Homo-Fascism vs. the First Amendment

Homo-Fascism is a form of extreme left-wing radicalism which attempts to establish rigid totalitarian controls over public discussions and policies addressing sexual morality, and to punish or suppress all disapproval of homosexuality and related sexual behaviors. Homo-fascism emerged as a socio-political phenomenon with the June 28, 1969 Stonewall Riot in New York City, which is today celebrated annually by the homosexual movement as “Gay Pride Day.” Stonewall represented a shift in goals for the “gays” from tolerance (“the right to be left alone”) to control (the complete restructuring of society with “gays“ or their surrogates in all seats of power), and a shift in tactics from civil dialogue to implacable militancy.

While traditional liberalism values the First Amendment freedoms of speech, thought and religion as the highest ideals of civilization, homo-fascists seek to criminalize any exercise of these ideals that are deemed to be a threat to “gay” culture. Present day examples of homo-fascist policies include speech codes in schools and colleges, anti-discrimination regulations in government agencies and private corporations, and de-facto anti-family censorship policies in the news media. Where pro-family speech and other activities are not yet constrained by law, homo-fascists employ bullying and other intimidation tactics to silence opponents and manipulate policy makers, all while posing as victims.

The primary remaining barrier to homo-fascism in America is the FirstAmendment. However, homo-fascist ideology has crept into both the judiciary and regulatory agencies tasked with civil rights enforcement so that in recent years sexual orientation regulations (SORs) are frequently held to trump the FirstAmendment. Following are examples of this dangerous phenomenon:

Homosexual activists often charge the medical establishment (or anybody for that fact) with “homophobia” for reporting the facts that people living the homosexual lifestyle have a much higher prevalence of HIV and other STDs, and yet that same “homophobic” claim is used by the homosexual activists as the basis for their complaint as to why their health issues are being ignored… http://www.xtra.ca/public/National/Canadas_healthcare_system_is_homophobic_says_group-6314.aspx

14 year old receives death threats for defending traditional/natural marriage…


Supporters of Proposition 8 in California were subjected to harassment, intimidation, vandalism, racial scapegoating, blacklisting, loss of employment, economic hardships, angry protests, violence, at least one death threat, letters mailed with white powder in it (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705262822/Powder-scares-at-2-LDS-temples-Catholic-plant.html), and gross expressions of anti-religious bigotry…


15-year-old Brandon Wegner was reportedly punished for sharing this opinion: Homosexual couples shouldn’t be able to adopt.”…


A homosexual-“rights” activist is demanding that the new Albany County Executive refuse to hire a lawyer that supports traditional marriage. It appears to be a case of tolerance for anybody who agrees with her, and intolerance for anyone who dares to disagree. And to think the activists accuse us of “bigotry” and “discrimination”…


Edmond police are investigating after a church pastor reported receiving death threats since speaking out against a proposal to add sexual orientation to Oklahoma City’s equal employment protections…



Here’s the actual recordings of the phone calls made to the pastor…

Student Suspended for Saying Homosexuality is Wrong…


Here’s an LGBT publication desperately and throught the use of non-sequitor arguments trying to convince people that they’re not getting the whole story and that the student harassed the teacher for the teacher being homosexual…


Catholic Professor Kenneth Howell Fired for Teaching Natural Law, which includes the topic of homosexual conduct…


Homosexualists, ignoring context, get a Dire Straits song banned in Canada…


A homosexual couple sues Bed & Breakfast, because owners moral beliefs couldn’t allow homosexual sex to be engaged in on their property…


Charges Filed as Oklahoma City Pastor Paul Blair Gets Death Threats after Opposing Pro-Homosexual Ordinance…


Police report documenting extensive amount of death threats made by homosexualists during the Prop 8 ordeal…

Click to access 209-Plaintiffs-Motion-Brief-for-Summary-Judgment.pdf

New Jersey Teacher Suspended for Not Approving of Attempts to Homosexualize Children on her own facebook in her own home (not on the clock)…



Prince has stated the he believes that GOD ordained marriage between one man and one woman only. In the following pro-homosexual article, Wendy and Lisa responded with, “Until he calls Lisa and I up and apologizes to us personally, we don’t want anything to do with his projects again.”


It’s pretty insane that any person would be considered “hateful” and/or should be expected to apologize for stating that they belief that marriage is between a man and a woman, the institution that is solely responsible for bringing life into this world and the survival of society. And again, they (the homosexualists) are the ones preaching “tolerance” the most, but show it the least.

This short documentary covers FIREs case at Missouri State University, where social work student Emily Brooker was threatened with expulsion after she refused (as a matter of personal belief) to send a signed letter to the Missouri state legislature in favor of homosexual foster parenting and adoption. This violation resulted not only in a federal lawsuit (which the school settled) but also in an official report that found that a culture of intimidation rife in the schools School of Social Work. For instance, many students and faculty stated a fear of voicing differing opinions from the instructor or colleague, and bullying was used by both students and faculty to characterize specific faculty. The 12-minute documentary features interviews with Brooker, faculty at MSU involved in the case, and Missouri state legislator Jane Cunningham….

Macy’s Fires Employee for Protecting Women’s Dressing Rooms from Cross-dresser…


Grad student at Augusta State University who sued the school over a clash between her grad program requirements and her religious beliefs on homosexual behavior. The college required her to complete a remediation program or face expulsion for her anti-homosexuality beliefs. University wants her to change ‘biblical views’ on homosexual behavior…


Counseling Student Appeals Ruling Expelling Her For Christian Ethical Views

In a Mexican case, Fr. Hugo Valdemar was found guilty on July 1st of illegal political activity because he stated that Catholics should not vote for candidates who support same-sex marriage. Fr. Valdemar’s defense is that he wasn’t speaking against a particular party but was merely stating the teaching of the Catholic Church. But the particulars of charge and counter-charge do not make a great deal of difference, apart from the strategies they suggest for legal maneuvering. There have been many similar stories over the past few years from around the world, especially in Canada and Europe. The writing is on the wall. Homosexual marriage is the lie that will create the next Gulag…


ACLU Sues ‘Family-Friendly’ Inn for Refusing to Host Lesbian Wedding Reception


Questioning Sex-Change Surgery Gets You Silenced…


Crystal Dixon loses her job at University of Toledo for writing a piece to express the faulty comparison between homosexuality and race/skin color…


Homosexual manager at Cisco Systems gets Dr. Frank Turek fired…



Allstate Fired Manager for Christian Beliefs on Homosexuality…


A Swedish pastor who preached a sermon on the Biblical prohibitions against homosexual behavior is waiting to see if the Supreme Court of Sweden will send him to jail for six months for doing so…


Chick-fil-A and homosexual intolerance….


A Christian street preacher was arrested and locked in a cell for telling a passer-by that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of GOD…


Lexington, Mass., father of 6-year-old arrested, spends night in jail over objections to homosexual curriculum in son’s kindergarten class. Homosexuals invading a church and throwing condoms all over the place…




Catholic mom-blogger threatened by pro-homosexual ‘Catholic’ students…


Homosexual Activists Are Exploiting Tragedies to Silence Religious Opponents…


Even More Anti-Christian Bigotry…

Even More Anti-Christian Bigotry

The calls for Melanie Phillips to be killed this week prove the bedrock values of our society are in grave danger…


State Sen. Ruben Diaz & family hit with death threats over stance on same sex “marriage” issue…


Activist Groups, Unable to Silence NARTH’s Message, Resort to Attacking NARTH Members. Protesters of the 2009 NARTH convention announced a new strategy: attacking the messengers rather than the message. In a video posted on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lDL4QAu0qc), a journalism student leading the November protest shouted into a megaphone that they had been unsuccessful in stopping the work of NARTH through counter conventions, so they would instead begin to target the individual members of NARTH. Following these threats, there have indeed been attempts to discredit both NARTH members as well as non-members who do similar work. In one recent report from England, a journalist posed as a client seeking help for unwanted homosexual attractions. He set up two unsuspecting therapists, claiming to want help from them, secretly recorded their conversations, and then contacted their professional organizations to seek action against them. That same journalist is reportedly assisting others to disrupt and discredit an event in Ireland this week. In another report, activist groups investigated the background of a NARTH board member in order to publicize his past wrongdoing in an attempt to discredit the organization.

NARTH does not rise or fall based on the actions of individuals. NARTH is a scientific organization upholding the research behind the issue of homosexuality and defending the rights of clients to seek therapy for unwanted homosexual attractions. NARTH is not responsible for the actions of its members, nor do the actions of NARTH members change the scientific data. The research stands regardless of the attacks launched by activists who are avoiding the data by focusing on individuals. Emotionally based campaigns and character assassinations do not change the research, nor do they diminish the right of clients to pursue their personal goals. NARTH will continue its mission as a scientific organization despite the propaganda, and the research will continue to speak for itself.

eharmony sued for not including same sex couple options….


Apple, who boasts about their diversity, can’t seem to show the same towards former homosexuals. Exodus App removed…


Smith College, who started the kicks off Speaker Ryan Sorba for his “born gay hoax” presentation. Get this. Smith College is noted for the “Lesbians Until Graduation” sentiment, which means you can be lesbian during college and can go back to whatever you want after you graduate. Yet, they kicked Ryan Sorba off because his presentation that disputes the “born gay” theory is “bigoted” and “hateful”…

Owner says Prop 8 opponents hacked into LDS site…


Jose Nunez, 37, received 16 stitches after pro-gay-marriage protesters beat him when he tried to hand out pro-prop-8 signs at his church. Only WND and local religious media are reporting it…



Death threats/wishes on Mormons right from pro-homosexual publication San Francisco Chronicle (Imagine if Mormons wrote this stuff directed at homosexual activists)…



Carrie Prejean harassed by homosexual activist (Perez Hilton) for expressing the Biblical view of marriage…


Mississippi school sued by ACLU for canceling prom over lesbian couple attended after memorandum from the school given to students, dated February 5, which states that prom dates must be of the opposite sex…


Teen entrenched in open homosexuality sues to force school to hold prom…


Pro-Christian and pro-family groups labeled as “hate” groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center…


(See other doc titled “SPLC” for more info on their tactics)

Firefighters forced to attend “gay” pride parade where they endured a barrage of sexual taunts and lewd gestures…


A Christian couple opposed to homosexual behavior because of their faith, lost a court battle on Monday over the right to become foster parents…


From NARTH Asks Wikipedia to Permit the Group to Correct Inaccuracies On Site, published Mar 19, 2007, by NARTH:

NARTH President Joseph Nicolosi sent a letter of concern to Wikipedia today asking that a lesbian activist be prohibited from editing the content of the article about NARTH. The NARTH Editorial Director recently attempted to make corrections to several errors about the organization on Wikipedia. However, the corrections were changed immediately and the misinformation was reposted. The editorial director discovered that the changes were made by a lesbian activist who routinely edits articles dealing with LBGT issues.

The letter to Wikipedia is reprinted below:

Corrections Needed On Wikipedia Article On The

National Association For Research And Therapy of Homosexuality

March 2007

Dear Wikipedia reviewer:

It was brought to our attention recently that your article about the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) has numerous factual errors in it regarding us.

In an attempt to correct this misinformation, our editorial director Mike Hatfield attempted to make corrections to the article. He attempted this two times. Each time he made the corrections, they were immediately changed back by someone else.

In investigating who was making the changes, he found the name of Joie de Vivre, who is a lesbian socio-political activist and a member of the WikiProject LGBT studies. The WikiProject site describes itself as “a group of editors who aim to improve the general quality and range of Wikipedia articles on LGBT and Queer studies topics.”

Vivre says –with obvious pride!– on her Wikipedia web site that she regularly changes the wording and rewrites articles dealing with gay and lesbian issues. It is dangerous for your credibility to have political activists slanting articles to fit their own political objectives.

NARTH must have the right to post corrections to an article about itself without having a lesbian activist vandalize the site by reposting inaccurate or distorted statements about the history and goals of NARTH.

We insist that Vivre be prohibited from making future changes on the NARTH site – and that whatever corrections NARTH chooses to post on the site will remain there without being deleted by other anti-NARTH activists.

There can certainly be disagreements about the purpose of NARTH, but to have a lesbian activist defining what NARTH is or is not is unethical and unprofessional. Every organization has the unqualified right to have its mission accurately described in Wikipedia.

The credibility of your online service is gravely jeopardized if you have activists regularly posting inaccuracies on web sites dealing with gay and lesbian issues.

We ask that you permanently ban Joie de Vivre from changing content on the NARTH site and ban any further individuals from posting things that are false or misleading on this site. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D.



Mexico City authorities say they have been forced to close the last cars on five different subway lines during late night service because homosexuals have “taken over” the cars to engage in sex acts…


A Christian photographer in New Mexico was found guilty last week of breaking state law for refusing to take pictures of a lesbian ceremony, as if it’s a civil right to have your picture taken by somebody of your choice…


The Catholic Diocese of Rockford, IL announced the closing of their adoption agencies last week, forced out of service due to new legislation that would oblige them to service homosexual couples…


There’s a homosexual nightclub in Tampa called the HoneyPot that has one night open for us who have a preference for the opposite sex. Imagine what would happen if a regular night club advertised that they only allow homosexuals in 1 night a week? Now also take note that this same homosexual nightclub says if you identify as straight and you want to come in there on any other night, you can as long as you’re accompanied by a homosexual. This is of course is to perpetuate the idea that they are trying to provide safety for the homosexuals in the club from a bunch of “heterosexual discriminators” going in there to harass them. Another words, if you don’t engage in homosexuality or at least aren’t considering it, then you are guilty before proven innocent. And thus we have homofascism. I think a heterosexual owns it, and he can do what he wants with his club. But I think we need to point out the double standards that reveals homofascism…


Here’s a self-admitted left-wing homosexual journalist on left-wing site who admits that there has always been a link between homosexual behavior and fascism…


Homosexual activist “leader” of the so-called “It Gets Better” Campaign conducted an act of hate (germ warfare) on a Republican candidate Gary Bauer for his view on same sex “marriage”…


Christians aggressively being run out of Castro district…

Old lady gets cross taken out of her hands, thrown to the ground and trampled on..


Street Preacher in Britian gets arrested…

Homosexual activists publicly publish names of Prop 8 donors.

gay marriage advocates published the names of those who contributed to “Yes on 8,” hounding one man out of his job and steering business away from one restaurant because one employee supported the campaign…


Homosexual activists call for a boycott of donations to Salvation Army…


They even have created a facebook page for it, and take a look at the comments made by the homosexualists throughout the page…


This is likened to say pro-alcoholic activists calling for a ban on organizations that help the homeless, but at the same time require them to make efforts to stop drinking. Why would the Salvation help homeless people while accepting their homosexual behavior when (like alcoholism), homosexual conduct is directly associated to the spread of much higher levels of physical and mental health problems. (see “Medical Data” doc)

Michele Bachmann trying to get her photo op with a woman’s 8 year old son. It’s hard to hear. but he leans in and tells Bachmann that his mom is gay and she doesn’t need fixing. She exploits her child and puts him in an obviously uncomfortable position just because she can’t handle it if others disagree with homosexual behavior. Any adult that would use a child like this DOES need fixing….


Macy’s fired a woman for not letting a crossdresser use the women’s dressing room…


Bricks including threatening note thrown through window at Christian Liberation Academy by homosexual activists…




There shouldn’t be a MANDATORY student activity fee that goes into any group. People who form groups (faith-based or otherwise) should be responsible for their own fundraising, and others who are paying school tuition, should have a choice as far as what group or groups are receiving their money. The problem that may occur here now, is that the school may take away this automatic funding funnel for this Christian group while keeping this funnel for all the other school groups, which would be discriminatory. Also, as a Christian group, they have every right to require their members to uphold Biblical truth if they want to be and remain a member. Let me translate the Christian groups statement in the last sentence of the article: they are not firing people for experiencing same sex attraction as long as they realize that acting on it and affirming it is not Biblical truth. Obviously, if this student is in a homosexual relationship, he is picking and choosing Scripture that he likes and/or ignores or twists the ones he doesn’t like (as displayed with so-called “gay theology”)…


An overview…



Is history repeating itself in some way, shape, or form?…


Looks like it has…


Attack on Christianity?…

This example made not fall under the category of homofascism. But what it does point out is the double standard. Here’s a homosexual activist throwing a pie in the face of Christian advocate Anita Bryant back in the late 70’s. He’s considered a hero in the homosexual community. If a Christian threw a pie in the face of a homosexual activist for their anti-Christian speech, that Christian would be punished in some way, while when the homosexualists do it, people either look the other way or cheer them on as heroes…

Facebook, Google, etc showing bias against Christians…


Click to access True%20liberty-in-a-New-Media-Age9-15-11.pdf

“A Christian paediatrician who was dismissed from an adoption panel over her belief that children should not be placed with same-sex couples today told a tribunal: ‘Homosexual practice is not how God wants us to live.”

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1330255/Christian-paediatrician-Sheila-Matthews-lost-job-adoption-panel-homophobia.html#ixzz21n0DOfiq

“A homosexual group has filed a discrimination complaint against Hands On Originals: Christian Outfitters after the company refused to honor a bid to produce apparel for an event” (that promotes homosexuality) http://www.thoughtsfromaconservativemom.com/2012/04/gay-activists-demand-boycott-investigation-of-christian-company-for-refusing-to-print-gay-pride-t-shirts/

Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/4439/gay-bullies-target-apparel-company-because-it-wont-print-shirts-for-gay-pride-festival/#ixzz21n0kDwnH

“Soros-funded “civil rights” group in NY files huge 47-page lawsuit in federal court accusing Pastor Scott Lively of “crimes against humanity” — for pro-family speeches in Uganda.” http://massresistance.com/docs/gen2/12a/lively_ccr_lawsuit/index.html “The group that allegedly smashed up a Portland church hopes its “small act of vengeance will strike fear into the hearts of” Christian leaders who teach traditional sexual morality, according to an e-mail message the group released to the public.” http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/angry-queers-christians-are-scum-deserve-hammers-through-their-windows

Consumer Rights under Attack: California Senator Introduces Legislation that Undermines Parental Authority and the Therapist – Client Relationship… http://narth.com/2012/04/ban-therapy-for-unwanted-homosexuality-california-senator-condems-change-therapy/ https://www.liberty.edu/media/9980/attachments/lca_pr_ltr_ca_senate_reparative_therapy_051712.pdf

“YouTube Pulls Video Critical of Gay Rights Extremists”

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/matthew-sheffield/2012/05/18/not-tricked-time-youtube-pulls-video-critical-gay-rights-extremis#.T7qiTn3lcqU.twitter#ixzz21n2ETwnU

Refuse to photograph lesbians, get fined $7,000″ http://www.wnd.com/2012/06/refuse-to-photograph-lesbians-get-fined-7000/

“A homosexual activist (and pedophile) from Maine has used a court to deliver the latest “SWAT” attack on a pro-family ministry, obtaining a “protective” order even though the defendant, Brian Camenker of Mass Resistance, never had contacted him, according to a new ministry report.” http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen2/12b/flanders/index.html

http://www.wnd.com/2012/06/court-used-to-deliver-latest-swat-attack/ More info on “SWATing”… http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/05/29/the_lefts_dangerous_new_line_of_attack_swatting

“Quebec homosexual activist group has launched a “registry of homophobic acts” with support and funding from the Quebec Government’s Justice Department. “Homophobic” is defined as any and all levels of disagreement… http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/government-funded-registry-of-homophobic-acts-launched-today-in-quebec Homosexual activists vandalize church for posting pro-marriage sign


The head of Miami-Dade County Public Schools wants to evict a Southern Baptist church that rents space in one of their buildings, because of the congregation’s moral opposition to homosexual behavior. http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/school-wants-to-oust-church-over-anti-gay-sermons.html “An Australian Olympic married couple claims they have been prohibited from sharing a room in the London Olympic Village, even though ‘gay’ couples are reportedly allowed to do so… http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/07/16/married-olympians-we-cant-live-together-during-games-but-gay-couples-can/ “After posting about the event on his official Facebook page, Huckabee created a public Facebook invitation, letting people know they could participate either by showing up at a local Chick-fil-A franchise or participating online. By midday today, the page had received approximately 100,000 “likes.” Shortly after that, however, the invitation disappeared” http://www.citizenlink.com/2012/07/24/invitation-to-chick-fil-a-event-disappears/

More examples… http://www.samesexmarriage.org.au/recognise-deception/this-is-gay-pride-to-destroy-investigation-and-truth.html

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The False Witness of the American Press

“Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor” is one of the Ten Commandments of God in Exodus 20:16, a grievous sin that is more clearly explained in Exodus 23:1:  Thou shall not raise a false report; put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.”  Sad to say, these two scriptures today indict virtually an entire American industry, the so-called “mainstream media” (MSM).

There was a time when journalism was a noble profession dedicated to truth-seeking for the good of society.  Journalists performed the essential service of holding public figures and other persons accountable for their speech and actions that impacted public life.  While there were always some scoundrels who misused their power in order to deceive the public to various ends, the community of journalists as a whole saw its truth-telling function as a sacred trust.

The importance of it’s role is reflected in the acknowledgment of the press as the “Fourth Estate,” which along with the Clergy, Nobility and Commoners made up the four components of medieval society.  Whatever the phrase might have meant in 1787 when it was coined by Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke, in terms of power and influence, it has come to mean for modern Americans that the news media operates virtually co-equally with the three branches of our government.

Burke is, of course, best known today for his oft quoted observation, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”  Were he alive in our day, Burke might be forced to recant that axiom, since his designated “Fourth Estate” has now become a force for evil that is arguably stronger than the force of good men of action to oppose it.  The “mainstream” American media has been almost entirely co-opted by reprobate ideologues who use their power to advance their own left-wing social agenda and suppress opposing views (which they do very successfully).

When I was in high school in the 1970s, journalism was my first choice for a possible future career.  In fact, I earned nearly all of my senior year English credits as an intern for the Greenfield Recorder newspaper in Greenfield, Massachusetts.  I was attending an experimental “free school” called the King Philip Project, an extremely socially liberal alternative school of twelve students and eight teachers set up like a hippie commune.  I was a pro-abortion, pro-”gay”  far-left, long-haired pot-smoking radical in those days, and I saw journalism as the perfect career option for me.

Journalism was being sold in those days not just as field for people like myself who wanted to be writers, but as a way for liberal social activists to “change the world.”  I didn’t know back then of the “progressive” movement and its nefarious agenda.  I just wanted to make the world more sympathetic to my worldview.  In the end I chose to follow a different liberal vocation popular with my generation: taking drugs and drinking till it nearly killed me.

Fast forward to the present.   My practical experience, and an encounter with Jesus Christ in 1986, has turned me into a strong and vocal social conservative.  The truths I once disregarded as a “useful idiot” for the progressives, have become the focal point of my life, and advocating them in the public realm is my calling.

Meanwhile, however, the profession of journalism has become the nearly exclusive domain of my former fellow-travelers.  They have for decades been working to “change the world” and have largely succeeded.

Now one certainly can’t lay all of the blame for the moral collapse of our society on the MSM.  Public education has been played a huge part.  Politicians and judges have contributed extensively to the problem.  And of course, we can’t forget that the churches and their pastors and elders bear a major part of the responsibility for abdicating their role as stewards of the civil society.  But pound for pound, nobody’s got the power to shape and steer our culture like the media.  Teachers, college professors, politicians, judges, business, sports and entertainment leaders, even priests and pastors live in fear of the power of the MSM. The news media literally defines reality for the many who use it as their daily source of information, which power can make or break political careers, bolster or destroy reputations, and give the kiss of life or death to products, projects and points of view.

It’s not a monolithic power.  Especially in the past dozen years or so more conservative media and the Internet have arisen as alternatives, which I believe explains the current tremendous polarization of the society (as individual conservatives who have broken free of the influence of the MSM are now banding together and flexing their muscles).  But the liberal media is still a substantially stronger political force that its rivals, and benefits greatly from coalition with the other leftist-controlled social spheres such as academia, the entertainment industry, philanthropic foundations, labor unions, and many federal, state and local governments, agencies and judiciaries.

Moreover, the nature and philosophy of the progressive movement bonds these institutions and bodies together in a unity that conservatives cannot match (absent the leadership of the church, which has thus far been minimal).  Progressivism has a pro-active vision for the future, a Marxist utopian fantasy that, while ludicrous to clear thinkers, serves to keep its activists in perpetual forward motion toward their goal.  Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to be reactionary in short-term bursts of energy to stop or slow the latest progressive initiatives (which always inevitably pass after the conservatives win the first round or so and then go home).

There are countless examples of the false witness of the MSM these days. It defends and promotes the left’s position, and suppresses or misrepresents the right’s position on every significant social controversy: Creation vs. evolution, pro-life vs. pro-abortion, limited government vs. statism, 2nd Amendment vs. gun control, and on and on.

Perhaps the most egregious duplicity of the MSM is on the topic of homosexuality, the most closely guarded of the progressive sacred cows (with the possible exception of evolution).  In my more than 20 years of pubic activism on this topic, including literally hundreds of print, radio and television interviews I have been accurately represented by the MSM only a handful of times and most of these were live or “live on tape” radio or television interviews when my comments were broadcast without editing.  Even in these instances, the news story or segment as a whole was always, without exception, skewed to favor the “gay” perspective.

Liberal journalists absolutely will not represent the homosexual issue honestly.  Even in those rare instances where they allow a pro-family source to make his points without editing, the stories are never truly balanced because they all contain unstated pro-“gay” assumptions:  the innateness and normalcy of homosexuality, the victim status of homosexual as a class of people, the equivalency of homosexuality and heterosexuality as forms of conduct, the legitimacy of “homophobia” as a term to characterize disapproval of homosexuality, the appropriateness of legitimizing homosexuality to children, the idea that homosexual to heterosexual reorientation (in conformity to the design of their bodies) is ridiculous and impossible, and more.

Each of these is an unproven, hotly contested assertion or perspective of the “gay” movement that is rejected by a majority or sizable plurality in our society. Yet all of these are simply assumed to be true in MSM news reporting while the opposing view on each of these points is almost invariably censored, suppressed, misrepresented or mocked.

I was the subject of a feature story recently by Boston Magazine that is typical of the problem.  The writer was a man named Chris Vogel.  As these guys always do when they want an interview, Chris came across as friendly and genuinely interested in presenting a balanced picture of me and what I have to say.  I’ve come to be pretty jaded about such claims but Chris had a sort-of Gomer Pyle puppy-dog enthusiam that was disarming and even a bit endearing.  He also said he was a Christian.  I decided to let him do the story.

Over the next several weeks I met several times with Chris for a total of maybe seven or eight hours.  He came to our Bible study at the little racially diverse inner-city coffee-house church that I pastor.  He came to the courthouse for the oral argument on my Motion to Dismiss the SMUG “Crimes Against Humanity” lawsuit against me for preaching against homosexuality in Uganda.  He even came to church services one Sunday.  Afterward he approached me at the pulpit and in an astonished tone said “Wow.  This is so completely different from what anyone would expect about you.  Such a loving and intimate atmosphere.”  He made a number of such comments in our conversations.

I gave him all the facts and context rebutting all of the slander about me on the Internet and carefully explained in great detail my key pro-family arguments and the reasoning behind them.  He was sympathetic and seemed genuinely understanding and supportive.  His manner was in fact so encouraging that I told him in our final interview that he’d given me real hope that I would finally have a truly balanced mainstream media story I could refer people to as a counter to all of the rest.

Just after saying that, I opened up even more to him as he began asking increasingly more personal questions.  As I was sharing with him an intimate moment of grief about the death of my beloved grandmother I choked up for a moment and looked away.  When I turned back, Mr. Vogel did something shocking.  Looking the picture of empathy and compassion he reached up and wiped away a tear.  Except there was no tear.  It was a completely phony gesture and I suddenly realized that he had been playing me for a fool the entire time.  The guy I thought was among the least dishonest of the journalists had unwittingly revealed himself to be one of the most dishonest of them.

Sure enough, when his article came out it portrayed me as heartless anti-”gay” zealot, “addicted” to political activism.  It described me as being “summoned” to the court to face justice, though I was the one who called the hearing, and suggested that I was cringing before the judge, when it was the opposing attorney being called on the carpet for a badly pleaded complaint.  He described my supporters as a group of just 20 people “huddled together” in the face of  large pro-”gay” crowd of nearly 200 when my side may actually have outnumbered the opponents, and many were interspersed throughout the crowd enthusiastically engaging their counterparts in discussion and debate.

Vogel’s story tacitly perpetuated the lie that I masterminded the so-called “kill the gays” bill, offering this tidy juxtaposition of images to seal the impression:  “A protester shouted, ‘I am the person you want to kill. How does that make you feel?’ Later, Lively told me that he’d slept well the night before.”  What a cold-blooded bastard that Lively must be.

Vogel also wrote:  “Homosexuals, declared [Lively] at one talk, are predators and pedophiles who hunt down children to turn them gay—and worse. ‘You can’t stop [them] from molesting children,” he said, “or stop them from having sex with animals.’”

Not only is this an outrageous misrepresentation of my views and comments, but he all but plagiarized it from the vicious anti-Christian blogger Jim Burroway, whose Goebbels-class cut-and-paste “documentary” of my Uganda seminars may be the low point of all anti-Lively propaganda.  Vogel’s version might actually qualify as plagiarism except that he actually changed and embellished the comments to heighten their inflammatory impact.

Importantly, I had specifically discussed the Burroway attacks with Vogel, and carefully explained how he had misrepresented me.  Indeed, I devoted more than three hours of heart-to-heart conversation with Mr. Vogel about my actual views and underlying reasoning, and the context of my Ugandan lectures and other events that the “gays“ have misrepresented.  He nodded and grunted supportively through the entire conversation, yet not a single mitigating fact or an iota of explanatory context made it into the Boston Magazine article.

To cap it off, even the church service he had been so effusive in praising at the time was transformed in his article to something mostly negative.  He claimed, for example, that I seemed uncomfortable with a church member seeking help with housing issue and “managed to offer her only awkward platitudes of comfort.”  So much for “loving intimacy.”

To be fair, Mr. Vogel did include a quote from one of my church members that “he [Lively] doesn’t hate gay people, and prays for them, and does everything he can to help people.”  And Vogel said that he personally found me “easygoing and affable.”  Perhaps he think that represents balance.  Relatively speaking it was more balance than I usually see in stories of the homosexual issue or about me as an pro-family leader, but from start to finish the article relentlessly perpetuated the homosexualist party line, and only slightly less forcefully affirmed its characterization of me as a heartless anti-“gay” monster.

The article closed with a mention of my comments about a 2012 Springfield natural gas explosion that destroyed a downtown strip club.  I said at the time that it might have been in answer to our prayers about cleaning up our city, and praised God that miraculously no lives were lost in the blast.  Mr. Vogel mean-spiritedly chose to portray me as celebrating the injuries of some utility workers and fireman who were hurt there.  A parting twist of the knife.

The effect of the story on the readers may best be summed up by this online comment following the article by someone identifying himself as Frederick Wright:  “[Lively] is a pure monster worthy of extermination.”

Funny that this sentiment is exactly what I have been falsely accused of fomenting against homosexuals.  Yet, while I condemn anyone who holds this sentiment against homosexuals, and focus all of my rhetoric against the homosexual movement and its agenda (not individuals), the “gays” and their homosexualist allies in the MSM intentionally foster hatred against me personally without apology.

I’ve included only one personal experience with the MSM in support of my accusation that it has become an industry filled with left-wing ideologically-driven professional liars.  However, I could fill literally hundreds of pages with examples from my experience over twenty plus years.  And I know the same is probably true for every seasoned conservative leader on nearly every issue on which the political left and right are polarized.  The only people who will dispute this charge are the MSM journalists themselves, and those people (an unfortunately large number) whose view of reality is still being shaped by these propagandists.

How bad is the problem, really?  The other day Peter LaBarbara of Americans for Truth cornered MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer about balance on the homosexual issue in the media.  Her answer? “You know what’s so funny about this? When we’re talking about racism, nobody ever says, ‘Do you think there’s fair coverage for racists?’ That’s my feeling about the matter. I think that there’s a difference between being objective and being fair. And sometimes wrong is wrong, and the right thing to do is say when it’s wrong.”

Ironically, that’s a pretty forthright answer, but one we‘re unlikely to ever see in in any “mainstream” news story by Brewer or any of her cronies in the MSM.  Why?  Because for their manipulation of public opinion to accomplish its purpose of “making the world a better place,” these “journalists” must always cast themselves as honest and fair-minded.  In other words, even in that they bear false witness.

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How to Save the Boy Scouts: The First Amendment Supremacy Clause

Despite having won a landmark Supreme Court decision in 2000 upholding its constitutional right to discriminate against homosexuals as scout leaders, the Boy Scouts of America is today just inches away from crying “uncle” and caving in to “gay” pressure.

What is the secret weapon that has all but demolished the BSA’s defenses?  Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs), specifically the sexual orientation anti-discrimination policies of the Boy Scouts largest corporate donors.  Homosexual agitators are trying to force these corporations to ban donations to the Boy Scouts as a violation of their company SORs.

It’s a clever strategy, but it exposes these SORs for what they really are: a sword to attack people of faith, not a shield to defend “gays” from losing their jobs or their homes.  It’s a lesson we should all have learned about the SORs by now given the steady stream of lawsuits by homosexual activists suing Christians for declining to bake their “wedding” cakes or print their “Gay Pride” posters, or such like.

The simple solution is to amend the SORs with a First Amendment Supremacy Clause: “Under no circumstance shall sexual orientation regulations supercede the First Amendment rights of individuals, churches and religious organizations to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

For the purpose of this amendment religious organizations are those whose policies or culture are substantially influenced by religious values such as Christian bookstores, adoption agencies or hospitals, as well as companies like Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A, and social organizations like the Boy Scouts of America and Christian student clubs on college campuses.”

This amendment would stop 99% of abuses by “gay rights” aggressors while preserving 99% of anti-discrimination protections for homosexuals.  It would also save the Boy Scouts.  It should immediately be adopted by every city, state, corporation, college, association and government agency with SORs.

There is no perfect rule that will satisfy both homosexual activists and people of faith.  Our goals are contradictory because the Bible is crystal clear that Christians cannot condone sex outside of authentic marriage, while homosexuals refuse to abide any disagreement with their agenda (which is why they describe all dissenters as mentally ill bigots, i.e. “homophobes.”)

So when conflicts occur between the desire of Christians to live their faith under the protection of the First Amendment and the desire of homosexuals to suppress all disapproval of their perverted lifestyle under the SORs, one legal standard or the other must prevail and the other must fail.  As a society we have to choose whether the sexual orientation regulations or the First Amendment will be the law of our land.

Granted, homosexuals may feel discriminated against when I quote the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination to God.  They want to shut me up.  One of us is going to lose that contest.  At stake is nothing less then the power of the First Amendment to protect my freedom of religious speech.

Let us remember that freedom of religion is the very first principle of the Bill of Rights, just as it was the very first principle of the Magna Charta, the foundation stone of all civil rights law going all the way back to the year 1215.  Freedom of speech is the second principle of the Bill of Rights.  So my right to call homosexuality depraved is deeply rooted in the first two principles of our most fundamental civil rights law.

SORs on the other hand are a late 20th century invention of the political left to try to shoehorn homosexuality into our civil rights law.  They have no precedent in human rights jurisprudence but were created from thin air.  They literally contradict true civil rights.  How can it be that these legally frivolous, highly controversial regulations are allowed to trump the First Amendment?

In years past, liberals used to say “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”  Today, that’s been changed to “Speak against ‘gay’ dogma and I will make you regret it.”  And SORs are the weapon that have given them the power to actually do it.

Let’s remember also that SORs were originally sold to us as a policy to protect homosexuals who “just want to be left alone to live their lives” from unfair discrimination in housing and employment situations where their private sexual conduct was irrelevant.  We never agreed to arm militant “gay” social engineers with legal weapons to hunt down and destroy the lives of people of faith.

I say we drag this issue out into the light of day by launching First Amendment supremacy campaigns wherever we can find these SORs, starting with the corporations under pressure by the “gays” to stop funding the Boy Scouts.  Let’s all work to amend these SORs with a First Amendment Supremacy Clause.  It should be fairly easy to do in many cases, especially in more socially conservative parts of the country, such as Oklahoma where a group has launched such a campaign just this month. Indeed, there are many cities, companies and other entities that will likely welcome this amendment to curb or prevent the sort of abuses mentioned above.

Even in more liberal areas we should work to amend the SORs and hold every decision-maker accountable for their stand on the First Amendment.  How many city council members, for example, when pressed in front of an audience to choose the SORs or the First Amendment will say their city  SORs should trump the First Amendment?  That would likely end their political career, and rightly so.

This is not to say that SORs are transformed into good public policy by the amendment.  It is better not to allow them in at all, because they tend to legitimize unhealthy sexual lifestyles that society should instead discourage.  Discrimination against homosexual conduct (indeed all sex outside of authentic marriage) is a social good, not a social evil.  However, where SORs are already established and being used as a weapon against Christians and other people of religious values, this amendment is an important and effective compromise.

In conclusion, the First Amendment Supremacy Clause is the solution to the problems caused by the SORs and the radical “gay” activists they have empowered.  It substantially preserves both employment and housing protections for homosexuals and religious liberty for Christians while stopping the “gay” movement from destroying the Bill of Rights and venerable American institutions like the Boy Scouts of America.

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The Bi-Sexual T**d in the Gay Wedding Punchbowl

The next time you’re at a “gay ’ wedding with political, media or other important pro-gay-marriage celebrities, and one of them gets up with a glass of wedding punch to toast Partner A and Partner B for their courage to “be themselves,” here’s a question to shout out (in a feigned drunken slur) from the back:  “Hey, Dude, why don’t you support bi-sexual marriage too?  Are you some kind of bigot?“

Chances are if you’re reading this article, you’re not the sort of person likely to be found at such an event, but the point is that bi-sexual marriage is the very last thing that any of our opponents want to discuss, and we pro-family conservatives should really be forcing them to do it at every opportunity.

Think about it.  A bi-sexual marriage would require an absolute minimum of four people.  You’d have same sex partners A and B just like in the “gay marriage,” but you’d also need to have a heterosexual partner for both A and B.

You couldn’t get by with the same heterosexual partner for both A and B since that would mean Partner C wasn’t really a bi-sexual, but a polygamous heterosexual. (And we all know from “gay” activist rhetoric that polygamy can’t be a true sexual orientation.  There’s never been a  P in LGBT!)

So, for example. Male Bisexual Partner A would be partners with both Male Bisexual Partner B and Female Bisexual Partner C, While Male Bi-Sexual Partner B would be partners with Male Bi-sexual Partner A and Female Bi-Sexual Partner D.

I know it’s confusing  but bear with me because this is important stuff.  We’re talking essential human and civil rights for one of the four key groups in the LGBT community!  In fact, one could argue that bisexuals are the most important sexual minority because they are the most neglected, even more than T’s (transvestites and transsexuals).  No-one ever seems to talk about the rights of the Bs, not even their fellow Ls, Gs, and Ts.

Lets try it again with real names.  We start with a bi-sexual base couple Albert and Bob.  Albert chooses Carla as his female bisexual partner, and Bob chooses Dorothy.  That’s four people in the “marriage.”

But here’s where the real confusion comes in.  Suppose (and this seems more likely than not), that Carla and Dorothy don’t love each other (really, what are the odds that they would, since they were picked by Albert and Bob, not each other?),  You can’t force them to accept each other as a marriage partner.  After all, wasn’t that the problem with assuming that “gays“ should be forced to marry opposite sex partners in the dark ages of exclusively heterosexual marriage?  So to be fair to Carla and Dorothy (and avoid a nasty anti-discrimination lawsuit), you’d have to let each o them choose their own male bisexual partner.

So therefore we need to add Partners E and F.  We’re now up to six people in the marriage.

But wait.  Now you’ve got two new marriage partners with the right to choose their second partners (which partners are likely not already part of the group).  So we have to add Partners G and H.  That’s eight and counting.  You see the compounding nature of this problem.

So the only real way to implement true “bi-sexual marriage”  is to remove all restrictions on the number of partners in a marriage.   Such a simple answer, but still completely untenable  to the vast majority of Americans.

Thus we now know the reason it has never been addressed by our opposition, and the reason we pro-family advocates should all immediately begin raising “bi-sexual marriage” in every public conversation about “gay” marriage.

Is “bi-sexual marriage” really relevant?   Of course it is!  Bisexuals are a core constituency of the LGBT movement.  The other side CAN’T disavow them!  They are the 800-lb gorilla in the room.  Or, if you will, the “turd” in the punchbowl.

I debated whether to use that phrase, it being so crude, but in the end that’s the main reason I finally adopted it.  “’Turd in the punchbowl” is a long-standing working-class metaphor for something dirty that completely ruins something clean.  Once the crowd realizes there is a turd in the punchbowl, nobody is going to drink the punch.  Ever.  No matter what you do to it.

Marriage as God designed it is a clean and holy institution that sanctifies the sexual union of a man and a woman united as “one flesh.”  It produces blessing for them and for society.

Marriages based on various forms of sodomy are unclean counterfeits that destroy true marriage by invalidating its central purpose, which is to enclose the procreative natural family in a socially unique protective cocoon.  Once marriage stops being unique to the “one flesh” male/female procreative union, the concept of marriage loses all meaning.

Importantly, the arguments for “bisexual marriage” are EXACTLY the same as for “gay marriage” and bisexuals are already in line for it as a core constituency of the LGBT coalition.

Abolishing the limitation on the number of marriage partners is thus the logical and inevitable next step in marriage “reform.”  That’s what bringing up “bi-sexual marriage” proves, and why it should be the number one talking point for our side to put every pro-“gay” politician, celebrity and media figure on the defensive.

Here’s the game plan crew.  Put them on the spot in every public forum.  They’re liberals so you know they’re going keep drinking the Kool-Aid, but maybe if we’re diligent in this truth-exposing tactic we can deter a few of them (and most the members of the audience) from drinking the punch.

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The Key to Pro-Family Victory If We Really Want It

On January 25th of this year the Russian State Duma, its highest legislative body, voted to prohibit homosexual advocacy to children, following the enactment of similar legislation in a number of Russian cities including St. Petersburg, and Novosibirsk (the capitol city of Siberia).

http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/59099.htm .  Go Ruskies!

I am personally very pleased to see this development, having called specifically for legislation of this sort in my speaking tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006 and 2007.  During that tour, which began in the Russian Far East city of Blagoveschensk and ended in St. Petersburg, I lectured in a variety of venues including numerous universities, churches and conference halls, and met with numerous government leaders at various levels of influence.  The entire tour spanned approximately 50 cities in seven countries: Russia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, and Belarus (we also passed through Kazakhstan but didn‘t speak there).

Toward the end of the tour I published, from St. Petersburg, A Letter to the Russian People (see below) which summarized my central message that I had shared in well over 300 lectures, sermons and media interviews during the prior year.

My pro-family message was warmly welcomed by the people of each of these countries, and to varying degrees the homosexual agenda has been slowed in all of them.  To my knowledge the only two Eastern European countries to pass pro-family legislation designed to curtail the spread of homosexuality are Russia and Lithuania, which are coincidentally, the only two countries to whose people I wrote an open letter.  My Lithuanian letter can be viewed online at www.defendthefamily.com.

My purpose in writing this article is to contrast the positive developments in the former Soviet Union with recent anti-family developments in the west and to offer a better way forward.  Victory is still theoretically possible for the pro-family movement in the west if we are willing to pay the price.

On February 1st of this year I was in tiny Eynsham, England, meeting with a small group of pro-family leaders representing tendrils of our movement in England, Scotland and Wales.  The original purpose of my visit to that country was to debate same-sex “parenting” at Oxford University.  That event fell through for me due to some serious bungling of my invitation details (which I now suspect was deliberate), but not before I had booked non-changeable travel plans.  God redeemed the entire mess by bringing this amazing little group together on very short notice and uniting several of us on a task that promises the potential of great fruit.  More on that in future.

The more important point to this article is that as we were meeting, the main news of the week in all of the headlines was the pending vote on “gay marriage” in the British House of  Commons.  Across the channel the very same scenario was playing out in France.  And across the pond, the very last non-religious institution to publicly reject homosexuality in this country, the Boy Scouts of America, was about to vote on allowing homosexuals into leadership.  By the end of the week both Britain and France had fallen to the “gays“ by sizable margins, and the Boy Scouts had postponed their decision (a hopeful outcome but far from a true pro-family victory).

To my mind, the events of the week were merely confirmation of the spiritual nature of the global “culture war” and further evidence of the biblical end-times.  I’m personally persuaded (though I could be wrong) that we have reached the age of apostasy warned about in scripture and that events are rushing toward the grand conclusion detailed in prophesy.  However, this end-times perspective, which is increasingly popular in the United States is not as widely shared by Christians in the UK.  My analysis was politely challenged by several of the attendees of our meeting whose theological and practical premise is that it is still possible to win this culture war and defeat the “gay” agenda, returning the society to some form of family-centered cultural consensus.

There is a way to win this war,” I conceded, but it so extraordinarily difficult that I don’t believe our people can bring themselves to do it.  We need to completely reject the humanistic presuppositions of the debate on homosexuality as they now exist, and get re-grounded in the presuppositions of the Bible.  In short we cannot possibly create or even preserve public policy that implicitly or explicitly disapproves of homosexuality while conceding the anti-biblical premise that discrimination against homosexuals is morally and legally wrong.  We must be able — and willing — to build all of our arguments on the premise that homosexuality itself is wrong and therefore homosexual “marriage,” “parenting,” etc are wrong.

The most important thing that I have learned in my long career fighting for biblical values is that world-view dictates policy.

In late February of 2011 I made a short-term mission trip to Moldova.  The purpose of the trip was to hold a seminar for the leaders and key activists of that country’s fledgling pro-family movement.  However, providentially, the day before my arrival the government launched a semi-secret campaign to pass a law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of “sexual orientation” (at the behest of the European Union).  Instead of holding a seminar, I and my hosts organized an emergency national campaign to kill that bill, which we did in a matter of days.  The argument I drafted for this campaign cuts right to the bottom line of the culture war:  “An anti-discrimination law based upon sexual orientation is the seed that contains the entire tree of the homosexual agenda with all of its poisonous fruit.” This is the simplest and most straightforward explanation of how the other side has won and we have lost all the battles of the culture war for the past half century.  If you allow that seed to be planted, and fail to target your efforts at uprooting it, you will lose every subsequent conflict over time.  It is a logical necessity.

In 2012 I took that theme to Springfield, Missouri where the city council had announced plans to adopt a similar anti-discrimination law.  We called this proposal a “Gay Fascism Bill,” to highlight its ultimate goal, to suppress all pro-family opposition to homosexuality and to punish dissenters.  Once again, by educating people about the fascist nature of the anti-discrimination laws, and using the simple one-sentence argument highlighted above, we rallied a large number of opponents and killed the bill (at least for now).

The key to pro-family victory is preventing any more “Gay Fascism Bills” from being adopted, and uprooting the seeds that have already been planted, all toward the openly declared goal of discouraging all sex outside of marriage for the health of our society.  Anything less is futile, except to slow the process of homosexual control.  It can be done if we have the will and are willing to pay the price.  I stand ready to assist any group of pro-family advocates willing to try.

Dr. Scott Lively




Letter to the Russian People


I am Dr. Scott Lively, President of Defend the Family International, a human-rights organization based near Los Angeles, California. I hold a Juris Doctor of Law from Trinity Law School, a Doctor of Theology from the School of Bible Theology (both of which schools are in California), and a certificate in human rights from the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. I am the author of the Riga Declaration on Religious Freedom, Family Values and Human Rights, and several books, including The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, which is currently being translated into Russian for publication in 2008.

I have just completed a speaking tour through your beautiful country and have come to love your culture and your people. I had the privilege of visiting numerous Russian cities, from Vladivistok and Blagoveschensk in the Far East, to several cities in Siberia, and St. Petersburg in the West. I’ve been impressed by how much Russians are like Americans in many ways: both are intelligent, resourceful, competitive and entrepreneurial. These similarities are both good and bad. They are good in that our nations have a foundation for friendship, but they are bad in that they make Russia vulnerable to the same destructive forces that have harmed America.

The purpose of my visit was to bring a warning about the homosexual political movement which has done much damage to my country and which has now taken root in Russia. This is a very fast-growing social cancer that will destroy the family foundations of your society if you do not take immediate, effective action to stop it.

Homosexuality is a personality disorder that involves various, often dangerous sexual addictions and aggressive, anti-social impulses. This combination of factors causes homosexuals to have an intense loyalty to each other and a common goal to change any society in which they live in organized “gay and lesbian” communities. They have no acceptance in a society that restricts sex to heterosexual marriage, so they work to eliminate sexual morality and remove all limitations on sexual conduct. Importantly, their initial strategy is not promote homosexuality, but to spread sexual immorality among heterosexuals, especially the young people. Only later, when the culture has become sexually corrupt, do they openly step forward to take power as the natural leaders of such a society.

The process of change always begins with the institutions which shape the thinking and behavior of young people. First comes the promotion of sexual promiscuity through mass media, then the introduction of high-profile “gay” celebrities such as Elton John and George Michael, then the development of “gay” political cells in the universities. Later comes the advocacy of “gay rights” by politicians and community leaders.

It is no accident that Hollywood promotes sexual immorality. The American entertainment media is heavily influenced, in some cases controlled, by professional homosexual activists who use television, movies and music as a tool of social engineering. Russian youths are being shaped in this way, just as American youths were, beginning in the late 1950s. However, the now wealthy and powerful global homosexual movement has perfected its tactics and can transform a society very rapidly.

Some Russian universities, especially in the larger cities, now have “gay and lesbian” clubs. Remember that their focus is always on the young people. The homosexuals know they can’t change the values of the older people, but that young people, especially those who are sexually active or cohabiting, are easily persuaded to accept homosexuality as just another lifestyle. In fact, many young people become active defenders of homosexuality, because the “gay” movement portrays all homosexuals as helpless victims of societies who “just want to be left alone to love whom they please.” The universities serve as recruitment centers for both homosexuals and their heterosexual allies and protectors.

The homosexual movement tries to win public sympathy by claiming that homosexuals are “born that way” and cannot change. This is not true. There is a large association of doctors and therapists in the United States who help homosexuals to recover (see www.narth.com) and many thousands of former homosexuals who now live normal lives. But unfortunately, there is an even larger network of homosexual activists and their allies (backed by the full power of the European Union, some US agencies and institutions, and numerous international NGOs), who insist that homosexuality is unchangeable and must be protected by government. Their goal is to pass a law prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals, which then serves as a legal foundation for the rest of their agenda: publicly funded and protected “gay pride” parades in every city, homosexual marriage or its equivalent, promotion of homosexuality to schoolchildren, full acceptance of homosexuality in every part of society, and punishment of people who disagree.

Unfortunately, many Russians believe this could never happen in their country. That’s what we believed in the United States. But the change has already begun in Russia. Just talk to the university students in the major cities, or search on the Internet for “gay” activities in your own city. There was a “gay pride” parade this August in Omsk, the Novosibirsk newspapers are now printing “gay” dating ads, there are at least three “gay” Internet sites for teenagers in Krosnoyarsk, and Saint Petersburg already has a population of homosexual men who meet for sex in certain public parks. These examples may seem like a small threat considering the strong opposition to homosexuality in most of Russian society, but I beg you not to ignore these warning signs. They are like the smoke from a forest fire. If you wait until you can see the flames from your own house it will be too late.

What can be done to protect Russia from the “gay” movement?

First, begin an immediate campaign in every city to promote marriage and family values, and to discourage sexual promiscuity and cohabitation. Young people at every grade level should receive age-appropriate instruction on why sexual morality and family values are important to their future, and older students should learn how to prepare to be a good husband or wife. Every city should offer marriage seminars and counseling to help strengthen existing families. Cities should celebrate family life and offer many pro-family programs and activities.

Second, begin training doctors, psychologists and therapists in the techniques of helping homosexuals to recover, and offer this therapy as a public service. Promote recovery for homosexuals in public advertising and reach out to young people who may suffer from same-sex attraction. Catch it early and spare these youths a lifetime of pain and suffering. Importantly, if Russian authorities publicly promote recovery for homosexuals, the “gays” will not be able to deceive the public with their “born the way” propaganda.

Third, criminalize the public advocacy of homosexuality. My philosophy is to leave homosexuals alone if they keep their lifestyle private, and not to force them into therapy if they don’t want it. However, homosexuality is destructive to individuals and to society and it should never publicly promoted. The easiest way to discourage “gay pride” parades and other homosexual advocacy is to make such activity illegal in the interest of public health and morality.

Fourth, develop family-friendly media alternatives to the immoral products now being imported from the U.S. and Europe. Russian society is rich with talented people. Russian media companies should become competitors for the hearts and minds of the young people, and even set the example for how to produce good quality entertainment that uplifts, not degrades, the human spirit.

It is no secret that the Russian Federation is in competition with the nations of the West, but there is one area in which Russia could quickly take global leadership: family values. While the United States and Europe continue to alienate their family-oriented citizens by following the destructive path of “sexual freedom,” Russia could become a model pro-family society. If this were to occur, I believe people from the West would begin to emigrate to Russia in the same way that Russians used to emigrate to the United States and Europe. Russia might even win back the sympathies of its former states, such as Poland, Latvia and Lithuania, which are now chafing under the pro-homosexual demands of the European Union.

In conclusion, all successful civilizations rest on the foundation of the natural family: men and women united in marriage, devoted to bearing and raising morally healthy children who will replace them in the next generation. This foundation will always be strong in nations which discourage sexual conduct outside of marriage. But wherever the “gay: philosophy of unlimited sexual freedom is accepted, the family structure disintegrates. The Russian people have an important choice before them: to promote marriage and family values, leading to social health or to allow the spread of sexual immorality, leading to social disorder. I pray you will choose the family.

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Report from the Court

 With my legal team in front of the courthouse:
L to R Harry Mihet, Me, Steve Crampton, and Philip Moran

Read Brian Camenker’s extensive coverage of the hearing here:  http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen2/13a/lively_hearing_010713/index.html

The January 7th court hearing in the case of SMUG v Scott Lively is over.  I was greatly encouraged both by the turnout of supporters at the courthouse (I’m guessing over 100) and by the comments of the judge.  You can never tell which way a judge will rule, but I’m cautiously optimistic that he will grant our Motion to Dismiss the SMUG lawsuit.  Since it was our motion, we should have gone first, but in a rare move the judge asked the other side to first explain to him exactly what they think I did in Uganda beyond speech (which he acknowledged is protected by the constitution).  All they had was a vague argument about an alleged conspiracy, with no hard facts in support of it.  They floundered under his questioning, while my attorney Harry Mihet of Liberty Counsel was sharp, articulate and exceedingly well prepared.

Judge Posner was very gracious to the attorney for SMUG but it was pretty clear that he did not think she met her burden to survive the motion to dismiss.  Still, this is a very politically sensitive case, and he might decide to let it proceed.  If he does, the next phase will be discovery.

I want to thank all who prayed for me and my legal team through this ordeal.  I have never felt quite so relaxed and at peace during such an event, even joyful.  That’s clearly a fruit of all of your prayers and I am very grateful.

I am also encouraged and amazed that so many people came to the courthouse in the middle of a work day to show their support.  The judge had to open up two extra courtrooms to accommodate all the people, who watched the hearing on closed circuit TV.  The other side was also well represented but I think we matched them in numbers, and maybe even surpassed them, which is quite impressive given the huge push they made to “pack the courtroom” and the fact that this is ultra-liberal Massachusetts.

I’ll keep you posted on any new developments in the case.  In the meantime, Anne and I are gearing up for the next leg of our winter tour.  My next big event is the debate on same-sex parenting at Oxford University on the 31st (which might be changed to Feb 1st).  Please keep praying for us.

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Top 10 Heroes of the Pro-Family Movement in 2012

Top 10 Heroes of the Pro-Family Movement in 2012


I know you are being deluged with year-end donation requests as am I.  My standard for giving follows three criteria: 1) Biblical faithfulness, 2) Courage, 3) Effectiveness.  According to this standard my personal choices for the Top 10 most deserving recipients of your financial support in 2012 are:

1.  Liberty Counsel (my personal heroes for coming to my rescue on the SMUG lawsuit). http://www.lc.org/index.cfm?PID=23329

2.  Mass Resistance (my new nickname for our stout-hearted Maccabaean  brother Brian Camenker is “Brian the Hammer”) https://www.massresistance.us/cc_donations.html

3.  Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (Never was there a more resolute champion of the pro-family cause, or a more honest journalist than Peter LaBarbara). http://americansfortruth.com/donate/

4.  World Net Daily (I’ve never met Joseph Farah personally but I greatly admire his courage and agree with nearly everything he writes).   Buy some books at his bookstore: http://superstore.wnd.com/

5.  Chick Fil A (go buy another chicken sandwich)

6.  Family Research Council (thank Tony Perkins for taking on the SPLC and not going soft after the assassination attempt) https://www.frc.org/

7.  Mission America (Linda Harvey is a great lady taking a brave stand in defense of the children and Biblical values). http://www.missionamerica.com/

8.  American Family Association, Especially Bryan Fisher (Mr. No-Nonsense on the radio, representing one of the most important organizations in our country). https://donate.afa.net/

9 AFA of PA (Ditto for Diane Gramley) http://afaofpa.org/

10.  Abiding Truth Ministries (It’s my list so I get to nominate myself, but go to our website to see for yourself if we meet the standard).   http://www.defendthefamily.com/

Apologies to all of the other great pro-family groups and leaders out there.  This is just my own personal top ten for 2012.


Dr. Scott Lively

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2012: The Year of the Smear


The above note was left on my front gate a couple of weeks ago anonymously.  It reflects the attitude of hatred that has been generated against me by the radical left here in my own community.

I also recently received the following death threat in my voicemail late one night:

“Denounce the Uganda Nazi bill or I will hang you and burn you alive, you disgusting Nazi maggot.  You’re a Nazi.  You’re not a human.  You’re a parasitic maggot and if you don’t get the f*** out of this country you will die.”

Here it is in MP3 threattoscott

For my ministry 2012 has been The Year of the Smear.  Click on this link for a two page summary in PDF of the persecution we have endured, complete with photographs.  It is a reminder that those who dare to stand up to the homosexual movement pay a heavy price.  I want also to remind you that I rely entirely upon donations to remain in this most difficult mission field.  As we approach the final days of 2012 please remember my ministry in your year-end giving by making a tax deductible donation at http://www.defendthefamily.com/help/donate.php.  And please forward this message to your pro-family friends.

Blessings in Jesus,

Pastor Scott Lively


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Why I Endorse the Revised Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda

Now that Uganda’s so-called “kill the gays” bill has been revised to drop the death penalty and reportedly add provisions for prevention and therapy of homosexuality I think there may be room for tentative support in the Christian community in the west, even though it retains jail terms for offenders.  Here are three reasons why.

First, the Bible has always defined homosexuality as a crime, and not just in the Mosaic Law.  Homosexuality was condemned by God long before Moses declared it a capital crime (by God’s own instruction), and God‘s condemnation of it was reaffirmed repeatedly in the New Testament.  Preceding Moses there is the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19, and a somewhat similar account in Judges 19.  According to Rabbinic tradition even the Great Flood of Noah in Genesis 6-9 was precipitated by homosexual sin.  In the New Testament, Chapter 1 of Romans not only condemns homosexuality as “depraved,” but reaffirms the death penalty for it as well (Verses 18-32).  I Corinthians 6:9-11, the “ex-gay” passage, both condemns homosexuality and reports that some of the Corinthians to whom the letter was written were themselves recovered homosexuals who had been healed and delivered by faith in Christ.  These are just a few of the numerous Bible passages addressing homosexuality, all of which condemn it in unequivocal terms.

In modern times we have infused our laws with the mercy of Christ, as exemplified in the story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8 1-11).  We have done away with the harsher penalty that God’s justice would otherwise demand in the absence of mercy.  But neither homosexuality, nor adultery for that matter, have ever stopped being crimes in the eyes of God.  Nor did they stop being crimes in certain cubbyholes of our law, just ask General Petraeus who is under prosecution for adultery.  And don‘t forget that it was only last year that sodomy and bestiality (sex with animals) were decriminalized in the U.S. Military.

Just because Secular Humanist America began to decriminalize sexual sins in civilian law starting in the early 1960s doesn’t mean criminal sanctions against homosexuality are “un-Christian.”  Indeed, given the enormous damage to our culture from the so-called sexual revolution, it was obviously a big mistake for us to have done this.  Knowing what we know now it is arguably more “un-Christian” to support the status quo than to support a return to the legal framework of the 1940s and 50s regarding sexual misbehavior.

Second, in all the media-driven hysteria about the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill one glaring fact has been consistently omitted (despite my having pointed it out to nearly every “journalist” who has interviewed me).  The fact is that Ugandan law is typical of most African law in that it tends to be very harsh in the letter, but very lenient in the application.  I doubt very much that anyone arrested under the new law (if it passes) will receive anything close to the jail terms allowed for in the bill.

Third, and most importantly, there is one easy, guaranteed method of protecting oneself from ever being subject to the Anti-Homosexuality law in Uganda: Don’t Commit Sodomy!  We all seem to forget, in the dense propaganda haze of American popular opinion, that homosexuality is defined by voluntary sexual acts.  Homosexuals are no more compelled to commit sodomy with each other than a married man is compelled to cheat on his wife.

In my opinion, the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill is still too harsh in the letter.  I would prefer something closer to the approach several American states have taken toward marijuana: criminalize it but minimize the penalty and turn a blind eye toward discrete violations.  Indeed, this would be my prescription for dealing with homosexuality (and all sex outside of marriage) in the United States.  This would preserve basic freedom of choice for people who choose to inhabit various sub-cultures out of the mainstream, yet provide the larger marriage-based society with the legal power to prevent sex activists from advocating their lifestyles to children in the public schools or to flaunt their sins in “pride” parades through the city streets.

However, since I didn’t write the Ugandan bill and have no power to redraft it on my own terms, and since the alternative to passing this bill is to allow the continuing, rapid, foreigner-driven homosexualization of Ugandan culture, I am giving the revised Anti-Homosexuality Bill my support.

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The Death of Human Rights

This week marks the anniversary of the adoption of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations.  December 10th is International Human Rights Day.  Unfortunately, this is a day celebrated mostly by leftists, who have hijacked “human rights” in recent times to serve their own misguided agenda.  However, true human rights as they have been understood through the centuries spring from and epitomize the biblical world view.

Unlike most of the left wing activists exploiting International Human Rights Day as an opportunity to attack Christianity and champion sexual perversion,  I am actually a credentialed human rights attorney with special U.N. sponsored training in Strasbourg. I am also author of the Riga Declaration on Religious Freedom, Family Values and Human Rights which documents that religious freedom and family values have been staunchly protected in 4000 years of written human rights law, but that the “right” of homosexuality is an invention of modern liberalism.

Moreover, this “right to sodomy” actually undermines true human rights, as exemplified by the collapse of the Magna Charta (alternately spelled Magna Carta) in the United Kingdom. The first principle of that venerable human rights document declares that “The English Church shall be free.” This principle, established in the bedrock of British jurisprudence in 1215, stood unshakable for nearly 800 years until the rise of the “gay” movement which has in just the past decade achieved the power to redefine religious liberty as “homophobia” and to crush it under the heels of its pink jackboots.

One of the highlights of my world travels was having the opportunity to see one of the original handwritten copies of the Magna Charta at Salisbury Cathedral in England.  It is one of only three remaining of the original eleven.  That was in 1997 on my way to complete my studies at the University of Strasbourg‘s Institute for International Human  Rights.  On that day the Magna Charta still stood.

Exactly ten years later in 2007, on my way to Warsaw, Poland to speak on human rights at the World Congress of Families IV, I made a brief stop in Dublin, Ireland.  There I met with a Christian street activist who was literally in hiding from the police under threat of arrest for speaking against homosexuality on the public sidewalks in violation of the new Sexual Orientation Regulations (SROs).  The bulwark of the Magna Charta could no longer protect this Christian brother.  After eight centuries it had finally been breached — by militant activists of the “gay” movement.  The news stories coming out of the UK since then paint an increasingly dismal picture for believers.

Today there is only one human rights document still standing as a barrier to the homosexual agenda in the west: the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Indeed, this is the very source of the religious liberty and freedom of speech clauses of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights upon which all modern human rights laws and treaties rest.  (The first half of the Universal Declaration was drafted by the Americans, the latter half by the Soviets in the days following the completion of the Nurenberg war crimes trials of the Nazi leaders by the Allies).

Yet despite the emergence of the Universal Declaration and all of its statutory progeny, no country in the world has been as stalwart in defense of religious liberty and freedom of speech as the United States — because of the First Amendment.   However, even as we celebrate International Human Rights Day, the First Amendment is under siege by the same forces that brought down the Magna Charta.  In recent years it has survived a series of assaults that continue to grow in frequency and severity with no end in sight.

In less than a month, on January 7th, 2013 I will appear in federal court here in Springfield, Massachusetts with my attorney from Liberty Counsel.  There, he will present our oral argument in support of our Motion to Dismiss the case against me for “Crimes Against Humanity.”   I am being sued by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) for preaching against homosexuality in that country.  At issue is the strength of the First Amendment to protect my right to preach the Gospel in a foreign country.

In essence, the Plaintiffs contend that the same European embrace of homosexual “human rights” that empowered the SORs of the UK and took down the Magna Charta represents a new international legal norm that must be enforced across the globe.  Thus, even though preaching against homosexuality is protected speech both in Uganda and the United States, I should be held liable for it based on SMUG’s interpretation of “international law.”  Granted, it seems ridiculous, but so did the idea of the SORs before they became law in the UK.

I would like to take the opportunity of this anniversary to call for prayer.  Not so much for myself, but for our nation.  Because a loss to these plaintiffs under these pleadings would mean a breach of  First Amendment in the same manner as the Magna Charta.  If the First Amendment cannot protect my rights of religious liberty and freedom of speech in a foreign country, how much less will they protect all of us here in our own country.  Indeed, haven’t we already begun to see “sexual orientation” trump religious liberty (and to a lesser extent freedom of speech) as a legal trend?  How much worse will it be if the federal courts accept European legal reasoning in their rulings?

My friends, understand the gravity of what I am saying.  If the First Amendment falls to the “gays” like the Magna Charta did,  true human rights will be finished in America (and by extension the rest of the western world).  There is no fall-back position.  The First Amendment is the last bastion of freedom for Christians.  If it fails, serious persecution of all who dare to speak the truth of the Bible will follow close behind.  Pray fervently that it will stand!

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Was SCORES a Warning from God not to Build a Casino in Springfield?

As a pastor with a mission to re-Christianize Springfield it seems pretty obvious to me that God is trying to get our attention here.  In recent months we’ve had an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flooding, and a freak blizzard that broke half the branches off our trees.  Massive damage, over and over again.  But instead of waking up to these alarms and repenting from our individual and corporate sins, we just keep pushing the snooze button.

Now we’ve suffered a natural gas explosion so powerful and so unusual that made headlines all over the world.  What did it destroy?  The SCORES strip club, a place whose sole purpose was to make money by encouraging men and women to sin.

I was mocked by the Springfield media for suggesting that the destruction of SCORES may have been the hand of God, but surely I am not the only person in this city to draw this conclusion.

If the obliteration of SCORES actually was by God (even Mayor Sarno acknowledged that it was a “miracle” that there were no deaths or serious injuries), then what is the message God is trying to send?  Could it be a warning to Springfield NOT to build a casino here?

Lets look at the big picture.  We’re a city that almost went bankrupt due to massive political corruption not so long ago.  We have an enormous drug problem with drug dealing gang bangers killing each other on the street over turf and hundreds of hard-core addicts wandering the streets looking for things to steal.  We‘ve got widespread prostitution.  We’re a city whose “revitalization plan” centers on an “entertainment district” that is missing only the red lights to identify it by its proper name.  (And by the way, who had the bright idea to allow these strip clubs to open next to a day care center?)  Now we’re being sold the notion that the key to our financial future is a  gambling casino.

Hmmm, political corruption, drugs, murders, prostitution, strip clubs and gambling casinos.  Am I the only one who feels like we’re in a bad remake of The Godfather here?  Is this city being run by the MOB???

If God did want to send Springfield a message, could He have done it any more blatantly than to literally pulverize the very center of the “entertainment district” during the period of public comment about the plan to bring in casinos?

Several weeks ago I led a delegation of local residents to speak against the casinos at the city council.  We also delivered a 500-signature petition asking the city to put our national motto, In God We Trust on the front of City Hall.  In my view these are opposite and contradictory goals.

Who will be the Savior of Springfield?  Jesus Christ?  Or Vito Corleone?  As the Scripture warns, “You cannot serve both God and Mammon”  (Matthew 6:24).

Unfortunately, the city is pressing forward with its choice of gambling instead of God.

I could be wrong, but I think God just cast His vote over on Worthington Street.

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Is Your Faith Suffering From “Low T“?

Are you reluctant to share the truth of Christ with the people around you even though you know they will end up in hell without Him?

Do you stand by passively when others mock Christianity or blaspheme your Lord and Savior?

Are you afraid to defend the Bible on issues like abortion and homosexuality for fear of being called a bigot or hater?

Do you feel embarrassed or ashamed when a Christian leader suggests publicly that natural disasters or other calamities could be the judgment of God?

Then you may have a condition called Low Spiritual Testosterone, or “Low T.”

As Christian societies age they pass through stages.  They start out like the Church of Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13), growing in the blessings of security and prosperity that come from worshipping and praising God.  But over time they become complacent, self-serving and ungrateful like the Church of Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22), having “a form of Godliness but denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:5) .

This corrosive environment can rob individual Christian believers of their spiritual testosterone, leaving them feeling weak and powerless; easy prey for bad doctrine or moral compromise (Ephesians 4:11-14).

In extreme cases believers with “Low T” can contract spiritual diseases such as NicerThanJesusitis or the cancerous Emergent Churchanoma.  Increasingly we’re even seeing a susceptibility to the hard-to-treat Gay Theologica Psychosis in which sufferers begin to insist that God wants people to reject the Bible and embrace sexual sin (Isaiah 5:20)

If you suffer from any of these symptoms there is still hope for you.

The remedy is found in the pages of the Bible.

As Jesus told the Laodiceans, “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.  Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.”


Just take these simple steps to restore your spiritual testosterone.

1.  Be Prepared.  “Put on the full armor of God…” Ephesians 6:10-17

2.  Be Purposeful.  “Go ye into all the world and make disciples…” Matthew 28:18-20

3.  Be Bold.  “Let your light shine before men…” Matthew 5:14-16

4.  Be Aggressive against evil.   “The weapons of our warfare are mighty for pulling down strongholds…”   II Corinthians 10:3-6.

5.  Be Uncompromising with sin.  “Break down their altars…”  Deuteronomy 7:5 (spiritually, not physically, per II Cor 10)

6.  Be Courageous.   Fear God, not man.  Matthew 10:26-28.

7.  Be Resolute.   Remain faithful through tribulation to earn your reward.  Revelation 2:9-11.

Taking these steps daily in conjunction with a Healthy Diet of Scripture reading, and Regular Exercise of your faith through evangelism, good works and community activism  is absolutely guaranteed to raise your spiritual testosterone levels.

Don’t let “Low T” rob you of your power and authority in Christ.  Get back to the Bible!

Disclaimer: There is NO Permanent Cure for “Low T.”  Failure to faithfully observe the regime prescribed in Scripture will result in relapse, backsliding, and in some cases spiritual death.  Warning!  Beware of counterfeit remedies marketed under such labels as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc or various generic-label Christian cults.  Severe Warning is given against receiving any marks, patches or implants in the forehead or right hand marketed under the brand names “Beast” or “Image of the Beast.”  These treatments are irreversibly fatal and produce lasting agonizing pain.

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Time for a New Coalition in the GOP

The RINOs (Republicans in name only) are up to their usual post-election tricks trying to blame social conservatives for losses they caused themselves.  I suggest that instead of playing defense again, or making yet another run at reviving Christian values within the existing framework, lets just stop playing by the “establishment” rulebook and rethink the whole thing.

First of all lets strip down the GOP to its core principles: biblical values.  This is where it started as an alternative to the pro-slavery Whig and Democrat Parties, and what has defined the appeal of its best leaders, the last of whom was, of course, Ronald Reagan.

Now let’s start selectively adding issues and constituencies back in based on their compatibility with our values.

Of course we want to keep the pro-life and pro-family wing, which thankfully constitutes the overwhelming majority of the GOP grass roots activists.

We also want  to keep the constitutional and limited government factions, and the Tea Parties, since their philosophies are rooted in the Constitution, which is in turn rooted in the Bible (even if some of these allies have forgotten this fact)  One such faction we want to retain is the 2nd Amendment conservatives, though many of these are secularists who need reeducation as to the true nature of liberty as understood by the founders (to overcome  revisionist, anti-Christian teachings they learned in public schools).

We’re of course going to continue being strongly supportive of small business, since this has always been the engine of our economy, and, at its best, exemplifies the biblical values of personal responsibility, hard work and local investment for the common good.   There is work to do with this constituency in reinforcing those virtues and reducing the influence of the amoral corporate giants but there’s a natural alliance here, grounded in a mutual interest in family-centered community.

This alliance doesn’t necessarily exist with “big” business, meaning especially the large multi-national corporations (though we would welcome business people of all stripes who share our morality).  The culture of that part of the business world is largely antithetical to Christianity, openly embracing “greed” as a positive value, and emphasizing profit over both principles and people.  Indeed, as America has shifted slowly from a Christian to a humanistic consensus, the business practices of the corporate realm have grown increasing corrupt.  Who really trusts “Big Pharma” these days?  Agri-business?  Banks?  And look how easily the majority of them now accommodate and often generously fund the abortion and homosexual agendas.

Yet isn’t this the constituency that actually pulls the strings of the GOP “establishment?”

I personally found it very disturbing that the Romney campaign was heavily funded by billionaire casino owners.  These are men whose vast wealth was (and is) gained by the selfish and callous exploitation of the weaknesses of others.  And their only apparent concern about Obama was the amount of money he  would extract from their bloated bank vaults.  Why again are we protecting these social parasites from paying more taxes?  (Other than to keep it out of the hands of profligate-spending politicians? — but that’s a separate problem).

This leads me to a constituency I think we don’t have but should add: ethnic minorities and the working poor.  Now I’m no socialist, and I recognize that the entitlement system in its current state is one of the most shameful results of Marxist ideology in the Democratic Party, but there is a certain amount of truth in the arguments of the “social justice” crowd.  I live in the inner city as a missionary and I see it first hand.

I say we should start working to rescue the “social justice” movement from the Marxists and rebuild it on a Christian foundation.  We should use our vastly superior skills at managing money, and our philosophy of “teaching how to fish “ (instead of “giving away the fish”) to systematically turn the dependent class into self-sufficient citizens (to the fullest extent possible).  At the same time reducing the costs of the programs and lowering taxes accordingly.  A Christian society has a duty to help the poor, and we can meet that duty much better and cheaper than the Marxists can.

Why will ethnic minorities join us in the first place, before we’ve been able to prove ourselves champions of true social justice?  We will make a simple appeal to the thing we most share in common.  “Our Bond Is Family!”  There’s our  pitch and strategy in bumper-sticker simplicity.  The typical African American or Hispanic person is generally more Christian and pro-family than the average American (as are the Russian, Eastern European, East Indian, African and Asian immigrants).  RINO Republicans could never build a bridge to these minorities because they don’t share these values.  But we can and should.

The illegal immigration issue has unfortunately distracted both conservatives and Hispanics from the interests we hold in common, but from my experience I think most Hispanics who are legal citizens would gravitate naturally to the Republican Party and not the Democrats if our agenda were centered on family rather than fiscal matters (especially if we had our own social justice platform).  Frankly, I’d happily trade any number of pro-abortion, hate-America White liberal suburbanites for the equivalent number of pro-life, pro-family working class Hispanic citizens.   We’d be a much stronger country for it.

We should also invite into our new coalition the majority of Libertarians who hold to a Bible-based libertarianism in the mold of the Founding Fathers.  I call these “Biblitarians” and count myself among them.  Biblitarians embrace the same core values of personal liberty, minimal government regulation and  local control as their secular counterparts but are more trustworthy on the fundamental social issues.  As much as I respect Congressman Ron Paul, one of the most principled men in government, his secularized form of libertarianism allowed him to endorse open sodomy in our military, a grave philosophical flaw.  We should work to recruit even these secularists and to educate them on the Christian roots of their ideology.

We should reach out to moderate and conservative-leaning environmentalists as well.  Environmentalism is another movement we should rescue from the Marxists and rebuild on a Christian foundation.  Our responsibility to be good stewards of the earth is a central tenet of Christianity, and we are certainly much more capable of fulfilling this duty in a balanced manner than the Marxists are.  (Not to mention that we would do the world a great service to steer at least some portion of this powerful movement away from power-grabbing globalist goals such as Agenda 21 and “global warming” and toward authentic environmental needs.)

One key point in this arena that deserves immediate, urgent advocacy is opposition to genetically-modified foods.  RINOs would never take this position for fear of alienating agri-business and mega-corporations like Monsanto, but we conservatives should.

Environmentalists might at first seem to be an impossible constituency to recruit, but Christians share an important common ground with them: an embrace of the natural and rejection of the unnatural.  The most important concepts in environmentalism — bio-diversity, eco-systems, and the inter-dependence of species — rest on the clear “natural law” presupposition (central to Christianity as well) that there is an existing order in nature that should be protected by human beings.  We also share a distrust of the corporate giants whose myopic pursuit of ever greater profits represents the greatest threat to the environment.

If we craft an appeal based on our common preference for  the “natural” over the “artificial,” and frame this as a logical basis for deciding social policy in every area, we suddenly have a powerful unifying theme for our entire slate that could win every intellectually honest environmentalist to our side: the natural value of life vs the unnatural termination of unborn babies, natural marriage vs. un-natural homosexual unions, God-given liberty vs. man-made Statism, commerce among real persons vs. that with artificial corporate “persons,” natural foods vs. genetic experiments, a return to family farms and rejection of agri-business, a return to natural remedies and rejection of Big Pharma, etc..

While we’re plundering the “Progressive” base, lets not forget the labor unions.  There’s nothing inherently evil or unbiblical about labor unions.  The evil comes from the Marxist ideologues and organized crime elements who control them.  Union members were the heart and soul of the so-called “Reagan Democrats” who crossed party lines in droves for Reagan because he sincerely espoused Christian values.  This is a natural constituency for a newly Bible-centered GOP.  The only reason we don’t have them now in any significant numbers is that the corporate giants don’t like them (for obvious reasons) and continually foster hostility against them among the Republican rank and file.

Public employees unions on the other hand pose a separate and larger problem rooted in the inherently corrupt system of allowing public employees to control both sides of the collective bargaining process.  That problem could be solved by establishing an independent taxpayer approval process for all substantive contracts, but my guess is that these union members would be the least likely to accept our invitation (at least until after we had enacted our solution in law).  Yet there are many Christians even among this group who might join our new coalition.

Perhaps the biggest change for the GOP with the adoption of this model would be a shift from “money driven” campaigning to a far greater emphasis on the grassroots.  That would have been a big problem for the old GOP, but this new model seeks to unify the grassroots base of both the Republican and Democrat parties under a re-configured GOP “big tent.”

Surely there would be other issues and constituencies that would align with this approach.  But importantly, adopting this biblically-grounded  model for a reorganized GOP would establish a new coalition of partners who would stand on righteous principles and deny the amoral RINOs and their corrupt big-money backers control of the party once and for all.

Scott Lively is an attorney and pastor based in Springfield Massachusetts who has recently formed a committee to explore the possibility of a run for the governorship of that state.


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Major Breaking News on Uganda

World Net Daily has just published a major story on Uganda, where  President Museveni has publicly repented for the sins of the nation in  the model of 2 Chron 7:14 on the 50th anniversary of the country’s  independence.  It also breaks the news that the Ugandan Parliament has  dropped the death penalty provision of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill  which is now expected to pass into law with overwhelming public  support.  I am heavily quoted in the article.

Breaking Update.  The story has been picked up by Drudge!! and is  running in the top spot in the left column.

Here is the article on WND.  http://www.wnd.com/2012/11/ugandan-president-repents-of-personal-national-sins/

This is a huge blessing for Uganda and for me personally after having  been vilified globally (and falsely) for two years by the leftist  media as the accused mastermind of the death penalty provision.   Please give this story your best push for maximum exposure.   Blessings,   Pastor Scott Lively

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SCORES and the Power of Imprecatory Prayer

For about two years I have been including imprecatory prayers in our church services and Bible studies at Holy Grounds Coffee House.  Imprecatory prayers are Old Testament prayers for the defeat and destruction of the enemies of God and his people.  A New Testament variation on these prayers is to ask God to save the people but destroy the institutions. Our prayers, part of our seven year campaign to re-Christianize the City of Springfield, have included an appeal to God to destroy the works of Satan in this city.  We have specifically included the strip clubs in these prayers.

Yesterday the three story Scores strip club on Worthington Street was completely obliterated in a gas explosion, right down to the ground.  See http://bostonglobe.com/metro/2012/11/24/springfield-explosion-injures-least-levels-strip-club/SX7MmBHvdfePUBkpyCgG6L/story.html

I believe this was the hand of God at work in answer to our prayers.  We are giving Him all the glory and praise for this occurrence, since it is only by His power that any of our prayers can have any effect.  We also thank God that no one was seriously injured in this blast, though it was enormous.

I am sending this email to ask you to join me in the following prayer for the further cleansing of Springfield.

Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus we beseech you to claim our city for your own, to be Lord of Springfield in the hearts and minds of its people, and to establish goodness and morality among us.  We pray that you would motivate every local believer to awaken to their duty to live and preach the Gospel of Christ in both word and action, in meekness and humility.  We pray that you would bring every community leader, at every level in government, business, media and education, under grateful submission to your will and values.  We pray that your presence would shine in this city so profoundly that it would illuminate the entire region.  Finally Lord, we pray that you would destroy the works of Satan in this city and ask you demolish them in such a way that it is clearly by your hand alone and not the works of men, saving the people but destroying the institutions that have set themselves against your truth.  We pray this with full awareness that we ourselves are just sinners saved by grace, asking you to cleanse us from sin as well, and to increase our faith that you are still the God of miracles.  In Jesus name.  Amen.

I urge you to add this or something similar to your daily prayers, and to forward this to your Christian friends.

In Him,

Pastor Scott Lively

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I May Run for MA Governor

For Immediate Release, November 14, 2012
Contact:  Pastor Scott Lively, 413-250-0984

Springfield Pastor Forms Committee to Explore Run For Governor

Pastor Scott Lively of Springfield today announced the formation of a committee to explore the possibility of a run for the governorship of Massachusetts.  A fifth generation Bay Stater, born and raised in the Village of Shelburne Falls, Pastor Lively was for many years a Christian missionary and social activist in various parts of the world, based primarily in Oregon and California.  In 2008, following a year-long speaking tour through eight countries of the former Soviet Union, he and his wife Anne moved back to Massachusetts to start a mission to the poor and disadvantaged in inner-city Springfield.  They bought a home in the heart of the troubled McNight neighborhood and opened a church and ministry center called Holy Grounds Coffee House, strategically located on State Street between the Downtown and Mason Square areas, to serve the homeless and street populations of the city.


Pastor Lively has successfully organized a large network of Christians from a variety of local churches who now regularly cooperate together to carry on inner-city outreach and evangelism through annual events such as the March For Jesus and Family Day and through a full schedule of daily and weekly activities based at Holy Grounds Coffee House.  The mission’s most visible impact on the city has been its TRUST JESUS Campaign, which encourages all the Christians of the area to unify around that simple Gospel message and display it publicly.  Through these efforts many lives in inner-city Springfield have been changed for the better and a return to biblical values is being recognized by an increasing number of residents as the only real solution to Springfield’s problems.

On September 30th of this year Pastor Lively turned over the day-to-day management of the mission to Pastor C.S. Cooley, senior pastor at United Temple Church of God in Christ and a highly respected leader in the community.  Pastor Lively remains the pastor of the Coffee House Church, which holds services at Holy Grounds on Sunday afternoons, and will continue to serve as a member of the board of Redemption Gate Mission Society, the umbrella organization over the various ministries at the mission.

On October 1st, Pastor Lively launched a new effort called the King Josiah Project to begin challenging movements and ideologies in Massachusetts which he perceives as being most responsible for the moral and economic degeneration of Springfield and the state.  These include in order of destructiveness: The abortion industry, the homosexual movement, the public education system, corrupt elements in state government, and a broken social welfare system that breeds dependency instead of rebuilding lives.  The King Josiah Project is being conducted under the auspices of Abiding Truth Ministries, a 501(c)(3) religious non-profit organization founded by Pastor Lively in 1997 to promote and defend biblical values in society.  As he has done in other states and nations for more than 20 years, Pastor Lively will engage in social activism in Springfield and around the state to rally Christians and other social conservatives to oppose these social ills and to attempt to cure them through a return to biblical values.


If, in the course of these efforts, his exploratory committee determines that a run for governor would complement the larger purpose of turning Massachusetts back to God, Pastor Lively will enter the race to win the governorship.

Pastor Lively (54) is fully qualified to serve as governor were he to be elected.  An attorney as well as a pastor, he graduated magna cum laude from Trinity Law School in Santa Ana, California, and was managing partner of his own successful law firm in Southern California, with a flawless personal record before the state bar.

While running the for-profit firm he also founded the Pro-Family Law Center, a public interest law firm specializing in constitutional law, taking his most significant case, Good News Employee Association v. Hicks all the way to the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where he argued the First Amendment before a three judge panel held in special session at Stanford University.

Pastor Lively holds a Certificaté in International Human Rights from the Institute of International Human Rights in Strasburg, France, and is the author of the Riga Declaration on Religious Freedom, Family Values and Human Rights (2006).  http://www.defendthefamily.com/intl/

Pastor Lively is an internationally recognized authority on biblical values in public policy, serving as an educator, trainer and consultant to church, community and government leaders in more than 30 countries, and as a media figure in more than 700 radio and television interviews here at home.  He is known as the “Father of the Ugandan Pro-Family Movement” for his work in that country, and his efforts in Russia, Eastern Europe and the Baltics have strengthened both the Christian church and social resistance to the homosexualization of those regions.

Pastor Lively holds a Doctor of Theology degree from the School of Bible Theology of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God, studying directly with PAGA founder Dr. Richard Anderson, who went home to be with the Lord October 11, 2012 after 79 years of active ministry.  He was 92.  In 2009, Pastor Lively’s doctoral thesis was revised and published in book form under the title Redeeming the Rainbow: A Christian Response to the “Gay” Agenda, which may be downloaded in PDF form at  http://www.defendthefamily.com/rtr/.

Pastor Lively is the author of four other books, including The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party which is in its fourth edition and has been translated into five languages.  A fifth edition is in progress, a sample of which may be viewed at

http://www.scottlively.net/tps/tps1.pdf.  He is the author of countless articles, editorials and essays, many of which are published online at defendthefamily.com and/or www.ScottLively.net

Pastor Lively, the oldest of six children in a Roman Catholic family, achieved all of these accomplishments despite tremendous hardship and tumult in his early life: becoming homeless and on his own at the age of sixteen after his father’s steadily deteriorating mental health left the family destitute; falling into alcoholism and drug addiction from the age of twelve; and finally drifting around the United States as a transient in his late teens and early twenties, sleeping under bridges and begging spare change to survive.  He accepted Jesus Christ as Savior in prayer in 1986 and was instantaneously completely healed.  With this background, Pastor Lively has a unique perspective, not just on social justice and the needs of the disadvantaged and mentally ill, but also the amazing transformative power of Christianity.

Asked why he is considering a run for governor, Lively replied “I am greatly dismayed at the breakdown of family and morality here in Massachusetts over the past few decades.  This state desperately needs a return to God and that means the people of God must begin boldly speaking out about His power to solve our many problems.  We also need to speak against the social and moral evils that have come to dominate our culture in the absence of God.  I can’t think of any better platform to advocate this view than as governor of the state. I don’t know of anyone else willing to take the abuse for daring to say these things in the political arena, so I have formed a committee to explore the possibility of entering that race myself.”

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RINO Season Begins Today

For conservatives, it’s time to let some hard truths push aside conventional wisdom in the political realm.

First, we need to admit and accept that RINOs are worse enemies to our cause than Democrats.  Every time we accept a RINO instead of a true conservative for any position we guarantee a continuing progressive loss for conservative values.  Why?  Once RINOs are in office it is nearly impossible to replace them with a true conservative (absent a major scandal or such like) because the moderates (whose votes we need to defeat liberals) will never join with the conservatives to oust them in favor of a conservative.  This virtually assures a continuous cyclical succession of power from moderate to liberal office holders (until conservatives refuse to play ball).

Once this cycle begins the RINOs grow continuously stronger with each revolution as the “lesser of two evils“, “half a loaf is better than no loaf at all” philosophy become the common wisdom among conservatives.  And the longer this continues, the more conservatives are converted to moderates because RINOism is in fact a form of liberal “progressivism” and always moves to the left.  That in a nutshell explains the transformation of America we conservatives continually lament.

Second, the only way, therefore, to break the RINO to liberal to RINO to liberal cycle — and this is tough to swallow — is to let the liberals beat the RINOs by withholding our support.

This is what I believe happened to Romney, and if so, it might just turn out for the best — IF…

Third, conservatives seize the opportunity of a season of unchecked liberalism to rebuild our movement by launching a campaign of unapologetic advocacy of conservative values to moderates, who in turn will be increasingly alienated by experiencing liberalism in its true nature. And IF…

Fourth, conservatives act quickly to purge the RINOs from our movement and take back control of the levers of power from them.

Very simply, conservatives only win when there is a clear choice between our values and those of the liberals (e.g. Reagan/Carter).  RINOism obscures the distinctions, which guarantees a continuous leftward shift.  These coming four years will provide the best opportunity we have ever had in the history of our nation to showcase this contrast of values.  The end result can be a true shift of power from liberal to conservative if we resist the lure of compromise and “take the nation to school” on what we really stand for and why.

Fifth, and most importantly, conservatives must acknowledge our roots in the Bible just as openly and proudly as the Founders did.  This is, of course, what ultimately divides true conservatives from RINOs in the first place.  Because the “social issues” they so fear and loathe are really just Biblical values, and they fear them because they don’t share them with us, and thus cannot defend them in the political arena.

So, in conclusion, our real problem is not Barack Obama and the Democrats.  They’re just liberals being liberals.  Our real problem, whether or not we are Republicans ourselves, is the “Republican Establishment,”  RINO Central.  We need to run these phonies out of our movement, ASAP, and ensure that the next batch of candidates we put forward against the libs are men and women of principle.

Happy RINO hunting!

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In Close Race, Evil Beats Stupid

By Pastor Scott Lively

It’s official, the 2012 presidential election is over and we Americans decided not to downshift into Republican.  Instead its now full speed ahead toward  the progressive’s Godless Utopian fantasy (aka “the cliff”) with Mr. Obama and the Evil Party.

The good news is that we can all stop pretending that Mitt Romney is a conservative.

The bad news is that the Stupid Party will, of course, interpret their loss as a sign they were too conservative and move further to the left.

The better or worse news (depending on your theology) is that the age of apostasy is more clearly upon us, which means that the return of Christ is drawing near.

These next few months and years will be an exciting time for students of prophesy, and an exceedingly challenging time for all believers as the stand for biblical truth becomes more and more costly.

There will be intense and increasing pressure from all sides, especially in the political realm, to abandon the Bible and embrace an emerging redefinition of Christianity more in line with secular realities.  It won’t be long before the chasm between Christ and this world is simply too wide to straddle, and we each will be forced to choose sides.

As the chilling implications of this election begin to sink in among the believers, now is the time to remember Joshua’s famous exhortation:

“Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”  (Joshua 24:14-15.)

How can we serve the Lord in these coming days?  I believe this is the time for the remnant to go on the offensive.  Let us drop all the clever strategies and tactics of campaign consultants and media pundits.  All the polling and pandering.  All of the calculations and posturing.  Let us reject those things just as David rejected Saul’s armor, and simply march against Goliath in faith and courage, proclaiming the Truth of God without apology or compromise.

Fear the Lord, not man.  It is the beginning of wisdom, and the antidote to both Evil and Stupid.

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My Favorite 12th-Century Homophobe

Hildegard of Bingen, We Need You!

By Dr. Scott Lively    

       As LGBT History Month draws to a close it is ironic that one of the fiercest “homophobes” of all time is being honored this week with the post-humus publication of some of her musical compositions in an album predicted by industry experts to top the charts.  The woman is Hildegard of Bingen, a twelfth century Benedictine abbess who was canonized earlier this month by Pope Benedict.  WND linked to the story here: http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/medieval-nuns-800-year-old-chants-top-charts/?cat_orig=faith.  What these music industry experts (and the producer whose best known work is for Madonna and Brittney Spears) probably don’t realize is that Hildegard devoted a substantial portion of her life in the1100’s to vigorously opposing homosexuality.     

      By coincidence I happen to be working on revisions and additions to Chapter Two of my book The Pink Swastika as my co-author Kevin Abrams and I prepare the 5th edition for publication.  New in the 5th edition is a section featuring Hildegard’s efforts to stop a homosexual gnostic cult called Manichaeism from infiltrating the Catholic Church.

      Allow me to simply excerpt the relevant text from Chapter Two, titled “Homo-Occultism:”            

 “Arthur Evans’ Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture provides some illumination here. Mani, for whom Manichaeism is named, was a third century Prince of Babylon who devised his own form of Gnosticism. Gnostics blended pagan sex rituals and Mother Goddess worship with elements of New Testament Christianity and “rejected Jehovah God as an evil demon.”[i] 

“Manichaeism imposed on Gnosticism a caste system of leaders (elect) and followers (hearers). A Manichaean sect called the Bogomils (later called the Cathars) arose in Bulgaria and spread across Europe. Homosexuality became so closely associated with these Bulgarian heretics that the practice became known as “buggery.” Indeed, “the word for Cathar in most European languages came to be the word for homosexual: in German, Ketzer, in Italian, Gazarro, and in French, Herite….Heresy and homosexuality became so interchangeable that those accused of heresy attempted to prove their innocence by claiming heterosexuality” (Evans:51ff).

“Just what did the Cathari believe and preach?  Historian Thomas Merton describes their theology: 

The very core of the Catharist’s spiritual life was a morbid horror of sex and of the flesh….Since the flesh was evil, and bodily life was an almost irreparable disaster, the Cathari naturally concluded that marriage was a device of the devil…[for] encouraging the procreation of children and the imprisonment of more souls in the flesh.  Therefore they taught that no man who persisted in matrimony until death could be saved.  The effects produced by this teaching…[was] an almost total disregard for sexual morality and in the complete disruption of family life…[T]here was no such thing as responsibility for the sins of the flesh: such “sins” were simply the work of the devil.  The flesh was entirely under his power…Man was not free to resist.  Finally [and very significant in light of Adolf Hitler‘s choice to be a “vegan”]…came the asceticism of the so-called “perfect.”  They would not eat meat or eggs or drink milk on the grounds that these things were defiled by animal generation (Merton: p.37-38).[ii]  [Hitler was strongly influenced by Manichaeism.]    

“In The Nazis and the Occult, author Dusty Sklar reports that Cathari Gnosticism was also a primary root of Nazi anti-Semitism, fostered in Germany by the founder of Theosophy, Helena Blavatsky  Sklar writes:

A famous medieval Gnostic sect, the Cathars, came to identify the Old Testament god Jehovah, with the demiurge [an inferior deity], the creator of the material world, and therefore the equivalent of Satan.  Within Gnosticism, then, exited the idea that the Jewish god was really the devil, responsible for all the evil in the world.  Without intending to arouse hatred against the Jews, H.P.B. repeated the Gnostic thinking in her book The Secret Doctrine”  (p.12).[iii]

“Sklar adds that the formation of Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society is considered by many the beginning of modern occultism (ibid: p.11).  But as King Solomon wrote, “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). 

 “A witness to this from the twelfth century is the legendary German philosopher, writer and composer Hildegard of Bingen, considered a saint by the Catholic church.  Much of her work as a Christian reformer centered on exposing and opposing the influence of the Cathars on the medieval church, which, in addition to converting otherwise normal men into Sodomites, fostered widespread cultural misogyny (hatred and distrust of women) as was also true of occultists in Nazi and pre-Nazi Germany.          

“In a commentary applying the teachings of the Book of Revelation to her own time Hildegard wrote:

[D]iabolical seduction [by the Cathars] gives rise to criminals and seducers, the hate and the crime of the devil, brigands and thieves; but it is in homosexuality that the sin is most impure, the root of all vices. When these sins have accumulated among the nations [she adds prophetically], the constitution of God’s law will be torn, and the Church, like a widow, will be stricken (Pernoud: p.107).[iv]  (Emphasis ours.)

“Sounding just like a modern Judeo-Christian social activist, Schipperges writes that “Hildegard felt that she had to make public appearances and to take an open stand” to “preach against the Cathar sect” and restore the biblical perspective of sexuality that men and women are created to be “one flesh in loving union” (pp.59, 78).[v]

      While the modern homosexual movement differs in many ways from its twelfth century Cathari ancestor, the similarities are striking, as is the simple fact that homosexual activists then and now seem determined to infiltrate and corrupt the Christian church. 

      Oh Hildegard, we could certainly use your boldness in our century!  But somehow I don’t think you’d be lauded by our music industry if you were here.

[i]  Evans, Arthur. Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture. Fag Rag Books, Boston 1978.
 Merton, Thomas.  What Are These Wounds?: The Life of a Cistercian Mystic Saint Lutgarde of Aywieres. The Bruce Publishing Company, date?.
 Sklar, Dusty. The Nazis and the Occult. New York, Dorset Press, 1989.
  Pernoud, Regine, Hildegard of Bingen: Inspired Conscience of the Twelfth Century. Marlowe and Company, 1998.
  Schipperges, Heinrich.  The World of Hildegard of Bingen: Her Life, Times, and Visions. Burns and Oates, 1998.



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The Kool Aid Has Always Been “Gay”

In commemoration of October, better known as “Gay Pride Month,” (not to be confused with “Gay Pride” month, which is still also sometimes called June), I wrote an editorial entitled “Kids to Drink Gay Kool Aid in October” (which was published at WorldNetDaily) offering a few interesting facts about the history of the “gay” movement that might not be included in the many public school celebrations of this important holiday season.

After publication it occurred to me that some people might not understand the reference to Kool Aid in my title, so as a public service, and in honor to the many “gays” and “lesbians,” such as Harvey Milk, whose contributions to society are being remembered this month, I’d like to offer this short follow-up letter.

According to Wikipedia: “Drinking the Kool-Aid” is a metaphor commonly used in the United States and Canada that refers to a person or group’s unquestioning belief, argument, or philosophy without critical examination…. The basis of the term is a reference to the November 1978 Rev. Jim Jones Jonestown Massacre, where members of the Peoples Temple were said to have committed suicide by drinking…Kool-Aid…laced with cyanide.”

Thus the reference to Kool Aid in my editorial regarding what some call “gay propaganda” now being served to children in America’s public schools. Far be it from me to suggest that the homosexual teachers and leftist allies of the Gay Lesbian Straight Teachers Network (GLSEN) would manipulate the minds and emotions of the vulnerable children for their own selfish advantage, but there are a few regressive “homophobic” types who do still make such claims.

My purpose, however, is to serve the cause of academic integrity by filling in a few of the historical facts that have been left out (no doubt inadvertently) by homosexual teachers and school officials. One important fact is about Harvey Milk, considered by many to the “Martin Luther King” of the “gay“ movement. Except, where King was concerned with the “content” of a man’s “character,” Milk was more interested in the contents of his gym shorts, including, very probably those of the Rev. Jim Jones.

We probably shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but in speaking of the dead at all we’re back to the Kool Aid metaphor since it only become an icon in American pop culture slang because Jim Jones used it to facilitate the mass suicide/slaughter of 909 of his blindly loyal followers one fateful November day in 1978 in Guyana.

And, interestingly, back home in San Francisco his very good friend Harvey Milk was murdered just a few days later. Indeed, Jones and Milk were so personally and politically close-knit that it was assumed these incidents were connected. Gay historian Michael Bellefountaine writes:

“Because Milk and Moscone were murdered so soon after the Jonestown tragedy, there was immediate speculation that Peoples Temple was somehow involved. Ann Kronenberg, Milk’s hand- picked successor, told Milk biographer Randy Shilts, that when she first heard Milk was murdered, she thought Jim Jones was responsible. Rumors began to circulate (and some persist today) of obscure connections between Jim Jones and Milk’s murderer, Dan White. Vague rumors of a falling out between Milk and Jones also surfaced. …upon closer inspection, it is clear that Harvey Milk was a strong advocate for Peoples Temple and Jim Jones during his political career, including the tumultuous year leading up to the Jonestown tragedy. Milk spoke at the Temple often, wrote personal letters to Jim Jones, contacted other elected officials on the Temple’s behalf, and used space in his weekly column to support the works of the Temple, even after the negative New West article went to press. Milk appeared in the pages of the Peoples Forum, the Temple newspaper, and received over fifty letters of sympathy from the residents of Jonestown when his lover, Jack Lira, killed himself in September 1978. (See: http://jonestown.sdsu.edu/AboutJonestown/Articles/bellefountaine.htm).

As for Jim Jones and the sexual orientation he shared with Harvey Milk, lets allow one of his former clergy, David Parker Wise, to give us the inside story:

“Not long after the formation of the L.A. church, Jim ran into a serious legal problem. He was arrested in the restroom of a late night movie theater where a lot of gay men hung out. Apparently, he approached an undercover agent with an erect penis in a provocative way. This incident threatened to bring down Peoples Temple, and those who knew about it teamed up to prepare for the possible backlash. While the lawyers worked to get the arrest sealed, Jim became more and more threatened and paranoid, convinced that he would still be exposed. To reduce the fallout, we were told to invite people from a local ‘homosexual church‘, but members of the church did not return after their first visit. Jim still needed some homosexuals. He was determined to make Peoples Temple a more openly homosexual church to stop insiders and outsiders from turning against him in case his own homosexual arrest became public” (See:http://jonestown.sdsu.edu/AboutJonestown/PersonalReflections/reflwise.htm — Warning: Graphic Content).

So there we are. Another good reason to celebrate Gay Pride Month. Let us indeed honor these two “gay” men whose lives and legacies, so closely intertwined in life and death, have profoundly influenced American society. And let us never forget, whenever we use this now ubiquitous metaphor, that the Kool Aid has always been “gay.”

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