Schoolchildren to Drink “Gay” Koolaid in October

In many elementary and secondary schools across America October will be designated as LGBT History Month .  It is certain to feature prominently in California where promotion of homosexuality to all school children is now mandated by law.  And it is likely to be observed in all of the classrooms controlled by the nation-wide Gay Lesbian Straight Teachers Network (GLSEN), whose founder Kevin Jennings was appointed “Safe Schools Czar” by President Obama.  This week WND linked to a news story about a Broward County Florida school that will teach “gay” history to kindergarteners, but most GLSEN teachers will conduct these indoctrination sessions with no meaningful outside scrutiny. 

LGBT History Month is not yet universally adopted by public schools.  Nevertheless, throughout October tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of innocent school children will be subjected to the most despicable brainwashing ever conducted in American classrooms.  They will be taught, through carefully constructed lesson plans, to view homosexuals as a superior class of human beings whose influence on society has been wholly benign, but whose contributions to society have been limited due to irrational prejudice and bigotry.  They will learn the importance of protecting homosexuals from societal “homophobia,” perhaps even emanating from their own parents, and that homosexuality is a perfectly normal and healthy (and unchangeable) form of sexual identity.  In other words, they will be indoctrinated in provably false and thoroughly biased pro-“gay” propaganda. 

In the interest of  balance, I’d like to offer a few facts that are not likely to make it into the curriculum. 

Let’s start at the very beginnings of the modern homosexual movement to highlight its very earliest pioneer.  And for our source lets avoid even the slightest hint of anti-homosexual bias and turn to the pre-eminent scholarly journal of the LGBT community,  the Journal of Homosexuality, and one of its most respect contributors, Gert Heckma PhD, of the Gay Studies department of the University of Amsterdam.  In his 1989 article, titled “Sodomites, Platonic Lovers, Contrary Lovers: The Backgrounds of the Modern Homosexual” (Vol. 16, No 1. 1989) Heckma writes:

“The most important exception to the philosophes’ ambivalent politics of the body was D.A.F. Marquis de Sade, who based his political philosophy precisely on sodomy…Sade used sodomy as a particularly good example of what seemed to be unnatural, unreasonable and purposeless, but which could in no way be proven to be against nature or reason.  Sade’s Philosophy in the Boudoir (1795) was a clear apology for the decriminalization of pederasty [man/boy sex] and sodomy…Sade emphasized that there were no rational arguments against any form of social behavior, be it prostitution, lust murder, or sodomy, and he strongly opposed the suggestion that theft, prostitution, sodomy or lust murder were against nature….

“In 1772, Sade was sentenced to death for sodomizing his manservant and for poisoning prostitutes…Nothing is known about his homosexual proclivities except for the sodomy of his manservant and his writings.  But his most  scrupulous biographer, Gilbert Lely, has asserted that he was a homosexual with no remorse….It was against…family politics…and the church and its institutions that Sade rebelled — albeit without much success — thus beginning a political struggle for the rights of pederasts.”   

But that was long ago and far away.  What about the modern homosexual movement here in America?  Let us turn to another unimpeachably pro-”gay” source, the book Gay American History (1976) by Jonathan Katz, winner in 2003 of the Brudner Prize of Yale University, celebrating his “lifetime accomplishment and scholarly contributions in the field of lesbian and gay studies.”  From this source we learn that the very first “gay rights” organization in the United States was the American chapter of the German-based Society for Human Rights (SHR), formed in Chicago by a man named Henry Gerber on December 10, 1924 (p.388).  

Gerber had served with the U.S. occupation forces in Germany from 1920 to 1923 and had been involved with the German SHR. Gerber legally chartered the group without revealing its purpose and began publishing a pro-homosexual journal called Friendship and Freedom (p.389), patterned after the German chapter’s publication of the same name (p.632n.).  In 1925, however, the organization collapsed when Gerber, Vice President Al Menninger and another member were arrested on charges of sexual abuse of a boy, all three having been turned in by Menninger’s wife. The Chicago Examiner ran a story titled “Strange Sex Cult Exposed,” and spoke of “strange doings” in Menninger’s apartment (p.390-392).

Another inconvenient fact unlikely to be cited by GLSEN brainwashers is that the German SHR, the world‘s first organization to define homosexuality as a struggle for “human rights,” was formed in 1919 by Nazi-aligned German nationalists (shortly before the formation of the Nazi Party), and that it’s most prominent member was Ernst Roehm, later to become supreme leader of the dreaded Nazi SA or Storm Troopers. Roehm was also, incidentally, a pederast, meaning that like Gerber he was an adult homosexual male who seduced teenaged boys. 

This  pederastic theme at the core of the “gay” movement did not end with Gerber.  His eventual successor, Harry Hay, founder of the Mattachine Society in 1950 was an outspoken defender of NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association. 

Hay’s Mattachine Society was the first openly homosexual organization to survive, and Hay himself is rightly remembered today as the “Founder of the Modern Gay Movement.”  In The Trouble With Harry Hay, sympathetic biographer Stuart Timmons wrote that when NAMBLA was denied a role in the 1986 Los Angeles “Gay Pride Parade,” marcher Harry Hay donned a sweatshirt printed with the legend, “NAMBLA Walks With Me.” Timmons writes that Hay, “could not contain his outrage” that NAMBLA was excluded (p.296).

Hay was a featured speaker at NAMBLA’s annual membership conference, June 24-25, 1994: “[He] gave an inspiring talk about reclaiming for the 1990’s the spirit of homoerotic sharing and love from various ancient Greek traditions of pederasty. A remarkably balanced and sensitive account of the conference appeared in the August 23 Advocate from a writer who was invited to attend (NAMBLA Bulletin, September, 1994:3).

NAMBLA was in turn founded by leading “gay” activists including David Thorstad (who also founded the Gay Activist Alliance) and  Thomas Reeves who wrote this choice tidbit about another icon of “gay” history, the Stonewall Riot. 

 “Almost every one of the early openly homosexual writers was a pederast. Pederasty was a constant theme of early gay literature, art, and pornography. The Stonewall riots were precipitated by an incident involving an underage drag queen, yet that detail was not viewed as significant.  Curtis Price, a fourteen-year-old, self-described “radical hustler,” formed the first gay liberation organization in Baltimore. Many of the leaders of early gay liberation and the founders of the major gay groups in the U.S. were boy-lovers (Reeves in Pascal, Marc (ed), Varieties of Man Boy Love :47).”

Incidentally, Harry Hay was Obama “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings’s inspiration for founding GLSEN which might explain why Jennings himself had ties to NAMBLA and actively condoned pederasty: see

I could go on and on but it only gets worse. The point is that the “gay rights” movement is not benign.  Its history is a poisoned stream whose head waters begin in the swamp of Sadean perversion and whose direction was set by the same people who created the Nazi Party.  In America its course has run mostly through underground sewers until the past few decades when control of the movement fell into the hands of modern marketing experts who have hidden the truth under a white-washed facade of their own shrewd design.  And it is this sugar-sweetened poison that is about to be spoon-fed to America’s public school students.  It is a “gay” Koolaid of dangerous lies and it is to our great shame that this once Christian nation will allow these innocent children to consume it with hardly a whimper of protest by the public.

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Pulling Down Strongholds – The King Josiah Project

King Josiah Destroying the Idols of Baal. Gustave Dore

Announcing the formation of

 of Abiding Truth Ministries

Breaking Down the High Places: II Kings 23 and II Corinthians 10


Deut 7:5  “This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire. For you are a people holy to the Lord your God…”

2 Kings 23  “Then [after many generations of disobedience to God] King Josiah went up to the house of the LORD and all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him and he read in their hearing all the words of the book of the covenant which was found in the house of the Lord.  THE KING STOOD BY THE PILLAR AND MADE A COVENANT BEFORE THE LORD, TO WALK AFTER THE LORD, AND TO KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS AND HIS TESTIMONIES AND HIS STATUTES WITH ALL HIS HEART AND ALL HIS SOUL, TO CARRY OUT THE WORDS OF THIS COVENANT THAT WERE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK. And all the people entered into the covenant.

Then the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest…to bring out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, for Asherah, and for all the host of heaven; and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of the Kidron, and carried their ashes to Bethel. He did away with the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah and in the surrounding area of Jerusalem, also those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun and to the moon and to the constellations and to all the host of heaven. He brought out the Asherah from the house of the LORD outside Jerusalem to the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron, and ground it to dust, and threw its dust on the graves of the common people.

HE ALSO BROKE DOWN THE HOUSES OF THE SODOMITES WHICH WERE IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, where the women were weaving hangings for the Asherah. Then he brought all the priests from the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beersheba…

HE ALSO DEFILED TOPHETH, WHICH IS IN THE VALLEY OF THE SON OF HINNOM, THAT NO MAN MIGHT MAKE HIS SON OR HIS DAUGHTER PASS THROUGH THE FIRE FOR MOLECH. He did away with the horses which the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entrance of the house of the LORD…and he burned the chariots of the sun with fire. The altars which were on the roof, the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the LORD, the king broke down; and he smashed them there and threw their dust into the brook Kidron.

THE HIGH PLACES WHICH WERE BEFORE JERUSALEM, WHICH WERE ON THE RIGHT OF THE MOUNT OF DESTRUCTION WHICH SOLOMON THE KING OF ISRAEL HAD BUILT FOR ASHTORETH THE ABOMINATION OF THE SIDONIANS, AND FOR CHEMOSH THE ABOMINATION OF MOAB, AND FOR MILCOM THE ABOMINATION OF THE SONS OF AMMON, THE KING DEFILED. HE BROKE IN PIECES THE SACRED PILLARS AND CUT DOWN THE ASHERIM AND FILLED THEIR PLACES WITH HUMAN BONES.   Furthermore, the altar that was at Bethel and the high place which Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel sin, had made, even that altar and the high place he broke down. Then he demolished its stones, ground them to dust, and burned the Asherah….Josiah also removed all the houses of the high places which were in the cities of Samaria, which the kings of Israel had made provoking the LORD; and he did to them just as he had done in Bethel….

MOREOVER, JOSIAH REMOVED THE MEDIUMS AND THE SPIRITISTS AND THE TERAPHIM AND THE IDOLS AND ALL THE ABOMINATIONS THAT WERE SEEN IN THE LAND OF JUDAH AND IN JERUSALEM, that he might confirm the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD.


Josiah was the most righteous of all the Hebrew Kings because he did not compromise with the world.  He honored the command that there be no other gods accommodated among the people of God and he took action to eliminate idolatry from the land.

In the New Testament we were given the same command but advised that in Christ our weapons to achieve His requirement are spiritual, not physical:

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete” (II Corinthians 10:3-6).

There is nothing new under the sun.  Just as in Josiah’s time our government officials today embrace false gods and promote through religious pluralism the blasphemy that pagan deities are equal with God, the “sodomites” have brought the worship of sexual perversion into the very house of God, and human babies are being sacrificed to the modern Molech of abortion.

The Josiah Project is dedicated to breaking down the high places, idols and altars in American culture through the clear articulation of Jesus Christ as the only Savior and His Word, the Bible, as the only standard of truth.  It is a radical vision to restore to America through revival it’s identity as the City on a Hill, established to advance the Kingdom of God.  And to cast down through apologetics and doctrine the panoply of false gods and heretical teachers who have set themselves up in our culture as rivals to the only King of Kings. We have set for ourselves the humanly impossible goal of restoring to our government an unequivocal acknowledgment of the Bible as the law above our law and the foundation beneath our constitution, knowing that with God, all things are possible.

We will preach the Masculine Christianity that empowered the Apostles in the early church and our Founding Fathers in the early days of our nation, and which emboldened all of the missionary movements of Christian history. (

We will state the plain truth without concern for its political implications and trust God for the results.


We will not be swayed from our mission by either the insults of our “enemies” or the fear-driven counsel of our “allies.”

This is the King Josiah Project.  May God empower us to accomplish spiritually in America what Josiah accomplished physically in Judea and Israel.

Announcing the first official action of the King Josiah Project:

The Reading of a Spiritual Indictment of President Barack Obama for his Open Embrace of Homosexuality in the Official Policy of His Administration.

September 15, 2012 at Lafayette Park, across from the White House, Washington DC, 10AM to Noon.

I will be among a diverse group of pastors and Christian activists from around the nation who will be gathering to Pray, Protest and Preach against the homosexual agenda of this administration.  My part in this event will be the reading of the indictment.

This indictment is NOT a political statement.  I do not support any of the candidates who are running for president.  This is NOT a call to violence of any sort.  I thoroughly repudiate any such actions or incitements to such actions.  This is purely a SPIRITUAL WITNESS against the choice of our president to reject God’s truth, and a VINDICATION of God for bringing judgment upon America.

You are invited and encouraged to attend, and also to donate in support of the King Josiah Project at  Unless otherwise designated, all online donations in September will be dedicated to this project.

Email me at for more information.

In Jesus,

Pastor Scott Lively


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Masculine Christianity

Valentin de Boulogne, “Christ Driving the Money Changers out of the Temple,” c. 1618

Masculine Christianity
by Scott Lively (2001)

Scripture teaches in Genesis that when God created man in His image, He created us male and female. The implication is that God’s character spans the full spectrum of masculine and feminine qualities.

This attribute is also revealed in the person of Jesus, born as a male, but manifesting both masculinity and femininity in His actions. When exhibiting feminine qualities, Jesus was more nurturing and relationship-oriented than any woman. When exhibiting masculinity, Jesus was more forceful and results-oriented than any man.

Unfortunately, the modern American church, along with the majority of its leaders, has rejected masculinity in favor of an effeminate Christianity. Too many (though by no means all) of today’s pastors, priests, deacons and elders shrink timidly from the challenge of the world, more interested in decorating the interior of their church buildings than in doing cultural and spiritual battle with the enemies of God.

Ravening lions rage unchecked throughout the land, while Church leaders hold potlucks and retreats.  Where is the masculine Jesus of the Bible in the life of today’s church? The Jesus who threw down the tables of the money-changers and drove them out of the temple with a whip? The Jesus who faced down and tamed the Gerasene demoniac? The Jesus who, to their faces, excoriated the cultural and political leaders of the day as a “brood of vipers,” and “whitewashed sepulchers full of dead men’s bones”?

This masculine Jesus has been ejected from the American church. In His place is a false and emasculated Christ, as submissive and fearful of controversy as the men who now lead His flock.

Brethren, this is not an attack on femininity. If anything, the church should be commended for its appreciation for and fulfillment of the feminine aspects of its role. Such vital relationship-centered ministries as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and soothing the broken-hearted are prospering today. These ministries are very much a reflection of the feminine side of Christ’s complete personality.

Instead, this is vigorous rebuke to both women and men within the church who reject the masculine side of Christianity and have thus abandoned those outside our “church families” to fend for themselves against the forces of evil in the world.

This is a rebuke to male church leaders, who channel their masculine competitiveness into sporting contests in church gymnasiums instead of contending for influence over the community outside the church walls. This is a rebuke to those pastors’ wives who keep their shepherd husbands safely close to the flock when they should be sometimes out hunting the lions and wolves.

Masculine Christianity fights to champion what is right and to defeat evil. It is the applied force for good against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. It is an embodiment of the spirit of conquest in which the Great Commission was given. It is the unyielding determination to prevail against all odds and at any cost to achieve a righteous goal — even unto death on a cross. Masculine Christianity is the engine of revival: prophetic, expansionist, uncompromising.

In Biblical history, the greatest heroes of the faith exemplified masculine Christianity. Abraham did not sit idly by when his nephew Lot was captured by the four kings. He armed his servants and went out to rescue him by force. Moses faced down Pharaoh in a series of aggressive confrontations. David fearlessly challenged and defeated Goliath and then cut off his head as a trophy of battle. God blessed these righteous men and backed their righteous deeds with His power.

Josiah is honored in scripture as one of the most righteous of all the kings for banishing the “perverted persons” from the land and destroying the foreign idols. Joshua and Caleb were the only men of their generation allowed to enter the promised land because, out of all the Israelite spies sent into Canaan, they alone called for immediate invasion of Canaan when the others backed away out of fear. John the Baptist, who boldly and publicly rebuked Herod for his sexual immorality was praised by Jesus Himself. Jesus stated that among men there was none greater than John.

Extra-Biblical history is also replete with examples of masculine Christianity. The period of the American Revolution is one in which deeply religious men took up the sword to overthrow an unrighteous oppressor. The great missionary and reform movements are additional examples of masculine Christianity at work.

The defining characteristic of each of these examples is the conquest of evil by God’s people — mostly men.

Masculinity is by no means the exclusive domain of men, but it naturally has greater appeal to men in the same way that feminine ministries of the church appeal more to women. Indeed, this explains why the majority of church members today are women or married couples in which the husband attends church at the request of the wife. Where are the men of this generation? Though some are in church, they are significantly outnumbered by women, and they tend to be the least active members of the congregation. Is it any wonder in the light of the de-emphasis of masculinity by the church?

The church and this nation cry out for a revival of masculine Christianity, which is to say that we church leaders need to stop being such, for lack of a better word,  sissies when it comes to cultural and political issues. We need to spend as much time confronting perpetrators as we do comforting victims. We need to do less fretting, and more fighting for righteousness. For every motherly, feminine ministry of the church such as a Crisis Pregnancy Center or ex-gay support group, we need a battle-hardened, take-it-to-the-enemy masculine ministry like Operation Rescue (questions of civil disobedience aside).

For every God-hating radical in government, academia and media we need a bold, no-nonsense, truth-telling Christian counterpart: trained, equipped and endorsed by the local church.

These are not easy words to hear for those in authority in the church today, but I offer no apology for saying them, because this is the hard truth that all of us must confront. We are on the brink of utter defeat by our cultural adversaries and the church is only now beginning to wake up to the consequences of our past passivity. We are rapidly nearing a point in time when even a strong call to action, were it to be heard from every one of America’s pulpits, would be insufficient to resolve our nation’s moral crisis. There comes a point of no return in every declining culture.

I imagine us Christians as reclusive householders in an Old Testament walled city. A few of us have stepped out onto the street, confused and dazed, to find our city overrun by enemy soldiers with more coming over the walls. Buildings are burning, the watchmen are falling back under an incredible onslaught, and most of our warriors are still sleeping soundly.

We have reached that split-second of decision in which we must choose whether to rush forward into battle on the chance that we can defeat the invaders, or to surrender and look on in resignation as our children are marched off into slavery in a foreign land.

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Has the Worm Finally Turned?

Long ago in my early days of Christian activism when I was working with my friend and then mentor Pastor Lon Mabon of Oregon Citizens Alliance we often talked about how things just did not seem to be getting any better in Oregon despite our efforts (yet we accomplished much!).  He used to repeat the old English proverb “It’s a long worm that doesn’t turn,” meaning every successful movement (in this case the homosexual movement) will eventually have a reversal of fortune.

Well, it has been a very long worm indeed that has not wavered the slightest bit off its course these many years, but I think the “gay” worm may finally be starting to turn.  It began to turn on the day Chick Fil A Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy refused, in the face of a firestorm of criticism, to back down from his statement “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’”  Instead, when pressed to the wall he replied without apology “Guilty as charged.“  Finally a high profile Christian had stood his ground — and the crowd went wild.  Then on August 1st, Mike Huckabee’s Chick Fil A appreciation day gave all of America the chance to unite behind Mr. Cathy’s simple but bold stand. It was a staggering success.

Panic swept across the “gay” movement.  They realized with the terror of a thief caught in the very act that their attempt to crucify Dan Cathy constituted a serious over-reach.  When their puppet mayors of Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia — in the full glare of the national media spotlight — pledged to deny Chick Fil A the right to do business in those cities, America collectively witnessed “gay fascism” for the first time.  And they didn’t like it.  The sleeping giant was aroused.  The frog suddenly felt the heat and jumped out of the pot.  The cow got out of the barn.  And then all of them together went to Chick Fil A for lunch to express their moral outrage.

But the story didn’t end there.  In the deep primal recesses of the tiny liberalism-shriveled brain of Floyd Lee Corkins, the panic turned to anger and then to rage.  This homosexualist foot-soldier, slaving feverishly for the homosexual cause at Washington D.C.’s GLBT community center, decided he would take revenge for the humiliation of his movement at the hands of the “homophobic” Christians.  So he bought a gun and many bullets, and a bag of Chick Fil A sandwiches, and with mass murder in his heart, embarked on his own personal Jihad against the nearby Family Research Council.  By God’s providence only one man was wounded in the attack.  (We pray for that man and for the misguided Mr. Corkins.)

Floyd failed in his mission, but FRC’s Tony Perkins did not fail is his.  Perkins correctly pointed the finger of blame at the Southern Poverty Law Center, probably the most dangerous homosexualist organ in the nation because of its power (as the perceived “independent arbiter” of hate groups by law enforcement and media) to defame and marginalize any individuals or organizations which oppose the “gay” agenda.  The SPLC simply labels us “hate groups” and viola that becomes the tag line for every subsequent news story in the mainstream media, and perhaps even “probable cause” for local or federal criminal investigators.

Now, suddenly, the SPLC’s fascist tactics are also finally in the spotlight, and they’re not at all happy either.  How, after this, can these left-wing radicals get away with posing as “neutral” observers.  It will be impossible!!  Also, the groups and individuals who have been victimized by SPLC are now cooperating together to pressure Fox News to stop using SPLC and its co-conspirators as pundits.  Go to to join that effort.

Several weeks ago the Lord gave me a prompting that I now recognize as advance notice of the worm’s turn.  He inspired me to go to Springfield, MO to raise a ruckus about the sexual orientation anti-discrimination ordinance the city council was planning.  I call these “Gay Fascism Bills.”  A sexual orientation anti-discrimination bill is the seed that contains the tree of the entire homosexual agenda with all of its poisonous fruit.  I know from long experience that the “gays” never forward these bills without first having the votes locked in.  The public comment period is all for show, meaning opposition is generally futile.

Nevertheless, for the first time in years (in the US) I jumped into the fray, using my own notoriety and negative press (in large part generated by the SPLC) like a judo move to create a controversy about the bill in that Christian conservative city.  It worked in spades.  And in the weeks since I came home the public outcry against it, stoked by my good friend Pastor Mark Kiser, has risen steadily.  I learned this week that the City Council has now tabled that bill!!  This is a huge victory — and a turning point in the culture war.  Because, while we have had victories on holding back “gay marriage” which is our strongest and their weakest issue (what I call “fire-break” votes), we have not in a very long time had a victory on “discrimination” which is our weakest and their strongest issue (especially when the vote is in the hands of elected officials).  Now we know that when the leftists attempt to push a “gay fascism” bill in politically conservative areas our response must be to create controversy to draw public attention to the bill so that the people wake up and realize there’s a problem.  Throw out the old playbook of acting nice and trying to persuade the public officials through reason.  They think they are smarter than you all anyhow and have already made up their minds.  They need to see angry crowds with tar and feathers coming to run them out of office!  Indeed, the Mayor of Springfield MO complained to the media that he was extremely bothered by threats of recall by the citizens.

If you find out there’s a “gay fascism bill” coming to your conservative town and need help exposing it to the public, just give me a call ( and I’ll come to help.  Invite me to give a speech on my book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party ( or address The Global Threat of Homosexuality ( – or to give a give a sermon or lecture on ANY aspect of the homosexual issue (  When they hear I’m coming to town every left-wing fanatic for miles around will start wailing and gnashing their teeth and normal people will start popping their heads up to see what‘s going on.  Once that snowball of public controversy starts down the hill it takes very little effort to keep it rolling till it smashes right through the doors of city hall like an avalanche.

Friends, I believe the worm has begun to turn and the backlash against the fascistic “gay” agenda has finally started.  As Christians we need to steward this process and keep it civil and positive.  Our goal is not merely to stop their agenda, it is to advance our own: a genuinely family-friendly society grounded in healthy Biblical values. To that end, it is time for our side to begin showing the contrast in clear unequivocal terms.  We need to expose every aspect of the homosexual lifestyle and agenda to public scrutiny and at the same time remind everyone that God’s plan for sex and marriage produces as much good and health as “sexual freedom” produces harm and disease.

I think this week’s vindication by the University of Texas at Austin of the Mark Regnerus’ study exposing the dangers of “gay” parenting is both another sign of the worm’s turn and a tool for every pro-family advocate to use.

Likewise, the choice of the Center for Marriage Policy to come against “gay marriage” on the grounds of public health, talking again about the diseases associated with homosexual conduct, is a very smart move.  They have declared September Protect Marriage Month and are circulating a flyer detailing the many health risks of homosexuality.  We need to bring back public discussion of AIDS as a “gay” disease, pederasty as major subculture of male homosexuality, mental health problems and domestic violence as major problems associated with lesbianism, the recruitment of children into a homosexual identity through experimentation with “gay” sex, etc.. All the truths we stopped telling because they screamed so loudly about them.

Now is the time to step out from the behind the defensive bulwark of “traditional marriage” in which our only argument is that “marriage is between a man and a woman.”  It is time to start taking back some of the ground we have ceded to the other side in the face of their overwhelming public relations superiority.  Their marketing strategy to cast homosexuality as benign and even socially beneficial has finally hit the brick wall of reality.  The phony facade is beginning to crack and crumble like an eggshell does when a baby chick is ready to be born.

I admit that in the past few years I have been more pessimistic than most about our prospects for rolling back the “gay” agenda.  And I am not so naïve to think these few hopeful signs mean that we will eventually win the culture war.  This may be temporary, perhaps even the first step in the End Times Revival some of us believe will occur (which revival in my view must necessarily involve this most central moral issue of our age).  However, I believe that at least in the short term the tide of battle is turning, and that looking back from some point in the future we will identify Chick Fil A Appreciation Day, or perhaps more accurately the day Dan Cathy refused to bend the knee to political correctness, as the turning point.

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What Every American Should Know About the Southern Poverty Law Center


A PDF of this document may be found here:  Exposing the SPLC Resource Links

What Every American Should Know About the
Southern Poverty Law Center: Resource Links

FRC’s Perkins: Southern Poverty Law Center Gave Gunman ‘License to Shoot’
More on Newsmax re SPLC.

An Open Letter to SPLC Spokesman Mark Potok by Dr. Michael Brown

Resources from Pastor Scott Lively

Hey SPLC, Take Me OFF Your Hate, I Mean Hit List!

My Letters to SPLC — 2007-2008

SPLC Sides With Moslems Against Jews

BARBER: SPLC: The wolf who cried ‘hate’

Resources from IFI

The Morality Police at the SPLC

When Will the Southern Poverty Law Center Stop Bullying

The Southern Poverty Law Center Infiltrates Public Education

IFI Labeled Hate Group

The Social Contract Journal–Spring 2010 (multiple articles, including “The Church of Morris Dees” which first appeared in Harper’s)

American Thinker article

A Twisted Definition of Hate by Matthew Vadum

The Church of Morris Dees – How the Southern Poverty Law Center profits from intolerance

Morris Dees — Child Molester, Pervert, and Liar? Research Help Wanted: Can anyone confirm the validity of this document?

Victim of Smear Campaign Gets Even With Morris Dees

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Hate-Mongers

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Expands their the ‘Poverty Palace’ corporate headquarters

SPLC Revenues and Expenses: Fiscal Year Ending October 31, 2007, GuideStar

Southern Poverty Law Center is Poor On Facts and Substance Traditional Values Coalition

Profiling and Criminalizing Political Dissent

Additional New American coverage of SPLC:

De-funder of the Left By Matthew Vadum

American Spectator

Illinois Family Institute Says It is Not a Hate Group By Illinois Family Institute

Leftist group advising Homeland Security ops

Additional WND coverage of SPLC:

Dana Milbank: Hateful speech on hate groups

The Rise of Militant Christophobia. Michael J. Matt, Editor, The Remnant

Southern Poverty Law Center Identified as “HATE GROUP”
Mass Resistance

News with Views has published many articles critical of the SPLC. See has also published many articles. See

The website that Family Research Council put up after receiving the SPLC “hate group” designation in 2010 is at:

People can sign a petition expressing agreement with the following:

“We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with Family Research Council, American Family Association, Concerned Women of America, National Organization for Marriage, Liberty Counsel and other pro-family organizations that are working to protect and promote natural marriage and family. We support the vigorous but responsible exercise of the First Amendment rights of free speech and religious liberty that are the birthright of all Americans.”

SPLC Continues Scamming the Media and Public with Phony Claims


The Southern Poverty Law Center Manipulates Crime Data and Terminology in Last-Ditch Attempt to Stop the Immigration Debate, Asserts the Federation for American Immigration Reform


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Comment on the Akin Controversy

Does a woman’s body have a defense mechanism to block impregnation when the attacker is a “legitimate” rapist, meaning in the traditional sense a violent surprise attacker as opposed to, say, the more modern feminist sense of a chosen romantic partner that just won’t accept “no” from the woman when she decides during heavy petting that she doesn’t want to copulate after all? I don’t know, but I’ve heard that is true and it seems to be a reasonable question to ask in a public policy discussion about abortion. It’s pretty clear to me that’s what Akin meant. Is every liberal analyst just such a moron that none of them get this? Or or is this just another example of dishonest “gotcha” politics in which neither truth nor justice matters? I think we all know it is the latter, which indicates that the unified false outrage of both Democrats and RINOs is a far bigger problem for our country than who gets elected to this position.

This is not to say, of course, that the feminist definition of rape is invalid, but when we’re talking about the rape exception to abortion the implication is always the former, not the latter definition of rape.  And, of course, the better answer to the question is that a baby should never be punished for the sins of the father, no matter which type of rapist he may be. 


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Hey SPLC, Take Me OFF Your Hate, I Mean Hit List!

Parts 1 and 2

Hey SPLC, Take Me OFF Your Hate, I Mean Hit List!

This is an open letter to the Southern Poverty Law Center demanding that you CEASE and DESIST labeling me as a “hater,” and viciously lying about me on your website and through your other communications to third parties.

Ever since you put me on your hate list I have been under rhetorical attack from every leftist nut job and “progressive” journalist in America. In 2011 that campaign escalated to terroristic threats backed by vandalism when incensed leftists tried to stop my appearance at Christian Liberty Academy near Chicago to receive the 2011 Truth Teller Award from Americans for Truth About Homosexuality. The night before my speech about the biblical view of homosexuality they smashed out a glass door with a chunk of pavement emblazoned with the demand “SHUT DOWN LIVELY” and then posted a warning on the Internet (ala Al Queda) of more violence to come if the church refused to comply. The local Arlington Heights police department, no doubt influenced by your nationwide “educational” efforts encouraging law enforcement to define only conservatives as “hate groups,” refused to define this attack as a “hate crime.” (See

In 2012 your Communist fellow-travelers at the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a ridiculously frivolous federal lawsuit against me for “Crimes Against Humanity,” as if I were Adolf Hitler, claiming that my preaching against homosexuality in Uganda led to the murder of Ugandan “gay” leader David Kato. Prominent in the Complaint is your “certification” of me as a hate group and a repetition of the charge you leveled against me in your Summer 2011 “Intelligence Report” Issue # 142 under the title “Murder of Ugandan Again Focuses Spotlight on U.S. Gay-Bashers — Temporarily” stating:

“David Kato Kisule, the leading gay-rights activist in what may be the world’s most virulently anti-gay nation, Uganda, was beaten to death with a hammer in his home outside Kampala on Jan. 26. The murder happened just three months after a local magazine, Rolling Stone, published the names of 100 “homos” under the banner “Hang Them!” — with Kato’s photo prominently displayed on the front page. Scornful attention immediately turned to the contingent of American anti-gay religious crusaders led by Scott Lively, who made a widely criticized visit to Uganda in March 2009 to stir up support for a proposed law that would impose the death penalty or life in prison for certain homosexual acts.”

You published these lies (and CCR submitted them to a federal judge) with full knowledge that the actual killer of David Kato was not some enraged “homophobe” but a male prostitute whom Kato had bailed out of jail to be his live-in lover and houseboy. He confessed to bashing in Kato’s skull with a hammer after Kato refused to pay him for his perverted “services” and is now serving 30 years in a Ugandan prison. (See and

You also knew that in my address to the Ugandan Parliament I advocated not punishment for homosexuals, and certainly not the death penalty, but voluntary therapy and prevention through healthy marriage and family preparation in the national school system. (See and

What is the real purpose of your shameless dishonesty about me and others on your “hate“ list? It is to provoke hostility and violence against people of Biblical faith to intimidate us into silence about the homosexual political agenda (while at the same time generating huge revenue for yourselves from the thousands who have fallen sway to your cynical fear-mongering). Now we have seen your efforts come nearly to full fruition in the attempted mass murder of the staff of the Family Research Council. Thank God an alert security officer was able to stop your Frankenstein monster from completing his mission.

I warned you that something like this would happen in a letter I sent to you on November 1, 2007:

“When a respected organization such as yours ventures into the business of evaluating the behavior and motives of others (called ‘judging’ when Christians do it), the organization bears a special responsibility to be accurate and fair-minded. An erroneous representation of a person or a group as ‘hateful’ can destroy a reputation and cause great harm. Indeed, given the current extreme Left/Right polarization of our society, identifying someone as ‘hateful,’ in the manner in which your organization uses the term, exposes that person to potential violence at the hands of people who perceive themselves, or other members of their group, as potential victims of his or her ‘hate.’ Such people, relying on your characterization, may feel justified in striking preemptively against the ‘hater.’

I believe this is similar to the logic that you use in suggesting that public disapproval of homosexuality leads to violence against homosexuals. However, Christian disapproval, if it is legitimately rooted in the teachings of Jesus, forbids violence and in fact requires Christians to ‘love their enemies.’ This is a doctrine I cite continually, though I have never seen the corollary on the Left.”

I repeated my admonition and added a request to be removed from your ’hate’ list in a letter I sent to you a year later on October 18. 2008:

“With inflammatory ‘hate crime’ rhetoric and legislation advancing across the nation, and your organization being perceived by many to be the leading ‘independent’ source of information about so-called anti-‘gay’ hate groups, your refusal to remove my organization from your list of these groups is exposing my organization and me personally to increasing harm. So far, to my knowledge, we have suffered only damage to our reputations. I want to be removed from this list before we suffer something more serious” (See My Letters to SPLC at

Of course you not only did not remove me from your list but escalated your attacks against me. These attacks go back to at least 2005 when you made the false accusation that my book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (co-authored with Orthodox Jewish researcher Kevin Abrams) “claims gays weren’t victimized in the Holocaust, but instead helped mastermind the extermination of Jews.” This is just another outrageous lie. As you well know, Chapter 5 of The Pink Swastika is titled “The Persecution of Homosexuals” and expounds on the theme (as stated in paragraph two) that “many homosexuals were persecuted and some did die in Nazi work camps.” And you will recall that in response to my letter of November 1, 2007 you agreed to retract the lie that The Pink Swastika blames the Holocaust on homosexuals after I pointed out our statement in the book that “we cannot say that homosexuals caused the Holocaust.” Apparently you lied about the retraction as well, which I learned only today in searching your website.

In that same 2005 attack you also cite support for The Pink Swastika as a reason why FRC is on your hit list: “Repudiated by credible historians, the book is nevertheless praised by the Family Research Council and sold by several anti-gay organizations.”

(As to the “credibility” issue I will remind you that I have held out a standing offer for 17 years to formally debate any qualified critic of The Pink Swastika in any neutral public venue at any time — with nary a single taker from your side). (See

Until the attack on FRC I had always operated under the belief that the “bark” of homosexualist activists was worse than their “bite.” Since the success of their movement depends upon a unified public relations strategy which obscures their true agenda and practices, they seemed acutely aware of the public relations disaster they would face if their people started crossing the line from intimidation and dirty tricks into physical violence. Now, however, it seems that increasingly paranoid rhetoric from your organization, and those which follow your lead, have created a monster that has now crossed that line. And your response of justifying yourself instead of softening your tone makes it likely that there will be more of these monsters in the future.

Fortunately for Tony Perkins and his staff at FRC they have a big budget and ability to hire more security for protection. But what about people like me? Not only have you painted a bigger target on my back than on FRC’s, but I have a very small budget and no way to protect myself from any crazy person inspired to harm me because of your dangerous calumny against me.

Am I exaggerating the threat? Following is a recent email I received from one of your ideological allies. Someone identifying himself as “Michael via …Jun 20 to me.,“ using the subject line “your approaching death,” said

“Your time is coming soon,you filthy facsist sh*t.First we will f*ck you with a broomstick until you begin to hemmorrhage.” [*editing mine.]

I have received hundreds of similar messages. While most do not go so far as to threaten murder, they sometimes do cite your organization as authority for the writer’s condemnation of me as a person. Importantly, your highly personalized attacks deliberately pointing to me as a target of anger and hatred can not in any way be compared to my own comments about homosexuality as a form of behavior, or about the homosexual movement as a political institution.

But that’s because you are following your Communist mentor Saul Alinsky who taught you all in Rules for Radicals to “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)”

You have indeed acted in a cruel, reprehensible and terribly irresponsible manner in lumping me and other Bible-believing Christians with Nazis and KKKers. And of course it is now becoming obvious to all fair-minded observers that you did it in large part to open a new income stream for your perpetual fundraising campaigns. But we Christians are not like Nazis, either in our beliefs nor in the sense of being a tiny irrational fringe that fears scrutiny. We are still the majority in this country, or at least its most sizable plurality. We also have the courage of our convictions and a long, long history of standing up to bullies like yourselves at any cost.

You will not intimidate me into silence. You cannot sue me into retreat from biblical truth. You cannot make me go into hiding by sending — directly or indirectly — armed killers against my allies or myself. I am not afraid to die for the cause of Christ. But neither, given what has occurred against FRC this week, am I going to volunteer for martyrdom by continuing to be passive in the face of your aggressive and inflammatory defamation.

Therefore, given all of these facts, I must repeat my request to be removed from your list of hate groups, and indeed, for the safety of myself and my family I must now insist that you do this immediately.

Pastor Scott Lively

Part 2, Hey SPLC, Part II

By Pastor Scott Lively

Lets just get right down to brass tacks about the Southern Poverty Law Center and its campaign against social conservatives. And I’m going to gently correct a few Christian commentators here in the process. The problem with SPLC’s hateful rhetoric about FRC, myself, American Family Association, etc, etc, is NOT that its rhetoric is inflammatory. As SPLC correctly points out in its defense to FRC’s accusation, condemnatory language is often appropriate, as in their example of rebuking Neo-Nazis who declare Jews to be “vermin.” No, the problem with the SPLC is they are shameless and self-serving LIARS!! They are liars whose deliberate false witness against Christian (and now Jewish*) conservatives takes the FORM of inflammatory rhetoric. 


If I, for example, were the monster that SPLC has portrayed me to be in its numerous attacks, (e.g. masterminding death penalty legislation for homosexuals in Uganda and ginning up irrational prejudice against them) I would DESERVE the rhetorical condemnation, just as the many homosexual men who have traveled to Uganda as sex tourists to prey on boys (or became priests in the Catholic church to do the same) DESERVE condemnation. But it is a lie that I have accused ALL or even most homosexuals of being child molesters, and I have been consistently clear on that since the start of my ministry. And of course it is a lie that I promoted the death penalty for homosexuals in Uganda.

I have never accused ALL or even most homosexuals of being responsible for the AIDS epidemic, even though year upon year since the beginning of the crisis our own governmental Centers For Disease Control has identified MSM (men who have sex with men) as by far the largest group spreading the disease. (And how do you think all those women sleeping with bisexuals got it?).

Wait for it….Now hear the screams of outrage on the left, the wailing and gnashing of teeth. “See, there he is again spreading hate against homosexuals!!!” But this ISN’T hate. If I truly hated homosexuals, or even AIDS-infected homosexuals, would I have brought “gay” activist AIDS victim Sonny Weaver into my home with my wife and four young sons to care for him during the last year of his life — after he was forced out of his home and job as manager of a “gay” apartment building because he converted to Christianity? (Read about this in my introduction to Redeeming the Rainbow at

I have never accused any but a very tiny fraction of homosexual men of being genocidal or cannibalistic “monsters” in the vein of Jeffrey Dahmer, though they dominate the list of “most prolific serial killers and mass murderers.” Look it up! It ISN’T hate to state this fact, or the fact that many of the most important icons of “gay” history (Karl Ulrichs, Henry Gerber, Alan Ginsberg, David Thorstad, Harvey Milk, etc etc ) have been pederasts. Even Harry Hay, the founder of the American “gay” movement was so much a champion of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) that he would wear a sign saying “Nambla Walks With Me” in the Gay Pride parades after that group had been banned by organizers. I applaud those organizers. I condemn Harry Hay and NAMBLA. Where is the hate here??

Social leftists may not like these facts but they are facts, and it is decidedly NOT HATE to invoke these facts in a discussion about what social policy our society should be following regarding sexual matters. I, and most of the other “hate groups” on the SPLC list advocate the biblical view that all sex belongs in marriage and all sex outside of authentic marriage should be discouraged by society. We do NOT advocate hate or violence against anyone. We do not even advocate that homosexuality be purged from our society. We just want mainstream culture to go back to being marriage and family centered and for the “gays,” adulterers and other dissenters to go back to discrete sub-cultures that refrain from marching through the streets and taking over public schools to promulgate their agendas. It is self-evident truth (in any objective review of our national history from the 1940s to the present) that the Judeo-Christian model — as a guide to public policy — produces strong families, personal and public health and social stability while the “gay” ethic of “sexual freedom” produces family breakdown, disease and social instability.

The facts cited here are EVIDENCE, not that all homosexuals are evil, but that homosexuality as a FORM OF VOLUNTARY CONDUCT, is, as Pope John Paul best articulated “intrinsically disordered.” It is not hate to believe or state this any more than it is hateful to believe or state that other behavioral problems such as alcoholism or bulimia are disordered. Is Mothers Against Drunk Driving an anti-alcoholic hate group?? Do the eating disorder critics want anorexics and bulimics to be beaten and killed? Give me a break. You insist they’re all “born that way?” Big deal, that doesn’t make my disagreement with you “hate.” And besides, you can’t prove immutability, so we who insist according to simple common sense that young people can ACQUIRE a “gay” identity by experimentation with “gay” sex MUST get the benefit of the doubt in public policy. But I digress.

Thank God that the SPLC is finally being held up to public scrutiny, but it as an organization is only one (very powerful) component of a culture-wide propaganda machine following the Communist strategy of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and the “gay” marketing strategy of Kirk and Madsen in After the Ball. Every American, AND EVERY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL who has been persuaded to view disapproval of homosexuality as hate should read those books to see the nefarious agenda behind the pretty facade of the modern “gay rights.” (See the article on which After the Ball was based for an even more forthright discussion of the “gay“ blueprint: “The Overhauling of Straight America”

The other day Dana Milbank (no conservative he) wrote an editorial for the Washington Post criticizing the SPLC for listing FRC as a hate group.

Kudos to him for fair-mindedness. But he also said in the piece that the “Gays and lesbians are winning the fight for equality by example and persuasion.” That is just plain wrong. The homosexual movement is gaining increasing political control over the various spheres of our society because it controls the most powerful propaganda machine in our nation. One which promotes and zealously guards the public image of homosexuals as only model citizens and paragons of virtue. All contrary opinion or contradictory facts are ruthlessly suppressed. And this has been the case for so long that only a handful of people like myself still dare to challenge them — at enormous personal cost.

The solution to this problem is not a counter-revolution defining homosexuals as only evil and corrupt. That is not our belief or argument. The solution is the reintroduction to the public debate of the truthful factual evidence that homosexuality is NOT a healthy basis for our social order nor a form of sexual conduct to normalize to children. And at the same time we need to offer the reminder that homosexuals who desire to live among us according to their original demand in the 1950s — the right to be left alone — are welcome to do so in the spirit of true tolerance that defined “Don’t ask, Don’t tell.” We really need a civilian version of that for America.

To achieve that, and avoid the moral cliff we are now speeding toward, we need an open and honest public debate about the future of our sexual morality in our society, in which the truth about homosexuality and the homosexual agenda is fully discussed, as well as the Judeo-Christian alternative to the “sexual freedom” model we’ve been suffering under for decades now. One in which Christians and Jews are not cast as “hateful bigots” undeserving of free speech rights. If after that honest debate the public chooses the way of sin, so be it. It wouldn’t be the first time in history. But absent a return to honesty in our public debate the way is clear: increasingly aggressive homo-fascism until Judeo-Christian morality is purged from our culture, and then collapse.

The biggest and most dangerous homo-fascist now on the field is the Southern Poverty Law Center because it wields the power to discredit and marginalize any person or group who is perceived as a threat to the propaganda machine. Every pro-family conservative in America needs to investigate and expose this hateful and hate-mongering organization, especially to the law enforcement and public education communities which still uses SPLC as an education and training resource. And I urge you all to join with me in prayer that God, of His own power, and in a way that is clearly Him and not a human hand, will save the staff and members but completely destroy the SPLC as an entity.

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My Letters to SPLC — 2007-2008

Following is my posting of Feb 20 2009 at Defend the Family.  I am reposting it here today because of the attack on the Family Research Council.  You will note that I did my very best to reason with this organization that I now recognize as evil, and warned them in the Nov 1 2007 letter that their irresponsible accusations of “hate” would lead to violence.  The introduction discusses a project that I have been compiling data for since 2009 but have never implemented.  Perhaps it is time for that.

Help Expose the Southern Poverty Law Center

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has published its annual list of “hate groups” and for the second year in a row, it includes my organization, Abiding Truth Ministries. I know this because I recently received a call from a reporter at The Californian newspaper Riverside County California asking for my comment on this designation. I spent nearly an hour on the phone attempting to defend our reputation as a civilized and reasonable advocate of the pro-family agenda for society, rooted in the Bible. I am not the violent hatemonger they portray me as, which you may confirm for yourself at my website Nearly everything I have written in my career as a Christian activist is published there.

I am well used to fending off the accusation of hate, since that tactical rhetorical weapon is leveled by the “gay” movement and its allies against everyone, however mild-mannered or benign, who dares to assert the self-evident truth that homosexuality is wrong and harmful. However, to be labeled as such by the SPLC is a whole different story. This is an organization which purports to be the national authority on hate groups, a claim which carries substantial credibility due to its past high-profile campaigns against racist groups (which I supported). In fact, the SPLC conducts training seminars on hate groups for law enforcement agencies.

After being placed on the hate list the first time, I tried diligently over the course of a year to persuade the SPLC to remove us on the grounds that we really don�t belong there. My letters to the SPLC are posted in our resource section at for your review (and included below). Finally, I sent a letter to SPLC staffer Mark Potok asking specifically why we had been placed on the list and what we would need to do to be removed. I never received an answer to my letter (nor to my prior phone call), but when the reporter posed that same question to him he replied that we were added because I am the co-author of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party and I would need to repudiate the claims of the book to be removed from the list.

Obviously, I have no intention of distancing myself from my accurate, factual documentation of the homosexual roots of the Nazi regime. As I stated to the reporter, I stand ready (as I have since the publication of our first edition in 1995) to debate the facts and implications of The Pink Swastika anywhere and with any competent opponent. A portion of The Pink Swastika is published online at and I encourage everyone to read it for themselves.

However, having now exhausted diplomatic options for resolving this problem I am left with the choice of giving up or taking more aggressive measures. Frankly, if the attacks against me were limited to the SPLC”s own website, I would probably just drop the issue, even though one polemic by SPLC writer Casey Sanchez is by far the most vicious piece of libel I have suffered in 20 years of being smeared by “gay” apologists. I”m not really concerned with the opinions of the loonies at SPLC and their followers, and I am ever mindful of (and grateful for) the Biblical promises related to suffering for being a faithful Christian. But the SPLC”s articles on me and ATM are now being cited as documentation of my bad character all over the web, and growing more and more outrageous in their claims, including the absolutely false and beyond-the-pale accusation that I defend murder of homosexuals.

I have decided that I will not, by my silence, embolden the SPLC to widen its attack on the pro-family movement beyond the several groups already on their “hate” list (most of which as undeserving as ATM of this designation).

How then to respond? One avenue would be litigation, since I am an attorney and I believe some of what they have published on their site is legally actionable. But I believe the more effective response would be to give them a taste of their own medicine and expose the SPLC as the blindly partisan, anti-Christian hate group which it has become. Certainly, SPLC leaders have every right to their bigoted views, but they do not have the right, at the same time, to claim the status of independent, neutral arbiters of the homosexual issue.

The SPLC and its personnel are, in most cases, more deserving of public scrutiny and disapproval than their targets. Their overarching theme seems to be the demonization of the “Christian Right” as a fundraising strategy (see my November 2007 letter to the SPLC below for an analysis of how Christians are treated on their website). It appears to me that the SPLC is, more than anything else, a fundraising machine, and that it has run out of racist threats with which to scare its donor base. Therefore it has turned to the most convenient alternative target, Christians, because the “gays” have already spent years and vast resources publicly painting us as “haters” comparable to racists.

However, the SPLC has not yet learned that Christians are not the easy targets that racists were. No reasonable person endorses racism, and few Americans are willing to defend racists when they are attacked. But Christians are a different story. We”re not racists. We”re not like racists in our actions or beliefs (despite what the “gays” say). And we have a large, powerful and growing army of social activists at work in the so-called culture war. These Kingdom-minded believers are already angry with the “hate-mongering” smear campaigns that the pro-“gay” media has been waging against us for years, and that the SPLC has only recently begun to mimic.

What”s lacking is someone to turn the attention of the pro-family movement as a whole on the SPLC as a worthy target of its scrutiny and activism. This prior sentence is exactly the sort of statement that the SPLC would like to twist in it”s own fear-mongering fundraising letters, so let me be absolutely clear what I mean about “targeting” the SPLC:

I mean examining every aspect of their organizational life and history — which we already know is filled with hypocrisy, double-standards, misrepresentations of good people, and other bad stuff — and exposing the facts to the light of public scrutiny through pro-family and neutral media. No dirty tricks. No violence. No threats. No unethical conduct. Just good old-fashioned truth-telling.

As a victim of the SPLC hate machine I am willing to be that person, but I cannot succeed in this without help. I will need money (one cannot take on a fundraising “Goliath” without at least a few “smooth stones” worth of financial support). Donate at

I will assume that all donations made over the next few days are for this project.

I will also need help gathering information. As of today, consider Abiding Truth Ministries a repository and clearinghouse for all research and documentation related to the Southern Poverty Law Center. If you are one of those whose skill and interest lean toward the gift of research and investigation consider this a request for legally-obtained data about the SPLC. If you are one of those whose gift is the dissemination of information, whether as a private party or part of a media organization, please introduce yourself to me at

Phase I is about gathering information and processing it into useable forms.

Phase II will involve disseminating the information.

Stay tuned. If you are not already on my e-mail list, but received this because of forwarding, please contact me directly to be added so you don”t miss our future updates.

Your Fellow Servant in Christ,

Dr. Scott Lively
President, Abiding Truth Ministries

The following are my letters to the SPLC:
The first was actually in my capacity as co-founder of Watchmen on the Walls, but applies equally to ATM.

Letter #1

PO BOX 891023, TEMECULA, CA 92589

November 1, 2007

Attorney Morris Dees
Southern Poverty Law Center
400 Washington Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104

Dear Mr. Dees,

I have long held a favorable opinion of your organization for its work against racism and violent extremist groups. We differ on issues related to sexual morality because my opinions conform to the long-standing conclusions of Christianity, based on the Bible. Nevertheless, I respect your right to disagree, and to advocate your opinions, as you do so eloquently and so zealously.

When a respected organization such as yours ventures into the business of evaluating the behavior and motives of others (called “judging” when Christians do it), the organization bears a special responsibility to be accurate and fair-minded. An erroneous representation of a person or a group as “hateful” can destroy a reputation and cause great harm. Indeed, given the current extreme Left/Right polarization of our society, identifying someone as “hateful,” in the manner in which your organization uses the term, exposes that person to potential violence at the hands of people who perceive themselves, or other members of their group, as potential victims of his or her “hate.” Such people, relying on your characterization, may feel justified in striking preemptively against the “hater.”

I believe this is similar to the logic that you use in suggesting that public disapproval of homosexuality leads to violence against homosexuals. However, Christian disapproval, if it is legitimately rooted in the teachings of Jesus, forbids violence and in fact requires Christians to “love their enemies.” This is a doctrine I cite continually, though I have never seen the corollary on the Left.

I was more than a little dismayed, therefore, when I found myself the subject of your recent reporting in association with Watchmen on the Walls, for which I am a consultant and founding member. The following was published by a leading local newspaper in the Seattle media market prior to our recent WOW conference.

[Watchmen on the Walls] is building a reputation for being an “unbelievably virulent anti-gay organization,” said Mark Potok, a spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, based in Montgomery, Ala. The center is known for promoting tolerance, tracking hate groups and fighting legal battles against white supremacists, including the Klan and Aryan Nations.

This led me to a search of your own website, where I found myself mentioned in several articles, primarily in connection with my book The Pink Swastika. I also found an outrageously irresponsible and inflammatory article by Casey Sanchez linking Watchmen on the Walls to the murder of Satender Singh in Sacramento, without the least shred of evidence to support the association except that the alleged perpetrator is Russian, as is the founder of Watchmen on the Walls. I believe you once called that type of rhetoric racism.

Another article by Sanchez, posted on October 19th, 2007, accused me of stating that “gays orchestrated the Holocaust.” I refer you to your own website where previously your writer Bob Moser quoted my Orthodox Jewish co-author and I accurately as stating “we cannot say that homosexuals caused the Holocaust.” I respectfully request a retraction of that falsehood.

I”d also like the opportunity to correspond with whomever in your organization reviewed my book and concluded it”s assertions were baseless. I”d be interested to know how your researcher evaluated the specific facts I cited from my nearly 200 mainstream and “gay” sources. Perhaps this person, or anyone you care to designate, would also consent to debate these assertions publicly with Kevin Abrams and me.

The same Sanchez article also featured an excerpt from my recent speech in Novosibirsk, Siberia in which several local men cheered during my recounting of how the death of Singh was used by the Sacramento media to tarnish all Russians. These men did not represent the spirit of the conference, nor the beliefs and goals of the Watchmen on the Walls. The meeting was open to the public and in Russia there are, unfortunately, some people who do hate homosexuals.

Most disappointing, however, especially given your stated mission to promote tolerance, was that your article failed to mention that I spent most of the remainder of my speech articulating the genuine Christian approach to homosexuality as one of compassion for self-identified homosexual people even while we oppose their lifestyle and political goals. I believe that my speech helped change the attitude of those men who had previously held only hatred for homosexuals, and allowed them to see homosexuals as people who need and deserve the love of Jesus, just as much as they do. This is, after all, what my religion teaches: love, not hate. The article therefore casts me in a false light and damages your claim to be an arbiter of civil rights conflicts.

This brings me to the issue of “hate.” I found it very surprising that on your website, which is dominated by the theme of hatred, I couldn”t find a definition of the term, as you use it, anywhere. This is especially odd, since I know you are a law center, and clear definition of terms is indispensable in the practice of law. If I am mistaken, please advise me where I can find this information on your site, because I do not want make the same mistake toward you that you have made toward me.

I will not impugn your motives, but I know that others on the Left refuse to define hatred because that would establish a standard by which they, and the organizations that share their views, could be measured. For example, if one uses the definition “intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility,” then much of the content of your own website, as it relates to groups on your list could reasonably to be considered “hate.” I don”t have a problem with that. Frankly, I hate what most of those groups do also. I hate racism, extremism that leads to violence, and irrational bigotry as much as I disapprove of homosexuality. But I don”t hate racists, bigots or homosexuals: they all need and deserve the love of Jesus just as much as I do.

I urge you to take leadership on this question and clearly set forth the definitions and criteria that you believe we should all use to judge these matters. Frankly, I don”t know how you can offer to teach law enforcement about “hate” groups without such objective standards. Perhaps they are included in your teaching materials not accessible on the website. If so, please extend me the courtesy of sending me a copy of the relevant passages or telling me where I can find them.

Your website has one additional deficiency in that it does not include any references whatsoever to hate-based attacks on Christians. I searched “attacks against Christians,” “against Christians,” “Christian victim,” “victim was a Christian,” “church-burnings,” and a number of other intuitive phrases. I didn”t find a single item in which a Christian was identified as a victims of hate or discrimination. However, these search terms pulled up numerous items in which hate-groups and individual perpetrators were identified as Christian. Surely you are not ignorant of the many hate-motivated incidents in recent years in which Christians were the targets?

Once again, if I”m wrong, and this information is published on your website, please direct me to it. Assuming I”m right, however, this begs the question “why is it omitted?”.

I decline to draw any conclusions here, and give you the benefit of the doubt that the concerns I”ve raised are simple errors and/or oversights on the part of your staff. However, I would hope that, as a leading, indeed legendary, figure in the field of civil rights, you would take immediate action to correct these mistakes.

This is not a demand letter and I have no desire or intention to file suit against you. I am relying on your reputation as a man of integrity to set these matters straight simply because its the right thing to do.

I agree with you that there are some hate-filled people who operate under the name “Christian.” This does nearly as much damage to the community of genuine Christians as it does to the victims of these misguided men and women. I urge you reach out to leaders of my community to find common ground against racism and violence, so that you do not make the mistake, even unintentionally, of painting all Bible-believing Christians as hateful bigots. We will probably not agree on matters of sexual morality, but surely there is room for civil dialogue even on these issues. I stand ready to cooperate with you personally toward this goal if you are willing.

Finally, I ask you to take a second look at Watchmen on the Walls. You will find that it is as racially and culturally diverse as any organization in America, and does not advocate or condone violence. Yes, it is strongly against homosexuality, but that alone shouldn”t qualify anyone as “hateful.” I am sending for your perusal a copy of the “Watchmen on the Walls Statement of Beliefs and Goals,” and a copy of WOW”s first public document, the “Riga Declaration on Religious Freedom, Family Values and Human Rights.” I am also sending a copy of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, and my recent essay “Is Hating “Haters” Hateful.” I ask you to give each of these a fair reading before commenting upon them.

Hoping to reach a place of mutual respect, I am

Most Sincerely,
Scott Douglas Lively, J.D., Th.D.

Letter #2


October 1, 2008
Attorney J. Richard Cohen
Southern Poverty Law Center
400 Washington Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104

Dear Mr. Cohen,

I am an attorney and President of Abiding Truth Ministries, based in Temecula, California. On November 1, 2007 I sent a letter to your organization on behalf of the pro-family organization Watchmen on the Walls, respectfully asking you to reconsider your decision to list that organization as a hate group. You did not respond to the substantive points of my argument except to correct a factual error on your website regarding my book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party. I thank you for the correction. However, you maintained your posture relative to the Watchmen group, and, to my great disappointment, added my own organization, Abiding Truth Ministries, to your list of “hate” groups in your 2008 report.

In my November 1st letter, addressed to Mr. Dees, I wrote:

I found it very surprising that on your website, which is dominated by the theme of hatred, I couldn”t find a definition of the term, as you use it, anywhere. This is especially odd, since I know you are a law center, and clear definition of terms is indispensable in the practice of law. If I am mistaken, please advise me where I can find this information on your site, because I do not want make the same mistake toward you that you have made toward me.

I will not impugn your motives, but I know that others on the Left refuse to define hatred because that would establish a standard by which they, and the organizations that share their views, could be measured. For example, if one uses the definition “intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility,” then much of the content of your own website, as it relates to groups on your list could reasonably to be considered “hate.” I don”t have a problem with that. Frankly, I hate what most of those groups do also. I hate racism, extremism that leads to violence, and irrational bigotry as much as I disapprove of homosexuality. But I don”t hate racists, bigots or homosexuals: they all need and deserve the love of Jesus just as much as I do.

I urge you to take leadership on this question and clearly set forth the definitions and criteria that you believe we should all use to judge these matters. Frankly, I don”t know how you can offer to teach law enforcement about “hate” groups without such objective standards. Perhaps they are included in your teaching materials not accessible on the website. If so, please extend me the courtesy of sending me a copy of the relevant passages or telling me where I can find them.

Your website has one additional deficiency in that it does not include any references whatsoever to hate-based attacks on Christians. I searched “attacks against Christians,” “against Christians,” “Christian victim,” “victim was a Christian,” “church-burnings,” and a number of other intuitive phrases. I didn”t find a single item in which a Christian was identified as a victims of hate or discrimination. However, these search terms pulled up numerous items in which hate-groups and individual perpetrators were identified as Christian. Surely you are not ignorant of the many hate-motivated incidents in recent years in which Christians were the targets?

Once again, if I”m wrong, and this information is published on your website, please direct me to it. Assuming I”m right, however, this begs the question “why is it omitted?”.

I decline to draw any conclusions here, and give you the benefit of the doubt that the concerns I”ve raised are simple errors and/or oversights on the part of your staff. However, I would hope that, as a leading, indeed legendary, figure in the field of civil rights, you would take immediate action to correct these mistakes.

As I stated above, your organization did not respond to these issues. Neither, in the eleven months since I notified you, have you done anything to address them on your website. I must therefore conclude that the glaring anti-Christian bias in your materials accurately reflects your perspective and ideology, and that the lack of clear, objective criteria for determining who is a “hater” is intentional. This, of course, by any reasonable standard disqualifies you as an moral arbiter on issues, such as homosexuality, where Christian beliefs or values are in conflict with those of other groups.
Irrespective of the above, my organization does not meet even the vague basis by which you categorize “anti-gay” hate groups: “organizations that go beyond mere disagreement with homosexuality by subjecting gays and lesbians to campaigns of personal vilification.” However, even if you can stretch these term to include us, the same must certainly be true of virtually every “gay rights” group in the public sphere as they address Bible-believing Christians, negating any justification for singling out my organization.
Therefore, this letter is to ask you to immediately remove Abiding Truth Ministries from your list of “hate” groups.
Please note that this is not an open letter. I am not holding you up to public scorn or scrutiny on the issues herein. My only goal is to protect my organization from being falsely characterized as a hate group. If you immediately remove ATM from your list I will consider the matter closed and will not seek to cause you any embarrassment by publicizing your action outside of reporting it to my subscribers. You have my word.
However, if you choose not to accede to my request within a reasonable time, I will take the liberty of making the contents of this letter public, and may take further action as appropriate.
Frankly, I submit that you would provide a much more valuable service to our society if you were to promote a more balanced and objective approach to the homosexual issue that accommodates instead of condemns the views of Bible-believing Christians. I would be pleased to discuss such an objective with you at your convenience.

Dr. Scott Lively
President, Abiding Truth Ministries

Letter #3


October 18, 2008
Mr. Mark Potok
Southern Poverty Law Center
400 Washington Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104

Dear Mr. Potok,

Thank you for your reply to my letter of October 1.

With inflammatory “hate crime” rhetoric and legislation advancing across the nation, and your organization being perceived by many to be the leading “independent” source of information about so-called anti-“gay” hate groups, your refusal to remove my organization from your list of these groups is exposing my organization and me personally to increasing harm.

So far, to my knowledge, we have suffered only damage to our reputations. I want to be removed from this list before we suffer something more serious.

Please tell me why you listed us in the first place and what specifically we must do to be removed from the list.

Dr. Scott Lively
President, Abiding Truth Ministries

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In Defense of David Barton, Part 2: Fact Checking Warren Throckmorton

This is a follow-up to my article defending David Barton from a smear campaign that I believe was orchestrated by Dr. Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College to punish Barton for taking a strong biblical stand against the homosexual political agenda. This is my opinion, based on my own experience with Throckmorton and my observations of how he wages his private war against pro-family activists. I personally don’t read his blog, but even a cursory scan of his postings will reveal to anyone who doubts me that this man is obsessed with discrediting Christians who advocate the biblical view that homosexuality is wrong and that homosexuals can change

As the outset, I want to thank Dr. Throckmorton for jogging my memory about something I had forgotten. He sent an email to a group of my friends asking them to forward the following message to me:

“My friend J.D. Wyneken is upset about how Scott Lively has misrepresented him. This has now been picked up by David Barton and tweeted to his followers and to who knows where else. This post written today does not begin to reflect J.D. feelings about how he has been used by Lively and Barton…Yesterday, I talked to J.D. Wyneken who disputed Lively’s account. Lively may have called but according to Wyneken, they never spoke on the phone. Lively emailed and, according to Wyneken, wanted to drive a wedge between us. Wyneken never said he was uncomfortable with my request to look at Lively’s book, but rather was glad to provide a reaction to it. Wyneken planned no additional posts since his interest in the matter was complete, not because he had second thoughts about what he said about The Pink Swastika. There was and is no problem with Wyneken. That was a figment of Lively’s imagination…..I kindly ask you Mr. Lively to retract that section and publicly apologize for your misrepresentation of the situation.”

Frankly, I had completely forgotten that I had exchanged emails with Mr. Wyneken (toward whom I hold no animosity) and recollected our exchange as a telephone conversation. My comment was thus just a rough paraphrase of what I recalled he said. However, once I received the above note I went back into my email archives and sure enough, there was the exact quote, in pertinent part, from the man himself:

“the debates over your book and ideas are ones that are primarily between you and Warren and those who support your various sides. I myself am much more interested in other political and scholarly debates and do not wish to be caught between you and Warren on this or any other related issue. I made this clear to Warren last year when he asked me to comment on whether or not The Pink Swastika reached the standards of professional history. Warren has thus far respected my wishes, and I ask respectfully that you do the same.”

So there it is, a perfectly reasonable position for him to take and at the same time fully consistent with my characterization of it in paraphrase. So I will not retract that section of my prior article nor apologize for writing it. I will however apologize for dragging him into this since we had evidently agreed (at my request) to keep that exchange private, a fact which I honestly had forgotten until I reviewed the email. I do sincerely apologize for that error of memory, Mr. Wyneken, but I can’t un-ring that bell.

Providentially, however (and I use that term in its original meaning), we now have a piece of evidence that supports my theory that Mr. Throckmorton is behind the anti-Barton campaign. The phrase “when he asked me to comment on whether or not The Pink Swastika reached the standards of professional history” precisely frames the tactic that would be necessary for someone to line up a group of Christian academics to review Barton’s Jefferson Lies. He got Mr. Wyneken to attack my book as a means of attempting to discredit me. Wouldn’t he be expected do the same in trying to discredit Barton? And on a larger scale given the greater stature of the target?

In light of that it’s also curious that the World Magazine article which seems to have marked the turning point in Christian media treating Mr. Barton as fair game for criticism was penned by yet another person with “.edu” at the end of his email address — this time a guy from Baylor. Was there complicity? Manipulation? I don’t know. This is just a conspiracy theory.

If it’s true, I’m hoping one of these academics who didn’t realize there was a hidden “gay” agenda behind the request to, perhaps, “comment on whether Jefferson Lies reached the standards of professional history” will confess that they’d been had. It would take some real courage and humility to do that, but it might happen. (The door to my e-mail inbox is always open —

Until then, we’re stuck with just the facts. So why don’t we just do a quick fact check on Warren Throckmorton to see if he‘s right in using his position at a Christian college to attack people who oppose homosexuality.

Here’s what Warren had to say on the issue to Michael Signorile, one of the all-time most influential “gay” activists, on the latter’s radio show in 2007:

WARREN THROCKMORTON: The aim of Sexual Identity Therapy is a satisfied life – a client who believes that they have come to an integration of their conflicts, and we’re, by the way, only talking about people who are in conflict.

MIKE SIGNORILE: So you think it is normal, natural and healthy for people who come out and accept that being homosexual — accept being gay — and completely have no issues with their religious faith — you believe — would you describe the words as [strong emphasis by Signorile] “normal, natural and healthy” – that that is fine?

THROCKMORTON: Yes. Yes, I have been very clear about that in my public statements, that the efforts to demonize people who accept their homosexuality and come out as gay have been futile. The research–[Signorile cuts him off]

Warren has thus stated as fact that homosexuality is “normal, natural and healthy” and this belief obviously informs all of his anti-Christian political activism.

But the Bible says:

“A man shall not lie with a man, it is an abomination.” Leviticus 18:22, and

“ Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, and

“Furthermore, since they [male and female homosexuals] did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.” Romans 1:28-32

Let’s also check to see if Warren’s view is considered a fact by his employer, Grove City College. Here’s a statement from their website under the title, “About GCC“:

“Grove City College remains true to the vision of its founders. Rejecting relativism and secularism, it fosters intellectual, moral, spiritual, and social development consistent with a commitment to Christian truth, morals, and freedom. Rather than political, ideological, or philosophical agendas, objective truth continues as the goal of liberal learning.”

Oops, wrong again.

So here’s my challenge to you Warren Throckmorton. Since you work for a Christian college which promises incoming students and their parents they will receive an education grounded in Christian truth,

And since you are in large part the cause of David Barton’s rejection as an author by Thomas Nelson publishers for alleged “factual inaccuracies” of a far less significant type that those relative to the Holy Scriptures.

And mostly because you have so flagrantly and arrogantly contradicted the plain truth of God,

I challenge you to immediately repent of your heresy and apologize to all you have wronged by your treachery against the faith or resign your position.

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In Defense of David Barton


For years I have been a great fan of David Barton, founder of Wallbuilders. His bold ministry of simply quoting primary and ancient secondary sources to counter the decades-long effort by secular-humanists to de-Christianize American history has inspired millions. One of my very pleasant memories was participating in a small chapel service in which David gave the message, and then got Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ on the speaker phone to greet us from his hospital bed, not long before he passed on to glory. And I have used Barton’s excellent resources for years, valuing them highly because they are so heavily documented and emphasize the historical record itself, not some “high brow” analysis by professional historians (that entire class, even most of the Christians, having been trained in secular humanist universities and steeped in political-correctness).

It was with concern, therefore, that I read an August 10th article in Publishers Weekly that Thomas Nelson publishers had cancelled its contract with Mr. Barton and withdrawn his book Jefferson Lies from the marketplace for “factual errors.” I admit I have not read the book, but I’ve since reviewed much of what the critics have written about it and also his rebuttal (published before the TN decision). I also know the character of the man and the high quality of his past work. Most importantly I know the character of the “gay” activist movement, and specifically one of it’s chief agents inside the Christian camp, Dr. Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College.

Throckmorton, the chief critic of Jefferson Lies, is heavily quoted in the Christian media in the attacks on Barton, and has written his own book to rebut it called Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about Our Third President.

Why, one might wonder, is a psychology professor so heavily invested in refuting David Barton’s claims about Thomas Jefferson’s Christianity? And why, among all the great many people who have published history books whose claims are strongly disputed by others, has David Barton become the subject of a campaign not just to challenge his conclusions but to humiliate him? And, since these sorts of defamatory efforts tend not to be spontaneous developments but the work of people with an agenda, who’s agenda is it in this case?

I have my own little conspiracy theory and it centers on David Barton’s emergence as a vocal opponent of the “gay rights” movement and Throckmorton‘s self-appointed role as the saboteur of such people. If you “Google” “David Barton” and “Homosexuality” you will find that Mr. Barton has become a subject of intense vilification in the “gay” blogosphere. You will also find triumphal gloating over Barton’s drubbing by the entire cadre of homosexual bloggers who specialize in attacking Christians, including the “Joseph Goebbels” of this group, Wayne Besen of the ironically-titled Truth Wins Out blog. Tellingly, Besen ran his story on the controversy under the headline “Dr. Warren Throckmorton’s ’Takedown’ of History Fraud David Barton.”

For those who still believe that Warren Throckmorton is on the side of the Christians in the culture war, just do a search of his name on the websites of the nastiest of these anti-Christ blogs such as Box Turtle Bulletin, Truth Wins Out and Joe My God. You will find that Throckmorton is a hero to these people and apparently a willing collaborator with some of them.

In my own search yesterday I also found a twitter message by Throckmorton, which was “re-tweeted” by Jay Richards (the man who organized the review of Jefferson Lies by 10 Christian academics). It said in essence “Now Barton can’t claim his only critics are liberals” or something to that effect (unfortunately it didn‘t come up for the same search terms today or I‘d quote it directly). Does that and several other re-tweets of each others messages prove collusion against Barton by these two men? No.

Frankly, I don’t know Richards and I must assume without evidence to the contrary that he is an honorable man. I also know of and respect several others of the academics who have criticized Barton. I don’t think they are part of any conspiracy either, though I am very disappointed at all of the “piling on“ now that Mr. Barton has been thrown under the bus by some in the Christian media. (I suspect there are at least a few of the ten who regret their participation in this project — though not necessarily their criticism of the book — now that they have seen how it has been leveraged to try to destroy the career of a good Christian man).

However, I do know Throckmorton and how he operates. I know because he has used a similar smear campaign against me. My first encounter with the man was when he went public to falsely accuse me of promoting forced therapy for homosexuals in Uganda without even trying to check with me whether it was true. When I confronted him on it, he didn’t apologize but justified himself. After a few exchanges with the man I realized he was a sold-out homosexualist and told him so. Ever since he has campaigned vigorously against me in the same way he has attacked Barton. He even corralled a newly-arrived faculty member at Grove City to write a criticism of my book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party. I called the man who wrote the critique, intending to challenge him to a debate. He told me that he had been very uncomfortable with Throckmorton’s request and didn’t intend to repeat the collaboration.

Throckmorton also took it upon himself to contact pro-family organizations which had cooperated with me in the past to “investigate” whether they intended to continue their relationship with me in light of the new “facts.” He brags about this on his blog. It was extremely aggressive and manipulative conduct, especially by a supposed fellow Christian.

I think he has used the same tactics here against Barton. This is classic “gay” pressure-politics: create a controversy or magnify the importance of an existing one, then go after the allies of the target who are most sensitive to public relations concerns until one or more of them stampedes (in this case Thomas Nelson), then trumpet the news that people are distancing themselves from the target as a way to further damage him. Alarmingly, this is suddenly now happening inside the Christian camp and believers, unfamiliar with such tactics, are falling prey to them. The Marxists who invented the strategy called such people “useful idiots,” not because they are unintelligent, but because they, through someone else’s clever duplicity, allow themselves to be unwitting tools of that person’s hidden agenda.

Now I’m not saying that David Barton is infallible or that his critics are wrong on every point. Anyone working in the field of history is vulnerable to this sort of attack. By definition one deals with hundreds or thousands of individual facts and sources, each fact subject to challenge by any number of people with differing opinions as to its implications and significance. By their very nature, there isn’t a history book on the library shelves that couldn’t be “discredited” (in the eyes of the public at least) by opponents with the will and resources to do it.

And Mr. Barton is particularly vulnerable because (like myself) being an activist and not an academic he uses a polemical style to focus primarily on the counter-evidence to what anti-Christian revisionists have previously claimed. Indeed, Barton’s format in Jefferson Lies is to cite one of the lies and then write a chapter refuting it. It is thus highly unfair to gather a panel of academics to sit in judgment on his book because first, it is only one side of a two-sided argument that should be taken together, and second, academics are trained against using a polemical style in the approach to history and are thus (as a class, though there are exceptions) professionally biased against it.

Unfortunately, the smear campaign against David Barton took on a life of its own and the damage to his ministry will undoubtedly be lasting, though I believe he will eventually be vindicated among fair-minded people.

To put all of this in a proper perspective, lets assume for the sake of argument that every criticism of every critic is accurate and not merely a question of different takes on the underlying facts and context (as I believe). Lets even go further and allow solely for argument’s sake that David Barton exaggerated some of the facts. Is the attack on the man in proportion to his perceived fault? For the sake of preventing further damage to our already fractured Christian unity in this dominant humanist culture couldn’t this have been handled more prudently? Or is David Barton’s entire career being destroyed and all of his years of working tirelessly to advance the cause of Christ in American society being retroactively invalidated on purpose by a puppet-master with a hidden motive?

Who exactly benefits from this? If you listen hard you can hear their gleeful cackles as they pat Warren Throckmorton on the back.

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OKC Note and New Essay “Classic Liberals Discover Homo-Fascism”

Just got back from Oklahoma City where I was the main speaker for opening night of the Reclaiming America for Christ conference.

I also performed my 20 minute edited version of Jonathan Edward’s 1741 sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God on Friday evening, the final night.  I gave a talk at the High Noon Club, a conservative politically-oriented lunch group that meets at a gun club, and on Sunday morning preached at Olivet Baptist Church in the inner-city.  Spent some time with pro-family hero Sally Kern, a state rep there, talking strategy and tactics.  It was a good trip. 

While in OKC the Chick fil A controversy broke out and I penned this essay which was published on World Net Daily.  I submitted it also to Salon magazine, but of course they did not print it. 

Classic Liberals Discover Homo-Fascism

The brouhaha over Chick Fil A CEO Dan Cathy’s defense of authentic marriage has caused a fender-bender on the political left. Classic free speech liberalism has apparently met for the first time the new generation of homo-fascists. Heady with empowerment by President Obama and a long string of political and legal victories, the “gay” activist movement and its homosexualist allies are flexing their muscles like never before. Two such allies, Mayors Tom Merino of Boston and Rahm Emanuel of Chicago announced plans to use the powers of their respective offices to prevent Chick Fil A from expanding its business in these two cities. Their blatant disregard for the First Amendment was so egregious that it apparently shocked a number of classic liberals into action.

Salon Magazine’s Glenn Greenwald chided his fellow-travelers on the left in a column titled “Rahm Emanuel‘s Dangerous Free Speech Attack,” remarking “You can’t cheer when political officials punish the expression of views you dislike and then expect to be taken seriously when you wrap yourself in the banner of free speech in order to protest state punishment of views you like and share.” He listed a number of other liberal journalists and groups like the ACLU who had also gone public with their criticism.

Welcome to the brave new world of homo-fascism, Mr. Greenwald, but watch your back. You’re now officially a “homophobe” because you have dared to oppose something that is favorable to the “gay” cause. Sure, you tried to cover your backside by tossing in a couple of cheap shots at the “chicken CEO” but that won’t save you from the Brownshirts. They don’t really care about free speech. They care about power. Indeed, if you had been paying attention over the past few years, you would have noticed that their official position is that “anti-gay bigots” don‘t deserve free speech at all.

Perhaps you are unaware of the “Commentator Accountability Project” of the powerful Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLADD). It was launched earlier this year to hold media outlets (not commentators) accountable for allowing traditional marriage advocates (including this writer) to have a voice in the public debate.

One of its key concepts for twisting the arms of journalists is the slogan “bias is not balance.” How’s that for simply redefining pro-family opinion out of existence in the newsroom? See I personally recall a leader of the Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association years ago state that allowing pro-family people to comment in news stories related to homosexuality was equivalent to letting the Ku Klux Klan have equal time in stories about race.

But surely, Mr. Greenwald, you are not unaware of the many incidents of “gay” bullying of Christians in recent years, from the celebrity-level character assassination of beauty queen Carrie Prejean (for saying nothing more than that marriage should be between a man and a woman), to the recent bashing of Brad Pitt’s Mom for giving her opinion that homosexuality is wrong in a letter to her local newspaper. Reportedly, death threats have since intimidated her into silence. Last year just outside of Rahm’s Chicago in Arlington Heights, a church school which hosted me for a talk on the biblical view of homosexuality was vandalized when a chunk of pavement was thrown through a window. On it was written the message “Shut Down Lively” and a note was attached threatening future violence. Come to mention it, though, you wouldn’t have known about this hate crime because it got almost no press coverage, even locally. I wonder why?

True, these examples are not precisely equivalent to the case of public officials abusing their offices to punish pro-family speech, but they do share in common an implicit belief that all disapproval of homosexuality must be suppressed. And that the urgency of this goal trumps all other considerations.

Unfortunately for all of us, there will be many more examples of homo-fascism in our future, because the “gay” movement is finally within reach at a national level of the power that it needs to punish its most vocal detractors and intimidate everyone else into silence. This will include “classic liberals” like yourself, Mr. Greenwald, a fact which you will discover the hard way if you dare to continue as a defender of “repellant” pro-family speech. I pray you have the backbone to match your principles. And while you’re at it, being also a civil rights lawyer, perhaps you might weigh in on the ethics of lesbian judicial activist Sophia Hall sitting as presiding judge in the Illinois “gay marriage” case. Rahm Emanuel’s power to unconstitutionally impose his “morality” on the people of that state pales in comparison to hers.

Don’t get me wrong, I genuinely appreciate that some of you classic liberals have jumped to the defense of Dan Cathy’s free speech rights. Forgive me for my skepticism of your motives, however, in light of all the other examples of “gay” bullying that have largely gone unchallenged by you all. One can’t help but wonder if the “danger” you sense is not actually to the First Amendment, but to the “gay” agenda itself, by the prospect of a too-early awakening of the sleeping giant of American public opinion. The frog must not be prompted to jump out of the pot by a too-sudden rise in heat.

So, along with the rest of the pro-family movement I will wait to see whether you and your colleagues continue to stand up to the “gay” bullies, in which case we will know you’re for real, or whether you step aside and let them goosestep on toward their glorious vision of a society purged of Judeo-Christian sexual morality.


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The Pink Swastika 5th Edition

Today we are launching The Pink Swastika 5th Edition with a “beta” version of Chapter 1 in PDF format.

 This book severely undermines the “victim plunder” strategy of the “gay” movement and as such is bitterly hated by “gay” activists and their allies.  Indeed, when a Riverside County, CA area journalist asked the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center (at my prompting) what it would take for me to be dropped from their list of “hate groups,” they said “Recant The Pink Swastika.” Frankly, I don’t want to be dropped from that list, because, considering who they are, it is a badge of honor to be so designated. But I’m raising this to show how deeply they are bothered by The Pink Swastika.

We won’t recant because The Pink Swastika tells the truth. It is documentary evidence from recent human history that God’s perspective in the Bible about homosexuality and its destructiveness to society is true. 

This 5th Edition emphasizes the strength of our documentation which will be especially irksome to another of our left-wing critics, Warren Throckmorton.  He has devoted a fair amount of effort to try to “debunk” the book.  Most of his arguments are petty and snipe at minor issues around the periphery of the thesis.  Like most of his fellow Pink Swastika haters he cannot address the book point by point since so very much of it is unassailable.  This edition makes that fact all the clearer.   

The Pink Swastika is being published in a more portable form for easy distribution. Feel free to download and pass it along.  It is quite a large file but can be emailed between gmail accounts (which have a 25mb limit) or downloaded on a flash drive.  The easiest way to distribute it is just to send the link.  You have our permission to do all of these things.

This Chapter 1, Version 1.1 is the first in a series of releases that will eventually culminate in the publication of a single finished work.

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Second Attack by SMUG and CCR

This week Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) and the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed an Amended Complaint in their U.S. federal lawsuit against me for “Crimes Against Humanity.” It is better written than the original but still boils down to nothing more than an attempt to define my Biblical views against homosexuality as a crime. You can read it here:

Amended Complaint – against Scott Lively as dated 071312

Clearly, this lawsuit is intended not only to silence me as an effective voice of opposition to the “gay” agenda, it is also to intimidate everyone else who would dare to follow my example.

But I am not intimidated, and I intend to use whatever notoriety these bullies create for me to advance the cause of Christ. Such an opportunity was my trip to Springfield MO last week to oppose the anti-discrimination “Gay Fascism” bill now before their city council. Because I got involved there was controversy, which brought public attention to an ordinance the city council wanted to sneak under the radar. Citizens are now activated. We might just kill that bill.

Jesus set the example of courage under persecution, just as He set the rules for family and sexuality that I am striving imperfectly to defend. The entire culture war is about the Biblical World View. Cowards and man-pleasers in the so-called “emergent” church shrink from defending it in the face of homo-fascism. The remnant refuse to yield to the bullies, and are taking our lumps — the first wave of a coming tsunami of persecution of true Christians.

The sheep and goats are being divided, and the Lord is using the issue of homosexuality as the divider — just as it was the “final straw” for Him regarding the Great Flood and at Sodom.

This lawsuit epitomizes the ongoing rise of homo-fascism in America, meaning the authoritarian abuse of power to suppress all opposition to “gay“ ideology. At this stage it is still mostly limited to abuses of the processes available (supposedly) to all Americans in our systems of courts, media, schools and colleges, etc because they don’t yet have full control of the seats of power themselves. Soon, if the trend of growing “gay” power continues, these systems will simply embrace “gay” ideology as the new norm and the current pretense of respect for the equality of opposing views will end.

All of the liberals rhetoric about freedom of speech is already ringing hollow in the face of their support of “anti-discrimination” laws that trump the First Amendment in court rulings, and in the complicity of “mainstream” media and academia in “gay” misrepresentations of every aspect of their lifestyle and agenda.

This lawsuit represents a direct assault on the First Amendment and there is no guarantee in the current climate that they will not win.

But by His grace, win or lose, at any cost, I will continue to speak the truth of God.

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Springfield MO Update

We held our Community Action Meeting against the “Gay Fascism Bill” at the public library Friday evening at 7PM.  It was a standing-room-only crowd of just over 80 people, about 4 or 5 to 1 pro-family.  Several of the pro-“gay” participants filmed my talk, no doubt to glean more evidence of my “hate” against homosexuals in their never-ending but fruitless campaign to silence me through slander and intimidation.  One of these agents was supposedly sent by the most devoted chapter of my fan club, the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization which is the subject of occasional imprecatory prayer by me:  “Lord God bring this evil Anti-Christ organization down by your mighty hand!  And in such a way that is unmistakably You, Lord, and not by the hand or action of any human being or group.  Save the people.  Destroy their organization.” 

I was very encouraged both by the turnout and the enthusiasm of the crowd to take on the challenge of killing the so-called “sexual orientation antidiscrimination ordinance.”  The coverage in the Springfield newspaper was also surprisingly balanced.

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Report from Springfield MO

I flew in yesterday from Springfield MA to Springfield MO to try to stop the “Gay Fascism Bill” (the so-called “sexual orientation” anti-discrimination ordinance) from being voted in by the City Council here.  Minor success already in that they have now postponed the vote due to public attention to the issue caused by my visit.  I made the front page of the Springfield News Leader at

Here is my reply to several comments following the story on the newspaper webpage:  “This is Pastor Scott Lively responding to Ms. Smith and others. We are not a ‘hate group’ just because the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center says so (Google them), and I did not advocate nor support the Ugandan bill as written. My book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party has not been ‘discredited’ by anyone but ‘gay’ activists and their flunkies. It is one of the most thoroughly documented books you will ever read, relying on the most respected and credible mainstream sources of the 1940s thru 1960s. I do not nor have I ever espoused hate or promoted violence toward homosexuals or any other group. Unfortunately, many “gay” activists and their allies are very dishonest about their own agenda and the people who disagree with them. My detailed flyer about the Springfield “Gay Fascism” bill is …[below] and explains the danger of this ordinance. This is NOT San Francisco, the left does not have a majority here. Springfield Christians and other people of traditional values can easily defeat this bill if they simply stand up and oppose it.”

A prior version of this comment disappeared from the site so I had to re-write it.  Hope it stays up this time.  Could have been my mistake (we’ll know if the second version disappears).

Here is a copy of the ordinance: Ordinance Spfld MO

A few key points I will bring up in my presentation at the Public Library tonight:

1.  The “Gay” Political Machine long ago hijacked the Civil Rights Movement and has ever since exploited it for its own selfish ends.

2.  The political instrument called the Human Rights Commission is often nothing more than a Trojan Horse to advance the “gay” agenda past the outer defenses of the local government.  That is its primary purpose in these cases.  It is driven by “gay” activists, hidden behind an ethnic minority  figurehead who is almost always either an in-the-closet homosexual, a pro-“gay” liberal, or a “clueless” stooge who doesn’t know or care that he is being used.  The “gays” bundle their issues together with those of legitimate minorities as a “package deal,” relying on public sympathy for the authentic civil rights concerns of ethnic groups to make their own demands less unpalatable.

3.  Often but not always “gay” and leftist activists in the local media conspire with the Human Rights Commission to create the public perception that legislation is necessary or desireable to counter “a rising tide of bigotry” in the community.  When, inevitably, genunine hate crimes occur, these incidents are highlighted and magnified to suggest (falsely) that existing legal policies and protections are insufficient and that additional legislation is necessary.   

3.  The passage of an “anti–discrimination ordinance based on sexual orientation” represents the capture of the seat of government by “gay” activists, to be thenceforth weilded as a shield against all efforts to curtail the expansion of “gay” power, and as a sword against their opponents, primarily Christians.  It criminalizes “discrimination” against homosexual conduct and lifestyles, granting “gay” activists legal standing to litigate against “discriminators.” 

4.  Lawsuits based on “anti-discrimination” laws then become the primary tool of social engineering.  Key opponents such as people of strong religious faith are deliberately targeted to be made an example of, so that the rest of the public shrinks from speaking against homosexuality out of fear. 

5. The “sexual orientation anti-discrimination ordinance” is the seed the contains the entire tree of the homosexual agenda with all of its poisonous fruit: “gay” marriage, “gay” adoption, taxpayer funding of “gay” projects, etc..  Once it takes root, the local “gay” activist community grows continuously stronger and bolder while their opponents grow continuously weaker and more timid. 

I will make myself available to assist any conservative community in the United States to stop these “Gay Fascism” bills. 

I further urge these communities to pro-actively move the ball in the opposite direction through the use of legislation such as my “Model Family First Ordinance” on Page 181 of my book Redeeming the Rainbow: A Christian Response to the “Gay” Agenda (see sidebar at home page).




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CHRISTIAN RED ALERT  (click here for downloadable PDF)

Image of Gay Militants Bash Back members, who disrupted a Michigan church service by flinging condoms around the sanctuary.  “Gay” Fascism is on the rise in America.



The City of Springfield Missouri has announced it’s intention to “consider”** an ordinance to give homosexuals extraordinary new powers to silence and punish Christian landlords and businesses through civil rights lawsuits.

Framed as an “anti-discrimination” measure it is in reality a “Gay Fascism” Bill that will make disapproval of homosexuality illegal in the City of Springfield and grant gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders (GLBTs) legal standing to sue their opponents, primarily Christians.

Starting in the 1980s in cities like San Francisco, homosexuals have forced many U.S. cities and numerous states to adopt similar “Gay Fascism” laws with disastrous effects on Christian landlords and businesses.  Empowered by recent successes, they are now pushing into conservative cities.

As soon as a city criminalizes discrimination against homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism through one of these bills, GLBT activists backed by anti-Christian law firms begin targeting people of strong religious faith and traditional values with civil rights lawsuits.

Under Vermont’s anti-discrimination law two lesbians sued the Wildflower Inn in 2011 for refusing to host a lesbian “wedding.”  Now over a year later the case is still in litigation at great personal and emotional cost to the owners of this family friendly resort.

In March of this year a Lexington Kentucky T-Shirt printing company called Hands On Originals was fined $6,600 for refusing to print shirts for a local homosexual festival, despite (more likely because of) stating prominently on its home page that it is a “Christian Outfitter,” reserving a “right of refusal” to decline business in conflict with its beliefs.

E-Harmony, the online Christian dating site was sued in 2008 under one of these “Gay Fascism” laws in New Jersey and “forced” to create a dating site for homosexuals at enormous expense and in a severe compromise of its values.

At Augusta State University in Georgia, Christian student Jennifer Keeton was expelled in 2010 from the graduate counseling program over her disapproval of homosexuality.  In June of 2012 a court ruled that the college’s anti-discrimination policy trumped Keeton’s 1st Amendment religious rights.

These and many other examples of “homo-fascism” are only possible because of anti-discrimination laws based on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

What is worse, much worse, in a strategic political sense is that an “anti-discrimination policy” based on “sexual orientation” is the seed that contains the entire homosexual agenda with all of its poisonous fruit, including “gay” marriage, “gay” adoption, and heavy taxpayer funding of “gay” programs and projects.  Wherever the seed takes root, “gay” power and control just keeps growing until it supplants traditional family values with San Francisco-style sexual anarchy in every social and political sphere.


Last year in the conservative country of Moldova, I led a successful campaign to kill an “anti-discrimination” bill very much like this one.  I believe the same strategy can work in a conservative city like Springfield MO.  The key is to give up trying to appear “nice” and “reasonable” to the media and get aggressive (not violent) in our posture and rhetoric.

If this agenda is as bad as we say it is, AND IT IS, we should start letting our words and actions match the threat!!

It’s time to PUSH BACK.

In Jesus, the Lord of Hosts,

Dr. Scott Lively

PS.  I’ll be in Springfield from July 12 thru 15th for meetings, training seminars and street activism.  Contact me at if you would like to join me there.

** “Consider?”  In my experience, the homosexuals never bring forth one of these bills unless that think they already have the votes to pass it.  The public comment period is all for show.  Our side has grown weary of losing all of these battles (and many have given up and gone home long ago) after great effort to work “within the system” by getting people to the city council meetings.

Yes, we need to be at those meetings but these battles are not won in the hearing room, they are won on the street!  We need a public outcry against this bill and put real fear in the hearts of these representatives that they will hurt their political careers by going down this road.


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The Global Threat of Homosexuality

My January 15, 2012 sermon at Resurrection Life Church in Sacramento was banned on YouTube as “hate speech” but Brian Camenker has now posted it on his site and I encourage you to view and recommend it.  I believe it is my best presentation in my 20+ years of speaking on the homosexual issue.

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My Analysis of the SMUG Lawsuit

About 100 "gay" activists stage a march and protest against me after filing the SMUG lawsuit at Federal District Court in Springfield, MA, accusing me of "Crimes Against Humanity."

On March 23, 2012 I was served with a summons on a civil complaint for Crimes Against Humanity of Persecution, filed in Federal District Court in Springfield, MA on behalf of Sexual Minorities of Uganda (SMUG) by the Center for Constitutional Rights, which receives some of its funding from George Soros.  The plaintiffs have used the Alien Tort Statute, arguing foreigners should be allowed to sue U.S. citizens in America for alleged violations of international law.

What is the alleged violation of international law? Incredibly, the complaint alleges “Crimes Against Humanity of Persecution,” claiming that my speech on homosexuality and pornography resulted in a conspiracy to persecute homosexuals. This is outrageous!

With full knowledge that these are bald-faced lies, SMUG asserts that 1) I masterminded the 2009 Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda, which they call the “Kill the Gays Bill,” 2) inflamed passions against homosexuals in Uganda by characterizing all homosexuals as irredeemable genocidal child molesters, and 3) introduced to Uganda the heretofore unknown strategy of criminalizing public promotion of homosexuality as a means of opposing the rise of a homosexual movement in Uganda.  The proof that these are lies is found in the very same documents they misuse against me.

Their chief “evidence” for a conspiracy is that 1) I allegedly had communications with Ugandan activists and government officials and disseminated copies of my books and other writings in Uganda, 2) that these individuals introduced capital punishment for homosexuals in Uganda by producing and lobbying for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, and 3) they launched a campaign of public vilification of homosexuals that supposedly would not have occurred had I not inspired and directed them to do so. The suit leaves out my unequivocal statements where I have repeatedly spoken against the capital punishment provision in the proposed legislation. But, neither SMUG nor the Center for Constitutional Rights are interested in the truth.

This alleged conspiracy is simply absurd, implying that my speech and writings about homosexuality overpowered the intelligence and independence of the entire government and population of Uganda, bending them to my supposedly nefarious will.  It is a breathtakingly insulting and racist premise.  It is factually bankrupt as well, as is proven (once again) by the very documents which the plaintiffs have relied upon for their complaint.

Their evidence that this “conspiracy” resulted in Crimes Against Humanity of Persecution is, in total,

1) the 2011 murder of SMUG leader David Kato (whose confessed killer was NOT an enraged “homophobe,” but Kato‘s live-in male prostitute/lover now serving 30 years in prison for the crime, an important fact they intentionally leave out),

2) the 2012 disruption of a two week conference (on its final day) by police who called the 30 or so of them “terrorists,” none of whom were arrested or detained,

3) the 2008 arrest and brief detention of three activists protesting an AIDS conference against whom no charges were filed,

4) the 2005 arrest of a transsexual who was stripped and fondled by police officers (but who subsequently won a tort suit against the police in a Ugandan court),

5)  an alleged nationwide government campaign to “crack down” on homosexual advocacy, resulting in the temporary suspension of one radio station manager by the Ugandan Broadcasting Council (for violation of “minimum broadcast standards” based on the reportedly foul language of a lesbian guest of a talk show),

6) the “outing” of numerous allegedly homosexual activists by various Ugandan individuals and newspapers (similar to what “gay“ and leftist media and activists do to their enemies here in the US), and

7) the self-claimed “flight” from Uganda of the SMUG Executive Director and spokesperson Robert Mugisha, now presumably comfortably remunerated by one or more Soros-funded NGOs.

This list of so-called “Crimes Against Humanity” is so weak that it smacks of mockery of the very real suffering that true victims of such crimes now face around the world.

SMUG is attempting to leverage a small catalogue of misrepresented and out-of-context comments by me, the independent actions of a few Ugandan leaders regarding their own national public policy, and a tiny handful of relatively minor incidents of “persecution,” into Crimes Against Humanity, the most serious category of crimes in the world.

Had SMUG filed this action in Uganda under Ugandan law, there would be no case. Had SMUG filed this action in the United States alleging violation of U.S. law, there would be no case. Realizing this problem, SMUG has tried to concoct an alleged violation of international law, which is absurd. SMUG would pervert our US Federal Courts into the modern equivalent of a Nuremburg Nazi War Trial.

Why would SMUG and the Center for Constitutional Rights go to such lengths in their attempt to punish one minor American pastor?  They want to silence me and anyone who speaks about the Bible or morality which does not agree with their agenda. Mindful of James 4:6, I pray for continued grace to counter these SMUG deceivers with humility and resolve.

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Motion to Dismiss SMUG Lawsuit

Liberty Counsel, my attorneys in the SMUG lawsuit attempting to find me liable for “Crimes Against Humanity” for preaching against homosexuality in Uganda  have filed the following motion to dismiss the case.

Wow.  It still seems surreal to relate that the filing of this lawsuit is an accomplished fact and not merely the fantasy ravings of some “gay” blogger.  But it is a fact, and here is the link to their Complaint, one of sloppiest, most poorly reasoned briefs I have ever read, filled with embarassing typographical errors and egregious ommissions of fact designed to mislead the court.

In contrast, look at the masterful work of my team at Liberty Counsel!  What a great blessing it is to have them defending me.  If nothing else, read the introduction to the motion.

Memo – Support Motion to Dismiss as filed 062212

To understand these two documents in their right relationship, the SMUG Complaint is like a leaky rowboat sent out to attack.  The Liberty Counsel Motion to Dismiss is like a Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier coming to the defense.

If there is genuine respect for law in this court, the SMUG lawsuit is now as good as dead.


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Hiking the Appalachian Trail

I’ve just returned from a 10 day hike on a section of the Appalachian Trail.  Last year I did 21 days (210 miles) of a planned 40 days, from Harpers Ferry, WV to Albany PA.  I was forced to stop early with a stress fracture in my foot.  This year I picked up where I left off and hiked 105 miles to High Point State Park, NJ.  It was refreshing and rejuvenating.




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