Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

This is a video of my May 3rd performance of Jonathan Edward’s 1741 “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”  I was one of numerous speakers at the National Day of Prayer gathering in Pittsfield, MA.  The original sermon is well over an hour in length, but I was forced to edit my version to 18 minutes to fit within my allotted time.

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The Death Penalty in Uganda

I published the following essay on June 2, 2009 at in response to false suggestions in the media that I had advocated for the death penalty to be included in Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill.  I will offer additional posts on this topic in future, but it is fitting to begin with this one since it was my first public comment on the matter.  It’s claims remain true to this day, notwitstanding the global propaganda campaign that implies without evidence that many homosexuals have been murdered/executed there.  

The Death Penalty in Uganda

by Scott Lively, J.D., Th.D.
President, Defend the Family International
June 2, 2009
By official count 22 young men were executed under Uganda’s law on homosexuality. The law in question required that all men and boys in Uganda be willing to submit to the homosexual seduction of it’s ruler, King Mwanga. When Ugandans began to convert to Christianity in the 1800s, a group of Catholics, led by Charles Lwanga, refused to allow themselves to be sodomized by the King. Enraged, King Mwanga had them torurously bound, marched 37 miles and then roasted alive in a fire pit. The date of their execution was June 3rd, 1886, and is today a national holiday commemorating Uganda’s rejection of homosexuality and commitment to Christian values.

It should be no surprise, therefore, that modern Ugandans are very unhappy that homosexual political activists from Europe and the United States are working aggressively to re-homosexualize their nation. Ugandan citizens report a growing number of foreign homosexual men coming to their country to turn desperately poor young men from the slums into their personal houseboys, and that some girls in public schools have being paid to recruit others into lesbianism. Foreign interests have exerted intense pressure on Uganda’s government to compromise its laws regarding sexual morality, often using their control over foreign aid funding for leverage.

Over the past decade a growing pro-family movement has begun to insist that Parliament do something about this problem. This year, Parliament answered the call. Unfortunately, the bill they are now debating represents a serious overcorrection, including, for example, the death penalty for certain forms of “aggravated homosexuality” (such as knowingly spreading AIDS).

As a Christian attorney and international human rights advocate who has worked closely with Uganda’s pro-family movement, I have a special interest in this issue. In my view, homosexuality (indeed all sex outside of marriage) should be actively discouraged by society — but only as aggressively as necessary to prevent the mainstreaming of alternative sexual lifestyles, and with concern for the preservation of the liberties of those who desire to keep their personal lifestyles private. Marriage-based culture served humanity very favorably during the centuries when homosexuality was disapproved but tolerated as a sub-culture in America, England and elsewhere. It has obviously not fared well in the decades since the so-called sexual revolution kicked open Pandora’s Box and unleashed both rampant heterosexual promiscuity and “Gay Pride“ on the world.

In March of this year I had the privilege of addressing members of the Ugandan parliament in their national assembly hall when the anti-homosexuality law was just being considered. I urged them to pattern their bill on some American laws regarding alcoholism and drug abuse. I cited my own pre-Christian experience being arrested for drunk driving. I was given and chose the option of therapy which turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. I also cited the policy in some U.S. jurisdictions regarding marijuana. Criminalization of the drug prevents its users from promoting it, and discourages non-users from starting, even while the law itself is very lightly enforced, if at all. Additionally, I urged them to actively promote the marriage model in their schools as a form of inoculation to the anti-family messages flooding their country through Western media.

All of my suggestions were ignored (despite which fact I am being blamed for the proposed law as written by certain major media outlets and the “gay” blogosphere.) Nevertheless, I commend the courage of the Ugandan people. During the past decade or so, Uganda has been one of the few countries of the world that has firmly resisted the enormous power and relentless pressure of the international “gay” lobby, while other developing nations such as South Africa and Brazil have been systematically homosexualized. This is one of the reasons that Uganda’s AIDS rate went from the highest to the lowest in Africa during this same time period.

Let me be absolutely clear. I do not support the proposed anti-homosexuality law as written. It does not emphasize rehabilitation over punishment and the punishment that it calls for is unacceptably harsh. However, if the offending sections were sufficiently modified, the proposed law would represent an encouraging step in the right direction. As one of the first laws of this century to recognize that the destructiveness of the “gay” agenda warrants opposition by government, it would deserve support from Christian believers and other advocates of marriage-based culture around the world.

In the mean time, despite all of the hysteria in the liberal media, it is important to remember that there is no death penalty for homosexuals in Uganda, only a bill under debate that will hopefully be modified before passage. The only Ugandans who have been executed for their beliefs and actions about homosexuality have been Christians.

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“Truth Be Damned”

Wayne Besen of the anti-family blog Truth Be Damned ( has lost his legal battle against Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays.

PFOX Wins Lawsuit Against Anti-Ex-Gay Extremist
Wayne Besen Admits to Self-Aggrandizement

Washington, D.C. – A federal judge has tossed out a lawsuit filed by homosexual activist Wayne Besen against Greg Quinlan and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX).  Besen claimed that Quinlan, a former homosexual, had defamed him when Quinlan said that Besen had been fired from the Human Rights Campaign and had uttered hateful rhetoric against Quinlan because he disagreed with Quinlan’s ex-gay sexual orientation.  (Besen once told Quinlan in a private conversation that someone should run him over with a bus or inject him with AIDS.)
Ironically, in his court filings, Besen admitted that while he may be known among some gay rights activists circles, “most individuals on the street in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area if asked if they had ever heard of [Besen] would respond with a resounding “No.”  Besen likened his public persona to “notoriety in small circles,” admitted to his “own promotional self-aggrandizement,” indicated that the books he has written were of “likely limited circulation,” and that he “might like to view [himself] as more well known than is actually the case.”
Besen filed his lawsuit against Quinlan even though state law grants Quinlan and other individuals immunity from civil lawsuit damages when they act without pay as an officer or director of a tax-exempt organization like PFOX.  No one at PFOX is paid a salary.
Attorney Matt Barber, a PFOX board member, said “Filing frivolous lawsuits and abusing our judicial system seems to be a new tactic of radical homosexual activist pressure groups like Besen’s. They are desperate to silence the message of hope that there is freedom from unwanted same-sex attractions.  It won’t work and, in the end, they only humiliate themselves and hurt what is already a lost cause.  The science continues to mount against the false notion that people are ‘born gay.'”
Besen has a history of bullying members of the ex-gay community.  Wayne Besen and his Truth Wins Out practice hatemongering, bigotry and intolerance against anyone who supports a person’s right of self-determination and affirms an individual’s right to change from gay to straight.  (See
If you have been a victim of Besen’s bullying or interference, regardless of whether you are ex-gay, everstraight, or gay, please send his emails, videos, voice mail, your personal account of what happened, or anything you would like to report to – because truth does win out!
Read PFOX’s earlier press release on the lawsuit at
 ###Parents and Friends  of Ex-Gays & Gays is the nation’s leading advocacy organization for the ex-gay community, their families, and individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions.

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National Day of Prayer 2012

After the radio show we (a van load of friends who took me to the station and listened to the show out in the van) all drove to Pittsfield where about a hundred brave souls gathered in the cold and light drizzle for the National Day of Prayer.  There were several great speakers and historical re-enactors.  I performed an 18 minute version of Jonathan Edward’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” in costume.  Hopefully a video of that will soon be available to add as a link in this post.

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Tag Team Match in Northampton

Did a radio show yesterday with Bill Newman on WHMP in Northampton, MA.  Bill is an ACLU lawyer who went instantly on the attack as if I were on the witness stand in one of his cases.  But I’m also a lawyer and not easily bullied — even when Bill and his liberal co-host added two strongly pro-“gay” clergymen to the mix: the “Reverend and the Rabbi” (who apparently have a regular segment in the final quarter hour of the show).  I had fun, in any case.

But you can judge for yourself who came off better in the exchange.  Listen to the podcast at  The date of the show was 5 3 12

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“Gay Christians?”

Thank you Clyde Warren for your thoughtful reply to my post Redeeming the Rainbow in which you analogized my opposition to homosexuality to the defense of slavery and subjugation of women by some Christians in the past.

However, I contend that your logic is upside-down.  It is the advocates of homosexuality, not the opponents of it, who are akin to those who once offered pro-slavery and anti-women’s sufferage arguments.  In each of these three cases, confused Christians have offered non-biblical arguments to legitimize socially and spiritually destructive policies.

Indeed, the arguments in favor of slavery and second-class status for women, while clearly NOT Christian (Gal 3:28), are nevertheless much stronger arguments than that for legitimizing homosexuality.  Forms of slavery and indentured servitude were part of the economic system of the Old Testament and early New Testament cultures.  Likewise, the Bible addresses some important distinctions between men and women and their roles.  In both cases these biblical references, taken out of context, provide at least some basis upon which to make an argument, however faulty.

In stark contrast to these, there is not a single pro-homosexual statement, story or context in all of Scripture.  “Gay Theology,” which I have studied at length, is total fabrication and a modern heresy.

The clear, unambiguous biblical position on homosexuality is complete and consistent condemnation in both the Old and New Testaments.  It’s condemnation pre-dates the Mosaic law, and was specifically reaffirmed after Christ’s fulfilment of the law by His Apostles.  In fact, homosexuality is singled out as the outer-extreme of sin: the only form of rebellion that drew down fire and brimstone from heaven (the example of wrath for all generations – Jude 1: 7), and the only sin chosen to exemplify the “reprobate mind,” the prerequisite of apostasy (Romans 1).

Are there “gay Christians?”  I believe there are, just as there were Christian slave-holders and Christian misogynists (and Christians today who lie, cheat and steal).  But I believe these are the people described in 1 Cor 3:11-15 who make it into heaven “as if through the fire,” without reward or commendation because they used their Christian liberty to practice and promote sin, to the extreme detriment of the cause of Christ. 

There is a vast difference between “being saved” and being sanctified.  The former comes by faith in Christ alone.  The latter comes by working, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to become like Christ: suppressing the flesh, not indulging it; conforming to the teachings of the Bible, not editing and interpreting it to suit yourself; hungering and thirsting after righteousness, not suppressing the truth in rebelliousness;  “hating even the garment polluted by the flesh,” in humility, not marching through the streets boasting of pride in the practice of sodomy.

Christians are instructed to have no fellowship with such people, believers though they may be in the most nominal sense, but who remain unrepentant about their sin.  With Paul we are to shun every such person from our churches “so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord” (1 Cor 5:4-5).  The Bible commands church leaders to exercise “tough love” toward these wayward members for their own good and so that weaker believers and babes in Christ will not be corrupted by their  bad example.

On the other hand, those who confess that their sin is sin and work to overcome it (however imperfectly) deserve our every kindness and help (1 Peter 4). 

This is the biblical view, my friend, leading unto life and health.  What you are offering is Christian-flavored secular humanism and it leads unto death.

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Redeeming the Rainbow

Today I gave a three hour seminar in Oklahoma City based on my 2009 textbook Redeeming the Rainbow: A Christian Response to the “Gay” Agenda.  This is the book I wrote to equip Christians to understand and effectively respond to the homosexual agenda.  It may be downloaded in PDF form without charge at  The file is small enough to send as an e-mail attachment and I encourage people to send it to all of their pro-family friends.

This is the book I was finalizing during my 2009 Uganda conference (and the basis of my lectures there) which subsequently brought the wrath of the radical left upon me and has led to the outrageous SMUG lawsuit filed against me (for “Crimes Against Humanity” no less) last month in federal court in Springfield, MA where I now live.  I will address that lawsuit in a separate post at a later date.

My seminar today was attended by none other than Wayne Besen of Truth Will Out, a prominent “gay” blogger.  He was civil and polite for the most part, but visibly quite agitated and finally left the seminar after being criticized by another man for interrupting me.  There were two women in the audience as well whom I suspect, based upon their questions, were lesbians. 

I do not vary my presentations based on the presence of opponents.  I seek always to teach forthrightly what I know and believe to whomever wants to listen.  

Redeeming the Rainbow is the only book of its kind, filled with straightforward explanations of the the history, methods, strategies and goals of the homosexual movement, and practical, user-friendly guidelines on how to respond to it.  If every Christian in America were to read this book it would, I believe, dramatically change the national debate in our favor.   


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Occupy Tea Party

On April 15th I spoke at a Tea Party Coalition rally in the Boston Common. 

About 80-100 “gay” and Occupy activists showed up to protest me, including a contingent of black-garbed anarchists (at lease one of whom was hand-cuffed and led away by the police after crashing through the Tea Party audience with a large banner reading “Class War.”)

Brian Camenker has written a preliminary report on his blog with the promise of a more thorough piece soon.

I hold the honor of being the first person attacked by the Occupy movement for a “social” rather than fiscal issue when Occupy Springfield staged a protest at my inner-city mission church, Holy Grounds Coffee House in Springfield, MA in November of 2011.



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Holocaust Revisionist? Look who’s talking.

I am in Oklahoma City this weekend to give a series of talks at Draper Park Christian Church starting this evening.  It seems that my every appearance now is considered a crisis by the “gay” community.  A-List trouble-maker Wayne Besen flew in from Vermont to participate in a press conference designed to portray me as a Holocaust Revisionist.

The Oklahoman published this story:

I drafted the following response:

The Pink Swastika Fact Sheet

The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams, Veritas Aeterna Press. First Edition 1995. Current Fourth Edition 2002. 387 pages.

Thesis: The National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party) has its roots in the German homosexual movement and was controlled throughout its history by an inner-circle of men, including Adolf Hitler, who shared a common homosexual orientation.

Purpose: The Pink Swastika was written to counter an effort by the American homosexual political movement begun in the 1970s, symbolized by the use of the pink triangle, to fabricate a “Gay Holocaust” equivalent to the Holocaust of the Jews by exaggerating the Nazi persecution of homosexuals and suppressing documentation of the role of homosexuals in the rise and rule of the Nazi Party.

Sources: Over 200 sources are cited in The Pink Swastika, primarily mainstream historians who wrote during or shortly after the Nazi era, such as William Shirer (The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich) and Hitler contemporaries Conrad Heiden and Otto Strasser. Over 25% of the sources are homosexual publications, such as Homosexuality and Male Bonding in Pre-Nazi Germany by Harry Oosterhuis and Hubert Kennedy.

1. The Pink Swastika is not Holocaust revisionism. Scott Lively is a Pro-Israel Christian. Kevin Abrams is an Orthodox Jew. The book affirms the Holocaust of the Jews as factual and undeniable. Accusations to the contrary are false and baseless.

2. The Pink Swastika fully and factually addresses the persecution of homosexuals by the Nazi regime, citing leading “gay” scholars to affirm that from 5,000-15,000 homosexuals died in Nazi work camps.

3. The Pink Swastika does not assert that homosexuals caused the Holocaust.

4. The Pink Swastika corrects historical revisionism by the homosexual political movement which greatly exaggerated claims of homosexual victimhood to falsely equate “gays” with Jews under the Nazis. In nearly every instance the book counters these false claims by citing responsible homosexual sources. After its publication the “gay” activist community was forced to drop that effort and traded the pink triangle for the rainbow flag as the primary symbol of the movement.

5. The Pink Swastika compiles, for the first time since Samuel Igra’s 1945 book Gernany’s National Vice, the extensive documentation of homosexuality in the Nazi movement, but with the benefit of hundreds of additional sources that were not available to Igra.

6. The apparent contradiction of homosexual Nazis persecuting other homosexuals by imprisoning them in work camps is fully explored and explained by examining the division in Germany’s “gay” subculture between a masculine-oriented “butch” faction which found a home in the Nazi Party, and a feminine-oriented “femme” faction which primarily aligned with the rival Communist Party.

7. The Pink Swastika has not been “discredited” except by homosexualist reviewers, most of whom have failed to disclose their ideological conflict of interest. The few non-homosexual critics of the book have no expertise in the history of the “gay” movement and are thus not qualified to render judgment.

8. Author Scott Lively has for 17 years issued a standing challenge to debate any challenger in any neutral public forum. Not a single challenger has dared to accept.

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Getting Started

This is my first entry to my new blog.  I am very unfamiliar with wordpress.  It will take some experimentation to figure it all out.  Please bear with me.

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