence’s Indiana tried to stop the blitzkrieg with legislation, such as Mat Staver’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the Rainbow Borg pressed in with a national extortion campaign. I addressed that event (including Pence’s capitulation) in a 2015 article titled “Indiana Meets the Borg.”

Indiana offers perhaps the best example of an Obama-era Rainbow Borg shakedown in which all of the recently assimilated components – including corporations, major sports franchises and even churches – were brought together in one campaign. This became, of course, the blueprint for the much more effective national extortion campaign in 2020, which you must remember was spearheaded by BLM, headed by a pair of overtly Marxist lesbians, and raked in literally billions from complicit corporations while imposing a highly toxic anti-white racism and trans-normalization agenda on the entire nation. (Never forget that blacks and women are subservient components of the LGBT-controlled “Progressive” coalition.)

So, bottom line: Don’t be deceived into thinking wokeness is some recent phenomenon or that the transgender agenda is somehow separate from the “gay” agenda. The fact is that “woke” is just a 21st century term for an old Cultural Marxist disease the fully united LGBT movement has been trying to spread through this country since its emergence in middle of the 20th century.

For more information on the history of the LGBT movement read Scott Lively’s book “Redeeming the Rainbow,” a free link to which you can get here.

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Next comes hell on earth

I have written many times on the parallel of Israel’s republic (detailed in Joshua and Judges) with the American republic. Most tellingly, the political logjam preventing ratification of our U.S. Constitution was only broken when holdouts in New Hampshire were persuaded by Pastor Samuel Langdon’s 1788 sermon “The Republic of the Israelites an Example to the American States.” And if that Scripture-based history explains how we became a republic, it can also explain why ours has survived no better than that of the Israelites.

We have just celebrated Easter, the Christian version of the biblical Feast of First Fruits (Leviticus 23:4-14), in which Jesus “has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20). On Easter morning I was blessed to receive what seems to be a gift of insight from the Holy Spirit on one of the great mysteries of the Bible: the rationale behind the sacrifice of Jephthah’s daughter in Judges 11.

A few weeks previously, our weekly livestreamed chapter-by-chapter Freestyle Bible Study addressed the story of Jephthah. Like most Christians, I had always been mystified by Jephthah’s strange vow that forced him to (later) sacrifice his own daughter as the price of military victory over the Ammonites. On that day I had prayed for insight on that strange passage but did not receive it.

However, on Easter morning as I was preparing for that day’s Bible Study on Judges 19, I began looking for evidence in the book of Judges of the keeping of the biblical feasts during that era. Such evidence is very sparse and mostly just implied, such as the references to Levites who travel the land, for example in the story of Micah and the Danites in Judges 17-18. Repentant sinner Micah recruits a wandering Levite, Jonathan, grandson of Moses, to be the personal priest of his household.

When a band of Danite warring adventurers later visits Micah and hears the voice of the young Levite (who was already familiar to them) they essentially poach him for themselves, and continue on their way to Laish, inhabited by Sidonians, which they conquered and renamed Dan. “The Danites set up idols for themselves, and Jonathan son of Gershom, the son of Moses, and his sons were priests for the tribe of Dan until the day of the captivity of the land [when the Ark of the Covenant was stolen from Shiloh by the Philistines]. So they set up for themselves Micah’s graven image, and it was there the whole time the house of God was in Shiloh” (Judges 18:30-31).

So what we see is a continuation of Mosiac religious ritual through the book of Judges but in a corrupted form, despite the deliverers whom God raises up to reconnect the people to Himself whenever Hebrew national existence and independence was threatened. The continuously repeated message of Judges is that no matter how many chances God gives His people, they are never truly able to govern themselves under the rule of (Mosaic) law for very long but always fall back into idolatry. And, most importantly to my thesis today is that at least several of the Judges themselves each seem to exemplify the sin/habit/practice that must be purged from the land for it to be restored to God.

I first noticed and began pondering this hypothesis when we read and discussed the story of (Trump-like) Samson, who, despite being set apart even from before birth under the Nazirite vow, lived in many ways a life that mirrored the sins of the Philistines. And Samson ultimately only prevailed over their leadership by pulling down their temple onto himself, killing them – and himself – in the process.

Suddenly, I understood the story of Jephthah and his virgin daughter – his only child. Jephthah was chosen by God to overthrow the Ammonites, a nation born from Lot’s incestuous sin with his own daughter. That sin made Ammon and all his descendants “Mamzers” – which is why they could not intermarry with the Hebrews. “No one of illegitimate birth may enter the assembly of the LORD [the gene pool of marriageable partners], nor may any of his descendants, even to the tenth generation. No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants.” (Deuteronomy 23:2-30)

Jephthah was himself a Mamzer, born to a prostitute whom his father had slept with. His victory over the Mamzer Ammonite nation ultimately depended on the sacrifice (literally or symbolically) of his own genetic line – which ended with his virgin daughter. Like Samson (with Delilah “Stormy” Daniels), Gideon (with the Midianite family altar to Baal) and others, Jephthah’s life was intimately entangled with the sins of the enemy he was raised up to bring down.

In parallel/contrast with Jephthah’s story is that of the Judge Ibzan, whom Jewish tradition asserts is Boaz from the book of Ruth. Ruth, is, of course, a Moabitess under the same Mamzer curse as Jephthah’s daughter because Moab was Lot’s other son by father-daughter incest. Except in this case, which follows immediately after Jephthah’s story in the book of Judges chronologically (but is not explained until the book of Ruth), Ruth is justified and sanctified by the Kinsman Redeemer, Boaz, a type of Christ. And indeed because of this she becomes a part of His genetic line. The curse is broken.

The lesson of the book of Judges is that only Christ can save His people, and so the Israelite republic and its experiment of self-governance under the laissez faire rule of the House of Israel (led by the Tribe of Ephraim) finally ends with the humiliating conquest of the Israelites by the (post-Samson) revived Philistines who destroy the Ephraimite capital of Shiloh and carry off the Ark.

When the Israelites finally get the Ark back they send it to the fortified Judean city of Kirjath Jearim pending the formal transfer of authority over the 12 tribes to the Tribe and House of Judah under the monarchy of King David – the most important Christ figure of the Bible except for Jesus Himself.

America’s “Ark” is our Bible-based constitution, which was stolen by our own home-grown Philistines who also destroyed our “Shiloh” in the election coup of 2020/21. If the pattern holds, we will never again return to self-rule under law, but suffer first a wicked King Saul (an Antichrist) then be delivered by the (Davidic) King of Kings (Revelation 19:11-21).

Throughout Judges there is one repeating statement that explains why the Israelite republic ultimately failed and why America is failing now: “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” No matter how many Eisenhowers, Reagans and Trumps God raises up in times of greatest need, our (always partial) repentance and restoration only lasts a short while before our collective sin overtakes us again (even more powerfully) and the most wicked among us (like Abimelech in Judges 9 and OBiden today) seize the seats of power. Thus, next comes hell on earth.

Without the one true Shepherd, we are incapable of righteous civilization – which is the entire point and purpose of the grand finale of His-story, His Millennial Kingdom – when He will sit on “the throne of David,” which the Christian world now awaits like a woman enduring the pains of labor (Matthew 24:6-8).

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