New England Biblical Values Summit Meeting

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New England Biblical Values Summit Meeting

Tuesday, October 4th, 7-9PM
Bethany Assembly of God, 580 Main St, Agawam, MA, (Fireplace Room)

The Theme: How can we steer the New England states back toward the values of the Founding Fathers?

An interactive Town Hall style discussion group featuring a panel of Conservative Christian and Jewish leaders from the New England states. The fast-moving format will feature a series of 5 questions posed to all attendees in which panel members will each respond, before opening the discussion to members of the audience. The meeting will be followed by a time of open fellowship and networking. Coffee and snacks provided. The event is free but an offering will be received to cover costs.

These are the questions:

1. What is the biggest challenge to Biblical values in New England today?

2. What is the best way to meet the challenge?

3. How can we improve cooperation among conservatives in New England?

4. How can we influence young people to take on these challenges?

5. What is one thing everybody in the room can do this week to move the ball toward our goals?

The Panel:

Dr. C.S. Cooley, Redemption Gate Mission (confirmed) (MA)
Brian Camenker, MassResistance (confirmed) (MA)
Michael and Paulie Heath, Helping Hands Ministries (confirmed) (ME)
Dr. Steven Craft (confirmed) (NJ)
Pastor David Levandusky, Living Waters AG (confirmed) (MA)
Pastor Renzo Ventrice, The Black Robed Regiment, (tentative yes) (MA)
Dr. John Rankin, Founder, Theological Education Institute (confirmed) (CT)
Harold Shurtleff, Founder, Camp Constitution (confirmed) (NH)
David Ayers, Businessman (confirmed) (VT)
Rabbi Noson Leiter, Torah Jews for Morality (invited) (NY)
Andrew Beckwith, Masssachusetts Family Institute (confirmed) (MA)
Rico Cahon, New Hampshire Cornerstone (invited) (NH)
Peter Wolfgang, Family Institute of Connecticut (confirmed) (CT)
Dr. David Berman (confirmed) (NH)
Pastor Juan Feliciano, Calvary’s Love Church (invited) (MA)
Dr. Scott Lively, Defend the Family International (confirmed) (MA)

For more information contact Denise at 413-885-5777

“Will You not Yourself revive us again,
That Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psalm 85:6).

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Transgenderism and the Collapse of Social Order

Transgenderism and the collapse of social order

When I was pursuing my law degree in the mid-1990s, fresh from publishing my first book The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party with Orthodox Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams, I was hired by Rabbi Samuel Dresner to re-write and update his unpublished manuscript The Case Against Homosexuality: A Jewish View. This is the same Rabbi Dresner who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King at Selma, and who served throughout his life as a Torah-faithful counterpoint to the Jewish media moguls of Hollywood whom he described as ‘despoilers of morality and corrupters of culture.’ It was a great honor to be recruited for this task.

Rabbi Dresner unfortunately died of cancer before we could finish the project, and the pro-family movement was thus deprived not only of this fearless champion of family values, but of a potentially game-changing resource for fighting the culture war. Catholic writer E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars magazine wrote an excellent article about Rabbi Dresner and his work here:

However, my collaboration with him was not in vain as I benefited immeasurably by studying under this great man for the year or so of our work together, and learned many things about the Old Testament foundations of Christianity that most Bible-believing Christians never encounter. Indeed, I count my brief time with Rabbi Dresner as the beginning of my path away from the increasingly New Testament myopia of nearly every denomination in the modern church and toward what I call Whole-Bible Christianity.

For example, it was Rabbi Dresner who taught me the meaning of the following Mosaic commands:

“You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together” (Leviticus 19:19).

“Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard; if you do, not only the crops you plant but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled. Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together. Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together” (Deuteronomy 22:9-11).

As a 25-year veteran of the LGBT war on civilization, I can tell you that mockery of these statutes have been a potent weapon against defenders of Biblical family values. After all, how can people defend the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuality and transgenderism based on Mosaic statutes that sit side-by-side with such apparent silliness about seeds and fabrics. The typical response of Christians is throw God’s law “under the bus” so-to-speak and retreat to the New Testament.

However, these statutes and many others like them are not indefensible human rules motivated by superstition or un-scientific presumptions. On the contrary, these are God’s laws whose purpose is cultural training, through the day-to-day rituals of life, in support of a fundamental principle of both Creation and Civilization: the principle of categorization by order. They are designed to teach the importance of not blurring the lines between things created to be distinct. Distinction preserves order, disregarding order produces chaos. It’s just that simple. And to make the point even clearer, the following statute is placed in the same context:

“A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 22:5).

So, in truth, the very statutes invoked by LGBT activists and their surrogates to attempt to neutralize the authority of the Mosaic law through mockery, actually bolster the authority of God’s law against LGBT conduct. These are not dead-letter ordinances of an ancient and irrelevant society, they are the pronouncements of the Living Word of God, whose Divine Author proclaimed them with these very present-day blasphemers in mind. He sits outside of time watching and interacting with us all this very moment: speaking through His timeless Bible, and through His created order, and through His Holy Spirit, who literally dwells in each person who has received Christ as Savior.

Importantly, the very lesson He attempted to teach the ancient Hebrews with these instructions is MORE relevant today than it was in their time, just as many of the utterances of the prophets were intended primarily for the latter days. Never in the history of the world have humans reached such potential for breaking the social and even physical order of Creation. With each passing day they test the limits of their potential — and God’s long-suffering patience.

Torah-Faithful Rabbi Dresner was something of a modern-day prophet on these issues. He tried his best to discourage his fellow Jews in Hollywood and other high seats of influence from breaking down the social order through the promotion of secularism and sexual licentiousness. He worked to unify Bible-centered Jews and Christians on common ground:

“The founding fathers of America, taking the biblical record as their model, knew that political democracy could only flourish if established on the dual foundations of faith and family. Our contemporary malaise is the consequence of abandoning that ideal in favor of a society that is largely secular, hedonistic and atomistic. Judaism, by advocating a God-centered family-based society, established by the covenant and governed by the Torah can play a key role in recalling America to its origins” (Can Families Survive in Pagan America? 1995, p. 77).

He correctly identified the Founders’ Puritan model of government as the most Old-Testament oriented of the Christian countries of the world.

It is not mere coincidence that the collapse of the social order in the west has tracked both the decline of respect for the Bible (especially the Old Testament) and the rise of the LGBT movement. And it is not merely coincidental that the order of this unfolding chaos saw the normalization of homosexuality first before moving on to transgenderism (and soon trans-humanism). Like the difference on the Richter Scale of 8 to 9, the “T” in LGBT represents a destructive threat to civilization one magnitude greater than the “L” “G” & “B.”

In my view, that is why the Mosaic Code employs the deterrence of strict punishment for homosexuality but imposes an extensive, perpetual system of ritual in the most fundamental and mundane aspects of day-to-day life to deter transgenderism. Obeying those statutes on sorting seeds, fabrics, types of animals, etc, for no other apparent reason than that God told them to, meant being continuously reminded that separation by order was His highest priority in social matters, including sexuality and gender.

The spirit, if not the letter, of that body of law remains binding even on Christians, which fact explains in part why our failure to defend its validity only contributes to the social collapse.


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‘World Vision’ Losing Sight of the Bible

Recently the Christian mega-charity World Vision was exposed and publicly shamed by the Nation of Israel for allowing diversion of donor money to the Hamas terror organization. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted the following report on its website:

Following is a summary of the report taken from an article by Caroline Kendal:

“60% of World Vision’s annual budget for the Gaza Strip was diverted to Hamas.

40% of funds for civilian projects were given in cash to Hamas combat units.

Funds for the needy in Gaza were diverted to Hamas for the construction of terror tunnels and the purchase of weapons.

A Hamas military base was built using $80,000 received from the United Kingdom.

Funds were diverted to purchase weapons in the Sinai,

Food for the needy was transferred directly to Hamas military units.

Money for injured children in Gaza was diverted to the families of Hamas terrorists, fraudulently listing their children as wounded.

Money for psychological support, education and health in Gaza was used to pay the families of Hamas terrorists.

Salaries were paid to Hamas terrorists and activists, registered as employees of World Vision.

Costs for legitimate projects were inflated, with the difference going to Hamas.

Straw companies were established to launder money.

1/3 of World Vision’s allowances for the unemployed went to members of the proscribed Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

Aid for farmers was diverted to Hamas activists.

Logistical aid was given to the proscribed, terrorist, arm of Hamas.

A greenhouse project was used to hide where terror tunnels were being dug.

Aid for fishermen was used to provide motor boats and diving suits for Hamas’ military marine unit.

Trucks bringing supplies would unload their goods at Hamas warehouses instead of legitimate World Vision warehouses.

Humanitarian aid donated for the residents of the Gaza Strip was given almost exclusively to Hamas terrorists and their families. Non-Hamas members almost never received any benefit.

Visits to Israel under cover of work for World Vision were used to mark GPS points for attack tunnels to emerge in Israel.”

Pretty serious charges but not necessarily surprising. I’d like to remind everyone of the giant red flag the Lord gave us in March of 2014 about the extent to which World Vision had departed from the Biblical world view in its declaration of support for “Gay Marriage.” My 2014 article on that is posted here:

World Vision, Tom Minnery and Appeasement Theology

There’s a lesson here about Christian institutions having a tendency of losing their Biblical grounding and adopting worldly compromises the larger and more prosperous they become. Harvard University was established to train young men for Bible-centered ministry and look at it today. How far behind Harvard are the average Christian colleges today? In what condition are the giant para-church organizations that waged “culture war” so boldly in the 1980s? There’s tremendous pressure on Bible based entities these days, and the more their focus is on money, or preserving the institution rather than the founders’ vision, the more they compromise.

As compromises go, hostility to Israel and appeasement of LGBT militants seem to go hand-in-hand among those who claim the name of Christ.

I’m not of the camp that holds that Israel can do no wrong (as their American-style pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality laws make clear – though I strongly suspect US foreign-aid arm-twisting is behind these policies). I also know there are many wicked Jews like George Soros and Paul Singer working mightily to undermine the Biblical foundations of western civilization. But that doesn’t discredit the many Torah-faithful Jews around this world any more than the existence of pseudo-Christians discredits those who actually abide in Christ and follow the Bible.

Importantly, my Bible tells me that the Jews are intended to be in the Holy Land in these last days, fulfilling the purposes of God, if not always living up to His standards in the process. And as a practical matter, my knowledge of history and current events tells me that if the Jews weren’t there, the most radical of Islamists would be. So I have absolutely no hesitancy in supporting what I perceive as the Biblical House of Judah in the form of the Secular State of Israel.

The “world vision” of the Bible remains very much centered on the Holy Land and the role of the Jews in it, even though the vision of some Christians on the matter has become like that of the world.

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Ruth Bader Duterte and the ‘Hit’ on Donald Trump

A few weeks ago I put out the following article (below) which was published at WND:

Today, an article appeared in the New York Post voicing the same concern that leftist hyperbole could spark an assassination attempt on Donald Trump:

I just want to take this opportunity to remind folks that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, probably the second most powerful political figure in the United States after Obama (and the upper-elites’ frequent liason to the leftist-bloc of American power-brokers), is the one who “put out the hit” on Trump.  Public backlash regarding her extreme breach of judicial ethics caused her to “walk it back” as they say, but the order went out nonetheless, and is now being relayed continually to the Marxist network of street-activists by The New York Times and other lieutenants.

Ruth Bader Duterte and the ‘Hit’ on Donald Trump


If anyone tries to assassinate Donald Trump in the next few weeks or months you can blame it on Ruth “The Punisher” Ginsburg. Like her namesake, Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, who has issued a blanket endorsement of the vigilantism against drug pushers in his nation, US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has just this week declared open season on Donald Trump to her cult following of rabid lefties.

Re Duterte, see

I’m going to venture deep into the conspiracy theory jungle here, but on a path of sound logic — if you can accept two basic prerequisites about the far left: first that the end always justifies the means if the cause is “social justice,” and second that Donald Trump represents the biggest threat to their “social justice” agenda since Barry Goldwater.

You might think I’m joking, but I seriously think Ginsburg just authorized the far left to take whatever means may be necessary to take down Trump, even murder. In the very week that the leftist provocateurs are flush with their victory in inciting race war against the police in Dallas but also enraged that Bernie Sanders revealed himself to be just another DNC flunky by backing Hillary, along comes The Punisher to focus all of that volcanic passion and anger against Donald Trump.

Ginsburg is no dummy. She knows exactly what she is doing — and it’s the same strategy used by her Marxist pals at the Southern Poverty Law Center when they incited Floyd Lee Corkins to attempt mass murder at the Family Research Council by accusing FRC of being a “homophobic hate group” and providing the map to their offices. Like Marxists everywhere they scream “Fascist” at their targets while throwing rocks and Molotov Cocktails at them, sometimes literally.

Since the untimely and highly suspicious death of her powerful Conservative rival Justice Antonin Scalia, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, leader of the leftist bloc of the court, has arguably become the second most powerful political figure in the nation after Barack Obama. She has proved herself Obama’s equal in lawlessness by audaciously flaunting the fundamental rules of judicial ethics by conducting a same sex wedding ceremony in the Supreme Court building itself during the pendency of the Obergefell case.

Now she has further scorned her fiduciary duties in publicly condemning a candidate for US president during an election season. But as a Social Justice Warrior, she must. The threat to her Marxist cause is simply too great to do anything less.

In the surreal socialist fantasyland of Oz that America has become under Obama, Ginsburg is the Wicked Witch of the West. Flying on her broomstick high above the common people, black robes flapping in the wind, she has cackled forth a command to her army of winged monkeys: “Stop the Donald from reaching the Emerald City!”

In that fantasy story, the Wicked Witch of the West was ultimately neutralized by the very target of her wrath.  And Her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East was stopped when a house fell on her from the sky. (One might say The House had the power of impeachment in it — hint, hint to any Congressmen in the audience).

But this is the real world. There are no witches flying on broomsticks here, just “The Punisher,“ a self-righteous old woman with supreme power and the will to incite the armies of the left to vigilante “justice.” Donald, watch your back.

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The Christian Solution to Jihad

I have just returned to the United States from a two-month personal fact-finding tour to assess the state of Christian civilization in the west, visiting sixteen countries, including especially Austria, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria in Eastern Europe as well as London for the BREXIT vote. I also met with Christian social activists, and conservative-minded citizens of Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, and other European and Scandinavia countries, keeping a generally open itinerary, following the leading of the Holy Spirit and closely observing whatever He put in my path. My focus was on the two primary threats to Christianity in the world today: the LGBT agenda and Islamic Jihad; and the two strategic processes used to advance them: “sexual revolution” and “open borders” respectively.

My initial motivation was to gain first-hand knowledge of the populist cultural revolution occurring in the western world, and in the process confirmed my hypothesis that it is a reaction to rapid globalist overreach caused by megalomaniac Barack Obama’s drive to accomplish the entire leftist agenda of the global elites during his eight years in office. He awakened the sleeping populist giant and, despite some impressive gains for his Marxist cause, has created untold grief for his New World Order fellow-travelers such as Angela Merkle who have little choice but to bend to the will of the most powerful man in the world (and face the socio/political consequences). They deserve every last bit of the growing backlash they are experiencing.

However, my goal is always to seek solutions to the problems facing the Kingdom of God on this earth, and I perceive a golden opportunity for Christians of the west to turn the “progressives” crisis against them – if we can reclaim a more masculine perspective of Christianity and the courage to assert it forcefully. Our examples are the “Peace through Strength” approach of Ronald Reagan, the last true example of masculine Christianity in American government, and (with important reservations) that of Vladimir Putin, whose Russian Orthodox-dominated Russian Federation boasts relatively harmonious relations with it’s sizable Moslem population (and an LGBT community that keeps its business private rather than trying to shove it down the collective public throat).

Like the Christian kings of the Middle Ages, these imperfect men exemplify the authoritarian-leaning style of leadership on display in the Old Testament – the only form of government that war-like adversaries can respect (as Americans re-learned most recently in World War II, and Korea).

It might seem that the American experiment begun by the Founding Fathers has failed. The generation of our pioneering forebears who wrested independence from King George by force of arms and cries of “No King but Jesus,” would not recognize their legacy in Obama’s America. Those children of the First Great Awakening – who established the world’s first Constitutional Republic firmly and unapologetically on the foundation of the King James Bible and its laws – would be deeply ashamed of the wusssified Church of today. Somewhere along the way “mainstream” Christianity morphed into Secular Humanism, losing its moral bearings, the strength and order of the patriarchal society, and the guidance and protection of Almighty God.

But there remains a courageous conservative branch of the church that is battle-hardened from the culture-wars and filled with the same righteous anger that fueled the American Revolution. And I saw the same spirit in the populist movements in Europe and the UK.

With certain reservations I also view Donald Trump as an example of masculine assertiveness, that is probably closer to the “whole Bible” Christianity of the Founders than is today’s average “mainstream” Christian. The Bible does not teach the sort of moral perfectionism some have demanded of Trump as a prerequisite for their support, but on the contrary offers many examples of morally flawed men placed in leadership of civil government by God Himself. My son Samuel has aptly compared to Trump to Samson, a rough and worldly man of God’s own choosing – perfectly suited to his time and task.

The present-day error of Christians in the west is attempting to apply rules for New Testament church governance to the administration of civil government, when nearly all of the Bible’s guidance on that topic comes from the Old Testament. Not coincidentally, that is the also where past generations of Americans and prior Christian nations found their model for the family-centered, male dominated patriarchal culture that provided the stability, security and order that post-modern America has almost entirely lost.

What’s missing in the church today, in far too many homes and communities, and in the governments of the western world, is strong male leadership grounded in the “whole Bible” worldview, even if not modeling a perfect moral example. That is what finally stopped the centuries-long advance of the Moslem Crusades against Christian Europe in the Middle Ages. That is what drove America’s “Greatest Generation” to victory over the Nazis in WWII. That is what forced the collapse of Soviet Communism during the Cold War.

The lack of it is what has invited Islamist violence inside our borders.

What will make America (and Europe) great – and safe – again is assertive, resolute, paternalistic and decidedly masculine Christianity. It’s time for the church of Jesus Christ to “man up,” throw off the shackles of political-correctness in all of its forms, take back the culture from the atheists, libertines and radical feminists, and set an example of strength and order.

The progressives have long bragged that social crises provide the greatest opportunities for advancing their Marxist agenda. Now their champion Obama has brought upon us the mother of all social crises – an existential threat to western civilization in the form of moral and gender meltdown and a metastasizing terrorist cancer. However, in this crisis it should be Christian patriots who step forward to take the initiative – to gently but firmly restore by force of true law and moral right, our Biblical and constitutional foundations.

That is the Christian solution to Jihad, if we can rise to it.

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His Created Things

Birds 3 (2)

Once while wandering on the Oregon coast
On a sandy patch
Of a rocky beach
I found the perfect Sand Dollar.

I carried my prize in my hand to the next beach
Then wondered, “Is it still alive?”

“Are you alive?” I asked the shell.
And from a little round hole on the “tails” side
Came a tiny white tentacle that touched my finger.

I almost cried.
Then I set him down by the water’s edge
And thought “Who is man that Thou art mindful of him, oh God?”

In the early dawn this morning
On a ship off Nova Scotia
A little bird lost her way.

She flew into the wall and fluttered at my feet.

She let me pick her up
And then nestled contentedly in my open hand.

We watched the sun rise together.

Thank you Lord God for loving me
And teaching me to love like you.

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The Myth of the ‘Gay Conservative’

It was with disappointment but not surprise that I read the news about the standing ovation that openly homosexual Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel received at the Republican national convention. It’s being spun by some conservatives as merely appreciation for Thiel breaking ranks with the Trump bashers of Silicon Valley, but in fact there’s a serious problem of moral compromise on the homosexual issue in the GOP and we need to face it for what it is.

Ronald Reagan was not a perfect man, but he was a great man and an outstanding leader whose presidency marked the high point of conservatism in the latter half in the 20th century. In 1983 President Reagan did two things that exemplify the battle of left and right ideologies that still define the culture war: On February 3rd of that year, in a message to the National Prayer Breakfast, he declared 1983 to be “The Year of the Bible,” and one month later in a speech to the National Association of Evangelicals, he declared the Communist Soviet Union to be an “Evil Empire.” In that latter address he contrasted America’s Judeo-Christian heritage with the Atheism of the Soviets, explaining that this contrast was at the heart of the conflict between the US and USSR.

In 1980 Candidate Reagan rode a wave of populist conservatism into the White House, in defiance of the GOP establishment, which was forced to settle for getting their man George Herbert Walker “read my lips” Bush in the VP slot. They bided their time and once Reagan was termed out they went back to steering the ship of state toward the New World Order with Mr. Bush, the former CIA spymaster, at the helm.

But President Reagan had been so effective at articulating conservative values, and so courageous in pushing back against his Cultural Marxist opponents in media, academia and government, that America experienced a massive spiritual, cultural and patriotic revival during the 1980s whose influence lingers even today.

So powerful was Reagan’s impact on the GOP, that the hands of elitists Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain and Romney were publicly tied on the homosexual issue, though the GOP brass kept advancing the “gay” cause behind the scenes. And so powerful was the revival of moral values of the Reagan Revolution on the culture at large, that it’s taken more than a quarter century, millions of hours of pop-culture propaganda, the complete takeover of the US public education system, and the blatant hijacking of the federal judiciary for the Cultural Marxists to undo it.

Reagan’s power did not come from the Party, it came from his Biblical values. And his conservatism was not measured by how many feet it walked behind liberalism on the path to globalism. What he fought to “conserve” was the authentic Christian worldview of the Founding Fathers as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He did not accept the Marxist “Tide of History” lie, but pushed boldly in the opposite direction, advancing the Kingdom of God in world affairs and reclaiming lost territory in the domestic culture war. Under Reagan, “American Exceptionalism” was real, and not just a neo-con euphemism for bullying the world.

Ronald Reagan would never have allowed Peter Thiel to use the GOP stage to legitimize homosexuality, nor would the populist conservatives of the Reagan Revolution have ever applauded it.

Reagan knew that true conservatism is absolutely incompatible with the “gay” agenda. The two are as contradictory in principle and practice as marital fidelity and adultery. Every plank of its platform rests on the foundation of the Bible, from private property, to national identity and security, to personal freedom, to law and order: Conservatism stands for the truth of God or it stands for nothing. And the truth of God is clearer on the danger of legitimizing sexual deviance, especially homosexuality, than on any other social policy. It was the Reagan-era Supreme Court that affirmed the right of states to criminalize homosexual sodomy in Bowers v Hardwick (1986) a decision vigorously defended by Reagan appointee Antonin Scalia, his closest ideological ally on the court.

Ronald Reagan reminded America that our enemy was Marxism, that the root of its evil was godlessness, and that its goal was the total elimination of Judeo-Christian civilization. To quote The Communist Manifesto of Marx and Engles directly, “Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things.”

The primary tactic of Marxists is syncretism, meaning the blending of two opposing views into a compromised view that’s always one step closer to Marxist goals. It’s called the Marxist Dialectic, and was taught to Soviet schoolchildren with a little dance: “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back — Net Gain One Step.” In other words: Demand a radical leftward change of policy and then compromise with the conservatives so that you get only part of what you demanded, but still move forward toward your goal. That strategy is detailed in astonishingly forthright terms in the must-read LGBT Manifesto, “The Overhauling of Straight America.”

Sadly post-Reagan Republicans have proven to be endlessly gullible and susceptible to this strategy.

Nowhere has this been more obvious than at Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News Network. In 1996 Fox designated itself as the guardian of the conservative hen house and heir to the Reagan legacy, launching what began as a genuinely conservative news network. Over time, however, Fox became merely an arm of the GOP. As Republican elites increasingly capitulated to the Marxist “Tide of History,” especially on LGBT issues, Fox continuously adjusted its personnel and programming to reflect the compromises and make them palatable to the masses.

On behalf of the GOP establishment Fox has led the way in normalizing the myth of the “gay conservative,” and other “conservative” media outlets have followed suit, such as Breitbart with it’s openly “gay,” spotlight-hungry representative “Milo.” But like the truth of the Bible, true conservatism doesn’t “change with the times.” If it abandons its logical presuppositions, such as the resolve to protect civilization from the cancer of sexual degeneracy, then it loses all moral authority. True conservatism must agree with God that “A man must not lie with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22).

President Reagan once said in a speech to his conservative supporters “Without God, there is no virtue, because there’s no prompting of the conscience. Without God, we’re mired in the material, that flat world that tells us only what the senses perceive. Without God, there is a coarsening of the society. And without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”

By Reagan’s standard we’re going under. It’s time for conservatives to reject the Marxist-invented myth of the “gay conservative” and get back to Biblical truth.

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Russia the United States and Religious Freedom

Last week my attorneys at Liberty Counsel filed a Motion for Summary Judgment in US Federal Court seeking dismissal of lawsuit charging me with “Crimes Against Humanity” for preaching a factual, Biblical, and humanitarian message against homosexuality in Uganda back in 2009.

Despite the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and America’s perception of itself as the world leader in religious freedom, this outrageous lawsuit, designed to silence and punish me for standing up for the Bible, is now in its 4th year, and not a single America political leader from either party has publicly condemned it. I don’t believe this lawsuit would have lasted a single day in a Russian court.

This week, the media is abuzz with news about the vetting of Governor Mike Pence of Indiana as Donald Trump’s possible Vice President. Folks might not remember that the last time Gov. Pence was this deep in the media spotlight was over his signing of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in Indiana. RFRA was written in part to prevent the LGBT agenda from steamrolling over the basic civil rights of Christians who disagree with so-called “gay rights.” Indiana’s legislature passed RFRA in response to a campaign in the federal judiciary to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) at the federal and state level, and in anticipation of the Obergefell v Hodges decision of the US Supreme Court (2015), which imposed “gay marriage“ on the nation through judicial fiat.

Governor Pence signed RFRA into law and then was forced to make a humiliating retreat from it (by adding a pro-“gay” amendment that was worse than not passing RFRA in the first place) under a withering political assault by the LGBT lobby and its massive army of surrogates — which by then included several giants of the business world and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

It was so bad that conservative media questioned whether Pence’s presidential ambitions could be salvaged. . I predicted Pence would be forced to cave: . But again, such a thing could not happen in Russia today.

But the big news this week is that Russia enacted a new anti-terrorism law that includes in its provisions a restriction on religious freedom for representatives of religious organizations, essentially restricting them to their church buildings and mosques.

I’m unhappy with this law, and see it as a step backward for Russia, though I have read Julio Sevaro’s article on it and am relieved that no restrictions are placed on the religious speech of private citizens. The new Russian law is primarily targeted at radical Islam, and addresses the need to prevent its spread in Russia. I perceive the guiding hand of the extremely powerful Russian Orthodox Church in the nuances of the religious registration provisions — and suspect its representatives in the Duma exploited an opportunity to discourage competition from other Christian denominations on their home turf.

On balance I think Russia made a big mistake here, especially with the one group of westerners largely willing to disregard Obama/NeoCon anti-Russian war propaganda — Christian conservatives.

Still, I think we need to keep this in perspective. If we analyze the issue objectively, and use an honest scorecard to rate Russia and the United States on the broader issue of current trends in civil rights, and actual religious freedom for Christians, I think Russia still comes out ahead.

First, the Russian anti-terrorism law is far less destructive of civil liberties generally than the Patriot Act and other laws we have passed since 9/11. I won’t go through the whole litany, but as a constitutional law attorney with a knowledge of the Christian history of America, I can tell you the Founding Fathers are probably still spinning in their graves.

One example is the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act that once wisely prevented the federal government from using the military for law enforcement within US borders. On December 31, 2011, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) repealing the post Patriot Act remainders of the Posse Comitatus Act and codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial in law for the first time in American history. Just this week, Obama took the next step in calling for federalization of the police forces:, following a long campaign of heavily militarizing formerly purely administrative agencies of the federal government

True, this isn’t a religious freedom issue on its face, but could easily become one given Obama’s tremendous hostility to Biblical Christianity (an attitude shared by Hillary Clinton, potentially his successor), and his active de-Christianization of the US Military

Second, actual restrictions on Bible-believing Christians in America today are worse than in Russia. In 2006 and 2007 I spoke extensively in Russian churches and colleges from St. Petersburg in the far west to Blagoveshchensk in the far east. I was working with an evangelical/charismatic church that was out of favor with the government and I personally experienced the hostility of some government officials. In one city in Siberia, for example, a speaking venue was cancelled under pressure from the government. But we quickly found another one and the event was successfully held. Yet for all of that I spoke to a combined live audience of many thousands of people, and uncountable thousands more through mass media and was well and warmly received in almost every venue.

However, here in America, as an opponent of the LGBT agenda, I have experienced far more hostility and interference from public officials than in Russia. In the US, they can’t be as overt about it — so the hostility is usually passive-aggressive in nature — such as the refusal of the police to interfere with leftist harassment tactics that shut down my lecture at Pastor Ron Greer’s church years ago in Madison Wisconsin. After the “gays” rushed the stage and refused to relinquish it, the cops just stood passively at the back of the room and watched. The Christian organizers and attendees all just sat there helplessly as hundreds of LGBT thugs ringing the church banged on the outside walls with rocks and trash can lids chanting “Crush the Christians, Bring back the Lions.” And that was back in the 1990s before things got really bad. I could cite many more stories of this nature from my own experience and that of my peers — all involving government facilitated suppression of religious freedom and civil liberties.

We’re probably all familiar with the concept of “institutional racism” that supposedly still infuses American society. That may exist at some subliminal level and affect Blacks and others in their interactions with our social and cultural institutions. But if you switch lenses in your 3/D culture-viewing goggles from race to religion beware of whiplash as the massive, pervasive hatred of Biblical Christianity looms into sharp focus before you — of the 800lb charging gorilla variety — institutional anti-Christian bias of Biblical proportions. That hasn’t existed in Russia since the Soviet Communist era.

Third, the current trends regarding religious freedom and human rights in both countries favors Russia. I addressed this topic in a 2014 article that I believe is still accurate and timely.

I will simply add that we have had another two years of national and geopolitical developments to judge each nation by. It is indisputable that the Obama administration and the gate-keeping leftist elites have grown even more hostile to Christianity. Objective Russia-watchers know that the Russians have continued to reestablish their Orthodox roots.

My prayer is that Russia will amend its new law if for no other reason than to reassure Bible-believing Christians around the world that it respects the Bible itself and not just its defacto state church. I will also pray that in the face of what Russia has just done, the United States will wake up and remember what true religious freedom really is — the version established for us by the Founding Fathers and sustained by the blood of many subsequent generations. The version currently being ground under the heels of the Soviet-style Marxists that now control America’s government and media and public education systems.

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Could This Motion End the SMUG Lawsuit?

I’m rarely at a loss for words, but in this case I don’t really have much to add to my attorney Harry Mihet’s absolutely devastating summary of the facts in the SMUG v Lively lawsuit, as stated in the introduction to our Motion for Summary Judgment.

There are two shots at dismissal of any civil lawsuit. The Motion to Dismiss near the beginning of the suit, when you ask the judge to dismiss it for failure of the plaintiff to state a claim on which relief can be granted. It’s an attack on the allegations themselves, and you’re saying “Hey Judge, what these guys are accusing me of isn’t actionable.” The judge has to accept the accusations as true for the sake of the analysis. Our Motion to Dismiss was denied because SMUG alleged conspiracy, falsely accusing me of conspiring with Ugandan officials to persecute homosexuals in Uganda. Conspiracy is notoriously difficult to defeat with a Motion to Dismiss (because the Judge has to assume the accusations are true and by its nature conspiracy doesn‘t need much factual support at the accusation stage) which is why it is nearly always used by plaintiffs with a weak case.

The Motion for Summary Judgment is an entirely different matter, because it is filed after all the documents have been exchanged and depositions concluded. It’s basically saying, “Hey Judge, now that all the facts are in you can see the plaintiffs ain’t got squat.” And that is truer in this case than in any other I’ve ever seen, as you will see for yourselves.

249 Memo in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment

You might not have the time or inclination to read the entire 183 pages, but at least read the Introduction.

As you read this motion you will get a taste of what it has been like to live under the threat of this lawsuit. For those who can learn to pray to God in sincerity “Thy will not my will be done,” persecution is the “refiner’s fire” that brings maturity and much greater grace and blessing than would be sufficient to balance out the devil’s intended harm. I have been refined in this process.

But I have also been humbled to be the recipient of the services of Liberty Counsel, especially my attorneys Harry Mihet and Roger Gannam, and of course LC Founder and Chairman Mat Staver. I know they are making this heroic effort for the Lord and to advance His Kingdom, but as the one being represented in this suit they are also doing this for me, and that is a truly humbling realization. In the legal battlefront of the culture war, these are David’s mighty men, in full battlefield majesty.

Please pray for Liberty Counsel, that the Lord will prosper them and widen their support base. Pray for Abiding Truth Ministries, that we will win this lawsuit and survive as a pro-family ministry. Pray for Judge Ponsor. Pray for the wicked attorneys of the Manhattan-based Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) who are driving this lawsuit to advance their own Marxist/ Antichrist agenda — pray for their repentance and salvation. Pray for the African “gays” of SMUG being used as pawns by CCR. Pray for the nation of Uganda, under intense pressure and “regime change” machinations from the Obama administration. And lastly, pray for America to turn back to God and reverse the current slide into degeneracy.


Dr. Scott Lively


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My 2009 Prediction of the Trump Campaign

Immediately upon my return from my fateful visit to Uganda in 2009, just a few months into the Obama presidency, I made a prediction in our monthly newsletter that I had since forgotten about. One of my attorneys reviewing the thousands of documents were we forced to produce to the other side in the Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) v Scott Lively lawsuit just pointed out to me that it is a spot-on prediction of the Trump candidacy. I thought I’d share it with you now.

The Lively Letter April 1, 2009

“There is no question that the times are growing darker, and the Gospel is being challenged in this country like never before. And it will almost certainly get worse. Barney Frank is predicting the passage of at least three major pro-homosexual laws during Obama’s first term and globally, the “gay” juggernaut is advancing apace. In recent months some have been equating his election to the rise of the Hitler, but I disagree. Obama’s election is actually equivalent in a historical sense to the Weimar government prior to Hitler, which was characterized by disastrous socialist economic policies and a concurrent extreme sexual libertinism. The resulting social chaos invited over-correction to the “right” which opened the door for Hitler. There as here the transformation of the moral culture over decades from conservative to corrupt was orchestrated by the “gay” movement: that is the central message and thesis of The Pink Swastika.

Right on cue, we’re seeing a populist anti-socialism uprising across the country in the form of Tea Parties and other gatherings. I’m all in favor of these, because at this stage the movement is largely Christian sponsored and manned. However, if the movement grows to the point that secularists outnumber Christian activists and begin to assume leadership roles, its tone and goals will likely shift hard to the right and away from Biblically-grounded moderating principles.”

I’d say were right on target with this today, June 30, 2016.

Importantly, I’m not saying that pro-Israel Trump is Hitler by any stretch of the imagination. I actually like what Trump is currently saying on most everything except the LGBT agenda and if he’s not just pandering or playing us all for fools (a BIG “IF”) he could be a decent president, and probably better than Hillary.

I say probably better than Hillary because we need to remember that in 1932 Hitler was the “lesser of two evils” by comparison to the even more evil Communists (e.g. Stalin killed many millions more people than Hitler did). What was known of Hitler in ’32 by the German people and the world made him seem like the solution to the Communist threat spreading out from Soviet Russia, and in fact the German economy initially roared back under Hitler. In the late 20s and early 30s there was a massive pro-Hitler, pro-fascist movement across the western world, including the United States, because then, as now, western culture was polarized: Nationalism vs. Communism.

People desperate for a champion to defeat Communism tended to gloss over Hitler’s known flaws, but after he was in office for a while Hitler’s Antichrist megalomania and vicious anti-Semitism was unleashed and we all know the rest of that dark story. Many former Hitler enthusiasts wished they’d never been so outspoken in their support of him.

Trump would probably be a better president than Hillary but we really don’t know this master salesman much better than the world knew Hitler in ‘32. He could turn out to be another Ronald Reagan, or another Hitler, but probably fall somewhere in between. My guess is that Trump will be a patriotic pragmatist like Putin and invite the church to supplant the Marxists as the primary influence on the culture as Putin did in Russia. That would likely produce a bigger net benefit for the church than the ostensibly Christian but ultimately disappointing Bush administrations gave us, or what we likely would have seen under Dole, McCain or Romney, RINOs all. We’ll have to wait and see.

In any event what choice do we really have in the matter? What choice did Bible-believing Christian voters really have in Germany in the election of 1932? It is the choice of Nationalism or Communism. Trump or Hillary. Or the choice of not voting at all. And that’s assuming Obama doesn’t orchestrate some massive disaster, such as World War III, sufficient to suspend the election and stay in power. I think he’s fully capable of such a thing, truly.

Many Christians are still fighting about the primary and what we might have done differently. Many have decided not to vote. Many are firmly on the Trump bandwagon. I try to stay in fellowship with all of them, because I personally believe we’re under God’s judgment and there is NO scenario other than fervent national repentance and re-affirmation of the first great commandment, 2 Chronicles 7-14-style, that will stop the unfolding of the Antichrist agenda in this world.

Going forward from here I predict wars and rumors of war, earthquakes in diverse places, famine, pestilence and tribulation — with a possible short-term economic revival in the interim. If so count it all joy, because that means the Lord is coming soon. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

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A Letter to the British People

On my second visit to the land of my ancestors, Great Britain, just before the turn of the millennium, my family was traveling on a shoestring budget and the only accommodation we could afford was an old holiday caravan at the back end of a working sheep farm. It was rough going for us because it was the dead of winter and bitterly cold. But despite the challenges our sympathies were with our elderly hostess M. who had been forced by her own difficulties to take measures such as renting out her caravan just to make ends meet — despite owning an old and well established sheep-breeding farm. She was on the verge of losing her business, she said, because the European Union had designated France as its region for sheep farming and England’s sheep farmers were being intentionally and systematically put out of business through regulation and bureaucratic harassment.

We learned two things about the EU that winter. First, that it’s vision and tactics were straight out of the Soviet Communist playbook: deliberately undermining the self-sufficiency of its member states to ensure dependency on the collective. Second, that the EU was no match for the legendary backbone and resolve of the British people. We watched that incredible woman in her seventies, partially crippled with a broken pelvis caused by a rogue ram, delivering the lambs with her own hands, alone in the bitter cold at four o’ clock in the morning.

Such is the true nature and heritage of the British people that the world saw reclaimed in the Brexit vote this week. Despite decades of cultural debilitation under political slavery to Berlin and Brussels, and a massive campaign of fear mongering, intimidation and media deceit by the 1%, you Brits rose to the challenge and broke the EU’s shackles. You successfully performed a painful but necessary self-surgery to remove the cancerous tumor of globalist socialism — and have begun the process of recovery: a body still riddled with the disease, but now separated from the toxic environment that allowed it to thrive.

I’ve spent a quarter century battling Cultural Marxism in the United States and around the world — the same camp of ideologues that nearly ruined your country — and I offer you these suggestions.

1. Give glory to God and declare a national Day of Thanksgiving. He has shown you great mercy in this answer to your prayers. You know you do not deserve this reprieve from the judgment that you have brought upon yourselves by turning from Him and following the false gods of materialism, secularism, and “Nicer than Jesus” humanism. Reassert your spiritual authority. Don’t wait for the timid or compromised church establishments to lead the way, take the path of the Apostle Paul to boldly speak truth and directly effect change as independent agents and ambassadors of the King of Kings.

2. Press your advantage immediately! Don’t wait for the politicians and bureaucrats to change the statutes: begin dismantling the EU policies today. As you assert your spiritual authority, assert your political authority as well. Act according to the spirit of British law and ignore the letter of the now-repudiated EU law. Quickly and proactively reclaim the land, and the seats of power and influence, starting NOW before the “Remain” puppet-masters can regroup. Work diligently from this day forward to take back the political system, the media, the schools, the social services into your own hands. Carry the revolution into every hamlet, village, town and city by standing for office or simply asserting authority where you already live or work, and by supporting other patriots who do the same.

3. Ignore the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the Remainers (the activists and elitists, not your duped but well-intentioned neighbors). These are not the spontaneous anguished cries of sore losers as you may suppose, they are the strategic choruses of veteran social engineers who have adeptly steered public policy with temper tantrums and feigned outrage and since the 1960s. Don’t fall for their trickery! The more they scream and hiss and accuse, the more you can be sure you’re on the right track. Let their blustering fury be the wind beneath your sails. (And don’t neglect to help your neighbors onto the Leaving ship as the nastiness of the elites vindictiveness opens their eyes to the truth).

4. Lastly, invest in the nation. As the Banksters and Bilderbergers work to punish you by undermining the economy — hoping to make an example of you to put fear in the hearts of other rebel movements — recognize the golden investment opportunity before you. As you invest in your own national self-sufficiency, the engine of British productivity and creativity will roar back to life and you might never again have such a chance to “buy low.”

In summary, I am convinced that Britain will thrive, but only if she remembers her Godly heritage and pursues its restoration with faith and fortitude. And if her people recognize that Brexit was not the destination but only a doorway to the possibility of renewal. Weak and subservient Britain lies in the past. It is your task to become Great Britain again.

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Why I Wander


Why I Wander

God gives every place of beauty
The power to invite your soul
To call it home.

But to call it home
Is to say that every other place is not…

And that I cannot do.

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The People’s Brexit Victory and the Globalists’ Revenge

Sun Independence Day CoverAnne and I are in Central London for the Brexit vote where we watched the BBC early election returns that night (we’re 5 hrs ahead of Eastern Time) here at the home of some English friends and supporters. Due to their familiarity with politics here we knew almost immediately that Leave would likely win. The first two big voting areas to report were Newcastle on Tyne (a strong Labour — leftist –stronghold) and Sunderland (mixed but leaning conservative). Remain won Newcastle but with a much smaller margin than expected, and Leave won Sunderland with a much larger margin than expected. The writing was on the wall at that point and the rest of the returns followed the trend. In the end Leave won the referendum by a very healthy 52-48%, fulfilling my prediction (based on my rule of thumb on all social issues elections) that the final result would be at least 5% more favorable to the conservatives than the corporate media opinion polls predicted.

Brexit is the biggest victory for national sovereignty and individual freedom in the world in a very long time. This is huge!!! The global elites, led by Obama, have been desperate to fast-track their one-world agenda during his presidency and consequently moved too fast on “gay“ marriage, open borders and setting up their planetary government infrastructure — awakening the sleeping populist giant across the western world. Increasingly people everywhere are recognizing that the Trump/Sanders campaigns, the rise of the political right in Eastern Europe, and Brexit are all part of one global phenomenon. And that the eruptions of chaos around the world from the Arab Spring disasters, to the reckless anti-Russian war-propaganda campaign, to the economic meltdown and human rights crisis in Venezuela have one point of origin: Obama and the 1%.

Importantly, the elites are fully aware that their policies have stirred up rebellion — and could have placated the people at any time by simply backing off or even just conceding their policies weren‘t working. Instead, they’ve been willing to risk outright revolution to fulfill their dream of a global socialist order and believed they could suppress opposition through propaganda and psychological manipulation. These tools have always worked for them in the past. But the Brexit victory represents the failure of those control mechanisms, and the revolution against their agenda has now been greatly emboldened.

So what do you think the elites will do in response to Brexit? Will they admit defeat and capitulate to the will of the people? Will they give up their dream and begin to reaffirm the importance of the natural family, personal freedom and national sovereignty? (Ha!)

Or will they do whatever it takes to reestablish control over the people and crush the rebellion?

My guess is the latter, and that it will take the form of orchestrated economic crisis in the short and medium term as a form of punishment — with the goal of making the British regret their decision and putting fear and uncertainty in the hearts of other rebel movements. And I believe they may also instigate war, probably with Russia, possibly a proxy war in Syria, to shift world attention away from the rebellion, stop its momentum, and create the pretext for a new level of police state controls and/or martial law under which further rebellion can be treated as criminal and/or treasonous conduct.

I recommend two important articles in support of this analysis. The first regards my premise that the stock market is entirely controlled by the elites since at least 2009 and possibly since 2001 or before, meaning that what we once knew as independent “market forces” have been trumped by computer algorithms and other machinations of a relatively small number of financial puppet-masters. I came to this conclusion as a self-taught investor and fiduciary of a small but successful investment fund from the late 1990s to 2008. Based on what I learned, I have been expecting a serious market correction since 2013 and began to suspect that it was being artificially prevented from behind the scenes. I found support for my suspicion in this article:

Secondly, regarding the concern that the elites may use war as a tactic for stopping the populist revolution, I refer you to this excellent article from the far-left Nation magazine:

Update: I attended a post-Brexit meeting of pro-family leaders and activists all afternoon yesterday (June 24) here in London. There was tremendous joy and relief at the UK decision to leave the EU, but we wanted to discuss the way forward. For my part I presented the thoughts in this letter and added that one thing we must do is immediately start reminding everyone who actually rules the economic realm now in such apparent upheaval following Brexit. It is the same 1% of Banksters, Eurocrats, and Multinational Predatory Corporatists who lied, manipulated and threatened that chaos would ensue if we defied them. They have already begun stirring up public resentment against the millions of Britons who voted Leave. But our burgeoning international populist/conservative movement has the power and the tools to shift the blame back to where it belongs. It’s tine to apply a little Judo.

And with that realization, we of the political right at the grassroots level should also work to form a limited alliance with our counterparts on the political left to cooperate in exposing and opposing the 1% and perhaps prevent World War III. As real and valid as our disagreements may be on public policy, our left/right hyper-polarization over them doesn’t help anyone except the elites who (I believe) deliberately inflame passions on both sides to keep us busy fighting each other while they plunder the public treasury and entrench themselves ever more firmly in their positions of power.

Let’s use the Brexit victory as a springboard to unite the grassroots on both sides to save ourselves from being made serfs in their emerging neo-feudal empire. As we savor the moment, let’s also prepare to defend ourselves against their campaign of vengeance and to keep this wave of freedom rolling across the globe.

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The Blasphemous Rainbow Flag

Marlene Malahoo Forte Atty General of Jamaica

This post is dedicated to and inspired by Jamaica’s Attorney General, Marlene Malahoo Forte, who courageously challenged the arrogance of the United States, which exploited the Orlando Massacre to fly the rainbow flag at the US Embassy despite Jamaica’s recently reaffirmed moral stance on homosexuality. 


The Blasphemous Rainbow Flag

Predictably, Barack Obama and the homosexualists that control the executive branch of our federal government, have taken the opportunity of the Orlando massacre to escalate their push to install the LGBT agenda globally. This despite further proof of the link between homosexuality and mental instability in the lifestyle of the “gay” Moslem killer.

Even as a veteran pro-family activist I remember being shocked back in September 2001 when less than a day after the 9/11 attack, literally before the dust had settled on the smoldering ruins of the Twin Towers, the LGBT-controlled California legislature pushed through one of their key “gay” bills — while the rest of the nation was numb with grief. I realized then that nothing, and I mean nothing, is more important to homosexualists than the “gay” political agenda.

But when it comes to LGBT arrogance, nothing tops the spiritual crime of blaspheming God by hijacking His rainbow.

The Bible makes clear that the rainbow belongs to God, and is intimately associated with His divine presence and authority. The first and best known scriptural passage on this is Genesis 6-9 (especially 9:8-17) in which God establishes the rainbow as a symbol of reassurance that He will never again destroy the earth by flood. Ezekiel 1:28 confirms the rainbow represents the presence of God: “As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.” Revelation 4:2-3 confirms the rainbow is a symbol of His authority: “behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. And…there was a rainbow round about the throne.” Revelation 10:1 associates the rainbow with God’s future judgment of the world as described in Revelation 19:11-21 and 2 Peter 3:10-13.

Importantly, according to the world’s greatest experts on ancient Hebrew (the rabbis who wrote the Talmud in the second century CE), the CAUSE of Noah’s flood was homosexual marriage (Talmud, Genesis Rabbah 26:5:4). God longsuffering mercy toward fallen man finally reached its limit with the normalization of homosexuality in human society. God also told Moses that homosexuality was one of the prime causes of the “vomiting out” of the Canaanites from the Holy Land, and would cause Him to expel the Hebrews themselves from the land if they too embraced it (Leviticus18, especially 22-30), which they did (2 Kings 21:2-16).

So it is no small matter that a political movement whose goal is the global legitimization of sodomy and legalization of “gay marriage” has arisen for the first time since the days of Noah. And that it has chosen for its symbol God’s own banner.

Today, in the cynical, opportunistic style of LGBT activists everywhere, the world’s most powerful nation has asked all the other nations of the world to join in its blasphemy of God by flying the rainbow flag in memory of the “gay on gay” slaughter at the homosexual Pulse nightclub in Orlando. It is the responsibility of Christians (and Torah-believing Jews) everywhere to speak out against this defilement of God’s rainbow, and to demand that the LGBT movement cease and desist cloaking itself in His flag.



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A Time For War

My response to the Orlando Massacre, Part 2:

Part 1 is here:

Part 2:

A Time For War

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

And Jesus said to them, ‘When I sent you out without money belt and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you?’ They said, ‘No, nothing.’ And He said to them,’ But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one‘” (Luke 22:35-36).

I have received some hate mail to the effect that my Biblical stance against homosexuality is somehow responsible for “Gay” Moslem Omar Mateen’s campaign of slaughter at the Pulse “gay” bar in Orlando, Florida. It’s absurd on its face, but it affords me the opportunity to tell you this: if I had been present and armed when Mateen opened fire, I would have shot and if necessary killed him to protect the people in that bar, including the homosexuals. Not because I have in any way changed my mind about homosexuality — the Bible is crystal clear that it is an abomination before God that He (not me) will judge — but because the Bible also tells me to “rescue those being led to slaughter” (Proverbs 24:10-12).

While in Christ I may choose to turn the other cheek regarding an offense against ME, I have no right to stand idly by when someone attacks YOU right in front of me. I have a Biblical duty to defend anyone, regardless of their sexual proclivities, from murder if it is within my power to do so. I stand firmly against the sin of homosexuality AND against the sin of violence toward homosexuals.

Furthermore, I think the Orlando Massacre is a spiritual turning point in the Islamic war against the west that represents a literal call to arms for Christians. Not because the victims were or weren’t homosexuals (though this is a wonderful opportunity to contrast our Christian love for “gays” — we want them saved and healed — with the demonic hatred of the Moslems who want them dead) but because the incident proves that the global Islamist Jihad has metastasized beyond the reach of conventional warfare. I think all Americans, including Christians, should from this day forward be ready to personally respond to any terrorist incident with force. I hereby make a pledge that if I ever find myself in a situation where a terrorist begins killing people around me, I will take whatever action is necessary to stop him, even at the risk of my own life. I urge every Christian reading this letter — especially the men — to take this pledge as well.

I am writing this letter from the City of Brasov, high in the Carpathian mountains of Romania, better known to Americans by the name of the province in which it is located: Transylvania, birthplace of the legends of Dracula and Vampires and Werewolves. These were the watered-down symbols of evil that my generation grew up with in those wonderful old Black and White Lon Chaney and Bela Lagosi movies from the 1930s and 40s. America was Christian then, and its young people were like innocent babes at peace in the bubble of prosperity and security that God promises to nations who honor Him, as we surely had done for generations — imperfectly but far better than today.

We didn’t know that the fairy tale abstractions of evil in those movies were rooted in historical realities — periods of great horror in the Middle Ages — involving the same Islamic demons that recently showed their face in the Orland “gay” massacre. Dracula was “Vlad the Impaler,” who learned that method of torture as a prisoner of the Islamic Ottoman Turks (whose Sultan demanded as part of his tribute from Christian Europe 500 boys per year to submit to homosexual sodomy as sexual slaves). He used their own tactics against them when he later escaped and became a warlord, at one point impaling the impalers in such numbers as he fell back under their military advance, that the Turks finally withdrew.

Dracula unfortunately adopted the dark nature of his enemies and became a symbol of evil in children’s stories, but there were generations of authentically Christian warrior-kings whose lives were also shaped and defined by the need to stand firm along the ever-pressing Islamic battle front that marked (in Moslem theology) the boundary of the House of Islam (Moslem controlled territory) and the House of War (all territory not controlled by Moslems). These kings and kingdoms along the Polish/Lithuanian/Hungarian/Romanian frontier were all that prevented the whole of Europe from being enslaved and massacred by the barbarously cruel and relentless Moslem hordes.

It was this centuries-long campaign of Moslem aggression that finally triggered the Christian backlash called the Crusades — which is (amazingly) still being characterized to Western schoolchildren as unwarranted and inexcusable Christian-initiated aggression against peaceful Moslems. While some Crusader actions were in fact indefensible and deserve condemnation, the Crusades themselves were as morally and practically justified as a Swat-team response to a modern Islamist hostage crisis — or military campaign to destroy terror-training camps.

These same schoolchildren that are being brainwashed with pro-Moslem propaganda are also the subject of culture-wide radical LGBT social experimentation, turning our boys into girls, and girls into lesbians, just when the nation needs a return to a more masculine Christianity and the patriarchal family structure. That must end!

Post Orlando, Americans are hopefully ready to face the stark reality that Islam is a religion of perpetual military conquest that adapts to whatever battlefield conditions it encounters. It has now adapted to the challenge of America’s vast military power and police-state technology by metastasizing so that it’s millions-strong and growing army of Islamic Jihadists — some of whom like Omar Mateen are second-generation immigrants who self-radicalize — can self-activate as individuals or small-group terror clusters wherever they may happen to be. The only truly rational response to this is the self-activation of millions of non-Islamists to play the role of “Killer T Cells” in our national immune-system, ready to personally attack the terrorist cancer cells in any situation where waiting for the police or military to respond will allow a massacre to ensue. It’s a time for war.

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Only Jesus is Stronger than ISIS Demons

My response to the Orlando Massacre this week.  Part 1.

Part 2 is here:

Part 1:

Only Jesus is Stronger than ISIS Demons

Satan had two great victories in Orlando, Florida this week. The first was the slaughter of more than 50 people at a “gay” bar. The second is the continuing failure of the living to properly place the blame. The “gay” Moslem terrorist who pulled the trigger was merely an agent of a far greater power than the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) — one that can never be defeated by public vigilance, or police-state technology or lame collective reassurances of our humanity like chanting “Je Suis Charlie.” No human power can defeat the demonic realm. It is subject only to Jesus Christ.

One of the few scriptures still cited by secularized Christians in America these days is the 23rd Psalm, and it is likely that the most favorite portion of this beautiful Song to God will be repeated in many churches this coming Sunday as Americans grapple with the worst terrorist attack in our history.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.

This tiny fragment of the Word of God that we find so comforting when confronting death contains the simple but profound truth that only when “Thou art with me” can we truly be free from fear even in the darkest of valleys. But as America’s most famous preacher of all time said in his most famous sermon:

“But surely they have no interest in the promises of the covenant of grace that are not the children of the covenant, and that don’t believe in any of the promises of the covenant, and have no interest in the Mediator of the covenant. So that whatever some have imagined and pretended about promises made to natural men’s earnest seeking and knocking, ’tis plain and manifest that whatever pains a natural man takes in religion, whatever prayers he makes, till he believes in Christ, God is under no manner of obligation to keep him a moment from eternal destruction.”

That plain and simple warning by Jonathan Edwards in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” rings with special significance in the aftermath of the Orlando “gay” on “gay” slaughter. What claim does any person or society have to protection by God if it doesn’t actually belong to Him — or in America‘s case, has pushed Him forcefully from every aspect of public life?

My hope is that every person killed in that massacre had accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, and my prayer is that every person affected by it will cling to Him as a consequence of this incident. Given the hostility of the LGBT community generally to the teachings of the Bible, I fear that most will not. And clearly the vast majority of the media figures, political pundits and social media commentators are also clueless about the spiritual lesson to be learned from this tragedy. Like the French who chanted “Je Suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) in response to the Islamic terror attack on the obnoxiously atheistic and profane Charlie Hebdo magazine, American secularists seem to think we should all chant “I am Gay.” Instead of turning back to God and asking for His forgiveness and protection, they would have us add insult to injury.

Yesterday on my current mission trip in Romania I talked with a taxi-driver who drove me to my hotel from the train station. In very broken English he talked about how much he likes studying new age philosophy and dabbling in the occult. Knowing he could probably not follow a more complicated answer I said simply “Don’t wander in the spiritual realm without Jesus or you could be taken by demons.” I realized later that this is the same message that Americans need to hear. The spiritual world is all around us. Demons are real. They can and do influences and possess human hosts to “rob, kill and destroy” according to the satanic agenda, just as Omar Mateen did in Orland. And there is no human power that can defeat them.

But the demonic realm is subject to the authority of Jesus Christ, who delegates that same authority to those who belong to Him. As we are told in Luke 10:17, His disciples “returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.‘”

The power that Jesus gave to the disciples (which incidentally is the same power that can heal people from homosexuality: 1 Corinthians 6:9-11), is available to anyone who repents from unbelief and accepts Him as Lord and Savior. If collectively we Americans turn back to God and reclaim the promise that “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12), He can protect the entire nation from any form of future demonic aggression as He did in past generations when we were a Christian society.

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Pray for the Liberation of England

woman on bull
During World War II, Winston Churchill famously vowed that England would “never, never, never surrender” to the Imperial ambitions of Germany. But just five decades later that is precisely what occurred in the Treaty of Maastricht. A post-Soviet reunited-Germany — West and East — drew from both halves of its recent Nazi and Communist heritage to create the European Union, a satanic blend of amoral fascist corporatism and godless cultural Marxism. And Socialism-weakened Britain willingly signed away its sovereignty to Berlin, the Nimrod of a new Babylon. Few acknowledged Germany’s dominance then, but hindsight clearly reveals the reality today — and that the original plan was in fact Adolf Hitler’s:

Fewer still recognize the literal and overt demonic foundations of the EU. Check out these links provided by my friend Stephen Green of Christian Voice in Wales:

On June 23, 2016 the people of the UK will have an opportunity to vote on the question of whether or not they would like to remain captives to EU neo-feudalism or to finally regain the power of national self-determination. Corporate media polling has consistently shown the “Remain in the EU” side to be winning by a slim margin, which almost certainly means the “Leave” campaign is actually in the lead. (Leftists always lie and cheat.) That assumption is overwhelmingly bolstered by the fact that the uber-elite Bilderbergs (the now fully exposed club of global puppet-masters that people like me were once mocked as conspiracy nuts for mentioning the existence of) are holding an emergency meeting this week in Dresden, Germany (of course) to discuss an anti-Leave strategy.

My guess is they will dump a few billion dollars into last minute fear-mongering propaganda and if that doesn’t work they’ll get a ruling from an elitist-controlled court to simply declare the vote invalid. You can be sure they won’t simply capitulate to the will of the masses, no matter what the cost (to the masses).

Across the world the globalists are making their move to fulfill their dream of a centralized planetary government. Obama and Pope Francis kicked off the final phase at the UN in September 2015 with the 17-point “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (of which Obama and Paul Ryan are key co-conspirators), both of which institute new global controls over the nations.

But they’re moving so very fast that they’ve wakened the sleeping populist giant both in Europe and the United States, and risk literal revolution as they continue to press for their goal despite the increasing exposure of their plans and their identities. The Brexit vote is the most critical of the tests they currently face, because England is the second largest economy of the EU, and the EU is the model for the future political infrastructure of the one-world government. And because England is not just a country, it is the remnant of a former empire of still-interconnected, still largely Christian, freedom-loving nations. Where Britain goes, a gigantic part of the industrialized world presumably follows.

Christians and populists around the world have a vested interested in the outcome of the Brexit vote. If the Brits vote to leave the EU, the cause of freedom and national self-determination grounded in the Biblical traditions of the west will be dramatically strengthened. If the elites manage to retain their controlling power over the people and culture of the UK through fear-mongering, vote fraud or post-election judicial nullification, the cause of freedom will be seriously set back.

Those of us outside the UK may not be able to cast a physical vote, but we can certainly “vote with our knees” by assailing the Throne of Heaven in prayer: “Lord God, please remember your people in the UK and deliver them from bondage, both from the EU and from their own leftist elites.”


Breaking: This morning Drudge is citing a poll by the British Independent newspaper titled “Massive shift to Brexit.”

The mainstream media acknowledgment of a 10 point lead for Leave is unprecedented, suggesting the numbers are far higher or there‘s a new strategy in play by the elites. Let’s keep praying straight through to the June 23rd vote.

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The Heroes of Heroes Square

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by Anne Lively

They wait in the thunder. The rain from intermittent showers drips from their bronze mustachios and their horses’ wild manes. Their terrible faces look out over the Carpathian Basin for the next enemy, the next threat to the Hungarian homeland. They are the sculpted heroes of Heroes Square in Budapest, the Magyar warriors who conquered and held the land in the ninth century, who repelled the Mongols after losing one half their people, and who submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ under their king Istvan.

Across the Danube, another group of warriors gathers under the clouds and flashes of lightning. They too are people to be reckoned with. As the thunder rolls closer and louder, they pray. They have brought paper-and-cardboard signs that will not stand up to a deluge, and they will not have their message dampened. But the rain, the lightning, will not turn them back. To look at, they are a far cry from the warlords sitting atop their fiery steeds in Heroes Square. Many are aging, most are women, some are teenaged girls and boys.

This is the Hungarian March for Life, the public witness of Hungarian Christians against abortion, the scourge that until recently took the lives of one half of all unborn Hungarians. That number, thanks to the efforts of pro-life heroes, has now come down to one third.

The sun comes out, an answer to prayer. It is increasingly hot now. One of the older men has recently survived a bout of fourth-stage cancer. The seven-kilometer march towards Heroes Square continues at a faster pace now, under the sun. It pauses occasionally for breaks to pray and sing at locations that are significant to the Hungarian people. The marchers are carefully following the route taken each year by the Budapest Gay Pride Parade. Step by step, they pray for God to take back their fallen land.

The Hungarian people are grieving another remembered event today. It is the day on which, at the close of World War I and the conclusion of the Treaty of Versailles, they awoke to discover that their country was only one-third of its former size, and that most of them were living under foreign rule. Since that day the history of Hungary has been, until glasnost’, one of uninterrupted occupation and, for many, resistance. Recently the Hungarian president has, nearly single-handedly among the leaders of EU nations, thrown the weight of his government against the immigration policies of Merkel and others who allowed Europe to be deluged by Islamic immigrants with doubtful assimilation intentions. He declared Hungary to have a Christian culture that was worth, he implied, defending against the eradicationist policies of the EU. Nor is it just the EU and its member nations at issue here. Recall that as recently as 2006, the President of the USA, Barack Obama, said that his country was no longer “just a Christian nation,” making sure to include “nonbelievers” in the ranks of those he felt should enjoy public recognition as American co-religionists, and by implication, fully equal agents of influence on American culture.

The trail of marchers winds on, sometimes led by the rich contralto of a gospel singer from Georgia in the US, sometimes by the hauntingly beautiful voice of a young Hungarian woman singing the traditional hymns of her people. Someone reaches for the mic to give a testimony, an exhortation, someone else a prayer. People lounging on benches or walls on their holiday stare. “What is this about?” They crane to read the banner. “Oh. They are against abortion.” Not anger, really: sadness, confusion, a kind of despair. This is not the message they have been taught, not by the liberal social engineers of this generation, not by the Communists of the one before. “My grandmother had six abortions.” It is the legacy of existence under the Soviets, the testimony of how much this brave new world resembles the old.

Who is there for them in their confusion, in their darkness, in the grief that they have yet to understand, of losing half their people to the Marxist mentality of the state’s (or whatever other evil god’s) interests first, the human being’s never? I will tell you who. This handful of elderly and middle-aged men and ladies, youths and girls. They know what war is all about. And laying down lives. They will go home to confront their families, their schools, their places of work, their hospitals, their Parliament. And next year, perhaps only one fourth of their countrymen will be lost, or one fifth. And some year, perhaps none.

They are the true heroes of Heroes Square.




The heroes, above.  Here to applaud them, is us, below.



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An Open Letter to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban


I am an American Christian pastor and attorney visiting Budapest for the first time. On behalf of Christians in America and around the world I want to thank you for your courageous defense of Christian values and culture in Europe and to apologize for recent false and insulting comments made against you by disgraced former US President Bill Clinton.

Mr. Clinton, speaking on behalf of his wife Hillary, criticized “Poland and Hungary, two countries that would not have been free but for the United States and the long Cold War, have now decided this democracy is too much trouble.”

Neither Mr. Clinton, nor his wife, nor current President Barack Obama have any moral right to speak for the generation of Americans that liberated Europe because that generation, including its leaders, was decidedly Christian in its values and worldview. The “democratic” values it fought to preserve and promote included quite prominently the right to life, the sanctity of marriage and the natural family, and the concepts of national sovereignty and self-determination — values that your administration has courageously championed in Hungary.

In contrast, the so-called “democratic values” of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are abortion, homosexuality, Islamic expansionism, and global socialism. Most assuredly, American soldiers did NOT shed their blood to open Europe’s doors to homosexual “marriage” and Islamic Jihad. If you, Mr. Prime Minister, had run for President of the United States in the 1940s and 1950s against any of these three Marxist ideologues you would have won by a landslide.

If by “democracy” Clinton means government by the will of the people versus tyranny by oligarchs he is doubly discredited. It is obvious that the people of Hungary overwhelmingly support family values and oppose open borders, while the Clinton/Obama cabal are blatantly, tyrannically and lawlessly ignoring the will of the American public by force-feeding us the LGBT agenda and welcoming an endless flood of illegal immigrants across our southern border.

In short, American Christians applaud your nation, Mr. Prime Minister, for modifying your constitution in 2011 to state that human life begins at conception and marriage is between one man and one women. We also applaud your more recent leadership in defying the European Union’s suicidal “open borders” policies, especially regarding the threat represented by Islamic “immigrants.”

Please do not be deceived by the US and European media on these matters. Millions of right-thinking people in the United States and around the world are very grateful for your leadership in defending Christian culture and the principle of national self-determination.


Dr. Scott Lively
President, Defend the Family International

Above photo is the Hungarian Parliament Building

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Hungary for Biblical Values



The most impressive monument I have seen in all of my missionary adventures around the world is Heroes Square in Budapest, Hungary. It features a tall central column topped by a statue of the archangel Gabriel, holding the “Holy Crown of St. Stephen,” first king of Hungary (crowned about 1001AD), a great hero of Christian history. Ringing the column’s base at a height of about eight feet are fiercely lifelike and life size statues of the seven mounted Magyar chieftains that first led the Hungarian people into the Carpathian basin from the east (roughly from 800 to 500 BC). Another set of statues rest on a semi-circular base behind and framing the central column, the first depicting King Stephen himself. “Rest” is not the appropriate term, however, because the monument in every aspect depicts heroic action — like a collection of three-dimensional vignettes from a battle scene frozen in time.

Like King David of Jerusalem, King Stephen of Hungary was a man of war, and of flaws, but greatly used by God to advance His kingdom, beginning with a military defense of the throne –and the faith — from darkly pagan forces. Through Stephen’s reign, the region was Christianized and largely remains so even to this day.

I want to applaud two modern heroes of the faith in Hungary. The first is Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the second is a Romanian missionary to Hungary, the Mayor of the tiny Village of Szarazd, coincidentally named Attila Orban (no relation).

Very recently Prime Minister Orban was publicly attacked by disgraced former US President Bill Clinton (speaking on behalf of his wife Hillary) for “Putin-like leadership,” saying “Poland and Hungary, two countries that would not have been free but for the United States and the long Cold War, have now decided this democracy is too much trouble.”

First of all, it must be pointed out that Bill Clinton has absolutely no right to speak for the generation of Americans that liberated Europe because that generation, including its leaders, was Christian. The “democratic” values it fought to preserve and promote included quite prominently the right to life, the sanctity of marriage and the natural family, and the concept of national sovereignty. The “democratic values” of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are abortion, homosexuality, and global socialism.

If by “democracy” Clinton means the will of the people versus government tyranny he is doubly discredited. The people of Hungary (and Poland and Russia) overwhelmingly support family values and oppose open borders, while the Clinton/Obama cabal are blatantly, tyrannically and lawlessly ignoring the will of the American public by ramming “gay marriage” and the LGBT agenda down our throats and inviting third world invaders to illegally flood across our southern border by the millions.

Under the Christian leadership of Prime Minister Orban, the Hungarian constitution was revised in 2011 to state that human life begins at conception and marriage is between one man and one women. More recently, Mr. Orban had shown great courage in defying the European Union’s suicidal “open borders” policies, especially regarding the threat represented by Islamic “immigrants.”

If these Biblically consistent positions that the leaders of Hungary and Poland have taken on behalf of the majority of their citizens make them “Putin-like,” then perhaps the rest of the world should give Putin more respect in comparison to Clinton and Obama. If that’s what it means to be “Putin-like,” the intended condemnation is actually a compliment.

I would like to encourage you to send a note of support and thanks to Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Here is his contact information: 1357 Budapest, Pf. 6. E-mail: Website:

If Prime Minister Orban is at the top of the political ladder in Hungary, my other Hungarian hero, Attila Orban, is at the bottom of the ladder as Mayor of the Village of Szarazd, population 250.

Attila is a former Lutheran pastor and missionary to the Zulu tribe of South Africa. I met him at a pro-life conference in Budapest where he led morning devotions on the first day, in English even though it is not his first language. We became instant friends as we learned how closely his missionary work aligned with our inner–city mission in Springfield, MA.

In South Africa, Attila was deeply impressed by the work of the KwaSizabantu mission, Returning to Eastern Europe, he determined start a mission in Hungary to follow that example of creating a holistic non-denominational Christian mission in which Jesus Christ is Lord over every sphere of society.

The Village of Szarazd, a place of very poor people, is in the heart of a region of Hungary with deep pagan roots going back more than a thousand years — a region with some of the worst Nazi atrocities in World War II, and where Christianity is still strongly opposed by various factions, including those who were faithful Communists under Soviet rule.

Opening a mission station and church with only his young family as members for the first year, the spiritual ground was very hard to till. Like Anne and I had done in Springfield, ( they bought a house in terrible disrepair and set about to show the redemptive power of Christ by personal example. That was seven years ago. I preached at his mission church yesterday to a group of about 50 people, and received a tour of the village where Attila was elected Mayor two years ago (running against an old-school Communist who promised to shut down the mission if he was elected).

Mayor Orban started some farming projects and basic cottage industries such as broom-making, completely eliminating unemployment in the village and giving work to people in the surrounding area. He raised enough money to repair the tiny Town Hall, where rainwater used to flood the main room in every storm.

Establishing a somewhat communal, “back to the land” lifestyle, almost like a 1960s Jewish Kibbutz, but Christ-centered, people have begun to relocate to the village, including two women who have recovered from cancer there without radiation or chemotherapy. There are many children and everyone seems very happy and healthy.

But there is very much work to do to redeem and restore the village. The church has acquired 21 buildings in various stages of ruin and are working slowly to restore them. They have cleared land on the hillside above the Town Hall and begin planting fruit orchards, primarily apricots.

Anne and I have decided to adopt this mission as one of our own and the Lord put on my heart to first donate some of our own money to buy almond trees for them (which are very compatible with apricots — and also an intensely life-oriented and spiritually significant Biblical food, Numbers 17:7). We are also intending to return at some future date to live and work at the mission for a couple of weeks (me doing handyman stuff and Anne teaching English).


The mission has the opportunity to buy another of the abandoned buildings in the village (in this case a house in pretty good shape) with a very large plot of ground (something like 9000 square yards) for about $8,000. I would like to help the mission acquire this property and invite you to share in the blessing by giving toward this by making a donation to ATM designated for this purchase (or to buy almond trees, which run about $7 each). Just make a donation here
and send me an email at letting me know that’s what it’s for.


Dr. Scott Lively

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