Obama Retaliates Against Africans for U.N. Rebuke

On June 11th, the Continent of Africa delivered a stunning rebuke to President Barack Obama and his “Gay”-puffing U.S. State Department by forcing the election of Ugandan Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa as President of the United Nations General Assembly.   “The U.N. General Assembly’s Africa Group nominated the Ugandan foreign minister to serve as president in May of last year,” lamented the LGBT Advocate magazine, “It was the Africa Group’s turn to have the presidency, and no other nominees were considered” (emphasis mine).  http://www.advocate.com/world/2014/06/11/ugandas-antigay-foreign-minister-appointed-un-general-assembly-president

In other words, a united Africa chose an unashamed defender of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Law to represent its values and vision during the U.N.’s 69th presidential term.  Kutesa has stated quite reasonably that promotion and legitimization of homosexuality “is wrong for our young people and it offends our culture.”

Just one week later, following Obama’s Fathers Day weekend in Palm Springs with Sodomite Ambassador to Spain James Costos and his partner Michael Smith (the White House decorator),

http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2014/06/obamas-staying-with-gay-couple-in-california-2629506.html ,the State Department struck back.

“The Obama administration on Thursday [June 19th] announced it will ban Ugandan officials responsible for anti-LGBT human rights abuses from entering the U.S.” exulted The Washington Blade. “National Security Council spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said in a statement the State Department is ‘taking measures’ to prevent Ugandan officials ‘involved in serious human rights abuses’ against LGBT people and others from entering the U.S. The White House will also seek travel bans against Ugandans who are ‘found responsible for significant public corruption’ http://www.washingtonblade.com/2014/06/19/u-s-ban-uganda-officials-lgbt-rights-abuses/#sthash.gS09iJO7.dpuf

With the latter clause, Obama has tipped his hand as to how he will dispense with Mr. Kutesa in due time.  Note this tidbit from the Advocate article: “As The Advocate reported on Tuesday, Kutesa’s election as General Assembly president comes with lingering corruption charges, some dating back decades and some very recent.”  Look for State to publicly shame and discredit Kutesa on ginned-up corruption charges if he gets too vocal against the global LGBT agenda.

This tactic is, of course, standard operating procedure for “gay” activists in power.  They typically accuse their target of both “homophobia” (i.e. disapproval of homosexuality) and one or more genuine moral failings such as financial corruption or racism.  We saw this most recently in the attacks on Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson.  Though his “scandal” was opposing “gay marriage,” the LGBT-controlled media added a phony accusation of racism against Robertson which they began to emphasize in later news coverage after the public rallied to his defense on the “homophobia” charge.   http://ideas.time.com/2013/12/20/why-its-ok-to-ignore-phil-robertsons-racism/

While I believe the Ugandan law as written is overly harsh, I have stressed to journalists around the globe that it is typical of African law, which emphasizes deterrence in the letter but is usually lenient in the application.  These mostly leftist news outlets have, of course, omitted that observation as not in keeping with their goal of marginalizing Uganda as a “pariah” nation intent on exterminating homosexuals (a thoroughly false charge).  They have also failed to report that the “human rights abuses” cited by the U.S. State Department have been adjudicated by Uganda courts, mostly in favor of the victims.

This matter is of special interest to me, as the American pastor being sued by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) for “Crimes Against Humanity” for preaching against homosexuality in Uganda, though I have never advocated hatred or violence against homosexuals or supported the Anti-Homosexuality Law as written.   http://www.scottlively.net/2012/06/28/my-analysis-of-the-smug-lawsuit/

Still, it is encouraging to see the Africans standing up to the United States and it’s “Babylonian” State Department, which, at least in regards to sexual morality and the LGBT agenda has truly become “The Great Satan” of the world.  Following a “Gay Pride” celebration in 2011 at the US Embassy in Islamibad, the Pakistani government condemned US activism as “cultural terrorism.”   http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pakistanis-denounce-us-embassys-gay-rights-party-as-cultural-terrorism?utm_source=LifeSiteNews.com+Daily+Newsletter&utm_campaign=a00105a671-LifeSiteNews_com_US_Headlines07_26_2011&utm_medium=email

To be fair, State has been under the control of the LGBT movement since before President Obama took office.  I was in Riga, Latvia in 2006 and 2007 to help the Latvian pro-family movement resist EU pressure to allow a “Gay Pride Parade.”  We succeeded in 2006, but then in 2007 we failed after the LGBT organizing efforts were joined by LGBT activists at the U.S. Embassy under Ambassador Catherine Todd Bailey of the Bush Administration.  The late Pastor Ken “Hutch” Hutcherson and I confronted diplomatic staff about the matter at the Embassy in Riga, but were unsuccessful at stopping the parade.

However, “Gay” power at State had grown by a magnitude of 10 under Obama.  Openly homosexual Ambassadors are now being posted around the world http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/02/senate-approves-openly-gay-ambassadors_n_3697310.html  And in December of 2011, the Obama Administration declared the advancement of the homosexual agenda a priority of the United States government around the world http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/12/06/presidential-memorandum-international-initiatives-advance-human-rights-l. Among other things all US agencies abroad were directed to “combat the criminalization by foreign governments of LGBT status or conduct [i.e. sodomy laws] and to expand efforts to combat discrimination, homophobia, and intolerance on the basis of LGBT status or conduct” [i.e Biblical pro-family views], including funding of the “gay” agenda by “Agencies involved with foreign aid, assistance, and development.”  See also http://massresistance.org/docs/gen2/12a/obama_memo_120611/

Here’s another recent example http://lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com/2014/06/us-and-european-diplomats-join-gay.html

Under Obama, the United States government has devoted its enormous influence and resources to the advancement of the LGBT “cause” around the world.  Yet, the poorest and most politically dependent nations of the world, the countries of Africa, have courageously shown that they will not compromise the fundamental values of Christian civilization.  The Africans unanimously rebuked President Obama and that is a hopeful sign for the vast majority of the world’s population who hold family values as legitimate human rights and homosexuality as a social and behavioral wrong.

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A Very Tolerant Death Threat

Received in my voicemail:

“Denounce the Uganda Nazi bill or I will hang you and burn you alive, you disgusting Nazi maggot.  You’re a Nazi.  You’re not a human.  You’re a parasitic maggot and if you don’t get the f*** out of this country you will die.”

Here it is in MP3 threattoscott

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Wickedness's PhotoPRESS RELEASE
For Immediate Release
Contact: Dr. Scott Lively, 413-250-0984

“Gays” Smear Pastor Lively and AFA with Horrific Murder Hoax

Springfield, MA.  Pastor Scott Lively of Abiding Truth Ministries and the leaders of American Family Association (AFA) are today demanding a retraction and apology from a Traverse City,  Michigan homosexual activist group called TC Equality which has published a horrific photograph on the Internet of an African man being burned to death while a crowd of people including young children look on.  TC Equality stated that this photograph depicts the beating, stoning and murder of a Ugandan homosexual man “for being gay” and placed the blame for this murder upon Lively and AFA for “promoting violence against gay and lesbian people around the world.”  This photo and message was apparently circulated by email and posted on Facebook, with an urgent plea to “Please share this alarming picture so the world can know.”

However, the gruesome picture was actually taken in the Kibera slums of Kenya and the man in question was an accused mugger and thief killed by a vigilante mob stirred up by his victims.  It had nothing to do with homosexuality, Pastor Lively or AFA.  Furthermore, the allegation that Pastor Lively and AFA have promoted violence against homosexuals is an absolute fabrication without a shred of truth behind it.    http://kevinaloo.wordpress.com/2013/05/23/crime-in-kibera/

crime in kibera

“This is the most disgusting piece of libel by the LGBT community that I have ever seen, and I‘ve seen a lot of it” said Lively, who was at one time the California director of AFA.  “It is as evil and Satanic as the murder that it misrepresents.   What kind of sick minds exploit such a horrific tragedy to implicate innocent people just because they oppose their political agenda?”

Sadly, this in not the first time that the LGBT community has defamed Pastor  Lively by accusing him of inciting murder.  In early 2011, Ugandan “gay” activist David Kato was beaten to death with a hammer in Kampala by his “gay” lover, Enoch Syudney Nsubuga.  However, the global “gay” activist network portrayed the Kato murder as a “homophobic hate crime” inspired by Pastor Lively’s preaching against homosexuality there in 2009.  They continued to perpetuate this hateful myth even after Nsubuga, a male prostitute whom Kato had bailed out of jail to be his live-in lover, confessed to the crime and was sentenced to thirty years in prison for it.  Kato Murderer Captured

Kato Murderer Captured

Enoch Sydney Nsubuga

Enoch Sydney Nsubuga








So intent have the “gays” been  in smearing Lively with false charges that they filed a federal lawsuit against him in 2012 for “Crimes Against Humanity” based almost entirely on the Kato incident —  omitting the truth about Nsubuga even to the federal judge!!   And on the day of filing the action, a group of them marched to Pastor Lively’s church in a “funeral procession” carrying a giant black cardboard coffin bearing a large photo of David Kato.

Kato 5

On its website, TC Equality repeats a common refrain among the “gays” that Pastor Lively promoted the death penalty for homosexuals in the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Law (which was recently passed without that draconian penalty).  Again, these are false charges, completely without proof and contradicted by Pastor Lively’s consistent public opposition to that proposed bill and complaint that the Ugandans ignored his advice to focus on prevention and therapy of homosexuality in their laws.    http://tcequality.com/

Read Pastor Lively’s Letter to the Ugandan Parliament about the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Law and their Reply here: http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/newsarchives.php?id=3261726

Ironically, Pastor Lively lives a life that would likely be lauded by the political left if he were not an opponent of the “gay” agenda.  His inner-city mission church serves many of the most disadvantaged people of Springfield Massachusetts and his congregation may be the most racially diverse and harmonious in the city.  He describes the church as a “welcoming and transforming” congregation in which everyone, including homosexuals, are welcome to attend, and he once took in a formerly homosexual man into his home where he and his wife and four children nursed him though the final year of his struggle with AIDS.

“I care deeply for those who are afflicted with a homosexual disorder,” said Lively, “even those who hate and revile me.  Hollywood and the popular culture paint these sexual anarchists as enlightened and benevolent pillars of society but the Bible warns in Romans 1:29 that they are in fact malicious deceivers.   I know from personal experience that this is true.  However, I am instructed by my Lord to love even those who spitefully abuse me with abhorrent lies.  Jesus said they would hate me because they first hated Him.  I do my best to love them by telling them the truth, even as they bear false witness against me.”

The LGBT character assassination of Pastor Lively began almost a quarter century ago when he first received his ministry to defend Biblical family values in society.  While serving as the Communications Director of Oregon Citizens alliance (a Christian political group) during an anti-homosexuality ballot measure campaign in 1991-1992, the “gays” painted OCA as “Nazis” bent on exterminating homosexuals.  At the height of Ballot Measure 9 a lesbian journalist who had been gently but firmly expelled by Lively from a private campaign meeting sued him and OCA for “battery,” falsely claiming she had been assaulted in the process.  Although the police and DA saw through her false accusations and refused to bring criminal charges, she then brought and won a civil lawsuit, which the politically corrupt local court system assigned to a special pro-tem “judge” who was actually a corporate lawyer for NIKE, a major opponent of Ballot Measure 9.

Rather than abandoning the work to which the Lord had assigned him, Pastor Lively then wrote his first book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (with Orthodox Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams).  The Pink Swastika successfully challenged the then -national effort by the LGBT movement to fabricate a “Gay Holocaust” under the Nazis, built in part on “gay” propaganda efforts during Measure 9.  In response to their anti-revisionist scholarship, Lively and Abrams have ever since been misrepresented by the LBGT activists and their media allies as “Holocaust Revisionists,” and Lively was added to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of “hate” groups.

In consequence of the lesbian lawsuit, Pastor Lively went to law school in 1995 where he earned a degree of Juris Doctor of Law, Magna Cum Laude, and established Abiding Truth Ministries, and its subsidiary Defend the Family International, to teach Christians around the world how to effectively oppose the “gay” agenda.  LGBT efforts to discredit him have escalated over the years in proportion to his influence, culminating in their current hysterical efforts to paint Pastor Lively as a Hitlerian-style monster orchestrating a global campaign of murder and “Crimes Against Humanity.”

“It’s really astonishing to see the lengths these radicals have gone,” said Lively. “I’m just a sinner saved by grace, delivered out of bondage to drugs and alcohol addiction in 1986 and given a simple truth-telling ministry.  ATM is my one-man, part-time ministry in a  tiny 10’ x 12’ office in my home, doing nothing but expose the true history and political agenda of the LGBT movement in an attitude of ’tough love.’  The thing that sets me apart, I guess, is that I don’t compromise my Biblical world view and I refuse to be intimidated by the “gay” bullies.  For that, I’ve become the new Hitler in their propaganda.  It is surreal.  But as the Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 1:27 “God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.”


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Russian Retaliation Apparently Links LGBT Agenda to Ukraine Dispute


This article in the Daily Beast (which we have linked as our lead story at Defend the Family) “Putin Imposes Secret Sanctions on Pro-Gay Obama Campaign Donors”  notes that “a focus was put on those with ties to the gay and lesbian community; it’s a reflection of the ongoing fight between the Kremlin and the White House over Russia’s laws punishing the promotion of LGBT ‘propaganda.'”


After pointing out that the US 2nd round of sanctions curiously bore no relation to Ukraine, Russia’s own list emphasized pro-homosexual associates of President Obama.  Since the Russians believe the sanctions should bear a relation to the Ukraine, it appears that their list connects the dispute over the homosexual agenda with the Ukrainian stand-off.

I personally think Obama’s motives and timing in the Ukrainian coup (and subsequent push for war) are influenced at least in part by Putin’s unequivocal stand against homosexual perversion.

In my Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin  http://www.scottlively.net/2013/08/30/an-open-letter-to-president-vladimir-putin/ I wrote

“As a long-time leader in the pro-family movement who toured your country in 2006 and 2007 advocating the very policy you have enacted, I want to caution you not to assume that you have fully solved the problem by the enactment of this law. The battle to protect your society from homosexualization has only just begun, and you may be surprised to discover in the coming months and years just how aggressively many world leaders will work to try to intimidate and coerce you to capitulate to homosexualist demands.

Few political agendas in the history of mankind have marshaled the tenacity and resolve of the homosexualist movement. Its activists are driven by an implacable militancy and a zeal to advance their own self-serving interests that rivals even the most fanatical religious cults. A glimpse at the spirit behind the movement can be seen in the Bible in Genesis 19:4-11.

In just fifty years this marginal group representing only about 2% of the population has, through sheer will-power and intimidation, gained more political influence in the legislatures and courtrooms of the western world than the Christian church. The sexual conduct that defines their identity as individuals and as a movement was almost universally illegal and unlawful during the years our two nations were allied against the threat of Nazism, but just a little more than half a century later homosexualist leaders and surrogates sit in a majority of the seats of power across the west, and increasing in the east and in developing nations as well.

In readying your society to recognize and counter the efforts of the militant gay movement it is important to understand that their propaganda and policies adhere invariably to the narrative that all disapproval of homosexuality leads inevitably to hatred, violence and murder of homosexuals. All of the pro-homosexual policies in the United States and Europe rest on this unstated and unchallenged but fictional premise. Thus, the homosexualist movement is not simply seeking social tolerance, or acceptance, but political power and control. They want the power to stamp out all disapproval of homosexuality in your society and to compel every citizen (especially the youth) to embrace the view that homosexual conduct is good and normal.

They ask for a place at the table, but once they have one all the social ideals they exploited to get there, such as social tolerance, freedom of speech, and respect for cultural diversity, are discarded.  In place of those ideals is inserted a new backwards and upside-down morality and world-view that condemns all disapproval of homosexuality as a new fictionalized form of bigotry. I have termed this phenomenon “Homo-fascism” and defined it as a form of extreme left-wing, regressive radicalism which seeks to establish rigid authoritarian controls over all public discourse and government policies regarding sexual norms and proprieties, and to enact punitive measures against conscientious objectors that would punish or suppress all disapproval of homosexuality and related sexual behaviors (that would of course even though they deny it, quickly include a sexual indoctrination and exploitation of children).

In the coming months and years Russia and Her people will be increasingly portrayed by emotion laden and abusive hyperbole as bigoted haters, intent on exterminating homosexuals. Indeed, the propaganda campaign on that theme has already been initiated , with video footage purporting to show Russian neo-Nazis beating homosexuals now being circulated on the Internet, along with the false implication that this is the intent of your policy.”

When the US and EU sponsored Ukraine coup occurred, following the Ukrainian government’s refusal to move closer to the EU, I pointed out that a significant factor for the Ukrainians was probably the LGBT agenda of the EU vs the pro-family agenda of the Russian Federation. 

I think today’s story provides a slight boost to my hypothesis.

I caution US conservatives not to fall into line with Obama against the Russians.  There is far more to this crisis than the war-propaganda and spin of the western media (including some conservative outlets) would have us believe.  I for one will not take sides with the New World Order crowd against the only world power that is standing up to the LGBT agenda and embracing Biblical values on family issues.  At least not over a geo-political crisis in which (IMHO) the Russians are clearly in the right.


Dr. Scott Lively

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Pink Brick Award

Tonight I was informed by a writer at the Bay Area Reporter that I have been “awarded” the Pink Brick Award by the San Francisco LGBT Pride organization.

From their website: “The Pink Brick is a symbol of the first brick hurled at the Stonewall Riots in 1969.  This faux award is an opportunity to highlight an individual or organization that has done significant harm to the LGBT community. It is also an opportunity to educate the community and the Pink Brick recipient about relevant issues.”  http://www.sfpride.org/pink-brick/

Here is his email and my response:


As I said on the phone, you’ve been chosen to receive the Pink Brick award from the San Francisco LGBT Pride organization.

Each year, this award goes to someone who’s hurt the LGBT community.

Here are the questions I have for you for my story:
What’s your reaction to receiving this award?
Will you come to San Francisco to pick it up in person?
What’s your age? What’s your city/state of residence?

If you could email me today, that would be ideal. My final deadline is tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4 Pacific time.

Thanks, Seth
Seth Hemmelgarn
Bay Area Reporter
Office: 415-359-2627
Fax: 415-861-8144

Here is my response:

The pink brick, symbolic of the bricks thrown by militant “gays” at police during the Stonewall riots, perfectly captures the irony of bullies posing as victims.  I’ve actually already received this award in real life.  A pink paving stone scrawled with the threat “SHUT DOWN LIVELY” was thrown through the church windows of Christian Liberty Academy the morning I was to give a speech on “gay” bullying there in 2011.  It was wrapped in a note threatening further violence.  The worst bullies in America today are LGBT activists and I will not stop telling that truth no matter how many bricks you throw at me.  I dare you to publish this comment and accompanying pictures.


CLA-Attack-Brick-Paver-Shut-Down-Lively CLA-Hate-Note-Threat-2011-300x225 CLA-Attack-Broken_Window_11-300x225

For more on this incident see Peter LaBarbera’s write-up on it.  The event in question was a banquet sponsored by his organization, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.  http://americansfortruth.com/2011/10/15/breaking-brick-throwing-vandals-attack-aftah-banquet-host-christian-liberty-academy/

FYI, here is a bit of text from The Pink Swastika referencing the Stonewall Riot and its pedophile connection:

Although many contemporary homosexual activists, especially lesbians, attempt to distance themselves from their pederastic comrades, the fact remains that pederasts (as was true in Germany) have always been at the forefront of the [LGBT] movement, albeit often “in the closet.” And the “right” of adults to have sex with children has always been a basic goal of the movement. In February of 1972, for example, a national coalition of homosexual groups met in Chicago to draw up a list of priorities for the movement.  Prominent on the list was the demand for “a repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent” (Rueda:201ff).

The organizations dedicated specifically to “pedophile rights” or “pederast-rights” in the United States are made up of homosexual men (Rueda:173ff), and in major cities with an active homosexual community “gay” bookstores carry  numerous titles which endorse man/boy sex (Grant, 1993:22). Tom Reeves, a self-admitted pederast who was part of the early “gay rights” movement, is one of a number of writers in an anthology called Varieties of Man/Boy Love. He explains the role of pederasts in homosexualist activism:

“Almost every one of the early openly homosexual writers was a pederast. Pederasty was a constant theme of early gay literature, art, and pornography. The Stonewall riots were precipitated by an incident involving an underage drag queen, yet that detail was not viewed as significant.  Curtis Price, a fourteen-year-old, self-described “radical hustler,” formed the first gay liberation organization in Baltimore. Many of the leaders of early gay liberation and the founders of the major gay groups in the U.S. were boy-lovers” (Reeves in Pascal:47).

Another of the early leaders of the “gay rights” movement was David Thorstad, also a self-identified pederast.  Thorstad was president of the Gay Activist Alliance (Stop Promoting Homosexuality Hawaii Newsletter, November, 1994:6), one of the largest of the groups which formed in New York in the wake of the Stonewall riot. The GAA invented “the strategy of ‘zapping’ politicians,” writes Marotta, “that would later become [its] trademark…[they] had learned that homosexuals could infiltrate political gatherings and make themselves heard through sheer brashness” (Marotta:137).  The GAA also developed the strategy of using these “carefully staged confrontations” to force politicians to enact “anti-discrimination” policies (ibid.:150). The GAA reorganized early in 1974 as the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (Adam:88).

Thorstad, along with Reeves and others, later went on to form the North American Man/Boy Love Association in Boston in 1978 (NAMBLA Bulletin, September, 1992:2). NAMBLA, which is the largest “pederast rights” organization in the country, cloaks its agenda in rhetoric about concern for the rights of children to have “sexual freedom.” (Pascal:49). In recent years NAMBLA has come under attack by some elements of the “gay rights” alliance, who have tried to exclude the group from some of the higher profile media events. But this has evoked a violent response from its defenders. When NAMBLA was denied a role in the 1986 Los Angeles “Gay Pride Parade,” marcher Harry Hay [“Father” of the American “gay rights” movement] donned a sweatshirt printed with the legend, “NAMBLA Walks With Me.” Timmons writes that Hay, “could not contain his outrage” that NAMBLA was excluded (Timmons:296). More recently, as reported in the NAMBLA Bulletin, Hay was a featured speaker at NAMBLA’s annual membership conference, June 24-25, 1994:

“[He] gave an inspiring talk about reclaiming for the 1990’s the spirit of homoerotic sharing and love from various ancient Greek traditions of pederasty. A remarkably balanced and sensitive account of the conference appeared in the August 23 Advocate from a writer who was invited to attend” (NAMBLA Bulletin, September, 1994:3).

From The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, 4th edition, p. 321-23  http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/books/pinkswastika/html/the_pinkswastika_4th_edition_-_final.htm

Here’s some more about the Stonewall Riot from page 309-310:

The Stonewall Riot and “Gay” Militancy

“Two, four, six, eight — Smash the family, smash the state” (Popular slogan of 1970s “gay” activists –Oosterhuis and Steakley:2)

By 1969, the development of a growing homosexual subculture in America had spawned an open homosexual presence in major cities. So-called “gay bars” sprang up in Los Angeles and New York, hosting a bizarre mix of “street queens,” drug addicts and boy prostitutes (Marotta:71). In New York, homosexuals regularly engaged in public sex acts with anonymous partners “in the backs of trucks parked near the West Village piers” (ibid.:93) and in the public restrooms. Homosexual activity occurred so frequently in the bushes of one public park that the authorities were forced to cut down the trees to stop it (Adam:85). In response to police efforts to discourage this increasingly offensive behavior, homosexuals began to organize to demand the “right” to public deviancy.  Emboldened by their numbers, they began picketing businesses such as Macy’s Department Store, which had cracked down on homosexual behavior in their restrooms (ibid.:85).

On the evening of June 27, 1969 the “gay rights” movement officially adopted terrorism as a means to achieve power when a surly mob of “drag queens, dykes, street people, and bar boys” physically attacked police officers conducting a “raid” on the Stonewall Bar on Christopher Street in New York. Stonewall was “one of the best known of the Mafia controlled bars” (Marotta:75), and was being closed for selling alcohol without a license. It was also a haven for sexual deviants. As police began to take some bar patrons in for questioning, a mob of homosexuals gathered across the street.

Homosexualist Toby Marotta’s The Politics of Homosexuality includes an eyewitness report by a writer for the Village Voice:

“[A]lmost by signal the crowd erupted into cobblestone and bottle heaving…The trashcan I was standing on was nearly yanked out from under me as a kid tried to grab it for use in the windowsmashing melee. From nowhere came an uprooted parking meter—used as a battering ram on the Stonewall door. I heard several cries of “Let’s get some gas,” but the blaze of flame which soon appeared in the window of the Stonewall [where the police officers were trapped] was still a shock” (ibid.:72).

By morning, the Stonewall bar was a burned-out wreck, and homosexual leaders had declared the violence a success.  Interestingly, the anniversary of this event is known today as “Gay Pride Day” and features parades and other events most notable for their public sex and nudity (ibid.:158). It is ironic that the very activists who emerged from this new militant environment developed (in 1970) the strategy of claiming victim status through the use of the pink triangle and commemoration of the homosexuals who were persecuted by the Nazis (Adam:86).

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Pink is the New Brown: Mozilla Homo-fascism and The Pink Swastika

I once asked a journalist who was doing a story about my listing as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center to ask SPLC what I would take for them to de-list me.  SPLC replied to him that I would have to recant my book, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (co-authored with Orthodox Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams).  I will never recant The Pink Swastika because it is the truth, so I guess I’m a SPLC “lifer.”

The SPLC knows that the most dangerous aspect of my 25-year Christian ministry to stop the LGBT political agenda is the truth contained in the pages of this book.  That militant agenda rests on a foundation of sand: ie. the premise that homosexuals are victims of society who can only escape persecution and eventual extermination by expunging all disapproval of their sexual perversion from public life.  The bottom-most layer of that foundation is the claim that homosexuals were victims of the Nazi Holocaust.

In 1995 Kevin and I published the 1st Edition of The Pink Swastika to counter historical revisionism by the homosexual political movement which had been attempting since the 1970s to fabricate a “Gay Holocaust” equivalent to that suffered by the Jews in Nazi Germany.  In those days the primary symbol of the homosexual movement was the inverted pink triangle, which designated homosexuals in Nazi work camps.

Some homosexual political factions in existence in the early 90s still use the pink triangle on a limited basis, but publication of The Pink Swastika succeeded in stopping that movement-wide campaign, indirectly forcing the “gays” to abandon the pink triangle as the primary symbol of their movement. (They switched to the rainbow.)  “They didn’t dare to continue using the pink triangle as their primary symbol, because it would have drawn attention to the damning truth we had published in The Pink Swastika.”

Yes, some effeminate homosexual men aligned with the German Communist Party were in fact persecuted by the masculine/macho homosexual men of the fascist Nazi Party, but it was a relatively small number and they were never targeted for extermination like the Jews. The far bigger story is the widespread homosexuality among the perpetrators.

Solely for making this assertion, and proving it with 400 pages of documentation on the centrality of homosexuality to the Nazi movement, the SPLC has also labeled me a “Holocaust Revisionist,” a nasty lie which is close to the top of the list of “100 Reasons to Hate Scott Lively” that is today posted on the refrigerators of every leftist  journalist and political activist on the planet (a slight exaggeration, perhaps).

On the contrary, the cover-up of the homosexual roots of Nazism is one of, if not the greatest feat of historical revisionism the world has ever seen.  The sheer volume of documentation that has been suppressed to protect the homosexual movement from its own past is staggering.

Kevin and I are now working on the 5th Edition of The Pink Swastika, a slow process, because, believe it or not, there is still such an enormous volume of additional material that our researchers have uncovered.  I am methodically working (in my spare time) through a 3-foot stack of photocopied pages from at least 200 new sources.  The 5th Edition may be over 500 pages long by the time we get finished with it.

Importantly, and alarmingly, the claims of The Pink Swastika which link homosexuality with fascism are also being proven by the emergence of a form of homo-fascism in our own society.  The forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich is the latest example, but there are many in recent years.  “Gay” bullies have become the new Brownshirts (just as they were the original Brownshirts).

Mark my words, these Pinkshirts will eventually grow as violent as the Brownshirts were.  We got a taste of it when Floyd Lee Corkins attempted mass-murder at the Family Research Council, following the inspiration of non other than the SPLC.  The window-smashing lesbian riot against Ryan Sorba at Smith College a few years ago comes close.  My own favorite was the time I received the “Truth Teller Award” from Peter Labarbera’s Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH).  Early on the morning of the event LGBT activists smashed out the windows at our host church in Arlington Heights, Illinois with a paving stone scrawled with the demand “SHUT DOWN LIVELY,” accompanied by threats of more violence posted on the Internet by the perpetrators.

At the time of the AFTAH incident I noted that in posting an admission of responsibility and threat of future violence ala Al Qaeda, the “gays” had crossed an invisible line from intimidation into terrorism. http://www.scottlively.net/2012/12/23/2012-the-year-of-the-smear/

With the firing of Eich, simply for donating six years ago to Proposition 8, the LGBT fascists have crossed another line.  “I think there is a gay mafia,” Bill Maher said in a televised discussion of the Eich‘s purging. “I think if you cross them, you do get whacked.”  When even a confirmed reprobate like Maher acknowledges the existence of homo-fascism you know it’s bad. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2014/04/04/bill_maher_there_is_a_gay_mafia_if_you_cross_them_you_do_get_whacked.html

What happens next?  If history repeats, the answer to that question lies in the pages of The Pink Swastika, which you may read in the 4th Edition in its entirety here:http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/books/pinkswastika/  or in the downloadable beta versions of the first three chapters of the 5th Edition (recommended) here:

http://www.scottlively.net/tps/  Both of these are free to read and disseminate without charge, and I urge you to make the maximum use of them while it is still possible to do so.  God willing we will release the 4th Chapter of the 5th Edition by the end of April.  Stay tuned

In closing, to show that there truly is “nothing new under the sun” regarding the homosexual agenda I will quote Hans von Tresckow from his memoirs of his service as Police Commissioner of Berlin in the late 1800s and early 1900s:

“[I]t is not the sense of duty towards one’s fellow men or the nation that forms the rule of conduct for homosexualists; but in every turn of life and in all their striving they think only of the good or harm they may do to their own clique of friends.”

History never repeats identically, there are always variations colored by culture of the day.  The cultural color of Nazi Germany was brown, but in millennial America pink is the new brown.

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World Vision, Tom Minnery and Appeasement Theology

I was too busy to weigh in on the World Vision scandal when Dr. Michael Brown broke the story this week (though he was not credited when it went viral).  His brilliant commentary and analysis is a must-read:


Now, predictably, there has been a “reversal” of the World Vision decision to embrace same-sex “marriage,” after what I expect was a “vision” of bankruptcy when the boycott calls started flooding in to their switchboards.

I say predictably, because any clear-thinking person could have told Richard Stearns and the other leaders at World Vision that Bible-believing Christians (a substantial part of their donor-base) were never going to accept this betrayal of Bible truth.

What has been unmistakably revealed in this scandal is that the leadership at World Vision does not hold a Biblical worldview.  We’ve had clues of that from the organization’s increasing hostility to Israel in recent years (just do an internet search on World Vision and anti-Semitism), and from Stearn’s increasingly accommodative comments on LGBT issues (see Dr. Brown’s article).

So why is Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family rushing in to help them with damage control?   “We were grateful to learn that this organization, which has done so much for so many over the years has reversed itself and will maintain the integrity of its Christian principles,” said Minnery.   Integrity of its Christian principles?  You first have to have such principles in order to “maintain” them.  These stewards of over a billion dollars annually of God’s money have plainly shown that they are not following Christian principles but “Gay Theology,” the chief heresy of our age.

I’ve had my disagreements with Tom Minnery, but I consider him a Christian brother.  I know that he does not embrace this “gay” heresy, himself.  Neither am I putting myself on the same level with him as a cultural influence.  He is one of the most powerful men in Christendom today, while I run a humble inner-city mission church with a maximum capacity of 45.   Yet in Christ we are equals and I do not hesitate to suggest that his approach to this scandal is a form of appeasement, and is representative of a widely-held but fundamentally flawed mindset that has brought the American pro-family movement to the edge of extinction.  We’ve adopted humanistic public-relations strategies in place of the powerful but unpopular truth of God, and, especially in this case, confused mercy with permissiveness.

World Vision has blatantly betrayed Christ and His Word.  Its leaders should not be restored to Christian fellowship without repentance, which in this case would mean at minimum a clear repudiation of the reasoning that led them to embrace “gay marriage.”

When you find out that the funny-looking “sheep” is actually a wolf in a nice wool jacket, you don’t put him back in with the flock.

Last June I warned that the “gays” had completed their 40-year takedown of all secular resistance to their agenda with their 2013 conquest of the Boy Scouts of America (it began in ’73 with their conquest of the American Psychiatric Association), and that all of their battle-hardened cultural warriors and war machinery would now be turned against the church.  I warned that their primary weapon would be “Gay Theology.”  http://www.scottlively.net/2013/06/23/a-warning-to-the-church-in-america/

One week later Alan Chambers shut down Exodus International, a global coordinator of independent ex-“gay” ministries, apologizing for ever having said homosexuals could change.  His embrace of “Gay Theology” led him to repudiate 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 which says that former homosexuals who had been healed by Christ were part of the early church.  Fortunately, a new umbrella group, Restored Hope Network has replaced Exodus and the work of helping homosexuals recover continues.

That was just the first salvo in what I believe is the final battle for Christian civilization in America: the battle for the church itself.  Since then there have been many attacks, the most recent (before World Vision) being Dan Cathy of Chick Fil A appearing in the Atlanta Journal Constitution with the homosexual leader of “Campus Pride,” saying his statements in support of Biblical marriage in 2012 was a business mistake.  http://americansfortruth.com/2014/03/22/chick-fil-a-ceo-dan-cathy-sells-out-heeds-advice-of-gay-activist/  This was no less a blow to the pro-family movement than the betrayal of Benedict Arnold in the Revolutionary War.

In the comments section under my article blasting Cathy’s selfishness, Christians were rushing to his defense, saying he needed to be restored to fellowship.  Of course he should be restored, AFTER he has repented of his sin.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, please awaken to the seriousness of our situation.  The enemy is over the wall and fighting in our back yard.  The tactics of trying to appease them by secularizing our arguments, dodging media criticism, acting “nicer than Jesus,” and compromising our values to keep the peace have not stopped them yet and won’t stop them now.

The answer to “Gay Theology” is not “Appeasement Theology.”  The answer is the restoration of Masculinity in the church.  We are at war and we need to step up and push back the antichrists wherever they intrude into the church.  Richard Stearns needs to convince us that he understands why his actions were wrong before he receives another cent from Christians.  Dan Cathy needs to convince us that standing for the truth of the Bible is more important that being allowed to put his restaurants on college campuses before we give him back our trust.  We of the Bible-believing remnant need to start pressuring everyone who purports to speak for us to get off the defensive and start articulating the whole truth of God on this issue — regardless of the price they will pay for doing so!

The time for hiding behind the timid and tepid “defense of marriage” strategy and refusing to identify homosexual conduct and militancy as the problem is over, or our movement is over.  God’s Word is our most powerful shield and sword.  Let’s drop all of the human-driven philosophy of politics and public debate and put our trust in His plain truth backed by our zeal.  If you can’t articulate and defend the Biblical worldview you have no business in Christian leadership.

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Dan Cathy Takes the Mark of the Beast

That headline is not true.  Dan Cathy of Chick Fil A has not (to my knowledge) taken the Mark of the Beast.  Yet he has done something that suggests he might be willing to take it if faced with that choice, in the same way that answering a poll is an indication of how a person will vote in an election.  As the Bible says in Luke 16:10, “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much.”

Dan Cathy was given a great opportunity by God to show faithfulness to His truth by standing for authentic marriage.  He became a great hero to Bible-believing Christians by refusing to back down when the homo-fascists demanded he retract pro-family statements in 2012.  The mayors of Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia even pledged to deny Chick Fil A business permits in their cities (coincidentally the very penalty listed in Rev 13:17:  “they could not buy or sell without the mark”), but the overwhelming nationwide wave of support that Chick Fil A received was one of the most encouraging events of the past decade.

This week, Dan Cathy took it all back by saying His stand for God was a business mistake. (After all, one cannot serve both God and Mammon: Matthew 6:24)

Nobody knows better than I do the price that one pays for standing up to the LGBT bullies. They are not only vindictive and relentless, they are also very creative in their methods of harassment.  And there is an entire army of them ready to pounce on anyone who crosses them.  I am absolutely certain that they tried their best to make Dan Cathy’s life a constant, living hell since 2012.

Just think of the nastiness of high-profile elections in the final weeks of a campaign when the mud-slinging is the fiercest and the dirty tricks are the most cruel and invasive.  Now multiply that by ten, take away the throngs of energized supporters rallying behind the candidate being attacked (so he has to face it alone), and stretch it out over months or even years.  Throw in a few honey-tongued “hostage negotiators” pretending friendliness and concern (in this case Shane Windmeyer of “Campus Pride), promising that all the pain will go away if you just compromise the truth.  If you can imagine that you can get a glimpse of what it’s like to be targeted by the “gays.”  The greater your threat to their agenda, the worse it gets.

It’s really hard to stand up to that kind of pressure, and I have sympathy for Mr. Cathy, but it’s nowhere close to the amount of pressure that Christians will face in the days of persecution that lie ahead of us. Persecution like many of our brothers and sisters in Moslem countries, for example, are already facing.

True, defending the plain truth that God limits sexuality to the confines of authentic marriage, and specially condemns homosexuality from Genesis to Revelation, is not the same as defending the deity of Christ and your allegiance to Him.  One’s salvation does not hinge upon the perfection of one’s doctrine.  But it is still very important to God.

I am convinced that God is using the homosexual issue as a test of believers all over the world.  It’s like the “stress test” the central bankers are using to forecast which banks would fail in the event of an economic collapse.  Except in this case God is testing us for what we will do in the coming moral and spiritual collapse.  The Bible hasn’t changed, only the culture has changed, and believers are being “stress tested” to see whether they stand with Him or with the world on the things He says are true but which the world is pressing very hard to declare false.

God’s rebuke to Jeremiah when he complained about the power of the wicked should be ringing in our ears about now: “If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?”  (Jeremiah 12:1-5)

The good thing about a stress test is that it gives people an opportunity to change their ways (repent) before the final exam or the big crash.  God doesn’t care about Chick Fil A’s profit margins if they come at the expense of Dan Cathy’s willingness to stand up for the truth under pressure.  What would it profit Mr. Cathy to gain the whole world (or a few more restaurants on college campuses), if his compromise of Biblical truth today makes him less able to resist the real Mark of the Beast tomorrow?

I’m not saying that Dan Cathy isn’t saved, but he has certainly failed the stress test, and failed the Bible-believing Christian remnant everywhere, by surrendering to the “gay” bullies.  How long before we see Chick Fil A running “gay”-friendly commercials as penance for Cathy‘s “homophobia?”

Where is courage in Christendom?  Where is the loyalty to Christ that once placed love for Hid Word above every other thing, including life itself?  Why have we become so afraid of the opinions of men who hate God and His truth?

There are varying theological views about what the Mark of the Beast is, or will be, and which ones among us will face that choice of taking or rejecting it.  Nevertheless, it stands as a symbol to all Christians everywhere as the choice for or against Christ when the sword is on your neck and to choose Christ means to die saved, or live condemned to hell.  The stress test of pressure from “gay” bullies is not life or death, but it is an indicator of whether you have the faith and courage to choose Him over the things of this world.  In my mind’s eye I used to see the Mark of the Beast as a black dot on the back of the hand.  Now it looks more like a Chick Fil A sandwich.  I’ll never buy another one, and I hope you won’t either.

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Harvard, Mother Jones and the “Gay” Bullies

Recently I participated in a debate at Harvard Law School on the issue of criminal justice.  It featured five candidates for Governor of Massachusetts, of which I am one. The event was marred by the infantile antics of Harvard’s homosexual student group, Lambda, whose members stood and turned their backs to the stage whenever it was my turn to speak, and laughed and sneered loudly at all of my comments throughout the evening.  The topic of the debate was entirely unrelated to homosexuality or the LGBT sub-culture, yet these overgrown adolescents forced themselves on the crowd and their agenda into the debate.  Their complaint against me echoed almost verbatim the slanderous rhetoric of last week’s Mother Jones article, “Meet the American Pastor Behind Uganda’s Anti-Gay Crackdown.”

I am the man being portrayed as a monster in that myth, writing not only as a candidate but as a pastor.  I am greatly concerned about the decline of personal integrity and civility as American cultural values, which I attribute to the rise of cultural Marxism, exemplified in part by the cult of “gay“ bullies who now dominate our public discourse in virtually every sphere of society, but also by the parallel cult of pro-LGBT “advocacy journalists“ who routinely bear false witness to the public in furtherance of their shared ideology.

I value my integrity, and speak plainly and unapologetically about what I believe, without regard for political correctness or the opinions of my adversaries.  I do not hesitate to define homosexuality as a behavioral disorder with serious, moral, sociological and  public health consequences.  I am proud to say that I advocated for the Russian ban on advocacy of LGBT propaganda to children and that I want other nations to follow suit.  I declare frankly that my opposition to so-called “gay” marriage and “gay” adoption of children derives from my belief that homosexuality itself is wrong and harmful to the people who practice it and to society.  Note carefully that I am not parsing my words or spinning euphemisms.  I say what I believe and believe what I say.  I say it without malice, or an intention to provoke malice in others. This is simply objective truth from a Biblical worldview, shared (largely in silence) by millions of good-hearted Americans.

Hate me for my views, if you must, but do not doubt my honesty.  When I tell a reporter, such as Mother Jones’ Mariah Blake, that I do not support the Ugandan anti-homosexuality law as written, you can bank on it.  She obviously did not believe me.  I can forgive that, since leftist journalists who trade in spin and propaganda naturally assume everyone is a liar.  What I cannot leave unchallenged is her omission of  my many comments and observations which would have contradicted her premise that I am to blame for that law, and shown the law’s implications to be less draconian than appears at face value.  A partial list of these follows:

First, it was not my idea to go to Uganda, I was invited by the government to educate key leaders on the strategies and tactics of the “gay” political movement.  I was there to serve, not to lead.

Second, suggesting that my preaching overpowered the will and reason of an entire nation of Africans is breathtakingly racist.  These people are not children, nor ignorant jungle savages.  Most of the democratically elected government officials of Uganda whom I met are as or more intelligent and competent than Ms. Blake (whom I perceive as very bright and talented).

Third, Ugandans are far more familiar with the negative aspects of homosexual orientation than Americans are.  Every June 3rd  is Martyr’s Day, memorializing  the brutal slaughter of  22 young men and boys by the homosexual King Mwanga in the late 1800s for refusing to submit to sodomy.  It is one of the reasons why Uganda criminalized homosexuality many years before anyone there ever heard of Scott Lively.

Fourth, it was the Ugandans themselves who requested information about the homosexual recruitment of children, wanting to better understand this phenomenon that they had observed in their midst.  Most of the complaints that I heard from average people in Uganda related to male homosexual sex tourism corrupting boys and young men.  I probably would not have addressed the topic on my own.  My lectures tend to emphasize the history of the “gay” movement and the socio-political ramifications of its agenda, not the sexual activities of the LGBT community.

Fifth, I did not participate in the drafting of the Ugandan law and opposed it’s harshness from the very beginning.  The Ugandans did not adopt my suggestions to emphasize therapy and prevention rather than punishment.  That having been said, the hysteria about the law in the west is dramatically overblown, since virtually all African criminal law is overly harsh in the letter, but lenient in the application.  Poor countries rely on deterrence since they don’t have money for jails.  It is highly unlikely that anyone will serve any more time in jail for breaking this law than under the anti-sodomy laws of our own country in the 1950s (was your grandmother a “vicious homophobe” for supporting those U.S. laws?).

Sixth and finally, the veiled implication that Uganda is a bloodthirsty nation bent on genocidal extermination of homosexuals is outrageous and absolutely false.  There is greater violence committed by revelers in Chicago after a singe Bulls game than a decade-worth of “homophobic” persecution of “gays” in Uganda.  Indeed, even the absurd lawsuit against me for “Crimes Against Humanity” lists only a handful of relatively minor civil rights abuses over a 10 year period.  My inbox is filled with hate-mail and death threats accusing me of complicity in torture and murder of “thousands” of homosexuals in Uganda, but the only homosexual activist murder that I know of is David Kato, whose “gay” lover is serving 30 years in prison for the crime.

Blake is entitled to her personal opinion.  But neither she, nor any of her journalistic peers who have repeated the identical false narrative about me, are entitled to make the news fit their subjective opinions while posing as objective reporters.  This deceptive ideological advocacy in place of objectivity is unfortunately what journalism has degenerated to in our increasing post-Christian society.

Americans once had a greater ability to tolerate opposing views.  We didn’t accuse people of “hate” for disagreeing with us, or for pointing out the flaws in each others’ conduct or political philosophy.  We didn’t break up public meetings and shout down speakers with opinions opposed to our own.  That was what other, less civilized , societies did:  the right-leaning Marxist Brownshirts of Germany, the left-leaning Marxist Bolsheviks of Russia.  We believed in civility, and indeed, the tolerance for differences that we cherished was the very soil in which the “gay” sub-culture once thrived, when it’s stated (largely accomplished) goal was “the right to be left alone.”

But now our own version of Brownshirts and Bolsheviks run the show.  Armies of “gay” bullies pummel anyone who disagrees with them on any point of LGBT doctrine, from Anita Bryant in the 1970s to Phil Robertson in 2013.  (Try to name a single public figure in the past decade who has criticized homosexuality in the U.S. and not been targeted for destruction.)  Careers are ruined, businesses bankrupted, reputations destroyed, families terrorized, sometimes merely for whispering that authentic marriage is one man and one woman.  Anti-discrimination laws, passed on the promise that they would be a shield to protect innocent people from malicious prejudice, are transformed almost immediately into swords for LGBT activists to attack people of faith.  Compromises by groups like the Boy Scouts, made to accommodate “gay” demands, do nothing but harden the implacable LGBT militancy.

In lock step, armies of ideologically unified .pro-LGBT “journalists” routinely paint the bullies as victims and the victims as “homophobes.”

At the Harvard debate I was an invited guest, yet I was subjected to a humiliating two-hour barrage of mockery, invective and slander by a handful of childish boors, emboldened by Mother Jones‘ assassination of my character.  My hosts did not even ask them to behave.  No one dared to applaud any of my comments, though my views on the restorative model of criminal justice were undoubtedly shared by many of the roughly 200 people in attendance (heads were nodding perceptibly in agreement).  Everyone in that room, except me, was intimidated by the “gay” bullies.

At the root of all of this is a contest of ideas and ideals between Christians and Marxists.  Our society is coming apart at the seams because the Marxists are winning, and replacing the Christian ideals of tolerance, mutual respect, self-restraint and personal responsibility with political correctness, factionalism, moral anarchy and statism.  They’re invoking all of the terms associated with Christian culture, but redefining them to suit the Marxist model.  Objective truth is the only remedy, so I will keep on speaking it despite the bullies at Harvard and their apologists at Mother Jones.



The video clips embedded in the Mother Jones story are taken from a nasty piece of propaganda called “Scott Lively’s Nuclear Bomb,” which bracket clips from my 2009 lectures in Kampala between other film clips and analysis designed to spin my comments as incitement to violence.  It is ugly and sickening.

I don’t have a copy of that video, but I have an audio file of one lecture, about 80 minutes long, which includes several of my statements which are used in the anti-Lively “documentary.”  It is available here:


Download and listen to the lecture to see just how deceptively they have edited my comments and taken them out of context to suit their evil purposes.




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Russia, the United States and Human Rights

Let me be clear from the outset that in my view the United States of America remains the gold standard for human rights in the world and Russia remains an autocratic state with many lingering and greatly disturbing Soviet-era tendencies.  On a scale of 0-100 with 100 being the best, the United States is in the high 70s while the Russian Federation is in the mid-50s.  The problem is that the United States is rapidly trending downward from a high in the 90s, while Russia has been steadily trending upward from a low in the 30s.  It is thus foolish for anyone who cares about genuine human rights to blindly root for one side or the other as if this were a sporting event, though there is plenty of that going on, especially by Russian-bashers trapped in a Cold War mindset.

I am uniquely positioned to comment on this conflict.  I graduated Trinity Law School with a de-facto “major” in human rights, and earned a Certificate in International Human Rights from Strasbourg.  I have traveled extensively in the former Soviet Union, where I lectured on human rights in numerous universities, and, while in Latvia, I authored the Riga Declaration on Religious Freedom, Family Values and Human Rights in 2007.  In my capacity as President of Defend the Family International I was in Moscow last October and met with high level representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and Russia’s pro-family movement.

I am also the first American to be sued, here in America, for “Crimes Against Humanity” under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS), by the ironically named “Center for Constitutional Rights“(CCR), for preaching against homosexuality in Uganda. (I am a pastor as well as a lawyer.) This still pending case is subjecting my First Amendment rights as an American citizen to a European legal standard in U.S. Federal Court, for speech that was protected both in the U.S. and Uganda. What is more, my case is the only ATS case not dismissed following the 2013 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to all but strike down the Alien Tort Statute.  Some people believe that the continuation of this case is itself a human rights abuse:  http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen2/13d/lively-lawsuit-ponsor-issues/index.html.

What made the United States the freest and most prosperous nation in the history of the world was Christianity; not the theocratic version that existed in Europe, but the Christian self-governance model of our Founding Fathers.  Their view of “unalienable rights” “endowed” on us by our “Creator,” not the state, is the foundation of American human/civil rights.  When they crafted the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution it was not by accident that the first principle was religious liberty, even ahead of freedom of speech.  Indeed, our second president and co-author of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams, issued a fervent warning to future generations that “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

The ancient foundation-stone of all modern human rights law in the world today is the Magna Carta, signed in Britain in 1215.  Importantly, that document, too, sets as its first principle “ that the Church of England shall be free, and shall have all her whole Rights and Liberties inviolable.”

It is therefore obvious why America is in decline and Russia is on the ascendancy in the matter of human rights.  America has largely turned her back on God, reorganized her government and culture on a statist model, and is plummeting in a death spiral of moral and ethical degeneracy.  As our collective former (Bible-based) values of self-restraint and personal responsibility steadily decline, external controls and surveillance by the new police state increase. The rule of law becomes the rule of man, and equal justice under law becomes special rights for favored groups.

Conversely, Russia has begun embracing Christian values regarding family issues, albeit imperfectly, in stark contrast to its aggressively godless Soviet past.  Repression in Russia is decreasing as rapidly as it is increasing in the U.S..


The crux of the human rights debate is what it means to be human.  Russia appears to be returning to it’s pre-Soviet understanding that humans are made in the image of God, and that our “rights,” are really duties of respect and care for each other which are imposed on us by Him.  This is why the first principle of both the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights is the protection of the Christian church, from which the very concept of modern human rights emerged.  And this is why the greatest point of conflict between the U.S. and Russia is the question of homosexuality.  (I believe even the conflict in Ukraine is being driven to a large extent by this issue, at least on the part of the Obama State Department and the homosexualist leaders of the E.U.)

There is no human right to sodomy to be found in nearly 4000 years of human rights jurisprudence.  It is an invention of Cultural Marxists in the late 20th century, and rests on their dangerous premise that the state, not God, grants us our rights.  In fact, the “right” to sodomy is really an anti-right, because it can only be granted at the expense of the true human rights of religious freedom and family values.  Thus, the first principle of the Magna Carta stood unbreakable in Britain for almost 800 years until the recent introduction of “sexual orientation regulations” (SORs) and the first principle of the First Amendment stood for over 200 years until SORs were passed here in the United States.

Today, both the Magna Carta and the First Amendment are deemed to be trumped by the “right to sodomy” in case after case, and pro-homosexual activist federal judges in the U.S. are striking down “Defense of Marriage” laws in the most morally conservative states in the union with brazen disregard for the constitution and the will of the people.

I ask you, which is the greater threat to human rights: Russia’s law preventing homosexual activists from disseminating their propaganda to children, or the lawless decrees of these American federal judges?  I submit that the former is not a threat at all, but a reaffirmation of true human rights (in that case the right of parents to raise their children according to their own values), while the latter is an egregious affront to liberty and an undermining of respect for the rule of law, which endangers all human rights.

Russia has a long way to go even to meet today’s tarnished standards in America, but if current trends hold, Russia will eventually supplant the U.S. as the greater defender of true human rights.  Unfortunately, at the pace that our country is falling, that day may not be far off.



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My Comments on the Passage of the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Law

While I respect the right of sovereign nations to legislate sexual morality according to their own cultural standards, I believe the Ugandan anti-homosexuality law takes the wrong approach in dealing with simple homosexuality (as opposed to pederasty and the other sub-categories of “aggravated homosexuality” in the bill).  As I said in my comments to the Ugandan Members of Parliament I addressed in March, 2009 before the AHB had been drafted, the focus of a government seeking to protect its people from the homosexual agenda should be on rehabilitation and prevention, not punishment.

I believe the Russian approach of banning homosexual propaganda to children as a preventive measure is a better model for other nations of the world looking avoid the moral degeneracy that has occurred in the U.S. and E.U. due to so-called “gay rights.”

That having been said, I commend Uganda for removing the death penalty in the final version of the law and for taking a strong stand against the homosexual abuse of children and the intentional spreading of AIDS through sodomy.  I urge the Ugandans to exercise mercy and compassion for homosexual strugglers in their enforcement of the new law and, on behalf of the pro-family movement in the U.S., stand ready to assist in any future effort to shift the emphasis of the law from punishment to rehabilitation and prevention.

As a final point I think it is important for people to recognize that the Ugandan law is typical of African criminal law across the continent. Poor countries with limited criminal justice systems tend to rely on the harshness of the letter of the law to be a deterrent to offenders. In practice, the sentencing is usually pretty lenient and I expect that will be the case under this new law as well.

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Am I Nuts, or is Craziness Spreading?

One of the most serious but least discussed consequences of choosing a homosexual lifestyle is the loss of critical thinking skills. What is worse, this malady seems to spread fairly easily to non-homosexuals who closely associate with people in the LGBT community (though this observation is by definition unscientific since there exists no objective standard for determining if someone is “gay,” thus a person’s self-declaration is the only measure.)

From the inability to distinguish disagreement from “hate,” or tolerance from approval, to conflating sex and love, homosexualists (ie anyone “gay” or straight who advocates for the mainstreaming of homosexuality) just can’t think straight.

For example, any clear-thinking person can see that basing a right to marry solely on romantic attraction opens the marriage door to many other deviant relationships: polygamy, polyamory, incest, pederasty and even pedophilia. Somehow homosexualists can’t see it.

It is also self-evident that all human beings are heterosexual by design. It is simply unarguable that all sexuality, even the awareness of having a sexual nature, derives from this obvious physiological reality. Yet homosexualists (without a shred of proof after decades of scientific efforts) not only insist that “homosexual orientation” is normal and innate, but also insist that it is impossible for a self-declared “gay” or lesbian to ever reorient to heterosexuality in conformity with the design of his or her body….Even when their illogic is being challenged by former homosexuals!!

Then there is the narrative implicit in all LGBT rhetoric and policy goals, to wit “all disapproval of homosexuality leads inevitably to hatred, violence and even murder of homosexuals (which is why, for example, “gay” anti-bulling policies require all schoolchildren to be brainwashed to believe that homosexuality is good and normal instead of simply teaching them to respect others despite their differences). This narrative does not reflect reality. It is a mutually-reinforced paranoid delusion, yet it drives the homosexualists with such desperate urgency that every person who dares even to whisper that marriage is for one man and one woman is targeted for personal destruction, from Anita Bryant in the 1970s to Phil Robertson just recently. Few have survived the attacks unscathed.

If fact, so desperate are LGBT activists to prove their false narrative that they regularly commit “hate crimes” against themselves as evidence!! Google “gay hoaxes” to see just how common is this bizarre phenomenon. Even the story of their ultimate “hate crime” poster child, Matthew Shepard, was a hoax. An uncharacteristically forthright “gay” journalist spilled the beans last September (after ten years of intensive propaganda to millions of schoolchildren and passage of a federal “hate crimes” law bearing his name) that Shepard was tortured and murdered by “gay” sex partners in a drug deal gone bad.

In 1973, after an intensive campaign of pressure and harassment by LGBT activists, the board of the American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality as a mental illness from their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the “bible” of mental health professionals. It was as if they opened Pandora’s Box and unleashed an invisible plague that attacks the reasoning centers in the brain. Now forty years later the evidence is overwhelming that the DSM should never have been modified. The only problem is that most of the people with the power to change it back are now homosexualists themselves, infected with the same disorder. God help us.

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Pro-Russian Press Conference

Announcing the Coalition for Family Values

Announcing the Coalition for Family Values

Report from Washington

Yesterday the Coalition for Family Values announced itself to the world with a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC. The press conference was surprisingly well attended for a pro-family event with most of the 30 seats in the Zenger Room filled. As expected, several of the “journalists” represented homosexual and far left political organizations (such as “RightWingWatch“), but there were legitimate news organizations as well, ABC News and Mother Jones magazine were among them, but we unfortunately did not identify most of the news organizations in attendance.

Attending the conference on behalf of the CFV was me, representing Defend the Family International; Peter LaBarbera, representing Americans for Truth about Homosexuality; Greg Quinlan, representing Living Free Ministries (ex-”gays”); and Diane Gramley, representing American Family Association of Pennsylvania.


As the press conference we released our statement (below) praising the Russian Federation for passing pro-family laws and encouraging other nations to follow suit. Our target audience for this message was not primarily American, so we were pleased that a European news service was in attendance as well as Voice of America.

The conference was briefly disrupted when three LGBT activists (one of them a non-English-speaking Russian) stood up to try to read a statement. We did not allow them to control the room, and asked the National Press Club security to remove them, which they did. Upon realizing that they would not be allowed to stay, the leader of the trio, Ellen Sturtz (self-described as an“Angry Old Lesbian“ on her business card) began screaming “I’m a Homo-Fascist!” and tossed a wad of leaflets in the air. They turned out to be flyers with the title “Lively is Deadly” attempting to convey the message that I am a dangerous person who wants to harm homosexuals around the world.

The trio waited on the sidewalk outside the building for an hour and a half waiting for the event to end. I then engaged in a conversation with Ellen for about ten minutes. Amusingly, she asked for a picture with me, and I agreed.

The "hateful" and "dangerous" Scott Lively with Lesbian Accusers

The “hateful” and “dangerous” Scott Lively with Lesbian Accusers

We got lots of coverage from the event, and I believe we accomplished our objective which was to bring awareness to the world that the pro-family movement in the U.S., Canada, UK, and other “pro-gay” countries is happy to see the Russian Federation standing up for family values. We think this will encourage other nations to follow their example.

A big “Thank You!” to everyone who made this event possible, and those who signed our statement. Most of those who wanted to sign were not able to be added because they came in after out final draft was printed to the conference.



Following is the statement of the Coalition for Family Values, and then my statement on behalf of Defend the Family International, the international arm of Abiding Truth Ministries, followed by a list of news links related to the press conference.

CFV Statement in Support of the Russian Pro-Family Laws of 2013 and 2014

The Coalition for Family Values is a U.S. based international network of loosely-affiliated independent pro-family organizations. We serve the global pro-family movement by encouraging and facilitating cooperation and coordination among pro-family strategists and activists. While geographically, ethnically and methodologically diverse, we share a Biblical worldview, and a commitment to speak the plain truth about the LGBT agenda and its destructive influence on society. Our goal is to promote and protect the natural family as the essential foundation of civilization, and family values as the source and guide to mainstream culture in every society, while advocating reasonable tolerance to those who choose to live discretely outside of the mainstream.

As the 2014 Winter Olympic Games come to a close in Sochi, Russia, we want to praise the Russian Federation for providing much-needed leadership in restoring family values in public policy, and to encourage the governments of the world to follow the excellent example that the Russian government has set in 2013 and 2014 by banning LGBT propaganda to children and limiting the adoption of children to natural families only. By taking these steps in the face of intense criticism and hostility by some Western governments and NGOs, the Russians have demonstrated the high value that they place on their children and the natural family model of society. We believe that God will bless the Russian people for their faith and courage.

The Coalition for Family Values will be encouraging our current and future affiliates throughout the world to lobby their own governments to follow the Russian example. While the LGBT agenda has seemed like an unstoppable political juggernaut in North America and Europe, the vast majority of the people of the world do not accept the notion that sexual deviance should be normalized. It is time that these voices are heard on the world stage before the so-called elites of the Western powers impose their inverted morality on everyone through the manipulation of international law, which they clearly intend to do.

The LGBT agenda has already gone too far, but it is still advancing. We are asking the family-friendly nations of the world to erect a barrier to that agenda in their own countries and in the international community, which can perhaps strengthen and embolden the pro-family movement in the Western nations to roll back that agenda in our own countries.

The future of the natural family is the future of humanity itself. We must not allow the culture of desolation to supplant the culture of life in our societies. Let us pray for healing for those who choose the LGBT path, and (within reason) respect their right to be wrong in their private lives. But let us not allow the LGBT political movement to transform the world in its own distorted image.

Caveat: This statement is not to be construed as a blanket endorsement of the Russian Federation, but an acknowledgement that its policies regarding family values are trending in the right direction. The great lesson of Christianity is that repentance brings renewal, and every person or nation which turns from sin receives the blessing of God. We praise Russia not because it has achieved perfection in all things, but because it has turned from the evil of communism and is beginning to embrace Christian values once again. By encouraging the good, we hope to see further positive changes.

Comments of Dr. Scott Lively, speaking as President of Defend the Family International, an affiliate of the Coalition for Family Values.

“What we want is for the LGBT movement to stop trying to legitimize alternate sexual lifestyles in mainstream society and go back to being a sub-culture. At the beginning of their movement in the 1950s Dale Jennings of the Mattachine Society said what they wanted was “the right to be left alone” (which was basic tolerance). Personally, I have always supported that goal. But with the Stonewall Riots in 1968 they abandoned that reasonable objective and adopted the hard-core militant strategies of the Frankfort School of Cultural Marxists. Since that time their agenda has been about the replacement of Christian sexual ethics with sexual anarchy. In just 40 years they have defeated every secular institution that has stood in their way, starting with the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 and conquering the very last one, the Boy Scouts of American, in 2013. The only barrier left standing is the church, a sizable part of which is running scared from the fight.

The Coalition for Family Values is calling the church to unity and action on Biblical truth as a last stand against the overthrow of Christian civilization in the western world. Russia’s example is very encouraging.

People are afraid of Russia because of memories of the Soviet Union, which was truly an evil empire. It was evil because it was communist and therefore Godless. Communism in Russia and most of the Soviet bloc was defeated in 1991 with the collapse of the USSR. Then came a period of great chaos and criminality as a people with atheistic values struggled in a grand survival-of-the-fittest. In the mid to late 1990s a wave of Christian missionaries flooded Russia and began to remind the people of their Christian heritage, while the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional denominations also experienced a resurgence.

Today, Russia has stabilized on still-shaky legs, largely through the leadership of Vladimir Putin. If our own intelligence services are to be believed (and that’s a big “if” these days) Putin is a power-hungry despot cynically exploiting conservative values for his own political ends. But that does not seem true to me. I did a 50-city tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006-2007 and believe me, the Russian people are overwhelmingly opposed to homosexuality. Whether or not he personally shares them, Putin is implementing real Russian values, not imposing them on an unwilling populace (like Obama is here in the U.S.).

I was also in Moscow last October for the planning committee of the World Conference of Families VIII which will take place there in September 2014. I met personally with high level representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, including Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, the Patriarch’s man on family issues, who had me as a guest on his national television program. I can attest to the absolute sincerity of these mens’ Christianity and their deep concern for their people and nation, especially the disastrous population decline they have suffered as the result of un-Biblical sexual lifestyles and abortion. I also observed what appears to be a revival in the Orthodox denomination, which appears to have resumed its place as the Russian State Church — not as it was under the Soviets (when all the priests were KGB agents) but as it was during the time of the Czars.

Indeed, it seems pretty clear to me that Putin sees himself in the mold of the Czars, and not in the mold of the Soviets, and that is a good thing for family values in the Eastern Bloc, if not such a good thing for the Western Powers who are competing with him for lands and markets of the former soviet states, such as Ukraine. (Frankly, with the E.U having become a sort-of “gay” Soviet Union, fully embracing cultural Marxism and persecuting Christians, I think the Ukrainians would be better off in the Russian Federation.) I don’t think Putin is being cynical, but it really doesn’t matter because his comments on Christian values reflect the will of his people.

As for the question of human rights, we do not want to see anyone suffer violence for exercising their freedom of speech, including their self-identification as homosexuals. Russia has an obligation to preserve peace and security for all of its citizens.

That is not to say that it has an obligation to recognize homosexuality and related behaviors as a human right. Homosexuality has never been considered a human right in 4000 years of human rights jurisprudence. Human rights status for homosexuality is an invention of cultural Marxists in the late 20th century, and is recognized as such only at the expense of the genuine human rights of religious freedom and family values.

But while we’re measuring Russia by our American standard of human rights, we should consider whether the disenfranchisement of a few punk music band members on the streets of Sochi (as wrong as that is) comes anywhere close to the to the disentrancement of millions of pro-family American voters by left-wing ideological federal judges, who are now cynically striking down Defense of Marriage laws state by state. How does it compare as a human right outage to the criminalization of voluntary therapy for minors who want to overcome same-sex attraction?

Who are the real totalitarians here? In Russia, the people’s values are being honored by their government. In America, dictatorial powers are imposing their own twisted version of morality on the people.

I think the U.S. is the bigger culprit of the two.”

Media Stories Related to the Press Conference




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Lively vs Obama on Uganda Law

The AP is circulating a story on Obama’s criticism of Uganda today which features my photo (above) and references to my case.

Obama: Anti-gay bill step backward for Ugandans http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2014/02/obama_anti-gay_bill_step_backw.html

This is my response:

I was not interviewed for this story, even though my name and picture are being used in it.

Although I am portrayed in this story as a pastor, I am also a lawyer. I majored in International Human Rights in law school and have practiced as a human rights consultant in numerous countries. I also hold a Certificate in human rights (1997) from the U.N. administered Institute of International Human Rights in Strasbourg.

I agree that the Ugandan law is overly harsh on its face, but this is typical of African criminal law across the continent. Poor countries with limited criminal justice systems tend to rely on the harshness of the letter of the law to be a deterrent to criminals. In practice, the sentencing is usually pretty lenient. Kenya, for example, has the death penalty for burglary, but burglars are definitely not being executed there. I’ve explained this phenomenon to over two dozen journalists at top media outlets that have interviewed me over the past couple of years, but none have included this perspective in their stories. I guess it would undermine their efforts to bolster the “gay” cause.

As for Obama’s veiled threat to Uganda, I’d like to remind him of the actual international law (as opposed to the imagined law I’ve supposedly violated):

“(1) U.N. General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, (A/RES/25/2625) containing the Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, provides as follows:

The principle concerning the duty not to intervene in matters within the domestic jurisdiction of any State, in accordance with the Charter

No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State. Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of interference or attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political, economic and cultural elements, are in violation of international law.

No State may use or encourage the use of economic political or any other type of measures to coerce another State in order to obtain from it the subordination of the exercise of its sovereign rights and to secure from it advantages of any kind.,,,

Every State has an inalienable right to choose its political, economic, social and cultural systems, without interference in any form by another State.”

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The Anti-Russian Human Rights Watch Video is a Hoax

I have just two words in response the Human Rights Watch video of supposed homosexual harassment in Russia: Matthew Shepard.

To this day, despite the fact that a major federal law is named after him and untold thousands of pubic school children have been (and are still being) brainwashed in “gay” propaganda through a play about his life, the majority of Americans still do not know that the Matthew Shepard hate crime story was a hoax. That’s because (with rare exceptions) homosexual political activists and their “progressive” allies sitting in most of the seats of power in the mainstream media are LIARS.

What’s that, America? This is the first you’ve about the Shepard hoax? What a surprise. You mean to say that your trusted mainstream news sources didn’t tell you that last September a “gay” journalist exposed the Matthew Shepard “hate crime” murder as an incident of “gay on gay” violence by poor Matt’s former sex partners in a drug deal gone bad? Hmmm.

Maybe the Shepard hoax was such a rare incident, and so damaging to the otherwise worthy effort of protecting “gays” from violence that we should forgive the media for suppressing the story? After all, it is certainly true that homosexuals as a class truly are victims of terrible persecution and violence. Aren’t they?

Let’s look at some of the most recent examples. We all know, of course, that the most hateful “anti-gay” regime in the world is Uganda. We know that because the media tells us so. We know especially about Ugandan “gay rights” leader David Kato, murdered in broad daylight in Kampala by a vicious homophobe inspired by the “hateful” preaching of yours truly.

But, no, after a week of world-wide hysterical hand-wringing and finger-pointing by the leftist media and “human rights” groups, the Ugandan police caught the killer, who turned out to be a male prostitute, Enoch Sydney Nsubuga whom Kato bailed out of jail to be his live-in lover and houseboy. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ihVH6Ahnbnhdo3CqrEDT3mCBknKg?docId=CNG.9057dbf4f3db02f92ea39216b26eb623.8a1

Young Enoch confessed to bashing in Kato’s head with a hammer and is now serving 30 years in a Ugandan prison.

So Kato was just another super-high-profile “gay” murder that turns out to be “gay on gay” violence. Didn’t see that follow-up coverage in your trusted mainstream news sources? Don’t take it so hard. The Marxist law firm suing me for “Crimes Against Humanity” (based largely on the Kato case) didn’t include those inconvenient facts in their complaint, either. If the urgency of the “gay rights” cause can justify lawyers bound by strict rules of ethics to withhold these facts from a U.S. federal judge, what do you expect as a mere member of the pubic from journalists with no ethics at all?

Speaking of hammers, they seem to be the weapon of choice for “gay” men who want to murder their lovers. Last week the Daily Mail reported on the 1986 murder of President Obama’s high-school drug dealer and party-pal “Gay Ray” Boyer by his live-in rent boy…with a hammer. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2547667/EXCLUSIVE-Obamas-high-school-pot-dealer-future-president-thanked-good-times-yearbook-beaten-death-gay-lover-fights-flatulence-drugs.html

But I digress.

Are there any more examples of persecution of homosexuals in the news lately? Well, there’s the case of that lesbian waitress who was the object of a cruel message instead of a tip. But no, that turned out to be a hoax. Or that guy in, where was it? Montana? That “gay” guy that got beat up outside the bar? We all saw the pictures cause that story got major coverage. But no, that turned out to be a hoax also.

Wait, what about that famous “gay” celebrity journalist, Carlos Castro, murdered in his hotel room in New York a few years ago? Oops, that was another “gay on gay” killing, this time (close your ears men) due to blood loss after castration with a corkscrew. Ouch! (I guess there weren’t any hammers around.) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1352775/Celebrity-journalist-Carlos-Castro-murdered-castrated-corkscrew-NY-hotel.html

The “gay” killer of “gay” fashion celebrity Gianni Versace (Elton John’s pal), used a hammer, but not on Versace. He shot Versace but killed several other “gay” friends with a hammer. But again, I digress (It’s hard to maneuver around all these heaps of corpses in the “gay” community). http://www.nydailynews.com/news/justice-story/justice-story-gianni-versace-article-1.1409719

I could go on and on but you get the point. I’ve got a huge file on these cases. Hundreds of them, some of which, including some mentioned above are archived on my website under “Hate Crimes and Fraud” here: http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/newsarchives.php?topic=21

One of my favorite “gay” hate-crime hoaxes was the case of Azalea Cooley back in Portland, Oregon in 1992 when I was the spokesman for Ballot Measure 9 (which would have amended the state constitution to stop the “gay” agenda there).

Poor Azalea, a wheelchair-bound Black lesbian, was subjected to a vicious months-long hate campaign that included 21 cross-burnings on her front lawn… until a couple of rogue cops set up their own private sting and caught Ms. Cooley walking out her own front door in the dead of night with a wooden cross and a can of gasoline. Which, of course, didn’t stop the No on 9 campaign (one week later) from conducting their massive “March Against Hate” parade from Azalea’s neighborhood to downtown Portland, with their “hate-crimes” poster-child Azalea leading the parade… in her wheelchair!! (You couldn’t make this stuff up.)

No one, of course, asked Azalea’s roommate (who worked for the Sheriff’s Department), or Police Chief Tom Potter (a No on 9 spokesman whose daughter was an open lesbian on the force) why law enforcement could never catch the “hate criminals” prior to the rogue cops’ sting. Potter went on to become Mayor of Portland while I continued to be accused by the Oregon media of “creating a climate of hate and fear” for saying “gay rights” activists are liars. Go figger.

Last Fall, on behalf of pro-family advocates here in the United States and Canada, I sent a letter to President Vladimir Putin thanking his government for passing a law protecting Russian children from “gay” propaganda. In that letter I offered this warning:

In readying your society to recognize and counter the efforts of the militant gay movement it is important to understand that their propaganda and policies adhere invariably to the narrative that all disapproval of homosexuality leads inevitably to hatred, violence and murder of homosexuals. All of the pro-homosexual policies in the United States and Europe rest on this unstated and unchallenged but fictional premise. Thus, the homosexualist movement is not simply seeking social tolerance, or acceptance, but political power and control. They want the power to stamp out all disapproval of homosexuality in your society and to compel every citizen (especially the youth) to embrace the view that homosexual conduct is good and normal….In the coming months and years Russia and Her people will be increasingly portrayed by emotion laden and abusive hyperbole as bigoted haters, intent on exterminating homosexuals.

The Human Rights Watch video, released to coincide with the opening of he Sochi Olympics is fulfillment of my prophecy. I predict more will follow.

I have one final, very important point to make in this article. I am NOT saying all of the incidents described the video are fakes.

While it is true that “gay” activists are masters of public deception, and their ranks include not just veteran political propagandists but also billionaires like George Soros and movie producer David Geffin — with the capability of staging any possible scenario flawlessly — I believe some of the incidents depicted on the film are probably real.

But that begs the question, who are these perps? Q. What sort of men go out of their way to find and harass effeminate “gay” men on the public streets? A. They are, literally, NAZIs! Ultra-Macho Nationalists, of which Russia has many. Q. And who makes up a significant part of the Nationalist movement everywhere in the world through all of modern history? A. Masculine oriented homosexual men of the very same sort that created the Nazi Party of Germany.

As “gay” journalist Johann Hari (another rare truth-teller) admitted in his Huffington Post article, “The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists”: This is a taboo topic for a gay left-wing man like me to touch, but there has always been a weird, disproportionate overlap between homosexuality and fascism….With the exception of Jean-Marie Le Pen, all the most high-profile fascists in Europe in the past thirty years have been gay…. Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell [explains] …‘They are going for hyper-masculinity, the most extreme possible way of being a man….These troubled men have a simple belief in their minds: ‘Straight men are tough. Queers are weak. Therefore if I’m tough I can’t be queer.’ [Bashing the Femmes] is a desperate way of proving their manhood.’”

Read the whole article, it’s priceless: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/johann-hari/the-strange-strange-story_b_136697.html

Indeed, even the ultimate “gay” clam to victim status — persecution by Nazis under the Third Reich — was almost entirely Butch/Femme “gay on gay” harassment. See http://www.scottlively.net/the-pink-swastika-5th-edition/

So in conclusion, I say the Human Rights Watch video is just another piece of deceptive Machiavellian “gay” propaganda, offered to prove the completely false narrative that all disapproval of homosexuality leads to hatred and murder. Whether or not any parts of the video are unstaged, the product as a whole is perpetrating a hoax.

Do not be fooled. The “gays” are not the victims, at least not as a class. In stories like this they are usually the bullies beating up each other (or themselves) on and off camera, sometimes by consent, to dupe the public into granting them collective “victim status,” with all of the extensive social and political benefits that entails.

If the producers of this video really want to depict violence against “gays” they should turn their cameras inward.

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The painful case of Pastor Scott Lively, homophobe to the world


This article came out today in the Washington Post. www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/02/03/the-painful-case-of-pastor-scott-lively-homophobe-to-the-world/?wp_login_redirect=0

I am pleased to note that I have been promoted to “’perhaps the most extreme’ of a network of U.S. evangelicals” but that designation was by a different writer in the National Journal here


I have replied to the WP piece below (you should read that article first).

With the Sochi Olympics gearing up, I expect there will be many news articles bashing me as a symbol of resistance to the global “gay” agenda.
Now that I’ve reached a place in my personal spiritual walk where I don’t fear the persecution and don’t really care about the opinions of the world and the man-pleasers within the church, I now actually enjoy the battle for truth. All Glory to Our God who gives boldness in place of timidity and peace in place of worry.

Why do the Heathen rage? In part for our amusement 🙂

Dr. Scott Lively

Just a short note from the “fever swamps.” The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was a vicious piece of false propaganda designed to harm the Jews based on irrational hatred against them. The facts I relate about homosexuality and the “gay” movement are all true and well documented, some by our own Centers for Disease Control. And my purpose is not to harm homosexuals but to prevent them from co-opting mainstream family-based culture which will not survive transformation to the sexual anarchy model of the “gay” subculture.

Ironically, at the time the Protocols were “discovered” and being disseminated across Europe the Jews of Germany were engaged in a Scott Lively-style attack on the homosexual movement. Jewish moralists led by newspaper mogul Maximilian Harden exposed a homosexual cabal in control of the young Kaiser leading to a huge national scandal and very public trials. Writing in the 1940s German Jewish writer Samuel Igra postulated that this public shaming of the power-hungry “gays” was the initial cause of Adolf Hitler’s hatred of the Jews, since Hitler was by numerous accounts a male prostitute on the streets of Vienna and Munich during those days and likely identified with the defendants. It’s at least plausible.

In any case, Rauch is drawing a common false comparison between Jews and homosexuals. Being ethnically Jewish is an immutable status like being African or Chinese. Each of these is morally neutral. Homosexuality, on the other hand is a form of voluntary sexual conduct with serious moral, sociological and public health implications. It is irrational to discriminate on the basis of race or skin color. It is irrational NOT to discriminate on the basis of harmful sexual conduct.

In closing, I guess we’ll find out just how devoted Mr. Rauch is to free speech by whether he arranges for me to have a chance for rebuttal other than this note in the comments section of his attack piece. This is my formal request.

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I, Dr. Scott Lively, am Pro-Life…

1. Because God wants me to be:

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live.

2. Because science proves that every baby is a unique human being from conception.

“To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion … it is plain experimental evidence. Each individual has a very neat beginning, at conception.” Dr. Jerome Lejeune, Father of Modern Genetics.

3. Because the deliberate choice of abortion is just another name for murder.

According to The Model Penal Code of The American Law Institute, murder is

“purposefully or knowingly killing another human being.”

4. Because American law and government rest upon a pro-life premise.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration of Independence, emphasis added.

The remaining three items are statements of self-evident truth.

5. Because legalized abortion robs fathers of their fundamental rights as parents, and their Biblical authority as heads of their households.

6. Because women are degraded and harmed by the choice to kill their own children.

7. Because even in the case of rape or incest, a child must never be required to pay for the sins of his father.

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Danger Lurking in Duck Dynasty Debacle

Memo to Pro-Family Leaders and Activists

The backlash against GLAAD and A&E over the firing of Phil Robertson while encouraging, has also exposed a serious danger lurking in the way some conservatives are looking to homosexuals for support for our position. Laura Ingram had some “gay” writer on her show, and let him get away with characterizing Phil Robertson‘s comments as bigotry. Lots of pro-family people are quoting Brandon Ambrosino’s article in Time http://ideas.time.com/2013/12/19/the-duck-dynasty-fiasco-says-more-about-our-bigotry-than-phils/and open lesbian Camille Paglia has also written a widely distributed piece.

I’m not against these people speaking their minds just because I oppose their lifestyle, but I am against the phenomenon of pro-family people thinking they are bolstering our arguments by using unrepentant “gays” as sources.

First, we never hear from these supposedly “conservative” or “moderate” homosexuals unless it’s to do damage control to protect their agenda (which is to fully legitimize homosexuality in society). We saw the same thing occur in 2012 when the “liberal” homosexual attack on Chic-Fil-A in 2012 sparked a national backlash. Whenever the more progressive wing of the “gay” movement goes too fast and threatens the success of the LGBT marketing strategy, the “conservatives” jump into the spotlight to soothe the public nerves. Why should we help them accomplish that?

Second, we need to recognize that the supposed “liberal” vs. “conservative” polarity in the homosexual alliance is a cleverly crafted illusion to infiltrate the pro-family movement. Of course there are some genuine political and ideological differences among homosexuals, but do not deceived, these cosmetic differences are all subsumed within the common goal of conquest of Christian civilization.

We must remember that the “gay” movement is a single, united cult of cultural Marxists, following the Hegelian thesis-antithesis-synthesis dialectic.

Our thesis is the truth of the Bible: homosexuality is condemned by God as an abomination.

Their anti-thesis is that homosexuality is good and normal.

Any “synthesis” of these two contradictory premises is abandonment of the thesis and an outright rejection of the truth of God. “What fellowship hath Christ with Belial?” asked Paul rhetorically in 2 Corinthians 6:15.

Our embrace of people like Tammy Bruce and Camille Paglia (as brilliant as the latter may be to quote on feminist issues) is the “synthesis” phase of the Hegelian dialectic and poisonous to our theology and agenda.

The rise of “conservative” homosexuals is a ruse to sucker us into endorsing “gay rights” in a slightly different form. Think about it for a moment. If these people were truly on our side politically or ideologically they would consider their homosexual inclinations a private matter and a challenge to be overcome, and never publicly identify as “gay.”

Lets have compassion for homosexuals but never align ourselves with them politically or give them a platform to legitimize their lifestyle. Anyone who self-identifies as a unrepentant homosexual is an enemy of the truth, no matter how “conservative” they may sound. Love them as lost sheep, but hate the false premise they live their lives by.

Remember, the Marxist dialectic was taught as a dance to Soviet children: two steps forward, one step back equals a net gain of one step. The “progressive” homosexual agenda represents the two steps forward. The “conservative” homosexual “counter-faction” is one step back. When we endorse “conservative gays” we are helping the entire “gay” movement to advance at the expense of the Bible. Lets not dance with the devil!

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Time for Pro-Family Push-Back in 2014!

Those of us who still hold a Biblical worldview have been heartened by recent global events affirming normalcy. The Australian high court struck down “gay marriage” as unconstitutional, the Indian high court re-criminalized sodomy, and Russian President Putin declared his nation to be the new moral compass of the world for championing family values. Although Ukraine’s highly controversial decision to postpone (or cancel) a step into the fold of the European Union has been framed in economic terms, there is little doubt that the Ukrainian disdain for the sexual perversion agenda of the EU has played a major role. And in tiny Jamaica, a push to decriminalize sodomy (driven in large part by the U.S. State Department), has run into so much opposition that the pro-family Jamaicans just might win that battle.

There is no question that among the major western powers 2013 has been the best year for the homosexual movement since its defeat of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 1973. The APA was the first of the big secular institutions to fall to the homosexual movement after its agenda was militarized in the Stonewall Riot of 1968 (the day they tried to burn police officers alive in the Stonewall bar on Christopher Street in NYC for attempting to arrest an under-age drag queen who serviced the homosexual men there). Today that incident is celebrated annually as “Gay Pride Day.”

That was the day the “gay” movement abandoned its previous goal of achieving “the right to be left alone” (tolerance) and embraced the new goal of total conquest of Christian civilization being advocated by the radical Frankfort School of cultural Marxists led by Herbert Marcuse. Marxism has, of course, always been about destroying civilization to clear the way for the Marxists to build a supposed socialist utopia on the ashes. Like Balaam in the Bible (Numbers 22 and Revelation 2:14), the Frankfort school taught that taking down civilization could be accomplished more rapidly through a focus on social rather than economic issues (i.e., encouraging sexual immorality in society). Marcuse saw homosexuals as the perfect agents of this change, as indeed they were.

In the US, 2013 saw the completion of a 40-year LGBT campaign to conquer American society and culture. 40 years happens to be the Biblical number of testing (just as 13 is the number of rebellion against God) but in practical terms it was the length of time the “gays” needed to subjugate all of the secular institutions in America. The very last to fall was, of course, the Boy Scouts of America. Tellingly, the new homosexual-controlled BSA has just elected as its first president, the reprobate Robert Gates, who, as Obama’s Defense Secretary, homosexualized the next-most-recent “gay” trophy, the United States Military, following the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

To those who would suggest that the Republican Party remains a secular institution still committed to defending the natural family, let me remind you that it was the Republicans, including libertarian darling Ron Paul, who willingly provided the votes to hand over the military to the Sodomites. And even Ted Cruz voted recently to affirm the first openly homosexual judge to the federal bench. It‘s my theory that the seismic shift of FOX News to a more “gay-friendly” posture over the past 18 months or so is designed to give cover to the now solidly pro-homosexual Republican establishment. (The GOP elite just can’t be too open about it because the grassroots is still strongly pro-family.)

Yet, despite the dire picture in the west (lets not forget that 2013 also saw “gay marriage” adopted in England and France), the culture war is not over, even in America. There remains one institution still standing against the “gay” agenda: the church of Jesus Christ (in alliance with Torah-faithful Jews).

Now that the people with cloudy secular thinking and ambiguous motives are off the battlefield, we can all finally recognize the culture war for what is it: a battle between Good and Evil. The still sizable remnant of the Christian church stands for the goodness of God, represented in the blessing of authentic marriage and the natural family, the sanctity of life and a civilization grounded in Biblical truth. The homosexual movement stands for the agenda of the evil one, represented in counterfeit marriage and corrupt notions of family, the sublimation of the needs of children to hedonistic selfishness, and a degeneration of civilization into moral anarchy.

Yes, 2013 was the year of the LGBT agenda. But I‘m predicting 2014 will be the Year of the Pro-Family Push-Back!

The homosexual movement may have built up a formidable army of activists and an enormous war machine over the past forty years, but even at its best it is no match for an awakened Christian church. And for the first time in my 25 years of service as a Christian social activist I believe the church has been awakened. It hasn’t buckled on its armor. It’s not even standing on its feet yet. But the church of Jesus Christ — the universal body of Bible-believing Christians spanning every denomination and confession — finally has its eyes open and is aware that the enemy has breached the outer walls.

I think the shock that broke the peace of slumber occurred back in 2012 when Chic-Fil A executive Dan Cathy made a public statement in defense of authentic marriage, and the “gays” dramatically over-reacted. In response to Cathy’s pro-marriage statement, the mayors of “gay” stronghold cities Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia announced they would not allow Chic-Fil-A restaurants to be built in those cities. The church suddenly snorted and got up on one elbow: “Huh? What did they say?” For a brief moment the mask was pulled off and Christian America got to see the real face of homo-fascism. They didn’t like it!

The homosexual political machine, which had hummed along so perfectly for so long had made a major gaffe. They turned up the heat under the frog in the water pot too fast and he jumped out. Across the nation, such a wave of support arose for Chic Fil A, that it stunned even the pro-family leaders who had been praying for something like this to happen.

Homosexual leaders moved rapidly to repair the damage, distancing themselves from the Mayors’ ill-advised announcement, but it was too late. The giant settled back into the pillows but didn’t go back to sleep.

It was thus awake later in 2012 to see Southern Poverty Law Center supporter Floyd Lee Corkins attempt mass-murder against the Family Research Council, carrying a bag of Chic-Fil-A sandwiches to scatter among the corpses.

It was awake in June of 2013 when U.S. Supreme Court Justice and long-time homosexualist Anthony Kennedy released the opinion striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

It was awake in September when a “gay” journalist exposed the Matthew Shepard “hate crime” narrative as the biggest hoax of the modern age.

And it was still awake later in the year when Christian small business owners across the nation began facing criminal penalties for refusing to bake cakes and print wedding announcements for “gay” provocateurs who deliberately targeted them for punishment in the wake of sexual orientation “anti-discrimination” policies being adopted in their cities.

At the close of 2013 the Christian church is now wide awake and concerned. The giant is sitting up on the edge of the bed, ready to put on his shoes and go out to deal with this problem.

This article is a call to action to pro-family leaders and activists across America. We need to rally together to quickly arm and equip the giant. I will personally pursue three tactics to accomplish the goal and I invite you to join with me in encouraging the church to follow suit:

First, Reclaim the Rainbow. The rainbow belongs to God, not to the “gays.’” It is the symbol of His authority over creation in Revelation 6-9, and of His Glory in Ezekiel 1:28 and Revelation 4:3. The “gay’ movement is essence wrapping itself in God’s own cloak in an attempt to sanitize a lifestyle which cannot be sanitized. I am calling on every Christian church, ministry and activist to begin using the rainbow symbol (in conjunction with key scriptures) to reclaim the rainbow in a way that cannot be mistaken for support of the homosexual agenda — such as displaying a rainbow flag or bumper sticker bearing the legend “The Rainbow Belongs to God: Rev 6-9, 19” (linking, the story of the flood with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as does the Bible). I assert no copyright of this idea or verbiage for anyone who wants to adopt it for the cause of Christ.

The church reclamation of the rainbow will not only prevent the name of God from being tied to sodomy (an essential goal in itself), it will throw the homosexual battalions into disarray. It will also force them to find a new battlefield flag to fight under, just as in the 1990s they were forced to abandon their first banner, the inverted pink triangle, after my book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party (co-authored with Orthodox Jewish researcher Kevin Abrams) exposed their efforts to create a false “Gay Holocaust” as a symbolic rallying-point for their national movement.

Second, Reclaim the Constitution. The church must be educated to recognize that anti-discrimination policies based on sexual orientation, aka “sexual orientation regulations” (SORs) are the seed that contain the entire tree of the homosexual agenda with all of its poisonous fruit. Far from being a benign civil rights policy (a Shield) to prevent unfair discrimination in employment and housing, SORs are a devilish scheme to subvert the constitution and give militant LGBT activists a Sword to attack Christians through private lawsuits and public “hate crime” enforcement.

SORs are used routinely today to give special rights to homosexuals and transsexuals that trump the First Amendment. The next step in the SOR strategy is to strip the churches of tax-exempt status, force pastors to perform homosexual “marriages,” and criminalize the Bible as “hate speech.”

Churches must step up now to push back the SORs by 1) opposing them in jurisdictions where they have not yet been adopted, and 2) by amending them in every place where they have already become law (including local and state governments, quasi-government agencies, public schools and universities, for-profit and non-profit corporations, etc.). These existing SORs can be easily neutralized by amending them with a First Amendment Supremacy Clause, to wit:

In no circumstance shall sexual orientation regulations supersede the First Amendment rights of individuals, churches and religious organizations to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion.

“For the purpose of this amendment, religious organizations are those whose policies or culture are substantially influenced by religious values, including but not limited to Christian bookstores, adoption agencies, hospitals, businesses, social organizations and student clubs on college campuses.”

Once again, I assert no copyright of this idea or verbiage for anyone who wants to adopt it for the cause of Christ.

Third, and most importantly, Reclaim the Bible. This imminent, perhaps final battle for the heart and soul of America, largely comes down to a contest over the Word of God. Over the past 40 years the homosexual movement has produced an entire school of Biblical revisionists who have invented a new doctrine called “Gay Theology.” It provides the twisted theological underpinning for the “Welcoming and Affirming” movement in the so-called “mainstream” denominations, and for the more recent “Emergent Church” movement among evangelicals. “Gay Theology” is the heresy of our time and must be effectively countered.

In 2014, I will be working to encourage the church in America to reacquaint itself with the clear Biblical teaching on homosexuality that has been largely self-censored due to the pressure of political-correctness in the popular culture. Now that the giant has awakened and realizes there is a very real threat to Christian civilization presented by the homosexual movement, individual churches will be increasing more inclined to revisit the teaching of the Bible on the topic. I will be referring pastors and church leaders to the work of scholars such as Rob Gagnon and James DeYoung, as well as to concise Genesis-to-Revelation summaries such as my video The Global Threat of Homosexuality at http://www.massresistance.org/docs/issues/scott_lively/speech_011512.html

I confess that I’ve been increasingly pessimistic over the past few years, and downright discouraged a few times during the darkest days of 2013, but I have a very strong sense today that things have changed for the better for the pro-family movement, at least in the short term. I am very optimistic for our prospects in 2014. It’s time for some push-back!

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Lively Asks Court of Appeals to Overrule Ponsor


Yesterday my attorneys filed a special and little-used Writ of Mandamus with the Federal Court of Appeals, asking that it overrule Judge Ponsor’s denial of my Motion to Dismiss the frivolous SMUG lawsuit against me for alleged “Crimes against Humanity.   See the writ here: Writ of Mandamus

Senior litigation counsel Harry Mihet’s reasoning and articulation is again masterful and highly persuasive.  God has truly blessed me with a advocate equipped with great skill and intellect.

The writ is relatively short and straight to the point so I’ll let you read it for yourselves, but I’ll cite one paragraph here that sums up why I am in this suit:

“Few people would ever engage in the political process if the cost of doing so was having to defend through discovery and summary judgment a transnational crimes against humanity suit brought by their political adversaries. Here, this is SMUG’s admitted purpose in bringing this suit – to make it “too costly” for Lively and others to engage in speech and advocacy that offends SMUG.”

This lawsuit is harassment, pure and simple.


Pastor Scott Lively



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