“Gay Marriage” as a Sign of the End Times

Originally published September 15, 2011

Harold Camping was wrong about Judgment Day, but he was right that the rise of the homosexual movement is a sign of the end times.

We are probably all familiar with the oft-cited fact that the collapse of numerous civilizations prior to our own were heralded by a rise in sexual immorality, especially homosexuality.  That alone should alert us to the grave situation we find ourselves in today.  But there is a deeper spiritual significance beneath that statistic.  God has chosen rampant homosexuality to be a key warning sign for judgment of the world as a whole, and not just of individual nations.

Genesis is the book of beginnings which sets the tone and lays the foundation for all of our theology.  It is there in the first chapter that God establishes the “one flesh” standard for human sexuality which is lifetime, monogamous heterosexual marriage.  This isn’t just a guide for individual conduct, it is the essential bedrock of civilization.

Thus, the corruption of marriage was instrumental in bringing about the wickedness and violence that caused God to bring the flood upon the world.  Jesus warned that “as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. ‘For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark‘” (Matt. 24:37-38, referencing Gen 6-7).  Not only had marriage been corrupted, the people were so apathetic of that fact that they gave no credence to Noah’s warning that their sin would soon end in judgment.

Homosexuality is not mentioned specifically as an aspect of the pre-flood corruption, but we can assume that a society of men and women whose thoughts “were only evil continuously” (6:5) were involved in every form of sexual perversion.  And we have a clue in the story of Ham, who, after the flood, “looked upon his fathers nakedness” (9:22).  A school of Jewish tradition holds that Ham or his son Canaan engaged in some form of homosexual molestation of Noah.  Be that as it may, Noah then curses Ham “for what his youngest son had done to him” (v.24).  Canaan then migrates to the land that would bear his name, and his near descendants establish the infamous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (13:7-13).

Genesis 19, of course, tells the story of God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone, first revealing that the final act of wickedness of Sodom was the attempt by all of the men of the city “both young and old, all the people from every quarter” (19:4) to rape the two men (angels) who had come to rescue Lot.  This incident is far more than an interesting Bible story.  Look at it in context.  It is the ONLY incident of its kind in the Bible!  And it follows very soon after the flood.  Note that God’s wrath had not been triggered by Canaan’s nephew Nimrod’s more direct rebellion at Babel (10:9-10, 11:1-9), but was triggered by the sin of Sodom: the complete degeneration of the society into sexual perversion.

Notice also that it was wrath by fire!  Following the flood, in Chapter 9 God made an everlasting promise never again to destroy the earth by water, and said “I set my bow in the cloud and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth.”  Thereafter, fire was always the symbol and means of God’s wrath.  Indeed, Jude 1:7 reads “just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.”  The story of Sodom and Gomorrah IS the very example of the final judgment.  (See Revelation 20:10-15).  Or, as the Apostle Peter said “He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly” (2 Peter 2:6).

Did you also catch the spiritual significance of the rainbow in this context?  Why has the homosexual movement chosen the rainbow as its symbol?  I think they are deliberately flaunting their sin under God’s nose while holding up the reminder that He promised not to destroy the earth by flood again.  They are proclaiming “See, God, you can’t stop us!” which was the exact sentiment expressed by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick when he signed the first “gay marriage“ policy in the nation into law: looking up at the sky he said something to the effect of “See,  nothing happened.”

The “gays” of course insist that Sodom was destroyed because of “inhospitality” not homosexuality, so they are completely blind to the deadly folly of flaunting “Gay Pride” under the rainbow banner.  As Isaiah put it “..they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not even conceal it.  Woe to them, for they have brought evil on themselves” (3:9).

(Interestingly, the rider of the “white horse” of Revelation 6:2, assumed by Bible scholars to be the Antichrist on a campaign to deceive the world, has a “bow” in his hand, as he goes forth conquering.)

To the extent that Romans 1:18-32 can be viewed as prophecy (as well as instruction to the Roman believers of that day), homosexuality is given again as the sign of the end with its laundry list of evil attitudes and behaviors that define the “perilous times” of the final days.  The people are “given over to a depraved mind” as a final consequence of “suppressing the truth in unrighteousness” evidenced by the shameless exhibition of both male and female homosexuality (v.26-27).  God’s wrath is promised not just for the practice of those things by some, but because of the approval of them by society (v.32).

The prophetic significance of Romans 1 is enhanced by association with 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (the only other passage in scripture listing nearly identical examples of apostate conduct), which sets the “Last days” as the time in which these forms of behavior will abound.

I have made this point before, but it bears repeating.  Fifty years ago homosexuality was illegal throughout the entire world, except for Sweden which had decriminalized sodomy in 1938.  In the space of just half a century this tiny 1-3% of the population have made themselves a global political power with greater influence in the courtrooms and legislatures of the world than the Church of Jesus Christ.  This astonishing transformation surpasses that of Darwinism, Marxism, and even Islam in its speed and breadth of reach.  To my thinking, this can only have been accomplished by the god of this world (Satan, 2 Cor 4:4) who knows his time is short and is making his move.  What is more alarming is the shocking apathy of the church, which I take as a sign of the apostasy warned about by Jesus in Matt 24:12.  The “love of most” for the truth of God truly has grown cold.

Recently the State of New York legalized “gay marriage,” just in time for the “Gay Pride Parade” (that included many of NYC’s political elites), and for the first time, the United Nations officially declared homosexuality a “human right.”  I am finding triumphal emails in my in-box from homosexual activists, gloating over their latest victory.  In the past I would have found these irritating, but now they simply confirm my impression that the time is very short.  I believe it is the same triumphalism described in Revelation 11:7-10 upon the murder of God’s two witnesses:  “When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified…And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and celebrate; and they will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth.”  Why is the great city (Jerusalem) mystically called Sodom in the final days?  I think because of the centrality of the spirit of sexual perversion in the Anti-Christ system.  What “torments” worldly people?  The simple truths of God.

As a final point, we are told in Ephesians 5:21-33 that the melding of a man and woman into one flesh through marriage is a mystery that explains the very relationship of Christ to his bride, the church.  Authentic marriage is thus central to the very order of creation and to prophecy.  Indeed, according to prophecy, the long age of humanity upon the earth culminates with the marriage feast of the Lamb following the great tribulation (Rev 19:5-9).  It is no wonder then that disrespect of marriage by society generally, and the emergence of the counterfeit “marriage” of homosexuals specifically, would define the era immediately preceding the end of the age.

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Report from Moscow

Re-Christianized Russia Now Defending Biblical Values 🙂


I am writing to you from Moscow (Russia, not Idaho) where I am on a one-week mission to bolster the Russian pro-family movement.  At the moment I am in my 9th floor hotel room overlooking the Moskva River in the heart of Moscow (Moskva).  It is a rainy, grey morning but the city is fully alive and awake, the roads choked with traffic (as bad as New York or L.A.).  It’s a very expensive city, so I am eating my breakfast of items from the grocery store rather than going down to the restaurant.  (I made the mistake of ordering lunch at the hotel restaurant on my first day without asking the price.  It was $65).

I arrived on the 14th and have been very busy since I touched down. On the 15th and 16th I participated in the planning meeting for the World Congress of Families VIII, which will take place September 2014 here in Moscow.  There were representatives from several countries, all there to help the Russian planning group to ensure their conference is a success.  About half the group was from the U.S., but Mexico, Spain, Italy, Serbia, Australia, New Zealand, Venezuela and France were also represented.  We dealt with logistics on the 15th and then on the 16th we visited the conference facilities.

The Kremlin complex is like an ancient walled city

The grand opening of the conference will actually be held at the Kremlin, the most prestigious venue in the nation.  We got a special group tour of the Kremlin, which is a surprisingly large complex surrounded by a medieval-style wall interspersed with towers.  Inside the grounds are also several Orthodox cathedrals, including the Archangel Michael Cathedral which houses the remains of all the Czars from 1340 to 1730.

Archangel Michael

The second and third days of WCFVIII will take place at Christ the Savior Cathedral, a stone’s throw from the Kremlin.  It is a gorgeous facility, rebuilt just 20 years ago to replace the ancient cathedral that had been destroyed by the communists during the time of the Soviet Union.

Americans tend to still equate Russia with communism, without realizing that Russia was a deeply Christian country until the communists swept into power by force and then kept an iron grip on the people through brutality.  Just as the “progressive” movement has done in the U.S., the “progressives” of the Soviet system  used their control of media, education and other key institutions to brainwash the children with communist propaganda to win a majority of the population to Soviet ideology over time, but they never fully stamped out Christianity.  I have many Russian-speaking friends in the U.S. whose own family members were sent to gulags for being caught with a Bible, or participating in a prayer group.

Russia is today experiencing a Christian revival and is decidedly NOT communist.  Some 30,000 churches have been built in the last year, and the ones in Moscow are reportedly overflowing with worshippers on Sundays.  Most of the church is Orthodox, which is steeped in tradition, but at the same time relevant to the modern society.

Painting in the Newly Rebuilt Christ the Savior Cathedral

The Orthodox churches are stunningly beautiful, both inside and out.  The iconography that defines its style of worship is like an exquisitely detailed picture-book of the story of the Bible, laid out as a visual feast across the walls and pillars and domes of the interiors.  One’s language or level of education is largely irrelevant: you can “read” the Bible through the artwork.

Yesterday, the 17th, I did a walking tour of Red Square and visited St. Basil’s Cathedral, the famous one in all the American movies about Russia.  In the afternoon I met and did a television show with Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov, head of the Patriarch‘s Commission on the Family.  The Patriarch is the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, equivalent to the Pope of the Catholic Church.  Father Dimitri is his right-hand-man for family issues, and a warm and humble man.  We bonded instantly and had a wonderful time of fellowship.

Pastor Scott with Father Dimitri

Father Dimitri is very supportive of my Rainbow strategy for the Winter Olympics and thinks it has a chance of being implemented.

The Rainbow Belongs to God Strategy

Here is a link to my article about this  http://www.scottlively.net/2013/09/11/the-rainbow-belongs-to-god/

In short the “gays” want to embarrass the Russian government by “Rainbow-bombing” the Sochi Olympics in revenge for passing a law banning homosexual propaganda of children.  I proposed just such a law during my 50-city tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006-2007.  See my Letter to the Russian People from 2007  http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/archives.php?id=5225300

(Our good friend and ally Brian Camenker infiltrated the Gay and Lesbian Journalists Conference in Boston this fall, and exposed the details of this “progressive” media-driven campaign against the Russians:  http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen2/13c/NLGJA_Conference/disrupt-russian-olympics.html  )

Even worse from a spiritual and global culture-war perspective, the “gays” hope to lay claim to exclusive global use of God’s rainbow as a symbol of homosexuality, and the Western media is poised to ensure that this “Rainbow=LGBT” branding is indelibly stamped in the minds of the entire world population.

I’m encouraging everyone to do whatever you can do to help thwart this evil plan, including efforts to encourage Christians to reclaim the rainbow in your sphere of influence.  Remember Ezekiel 1:28, and Rev 4:3.

Father Dimitri has also offered to help me find a publisher for the Russian version of The Pink Swastika. (If you have any leads on Russian publishers with a national distribution system please let me know) We have pledged to devote 50% of earnings from this book to promote the pro-family movement in Russia and the former Soviet countries. Given the Russian attitude about homosexuality, and the still-fresh memories of Nazism in the Russian population, this book has significant potential to further harden resolve against the homosexualization of Russia and the countries in its orbit.

For  The Pink Swastika in English, read and/or download chapters 1-3 of our new 5th Edition (in progress) at http://www.scottlively.net/the-pink-swastika-5th-edition/

Interestingly, Father Dimitri’s television facilities are at “Gorky Film Studios.” The Pink Swastika contains a quote from Maxim Gorky, himself, who said in 1934 “Eliminate the homosexual and fascism will disappear,” acknowledging the once well known but now-suppressed fact that homosexuality was the central unifying vice of the Nazi elite.

TV Interview at Gorky Film Studios

I haven’t yet received a reply from my Open Letter to President Putin http://www.scottlively.net/2013/08/30/an-open-letter-to-president-vladimir-putin/

You may also be interested in my short-follow-up piece on that theme here http://www.scottlively.net/2013/09/03/praise-for-putin/

How incredibly ironic it is that Russia is now our best hope for stopping the conquest of the world by the “progressives.”  On Father Dimitri’s television show I made the point that the Americans and the Soviets both won and both lost the Cold War.  The Americans broke the Soviet system through economic strategies and tactics.  But before they collapsed, the Soviets poisoned the United States with Cultural Marxism, promoting moral degeneracy and family breakdown through so-called “progressive“ ideology.  Today, post-Soviet Russia is re-emerging as a Christian nation, while the United States is becoming a “Gay Soviet Union.”  What a strange turn of events.

That’s all for now.  Please pray for me, as I pray for you.  God bless you!

Pastor Scott at St Basil's


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Lively to Run for Massachusetts Governor

September 30, 2013

For Immediate Release
Contact Scott Lively 413-250-0984

Lively to Run For Massachusetts Governor

Statement of Pastor Scott Lively:

After long contemplation and prayer I am convinced that I should run for Governor of Massachusetts. I will run as an independent.

The people of this state need a candidate who can clearly and unapologetically articulate Biblical values without fear or compromise. They need a candidate who will tell the simple truth that abortion is murder, and homosexuality is condemned by God (but that Jesus forgives and heals those who repent). That parents and not the state have authority over their children, because government is our servant and not our master. That socialism is slavery and humanism breeds corruption. But mostly they need a leader who will remind the people that Massachusetts was founded upon Jesus Christ and the Bible and that our future security and prosperity depend on restoring our trust in Him. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!” Psalm 33:12.

These are very dark days in Massachusetts and across America, and growing steadily darker. I believe it is time for Christians with a strong Biblical worldview to rise up and preach the whole truth of the Bible as widely and boldly as possible. Massachusetts is the bluest of the blue states: the first to adopt socialized medicine and “gay marriage,” the national model for promoting homosexuality to children in the public schools, and the most aggressive defender of child-killing through abortion. The Mass Republican Party is solidly controlled by moderate to liberal “progressives” and the Democrats are virtual communists. They both embrace and champion the culture of death. With these two liberal parties splitting the liberal vote, a true conservative independent could win the governorship.

I feel both called and well prepared to meet this challenge. I am a fifth-generation Bay-Stater, born and raised in the Village of Shelburne Falls, with roots in the region going back to the early 1600s. I am a former left-wing liberal, who has learned by hard experience the folly of those ways. I am a constitutional lawyer and internationally-recognized authority on family and human rights issues from a Christian perspective. I have run my own successful businesses and know how to keep a budget. I am a missionary pastor with a doctorate in theology who for the past five years has founded and run an inner-city mission serving the poor and disadvantaged — a mission that is a model of racial harmony and community service — without accepting a dime of government funding.

My personal life theme of “redemption theology” is clearly reflected in all of my endeavors, and exactly what Massachusetts needs to recover from four decades of decline under Godless socialism.

As a long-time favorite target of extreme “gay” and leftist slander I have skin thicker than a rhinoceros and cannot be intimidated or manipulated by critics or the media. As someone who voluntarily gave up a lucrative and growing law practice in preference for a non-materialistic missionary lifestyle, I cannot be corrupted by money or big-spending lobbyists. As a church and university lecturer and government consultant on family issues and human rights with service in more than 30 countries, I interact comfortably with leaders from widely diverse backgrounds and cultures, and can draw from a deep reservoir of personal experience for problem-solving. As an author of five books and veteran of more than 700 radio and television interviews, I know how to communicate effectively. As the founder and lead attorney of the Christian Mediation Center I know how to bring hostile opposing parties to a mutually agreeable compromise. These are all valuable skills that a chief executive must possess.

I am not a politician and will not become one to run for office. I will conduct no polling. I will not lie about my positions to earn votes I don’t deserve. I will plainly say what I believe and what I would do as governor. On the many issues on which I do not have a strong opinion I will say so, and yield to the views that seem most beneficial to the state. Where my views differ from the majority on issues that are most important to me I will try to win the voters to my reasoning rather than pander to the majority. I will not compromise my principles to win political office. I expect this approach will be appealing to a great many people.

In the next few days I will file my paperwork with the state and open a bank account. I will then begin raising money with which to campaign.

I expect to often be asked by reporters what I think my prospects are for winning this election.  To this I reply that it would take a miracle from God for Scott Lively to become Governor of Massachusetts — and I wouldn’t want it any other way.  God should get the glory for any good thing that comes from this campaign.  So don’t expect me to campaign like a politician.  I will do nothing more than travel the state to offer what I believe are Biblical solutions to Massachusetts’ problems — and leave the rest to Almighty God.

May He Heal this Commonwealth

Dr. Scott Lively

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A Legal Setback in the SMUG Case


Today (23 September) Federal Judge Michael Ponsor denied my motion to allow me to appeal his denial of my Motion to Dismiss the outrageous SMUG lawsuit.  Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) has sued me for “Crimes Against Humanity” for preaching against homosexuality in Uganda.  (But it is not the Africans that are at fault in this travesty, the real scoundrels are a coalition of Cultural Marxists led by the Center for Constitutional Rights.)

I am being judged according to a European legal standard in my own federal court system for speech that is 100% protected in both America and Uganda.  The Alien Tort Statute (ATS) which allowed this abomination into our U.S. court system was recently stripped of its power to hold Americans accountable for their conduct in foreign countries by the United States Supreme Court in the Kiobel case.  Since then every case which had been filed under the ATS has been dismissed except for two. One which had unusual facts was not dismissed but the judge in that case certified it for immediate appeal on his own initiative.

The other is my case.  Today, Judge Ponsor denied my motion to appeal the part of his recent ruling (against my Motion to Dismiss) that dealt with the ATS.  I am thus the only defendant in America still being sued under the ATS.

This means we must now move down the long, unpleasant road toward trial.  This email is to provide some guidance to my friends and supporters on how to pray.

First, pray for God to guide Judge Ponsor as he makes future decisions in this case.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Ponsor  Judge Ponsor is a Bill Clinton appointee, with a self-admitted activist philosophy.  In a June 2, 2013 newspaper interview he said “At some point I realized that judges are the unappointed legislators of mankind.“ That is worrisome.  http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2013/06/judge_michael_ponsor_reveals_s.html. Pray for him to be fair and objective, and not swayed by liberal ideology or the lies of my persecutors.

Next pray that the Marxist activists that have conspired to bring this bogus litigation forward are thwarted.

Leading this group is Luke Ryan, SMUG’s local Northampton-based attorney and ACLU associate who appears to be the chief culprit AND WHO WAS JUDGE PONSORS LAW CLERK FROM 2005 TO 2007.  http://www.strhlaw.com/attorneys/luke-ryan/  You will notice in his profile he admits to being active in Arise for Social Justice, the local ACORN affiliate which has organized all of the street activism against me for the past several years http://ariseforsocialjustice.blogspot.com/2013/08/stop-hate-and-homophobia-coalition-in.html

And he was also active in the radical homosexual group OUT NOW of Springfield http://outnowyouth.org/who-we-are/ who have provided most of the bodies for the protests against me.

Pray especially for Holly Richardson of both Arise and Out Now, the self-described 44-year-old “butch” lesbian at the bottom right in the photo under the “Harm Reduction” category of the OUT NOW website.  She has been especially aggressive against me and against our church.

Lastly, pray for the George Soros Funded so-called “Center for Constitutional Rights,” http://ccrjustice.org/lgbtuganda   CCR is the “principality and power” behind the SMUG lawsuit and many far-left causes, a truly demonic organization, operating from the heart of New York City at 666 Broadway (no joke) http://ccrjustice.org/contacting-center-constitutional-rights.

Pray for all of these Marxist activists to be saved and delivered from their sin and error in rejecting the truth of God.  As they press forward to attack me, pray confusion into their camp and for all of their strategies and tactics to be turned against them.

Lastly, I ask you to pray for my attorneys at Liberty Counsel, especially lead counsel Horatio Mihet to be strengthened and given favor by God.  And to pray for Anne and I as we are forced to endure this continuing persecution.

This case has enormous implications for First Amendment rights here at home and abroad, for the supremacy of our Constitution over foreign law, for Christian values under international law, and for the future power of homosexual activists to crush anyone who stands in the way of their global agenda.

I am just a pawn in this international power-play, the one they want to make an example of to discourage all the Christians from speaking the truth of God.  This case is hugely important to the global socialist agenda and its most powerful players.  It will take a miracle to stop them, so please pray hard.

Pray for my victory and an enlargement of the scope and impact of my work for His Kingdom, but more than that: that God will be glorified in whatever results from this case.

Standing Strong in Christ,
Dr. Scott Lively

A couple of days ago the following was forwarded to me by email from a European prayer network:

Hi k its l from P here .after doing my bible  study I was woken up  and I had to tell you what has just happened. The  Lord I felt was shouting at me tell scott this Exodus5  1 –14 things got worse for the Egyptians before  better. this is Scott’s message the judge  in his case is like the pharaoh he was meant to release scott but hasn’t the  Lord will make him do so as He made pharaoh. as  M wrote in my bible  study There is only One who knows.all the answers to our woes He will all our  needs supply when in faith to Him i cry.
right back to bed now God bless and the retreat so  excited.
Best  wishes L

Exodus 5:1Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the wilderness.’ ”

2Pharaoh said, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord and I will not let Israel go.”

3Then they said, “The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Now let us take a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God, or he may strike us with plagues or with the sword.”

4But the king of Egypt said, “Moses and Aaron, why are you taking the people away from their labor? Get back to your work!” 5Then Pharaoh said, “Look, the people of the land are now numerous, and you are stopping them from working.”

6That same day Pharaoh gave this order to the slave drivers and overseers in charge of the people: 7“You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw. 8But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; don’t reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to our God.’ 9Make the work harder for the people so that they keep working and pay no attention to lies.”

10Then the slave drivers and the overseers went out and said to the people, “This is what Pharaoh says: ‘I will not give you any more straw. 11Go and get your own straw wherever you can find it, but your work will not be reduced at all.’ ” 12So the people scattered all over Egypt to gather stubble to use for straw. 13The slave drivers kept pressing them, saying, “Complete the work required of you for each day, just as when you had straw.” 14And Pharaoh’s slave drivers beat the Israelite overseers they had appointed, demanding, “Why haven’t you met your quota of bricks yesterday or today, as before?”


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The Homosexual Roots of Fascism

We have finally completed the beta version of Chapter 3 of the 5th Edition of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party.  Even though we have nearly doubled the size of this chapter, with a great deal of new material interwoven into the existing text, this file is still small enough to download and send by email and I encourage you to do so.  Chapters 1 and 2 are available on the Pink Swastika page of this blog.

This is a work-in-progress.  Any help in proof-reading for typos and any other errors is welcomed.  Send comments by email to sdllaw@gmail.com.

The Pink Swastika Chapter 3 V 1.1 BETA


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A Teachable Moment About Media Bias

 A Teachable Moment About Media Bias

My Response to NBC’s Senior Writer Tony Dokoupil’s article
‘The rainbow belongs to God’: Anti-gay US pastor sets sights on Sochi Olympics.
(With hope, but not expectation, that corrections will be made.)

It would be helpful for the reader to first review the NBC story:


Now let me try to make lemonade out of these NBC lemons.

Like most of the liberal journalists I’ve spoken with, Tony Dokoupil seems to me like a pretty nice guy.  Very personable.  Capable of objectivity.  Fair-minded.  They all seem to truly understand my reasoning as I explain myself, even while its clear they disagree with my views.

I always come away from these interviews thinking ‘this guy (or gal) seems like he (or she) might actually tell the real story straightforwardly, without leftist spin.’  Then I read the articles and get my rude awakening — like a woman waking up in the battered women‘s shelter again after being sweet-talked into yet another abusive relationship.

Take this line from Tony’s story:

“Lively has reason to be a bit cocky. America may have ‘fallen to the gays,’ he says, but much of the world still fears them and Lively is working to keep it that way.”

This isn’t journalism.  It is leftist political spin.  Tony has every right to believe it, but this opinion belongs on the editorial page, not in a news story.  I have never and would never speak like this, and I just don’t think that way.

That sentence is not objective journalistic analysis.  It is the subjective perspective of “gay” victimology, a fantasy world where “homophobia” is accepted as a legitimate scientific term rather than (what it is, in fact) a manipulative rhetorical weapon designed to frame ALL disagreement with the homosexual political agenda as an anxiety disorder.

My major beef with Tony and all of the “progressive” journalists who dominate the mainstream media is that their “news” stories always reflect the “gay” perspective of what is still a two-sided argument.

For example.  This is what I wrote to Tony in our email exchange:

“btw, here’s a bombshell that dropped today and supports two of my most central assertions. 1. That most “gay” hate crimes are perpetrated by “gays” themselves. 2. That the underlying narrative driving all “gay” propaganda and policy initiatives is “all disapproval of homosexuality leads inevitably to hatred, violence and murder against homosexuals,” and therefore the “gay” movement and its allies spins every “gay”-related news story and routinely fabricate evidence — even faking stand-alone hate crimes — to “prove” the narrative. You will recall that I (ironically) invoked Matthew Shepard as an example of what even I assumed was a true story to show how determined the “gay” movement is to prove their narrative. Now we know that even the central supporting pillar of their “disapproval = death” argument is a lie.


Importantly, this huge, eminently relevant Matthew Shepard story broke AFTER I had stressed to Tony that these two observations are foundational to my thinking and constitute my key rebuttal to false claims that I incite hatred and violence against homosexuals.

However, this is what Tony wrote in his article:

“where Lively’s message goes, violence seems to follow.  In Oregon in 1992, a same-sex couple died when their house was firebombed during OCA’s campaign to declare homosexuality “abnormal, wrong, unnatural, and perverse.” In Sacramento in 2007, a gay man was called a “faggot” and punched to death by a stranger in a park. In Uganda in 2011, the country’s first openly gay man had his skull caved in. And right now in Russia and in the former Soviet states, there’s been a surge in homophobic vigilantism, including a torrent of shaming videos, some depicting gay teens being tortured by skinheads. Lively has not been linked to any of these crimes but we asked: Couldn’t his talk of predatory gays, “good and evil,” and “war” have played a role? “

What a perfect opportunity for Tony to have done his journalistic duty and shown Scott Lively’s perspective of the matter.  Instead, he perpetuated the “gay” victim narrative, chapter and verse as if we had never spoken of it.

Not only did Tony fail to give voice to my side of the argument, he got his facts wrong to boot.  The “gays” killed in the 1991 or 92 Oregon firebombing were unintended targets of racists trying to kill the Black family who lived upstairs.  The Sacramento incident ended with a mistrial after the jury could not agree that it was even a hate crime.  The Ugandan victim David Kato was killed not by a deranged “homophobe” but a male prostitute whom he had bailed out of jail to be his live-in lover and house boy.  The killer confessed and is now serving 30 years in a Ugandan prison.  And the Russian incident appears to me to be another case of gay on gay crime, but even if it isn’t, it’s just random crime completely unrelated to and unjustified by the new Russian law.

Importantly, I specifically provided Tony the facts about the Sacramento and Uganda incidents, so there can be no other explanation for this paragraph except that it is intended to bolster the “disapproval = death” narrative, and to misrepresent my history as proof of it‘s validity.

There are more false facts in the article:

“In Moldova in 2011, according to Human Rights Watch, he helped several cities declare themselves ‘gay-free zones‘.”   Not true, and not fact checked with me.

“Lively — who calls himself the ‘father’ of Uganda’s anti-gay movement…”   Not true, and not fact-checked with me.  This is a label given to me by Al Gore’s Current TV.

Lastly, Tony wrote:

“To whip up support for such policies, Lively simply shares his beliefs about gay people: They’re dangerous predators, even killers.”

What I actually said to Tony was this:  “We don’t attack unrepentant sinners to try to ‘save the world.’ We attack the sin of the world to try to save the sinners.”

The simple inclusion of that quotable quote would have gone a long way toward balancing this NBC story and toward explaining my motivation and goals, but I guess that’s probably why it was omitted.

In the end, what I hope to have achieved in this “teachable moment,” is not harm to Tony (I’ve already forgiven him) but to show through my own painful experience at his hands that the first loyalty of progressive journalists is to their ideology, not to truth. No matter how nice they seem, you can’t trust them when their sacred cow of homosexuality is at issue.

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A Note to the Australians

Along with my congratulations for your election victory I want to remind the Australians of the international pro-family movement’s greatest weakness: conservatism.

Even now, while Christians and other pro-family people in your nation are breathing great sighs of relief and turning back to the normal cares and responsibilities of life, the homosexuals and their “progressive” allies are in their war rooms determining their next battle strategies. Like the indestructible robot from the future in the movie, The Terminator, they never, ever, ever, ever give up.

For the spiritually-minded, the better analogy is drawn from the Biblical story of Sodom in Genesis 19, where the homosexual men of that city would not be deterred from their efforts to rape Lot’s rescuers, even after they were struck blind while clawing at the front door.

Whether or not you believe it is demonically inspired, what defines the “gay” movement is an implacable militancy intent on conquest and control.

In the United States this is exemplified by the situation of the Boy Scouts of America. Despite winning a major landmark U.S. Supreme Court case in the year 2000 recognizing its constitutional right to discriminate against homosexuality (what to any other group would have been perceived as an unbreachable defense), the “gays” simply redoubled their attacks like the Romans besieging Masada. After 13 years of continuous and increasing pressure the Boy Scouts finally surrendered to the “gays” earlier this year.

In contrast to this fanatical zeal of the “gay” activists, pro-family conservatives are just normal people who desire to “conserve” the status quo against changes they perceive as negative and harmful.

Conservatives react and respond to the homosexual/progressive initiatives, but in between the battles they go home, thinking their jobs are done. They draw lines in the sand which they staunchly defend — until they lose that ground to the offensive campaign of the left, at which point they draw a new line in the sand. Indeed, the entire history of our movement since the 1950s can be viewed as a long, slow, incremental retreat.

For Australians to prevent the homosexualization of your country, you must stop approaching this problem as conservatives, and start thinking and acting pro-actively. You must turn from a defensive to an offensive strategy, setting new goals for your public policy and culture that are MORE family-friendly, and MORE values centered than what you currently enjoy. The new Russian law prohibiting homosexual propaganda to children can be an inspiration, but there are innumerable ways that creative pro-family strategists could move the ball forward toward our goal of a genuinely family-friendly society.

Lastly, I want to remind you that a team that only plays defense may be very successful at blocking the other side’s goals, but it can’t block every goal forever. More importantly, it never win the game.

Dr. Scott Lively
President, Defend the Family International

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Letter to the British People

In His letter to the Church at Ephesus, written by the hand of the Apostle John in the book of Revelation, Jesus lamented that the Ephesians had “lost their first love.”  He exhorted them to “repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place.”  In other words, He would revoke their right to be called Christians.

Britain was one of the first countries of the world to be Christianized, and it’s role in bringing the light of Christ to the rest of the world is virtually unmatched.  But today, Britain’s lamp stand is being removed.  She has lost her first love and refuses to repent.  Her state church has turned to apostasy and her people have fallen prey to false religions and atheism, like sheep without a shepherd.

I am a non-denominational American pastor of British heritage.  This week I was speaking at a Bible conference here.  On the Sabbath I visited a local town center and wandered through the streets talking with people about Jesus.  It was an enlightening experience.

The majority of the “Christian” people I spoke with were, Biblically speaking, virtually illiterate.  One woman who called herself an Anglo-Catholic had never heard that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the world — the central tenet of the faith.  She promptly rejected that idea, saying that “God would never condone human sacrifice.”  Most of the people I encountered were self-professed atheists and simply rejected Christianity out-of-hand.

My most significant conversation of the day was with a Moslem man walking home from the market with his family.  “I have a stronger faith,” he said.  “And I keep the Christian laws better than most of the Christians.”  His tone was slightly scornful, but I admitted to him that he was right.  In fact, thinking back on the day, I don’t recall seeing a single non-Moslem family walking together: Dad, Mom and children.

I know that there are still genuine Christians in Britain, but there seems to be only a remnant still struggling against the rising tide of secularism.  And they seem to be found mostly outside the walls of the Anglican Church (though I know several faithful Anglicans still laboring mightily to defend the Bible there).

From what I have observed in the recent history of Britain, the greatest impediment to Christianity is her own state church, whose recent response to sensing disaffection in the younger generation is the astonishing plan to promote homosexuality to them instead of teaching them Christian virtue and the blessings of authentic marriage.

The American Declaration of Independence from Britain in the 1700s insists that “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”  I suggest that the time has come for the genuine Bible-believing Christians of Britain to declare independence from the Anglican Church, and to declare plainly to the nation that its ruler-ship over them has become illegitimate.

Long before the Church of England came into existence, the people of Britain wrested a set of major concessions from their government that is memorialized in a document called the Magna Charta.  It’s very first principle states:

“THAT WE HAVE GRANTED TO GOD, and by this present charter have confirmed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired.”

All of the many denominations and variations of Christian expression existing in Britain today have equal claim to promise of the First Principle of the Magna Charta, a promise which is in truth a binding covenant upon the British government “in perpetuity,” meaning forever!  They were all, as it were, “in the loins” of the universal church of that day, and are “heirs” of the covenant.

This venerable document, the cornerstone and foundation of all human rights law in the world today will celebrate its 800th Anniversary on June 15th, 2015.   I urge the Christians of Britain to seize the opportunity of that global celebration, and the time of preparation for it, to rally the true church of Britain (those who love Christ and His Word) to lead the nation in repentance and a return to their first love.

Perhaps by reminder of the lesser covenant of the Magna Charta, the people will be reacquainted with the greater covenant of Christ, and by turning back to Him, will preserve their great privilege to be called a Christian nation, with all of the many blessings that entails.


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The Rainbow Belongs to God

A trap being laid for February’s Russian Olympics could give homosexuals a world-wide exclusive claim on the symbol of the rainbow. 

The word “gay” once meant “happy” and “carefree” until it was appropriated by the homosexual movement.  Now it’s a word that defines sodomy and gender identity disorder.  Intuitively, children who have never known the true meaning of the word now use the phrase “that’s so gay” to describe things that are wrong and undesirable.  The “gays” tried to sanitize a lifestyle of unnatural sex by giving it a new name, but instead corrupted something that once was clean and wholesome.  The world has irreversibly lost a unique and precious gem of the English language that still adorns the poetry and musical lyrics of a more innocent time, like the fading photograph of a beloved child who died long ago.  The word was stolen and destroyed like a kidnapped child who never came home.

The word “homosexual” was invented by the early homosexual movement in 1860s Germany to accomplish the same impossible goal.  In that case, a brand new word, homosexual, was invented to replace the term “Sodomite.”  “Homosexual” was intended to sanitize the lifestyle defined by the practice of sodomy, but instead the word became so corrupted in the public mind that the movement eventually felt compelled to abandon it in favor of “gay.”

This brings me to the symbol of the Rainbow.  Even now the rainbow has come to be associated with the homosexual agenda.  Not yet exclusively, because there are many besides “gays” who still use the rainbow for other purposes.  However the day is fast approaching when only those wanting to promote homosexuality will dare to use it.

Christians and Jews (and even Moslems) should not let this happen!

The rainbow belongs to God and was created by Him as a symbol of His authority over creation.  Revelation 4:3 describes a rainbow around His throne in heaven.  Genesis 9:13-15 declares that He placed the rainbow in the sky as a promise to never again punish the earth by flood.  Then in Genesis 19 He gave a preview of the future destruction of the earth by fire — by incinerating Sodom and Gomorrah.  Both Peter and Jude remind us that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah  was a warning to all generations not to follow the gross sexual immorality of those cities (1 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7).

Who were the sinners of Sodom that prophesy warns  will rise again in the end times to dominate society (Romans 1:26-32 and I Timothy 3:1-9)?  They were first called “Sodomites,” then “homosexuals,”  and now “gays.”  Their movement has adopted the rainbow flag as an act of defiance against God, and their final attempt to sanitize their sin is to wrap themselves in His own cloak.

This article is a call to Christians and Jews (and Moslems — who also revere the book of Genesis ) to take back the rainbow from the “gays.”  I am urging pro-family leaders and advocates everywhere to start using the rainbow again, especially in ways that clearly link the symbol to Biblical opposition to the “gay” agenda, or which remind the world of its true meaning.  One way to do this is to create our own rainbow flags and banners bearing the slogan “The Rainbow Belongs to God: Genesis 6-9, 19” or a similar message.

The global homosexual movement, in cooperation with the leftist media, is making a final gambit to gain exclusive control of the rainbow symbol.  They have set a trap for the Russian government that they intend to spring during the Winter Olympics scheduled for February 2014 in Russia.  http://www.wnd.com/2013/09/gay-plan-to-disrupt-olympics-revealed/?cat_orig=world

Very simply, they plan to protest Russia’s new law criminalizing homosexual propaganda to children by encouraging individual competitors and other highly visible figures, including celebrities, to display the rainbow symbol during the Olympic Games.  The media will ensure that each such display is broadcast to the world.

It is a no-win scenario for the Russian government.  If the Russians ignore the tactic, the “gays” will declare victory and claim that the Russian government was ashamed to enforce its “hateful” law while under the scrutiny of the world. If the Russians attempt to enforce the law by punishing those who display the rainbow, the media will portray those persons as heroic victims and martyrs, while portraying the Russians as “homophobic” bullies secretly intent on exterminating homosexuals.  Either way, the media will segue any rainbow related stories with coverage of violent hate crimes (real or staged) against homosexuals that occur anywhere in Russia during the games (or any time since the passage of the new law).  They will imply that these incidents are the result and intent of the new law, and the “climate of hate and fear” it has engendered .  Worst of all, whichever way this protest campaign goes, the rainbow will be perceived by the world as the exclusive property of the “gay” movement.

However, with a simple judo move, the Russians could catch the “gays” in their own trap, and at the same time rescue God’s rainbow from being dragged through the mud.

Imagine the Russian Olympics taking place under a giant rainbow banner declaring that the rainbow belongs to God!  And rainbow symbols incorporated in virtually every aspect of the games and the celebrations surrounding them.  The scheme to display rainbows as a rebellious act by Hollywood celebrities, and left-leaning Olympic contenders would be rendered impotent.  The “gay” movement would be thwarted in its attempt to steal for itself what belongs to God and to all of us as His children.  And, best of all, the entire world, including the “gays,” would be reminded of the truth of the Bible: that God gave us the rainbow as a reminder not only that He judges sin, but that He forgives and heals those who repent.

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Praise For Putin

As the United States and the United Kingdom morph slowly into a “gay” version of the Soviet Union, an unlikely hero of family values has emerged: Russian President Vladimir Putin.  In a stunning reversal of roles, the Russian Bear has become the defender of Christian civilization against the Cultural-Marxist American Eagle and British Lion.

While America and Britain compete to see how fast they can turn their children into Sodomites, Russia has banned homosexual propaganda to youth.  While the “mainstream” American and British press publish only pro-”gay” puffery and propaganda, Russia’s Pravda has become a counter-balance to their lies.  While the US and UK public schools have erected an iron curtain to prevent students from encountering any pro-family arguments or advocates, the Russian schools are preparing their boys and girls for healthy, normal marriage.  And while the “Land of the Free” and its Mother Country (which once promised that “Britons never, ever, ever shall be slaves“) embrace police-state tactics against Bible-believing Christians, the former Communist slave state is becoming a beacon of freedom to those who love God‘s design for the family.

Today I have mailed my Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin, praising him, and the Russian government for standing up for the family (see http://www.scottlively.net/).   I have also sent him a copy of my book, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, co-authored by Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams, which will soon be published in Russian.  We have promised President Putin the first copy of that book in his own language.

I will close this letter with the same words I wrote to him, invoking the battle we waged together against Nazism:

“Once again, thank you, President Putin, for standing firm in defense of the natural family, which is the essential foundation of all human civilization. Perhaps through the inspiration of your leadership, an alliance of the good people of our countries with those of your own, can once again in some cooperative fashion, redeem the future of mankind from a Fascist Leviathan, just as we did in World War II.”  ###

Dr. Scott Lively, J.D., Th.D. is an attorney, pastor and human rights consultant with service in more than 30 countries.  During a 50 city speaking tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006 and 2007, and in his Letter to the Russian People, published in St. Petersburg at the close of the tour, Dr. Lively advocated for the criminalization of “gay” propaganda to children, a policy which has since been adopted by the Russian government. See (http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/archives.php?id=5225300)

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An Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin

August 30, 2013

President Vladimir Putin
Russian Federation
23, Ilyinka Street,
Moscow, 103132, Russia.

Dear President Putin,

On behalf of millions of Americans and Canadians who are concerned about the seemingly unstoppable spread of homosexuality in our countries and internationally, I wish to respectfully express my heartfelt gratitude that your nation has take a firm and unequivocal stand against this scourge by banning homosexualist propaganda in Russia. You have set an example of moral leadership that has shamed the governments of Western Europe and North America and inspired the peoples of the world. Already Lithuania, Moldova, Hungary and the Ukraine have begun to follow your principled example, and you have engendered real hope in the international pro-family movement that this destructive and degrading sexual agenda might finally begin to be brought to a halt across the globe.

As a long-time leader in the pro-family movement who toured your country in 2006 and 2007 advocating the very policy you have enacted, I want to caution you not to assume that you have fully solved the problem by the enactment of this law. The battle to protect your society from homosexualization has only just begun, and you may be surprised to discover in the coming months and years just how aggressively many world leaders will work to try to intimidate and coerce you to capitulate to homosexualist demands.

Few political agendas in the history of mankind have marshaled the tenacity and resolve of the homosexualist movement. Its activists are driven by an implacable militancy and a zeal to advance their own self-serving interests that rivals even the most fanatical religious cults. A glimpse at the spirit behind the movement can be seen in the Bible in Genesis 19:4-11.

In just fifty years this marginal group representing only about 2% of the population has, through sheer will-power and intimidation, gained more political influence in the legislatures and courtrooms of the western world than the Christian church. The sexual conduct that defines their identity as individuals and as a movement was almost universally illegal and unlawful during the years our two nations were allied against the threat of Nazism, but just a little more than half a century later homosexualist leaders and surrogates sit in a majority of the seats of power across the west, and increasing in the east and in developing nations as well.

In readying your society to recognize and counter the efforts of the militant gay movement it is important to understand that their propaganda and policies adhere invariably to the narrative that all disapproval of homosexuality leads inevitably to hatred, violence and murder of homosexuals. All of the pro-homosexual policies in the United States and Europe rest on this unstated and unchallenged but fictional premise. Thus, the homosexualist movement is not simply seeking social tolerance, or acceptance, but political power and control. They want the power to stamp out all disapproval of homosexuality in your society and to compel every citizen (especially the youth) to embrace the view that homosexual conduct is good and normal.

They ask for a place at the table, but once they have one all the social ideals they exploited to get there, such as social tolerance, freedom of speech, and respect for cultural diversity, are discarded.  In place of those ideals is inserted a new backwards and upside-down morality and world-view that condemns all disapproval of homosexuality as a new fictionalized form of bigotry. I have termed this phenomenon “Homo-fascism” and defined it as a form of extreme left-wing, regressive radicalism which seeks to establish rigid authoritarian controls over all public discourse and government policies regarding sexual norms and proprieties, and to enact punitive measures against conscientious objectors that would punish or suppress all disapproval of homosexuality and related sexual behaviors (that would of course even though they deny it, quickly include a sexual indoctrination and exploitation of children).

In the coming months and years Russia and Her people will be increasingly portrayed by emotion laden and abusive hyperbole as bigoted haters, intent on exterminating homosexuals. Indeed, the propaganda campaign on that theme has already been initiated , with video footage purporting to show Russian neo-Nazis beating homosexuals now being circulated on the Internet, along with the false implication that this is the intent of your policy. This same propaganda machinery and methodology has been grinding away against the country of Uganda since 2009 when it introduced (but never passed) its Anti-Homosexuality Bill (AHB) that I agree was far too harsh but which never reflected any intention of the Ugandan government to exterminate homosexuals as “gay” activists and their media allies continue to allege.

Indeed, this “gay” narrative that equates opposition to homosexuality with Nazi-like genocide is in part an attempt to obscure the ugly roots of the modern homosexualist movement in pre-Nazi Germany. German fascism was formed and facilitated by masculine-oriented male homosexuals in response to an effeminate model of homosexuality which held that all homosexualist men were actually female souls trapped in men’s bodies. Beginning in the 1860s the Femmes, following the Grandfather of Gay Rights, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, built a powerful social and political movement in Germany which focused on repealing the sodomy laws.

Offended by the constant characterization of male homosexuality as effeminate, the masculine-oriented Butches created their own movement grounded in the male warrior-cult philosophy epitomized by ancient Sparta. These were the first German fascists and from their ranks came first the Brown Shirted brawlers of World War I and then the Nazi Party. This thesis is heavily documented in my book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, which I co-authored in 1995 with researcher Kevin E. Abrams.

Along with this cover letter, I am enclosing a copy of The Pink Swastika (Fourth Edition) in English that is autographed by my co-author and I. We will soon be completing a long-delayed process of publishing the book in Russian, and hereby pledge that we will dedicate the Russian version of The Pink Swastika to the Russian Government and Her People. It will be our honor to send the very first copy of the Russian version to you.

Once again, thank you, President Putin, for standing firm in defense of the natural family, which is the essential foundation of all human civilization. Perhaps through the inspiration of your leadership, an alliance of the good people of our countries with those of your own, can once again in some cooperative fashion, redeem the future of mankind from a Fascist Leviathan, just as we did in World War II.

Pastor Scott Lively, J.D., Th.D.
Defend the Family International
PO Box 2373
Springfield, MA 01101  USA

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America and Antichrist

August 13, 2013

Ask the average American Christian what the worst sin is and you’ll get any number of answers, but chances are they will fall in the category of the Second Great Commandment, sins against our fellow man: murder, rape, child abuse, genocide, and so on.  But to God the greatest sin of all is to violate the first commandment: “You shall have no other gods before me.”  We human beings are required above all else to “love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength” (Matt 22:37).

America’s troubles as a nation really began when we dethroned God in the 1947 Supreme Court case of Everson v Board of Education, which elevated secularism above belief in God.  Rebellion against the first commandment became the official policy of the United States of America that day.  Torcaso v Watkins in 1961 affirmed and hardened that rebellion, the first fruits being the criminalization of prayer in the public schools in 1963.    The infrastructure of Christian civilization has been eroding at an ever increasing pace ever since as God‘s blessing has been replaced with His curse (Deuteronomy 28).

What we now call “religious pluralism” and “benevolent neutrality toward religion” — ideas that have come to represent for secularists the highest values of enlightened democracies — are nothing less than the sin of Antichrist, the worst of all possible sins.  To assume for oneself the power to arbitrate and equalize the claims of competing deities is, literally, “to exalt oneself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that one sets oneself up in God’s temple [as it were], proclaiming oneself to be God.”  This is the very language of the Bible which describes the Antichrist (II Thessalonians 2:3-4).  (Our Founders had no such delusion, but set our nation firmly on a Biblical foundation –with reasonable tolerance for other faiths — where it rested securely until Justice Hugo Black, writing for the majority, knocked it off in Everson).

The II Thess 2 passage continues with the following warning: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works.  He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and employ all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing” (v.9-10).  The “ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing” will not be introduced at some future time.  They are the very forms of deceit that people are already falling for: evolution, communism, “gay theology,” and, yes, “religious pluralism.”

When you stop to think about it, the Antichrist’s “Abomination of Desolation” could be something as seemingly innocuous as a “Proclamation of the Equality of All Religions,” posted like a “cease and desist” order in the place where God was being worshipped until the Antichrist’s intervention (Daniel 11:31-32, Matthew 24:15).  Indeed, the Daniel 11 model of the Antichrist, the Greek King Antiochus IV Epiphanies, was motivated by this very goal when he attempted to subjugate the Jewish people in the time of the Maccabees.  His efforts to outlaw Judaism was to stop Jews from violating the pluralistic religious ideal he had imposed upon all the countries in his empire.

I don’t presume to know for certain how the end time scenario leading to the Lord’s return will unfold, but it could very well begin soon with an agreement to allow reconstruction of the Hebrew Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  That concession from the Moslems (and secret permission from the U.S. to attack Iran) would likely be considered by the Israelis an acceptable trade for giving up part of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians.  And President Obama (on some people’s short list of Antichrist candidates) would be restored on the world stage as the man who accomplished what no other leader could do.

Regional war in the Middle East seems inevitable in the coming months, triggered either by escalation of the Syrian conflict or Israel’s strike on Iran.  And once that begins the world economy’s house of cards will almost certainly fall, bringing unprecedented levels of hardship and turmoil across the globe.

I happen to believe the conspiracy theory that a global elite is preparing a new one-world government and economic system to replace the current one.  The scenario I have suggested here seems tailor made for them, and for the Antichrist.

It would seem rather natural and a great relief to the world if, after months (perhaps a couple or three years) of great trouble and tribulation in the world, famines, pestilence and social chaos, that a world leader would step forward with a grand solution: perhaps a world-wide Jubilee to declare all debts cancelled, and to introduce a new economic system to give every person on earth a brand new start.

(Incidentally, the next Biblical Jubilee year starts on Yom Kippur, September 23, 2015 at the end of a series of six lunar and solar eclipses precisely on the Biblical feast days, in a display of celestial signs unique in human history  See http://www.redmoonrapture.com/).

It would be a simple system, but require universal participation.  Everyone would need to get membership identification in a form that could not be used or appropriated by others (perhaps a mark or chip in the hand or forehead).  Only members could buy or sell and have access to the emergency supplies and welfare services to which every member is entitled for life. (It is the ultimate socialist regime.)

But there is a condition.  You must sign the pledge to reject sectarianism, and embrace religious pluralism and non-discrimination.  Americans have been conditioned to accept these values for decades, but there is added incentive to adopt such policies in that the social chaos of the preceding months has been marked by appalling ethnic and sectarian massacres around the world.  People are ready to trade their former freedoms for greater security.  (Another a way of thinking to which we have been conditioned.)  It would explain why average people would be so willing to accept the Mark of the Beast.

In all of this Bible-believing Christians and Jews would have a problem.  We could not renounce the Sovereign God by joining up and taking the Mark.  There would be serious consequences though, because people who refuse to join would be considered black-marketers and blamed for messing up the program for everyone else. There would arise an increasing hostility toward those who resist, leading to severe persecution.

Meanwhile, back at the Temple, the beloved world leader steps in to end the new (or continuing) war against Israel and impose peace on the region by his overpowering military force.  He stops the animal sacrifices in the name of religious pluralism and non-sectarianism (making a great show of self-glorification as the one man capable of solving the seemingly unsolvable problems of the world).  And on the altar he places his “Proclamation of Religious Equality” or some other symbol of his power.  And (here’s the kicker) no one in the world but the strongest of Christian and Jewish believers would see anything sinister or wrong in his actions.  The level of delusion in the minds of average people about who he really is so high that, “if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived” (Matt 24:24).

This is not a prophesy, but only my best guess at how the end days could plausibly unfold given the actual factors at play today.  I’m probably wrong on numerous points since this is all purely speculative.  But I’m not wrong on the central thesis of this article: America’s rulers have set themselves above God and prepared the way for the Antichrist in the hearts and minds of its people.  And to the extent we follow their lead in embracing “religious pluralism” instead of honoring Almighty God, we are equally responsible for the judgment unfolding all around us.

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Pope Francis and the Snare of “Gay” Ideology

The Bible instructs that “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).  And it warns “do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).  Thus there is no such thing as a “Thief Christian,”  an “Adulterer Christian,” or a “Drunkard Christian.”  There are only Christians whose lower nature leans towards those or other sins of the flesh.  We do not define ourselves by the sins that tempt us.  There is no such thing as a “Gay Christian.”   The very notion is anti-Biblical.

The concept of “Gay Christians” originates in sexual orientation theory, an ideological invention of the homosexual movement designed to advance the idea that homosexuality is “immutable,” meaning unchangeable.  It was adopted as a legal and political strategy of the American homosexual movement in the 1980s to try to make homosexuality appear to meet the requirements of civil rights case law.  U.S. Supreme Court rulings in that era required members of a group to have “immutable traits” to qualify for minority status under civil rights laws.

Thanks to homosexualist Justice Anthony Kennedy, who wrote four of the last five opinions relating to homosexuality, “gays” no longer need to prove that.  But sexual orientation theory turned out to be a boon to the “gay” agenda in innumerable ways, so it continues to be advocated.  More accurately, it serves as an unstated and unchallenged assumption at the foundation of all “gay” arguments.

Until recently, the church had not embraced sexual orientation theory but always distinguished conduct from personal identity.  “Love the sinner, hate the sin,” is the most recognizable shorthand for this idea.  But in the past decade or so, an increasing number of formerly Bible-centered pastors and churches have been changing their theology to accommodate sexual orientation presuppositions: “gayness” is innate,  “being gay” is equivalent to being Black, “being gay” is the way God intends some people to be. etc..  The members of the so-called Emergent Church Movement are the chief culprits in this trend, but it is spreading fast.

This week, Pope Francis appears to have, at least in part, subtly embraced sexual orientation theory in his comments about homosexuality in the Catholic church.  He said

“I think that when we encounter a gay person, we must make the distinction between the fact of a person being gay and the fact of a lobby, because lobbies are not good. They are bad. If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge that person? The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this point beautifully but says, wait a moment, how does it say, it says, these persons must never be marginalized and “they must be integrated into society.”

Clearly, Pope Francis is NOT endorsing homosexual conduct as so many in the liberal media have dishonestly claimed.  He affirms the Catholic Catechism, which is explicit on that point.

My concern is about his use of the phrases “a gay person” and “the fact of that person being gay.”  Saying “a gay person,” instead of “a person who struggles with homosexual temptation,” or “a person who defines himself as homosexual” is on its face a major concession to sexual orientation theory when used by a Church leader about Christians.

Further, in the context of the sentence, it implies a softening of church policy that those with a deep-seated homosexual identity, even if celibate, are unfit for the priesthood.   The 2005 “Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocation with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders” forbids “those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called ‘gay culture.’”

What is “gay culture” if not the association of people based on a common self-identification as “gays?”  Pope Francis has, wittingly or unwittingly, affirmed “gay” culture by his terminology, even while lamenting (and implicitly confirming the existence of) a “gay lobby” in the Vatican.

If the Pope has conceded that “gayness” is an acceptable basis for self-identity, that suggests he is willing to integrate people into the priesthood who define themselves by their sin, rather than as sinners washed and transformed by the blood of Christ. When identification with sin is a present-tense basis for your identity, you are unrepentant about remaining unwashed and untransformed. That’s very dangerous for the priests themselves, and in the church community virtually guarantees that the “gay lobby” will continue.

Of all the secular media coverage of this story, I think the Wall Street Journal was most accurate.  It said in an article with the perhaps overstated title “Pope Signals Openness to Gay Priests” that “Pope Francis reaffirmed church teaching by referring to homosexual acts as a sin. But he wielded his formidable bully pulpit to shift the tone of how the church regards homosexual orientation at its highest ranks.”  Indeed, the problem is the view of “orientation.”

The story also quoted Cardinal Dolan of New York who said “My worry is that we’re buying into the vocabulary that one’s person is one’s sexual identity and I don’t buy that and neither does the church.”  Dolan obviously “gets” what Pope Francis seemingly does not.  Dolan’s phrase “…and neither does the church” looks to me like an attempt at damage control by one who recognizes the hazards of sexual orientation ideology infiltrating the church.

It is possible that Pope Francis did not intend to convey what his terminology implied.  I understand better than most how one’s off-the-cuff comments sometimes imply things that we really don’t mean.  But in the full context of his remarks that day, and the still larger context of his tolerant and compassionate nature and style that is so admirable on the whole, I’m afraid he may have become (like an increasing number of evangelical leaders), ensnared in the subtle sophistry of sexual orientation theory.

I hope I am wrong.  I’ll be the first to applaud if Pope Francis clearly shows he does not recognize “gayness” as a legitimate basis for self-identification.  At this point, however, the evidence points the other way.

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Fact Sheet on Uganda and Homosexuality

Here is a one-page rebuttal to the continuing leftist campaign against Uganda

Fact Sheet on Uganda

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The First Amendment Supremacy Clause Fact Sheet

Download and distribute this one-page fact sheet about the First Amendment Supremacy Clause

First Amendment Supremacy Clause Fact Sheet

While the First Amendment Supremacy Clause is designed to amend existing Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs), we have also created a modified version called the First Amendment Supremacy Bill to serve as a stand-alone statute:

First Amendment Supremacy Bill Fact Sheet

The text of this document is also posted below.

The First Amendment Supremacy Clause


In no circumstance shall sexual orientation regulations supersede the First Amendment rights of individuals, churches and religious organizations to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion.

 For the purpose of this statute religious organizations are those whose policies or culture are substantially influenced by religious values, including but not limited to Christian bookstores, adoption agencies, hospitals, businesses, social organizations and student clubs on college campuses.


Statement of legislative intent:  The First Amendment Supremacy Clause is designed to ensure that the first principles of the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution, namely religious liberty and freedom of expression, are preserved and honored as essential values deeply rooted in our history and laws, as against the claims and reach of the newly invented category of law known as Sexual Orientation Regulations.  It is the purpose of this legislation to clearly recognize and affirm that laws and policies based on sexual orientation, gender identity or like terms have no power to infringe upon or otherwise restrict the inalienable rights of Americans which are enshrined in the First Amendment, and which many generations of our citizens have shed their precious blood to protect.



 Ÿ  The First Amendment Supremacy Clause (FASC) may be used as a stand-alone statute or as an amendment to existing Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs) by government, corporations, non-governmental organizations or other entities.

Ÿ  FASC does not prohibit laws or polices designed to protect homosexuals and other persons who define themselves by the practice of non-traditional sexual conduct from discrimination.

Ÿ  FASC is only triggered when a claim is asserted that SORs should trump the First Amendment. In other words whenever there is a contest in which one class of rights must win at the expense of the other, the First Amendment must be held supreme.

Ÿ  FASC is a complete barrier to the use of SORs as a sword to attack religious freedom and freedom of speech, which has happened all too frequently in recent years, but FASC preserves the use of SORs as a shield against irrational discrimination.

Ÿ  Importantly, FASC recognizes that individuals and religious organization have the same status as churches in the assertion of First Amendment rights.

One of the primary benefits of advocating or campaigning for FASC is the clarity it brings to the debate over so-called “gay rights.”  The discussion of FASC identifies what is actually in conflict and at stake in this debate.  It thus helps voters, policy makers and judges better weigh competing claims of rights and recognize the far-reaching consequences of their decisions.
To launch a FASC campaign or effort in your state or locality
or to arrange a public debate on the theme of
“The First Amendment vs. Sexual Orientation Regulations: Which Should Prevail?”
contact Dr. Scott Lively, sdllaw@gmail.com, www.defendthefamily.com.



In no circumstance shall sexual orientation regulations supersede the First Amendment rights of individuals, churches and religious organizations to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion.

For the purpose of this statute religious organizations are those whose policies or culture are substantially influenced by religious values, including but not limited to bakers, florists, printers, bed and breakfast hotels, bookstores, adoption agencies, social organizations and student clubs on college campuses.

Statement of legislative intent: The First Amendment Supremacy Clause is designed to ensure that the first principles of the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution, namely religious liberty and freedom of expression, are preserved and honored as essential values deeply rooted in our history and laws, as against the claims and reach of the newly invented category of law known as Sexual Orientation Regulations. It is the purpose of this legislation to clearly recognize and affirm that laws and policies based on sexual orientation, gender identity or like terms have no power to infringe upon or otherwise restrict the inalienable rights of Americans which are enshrined in the First Amendment, and which many generations of our citizens have shed their precious blood to protect.


Under the legal doctrine of preemption a state government may retain exclusive legislative authority over any subject matter and deny its political subdivisions and other entities under its jurisdiction the power to regulate those matters in any manner that contradicts state policy. The First Amendment Supremacy Bill (FASB) simply “preempts the field” on the issue of Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs), including but not limited to so-called anti-discrimination policies based on sexual orientation.

FASB does not prohibit laws or polices designed to protect homosexuals and other persons who define themselves by the practice of non-traditional sexual conduct from discrimination.

FASB is only triggered when a claim is asserted that SORs should trump the First Amendment. In other words whenever there is a contest in which one class of rights must win at the expense of the other, First Amendment rights must be held supreme.

FASB is a complete barrier to the use of SORs as a sword to attack freedom of speech and freedom of religion but FASB preserves the use of SORs as a shield against irrational discrimination.

Importantly, FASB recognizes that individuals and religious organization have the same status as churches in the assertion of First Amendment rights.

Campaigning for the First Amendment Supremacy Bill brings clarity to the public debate by showcasing that conflict over so-called “gay rights” is really a contest between SORs and the First Amendment. This helps voters, policy makers and judges better weigh competing claims of rights and recognize the far-reaching consequences of their decisions. In short, the question becomes: “Sexual Orientation Regulations vs. The First Amendment: Which Should Prevail?”
For more information contact Dr. Scott Lively, sdllaw@gmail.com, www.defendthefamily.com.

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My Letter to the Hungarian People

My Letter to the Hungarian People
Dr. Scott Lively
President, Defend the Family International

I have been asked by Heti Válasz magazine of Hungary to comment on whether there is today any country in the world where traditional family values and gay rights are regulated by the law in a balanced way, and what the proponents of traditional family values can do against the “dictatorship of tolerance.”

I can’t point to any country of the world today that is a model for the rest of the world, except perhaps for Russia, which has just taken the very important and frankly necessary step of criminalizing homosexual propaganda to protect the society from being “homosexualzed.” This was one of my recommendation to Russian leaders in my 50-city tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006 and 2007.

The real problem is that so-called “gay rights” and family values are incompatible and contradictory. Family values are rooted in God’s commandment that all sexual conduct is restricted to the “one flesh” form of marriage (Genesis 1:27 and 2:24). This natural family model is the foundation of any healthy civilization. “Gay rights” are rooted in the philosophy of “sexual freedom” (of which homosexuals are the primary champions) in which sexual activity and relationships are only limited by the principle of mutual consent. This is really not freedom, but extremely destructive moral anarchy that dissolves and disintegrates civilization — a process that is clearly occurring in the nations of the west.

The only workable compromise is for society to hold firmly to the marriage-based model of sexuality while extending limited tolerance to individuals who choose to live discretely outside the mainstream in a subculture. This was a balance the United States achieved in the 1940s and 50s, when the stated goal of the homosexual movement was “the right to be left alone.”

However, the spirit of homosexuality is rebellion, not self-restraint, so in every society which it enters as a political movement it begins with an appeal for tolerance but quickly escalates to a demand for acceptance, then celebration of its perverse culture, then dominance of its culture, especially over children, and finally, when it has sufficient political control, the punishment of all dissenters.

The homosexual movement has perfected its strategy and tactics in the United States, where most of the country is somewhere between fully accepting homosexual culture and celebrating it, but the key leadership positions are almost fully controlled by “gays,” including the United States Supreme Court, which (following France) has just validated “homosexual marriage” at a national level for the first time in history since the period just prior to the flood of Noah. I don’t believe the United States will survive this moral affront to God, and indeed in my view we are already under national judgment for trading our former status as a Christian “City on a Hill” for the degeneracy of Sodom.

From the United States the “gay” movement has sent missionaries of evil to many countries around the world to transform them in their own image. They follow the same strategy everywhere to homosexualize cultures: first by flooding the society with heterosexual pornography and “sexual freedom” philosophy to corrupt the majority and lessen their moral objections to homosexuality. Next, by sending a second wave of homosexual propaganda about the supposed innateness and immutability of homosexual “orientation (i.e. that they are “born that way” and cannot change — a lie), finally comes sexual orientation regulations (SORs), usually in the form of an anti-discrimination law based on sexual orientation. Once that is in place, the entire “gay” agenda explodes in your society.

These SORs are the seed that contains the entire tree of the homosexual agenda with all of its poisonous fruit: “gay pride” parades, “gay marriage,“ pro-homosexual instruction to schoolchildren, public funding of homosexual organizations and projects, etc.. Once the bad seed is planted in your country, the entire tree inevitably follows. Why? Because the SORs create a presumption in your law that disapproval of homosexuality is immoral and wrong, thus ALL subsequent opposition to homosexuality, including the teachings of the Bible, is deemed to be discrimination and is eventually outlawed. It is a process that took 50 years to accomplish in the United States, but only 25 years to accomplish in Europe and South Africa, and less than ten years to accomplish in countries like Brazil. They have both perfected their system and grown stronger as a movement at the same time, so today they are more easily overcoming resistance to their agenda wherever they go.

How can this be stopped? Only by resolute and unapologetic discrimination against the “sexual freedom“ agenda. It is not enough to oppose homosexuality or individual elements of the “gay” agenda such as “gay marriage” because the deeper problem is corruption of sexual morality. The “gays” and their allies always start by corrupting heterosexual morality, so by the time the homosexuals come “out of the closet” most of the work of destroying marriage-based culture is already done.

To fully protect your country from the moral destruction that is raging in the United States and Europe it is necessary to affirm and protect authentic marriage as the only proper context for sexual relationships, and to actively discourage sex outside of marriage through your public policy, reserving limited tolerance for people who choose to live discretely outside the mainstream. I strongly advise that you adopt an anti-propaganda law similar to what Russia has recently passed, to stop the “gay” agenda from advancing any further that it may already have done. It will also be necessary to uproot and discard any existing sexual orientation regulations (the bad seeds) which criminalize discrimination against homosexuality in your laws and in the official policies of your government agencies, universities, corporations, and NGOs.

Lastly, it is important to keep in mind that many homosexuals are unwilling and unhappy members of this “gay” movement. For them homosexuality is not “gay” (meaning happy and carefree), but SADD, which is the acronym for “Same-Sex Attraction Disorder,” the condition with which they suffer. Even as we firmly resist the efforts of this destructive movement, we should not lose compassion for those who suffer from this terrible dysfunction. We should strongly discourage and oppose those who would choose the path of hatred and violence against individuals rather than rational, objective policy-making against their socially destructive philosophy and political agenda.

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Church Warning Update

The country is still reeling from the recent Supreme Court “marriage” rulings.  I am not happy to have been right in my predictions that we would lose at least one, but probably both cases, and that Justice Kennedy would write the majority opinion to reflect his personal goal to legitimize homosexuality in America.  He did so in the DOMA case United States. v. Windsor.  The Proposition 8 case, Hollingsworth v Perry was remanded back to the lower court where there was technically another opportunity to defend it in court.

However, in my newsletter I opined that Prop 8 was as good as dead and told people to watch for dirty tricks and sabotage to circumvent due process.  Sure enough, the Ninth Circuit Appeals court announced the following day they would move immediately to allow the resumption of “gay marriages.  Prop 8 attorney Andy Pugno was outraged, writing

“Suspiciously, the Ninth Circuit’s announcement late Friday ordering same-sex marriages came as a surprise, without any warning or notice to Proposition 8’s official proponents. However, the same-sex couple plaintiffs in the case, their media teams, San Francisco City Hall, L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the California Attorney General all happened to be in position to perform same-sex marriages just minutes after the Ninth Circuit’s “unexpected” announcement. Coincidence?”

His emergency petition to the Supreme Court was instantly rejected by Justice Kennedy (whom Don Feder has aptly named “Ronald Reagan’s most tragic mistake”).  So California has now officially fallen.

But this sort of lawlessness is simply par for the course whenever the sacred cow of homosexuality is at issue.  As Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel noted in the Winsor decision:  “The decision is as far removed from the Constitution and the Court’s prior precedent as the east is from the west. Led by Justice Kennedy, the majority of the Justices have cut the tether that once connected them to the Constitution. This decision does not even pretend to be governed by the Constitution or Court precedent.”  To me this is just one more indicator that the rising black fog of homofascism is an end-times spiritual phenomenon.

In a previous post I had suggested that Justice Ginsberg had been (on behalf of the liberal block) telegraphing a message to the leftist elite when she made public comments criticizing Roe v Wade for getting too far ahead of the public on the abortion issue and creating a “militant” backlash (the pro-life movement).  I thought her comments meant they would vote to uphold DOMA.  In fact, they instead voted to strike down DOMA, but NOT to recognize a constitutional right to homosexual marriage nationally, which the “gays” had asked and hoped for.  Now we know what she meant.

So, while the Winsor decision clearly lays the groundwork for that next step, it seems the court will not take that step until the liberals believe the pubic will acquiesce to it peacefully.  That bodes well for the pro-family movement IF we can reverse the current “pro-gay” trend.  But that’s a very big IF.  See my article, “The Key to Pro-Family Victory if We Really Want It”  http://www.scottlively.net/2013/02/21/the-key-to-pro-family-victory-if-we-really-want-it/

Meanwhile, the homosexual propaganda machinery has been running at full capacity to create the impression in the public mind that they have won the culture war and all further resistance is futile.  “Put down your weapons and run away,” is their message to pro-family activists.  And that message is being bolstered by their allies in the lower courts, the media and the political realm who are taking quick action to keep their momentum rolling.

A federal judge just ordered the State of Michigan to give financial benefits to homosexual partners.  And it was just announced that Senator John McCain’s political guru Steve Schmidt has been recruited by the ACLU to promote “gay marriage in the GOP, see “ACLU launches campaign to win GOP support for gay marriage” at

http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/26/aclu-launches-campaign-to-win-gop-support-for-gay-marriage/#ixzz2XtnvIqqY (which the Republican establishment obviously want to happen).  Goodbye Whigs.  Hello Tea Party.

But resistance is NOT futile and we must never surrender to evil.  As Winston Churchill said

“Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is
no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

I believe we may be still at the cusp of the third and fourth stages, but more probably are at the fourth and final stage, Churchill’s last stand.

I personally will never stop fighting to defend Biblical truth as long as I have breath.  And I will fight to win every battle the Lord puts in my path, even when I perceive that winning that particular battle is impossible.  The outcome of the “war,” however is pre-determined by the Lord, and we know from His Word that ultimate victory will be by His hand at the very end after very dark days.

Today I am republishing my article A Warning to the Church in America because I want every pro-family activist in America to read it and circulate it to the pastor and to Christian friends.  It is posted below, and at my blog www.scottlively.net.

Before you read that, let me suggest that our most effective tactic to resist the homosexual juggernaut is to amend all existing Sexual Orientation Regulations, wherever we may find them, with a First Amendment Supremacy Clause.

“Under no circumstance shall sexual orientation regulations supersede the First Amendment rights of individuals, churches and religious organizations to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  For the purpose of this amendment religious organizations are those whose policies or culture are substantially influenced by religious values including but not limited to Christian bookstores, adoption agencies, hospitals, non-profit and for- profit companies, social organizations and Christian student clubs on college campuses.”

These First Amendment campaigns shift the focus of the debate to a contest between the First Amendment and Sexual Orientation Regulations, a battle we can win.  I stand ready to assist you in any such effort.

I have just returned from a nine-stop speaking tour in Nebraska, which is now on-board with the First Amendment strategy, along with Oklahoma and Missouri.  I am looking for more invitations to conservative states where we can put these in place as a roadblock to the homosexualization of those states and perhaps build some momentum in the other direction.

Let me also introduce the idea here that states with a state DOMA should use those statutes as a legal foundation and justification to create mandatory age-appropriate curricula for every grade level to educate the children about the meaning and importance of authentic marriage and how to prepare themselves for healthy and happy marriage in their own future.  This will at the very least strengthen if not actually immunize many children from the influence of sexual anarchy and “gay” propaganda.

That’s all for now…


Dr. Scott Lively

Ps.  Once again, I request that you forward this to your lists.  My own is unfortunately still under 1500 addresses.  If you have received this by forwarding, please contact me to add you to the list.


A Warning to the Church in America


By  Dr. Scott Lively, President, Defend the Family International

www.defendthefamily.com, June 13, 2013

You may have heard of me.  I am the pastor being sued in U.S. Federal Court for “Crimes Against Humanity” for preaching against homosexuality in Uganda.  But I am really a “Canary in the Coal Mine,” with a warning for every Bible-believing Christian in our land, especially pastors and ministry leaders.

The American church is about to come under spiritual and cultural warfare the likes of which we have never seen and which most are not prepared for.  The attacks will come from every corner of the secular world to challenge, condemn and punish us for our beliefs about homosexuality.  These attacks will split denominations, congregations and even Christian families to a degree and with an intensity that will shock even those who have experienced the first ripples of “gay” conflict in the church over the past few decades.  Large numbers of self-identified Christians will begin embracing so-called “Gay Theology,” and some will actually join the attacks against the remnant who stand firm on the truth.  The pressure to give in to escape the psychological and sometimes physical persecution of the Christian “homophobes” will be so great that I believe a majority of church-goers will succumb, and a great many pastors will choose to “change with the times,” so as not to lose “their” church.

This collapse of the Christian infrastructure of America is, in my opinion, already in progress and  irreversible because it is part of God‘s judgment.  The “end-times” revival which many, including myself, expect and eagerly await will not stop this collapse, but will in fact hasten it by strengthening the remnant in their obedience to Christ while hardening the world (and fallen Christians) against us.  The crisis will be so pervasive that no-one will be spared the choice of embracing or rejecting Biblical truth on this topic.  The whole purpose of this trial is to test the strength of believers to endure greater troubles ahead.

We shouldn’t be surprised that God is using this issue as our test.  A careful examination of His Word shows that open homosexuality in the Bible is symbolic of extreme rebellion against God leading to judgment.  Thus, unique in all of scripture, Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed by fire and brimstone as the examplar of God’s wrath (2 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7, Genesis 19:1-12), male on male sodomy is listed as the most heinous sin on the short list of sins which caused the land to “vomit out” the Canaanites from the territory promised to Abraham (Leviticus 18:1-30, esp. 22),  and both male and female homosexuality are together identified as the examplar of the depraved or “reprobate” mind that defines the age of apostasy leading to Christ‘s return (Romans 1:18-32, 2 Timothy 3:1-5).

Noah’s Flood was preceded by the “marrying and giving in marriage” (Matt 24:37-40) of people whose thoughts were “only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5), evidence which the ancient Hebrew scholars interpreted as “gay marriage,” the final insult to God which unleashed the deluge.  And in the final book of the Bible, just prior to the return of Christ to “judge and make war” against His enemies (Rev 19:11ff), Jerusalem under the Antichrist is “mystically called Sodom and Egypt,” signifying its essential association (I believe) with homosexuality and Islam respectively (Revelation 11:3-8).

Even 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, the “ex-gay” passage that proves that healed and recovered homosexuals were a part of the church from its earliest days, warns that unrepentant homosexuals “will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”  There is no room, even when we emphasize compassion for homosexual sufferers, to condone homosexual relationships or worse, to claim that homosexuality is blessed by God as a normal, intended variant of human sexuality.

My life’s work has been to stand against the (increasingly successful) assault of the homosexual movement on Biblical values in our society and around the world.  My nearly 25 years of full time, front lines ministry on this battlefield has given me special insights and understanding of this issue.  My refusal to be silenced by a long series of increasingly more dishonest and aggressive attacks on my work and reputation has familiarized me both with persecution and with the tactical “playbook” of the “gay” movement.  I am thus issuing my warning to the church not so much as a prophesy (though it is confirmed in my spirit), but as the natural conclusion of deductive reasoning by a front-lines analyst with a unique vantage-point.  In support of that conclusion, I offer the following observations.


First, on June 28, 1969 the goal of the American homosexual movement shifted from tolerance (the right to be left alone) to control (the complete restructuring of society in its own image, with “gays“ or their surrogates in all seats of power).  Its tactics shifted from civil dialogue to implacable militancy.  That was the date of the Stonewall Riot in New York City, today celebrated annually as “Gay Pride Day.” Logically, this movement cannot achieve its goal without replacing the Biblical social ethic of marriage-based heterosexual monogamy and the natural family with its own philosophy of unlimited “sexual freedom” (which is in reality moral anarchy).  In short, the true and necessary goal of the “gay” movement is the defeat of Christianity.

Second, in the space of just forty years homosexual militants have defeated every secular institution in their path in the United States.  The first to fall was the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, when “gay” activists, using Brownshirt tactics of disruption and intimidation, forced the APA to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV.  The most recent and final secular institution to fall was the Boy Scouts of America in 2013 when the BSA leadership voted to allow openly self-declared homosexual boys into the organization.  The next-to-last entity to fall was the U. S. military.  In both cases, the first news following the capitulation was of uniformed members of each organization marching triumphantly in “Gay Pride” parades.

Third, the “gays” have always intended to attack the church in the final stage of their conquest of our culture.  As early as 1987 they openly admitted this plan in an article called The Overhauling of Straight America, which later became the basis for the book After the Ball, which has ever since been their primary strategic blueprint.  They wrote:

When conservative churches condemn gays…we can use talk to muddy the moral waters. This means publicizing support for gays by more moderate churches, raising theological objections of our own about conservative interpretations of biblical teachings, and exposing hatred and inconsistency. Second, we can undermine the moral authority of homophobic churches by portraying them as antiquated backwaters, badly out of step with the times and with the latest findings of psychology. Against the mighty pull of institutional Religion one must set the mightier draw of Science & Public Opinion (the shield and sword of that accursed “secular humanism”). Such an unholy alliance has worked well against churches before, on such topics as divorce and abortion. …. At a later stage…it will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified.  (Guide Magazine, November 1987)

Frankly, even at this late stage of the game, much of the church seems to be still asleep or in denial about the state of our culture.  Even many conservative Christian leaders who are awake to the seriousness of the crisis are only dimly aware that the culture war at its foundation is and has always been a winner-take-all contest between Christians and homosexual activists.  Now that the last secular barriers to the “gay” agenda have been crushed, all of their weapons and all of their warriors will be focused on the last remaining obstacle to their power, the Christian church.

What comes next is a full-on homosexual blitzkrieg against “homophobia” and “hatred” in the church, and a concurrent culture-wide advocacy of “gay theology.”  Gone, of course, will be all concern for the “separation of church and state” as the secular powers work hand-in-hand with the “gays” to shame and “correct” the Bible-believing church, using Scripture that has been deviously twisted to fit their goals.  The only defense will be Biblical literacy backed unshakable faith.  To be blunt, we will be all be vilified and only the strong of faith will endure.

To be sure, one’s view of homosexuality is not necessarily a salvation issue, but one’s ability to cling to Christ through persecution may well be.  Will a person too spiritually weak or cowardly to defend Biblical truth on such a clear and fundamental teaching be strong enough to resist the Mark of the Beast?  During a time of testing such as we are entering, the Prophet Jeremiah put it this way: “If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?

It might not be noticeable now, but their campaign has been launched and will steadily increase in breadth, depth and persuasiveness.  Remnant, be prepared, and share this warning.

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A Warning to the Church in America


I have hesitated about publishing this article because its tone is so dire and so few in the church are ready to receive it.  However, just a few days after I wrote it Alan Chambers shut down Exodus International and publicly announced his embrace of the same “gay” theology I warn about in the article.  I have taken that as a sign I should release this now.

In a few days the Supreme Court will announce it’s ruling on at least one of the homosexual cases now before it.  I’m predicting that we’ll lose at least one of them, probably both, and my guess is the results will be announced on Friday June 28th.  That is “Gay Pride Day,” the anniversary of the Stonewall riots in which the homosexual movement shifted its goal from “the right to be left alone,” to absolute control of American culture.  It was the birth of homofascism in this nation.  If the latter prediction comes true it will be an indication that SCOTUS is now under their control. It will be the symbolic equivalent to the lowering of the American flag and replacement with the rainbow flag.  (It is possible, though not likely, they will actually fly the rainbow flag at the court on that day.  They do so love to gloat.)
However, the warning below applies even if we win both cases!  The only question is how fast their army will move against us.  If we lose one or both cases it will be “pedal to the metal” just like the drive for “gay marriage” after Lawrence v Texas.

If we do win one of the cases, my guess it will be DOMA.  I think Justice Gindberg’s comments last month about Roe v Wade having been a bad ruling because the country wasn’t quite ready for it may have been to telegraph a message to the leftist elite that the court was not going to strike down DOMA.    We’ll soon see.

One last comment.  In my reading of the Bible these things must take place before the return of the Lord, so I am not discouraged but encouraged.  Like a woman going into labor I’m looking past the pain to the blessing that follows.

Yours in Him,
Dr. Scott Lively

By  Dr. Scott Lively, President, Defend the Family International www.defendthefamily.com, June 13, 2013

You may have heard of me.  I am the pastor being sued in U.S. Federal Court for “Crimes Against Humanity” for preaching against homosexuality in Uganda.  But I am really a “Canary in the Coal Mine,” with a warning for every Bible-believing Christian in our land, especially pastors and ministry leaders.

The American church is about to come under spiritual and cultural warfare the likes of which we have never seen and which most are not prepared for.  The attacks will come from every corner of the secular world to challenge, condemn and punish us for our beliefs about homosexuality.  These attacks will split denominations, congregations and even Christian families to a degree and with an intensity that will shock even those who have experienced the first ripples of “gay” conflict in the church over the past few decades.  Large numbers of self-identified Christians will begin embracing so-called “Gay Theology,” and some will actually join the attacks against the remnant who stand firm on the truth.  The pressure to give in to escape the psychological and sometimes physical persecution of the Christian “homophobes” will be so great that I believe a majority of church-goers will succumb, and a great many pastors will choose to “change with the times,” so as not  to lose “their” church.

This collapse of the Christian infrastructure of America is, in my opinion, already in progress and  irreversible because it is part of God‘s judgment.  The “end-times” revival which many, including myself, expect and eagerly await will not stop this collapse, but will in fact hasten it by strengthening the remnant in their obedience to Christ while hardening the world (and fallen Christians) against us.  The crisis will be so pervasive that no-one will be spared the choice of embracing or rejecting Biblical truth on this topic.  The whole purpose of this trial is to test the strength of believers to endure greater troubles ahead.

We shouldn’t be surprised that God is using this issue as our test.  A careful examination of His Word shows that open homosexuality in the Bible is symbolic of extreme rebellion against God leading to judgment.  Thus, unique in all of scripture, Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed by fire and brimstone as the examplar of God’s wrath (2 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7, Genesis 19:1-12), male on male sodomy is listed as the most heinous sin on the short list of sins which caused the land to “vomit out” the Canaanites from the territory promised to Abraham (Leviticus 18:1-30, esp. 22),  and both male and female homosexuality are together identified as the examplar of the depraved or “reprobate” mind that defines the age of apostasy leading to Christ‘s return (Romans 1:18-32, 2 Timothy 3:1-5).

Noah’s Flood was preceded by the “marrying and giving in marriage” (Matt 24:37-40) of people whose thoughts were “only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5), evidence which the ancient Hebrew scholars interpreted as “gay marriage,” the final insult to God which unleashed the deluge.  And in the final book of the Bible, just prior to the return of Christ to “judge and make war” against His enemies (Rev 19:11ff), Jerusalem under the Antichrist is “mystically called Sodom and Egypt,” signifying its essential association (I believe) with homosexuality and Islam respectively (Revelation 11:3-8).

Even 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, the “ex-gay” passage that proves that healed and recovered homosexuals were a part of the church from its earliest days, warns that unrepentant homosexuals “will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”  There is no room, even when we emphasize compassion for homosexual sufferers, to condone homosexual relationships or worse, to claim that homosexuality is blessed by God as a normal, intended variant of human sexuality.

My life’s work has been to stand against the (increasingly successful) assault of the homosexual movement on Biblical values in our society and around the world.  My nearly 25 years of full time, front lines ministry on this battlefield has given me special insights and understanding of this issue.  My refusal to be silenced by a long series of increasingly more dishonest and aggressive attacks on my work and reputation has familiarized me both with persecution and with the tactical “playbook” of the “gay” movement.  I am thus issuing my warning to the church not so much as a prophesy (though it is confirmed in my spirit), but as the natural conclusion of deductive reasoning by a front-lines analyst with a unique vantage-point.  In support of that conclusion, I offer the following observations.

First, on June 28, 1969 the goal of the American homosexual movement shifted from tolerance (the right to be left alone) to control (the complete restructuring of society in its own image, with “gays“ or their surrogates in all seats of power).  Its tactics shifted from civil dialogue to implacable militancy.  That was the date of the Stonewall Riot in New York City, today celebrated annually as “Gay Pride Day.” Logically, this movement cannot achieve its goal without replacing the Biblical social ethic of marriage-based heterosexual monogamy and the natural family with its own philosophy of unlimited “sexual freedom” (which is in reality moral anarchy).  In short, the true and necessary goal of the “gay” movement is the defeat of Christianity.

Second, in the space of just forty years homosexual militants have defeated every secular institution in their path in the United States.  The first to fall was the American Psychiatric Association in 1973, when “gay” activists, using Brownshirt tactics of disruption and intimidation, forced the APA to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV.  The most recent and final secular institution to fall was the Boy Scouts of America in 2013 when the BSA leadership voted to allow openly self-declared homosexual boys into the organization.  The next-to-last entity to fall was the U. S. military.  In both cases, the first news following the capitulation was of uniformed members of each organization marching triumphantly in “Gay Pride” parades.

Third, the “gays” have always intended to attack the church in the final stage of their conquest of our culture.  As early as 1987 they openly admitted this plan in an article called The Overhauling of Straight America, which later became the basis for the book After the Ball, which has ever since been their primary strategic blueprint.  They wrote:

When conservative churches condemn gays…we can use talk to muddy the moral waters. This means publicizing support for gays by more moderate churches, raising theological objections of our own about conservative interpretations of biblical teachings, and exposing hatred and inconsistency. Second, we can undermine the moral authority of homophobic churches by portraying them as antiquated backwaters, badly out of step with the times and with the latest findings of psychology. Against the mighty pull of institutional Religion one must set the mightier draw of Science & Public Opinion (the shield and sword of that accursed “secular humanism”). Such an unholy alliance has worked well against churches before, on such topics as divorce and abortion. …. At a later stage…it will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified.  (Guide Magazine, November 1987)

Frankly, even at this late stage of the game, much of the church seems to be still asleep or in denial about the state of our culture.  Even many conservative Christian leaders who are awake to the seriousness of the crisis are only dimly aware that the culture war at its foundation is and has always been a winner-take-all contest between Christians and homosexual activists.  Now that the last secular barriers to the “gay” agenda have been crushed, all of their weapons and all of their warriors will be focused on the last remaining obstacle to their power, the Christian church.

What comes next is a full-on homosexual blitzkrieg against “homophobia” and “hatred” in the church, and a concurrent culture-wide advocacy of “gay theology.”  Gone, of course, will be all concern for the “separation of church and state” as the secular powers work hand-in-hand with the “gays” to shame and “correct” the Bible-believing church, using Scripture that has been deviously twisted to fit their goals.  The only defense will be Biblical literacy backed unshakable faith.  To be blunt, we will be all be vilified and only the strong of faith will endure.

To be sure, one’s view of homosexuality is not necessarily a salvation issue, but one’s ability to cling to Christ through persecution may well be.  Will a person too spiritually weak or cowardly to defend Biblical truth on such a clear and fundamental teaching be strong enough to resist the Mark of the Beast?  During a time of testing such as we are entering, the Prophet Jeremiah put it this way: “If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?”

It might not be noticeable now, but their campaign has been launched and will steadily increase in breadth, depth and persuasiveness.  Remnant, be prepared, and share this warning.

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Alan Chambers Goes Back to Egypt

The headlines in the liberal media are gleefully trumpeting the demise of Exodus International, the leading icon of the ex-”gay” movement. “From ‘pray away the gay’ to acceptance,” chortles the LA Times. But this is not really a story about an organization, but only it’s leader Alan Chambers and his unfortunate capitulation to the world. I invite you to join me in prayer for him.

Those of us “in the know” have over the past few years watched Alan slowly transform Exodus into his own private fiefdom, while at the same time he gravitated inexorably away from recovery. By recovery I mean the state of mind which focuses on freedom in Christ from bondage to sin as exemplified by 1 Corinthians 6:9-11: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.”
In anticipation of this sad day many former Exodus member organizations broke away months ago and formed a new organization, the Restored Hope Network. RHN will carry on the important work of the church in helping homosexuals to recover from same-sex attraction disorder. I applaud the courage of these men and women to remain true to Scripture in the face of intense hostility and persecution from the “gay” movement and its many powerful allies. Their ministry will not be made any easier by the triumphal gloating and attacks of their now greatly emboldened detractors.

It was this same relentless grinding hostility that undoubtedly contributed to the fall of Alan Chambers (few can bear it for long, just ask the Boy Scouts), but in addition to this “stick” there was also a “carrot” that led him astray: an insidious form of “gay” theology that misrepresents God’s grace as a license to sin, or at least a license to embrace a personal identity defined by a desire to indulge in homosexual sin.

Don’t get me wrong. I am a pastor whose theology is deeply rooted in the truth of grace, and I don’t believe that homosexual sin is any greater barrier to salvation than any other sin. It’s one thing, however, to acknowledge that some heaven-bound Christians may struggle with homosexual desires and even conduct, but an entirely different matter to condone and affirm a homosexual “orientation” as if God intended it to be one’s basis for self-identification. The former is solidly Biblical, the latter is dangerous heresy. God did not create people to have no choice in a behavior He condemns as an abomination, and He wants us never to identify with our sin nature but to strive always to overcome it. These are fundamental tenets of Scripture.

The world today mocks the notion that homosexuals can change, but what is truly ridiculous, even by secular standards of logic, is the insistence that a person cannot reorient their sexual nature to comport with their heterosexual physiology. Normalcy is, after all, that with conforms to its design, and all of us, even “homosexuals,” have a heterosexual design. That fact is simply self-evident to anyone with a rational mind. Yet Christians, among whom Alan Chambers still counts himself, are required to hold to an even higher standard of truth: God’s Word. Under that standard, the self-evident truth just mentioned is also the perspective of our Omniscient, Omnipotent Creator God: “Such were some of you.” And, of course, there are many ex-”gays” who know the truth of that verse living among us in victory over their former disorientation, just as there were in the early church.

For many years Exodus International was an organization true to the Bible, adopting as its theme the Hebrew exodus from bondage in Egypt to freedom in the wilderness. In that story the hero is Moses who stayed true to God while the people often grumbled and wanted to go back to Egypt where life in slavery seemed less difficult than their struggles under freedom. Ironically, in the Exodus International story, it is Moses Alan Chambers who has turned back to Egypt, while the people he once led keep pressing on toward the Promised Land. I pray these strugglers will not be overly discouraged by Alan’s failure. After all, here, just as in the Bible story, the true leader wasn’t really Moses, it was and is God. And He never fails.

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Satan Wins Back the Scouts

Many pundits are weighing in on the decision by the Boy Scouts of America to allow open homosexuality into the organization.  I, for one, am not surprised.  The very fact that the leadership organized a vote on the question instead of simply standing firm on its existing policy, which was backed by a large majority of scouting parents and a US Supreme Court victory no less, told me all I needed to know. The amoral fat cats now running this once venerable organization wanted the change to preserve their “gay“-controlled corporate donor base but wanted the blame to fall on others.

If anyone really believes this already destructive capitulation by the BSA will remain limited to the boys and not extend to the leaders, or that the homo-fascists are going to be placated by this half-measure, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you.  I say we should take the whole organization down as quickly as possible to make room for a replacement that will protect and serve the boys and not the perverts.  Here is my contribution to that effort: a little historical context to show the danger America’s youth are now facing in a homosexualized scouting movement.  As the saying goes, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat its tragedies.

It is not generally known, but the youth hiking and camping movement we know today in America as the Boy Scouts, has its roots in pederasty.  Pederasty, also known as Man/Boy Sex, is the overlapping common core of the now open male homosexual and still hidden male pedophile communities.  It involves primarily sexual relationships between adult men of any age and boys roughly from age 7 to 17.  It is the most common form of homosexual relationship in history and the means by which a great many young men are recruited into a life-long homosexual identity.

There are no doubt many hidden and very cautious pederasts already lurking in the Boy Scout leadership who are now salivating over the prospect of having in their care self-declared “gay” boys whom they can approach sexually with far less fear of exposure.  “Gay” boys who can also help to recruit their peers into intergenerational “gay” relationships.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that pederasts naturally gravitate to all-male societies. Consider the Roman Catholic priesthood.  Look at their list of victims and you will see that the priesthood scandal was not about pedophilia, but pederasty, a form of homosexuality.  The Boy Scouts of America is no different, except now the organization itself will do most of the work of recruiting the victims, and is also likely to try and cover up all evidence of the problem so as not to admit their policy change was to blame. (The latter phenomenon seems to be occurring in our military, vis a vis male-on-male rapes, since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.)  But there’s nothing new under the sun.  The world has seen open homosexuality in scouting before, as well as its consequences.

Like so many evils in our modern world, the homosexual roots of scouting go back to Germany, where a pair of pederasts, Karl Fischer and Wilhelm Jansen, and homosexual youth leader Hans Blueher turned a small newly-formed hiking club of adolescent boys into a nation-wide scouting organization called the Wandervogel (Wandering Birds).

In Nationalism and Sexuality: Respectability and Abnormal Sexuality in Modern Europe, German historian George L. Mosse writes that in Germany “ideas of homosexuality as the basis of a better society can be found at the turn of the century within the German Youth Movement” (Mosse:87), and pederast Parker Rossman in Sexual Experience Between Men and Boys, details an

“effort to revive the Greek ideal of pedagogic pederasty, in the movement of Wandering Youth [Wandervoegel]. Modern gay-homosexuality also can trace some of its roots to that movement of men and boys who wandered around the countryside, hiking and singing hand-in-hand, enjoying nature, life together, and their sexuality. Ultimately Hitler used and transformed the movement — much as the Romans had abused the paiderastia of the ancient Greeks — expanding and building upon its romanticism as a basis for the Nazi Party” (Rossman:103).

Another homosexualist, Richard Mills, explains in Gay Roots: Twenty Years of Gay Sunshine how the Wandervoegel movement was

“started in 1890 by a fifteen-year-old student named Hermann Hoffman. For several years the open-air lifestyle of these boys grew increasingly popular. They developed their own form of greeting, the “Heil” salute, and “much of the vocabulary…[which] was later appropriated by the Nazis” (Mills:168).

It was the pederast Karl Fischer who invented the Wandervogel name in 1901.  He was a teacher who styled himself as the main leader of the group, giving himself the title der Fuehrer (Mills:153).   Hans Blueher, then just seventeen years old, organized the most ambitious Wandervoegel excursion to that date in 1905. It was on this trip that Blueher met Wilhelm Jansen. At this time the Wandervoegel numbered fewer than one hundred young men, but eventually the number of youths involved in Wandervoegel-type groups in Europe reached 60,000.

Wilhelm Jansen became an influential leader in the Wandervoegel, but rumors of his homosexuality disturbed German society. In 1911, Jansen addressed the issue in a circular to Wandervoegel parents. Jansen told them, “As long as they conduct themselves properly with your sons, you will have to accustom yourselves to the presence of so-called homosexuals in your ranks” (Mills:167). Hans Blueher further substantiated the fact that the movement had become a vehicle for homosexual recruitment of boys with his publication of The German Wandervoegel Movement as an Erotic Phenomenon in 1914 Mills writes,

“[T]he Wandervoegel offered youth the chance to escape bourgeois German society by retreating back to nature…But how was this accomplished? What made it possible for the lifestyle created within the Wandervoegel to differ significantly from its bourgeois parent? The answer is simple: the Wandervoegel was founded upon homosexual, as opposed to heterosexual sentiments …In order to understand the success of the movement, one must acknowledge the homosexual component of its leaders…Just as the leaders were attracted to the boys, so were the boys attracted to their leaders. In both cases the attraction was sexually based” (Mills 152-53).

Though largely neglected by historians, Hans Blueher was enormously important to Nazi culture. In Germany’s National Vice, German Jewish writer Samuel Igra reports that in the Third Reich “Blueher…[was] adopted by the Nazis as an apostle of social reform. And one of his disciples, Professor Alfred Bauemler…[became] Director of the Political Institute at the University of Berlin” (Igra:75). Writing before the collapse of the Third Reich, he adds that “[Blueher’s teaching] has been systematically inculcated by the Nazi Press, especially Himmler’s official organ, Das Schwarze Korps, and has been adopted in practice as the basis of German social organization. The Nazi élite are being brought up in segregated male communities called Ordensburgen. These are to replace the family as the groundwork on which the state is to rest” (Igra:87).

Who today in America are the “Apostles of Social Reform?”  Aren’t they the very militants and agitators who just have forced the BSA leadership to cry “Uncle?”  Aren’t their tactics of bullying and suppression of dissent the very epitome of the Nazi Brownshirts?  Now that they have gained power over the Boy Scouts (as indeed they have) do we expect them to do anything but inculcate their values into these young men, the cream of America’s future leaders?

Sitting here contemplating the ultimate effects of the Boy Scouts decision I can’t help but recall the “satirical” essay by “Michael Swift: Gay Revolutionary” that was published in Gay Community News, Feb. 15-21, 1987 and subsequently entered into The Congressional Record.  Although this article claims to be satirical, history has proven it to be a true and chilling picture of the “gay” mind and goals.  “Michael Swift” is the Apostle of Social Reform whose vision is coming true before our eyes.  His full essay follows this article.

“We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding…We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.”

I recite this portion of the Swift essay in honor of my friend Sonny Weaver, long dead from AIDS, but who, after accepting Christ and renouncing homosexuality, lived with my family in our home for the last year of his life as we cared for him.  Sonny had been sodomized at the age of seven in the Men’s Room of the YMCA, and spent the rest of his life reeling from the trauma.  The man who did it was just another Jerry Sandusky, a pederast in the model of Michael Swift’s hero, who buggered little boys in the shadows for years and years before getting caught, if he ever did get caught.  Maybe he’s still out there, a Boy Scout leader perhaps.  I recite it for all the boys and young men who were victimized by the pederasts posing as Catholic Priests, and the thousands of young men being raped in our new homosexualized military.  And for all the boys and young men who will be victimized by predatory pederastic “gays” in our new homosexualized Boy Scouts of America.

Eighteen years after the German scouting movement began, Lord Baden Powell formed the English organization in 1908 that our Boy Scouts is based upon.  Powell is often accused by “gays” of having been a homosexual himself, but their evidence is very flimsy and I don’t believe they are correct.  In fact, I think Lord Powell was successful only because he built his organization on Biblical values.  It is only these values that have protected the Boy Scouts of America from following the example of the Wandervogel and from control by people like “Michael Swift.”  And frankly, it is only the very public restoration of those values that have allowed the Catholic Church to begin to restore confidence in its priests.

Sadly, the Boy Scouts of America has gone the opposite direction and officially voted to abandon Biblical values and must now begin to experience the consequences of its cowardice and stupidity.  One consequence should be the complete and immediate withdrawal of all support by all of us who still hold to those values.



Part of this article is excerpted and adapted from The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams

Michael Swift: “Gay Revolutionary”

This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too, and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand the depth and feeling, the mind and body of another man.

All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men.

All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy.

If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies.

We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold athletes which will be placed in your parks, your squares, your plazas. The museums of the world will be filled only with paintings of graceful, naked lads.

Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the devices of wit and ridicule, devices which we are skilled in employing.

We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators,your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when you speak of homosexuals because we are always among you; we may be sitting across the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same bed with you.

There will be no compromises. We are not middle-class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less. Those who oppose us will be exiled.

We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.

The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence–will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.

All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated. Since we are alienated from middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free to live our lives according to the dictates of the pure imagination. For us too much is not enough.

The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society of homoeroticism will be indulgence in the Greek passion. Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men.

“We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility, true beauty in a man.

“We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution.

Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.

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