The Forgotten Last Days Warning about Homosexuality in the Bible

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NOT just another sin…

A dangerous modern heresy called “gay theology” is infiltrating the Christian church at an alarming pace.  Many believers, fearful of being called “haters,” are trivializing the threat by calling homosexuality “just another sin.”  But from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible teaches that homosexuality is NOT “just another sin.”  It is a symbol of extreme rebellion against God and harbinger of His wrath.

But more than that, when the key Biblical references to homosexuality are taken together and laid out in chronological order, they reveal a stark and sobering warning to the church about the last days culture of apostasy before the return of Christ.  Specifically, the emergence of widespread homosexuality and its celebration by the world is designed to test the faithfulness of the church to God’s Word.  It is, in a sense, a “dress rehearsal” for the Mark of the Beast, as indeed “sexual orientation” laws in parts of our economy today prohibit “buying or selling” without first accepting the normalcy of homosexuality as a precondition — eerily foreshadowing the consequence of resisting the Antichrist in Revelation 13:17.

Courage in defending the Bible regarding homosexuality is certainly not a “salvation issue,” which fact helps the timid rationalize their avoidance of the issue.  Yet this is precisely why it serves God’s purpose as a litmus-test.

He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much” (Luke 16:10). 

If a Christian is unable to remain faithful to Biblical truth when all he will suffer is the disapproval of the world or the loss of a job, how can he be expected to stand with Christ when the cost is his life? (Revelation 12:11).  As Jeremiah 12:5 puts it

If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?”

As we proceed to assemble in sequence the individual components God’s unmistakable warning about homosexuality in the light of current events and present day church compromises, the words of Jesus ring with special significance:   “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).

The “One Flesh” Paradigm: God’s Exclusive Standard for Sexuality and the Model for His Relationship with Mankind

In Genesis 1:27 & 2:24 God sets forth the exclusive “one flesh” paradigm for human sexuality: the lifelong, faithful union of one man and one woman created in His image for procreation.  “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them“ (1:27).

This male/female complimentarity, consummated in marriage, reflects the very relationship of God and Man, as the Apostle Paul explains in Ephesians 5, citing Genesis 2:24.

 ” Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it: That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.’ This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.”

All sex outside of marriage is thus wrong and harmful — spiritually equivalent to worshipping false gods — as in fact God condemns as “adultery” all idolatry by His people. [1]

[Footnote 1: The Book of Hosea is especially instructive to this teaching, as the two “Houses” of the divided Hebrew kingdom, Judea and Israel, are portrayed as wives of God, condemned as adulterers for worship of false gods.]

Sexual Sin is Especially Grievous in the Eyes of God Because it Defiles Both His Image In Us and His Relationship With Us.

The teaching of Leviticus 18, which we will address shortly, makes clear God’s perspective of sexual sin as the most destructive to human society and our relationship to Him.  It is important to highlight this fact before we proceed to examine the lessons of Genesis 6-19.

As Paul explains “Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?” (1 Corinthians 6:18-19).  Every human body was created to be a temple of the Holy Spirit!  Through Christ, the bodies of the elect are cleansed and made inhabitable by Him, but even the unsaved were created for this same purpose.

Jesus summarized the Mosaic laws with two commandments: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Humans tend to measure the gravity of sins based on the second commandment, and thus we think of murder, or perhaps genocide, as the worst of sins. But from God’s perspective, the worst human sins are violations of the first commandment.  “You shall have no other gods before me” tops the Decalogue, and its violation is certainly the greatest of all possible sins, but sexual sins are uniquely grievous in that they violate both the first and second commandments simultaneously.

Homosexuality and Bestiality are the Most Harshly Condemned of All Sexual Sins Because They Deviate the Furthest from the One-Flesh Paradigm.

Genesis 6-9:  After the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and 1000 years of increasing sin by their descendents, God pours out His wrath in the form of a global flood which the ancient Hebrew rabbis taught was triggered by homosexual and bestial “marriages” (Talmud, Genesis Rabbah 26:5:4).

The ancient scholars of Hebrew who wrote the Talmud stated expressly what Jesus Himself merely alluded to when He warned that in the time leading to His return, wicked people would be “marrying and giving in marriage” “as in the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:38), when “every intent of the thoughts of [their] heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5).

The main points here are that homosexuality in the Bible is equated with bestiality and that the human celebration of marriages based on these sexual perversions represented the final insult to God triggering Noah’s Flood.

The common law crime of sodomy is still on the books (though not enforced) in several U.S. States including Massachusetts. [2] It does not emphasize specific sexual acts (eg oral or anal sex) as in modern statutory law, but prohibits two types of sexual relationships: those between people of the same gender and those with animals, reflecting this same correlation in the Bible.   President Thomas Jefferson addressed this crime in his restatement of the common law and observed that of the two forms, homosexuality was the greater threat to society. [3]

[Footnote 2: Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 272, Crimes Against Chastity, Morality, Decency and Good Order, Section 34, Crime against nature: “Whoever commits the abominable and detestable crime against nature, either with mankind or with a beast, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than twenty years.” ]
[Footnote 3: Paragraph 25. H. 8. C. 6. Buggery is twofold. 1. With mankind, 2. With beasts. Buggery is the Genus, of which Sodomy and Bestiality, are the species. 12. Co. 37. Says, “note that Sodomy is with mankind.” But Finch’s L. B. 3. c. 24. “Sodomiary is a carnal copulation against nature, to wit, of man or woman in the same sex, or of either of them with beasts.” 12. Co. 36. Says, “it appears by the ancient authorities of the law that this was felony.” Yet the 25. H. 8. Declares it felony, as if supposed not the be so…. B. Fleta, L. i. c. 37. says, “pecorantes et Sodomitae in terra vivi confodiantur.” The Mirror makes it treason. Bestiality can never make any progress; it cannot therefore be injurious to society in any great degree, which is the true measure of criminality in foro civili, and will ever be properly and severely punished, by universal derision. It may, therefore, be omitted. It was anciently punished with death, as it has been latterly. Ll. Aelfrid. 31. and 25. H. 8. c. 6. see Beccaria. Paragraph 31. Montesq.” Peterson, Merrill D. “Crimes and Punishments” Thomas Jefferson: Writings Public Papers (Literary Classics of the United States, Inc. 1984) pp. 355, 356.]

God’s Symbol of Promise Becomes a Harbinger of Wrath by Fire

Genesis 9:13  After the flood, God creates the “bow” (rainbow) as the symbol of His authority over the earth, specifically identified with His role as Judge of the Earth.  With this symbol He promises never again to destroy the earth by flood (Genesis 9:15), knowing that He will bring a final destruction in the last days by fire:

“[L]ong ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly” (2 Peter 3:5-7).

The rainbow is intimately associated with the person and power of God.   “As the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD” reads Ezekiel 1:28, and a rainbow emanates from His throne in heaven (Revelation 4:3).

It is not mere “coincidence” that the modern “gay” movement, so hostile to Biblical Christianity, has hijacked the symbol of the rainbow for itself.  It is a hallmark of the Antichrist spirit to claim God’s throne for itself ((2 Thessalonians 2:4)

The Culture of Perversion Survives the Flood and Reemerges in the Post-Flood World

Genesis 9:22-25  Corrupted by the pre-flood homosexual culture, Noah’s son Ham passes it to his son Canaan, who sexually molests his grandfather.

And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan

To “uncover nakedness” is a Biblical idiom for sexual intercourse.  “None of you shall approach any blood relative of his to uncover nakedness; I am the LORD” states Leviticus 18:6.

The Genesis passage has been interpreted some to mean that Ham had sex with Noah’s wife, producing Canaan by incest, a conclusion bolstered by Leviticus 20:11: “The man that lies with his father’s wife, has uncovered his father’s nakedness.”  Alternately, the sin is interpreted to be the homosexual molestation of Noah by Canaan.  We have chosen the latter interpretation, partly because this was the conclusion of Hebrew scholars of their own language,[4]  but primarily because it more closely aligns with the pattern of conduct we have exposed in this study, and thus seems more plausible.

[Footnote 4: In Call of the Torah, Rabbi Elie Munk interprets the sin against Noah as “an act of pederasty” (p. 220).]

Having been banished for his sin, Canaan and his descendants then brazenly colonize what we know today as the Holy Land and introduce ritual demon worship involving child sacrifice and sexual perversion (Lev.18, esp. 22-24).  They also establish the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 10:19-20).

Again, the goal of the Antichrist spirit is to appropriate and defile what is most precious to God.  We are of the view that the Holy Land of Israel is the same territory as the Land of Eden, and that Jerusalem is the site of the Garden of Eden.  If so, this would explain why evil Canaan would take possession of this particular land of all the places on the earth he could have chosen.

As Sexual Perversion Increases in the Post-Flood World, God Provides a Glimpse of the Wrath to Come, Triggered by the Homosexual Sin of Sodom

In Genesis 19, God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone, foreshadowing the last-days destruction of the earth (2 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7).  The final insult to God is the attempted homosexual rape of the two angelic witnesses whom He sent to Sodom to confirm its wickedness (Gen 19:4-5).

Importantly, the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah is completely unique in Biblical history.  God’s intentional association of homosexuality with the outpouring of His wrath by fire is absolutely unmistakable, as is His warning that it was simply a preview of the last days.

He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter” (2 Peter 2:6).

Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire” (Jude 1:7).

 Widespread Sexual Perversion So Defiles the Land that God Employs Genocide to Cleanse it

In Leviticus 18, God identifies incest, homosexuality and bestiality as the sins which cause the land to “vomit out its inhabitants” (v25).  Even in this dark context homosexuality is singled out for special condemnation as “an abomination” (v.22).

In what is probably the most challenging Biblical passage of all, Deuteronomy 20:16-18, God tells the Hebrew people to completely wipe out the Canaanite inhabitants of the Holy Land.  His explanation why is detailed in Leviticus 18:24-30.

Do not defile yourselves by any of these things; for by all these the nations which I am casting out before you have become defiled. ‘For the land has become defiled, therefore I have brought its punishment upon it, so the land has spewed out its inhabitants. ‘But as for you, you are to keep My statutes and My judgments and shall not do any of these abominations, neither the native, nor the alien who sojourns among you (for the men of the land who have been before you have done all these abominations, and the land has become defiled); so that the land will not spew you out, should you defile it, as it has spewed out the nation which has been before you. ‘For whoever does any of these abominations, those persons who do so shall be cut off from among their people. ‘Thus you are to keep My charge, that you do not practice any of the abominable customs which have been practiced before you, so as not to defile yourselves with them; I am the LORD your God.’

It is certainly not within our right to judge God.  We can only rest in the assurance that, by definition, whatever God does is justified.  Importantly, however, his use of genocide to punish sexual perversion is instructive as to His perspective of the relative gravity of human sins, as is His admonition not to tolerate these forms of sexual conduct by any persons in the society, even “the sojourner among you.”

Of course, this does not condone hatred or violence against homosexuals.  To quote from one of my recent articles:

“Under the New Covenant by which Christ has instituted an era of grace for those who belong to Him (John 1:17; Romans 11:25) believers are freed from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2), instructed to love the lost, even our enemies (Matthew 5:44) and leave vengeance to Him (Romans 12:19). Our weapons are not physical, but spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)…under the new covenant it is Christ Himself who “judges and makes war” against the wicked (Revelation 19:11-16)….

“Our instruction from Christ is to lead sinners to Him (Matthew 28:19-20) so that they may be spared the terrible consequence of their sin — both in this life and in eternity — through the acceptance of His sacrifice on the cross (Romans 10:9-10). If they reject Christ their blood is upon their own heads but we have done our job (Ezekiel 3:18-19).”

The Second Witness of Sodom’s Sin

In Judges 19, ala Sodom, the attempted homosexual rape of a Levite by the Benjamites of Gibeah leads to civil war among the Hebrew tribes (v15-30).

Frequently, God give special emphasis to His teachings by sending two witnesses.  A we noted above, this occurred when God sent two angels to bear witness to Sodom’s homosexual sin before the outpouring of His wrath.  But there are also two separate incidents in the Bible which bear witness to the special relationship of homosexuality with apostasy and judgment.  The first is, of course, Genesis 19.  The second witness is Judges 19.

Readers of both passages will be struck by the clear parallels in the two stories, the primary common elements being the mobs of predatory homosexual men insistent on raping the male guest(s), the offering of a female substitute(s) as the lesser evil, and the severe consequence to society from the behavior of the homosexuals.  The differences in the stories highlight the importance of the common elements but also add meaning to the lesson.  For example, the fact that the object of the homosexual’s lust in Judges 19 is a Levite is significant as the Levites were the tribe of priests who served as Old Testament intermediaries between God and man, and thus the offense was against both God and man simultaneously — a violation of the first and the second great commandment.

Sexual Sin Can Corrupt Even the Wisest of Men

In 1 Kings 11, Solomon’s reintroduction of Canaanite ritual child sacrifice and sexual perversion, including homosexuality, causes God to take the Kingdom of Israel away from him and divide it in two (v. 5-13).

Many Christians are unaware that in his later years, “wise” King Solomon succumbed to sexual perversion and sinned greatly against the Lord.

 For when Solomon, his wives turned his heart away after other gods, and his heart was not wholly devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians and after Milcom the detestable idol of the Ammonites. Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and did not follow the LORD fully, as David his father had done. Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable idol of Moab, on the mountain which is east of Jerusalem, and for Molech the detestable idol of the sons of Ammon. Thus also he did for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods” (1 Kings 11:5-8).

In other words, King Solomon allowed and apparently participated in rampant sexual perversion and the murder of innocent children in sacrifice to demons on the Mount of Olives.

While Solomon apparently repented later in his life, as the Book of  Ecclesiastes suggests, he nevertheless suffered severely for his sins.

“Now the LORD was angry with Solomon because his heart was turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice, and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods; but he did not observe what the LORD had commanded. So the LORD said to Solomon, ‘Because you have done this, and you have not kept My covenant and My statutes, which I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you, and will give it to your servant. ‘Nevertheless I will not do it in your days for the sake of your father David, but I will tear it out of the hand of your son. ‘However, I will not tear away all the kingdom, but I will give one tribe to your son for the sake of My servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem which I have chosen.’

Thus, solely due to sexual sin, the Kingdom of David was divided in two:  the House of Judah (Judah and Benjamin) and the House of Israel (the other Ten Tribes). [5]

[Footnote 5: A useful resource for investigating the so-called “Two House Teaching” is]

The Wickedness of the Kings of Judah and Israel was Measured by the Degree to which they Embraced Sexual Perversion

In 2 Kings 23, Josiah is named as the most righteous of all the Kings (v 25) in part because he “broke down the houses of the Sodomites who were in the House of the Lord” (v.7) — ending what Solomon had begun 300 years before.

Central to the worship of the demon gods of the heathens were fertility rituals including practices involving sexual perversion, which is why God always equates idolatry with adultery in the Bible.  As you read the following description of Josiah’s reforms, remember that all of this idolatry was occurring in or near the Temple of God:

“The the king [Josiah] commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order and the doorkeepers, to bring out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, for Asherah, and for all the host of heaven; and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of the Kidron, and carried their ashes to Bethel. He did away with the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah and in the surrounding area of Jerusalem, also those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun and to the moon and to the constellations and to all the host of heaven. He brought out the Asherah from the house of the LORD outside Jerusalem to the brook Kidron, and burned it at the brook Kidron, and ground it to dust, and threw its dust on the graves of the common people. He also broke down the houses of the male cult prostitutes which were in the house of the LORD, where the women were weaving hangings for the Asherah. Then he brought all the priests from the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beersheba; and he broke down the high places of the gates which were at the entrance of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city, which were on one’s left at the city gate. Nevertheless the priests of the high places did not go up to the altar of the LORD in Jerusalem, but they ate unleavened bread among their brothers. He also defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire for Molech. He did away with the horses which the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entrance of the house of the LORD, by the chamber of Nathan-melech the official, which was in the precincts; and he burned the chariots of the sun with fire. The altars which were on the roof, the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the LORD, the king broke down; and he smashed them there and threw their dust into the brook Kidron. The high places which were before Jerusalem, which were on the right of the mount of destruction which Solomon the king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Sidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Milcom the abomination of the sons of Ammon, the king defiled. He broke in pieces the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherim and filled their places with human bones.”

The “sacred pillars“ and  “Asherim” in this passage were fertility symbols, most likely including giant phalluses carved from oak trees, which were the central feature of the “sacred oak groves“ often found on the “high places” where the demons were worshiped through male and female prostitution.   The ritual of “kissing under the mistletoe” derives from this ancient pagan association of sex with oak trees, as mistletoe is a parasite most commonly found in oak groves.

Homosexuality is a Tool of the Antichrist to Corrupt God’s People

In Daniel 11, the Antichrist figure Antiochus IV Epiphanes uses homosexuality to corrupt Hebrew male youth in his plan to turn the Jews away from God (v.21-39, see also 1 Maccabees 1, esp v.14-16).

Forces from him will arise, desecrate the sanctuary fortress, and do away with the regular sacrifice. And they will set up the abomination of desolation. “By smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength and take action. “Those who have insight among the people will give understanding to the many …“Some of those who have insight will fall, in order to refine, purge and make them pure until the end time; because it is still to come at the appointed time“Then the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will prosper until the indignation is finished, for that which is decreed will be done. “He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all (Daniel 11:31-37).

Daniel does not specify the process by which those who disregard the covenant are turned to godlessness, but the apocryphal book of 1 Maccabees 1 does.  The Books of the Maccabees are not inspired scripture, but they are highly reliable historical records, and provide key details of the events described in summary by Daniel. The reader is encouraged to read the entirely of 1 Maccabees 1 for context.

“Antiochus Epiphanes began to rule….At that time, some renegade Israelites emerged. These people went against their ancestral laws and encouraged many other Jews to join them. They spoke up, saying, ‘Let’s make an agreement with the Gentiles around us‘…. Consequently, they built a gymnasium in Jerusalem, following Gentile custom….They joined with Gentiles and gave themselves over to an evil course…Then King Antiochus sent word throughout his entire kingdom that everyone should act like one people, giving up their local customs….They were supposed to make themselves repulsive to God by doing unclean and improper acts. All of this was intended to make them forget the Law and change its regulations….

The king’s inspectors drove Israel into hiding in every place of refuge they had available….they set up a disgusting and destructive thing on the altar for entirely burned offerings in the sanctuary….When they found the Law scrolls, they tore them to pieces and burned them. If anyone was caught in possession of a copy of the covenant scroll or if anyone kept to the Law, that person was condemned to death by royal decree…. In keeping with the decree, they killed women who had circumcised their sons. They hanged the infant boys from their mothers’ necks” (1 Maccabees 1:10-61).

The Greek “gymnasium,” where young men engaged in sporting events in the nude, was a center of homosexuality and one of the reasons sodomy became known throughout the entire western world as “Greek love.”  In his article, Homosexuality & the Maccabean Revolt, Catholic scholar Patrick G.D. Riley notes:

“The all-male athletic club known as the gymnasium was notorious in the ancient world as a nestingplace for pederasty. Socrates himself was susceptible to it, as we learn in the Charmides. The lovers of boys came to the gymnasium in crowds, as Plato notes in that dialogue and in the Euthydemus. Plutarch mentions it in the Erotikos.  Hence the gymnasium, with its sexual seductions, was bound to arouse alarm when it arrived in Jerusalem and “attracted the noblest young men” of Israel (2 Macc. 4:12). What follows that phrase bears this out. The original Greek of the text of 2 Maccabees continues with a pun: hypotasson hypo petason, which literally means “subduing [these noble young Jews] under the petason,” the broad-brimmed hat of Hermes worn by naked Greek athletes. But in the Church’s traditional Latin translation, known as the Vulgate, St. Jerome renders this in lupanaribus ponere, that is, ‘to put in brothels’

…Joined themselves to the Gentiles. In the Greek, this has a strong connotation of sexual union. The verb, zeugizein, means “to yoke in pairs,” a graphic metaphor for sexual union. It is used in a love-passage from second-century B.C. Alexandria, hence contemporary with the Maccabees, in a context implying copulation. Since the Greek gymnasium was traditionally exclusive to males, and since the histories present the Jerusalem gymnasium as male-only, the sexual union can only be homosexual. (New Oxford Review, September 1997).

Homosexuality is Singled Out by God to Exemplify the “Reprobate Mind,” and Identify the Period of Apostasy Preceding the Return of Christ

In Romans 1 homosexuality is singularly condemned as the sin associated with the “reprobate mind” and apostasy (v.24-32).

In 1 Timothy 1Homosexuals are equated with murderers, slavers and perjurers (v.9-10).

The condemnation of homosexual perversion in the Old Testament continues in the New Testament under Christ.  The Apostle Paul expounds on the theme of natural law from the Biblical perspective, but also frames the discussion in an end-times context:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,  because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse….Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error” (Romans 1:18-27).

The phrase “wrath of God…revealed from heaven” invokes both the incineration of Sodom and the coming destruction in the last days and associates it unmistakably with homosexuality.

Moreover, the characteristics of the end-times apostate culture are portrayed as a direct consequence of the embrace of homosexual perversion by the society (note especially the last sentence of the following passage).

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful. And although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them” (Romans 1:28-32).

Now, keeping in mind that God frequently provides two witnesses to emphasize an important teaching, compare the list of apostate conduct in Romans 1 with the only other place in scripture it is found: 2 Timothy 3:1-5:

But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.”


Lastly, note the “last days” context of the 2 Timothy passage.  Taken together these two Biblical witnesses clearly warn that the societal embrace of homosexuality will define the culture of the end, and the final warning in both passages is for believers to shun that culture.

The Good News is that Homosexuals Can Be Healed and Delivered by Christ

1 Corinthians 6 warns that neither homosexuals (nor transsexuals) can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, but they can be saved and healed of homosexuality by Christ (v.9-11).

“[D]o you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God

“The simple, powerful truth of God is that He can heal homosexuals and deliver them from their bondage to sexual sin.  It is a fact of Biblical history!  In declaring that promise, this passage also reveals that former homosexuals were some of the earliest members of the church.

Thus, those who accept the lie of the modern age that homosexuals cannot change insult God and deny the truth of  His Word.  To these people, which unfortunately includes an increasing number of Christians, James’ warning is especially relevant:

You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God”  (James 4:4).

Consider further the implications of the lie that homosexuality is innate and unchangeable, especially for children who struggle with same-sex attraction due to sexual molestation or gender identity disorder — frequently from Christian homes.  Imagine trying to cope with the shame and fear of abnormal sexual orientation and then being told by the “experts” that you have NO HOPE of ever being healed of it.  Is it any wonder that so many “gay” kids commit suicide.

But what is the implication for those who help perpetuate that lie?

[W]hoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).

Every believer in this age should always be ready to rebut that lie and offer real hope to those who struggle with homosexual sin by citing 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

The Apostle Peter Warns of the Rise of  “Gay Theology” in the Last Days

2 Peter 2 invokes Noah’s flood, Sodom’s incineration and Balaam’s error, to warn against “destructive heresies” in the last days which are defined by “sensuality” and “the lust of defiling passions” (v.1-19) a clear reference to homosexuality.

A heresy is any theory or teaching that directly contradicts the plain truth of scripture.  “Gay theology” is the most blatant example of heresy in the present age and is quite obviously being described in Peter’s prophecy.

[T[here will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned
For if God did not spare…the ancient world, but preserved Noah…when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; and if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter…. And if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men …then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment, especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and despise authority…..

But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct…count it a pleasure to revel in the daytime…reveling in their deception…having eyes full of adultery that never cease from sin, enticing unstable souls… [T]hey have gone astray, having followed the way of Balaam….speaking out arrogant words of vanity they entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality, those who barely escape from the ones who live in error, promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved” (2 Peter 2:1-19).

The phenomenon of “destructive heresies” warned of in this passage is unmistakably the legitimization of sexual perversion, especially homosexuality.  The invocation of Sodom alone reveals that, bolstered by the references to Noah’s flood and Balaam’s error. [6]

[Footnote 6: Balaam was the magician who (in Numbers 22-24) refused Moabite King Balak’s command to curse the Hebrews out of fear of God, but advised Balak that the same result could be accomplished by involving the Hebrews in sexual sin.  Thus, “the people began to play the harlot with the daughters of Moab. For they invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods” Numbers 25:1-2.]

Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned.”  Could any phrase more perfectly capture the essence of the “culture war” in our age in which LGBT activists and their surrogates champion the sexual revolution while declaring Biblical Christianity to be a religion of hate?   

And doesn’t this entire passage accurately describe America and the West today: a hyper-sexualized culture of people “reveling” in self-deception, rationalizing that they are “born as creatures of instinct,” driven by insatiable lust and full of boastful “pride” about it, enticing others to join them in what they call “sexual freedom” but which is actually bondage and addiction?

Peter ends his letter with the following admonition, which also alludes to the heresy of “Gay Theology.”

[B]e diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:14-18).

The Tribulation Kingdom of the Antichrist will be Defined by Homosexuality and “Religious Pluralism”

Revelation 6 warns that the end-times Antichrist (a counterfeit version of the Messiah in Rev. 19:11-16) will ride forth on a white horse “conquering and to conquer” holding aloft a “bow” (likely God’s symbol of authority, the rainbow) (v.2).

“Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.  When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.  When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand….When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him” Revelation 6:1-8).

Chapter 6 of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to the Apostle John closely parallels a portion of the Olivet Discourse in Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, in which Jesus summarized the sequences of end time events before His return.  The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent the four phases or aspects of what Jesus calls “the beginning of sorrows” (labor pains) just before the start of the tribulation (Matthew 24:4-8).

The white horse represents the Antichrist, and the “bow” which he holds is almost certainly the rainbow.  Remember that the Antichrist is an imposter who seeks to deceive the world into thinking he is the messiah.  The real Christ will return “in the clouds” at His second coming (Matthew 24:30), and on a white horse.  Revelation 19:11 states “And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.” 

Remember also that the rainbow, which God set “in the clouds” after the great flood (Genesis 9:13) is the symbol of God’s authority over the earth and evidence of His presence (Ezekiel 1:28 and Revelation 4:3).  The Antichrist will apparently appropriate the symbol of the rainbow for himself as part of his claim to deity.

The crown represents the authority which God allows the Antichrist to briefly wield.

Interestingly, while the crown is “given to him” the rainbow was not, but was something he already “had,” or claimed possession of, suggesting (in the context of this study) an association with the global LGBT movement. Further to that point, the Antichrist goes forth “conquering and to conquer” which is traditionally interpreted to mean military conquest but is more precisely described in Revelation 13:7: “It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.

The LGBT movement is unarguably warring against Christianity across the world today and winning nearly every battle.  The few nations which continue to offer strong resistance, such as Uganda and Russia find themselves “coincidentally” the subjects of intense hostility from the “international community,” albeit not always overtly related to the homosexual issue.

Importantly, when the Antichrist takes power he will deceive the world with lies that are already largely embraced by non-believers: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10).

One of those lies is the normalcy of sexual perversion, but another is “religious pluralism,” the idea that all religions are equal and equally subservient to secular humanist government. [7]

[Footnote 7: In my view, the “religion” of the Antichrist will not be one of the established religions or some new phenomenon, it will be simply U.S. and U.N.-style Secular Humanism, enforced by an all-powerful dictator who demands worship as a God among men: a modern version of the human-led polytheism that Antiochus Epiphanes, the Pharaohs of Eqypt and the Emperors of Rome imposed on their subjects.]

Revelation 11:7-8 identifies Jerusalem under the reign of the Antichrist as “symbolically… called Sodom and Egypt” meaning that it is known for homosexuality and polytheism.

“’I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth‘….When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.”

Conclusion:  The Church Must be Strengthened Against “Gay Heresy”

Not only is homosexuality NOT just another sin, it serves in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, as the primary symbol of end-stage rebellion against God triggering the outpouring of His wrath.  Moreover, the challenge to Biblical orthodoxy represented by an increasingly militant pro-homosexual culture serves as a key litmus test for whether believers will stand with God or the Antichrist in the last days.

It is incumbent upon remnant believers to warn the church against the heresy of “gay theology” and to boldly and forcefully advocate for the Biblical worldview on sexuality and the one-flesh paradigm.

While there are many pro-family resources available on the Internet to refute this dangerous modern heresy, every believer should at minimum be familiar with the following essential points.

  • Not a single Biblical passage portrays homosexuality positively (though “Gay” heretics twist a few verses to create a false impression — e.g. David was an enthusiastic heterosexual, notwithstanding his brotherly love for Jonathan — 1 Samuel 18:1, 2 Samuel 11).
  • Jesus unequivocally condemned ALL sexual sin including homosexuality by affirming the “one flesh” paradigm of Genesis (Matthew 19:4-6).
  • Condemnation of homosexuality predates the Mosaic code and is reaffirmed in the New Testament, so it bears no relation to the ban on “eating oysters” or other supposedly “repealed” laws of the Bible.
  • “Eunuch” is not a synonym for “homosexual” in the Bible but means any man who has been castrated or who practices strict celibacy (Deuteronomy 23:1, Matthew 19:12).

We conclude with Jude’s timeless admonition to the church:

“Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.” Jude 1:3
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Bad Moon on the Rise: Bill Cosby, Ferguson and Obama

The first time I ever heard the Clearance Clearwater Revival hit, “Bad Moon Rising” was at Bill Cosby’s house in my home town of Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts.  It wasn’t actually his house at the time, it belonged to the family of my 7th grade best friend where I was spending the night.  Mr. Cosby bought it a few months later.

I heard the tune recently on a classic rock station just after watching the utterly bizarre “First Meeting of Three Cosby Accusers” on CNN.  (I almost never voluntarily watch CNN but it was on the TV in the breakfast area of my hotel.)  In that odd confluence of events I was reminded that there does seem to be a ‘bad moon” on the rise in America on the issue of race relations.

I’m not entirely certain that Bill Cosby is innocent.  It could be that his accusers are telling the truth.  But I’m giving Mr. Cosby the benefit of the doubt.  Innocent until proven guilty is still an important principle in our law and culture, notwithstanding the conclusions of CNN’s editors.

What tips the scale for me in Mr. Cosby’s favor is the timing of these accusations.  It seems awfully suspicious that the bravest Black man in America on the issue of irresponsible Black youth and their adult enablers was suddenly re-ensnared in an old scandal just when President Obama and his Marxist fellow-travelers were ginning up a race war in Ferguson, Missouri — by inflaming racial hatred among irresponsible Black youths and their adult enablers.

At least these leftist agitators are consistent: it‘s “lynch mob justice” for anyone for whom an assumption of guilt serves the Marxist agenda, whether it’s a white police officer or an iconic Black civil rights hero. (Remember, they did the same thing to Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain.)

The Marxist agenda in America is largely the design of Herbert Marcuse, darling of 1960’s radicals.  His recipe for destroying America was three-pronged:  elimination of the natural family (primarily through the LGBT movement), elimination of the “patriarchal society” and male authority (the radical feminist movement) and elimination of the cultural “melting pot” (through “multi-culturalism” and racial conflicts).

In Cosby the Marxists get a “threefer.”  Here is a man whose career promoting a healthy image of the natural family has served as a bridge across the Black/White racial divide.  By stirring up deep-rooted feminist resentments and unleashing them like a raging river, the Marxists believe they can take out a key bridge over which Black and White Americans of my generation found a way to express commonality and community in family values.  In one fell swoop these diabolical Marcusians undermine the family, male authority and the goal of racial harmony.

I don’t know Mr. Cosby personally, but I have long admired his courage.  Whatever sexual improprieties he may or may not be guilty of, the fact remains that Cosby is a symbol of  racial healing and that part of his legacy should be protected and preserved, as well as the truths he told about healthy family — stand-alone truths that are not diminished in the slightest by any personal failings in his private life.

Indeed, If I were Mr. Cosby’s advisor I would encourage him to turn the tables on his attackers.  Take their siege tower and turn it into a platform for his own message on authentic Black empowerment, especially in the wake of the revenge-assassination of the two police officers in New York City.

Instead of hiding from the spotlight like the Marxists hope and expect, he could step right into the center of it and preach the plain color-blind truth about personal responsibility, setting an example of fortitude.  I think if he did that he might be shocked at the number of fed-up Americans — both Black and White — who would rally to his side.

To have a race war, you need to generate mindless hatred on both sides — hatred that dehumanizes the individuals on the “other side” and assigns blame based on skin color.  The Socialist left has been grooming inner-city Blacks in anti-White racism for a long time, while the Fascist left has been doing the same with suburban Whites by lumping all Blacks together with the “Knock-out Game” gangsters and other punks (remember that National Socialists are NOT rightists — they are nationalistic leftists).

The take-down of Bill Cosby is a tactic to manipulate Whites into giving up on Blacks.  Let’s not let it succeed!

The thing that “moons,” scandals and social crises have in common is they run in cycles.  There is indeed a “bad moon” on the rise today, but if the Marxists can be thwarted in the early stages of it, that moon will wane before the destruction they desire can be accomplished.

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Is Homosexuality Worse than Mass Murder in the Bible?

The Marxist media is inflamed with outrage again and my inbox is littered with hate mail and death threats based on comments I made recently on Trunews Radio that the Bible treats homosexuality as a form of rebellion against God even worse (from God’s perspective) than mass murder.  In the tradition of the timid modern church, this is the point at which I’m supposed to “walk-back” my comments and apologize for offending the enlightened sensibilities of the ruling elites.

But I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or any aspect of His Word, the Bible, which I hold to be literally true. I stand by my comments in the context in which I made them.

First, as always when I am talking about “homosexuality,” I’m talking about the voluntary practice of sodomy, which the Bible defines as “a man lying with a man as with a woman” (Leviticus 18:22), or a woman who “exchanges natural sexual relations for unnatural ones…in the same way that men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another” (Romans 1:26-27).  In the above Leviticus passage, God calls this conduct toevah, an abomination, or detestable practice. That’s His determination to make, I’m just the messenger.

Second, nothing of what I say about homosexuality is intended to condone any form of hatred or violence against homosexuals.  I am speaking to fellow Christians, who, like myself, are under the new covenant by which Christ has instituted an era of grace for those who belong to Him (John 1:17; Romans 11:25).  In that grace, believers are freed from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2), instructed to love the lost, even our enemies (Matthew 5:44) and leave vengeance to Him (Romans 12:19).  Our weapons are not physical, but spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).  Every true Christian knows this, because the Spirit of God dwells in him (Romans 8:9). We want people to be healed, not harmed.

Under the old covenant God would sometimes use His people to execute punishment on His enemies (Deuteronomy 20:16-18), but under the new covenant it is Christ Himself who “judges and makes war” against the wicked (Revelation 19:11-16).

Those who are not members of the new covenant remain subject to the old, under which sodomy is punishable by death (Leviticus 20:13).  However, it will never be Christians who carry out that sentence, nor do we applaud it!   Our instruction from Christ is to lead sinners to Him (Matthew 28:19-20) so that they may be spared the terrible consequence of their sin — both in this life and in eternity — through the acceptance of His sacrifice on the cross (Romans 10:9-10).  If they reject Christ their blood is upon their own heads but we have done our job (Ezekiel 3:18-19).

Jesus summarized the laws of the old covenant into two commands:


Humans tend to measure the gravity of sins based on the second commandment, and thus we think of murder, or perhaps genocide, as the worst of sins.  From that human standpoint especially as related to public policy, mass murder is certainly worse than homosexuality.  A serial abortionist, for example, is a far greater threat to humanity than a person who simply engages in sodomy.  The comparison is not even close (unless you count those who intentionally or negligently spread AIDS or other deadly venereal diseases).

But from God’s perspective, the worst human sins are violations of the first commandment.  “You shall have no other gods before me” tops the Decalogue, and its violation is certainly the greatest of all possible sins (a sobering thought for a society that has since the mid-20th century embraced the Antichrist doctrine of “religious pluralism” as its preeminent religious value).

Sexual perversion, especially homosexuality, violates both the first and second commandments simultaneously.  The first because God created us “male and female” “in His image” (Genesis 1:27) and designed us to “cleave” together as “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24), thus homosexuality represents a defilement of His very image and an act of extreme rebellion both against His will and the order of His Creation.  The second because each person in a illicit sexual act sins against himself (1 Corinthians 6:18), against the other party (Luke 17:1), and against the community (1 Corinthians 5:1-6).

This is why Sodom was incinerated by fire and brimstone — the only such incident of the Bible (Genesis 19, Jude 1:7), and why homosexuality alone is singled out in Romans 1:24-32 to exemplify the end-times culture of apostasy and the “reprobate mind.”  The ancient scholars of Hebrew who wrote the Talmud blamed Noah’s Flood on “homosexual marriage” (Genesis Rabbah 26:5:4), stating expressly what Jesus Himself hinted at when He warned that in the time leading to His return, wicked people would be “marrying and giving in marriage” “like in the days of Noah” Matthew 24:38, when “every intent of the thoughts of [their] heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5).

Indeed, from Genesis to Revelation homosexuality is uniquely identified in scripture a harbinger of God’s wrath.

So, is homosexuality worse than mass murder from God’s standpoint?  Read it for yourself.  God’s justification of the genocide of the Canaanites by the hand of the Hebrews is found in Leviticus 18. It is a list of sexual sins, including incest, bestiality and, of course, homosexuality (which — even in this context — is singled out as “an abomination”), ending with the admonition: “Do not defile yourselves by any of these things; for by all these the nations which I am casting out before you have become defiled. ‘For the land has become defiled, therefore I have brought its punishment upon it, so the land has spewed out its inhabitants.”

God Himself emplyed mass killing to punish sexual perversion.  Very harsh in human estimation, but who are we to judge God?  (Importantly, killings by God are not technically murder since He is always justified in His actions.)

Thank God for the covenant of grace that He delivered to us by His Son, Jesus Christ!  But woe to those who remain under the penalty for their own sin.

The hard truths of the Bible send weak Christians scrambling for cover and embolden atheists to attack its credibility.   But for those of us who believe the Bible is the Living Word of God, there is no retreat, no compromise and no embarrassment.  These hard truths are what motivate us to continue working to warn the wicked from their sin.

To the world, religions are just beliefs that people choose like football teams.  Faith is perceived as akin to brand loyalty, but in the end all the teams are pretty much the same.  But true Christianity is not a religion.  It is the indwelling of God in each person who belongs to Him through Christ (Romans 8:9).  We know the truth and it/He has set us free from control or intimidation by those who hate Him and therefore us.

Yes, from God’s perspective as revealed in His Word, homosexuality is worse than mass murder.


Note:  The radio conversation which prompted this article regarded a new resource published by Defend the Family International, titled NOT Just Another Sin: A Biblical answer to the question of homosexuality and the rise of “gay theology” in today’s church.  This succinct but thorough tri-fold brochure is designed for distribution to pastors and other Christian leaders and may be viewed here:

Limited quantities of this brochure are available for the cost of postage only by request to

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HRC Founder’s Pederasty Charge is Sweet Vindication from God

“No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn.”  Isaiah 54:17

This scripture verse was the first one ever specifically prophesied over me as a baby Christian at the Portland Foursquare Church in Portland Oregon, back in 1988 or 89.

Yesterday, Terry Bean, founder of the Human Rights Campaign — which recently named me LGBT Global Public Enemy #1 in part for saying that many homosexual men are pederasts — has been charged in Portland with pederasty with a 15 year old boy.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for such dramatic vindication.

From the article: Bean made millions as a real estate developer and used his wealth to promote political causes, primarily gay rights. He is a founder of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s leading gay-rights organization and has given more than $1 million to the group. He has also been a central figure in national Democratic politics. As WW reported in June: “No Oregonian has raised more money for President Barack Obama. At a 2009 Human Rights Campaign dinner, Obama called Bean a ‘great friend and supporter.’ The president in 2012 hosted Bean on Air Force One, and when Obama visits Oregon, Bean has had the honor of greeting him as the president gets off his plane.”

The story is published in the Willamette Week newspaper which in the early 1990s regularly excoriated me (directly and indirectly) in my capacity as Communications Director for the Oregon Citizens Alliance.  OCA ran a series of ballot measures in Oregon attempting to stop the homosexual agenda in that state, arguing in part that many homosexual men are pederasts.

Willamette Week was years later caught with egg on its face for endorsing openly “gay” Sam Adams for Mayor of Portland (despite allegations of pederasty against him) when he later admitted he lied about having a sexual affair with a teenage boy.

The Terry Bean story re-opens the giant-sized pederast can of worms that Portland liberals have been trying to keep the lid on for decades.  I addressed it in small part in an article highlighting a pederast-themed nexus involving the “gay” filmmaker Gas Van Sant, the ever delightful Southern Poverty Law Center, and the death of a young male skin-head street prostitute named Ken Death here:

But Bean’s alleged pederasty (and I say “alleged” with satirical emphasis), has global implication, because he was, as noted above, a major money man for President Obama, who has reciprocated by assigning the U.S. State Department to promote the LGBT agenda world-wide:

And the organization Bean founded, the euphemistically-named Human Rights Campaign, has claimed the role of LGBT Police-Persons of the World in its latest project “exposing” the Exporters of Hate , of which I am listed first:

“Lively’s mission [is] to block equality and spread… distortions and lies about LGBT people worldwide” states that report.  Distortions and lies such as the suggestion of a pederast current through male homosexual culture.

The prevalence of male homosexual pederasty is, of course, quite evident to those whose news is not pre-filtered by the mainstream media.  And not just minor players, mind you, but prominent LGBT leaders.  Take this recent blog posting by amateur British journalist Julia Gasper.

It features information about the arrests of Walter Lee Williams, Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Southern California (an eminent member of the California LGBT community).  “He was taking one of his many holidays in the resort of Playa del Carmen near Cancun, in south-eastern Mexico, where homosexual Americans flock to take advantage of the impoverished boys, some of them homeless.”  And, of course, San Francisco LGBT icon and “gay rights” champion Larry Brinkin, and Duke University professor Frank Lombard (though she didn’t mention Penn State colleague Jerry Sandusky.)

Another of my lies and distortions is the exhaustive documentation of the pederast core of the Nazi Party in my book (co-authored with Orthodox Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams) The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party. 
Here’s just an iota of our case, citing The Order of the Death’s Head, by Heines Hohne, called “A monumental achievement” by The New York Times:

“[Nazi SA Leader Ernst Roehm] used the SA for ends other than the purely political.  SA contact men kept their Chief of Staff supplied with suitable partners….The head pimp was a shop assistant named Peter Granninger, who had been one of Roehm’s partners…and was now given cover in the SA Intelligence Section. For a monthly salary of 200 marks he kept Roehm supplied with new friends, his main hunting ground being Geisela High School Munich; from this school he recruited no fewer than eleven boys, whom he first tried out and then took to Roehm.”

I chose this item for two reasons.  First, because Ernst Roehm, Hitler’s indispensable partner in the formation and rise of the party, was also the most prominent member of Germany’s largest pre-war homosexual organization — wait for it — The Society for Human Rights.  And secondly because The Pink Swastika was what first got me listed as a “hate group” by chief HRC bedfellow, the Southern Poverty Law Center.

I recognize Terry Bean’s exposure as God’s partial vindication of my name vis a vis the Human Rights Campaign slander.  I look forward to seeing what He does with the even nastier Southern Poverty Law Center.


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The Deadly “Religious Liberty” Trap

In his latest Washington Times editorial, “A Brave New World of Intolerance,”

the ever-erudite Robert Knight laments the recent decision of the Montgomery County School Board to eliminate all religiously-themed holidays to avoid having to add Moslem holidays to the schedule. This incident might seem to be just another chip in the erosion of our Christian foundations but I suggest it is the legal equivalent of “checkmate” by the secularists in their battle to eliminate Christianity from public life.

For about a year now I’ve been arguing against the use of “religious liberty” as a theme of Christian public advocacy. We retreated to that theme after SCOTUS Justice Hugo Black’s abandonment of the Bible’s authority in favor of a new “religious pluralism” standard in the 1940s-60s, starting with Everson v Board of Education (1947). That was the case that adopted Jefferson’s “separation of church and state” metaphor as a justification for declaring all religions to be equal with Christianity in America, and equally subservient to Secular Humanist authority (alarmingly reminiscent of the Antichrist government in II Thessalonians 2:4 which “opposes and exalts [it]self above every so-called god or object of worship”). It intentionally and officially de-throned the God of the Bible after more than 300 years of His being acknowledged as Lord over this nation.

Notwithstanding Everson, the religious liberty theme remained largely effective for several decades as the means to preserve Christian culture as the dominant force in America. Then the same Marxist elites trumped us by importing millions of Moslems into the United States, turning all Christian “religious liberty“ arguments into tools of Jihadists. It changed “religious liberty” into a hidden trap, awaiting only the inevitable transformation of the Moslem invaders into political activists to be sprung.

The Maryland school board in question undoubtedly welcomed the opportunity to eliminate observances of religious holidays, which rightly earned a rebuke from Mr. Knight. However, speaking as a constitutional law attorney, there was no legal way for this school district to preserve Christian and Jewish holidays while rejecting Islamist ones, and that is the much, much bigger problem.

This move by the Islamists (whether or not they are partners with or merely the “useful idiots” of the secular humanists) has now sprung the religious liberty trap and locked the Christians in an apparent no-win scenario. What we thought was solid ground has turned out to be quicksand. This Maryland incident is certainly not of itself the final “checkmate,” but merely “checkmate in three” — the inevitable outcome awaits only the formality of the moves.

But God always provides a way of escape. (We’re only trapped if we accept the limitation of staying on their chessboard.) That narrow and difficult but God-honoring way is to stop arguing for “religious liberty” and resume our proclamation of the superiority of Christ and His Word over all opposing faiths (along with tolerance for people of other faiths — that‘s how it worked before Black). It’s goal must be nothing less than an official reaffirmation of the Bible as our legal and cultural foundation, which would require overturning Everson and its juridical progeny.

This is an enormously challenging proposition for the timid and secularized majority of Christians who populate America’s churches today. Three generations of brainwashing in a secular-humanist public school system has inculcated in them the view of religious pluralism is as a veritable sacred doctrine. So foreign has the authentic Biblical worldview and their rich Christian heritage become to them that they don’t even recognize how offensive to God this system of “religious equality” truly is. The first of the “Ten Commandments,” once posted on every school-house wall, declares it best: “You shall have no other gods before me.” But of course, that law-above-all-other-laws was the first thing to be torn down after Black’s coup.

The genius of the Founding Fathers was to avoid the problems of the theocratic governments of Europe by establishing a Christian-stewarded secular society on a non-sectarian but solidly Biblical foundation. The constitutional republic they created expressly honored God and even protected Christian prayer in public schools from its inception until the Hugo Black SCOTUS majority re-defined the constitution to suit their own nefarious purposes.

But laws passed can be repealed, and rulings made can be reversed. Most importantly, if it is His will to allow it, God will Himself accomplish these changes for those who repent and put their trust in Him. In any case, the first step for us is to get out of quicksand of “religious liberty” and stand solidly again on the Rock of Jesus Christ.

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In Massachusetts 19,192 Voters Have Not Bowed Their Knee to Baal


This is my post-election analysis of my campaign for Governor of Massachusetts

Some Words of Encouragement

“God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew. Or do you not know what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel? “Lord, THEY HAVE KILLED YOUR PROPHETS, THEY HAVE TORN DOWN YOUR ALTARS, AND I ALONE AM LEFT, AND THEY ARE SEEKING MY LIFE.” But what is the divine response to him? “I HAVE KEPT for Myself SEVEN THOUSAND MEN WHO HAVE NOT BOWED THE KNEE TO BAAL.” In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice”  Romans 11:2-5

In the times we live in, it has become commonplace for believers to substitute their own reasoning for the wisdom of God.  But there is nothing new under the sun.  This was the same in Elijah’s time.  So in this election we have seen Christian and pro-family voters across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, both Protestant and Catholic, deliberately cast their votes for Charlie Baker, a man whose hands drip with the blood of the innocent unborn babies and whose tongue rationalizes the promotion of sexual perversion to school-children.  They have chosen to support what they believe is the “lesser evil” rather than trust God and stand on His truth.

But 19,192 voters did not bow their knee to evil.  And in that remnant there is great hope.

 “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…”  Zechariah 4:10

I want you to recognize what a great victory we have achieved in this campaign.  Consider the facts objectively:

A Missionary Pastor with an inner-city church that seats just 45, mostly street-people, ran a part-time campaign, serving as his own campaign manager, with only 20-30 campaign volunteers (only about half of whom dedicated more than 40 hours to the effort), and a budget of just over $25,000.  To a population of over 6 million people he put out just 50,000 pieces of literature, 300 bumper stickers, 400 yard signs, and for media advertising had only one 30-second radio spot for five days on two local Springfield radio stations plus a 2×3″ print ad in one edition of a regional newspaper in the Pioneer Valley.

Deliberately (by the prompting of the Holy Spirit) limiting his campaign activities only to those public appearances and media interviews to which he was invited (not trying to win the seat in his own strength but staying out of the way to let God pull the strings), he (by conservative accounts) handily won the two major debates in which he appeared, shocked the hosts, audience and fellow panelists in every forum with his boldness and candor, and preached the unvarnished Gospel of Jesus Christ in nearly all of the 30 or so public events in which he appeared.

He sought no endorsements but was nevertheless endorsed by the eminent Dr. Alan Keyes, and by the Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition.  He intentionally limited his fundraising to two direct mail letters (to a combined total of just 7,000 people), and a non-manipulative request for financial support in his 25-or-so email blasts, which, incidentally went to a list of just 1700 people, most of whom live outside of Massachusetts, including probably 200 or more who live outside the United States and were thus ineligible to donate.

He conducted no polls (and in fact urged his supporters not to answer polls), refused to engage in negative campaigning (except to criticize the other candidates for pandering, and for supporting abortion and sodomy), and answered every media question forthrightly, without equivocation or double-talk.  (Being repeatedly praised — both on and off the air – by even the most liberal journalists and interviewers for his honesty and eloquence — all glory to God.)

Breaking the most fundamental “rules” of campaigning he candidly admitted he had virtually no chance of winning and frequently stated he did not really want to be Governor but only to bring Biblical values back into the political process and to inspire other believers to follow his example.

And in the end, despite a two-party political context in which the three independent candidates (a liberal, a moderate and a conservative – himself) collectively got less than 5% of the vote, the pastor came in 4th in a 5-way race, getting nearly 20,000 votes at a cost of only about $1.30 per vote while the two major party candidates – backed by their gigantic armies of loyal party workers and media allies  —  spent from $5-10 per vote (counting the millions spent by PACs), while the two other independent candidates spent roughly $27 and $80 per vote respectively.*

[*According to the MA Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF) as of Oct 31st, Pastor Lively spent about $25,000 compared to nearly 1.5 million by 5th place Jeff McCormick, nearly 2 million spent by 3rd place Evan Falchuck, about 3.5 million spent by 2nd place Martha Coakley and about 4 million spent by the “winner,” RINO Charlie Baker.]

So, looking at the big picture, to have interjected authentic Biblical values and plain-spoken conservative principles and policies (articulately and unapologetically), into the most politically-correct, most un-churched electorate in America, on live, unedited television (and radio) to hundreds of thousands if not millions of viewers is — in a word — PRICELESS!

We have scored a HUGE VICTORY and all those who prayed, donated or volunteered have a share in that blessing. God, of course, gets the glory!

Make Straight the Way of the Lord

“A voice is calling, ‘Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God.'”    Isaiah 40:3

As always, revival will come in response to the prayers and repentance of His people.   Wouldn’t it be just like the Lord to surprise the church by bringing revival into the culture through the political realm?  The place that so many Christians believe wrongly is outside the scope of their responsibility and authority as His agents?

We have a remnant of nearly 20,000 people who have proved by their vote that they trust God, not their own human reasoning, to heal our land.  We have a core of trustworthy men and women with whom to work to restore the commonwealth.

Today I changed my affiliation from unenrolled to Republican.  Starting today my role in Massachusetts (in addition to serving as pastor) will be to help the Christian conservatives take the GOP back from the RINOs.  After the first of the year I will make myself available as a motivator and organizer to help create a state-wide grassroots network of conservative activists.  This was what I did in Oregon in the late 80s and early 90s as Communications Director for the Oregon Citizens Alliance, the most extensive political network of Christian activists I’ve ever seen.  Pat Robertson came to Oregon to examine our organizational model before he created the Christian Coalition.  I was the #2 man in OCA for several years and want to offer that experience to the conservative movement here.

I will likely run for another office in 2016 as part of this effort.

 The Favor of God

On a personal note, I want to say how much I have enjoyed campaigning.  Indeed, “enjoyed” is far too small a word for it.  I have experienced a profound sense of satisfaction and fulfillment on the campaign trail.  I can’t remember feeling so completely in tune with the Lord and so confident of being in His perfect will as when I was in the debates and the other public speaking events and media interviews.  I have the sense that everything I have ever done in my life — every diverse experience and training — was to prepare me for this ministry field.

And I have felt God’s favor in and through it.  As you may know, I am being sued for “Crimes Against Humanity” by a Marxist law firm trying to take away my First Amendment rights and destroy me the way the LGBT bullies try to destroy anyone who gets in their way — from Anita Bryant in the 1970s to Phil Robertson in 2013.  It’s the classic Saul Alinsky strategy of malicious slander and character assassination.  And in the middle of the campaign the largest homosexual activist organization in the world, the so-called Human Rights Campaign piled on, naming me the Global LGBT Movement’s Public Enemy #1.

Yet, after a couple of Brownshirt-style attacks at venues early in the year (the worst being at Harvard Law School) the LGBT street activists faded away.  Since we qualified for the ballot in the mid summer, there has been no disruption or harassment of any of my campaign activities.  Not even when I intentionally went to Northampton (called by some the lesbian capital of the world) to do street outreach in the city center.

I believe my faithfulness in stepping out into the political arena to preach the gospel has spiritually broken the back of the anti-Lively coalition and demolished its campaign of defamation.  The public has seen me in the debates and other venues and know I am a sincere and kind-hearted Christian man, whether or not they agree with my views.  They will never again believe the vicious LGBT lies trying to paint me as a genocidal monster.  The Lord has vindicated me in an entirely unique way.

Many thanks for your continued prayer and support,  God bless you and yours.

Dr. Scott Lively

PS. To be added to the mailing list write to CTE Scott Lively, PO Box 4335, Springfield, MA 01101 or email

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A Pastor for Governor?


Some Massachusetts voters are wondering if Scott Lively, a pastor, would be allowed to be Governor of Massachusetts.  “What about the ‘separation of church and state?‘”  Well, not only would I be allowed to be governor, but I would have some excellent role models from the past who were also pastors and outspoken Christian statesmen.

The most recent was John Lewis Bates, like me both a pastor and a lawyer, who was Governor from 1903 to 1905 and served with distinction.  Reverend Governor Bates was a Republican who defeated both the Democrat and Socialist candidates ( a fact that gives me hope since I am an Independent running on a mostly Republican platform, while Charlie Baker is a Republican running as a Democrat and Martha Coakley is a Democrat running as a Socialist).

Like me, a reformer who earned the ire of corrupt entrenched interests (by appointing a reform-minded judge to a key post), Pastor Bates went on to serve as President of the Massachusetts Constitutional Convention of 1918, which further reformed the commonwealth by downsizing the government — requiring that it could have no more than 20 departments.  This happens to be a central goal of my plan as well — the downsizing and streamlining of government.

Then, of course, were the founders of Massachusetts (and of the United States) who were some of the most outspoken Christian advocates in history.  Five term Governor Bradford, signed the Mayflower Compact, America’s first constitution, which declared the colony’s purpose as “the advancement of the Christian religion.”

John Winthrop served twelve terms.  He was the man who penned the famous, beautifully eloquent essay called “A City on a Hill” on how this new nation the Pilgrims founded would be a living example of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount from Matthew Chapter 5.

President-Elect John F Kennedy cited Winthrop in an address to the General Court of Massachusetts, January 9th, 1961, saying “…I have been guided by the standard John Winthrop set before his shipmates on the flagship Arbella three hundred and thirty-one years ago, as they, too, faced the task of building a new government on a perilous frontier. “We must always consider”, he said, “that we shall be as a city upon a hill—the eyes of all people are upon us”.  He added “For of those to whom much is given, much is required” a direct quote from Luke 12:48.

While not a governor, Massachusetts Christian lawyer and statesman John Adams, a drafter of the Declaration of Independence became our first vice president and second U.S. president.  This brilliant man and indispensable leader among the founders wrote most of the Massachusetts Constitution and contributed to the U.S. Constitution as our delegate to the Continental Congress.  Reflecting the consensus of the founders he famously declared: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Importantly, the phrase “separation of church and state” is not found in the constitution.  It was a metaphor invented by Thomas Jefferson to reassure some Baptist leaders in Connecticut that the new government would not favor one Christian denomination over another as was common in Europe.  Only in 1947 did Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black (a vicious anti-Catholic and KKK member) fraudulently invoke Jefferson’s metaphor to justify the de-Christianization of American government in Everson v Board of Education. In 1961, while the soon-to-be first Catholic President (JFK) was enjoying unprecedented popularity, Black wrote the majority opinion in Torcaso v Watkins, declaring Atheism to be a religion, and effectively handing Atheists the power to push Christianity out of public life through litigation, staring first with the elimination of prayer in public schools in 1963.

Since the 1960s, schoolchildren have been taught a Marxist rather than Biblical worldview and their heritage as a Christian “City on a Hill” has been deliberately hidden from them.  It is no wonder then, that so many people today think it is unconstitutional for a pastor to be governor. And why they can’t understand why everything in our society is crumbling before our eyes while violence and perversion is exploding.

I suggest that only a submitted-to-God pastor with the boldness to speak the truth without apology or equivocation can lead this commonwealth back to security and prosperity, because as the Scripture promises in Psalm 33:12, “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord.”

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HRC Agents Now Sending Me Death Threats

In the few days since the Human Rights Campaign put out its thinly veiled contract on me and other America pro-family activists I have already received two death threats.

I claimed in my response to its report that HRC has targeted me for murder  I stand by my accusation and believe these death threats (below) are proof of HRC’s intent.

These two men, obviously deranged, have been incited to action.  Much of the blame falls to HRC for this criminal speech and any additional action these and other similarly motivated HRC agents may take.

It is necessary to point out that my arguments against the homosexual political movement have always been in the context of public policy debate. To me, the culture war is about a conflict of ideas, not people.  I do not minimize the facts about the danger of homosexuality and other sexual perversions to the people who practice them and to society at large.  It is a well documented fact that the Nazi Party was rife with homosexuality.  It is a fact that large numbers of homosexual men prey on teenage boys for sex.  I refuse to recant or censor the truth about these and other issues out of fear.  And I refuse to allow my comments to be misrepresented.  I have never said that all Nazis were homosexuals, or that all or even most homosexuals molest children.  Those are lies.

Importantly, even in the most heated arguments I have always distinguished the humanity of individuals in the LGBT movement from the inhumanity of their political goals.  I care for all people who struggle with homosexual sin and want them all to be delivered from their bondage.  I love them enough to tell them the truth, even though they hate me for it.

In contrast, the HRC hit list is not about ideas.  It does not even acknowledge the public policy debate.  It is just raw hatred for individuals who stand in their way of their goals.  We have no humanity in their eyes.  We are malignant, evil insects that must be squashed.

Take a lesson from HRC’s own agents from their comments below.   Then contrast that with the Foreword and Introduction to my textbook, Redeeming the Rainbow, on how Christians should respond to the “gay” agenda:   This is the textbook form of my doctoral thesis in theology: what I teach wherever I go around the world.

None of my comments, taken in context, encourage hatred or violence against homosexuals.

But HRC’s comments are clearly designed to incite both against me.

Where are the cultural gatekeepers in our society to call HRC on its hypocrisy?  They all seem to be in bed together.

Trusting in God alone for my safety as I continue to speak the truth in love, I am

Dr. Scott Lively

Two Death Threats Incited by HRC:

Lloyd Cooper

Subject: lively scared of death threats

Message: he should be. please let him know we are waiting for a moment when he is alone. then we will take him to the woods, rip out his throat and show him videos from youtube where he has caused misery and suffering to the gay people of the world. then we will put a hungry rat into his throat and film it on youtube. time is coming soon.

Robert Berger

Undear Scott Lively (I would never use the term “dear “ with someone as despicable & loathsome as you ) : You are more full of shit than all the sewers

of the world combined , and they smell positively fragrant next to you . You are nothing but a self-righteous, bigoted piece of shit masquerading as

a Christian & a human being .

You have been doing everything in your power for years to spread vicious lies & disinformation about gay people for years , and you are nothing but

a filthy thug claiming to be a “man of God “. You are not . You are a man of the devil ! You are pure evil, with absolutely no redeeming qualities.

For what you have done in Africa , Russia and elsewhere to demonize, stigmatize , stereotype and scapegoat gay people, you deserve to be

sentenced to life imprisonment in prison , where you will ,I hope be homosexually raped on a routine basis, because you are the lowest scum on earth !

I have far more respect for any rat or cockroach than for human vermin like you !

You do nothing but spread vicious lies & mindless hatred ! In fact, it’s an insult to shit to call you this, because shit is at least useful as

fertilizer . But YOU are nothing but a worthless sack of vomit & pus ! Everything you say about homosexuality & gay people is pure BULLSHIT !!!!

I would love to see an angry crowd kick you in the balls until you rupture , then cut your tongue out with a knife & shove it down your throat !

Then I would like to see a gang of gay men fuck you in the ass until the doctors had to remove your asshole surgically and you needed a

colostomy bag for the rest of your miserable, worthless life ! Then I would like to have a hose hooked up to your throat and have you force fed

tons of shit down your throat ! Then, I would like to see you slowly lowered into a vat of acid !

I make no apologies whatsoever for using a lot of profanity with you, because you deserve it !

Too bad there’s no hell for you to go to when your very welcome death comes . But go to hell anyway ! And take other vicious homophobic

bigots like Matt Barber, Matt Staver, Bradlee Dean , Linda Harvey (may a flaming pole be shoved up her stinking cunt ) Harvey ,

Joe Farah ,, Jerome Corsi, and other professional bigots with you !!!!

By the way ,I’m not gay myself . I just loathe homophobic bigots like you . Fuck you, fuck you again, and fuck you into the ground !!!!.

Fucking asshole ! Fucking idiot ! Prick ! Fucking liar ! Bigoted sack of vomit ! Fucking hypocrite ! Self-righteous horse’s ass !

You are just as evil as Hitler or the KKK, . May you die a slow, agonizing death from some horrible disease with no one & nothing to help you !!!!

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HRC Has Targeted Me for Murder


The so-called Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has taken a page from the left wing hate-group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and published a new report called “The Export of Hate.”  Ala SPLC this publication is nothing less than an enemies list designed to help people like “gay” activist  Floyd Lee Corkins identify their assassination targets.

I have special cause for concern in this matter because I am listed by HRC as Target #1.

Not every “gay” activist is physically violent, thankfully.  Most limit their “human rights advocacy” to harassment, intimidation and slander.  But make no mistake, if they thought they could get away will killing every person on the HRC and SPLC hit lists, they would do it.  They smolder with malicious hatred against anyone who stands in their way.

So far its been the fear of harm they might do to their whitewashed, house-of-cards, Madison Avenue-created benign public image that stays their hands short of murder… except for a few random nut-jobs like Corkins.

They have needed to preserve that façade because their political power has largely depended on their victim-class status in the eyes of the public  (which, ironically, is what has given them license to bully their “oppressors”).

But things have changed in recent years.  Their man is in the White House.  The federal judiciary is now packed with a majority of pro-“gay” Democrats.  They’ve got the media, academia, Hollywood, the big corporations, the mental health associations and even the U.S. military under their thumb.  Their movement is steam-rolling over all political opposition even in conservative states, DESPITE public opinion.

The greater their power, the less they are concerned about hiding the true nature of their agenda or the true face of the LGBT community.

Frankly, that dramatically raises the threat level for people like me.  Because, as the “gays” lose their fear of public opinion, they are increasingly less inclined to restrain the murder that is in their hearts toward their enemies, the chief of whom is now Yours Truly.

LGBT leaders have tried everything they can think of to stop me from speaking out against their agenda.

Vicious slander:

False accusations:

Vandalism and terroristic threats:

Death threats:

Lawsuits (this link is about the first four lawsuits):

And now global character assassination (the 5th and current lawsuit):

It is no accident that the current lawsuit against me in federal court is for “Crimes Against Humanity.”  They are deliberately trying to associate my name with the spectre of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, for whose criminal prosecution the category of “Crimes Against Humanity” was created.  That association carries with it special implications (e.g. “If you could go back in time would you assassinate Hitler before he came to power?”).

And both the lawsuit and the HRC publication repeat outrageous lies and misrepresentations that paint me as a monster intent on inciting “gay” genocide.

Clearly, even this bogus lawsuit hasn’t stopped me from advocating Biblical truth about homosexuality and the LGBT agenda, so what is left for them to do?

I believe they are now deliberately trying to incite murder against me and every other person on their enemies list.  That might have sounded a bit paranoid in years past, but post-Corkins it is just cold hard fact that some “gay” activists are incited to murder by inflammatory leftist rhetoric.  The HRC knows that, and yet their rhetoric in this Exporting Hate publication is MORE inflammatory than the SPLC’s rhetoric the drove Corkins over the edge!

Because I am a Bible-believing Christian I am not afraid of death.  But neither am I volunteering for martyrdom.  As of today I am for the first time going to start taking precautions against the possibility of being assassinated by agents of the LGBT movement.  For one thing, I will no longer publicize my travel schedule in advance.

And I am demanding a retraction and public apology from both HRC and SPLC.  To both of them I insist: STOP INCITING HATE BEFORE YOU GET PEOPLE KILLED!!!!!

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The Four Lawsuits

There has been a lot of interest in the current “Crimes Against Humanity” lawsuit against me by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) and the so-called Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), but this is not the first time the LGBT movement has tried to silence me by use of the courts.  In fact, the SMUG lawsuit is the 5th such attack I have suffered in my career.  Following is an excerpt from my privately published book of testimonial stories about the Miracles that God has done in my life, titled My Life in His Hands.  This excerpt is from Chapter 8, “The Four Lawsuits.”  As you read it you will see why I am confident that God will turn what SMUG and CCR have intended for evil into something good for me (Romans 8:28).

“The Four Lawsuits,” from My Life in His Hands (2006)

 “[We] have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation works patience;  And patience, experience; and experience, hope.”  Romans 5:2-4

           Few things in life are more intimidating than lawsuits, which is why they were a favorite tool of the Oregon “gay” movement to try to drive me out of the political process.  God had made me an effective spokesman for His standard regarding homosexuality, so I was a primary target of their attacks.

The first lawsuit was for battery and stemmed from one of the earliest campaign events of the 1992 election cycle.  OCA had prepared an educational video called The Gay Agenda, which featured film footage from various “Gay Pride” parades with commentary by pro-family leaders.  It was quite a shocking film and very effectively contradicted the benign but false public image that the homosexual community had cultivated in Oregon.  I had scheduled the inaugural showing of the film at my church, Portland Foursquare, and advertised it as an “invitation only” affair.

One of the Portland “gay” newspapers had managed to infiltrate our mailing list and was notified of the event in our newsletter.  They sent one of their reporters, a lesbian activist, with instructions to sneak into the meeting.  Unfortunately, our volunteers who had been stationed at the front door to check invitations left their posts just after the film started, and she was able to walk right in.  However, looking quite obviously like a Portland lesbian, she was immediately confronted and admitted she was with the “gay” press.  After she refused to leave, I was called over to deal with the problem.

To make a long story short, after trying to reason with her for several minutes, I physically picked her up and put her out of the building.  I didn’t use any more force than was necessary to get her out the door, and did not in any way hurt her, nor would I have.  In retrospect, I shouldn’t have done it, even though I was well within my legal rights.  Having been raised with three little sisters (who were often just as stubborn and belligerent), I just didn’t think twice about it.

The entire incident lasted less than a minute, but it was to influence the course of my life from that day forward.  Frankly, these remain some of my most unpleasant memories, and it is uncomfortable even now to relive them, but I want to show how once again, God brought good from evil.

The lesbian activist tried to have me arrested, but the police refused.  She then went to the District Attorney, who also refused.  They both told her that I had the legal right to eject her.  She was guilty of criminal trespass from the moment I told her that she was not welcome at the event.  The Assistant District Attorney who interviewed her even wrote as much in his report.  However, the “gay” community recognized the propaganda value of the incident (as they spun it) and within a few weeks I was served with a civil lawsuit for battery.  Lon Mabon and OCA were also named in the suit.

I was not terribly worried about the lawsuit.  In fact, I had absolute confidence that it would come to nothing.  I trusted the Lord that He would deliver us (I was still immature enough as a Christian to believe that God’s blessing always meant the fulfillment of my own perceived needs).  I was so sure of the result that I made virtually no preparation for the trial, except what our attorney insisted upon.  He, a brand new attorney fresh from law school, volunteered because he shared our Christian values.  I believe that it was his very first trial.  I do not fault him in any way for the result of our trial.  He did his utmost for us in the face of what I believe was an inevitable result due to the political nature of the case and the power of our adversaries.

I am about to describe the circumstances surrounding the trial as I remember them, and as I believe they occurred.  These are my personal perceptions and opinions, and I relate them from the perspective of a victim of what I believe was a carefully coordinated and orchestrated conspiracy.  I cannot prove some of the things I believe about the actions or motives of my opponents during this time.  Indeed, I cannot say that some of the things I will relate were not mere coincidence.  I will simply tell the story as accurately as possible and let you decide for yourself.

The “gays” were very thorough in their preparation.  First, they hired a veteran civil litigator.  Second, they continually postponed the trial so that it was finally held in the last weeks of the 1992 election, when it offered the greatest propaganda value.  Third, they coordinated their efforts with the liberal Portland media to gain the largest possible audience for what they had planned.

What should have been a half-day trial was staged over four full days in downtown Portland, the heart of the “gay” power base in Oregon.  Our pro tem judge (a non-judge temporarily assigned to the bench to handle our case) was a corporate lawyer for Nike (well known to be a pro-“gay” company).  Sitting in the back of the courtroom for the trial was an actual judge, a leader of the “Gay and Lesbian Law Association,” whose purpose (I believe) was to make sure the pro tem steered the trial toward our defeat.  It was a jury trial, but as in all such trials, the judge holds most of the power.

The first two days were used by the plaintiff to put on her case. A lesbian chiropractor testified that she (the lesbian plaintiff) had required over a year of treatment for injuries suffered in the incident (a completely preposterous assertion).  A psychiatrist testified that the plaintiff has been so emotionally traumatized in the incident that she could no longer work in her chosen field of photo journalism and had to take a menial job in a warehouse.  The plaintiff’s mother was flown in to testify that her daughter had changed so much due to the trauma that she could hardly recognize her.  The plaintiff herself, who had showed up to the OCA event dressed as a “butch” lesbian, appeared in court looking sweet, innocent and very feminine.  In her own testimony she characterized her trespass at the OCA event as the equivalent of infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan, and painted me (and OCA) as comparable to the Nazis.

Despite the lies and distortions, I remained confident that we would prevail.  Most of all, I trusted that the Lord would deliver us, but I also knew we had an evidentiary “ace-in-the-hole”: the written report of the Assistant District Attorney in which it was recorded that the lesbian activist had admitted to criminally trespassing at our event.

The real problems started when it came time for us to put on our case.  The pro tem judge had been hostile to us from the start, but when we began to make points with the jury, he got angry.  When we came to the place in our defense where we were to introduce the D.A.’s report, things went from bad to worse.

Under the laws of evidence, any statement made outside of the courtroom is hearsay if it is offered to prove the truth of the thing asserted.  It is a law designed to preserve the reliability of testimony.  You can overcome the hearsay objection by showing the trustworthiness of the statement in some other way, such as by referring to a previous written record of the statement.

Here’s how it’s supposed to work:  You ask the witness on the stand to give direct testimony from memory.  If he can’t remember, you get to show him a previous written record of what he said to help him refresh his memory and then ask the question again.  If he still can’t remember, you can establish that the written record is authentic and that the witness’s record was truthful when he wrote it, then enter the document into the record under the “past recollection recorded” exception to the hearsay rule.

In our case, the Assistant District Attorney (under penalty of perjury on the witness stand) claimed he could not remember speaking with the lesbian activist.  I was stunned.  Call me naïve, but it had not occurred to me that the DA might “fail to recall” what he had written.  Our attorney then proceeded to the next step in the process, and began to offer the record to the DA to refresh his memory.  At this critical juncture the judge interrupted the trial and told our attorney that he was not going to allow it, but our attorney argued with him and the judge, visibly angry, backed down.

The D.A. then reviewed his notes, looked up and said that he still did not recall speaking with the plaintiff.

Our final option was the introduction of the document itself as a “past recollection recorded.”  However, as our attorney started to introduce it into evidence, the judge stopped the trial.  In a dramatic move, he had the bailiff clear all the jurors from the courtroom, and then turned to our attorney.  As he stood there facing the judge, I could see sweat trickling down the side of his face.  The judge leaned forward and, with unconcealed hostility, threatened to punish him with sanctions (a monetary “fine”) if our attorney dared to proceed to put the document into evidence. It was the critical turning point in the trial.  Unfortunately, we capitulated to the judge.  As I said, I do not blame the attorney.  In my opinion, this judge would have found some other way to sabotage us if we had prevailed in this point, but since he had succeeded at keeping out this testimony, his purpose was mostly accomplished.

In the end, I was found liable for battery for ejecting the lesbian activist from our private meeting and assessed a judgment of $22,000.  It could have been much worse (they had sued for $400,000) but in the end the jury limited the damages to the amount of lost wages she had supposedly suffered in leaving photo journalism due to psychological trauma.  I didn’t believe it at first.  I had been certain to the end that God would deliver us.  I now know that He had other goals for me, and that this lawsuit would cause me to more easily follow His leading to become a lawyer.

The worst part of this incident, however, was not the trial, but the media coverage of it.  Whenever there was a break in the trial, everyone would have to leave the courtroom and wait in the hallway until it was reopened.  The media was always there in the hallway waiting for us.  For four days they generated their own media circus about the trial, as if I were some major criminal on trial for a capital crime.  The evening news, dominated by Measure 9 since the beginning of the campaign, became a regular hate-fest against OCA.

One of the low points of the trial occurred during such a break.  I was sitting on a bench in the hallway when I was approached by a female reporter with one of the TV stations.  She sat down next to me and started to make friendly conversation.  I hadn’t yet met this reporter so I thought she might be a genuinely sympathetic person (hope springs eternal).  Once I had warmed up to her, however, the conversation turned and she said, “You know there is this rumor going around that you were caught having ’gay’ sex in the bushes at Laurelhurst Park.  Is that true?”  As I started to respond with outrage, I could see the cameraman out of the corner of my eye and realized that I was being set up to be filmed in an angry outburst.  Fortunately, I had the composure to check myself and just smiled.  “No, that’s not true,” I said, and moved off down the hallway.

There was barely concealed exultation in the evening news on the day the decision against us was handed down.  I learned a lot about humility on that day and in the following weeks.

Within a couple of days the No on 9 Committee began running a new television ad across the state.  Three segments played over a soundtrack with an ominous tone. The center segment featured a picture of my face and a voiceover that said “A lesbian is beaten by an official of the OCA.”  This was, of course an outrageous lie.  She hadn’t even alleged this in her lawsuit.  When I threatened to sue the television stations, the “gays” changed the advertisement.  They left everything else the same, but replaced the word “beaten” with “battered.”  They were technically correct, since battery is legal term that includes any “offensive touching” of another person.  However, to non-lawyers, battery is synonymous with beating, and so they lost none of their propaganda value by the change of terms.  However, I lost any chance of prevailing in a lawsuit against them.

The “gays” ran their advertisement throughout Oregon for the remaining weeks of the campaign.  I believe they spent over a million dollars on it.  Whatever good reputation I had earned through the earlier months of the campaign was destroyed by their slander.  Overnight I became a figure of notoriety, and the object of hatred and ridicule of the Left.  In my own neighborhood in Portland, the “gays” hung posters of me on telephone poles under the title “Hang Your Head In Shame, Scott Lively.”  It became common for me to overhear people in supermarkets and other public places whispering things like “There’s that OCA guy.”  Yet, God gave me a double measure of His grace throughout all of this and I never lost my sense of confidence that my service was pleasing to Him.  That was all that really mattered.

The Second Lawsuit

The “gays” second lawsuit against me was for defamation, and it took place in Lane County, Oregon, home of the University of Oregon in the City of Eugene.  In my opinion, Eugene, Oregon is one of the three most radically leftist cities in America, along with Berkeley, California and Madison, Wisconsin.  Eugene is today one of the primary centers of the anarchist movement in the US (these anarchists are the black-garbed street thugs that frequently destroy property at international gatherings of world leaders).  On my most recent stop in Eugene a few years ago, about 30 anarchist youths were hanging around outside the courthouse (the very site of this second lawsuit) wearing black masks and carrying signs saying “Kill the Police,” and the like.  It was just a typical day in Eugene.

I’m only reporting this to give you the sense of what it was like to face a lawsuit in Lane County.  Certainly not every resident was a liberal zealot, but there were enough of them for us to be concerned about the makeup of a local jury on a case against Scott Lively and OCA.

The case arose from a press release I had written about political mischief in the local Human Rights Commission.  A Human Rights Commission is one of the “gay” movement’s key vehicles for advancing their political agenda in a local community.  These commissions are normally formed as part of a strategy for homosexuals to link up with liberal members of ethnic minorities, who then promote the idea that opposition to homosexuality is the equivalent of racism and equally deserving of public condemnation and punishment.  My press release was designed to expose the fact that the “gays” were really running the commission (this is nearly always true, but usually unknown to the public).  I said in my press release that the new head of the human rights commission was a homosexual.  Ironically, I did not name him in the press release, having read in the news that he was upset at all the publicity.  I was trying to do him the courtesy of leaving his name out, since it only mattered for our purposes that the “gays” were calling the shots politically.

However, it was technically not yet true that this person was head of the commission, because he had been nominated but not ratified by the City Council.  I didn’t know this, having gotten the story second-hand from an inside source who had omitted some of the facts.

The former head of the commission, a man named G. W., had vacated the post some months prior.  Though it was clear from the facts in the press release that our accusation was not directed at W., there was enough ambiguity in it to hang a lawsuit on and so we were soon served with a summons and complaint for defamation of W. (in yet another ironic twist, this pro-“gay” advocate was claiming to have been defamed by being called homosexual).  The request was for damages of one million dollars.

Eventually, Lon Mabon and I were back in the courtroom again, sitting side by side at the defense table. At the table with us was the same attorney who had defended us in Portland.  By this time he was much more experienced and very competent.  Against us was a team of three female lawyers who gave every indication of being lesbians (I don‘t recall if they publicly identified themselves as such).

There were few noteworthy moments in this trial until the final day, when both sides had completed their cases and the court had reconvened for the rendering of the jury’s verdict.  W.’s attorneys  were so confident of victory, that the lead counsel came into the courtroom literally rubbing her hands together and licking her lips as though she was about to sit down to a feast prepared in her honor.  Minutes later she looked shell-shocked as the verdict came back in our favor: not liable.  God gave us the victory in this case, against all odds.

The Third and Fourth Lawsuits

The final lawsuits resulted from the same incident, and were eventually consolidated into a single suit, but the fact that they were filed separately is important to the story.

One day at my OCA office I was visited by an elderly woman who was desperate for help for her daughter.  The daughter was in a legal dispute with her husband over the custody of their three young children and the court had awarded custody to him.  Unfortunately for the children, their father was a homosexual, now living with his boyfriend, and both of them reputedly had full-blown AIDS.  The father’s condition was apparently so advanced that his driver’s license had been taken from him because he was having brain seizures (that did not stop him from driving the children around in his car).

The mom was a perfectly capable parent and there was no reason, other than political correctness, for the children to be taken from her.

The grandmother had come to me in the hopes that OCA could bring some public attention to this case and perhaps force a reversal of the court’s decision.  We agreed, then held a press conference on the steps of the courthouse and passed out a flyer stating the facts of the case.

It wasn’t long before we were hit with two new lawsuits, one each from the father and the boyfriend.  Each suit sought five million dollars in damages for invasion of privacy.  To cause us greater expense (we surmised) the suits were filed in separate counties.  This was a serious problem because OCA was by this time struggling financially, in large part due to the legal costs from the previous lawsuits.

For the first time we faced “legitimate” legal exposure.  The flyer we passed out at the press conference might possibly (I now know) have been ruled an invasion of privacy.  The “gays” had more to use against us than just the hope of political bias on the part of judge and jury.  In fact, our political enemies apparently felt that case was so strong against us that they helped the plaintiffs to retain one of the top attorneys in the state, a former state appeals court judge.  It looked like our goose was cooked.

Lawsuits take a very long time to run their course, and the anxiety that inevitably occurs increases as a trial nears.  I had now lived under a cloud of legal uncertainty almost constantly for three or four years, but the emotional stress had grown much worse as the months wore on in this suit.  Then, just a few weeks before trial, I had a visit from the husband of the woman who had solicited our help, the childrens‘ grandfather.  He had an amazing story to tell.

It seems that early in the case the father and the boyfriend had broken up.  (Allegedly, a physical altercation between the two of them had resulted in the hospitalization of the father.)  When the father got out of the hospital, he brought a new boyfriend into the house, along with a young woman with a toddler, who was to serve as a nanny for the four children now living in the household.

One day, a neighbor spied the toddler running out of the side door of the house.  He was covered with bruises.  It seems that the child had refused to eat, and as punishment the men had put him in the basement and taken turns going down to beat him.  The neighbor called the police and the men were arrested and charged with torture of the toddler.

Obviously, Children’s Protective Services is called in on a matter like this to remove the children.  Acting quickly, the mom had hired an attorney and gotten back temporary custody of her kids.  However, Oregon being the “gay”-influenced state that it is, Children’s Protective Services had apparently promised the father that custody would be returned to him.  The District Attorney’s office had apparently also cut a deal with all three adults that they would get probation and no jail time.

I am reporting all of this second-hand, of course, as it was recounted to me by the grandfather, who was in the courtroom for the trials of the three adults.  By God’s providence, the “gays’” strategy unraveled.  For some reason the three defendants were separated in the process of sentencing.  The new boyfriend and the young woman went first and received their “slap on the hand.”  However, the father appeared later, and for some reason was assigned a different judge.  This judge, after reviewing the file, including the photos of the little toddler, looked up at the district attorney and said “You’ve got a lot of nerve bringing this plea bargain into my courtroom.”  He then turned to the father and said “You’re going to jail.”

Portland at this time had a major problem with overcrowding at the jails, and so the father was sent home with instructions to report to jail at a future date.

That night, the father and the new boyfriend committed double suicide.

We showed up at court on the day of our trial, and had a settlement conference in the hallway with the original boyfriend who filed one of the two invasion of privacy lawsuits against us.  As soon as he learned that we knew what had happened, he decided to drop the case.  As I pointed out to him, no jury in the world convict us for invading the privacy of this “family.”  If we had succeeded in the original goal for which we had held the press conference, these children would not have suffered such terrible trauma.

In the end, the mom won permanent custody of her children, and there were no further repercussions to the incident.  For the sake of the children OCA agreed not to publicize the circumstances I’ve described here, though such publication would surely have helped to rehabilitate our reputations.

The four lawsuits were tough to endure, but God used them for His purposes and my good.  They are the reason I am a lawyer today.  Looking back, I can see His hand through it all.  Of the $11,400,000.00 potential damages I faced, the total judgment against me was just $22,000.  And God provided every penny of that sum through the generosity of friends and supporters.

Even so, the thought of paying this money to the lesbian activist was at first very difficult emotionally.  It seemed like giving her a reward for persecuting me.  Yet, in prayer I was reminded of two things.  First, that Jesus asks us to “turn the other cheek”  when we personally are injured by others and to “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” (Matthew 5:39,44).  Second, that every thing I have comes from and belongs to God.  It was all his money, and if He wanted me to pay it to her, He must have had a very good reason.

What could have been emotionally and spiritually damaging to me (causing lasting bitterness and unforgiveness) instead became a blessing.  I paid the judgment “as unto the Lord” as an act of submission to Him and received spiritual enrichment of far greater value — thank you, Jesus.

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NOT “Just Another Sin”

NJAS brochure-Final_pages-1

You can watch / listen to the video HERE: TV.GAB/ScottLivelyMinistries

If your purpose is to stand against the heresy called “gay theology” you may freely disseminate this brochure in electronic or printed form.  The brochure outlines the Biblical case against homosexuality from Genesis to Revelation in a chronological series of bullet points.

NJAS brochure-Final_print

I expanded upon and explained how these references when taken together represent “The Forgotten Last Days Warning About Homosexuality in the Bible” in an 18-page article with that title.

The Forgotten Last Days Warning about Homosexuality in the Bible FINAL (1)

For free copies of the brochure in printed form to distribute in your community or to order copies in bulk at cost contact Dr. Scott Lively,  Donations in support of this project may be made here:

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An Open Letter to Christian Leaders in America

The “NOT Just Another Sin” Project…


Dear Fellow Servants of Christ,

On June 28, 1969 the homosexual political movement, which had previously defined its goal as “the right to be left alone,” took a militant turn.  At the Stonewall Bar on Christopher Street in New York City, “gay” activists rioted against police who tried to arrest an underage “drag queen” prostitute.  That episode of violent rebellion is now commemorated annually as “Gay Pride Day.”

Their inspiration was Herbert Marcuse, the German-born philosopher and political strategist who headed the “Frankfort School” of Cultural Marxism.  From a perch in the highest branches of American academia Marcuse railed against “the repressive order of procreative sexuality” and called for the “disintegration of the…monogamic and patriarchal family.”*

In 1972, two hundred homosexual organizations, representing the entire LGBT movement, met in Chicago to outline their Marcusian agenda: a blueprint for supplanting Biblical morality with sexual anarchy — in essence, the overthrow of family-centered Christian civilization.

In 1973, their “long march through the institutions” began with the political takeover of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine homosexuality as psychologically healthy.

In 2013, after just forty years, the last secular institution to resist LGBT bullying was finally subdued: the Boy Scouts of America.

One last barrier to “gay“ cultural hegemony remains: the Christian church.  All of the battle-hardened “gay rights” activists with all of their formidable resources are mobilized for an assault on Christianity itself under the hijacked rainbow banner of  “Gay Theology.”   Indeed, the process has already begun, like the retreat of the tide before the tsunami.

Recently I debated a young Christian pop star named Vicky Beeching on a British news program.  Beeching, an attractive and charismatic woman with a large following among young people, has “come out” as a lesbian to tremendous fanfare by the secular media.  She will undoubtedly lead many astray, but, importantly, she is only one agent among tens of thousands poised to lay siege to Biblical truth both from without and within the church walls.

Watch that debate here:

In late 2013 I began working on a simple tool to warn and equip the church to resist the impending onslaught.  That finished tool is a brochure titled “NOT Just Another Sin” which succinctly summarizes the Biblical case against homosexuality from Genesis to Revelation.  In short, the Bible identifies rampant homosexuality in society as the harbinger of God’s wrath.  It is decidedly Not “just another sin.”

Not Just Another Sin Brochure FINAL


Full article on which this brochure is based: Forgotten Last Days Warning About Homosexuality in the Bible

This is not a marketing campaign.  We are not offering the brochure for sale.  We simply want  your help to quickly disseminate the brochure to every Christian leader in America. We will provide as many copies of this brochure as you can use at our cost of $.07 per piece plus shipping and whatever donation you feel led to offer.** Alternatively, if you provide us an up-to-date list of pastors or other leaders we will send it to them ourselves (but please provide help with postage).  Or if you desire to print your own supply, download the PDF above, but be advised the printed version is 9×12″, not 81/2 by 11″.

Finally, I am available on a limited basis for speaking, seminars and Christian media interviews at

Pastor Scott Lively, J.D., Th.D.

* Facts cited in this letter are documented in my article “Gay Agenda? What Gay Agenda?” and other articles at

** Donations should be made out to Abiding Truth Ministries, PO Box 2373, Springfield, MA 01101 or online at


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Lively on the Nullification of the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Law

Yesterday, a Ugandan court struck down the controversial Anti-Homosexuality Law on the grounds there wasn’t a legal quorum of legislators present at the time of passage.

Now that the Ugandan government has shown itself capable of self-governance, I’m waiting for calls of apology from media outlets around the world who for years have insinuated (or outright insisted) that the Ugandans were merely my puppets in a nefarious scheme to persecute homosexuals there. That lie is also, of course, the premise of the “Crimes Against Humanity” lawsuit filed against me here in U.S. Federal Court by Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) and their Marxist New York attorneys of the ironically named Center for Constitutional Rights.

The SMUG lawsuit claims that my preaching against homosexuality in Uganda overpowered the weak-minded African natives and turned them into rampaging bloodthirsty savages bent on “gay” genocide. Never mind that there has not been any actual violence there — except for the murder of SMUG leader David Kato by his “gay” lover. Never mind also that Kato’s murderer was convicted by this same Ugandan judiciary and is now serving a 30 year sentence. And never mind that in the paltry few other instances listed in the SMUG lawsuit where alleged wrongs were committed against homosexuals – instances which I condemned and had nothing to do with – the same Ugandan courts have held the wrongdoers responsible – which decisions I applauded.

The evolutionist hero Charles Darwin taught that Blacks were an intermediary step in the evolutionary progression of apes into human beings, writing:

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage racesThe break [between humans and non-humans] will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian [aboriginal] and the gorilla.” Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, p. 156.

Darwin’s intellectual descendants dominate western civilization today, including the so-called mainstream media. Individual politicians and journalists may not personally express such blatantly offensive beliefs, but their Neo-Colonial attitude toward the Africans in the matter of African countries legislating their own moral values is grossly paternalistic at best — and inescapably implicitly racist.

In contrast, I, and my fellow Christians who have served as missionaries to Africa for generations have always treated the Africans as equals, created in the image of God just as we are. Every Christian who has ever visited Uganda knows that the typical Ugandans are a warm and lovely people: intelligent, caring and capable. Though they are very poor, their culture (outside of some areas which still embrace paganism) is highly civilized and its leaders are well educated and quite competent.

The maliciously deceitful attempt by the global “gay” movement and its media allies to paint Uganda as a pariah state filled with hateful bigots (as in the propaganda film “God Loves Uganda”), is simply a disgusting modern example of the same “blood libel” used against the Jews by the Nazis.

I am not unhappy that the Ugandan law as written has been nullified. I have always said it was too harsh and did not emphasize prevention and therapy for homosexual disorder. The law’s enactment and quick repeal conclusively demonstrate that Ugandans can think for themselves, are capable of self-governance, and do not need “enlightened” Marxists and homosexual militants from the West to shape their public policy and uphold the rule of law.

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Reflections on the Passing of ‘Ken Death’ and the Hypocrisy of the SPLC

The vastly wealthy “Southern Poverty Law Center” (SPLC) is best known today (aside from its deceptive “poor mouth” fundraising pitches to gullible liberals) for its obsessive campaign to punish Bible-believing Christians and Jews for opposing sexual perversion.  But SPLC leaders were once (ostensibly) more focused on racism — an emphasis I applaud (and wish they would return to, though apparently it is not as lucrative for them).

SPLC’s last high-profile case in that realm was the takedown of White Supremacist leader Tom Metzger after his Skinhead follower Ken “Death” Mieske and two others beat Ethiopian graduate student Mulugeta Seraw to death on the streets of Portland, Oregon in 1988.  This week marks the third anniversary of the death of “Ken Death” in the Oregon State Penitentiary.

The dirty little secret that the SPLC never revealed was that Ken “Death” Mieske was “gay” (at least part-time).

I was living just a few blocks from the site of the Seraw murder when it occurred, and was very familiar with the “mean streets” of Portland since I had only two years previously accepted Christ and been delivered from 16 years of bondage to alcoholism and drug addiction.  Before that I spent a lot of time with the “dopers” at Pioneer Courthouse Square and other transient venues in the downtown area.  We all knew that many of the boys and young men on the streets, including Skinheads, were male prostitutes.

In those days Portland was notorious for pederasty (“gay” sex between adult men and young teens).  I remember, for example, that the adult male director of one of the city’s homeless shelters was arrested for exploiting runaway teen boys for sex during that time.  In the late 80s my wife worked as a volunteer for the Salvation Army in a program for street kids and was told that many of the teen boys were “graduates” of a string of “floating brothels” of pre-teen boys.  (Once they got too old to appeal to the rich male Portland pedophiles they were kicked out on the street.)  In more recent years the pederast culture has reached even into the city government, where “gay” Mayor Sam Adam’s seduction of a 17 year-old male intern became a major public scandal–126427298.html.  But, of course, in liberal-Utopia Portland, Adams neither resigned nor was recalled.

Portland is also the home of famous “gay” filmmaker Gus Van Sant, whose work often explores (surprise) “gay” teen sex, including My Private Idaho, about young male street-prostitutes (like Mieske probably was) who fall in love with each other

Importantly, just one year before the Seraw murder, Van Sant took a close personal interest in the young skinhead, Ken Mieske, upon his release from prison for burglary, even making a short film about him titled “Ken Death Gets Out of Jail.”

In a  March 31, 1998 interview with The Advocate magazine, Van Sant said “The subjects of my films… were about gay characters. They were what brought me out of the closet… The films brought me out. That’s what my interest was. These gay characters and gay stories. And I was gay. My private life became my public life.”…

This seems to be a fairly clear identification of Ken Mieske as “gay” (though he had a girlfriend at one time) and a possible admission of pederasty by Van Sant, though I am not asserting as fact that Mr. Van Sant ever had sexual relations with minors.  Interestingly, however, in my capacity as a newly-minted Christian social activist there in 1989 or 90 I received an anonymous call from a man who insisted that Mieske had been Van Sant’s “house boy” at one time before the murder.  I don’t know whether that is true.

What is true is that the Southern Poverty Law Center almost certainly knew that the murderer Mieske was “gay” when they pursued their litigation against Tom Metzger.  The most elementary due-diligence as attorneys in the facts of their case would have educated them on that score.  And as late as 2000, SPLC was admitting in their own newsletter that there is a “significant” incidence of homosexuality among White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis (see below).

Three years ago this week, “Ken Death” died of complications from viral hepatitis, a blood-bourn disease which is very common among male homosexuals.  To the end, his fellow White Supremacists embraced him as their own, declaring him a “prisoner of war.”

This obscure anniversary is an appropriate setting to challenge the hypocrisy of the SPLC which is raising piles of money on the theme that faithful Christians and Jews are dangerous homophobic bigots without any rational basis for our opposition to homosexuality, when they know better than most the truth that the genuine hate groups — the ones their organization was created to oppose — are rife with homosexual perversion.

So, in memory of Ken “Death” Mieske, I offer the SPLC’s own words on the matter as a proof of their mendacity.

Gay Aryan Nations Members (Southern Poverty Law Center, Fall 2000, Issue #100)

“Although it will come as a surprise to many, there has long been a fascist gay subculture. Hitler’s paramilitary SA storm troopers had a significant gay element…”

,”…gay neo-Nazis dotted the European landscape after the war, while in America homosexuality continues to be a ‘secret of postwar American National Socialism’, according to Jeffrey Kaplan, a well-known scholar of extremism.

“In fact, Kaplan writes, gays made up a ‘significant’ — if carefully hidden — part of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party in the 1960s. In 1974, the first openly gay American neo-Nazi group, the National Socialist League, was formed in Los Angeles by Russell Veh. Before disappearing in the 1980s, the group put out a journal — NS Kampfruf — complete with explicit photographs and racy advertisements.”

And to that add the following jaw-dropping Huffington Post article: “The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists” which I personally sent by email to SPLC’s Mark Potok:

I rest my case.

Postscript:  A day after publishing this article, I obtained a copy of Elinor Langer’s A Hundred Little Hitlers about Ken Mieske and the Seraw murder.  In it, I found additional confirmation of Mieske’s homosexual relations with older “gay” men.  From page 60:

“The relationship [in Portland] between the thirty-year-old Jim* and the fifteen-year-old Ken has so much the form of scandal — ‘Man Seduces Boy!’ — …but… if there was any seduction to begin with it is a likely to have been the other way around — ‘Boy Seduces Man!’ — because when they met Ken was struggling for survival on the streets of Seattle for several years and had seen and done a lot while Jim was a sheltered Roman Catholic former policeman who was still in the closet.  However it was, the interest was mutual.”

Jim is a pseudonym used by the author to protect the identity of the source, who is essentially confessing to “gay” statutory rape.  Clearly sympathetic to “Jim” she spins his motives and actions in a very positive light and seems oblivious to the nature of predatory pederasty, but that’s an aside.

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Rescue Obama’s ‘Human Shields’ and Send Them Home with Escorts

There’s a long line at the Registry of Motor Vehicles. You’ve been patiently  waiting your turn for what seems like hours, with a handful of paperwork you  painstaking filled out before you got into line. Suddenly a new group of people  come in and walk right to the front of the line. You think they’re going to cut  in and you start to join the grumbling of the other people in line with you,  when suddenly the RMV supervisor steps up to the counter and starts handing out  free passes to all the people in the new group. They don’t even have to deal  with the clerk. “No waiting. No paperwork. No scrutiny. No regulations. No  consequences,” says the supervisor, “in fact, you can use these free passes to  get every sort of social service benefits for you and your family at no cost to  you.”

Still in line, fuming, you feel like a chump for following the rules.

Welcome to the Bush/Obama “immigration” scheme. You now know what the rest of  the law-abiding citizens of the world feel like who want to emigrate legally to  the United States.

I call it the Bush/Obama “scheme” but it’s really more of a conspiracy. The  Democrat and Republican globalist “elites” want a borderless North American  Union along the model of the European Union and they’re determined to have it,  constitution be damned. Bush 41 started in with NAFTA, Bush 43 continued it with  a law granting special “free pass” status to minors seeking asylum in the US,  and Obama intends to complete the process with a tidal wave of minors recruited  from Central America and shipped to the border on NAFTA’s Kansas City Southern  de Mexico railway line (an American company). Kudos to Phyllis Schlafly for a  great article on this.

It’s the old Marxist tactic of fomenting chaos to destabilize the system you  want to convert to Socialist control. But even worse, this particular  destabilization effort creates its chaos by using children as “political human  shields”!

The political elites whom I believe have orchestrated this sudden wave of  “refugees” to coincide with President Obama’s adoption of Amnesty as his  domestic priority are just like the Hamas terrorists who use innocents as human  shields in Gaza. These children are pawns in an evil game designed to exploit  our humanity and use it against us.

It is the worst form of manipulation because it traps the good guys in a  complex lose/lose moral dilemma. Do we protect ourselves from an insidious  attack on our social order and its legal underpinnings by heartlessly turning  foreign children away at the border? Or do we abandon the notion of national  sovereignty and the rule of law out of genuine compassion for innocents being  exploited as political pawns? To borrow the language of our Founders: “A pox on  those who hatched this devilish plot!”

In my view we have no choice but to care for these children because they are  innocent, but we must work diligently to return them and every illegal immigrant  to their country of origin so they can get in line behind the law abiding  applicants who are seeking entry properly.

Rather than rewarding those who gained (or gamed) their entry to the United  States by cheating (I’m speaking now of the adults who have been here for a long  time), it is time to ask the illegal immigrants to take all that they have  learned about living in an orderly democratic society back to their homelands so  they can recreate there what they have enjoyed here.

Frankly, it is these very adults who are most responsible for these children  and other neighbors they left behind in the selfish pursuit of their own  prosperity. It is they who set the bad example that these children are now  following. Send them all back together — the long-term illegals serving as  escorts for the children — along with whatever assistance they all need to get  settled back in to their communities. (It won’t cost even a fraction of what  we’ll pay if they stay here). And perhaps back there we can help them establish  for their children a semblance of what our parents and grandparents created for  us here in the U.S..

If any case, they can at any time and for any reason get back in line and  seek entry legally.

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‘Gay’ Agenda? What ‘Gay’ Agenda?

Mentioning the “gay” agenda in the presence of an LGBT activist or any other Cultural Marxist is like pulling the string on a Sheriff Woody doll, you hear precisely the same recording each time: “What gay agenda?  There is no gay agenda.” 

But, of course, the audacious lie that the now-global LGBT political movement has “no agenda” is as transparent as the Emperor’s new clothes.  Indeed, their agenda is not only undeniable, it has unfortunately become unavoidable!

An agenda is simply a plan or list of matters to be acted upon by a person or group related to a strategic goal to be achieved.  By definition, every person or group with a goal has one.

The original goal of the “gay” movement was best summarized by Dale Jennings of the Mattachine Society as “the right to be left alone.”  Before Stonewall: Activists for Gay and Lesbian Rights in Historical Context, Phd Dececco (John), John Dececco, Phd, Vern L Bullough, Vern L Bullough, RN, PhD, Haworth Press, 2002, p 88.  That goal can be translated as “tolerance.” I think it is fair to say that the vast majority of pro-family advocates and activists in the world today (including this writer) would gladly support that goal.

However, with the violent Stonewall Riot of June 28, 1969 (celebrated annually today as “Gay Pride Day“), the movement adopted a radical Marxist goal and agenda heavily influenced by Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfort School of “Cultural Marxists.”

 “Marcuse, Herbert (1898-1979) German-born philosopher Herbert Marcuse was one of the leading theorists of the New Left in Europe and the United States in the late 1960s. Much like Michel Foucault in a later generation, Marcuse had an enormous influence on theories of sexual liberation, particularly in the early post-Stonewall gay movement and on the left. Many young people in the 1960s adopted Marcuse-like sexual politics as the basis for the counter-culture’s radical transformation of values.”  From glbtq: An Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture:

Marcuse’s advocacy of “the Great Refusal” (ie. civil disobedience and cultural warfare) as a strategy for breaking down the existing social order to make way for a Marxist utopian alternative was articulated in his books Eros and Civilization (1955) and One-Dimensional Man (1964), and was adopted by the Stonewall-era “gay” leaders.

Marcuse equated “the repressive order of procreative sexuality” with death and sexual perversion with life:

“The Orphic-Narcissistic images are those of the Great Refusal: refusal to accept separation from the libidinous object (or subject).  The refusal aims at liberation — at the reunion of what has become separated. Orpheus is the archetype of the poet as liberator and creator:  he establishes a higher order in the world — an order without repression. In his person, art, freedom, and culture are eternally combined. He is the poet of redemption, the god who brings peace and salvation by pacifying man and nature, not through force but through song…

…Orpheus had shunned all love of womankind…The classical tradition associates Orpheus with the introduction of homosexuality. Like Narcissus, he rejects the normal Eros, not for an ascetic ideal, but for a fuller Eros. Like Narcissus, he protests against the repressive order of procreative sexuality. The Orphic and Narcissistic Eros is to the end the negation of this order — the Great Refusal. In the world symbolized by the culture-hero Prometheus, it is the negation of all order; but in this negation Orpheus and Narcissus reveal a new reality, with an order of its own, governed by different principles. The Orphic Eros transforms being: he masters cruelty and death through liberation.”  Eros and Civilization (170-171).

In his Preface to the 1966 2nd edition of  Eros and Civilization, Marcuse said the goal of the book was “to break the fatal union of productivity and destruction, liberty and repression — in other words, to learn the gay science (gaya sciencia) of how to use the social wealth for shaping man’s world in accordance with his Life Instincts, in the concerted struggle against the purveyors of Death.”  (Importantly, Marcuse’s “gay science” is only warmed-over Nietzschean fascism, rooted in Frederick Nietzsche’s infamous declaration that “God is Dead,” which he first articulated in his 1882 book, The Gay Science and embellished in his demonic 1888 manifesto The Antichrist.)

Adds Marcuse: “’Polymorphous sexuality’ was the term which I used to indicate that the new direction of progress would depend completely on the opportunity to activate repressed or arrested organic, biological needs: to make the human body an instrument of pleasure rather than labor….These conditions redefine the concept of Utopia.”  What Marcuse calls “polymorphous sexuality,” I call sexual anarchy.

In this life or death struggle against “repression,“ Marcuse taught that the chief enemy was the “patriarchal family.”  He writes “[W]hile any form of the reality principle demands a considerable degree and scope of repressive control over the instincts…additional controls arising from the specific institutions of domination are what we denote as surplus-repression. For example, the modifications and deflections of instinctual energy necessitated by the perpetuation of the monogamic-patriarchal family” (p.38).

His solution?  “No longer used as a fulltime instrument of labor, the body would be resexualized. The regression involved in this spread of the libido would first manifest itself in a reactivation of all erotogenic zones and, consequently, in a resurgence of pregenital polymorphous sexuality and in a decline of genital supremacy. The body in its entirety would become an object of cathexis, a thing to be enjoyed — an instrument of pleasure. This change in the value and scope of libidinal relations would lead to a disintegration of the institutions in which the private interpersonal relations have been organized, particularly the monogamic and patriarchal family” (p.201).

Emboldened by Stonewall, and filled with Marcusian inspiration, some 200 homosexual organizations met in Chicago in 1972 to adopt the following written agenda:

“The 1972 Gay Rights Platform
Platform created at the National Coalition of Gay Organizations Convention held in Chicago in 1972


1. Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public services.

2. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting the military from excluding for reasons of their sexual orientation, persons who of their own volition desire entrance into the Armed Services; and from issuing less-than-fully-honorable discharges for homosexuality; and the upgrading to fully honorable all such discharges previously issued, with retroactive benefits.

3. Issuance by the President of an executive order prohibiting discrimination in the federal civil service because of sexual orientation, in hiring and promoting; and prohibiting discriminations against homosexuals in security clearances.

4. Elimination of tax inequities victimizing single persons and same-sex couples.

5. Elimination of bars to the entry, immigration and naturalization of homosexual aliens.
6. Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality.

7. Appropriate executive orders, regulations and legislation banning the compiling, maintenance and dissemination of information on an individual’s sexual preferences, behavior, and social and political activities for dossiers and data banks.

8. Federal funding of aid programs of gay men’s and women’s organizations designed to alleviate the problems encountered by Gay women and men which are engendered by an oppressive sexist society.

9. Immediate release of all Gay women and men now incarcerated in detention centers, prisons and mental institutions because of sexual offense charges relating to victimless crimes or sexual orientation; and that adequate compensation be made for the physical and mental duress encountered; and that all existing records relating to the incarceration be immediately expunged.


1. All federal legislation and programs enumerated in Demands 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 above should be implemented at the State level where applicable.

2. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting private sexual acts involving consenting persons; equalization for homosexuals and heterosexuals for the enforcement of all laws.

3. Repeal all state laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons; and laws prohibiting prostitution, both male and female.

4. Enactment of legislation prohibiting insurance companies and any other state-regulated enterprises from discriminating because of sexual orientation, in insurance and in bonding or any other prerequisite to employment or control of one’s personal demesne.

5. Enactment of legislation so that child custody, adoption, visitation rights, foster parenting, and the like shall not be denied because of sexual orientation or marital status.

6. Repeal of all state laws prohibiting transvestism and cross-dressing.

7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

8. Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit regardless of sex or numbers.”

Source: All Things Queer.  GAY & LESBIAN ISSUES. coverage, commentary & community for people with brains *and* an attitude!

To my knowledge, none of the organizations or their successors have ever repudiated this agenda, but in fact most of its items have been achieved in whole or in part.

In Gay Community News, Feb. 15-21, 1987 a writer named Michael Swift (which I assume to be an alias intended to evoke an association with the eighteenth century political satirist Jonathan Swift), published the following essay which was later republished in The Congressional Record.  While it purports to be satire, I recognize its sentiments as a precisely accurate reflection of masculine-oriented male homosexual culture and goals, and I have observed that most of its elements have played out in real life in various ways.

Michael Swift: “Gay Revolutionary”

“This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

“Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too, and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand the depth and feeling, the mind and body of another man.

“All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men.

“All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy.

“If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies.

“We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold athletes which will be placed in your parks, your squares, your plazas. The museums of the world will be filled only with paintings of graceful, naked lads.

“Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the devices of wit and ridicule, devices which we are skilled in employing.

“We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators,your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when you speak of homosexuals because we are always among you; we may be sitting across the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same bed with you.

“There will be no compromises. We are not middle-class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less. Those who oppose us will be exiled.

“We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.

“The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence–will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.

“All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated. Since we are alienated from middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free to live our lives according to the dictates of the pure imagination. For us too much is not enough.

“The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society of homoeroticism will be indulgence in the Greek passion. Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men.

“We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility, true beauty in a man.

“We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution.

“Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.”

Source: Fordham University.

In November of 1987 two homosexual political strategists Marshall Kirk and Erastus Pill published a landmark article in Guide Magazine, titled, forthrightly, “The Overhauling of Straight America.”  The article in its entirely has been republished at GayHomeland.Org, here:

I will offer a few select quotations which I believe capture its cynical tone and goals in furtherance of the larger “gay” agenda:

“The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights…. And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent–only later his unsightly derriere!…

“…So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream….

“…gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector. If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our “gay pride” publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image….

“…the mainstream should be told that gays are victims of fate, in the sense that most never had a choice to accept or reject their sexual preference. The message must read: “As far as gays can tell, they were born gay, just as you were born heterosexual or white or black or bright or athletic…

“…Our campaign should not demand direct support for homosexual practices, should instead take anti-discrimination as its theme….

“…the campaign should paint gays as superior pillars of society. Yes, yes, we know–this trick is so old it creaks…

“…At a later stage of the media campaign for gay rights-long after other gay ads have become commonplace-it will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified….we intend to make the antigays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types.”

[Note by] “A few years later it’s authors did expand it into a book: Marshall Kirk, Hunter Madsen: “After the Ball — How America will conquer its fear and hatred of Gays in the 1990s”.  (Plume, 1990), ISBN: 0452264987.”

After the Ball has been the blueprint for advancing the “gay” agenda since its publication.

In conclusion, the “gay” agenda is to eliminate the existing Judeo-Christian model of civilization, grounded in marriage-based procreative sexuality, to make way for an irrational and impossible Cultural Marxist model which imagines family-less unlimited “sexual freedom” (anarchy), while somehow preserving orderliness in every other aspect of human society.  It reflects an insane and Satanic delusion which breeds chaos, and can only be stopped by unceasing reaffirmation of Biblical values and the natural family by the rest of us.

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HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” Attacks Pastor Lively


On Sunday night I was attacked on HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” a supposed comedy/news show in the mold of  The Daily Show.  The host is a Brit named John Oliver.

Today, the local news organization here in Springfield, MA, (which only ever reports negative news about me) asked for comment because they are running a story about the “Last Week” show.

Following are the comments I provided to the reporter, Brian Steele:


I find it funny that lefties like John Oliver who pose as humanitarians are the masters at dehumanizing other people through ridicule and never give the subjects of their smears a fair chance to respond.

I’m calling out John Oliver as a liar and a fraud who couldn’t go ten minutes with me in an unscripted, unedited debate. Without his teleprompter and his cheap-shot, out-of-context video clips he would be exposed as just another left-wing loony.

Oliver is lying through selective editing re Rwanda and several other points. His show was one continuous stream of malicious LGBT propaganda in the guise of comedy.

Yes, it will likely negatively affect the voters, as it was intended to do. It’s one more example of the “politics of personal destruction” that Saul Alinsky taught the “progressives,” including journalists, to practice:

From “Rules for Radicals”:

“RULE 5: ‘Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.’ There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

“RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)”

I have been selected by the powers-that-be in the progressive/LGBT community as their current target, and Oliver’s television show, the “Crimes Against Humanity” lawsuit by the Marxist Center for Constitutional Rights , the “Pink Brick Award” by the San Francisco Pride Organization, and continually slanted news reporting in the so-called mainstream media about me are simply the implementation of Rule 12.

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Marxist Elites are Conspiring to Legalize “Gay Marriage” at the Supreme Court as soon as 2015

On May 11, 2013, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg surprised her audience at the University of Chicago Law School by criticizing Roe v Wade as a bad decision.  Not because she opposes the brutal murder of unborn children in the womb, of course, but because, she said, the people weren’t quite ready for abortion on demand to be imposed on the entire nation, as Roe did, causing a social and political backlash that continues to the present day.

“Ginsburg would have rather seen the justices make a narrower decision that struck down only the Texas law that brought the matter before the court,” wrote the Associated Press.  “That law allowed abortions only to save a mother’s life. A more restrained judgment would have sent a message while allowing momentum to build at a time when a number of states were expanding abortion rights.”

I suspected immediately that the purpose of Ginsberg’s comments  was to telegraph a warning to the political left that SCOTUS was NOT going to find a constitutional right to “gay marriage” in their upcoming ruling on U.S. v Windsor which was issued just six weeks later on June 26th, an outcome I predicted in an article on June 23rd:

But with the warning came also an implied promise: that the elite powers for whom she was speaking would orchestrate the “momentum” which would justify an inevitable SCOTUS recognition of “gay marriage” as a “constitutional right.”

Sure enough, in the wake of Windsor, 13 activist federal judges in 13 states (including the most socially conservative states of the union) have struck down state Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) laws, creating “momentum” by judicial fiat and attempting to evoke a sense of resignation in the populace.   Significantly, the scorecard is 13-0  for the “gays.”, showing just how morally corrupt our federal judiciary has become.

This week a three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to strike down the Utah DOMA, making it the first to be ruled upon at the appellate level. The decision was stayed pending trial, which will probably occur late this year or early next year with a final decision coming down in June of 2015.

Utah could be the case which Ginsberg and her pals will use to keep their promise to the left, IF they believe they can pull it off without triggering widespread cultural backlash.  That IF is our ray of hope.

Now, more than ever, it is important for the pro-family movement to fight back against the “gay” agenda and to firmly reject the Elites’ Marxist rhetorical presumption of inevitable victory in “the tide of history.”

Ginsberg revealed the chink in their armor: public resistance!  The pro-family movement is already stronger than the pro-life movement was in 1973.  Perhaps if we push back hard enough against this latest social engineering scheme we can prevent SCOTUS from cursing us with an LGBT Roe v Wade.  Lets get to work!



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San Francisco’s ‘Two Minutes of Hate’

By Pastor Scott “Emmanuel Goldstein” Lively


In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the Party members of the society of Oceana must daily watch a film depicting the Party’s enemies (most notably Emmanuel Goldstein) and  engage in “Two Minutes of Hate” for those enemies.

At the “Gay Pride” festival this Sunday, June 29th, San Francisco’s LGBT community will devote their “Two Minutes of Hate” to hating me.

It would be bad enough if it were for just two minutes but this hate-fest has actually been running steadily since April 7th when I was first awarded the “Pink Brick Award” described by the SF “Pride” organization as “a symbol of the first brick hurled at the Stonewall Riots in 1969.  This faux award is an opportunity to highlight an individual or organization that has done significant harm to the LGBT community.”

I responded to that “honor” here

A few days ago I was asked to comment on the matter again for an article in the Daily Caller here

The following is my written response, from which the DC writer took excerpts:

“In the late 1980s I was healed and delivered from sixteen years of bondage to alcoholism and drug addiction in a prayer of surrender to Jesus Christ. He saved me and then led me first into the battle to defend the unborn and then against the broader threat of the global movement to destroy Christian civilization through sexual perversion (ala Balaam). For a quarter century I have been an independent full-time Christian culture warrior, following the leading of the Holy Spirit from skirmish to skirmish.

“From the very beginning I learned that LGBT activists work relentlessly to destroy anyone whom they cannot silence by intimidation, primarily through character assassination. As the Scripture warns in Romans 1:24-32, they are malicious deceivers, and I have endured 25 years of such abuse.

“I am just a simple Bible-believing Christian who refuses to stop telling the truth about homosexuality and the LGBT socio-political agenda. I have never felt in my heart or advocated hatred of homosexuals or violence against them. I don’t use slurs or pejoratives in my public or private speech about them. I have loved and cared for countless “gay” and lesbian individuals throughout my life and even brought an ex-“gay” AIDS sufferer into my home with my wife and four young children to nurse him through the last year of his struggle with that horrible “gay” disease.

“I live a life today that is in many ways a model of what the political Left advocates (but does not follow). I run an inner-city mission that serves the most downtrodden people of our society and has helped numerous of them to transform their lives. I have set it up as an entirely volunteer-run organization. Neither I, nor any of the other staff, take any salary or other compensation for it. We don’t accept a nickel of government money to run it but raise support for the mission from fellow Christians.

“My wife and I live in the same poverty-stricken and violence-plagued inner-city neighborhood in a formerly abandoned crack house which we have renovated with our own hands — deliberately — to show by example the power of “redemptive living” in Christ. We live simply and devote ourselves to helping all we meet in whatever way we re led by the Lord.

“Yet none of that matters to the pro-“gay” left. Because I oppose the LGBT agenda I am cast (as one “gay” activist said who left a death threat in my voicemail) as a “Nazi maggot” destined to “hang” and “burned alive.” (Listen to that death threat here: )

“By awarding me the “Pink Brick Award,” the San Francisco “Pride” Organization is simply bolstering the argument of the global homosexual movement that I am a dangerous hate-monger working to exterminate homosexuals across the world. They are following the Saul Alinsky strategy of cultural war: choose someone to be the symbol of your opposition, freeze that person in place in the public eye, then destroy him as a warning to all. I am just the latest in a series of targets.

“It is true that I am a danger to the LGBT agenda (but not the people): not because of “hate,” but because of love. I love my God and His truth enough to keep standing unapologetically for Him in this demonic LGBT battle against His Kingdom, working to turn from Hell and from the awful earthly consequences of their sin the very people who want to hang me.

“To be clear, while I recognize the right of the democratically-elected government of Uganda to set its own laws and policies, I do not support the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Law as written, even after the removal of the death penalty provision, and did not advocate for it in Uganda. I have always said that it is too harsh. My Letter to the Ugandan Parliament and their reply is published here:

“I do support the 2013 Russian law banning homosexual propaganda to minors, and take a small share of credit for inspiring that law by advocating for it in my 50-city speaking tour of the former Soviet Union in 2006-2007. Importantly, the homosexual movement’s desire to corrupt children is clearly revealed in their hysterical reaction to this very reasonable law that preserves the right to privacy and the personal freedoms of adult homosexuals.

“Lastly, I want to point out the irony of the homosexuals awarding me the “Pink Brick Award” since I have never used such a weapon of violence against them, but they have used it against me. A large pink paving brick was thrown through the plate glass door of Christian Liberty Academy near Chicago, Illinois on the eve of my speech there against “Gay” bullying at the 2011 Americans for Truth About Homosexuality conference where I received their annual “Truth Teller Award.”

“It’s an old adage: people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. It’s true also for ‘pink bricks.’  The LGBT ‘Pink Brick’ attack bruises me slightly, but the Truth of God I am telling in reply shatters their entire house of lies.

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The Rainbow Belongs to God Music Video


You will be blessed by this amazing song “The Rainbow Belongs to God.

It was written my friend Johny Noer, a Danish pastor living in the Negev Desert of Israel, and performed by the very talented singer/composer Signe Walsoe.  Johny was an attendee and guest lecturer at my Bible seminar in England last fall and was inspired by my article/strategy “The Rainbow Belongs to God” which I created to encourage the Russians to reclaim the rainbow as a Christian symbol during the Winter Olympics. 

This beautiful music video is a fruit of our ministry partnership and I encourage you to forward it to your pro-family friends around the world.


Dr Scott Lively

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