A Call to 40 Days of Prayer and Repentance

Regardless of one’s theology or beliefs about what is summarized below there is no question that humanity is at a point of extreme crisis on numerous fronts, and that many people – based (rightly or wrongly) on their personal beliefs about these things — will make decisions in the next few weeks that will influence the course of history, perhaps profoundly. And since we Christians are under a Biblical mandate to always pray and repent, this seems an especially appropriate time to do so corporately. I will be making a special effort to focus my own spiritual life on prayer and repentance for 40 days and I invite you to join me.

On Monday there will be a total eclipse of the sun exclusively over America, just as the Hebrew calendar enters a 40 day period of repentance corresponding to the period when God forgave the Hebrews for the sin of the Golden Calf at the foot of Mount Sinai. That begins with the first day of the thirty-day month of Elul and ends with a period called the Ten Days of Awe, the first through the tenth day of the month of Tishri. In Hebrew tradition, it is in this ten day period that God decides whether one’s name is written in the Book of Life or the Book of Death.

Many people are aware of the Biblical significance of a term of 40 days or years as a period of testing and preparation: Moses’ repentance and prayer for the Hebrews before they entered the Holy Land (Deuteronomy 9:18-29), Elijah’s spiritual preparation on the road to Mt. Horeb to meet God (1 Kings 19:7-18), Goliath’s testing of the armies of God before David arrived to slay him (1 Samuel 17:4-26), Jesus’ sojourn in the wilderness before launching His ministry (Matthew 4:1-17) are a few examples.

Less commonly recognized is the Biblical significance of the term of ten days, which has the same connotation regarding testing and preparation but adds a special emphasis on the judgement of the decider: Daniel’s test of faithfulness in refusing to be defiled by King Nebuchadnezzar’s “delicacies” was of ten days (Daniel 1:1-16), God’s conditional decision to spare the remnant of the Jews not exiled to Babylon was revealed to Jeremiah at the end of ten days (Jeremiah 42:1-22), and, most significantly, God’s warning and conditional promise to Christians in Revelation 2:10 states: “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Look, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison to test you, and you will suffer tribulation for ten days. Be faithful even unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
It is believed by some that this verse is a reference to the Ten Days of Awe.

Importantly, the Ten Days of Awe begins with the Feast of Trumpets and ends with the Day of Atonement. Anyone familiar with the recently popular teachings in Christendom on the Seven Feasts of the Lord (Leviticus 23) will recognize that the fall feasts of Trumpets and Atonement are associated with the second coming of Christ (just as the spring feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Pentecost are associated with His first coming). The symbolism of the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teru’ah) is associated with resurrection and rapture, while the symbolism of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is associated with the victory of Christ (who is both the King of Kings and High Priest) over His enemies and His atonement for the sins of His people. These teaching originated with the “Messianic Jewish” movement in Christianity. Messianic Jews are those who have accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah and point Gentile Christians to the Old Testament roots of New Testament teachings.

To be clear, I am not aware that anyone is claiming that the second coming is about to occur and that is not the purpose of summarizing these views. If anything, given all the buzz about the present alignment of the constellations signaling a possible fulfilment of Revelation 12, the timing would seem to be more in line with the “beginning of sorrows” of Matthew 24:3-8 and Revelation 6:1-7 but this is all purely speculative. And, once again, one does not need to accept these teachings to recognize their potentially profound influence in the unfolding events of our world. It is enough that many people do believe them and will act accordingly, as might others seeking to exploit opportunities presented during these impending events.

As it happens, I will be leading a group to Israel during the Ten Days of Awe. I do happen to believe that the last days are upon us and Christ’s return is imminent – meaning years rather than decades. I think it is possible that coming events of 2017 will in retrospect be seen as the beginning of sorrows, but I am not making predictions, only being attentive as we are warned to be in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. If it turns out that the coming weeks are pivotal, I can’t think of a better place from which to observe them than in Israel. But whether or not they are, my duty as a Christian remains the same: to love and serve my King to the best of my ability all the days of my life.

The Bible says to count it all joy when you face various trials and testing (James 1), and for that reason the entire world – especially Christians – should be grateful today. The looming threat of nuclear war, conventional war, civil war, terrorism, political chaos, awakening volcanoes and super-volcanoes, resurgent diseases with untreatable forms, reckless experimentation with genetic mutation and artificial intelligence, planet-killer asteroids, and many other fearsome things, are simply reminders that this world is temporary but God is eternal, and our hope and trust must be in Him. Trouble and tribulation are designed to remind us to be in but not of this world (John 17:6-19). Just as the threshing sledge (tribulum) was used to separate the wheat from the chaff, tribulation is used by God to separate us, as eternal spiritual beings, from our attachment to the things of this world.

I am blessed to have recently won a five year lawsuit that was part of a continuing eight year international campaign by the global LGBT movement to destroy me for speaking the truth of the Bible against the “gay” agenda around the world. But the far greater blessing is the spiritual maturity I experienced in the crucible of suffering for the Gospel. Persecution, which believers everywhere will eventually suffer on a large scale, is the refiner’s fire. Because of it, I am not afraid of what might occur in the near or more distant future related either to prophecy or just the growing evil of this world.

On Monday I will begin a Forty Day personal prayer and repentance campaign. I will repent for my sins and those of my nation. I will pray for our president and the healing of our land. I will pray for the Gospel to reach every unsaved person in this world, including my enemies. I will pray for every other thing the Holy Spirit brings to my mind. I will do this as statement of faith in God and my desire to be more closely conformed to the character of Christ. In all of this things I will pray to the Father, with Christ, “Thy will not my will be done.” Again, I invite you to join me, and to encourage others to do the same.

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The Populists Take the Bait in Charlottesville, VA.

Under normal circumstances the first question most people ask after a fight has broken out is “Who started it?” because we all know that while “it takes two to tango,” there’s almost always an instigator and it isn’t necessarily the person who threw the first punch. When it comes to mob psychology and the phenomenon of rioting or war, identifying the instigator is a little trickier because there’s often an unseen hand stirring the pot of social unrest. In the “white nationalist” incident in Charlottesville, VA, I suspect the instigator is the same network of Bush, Clinton and Obama deep-state intelligence agents, politicians and street activists that’s been working since the election to remove President Trump.

Importantly, this is a network of one-world statists with a common cultural-Marxist worldview. The tools of their trade are ideological polarization to create social and political factions, inflammatory propaganda to breed emotionalism and “group-think” in those opposing factions, and staged street activism to incite conflict between them (conflict usually of a political nature but sometimes of the physical sort). Tactically, they almost always lead with the left because leftists are easier to manipulate, and they use them as provocateurs to get a counter-reaction from the right. Their strategy today is to sucker conservatives into following extreme hard right populists into a war for the streets just as occurred in Germany after WWI. I’ve been warning of this since 2009: http://www.scottlively.net/2016/03/17/there-will-be-blood/ , though my prediction of violence was a bit premature.

The Black Lives Matter movement is a big component of the strategy, complete with Soros-funded rent-a-mobs and roving “community organizers” looking for the next opportunity to stage a “spontaneous” riot against the police. But there’s a much larger target than the police in this strategy: it is the entire “right wing.” The purpose of leftist social agitation is not “social justice” (as many of BLM’s “useful idiot” foot soldiers believe), it is to inflame the right. They want war, in whatever form they can get it, because it’s in the chaos of war that the elites make their greatest gains toward a global socialist government. The pattern is similar to how our intelligence agencies have conducted “regime-change” operations in foreign nations for decades (making them all the greater hypocrites for their breathless “Russian collusion” narrative) and now we see a version of it here it home.

I’ve stated publicly that I think the takedown of Bill Cosby, just as BLM was about to be launched, was a part of this project. “America’s Dad,” with his vast reservoir of good-will among white Americans, and a history of rebuking leftist pop-culture stupidity in the Black community (like telling wanna-be gang-bangers to pull up their pants) was the biggest potential threat to their plan. Reviving quarter-century-old allegations of sexual impropriety against Mr. Cosby was a preemptive strike, like taking out an anti-aircraft battery before flying in the bombers. http://www.scottlively.net/2014/12/24/bad-moon-on-the-rise-bill-cosby-ferguson-and-obama/

The Bill Cosby incident is, in my view, directly related to the Charlotte incident, because they are part of the same conspiracy to create race war – or any kind of civil war they can get — in America. You have to think like a “war gamer” to understand how this works and remember that the war gamers of the deep state have almost unlimited resources to play their games with, a broad, birds-eye view of the entire battlefield, and a very long view of history.

I’m a 5th generation Yankee from Massachusetts with relatives who died in the civil war, so I have no particular love for the confederate flag. However, I have no sympathy for the people trying to ban it, in part because I recognize that Southerners’ respect for the confederate flag is not a defense of slavery or racism. But mostly I recognize the present attack on the flag as deliberate provocation for war. The attack is not motivated by idealism but cynical political opportunism. Messing with somebody’s flag is about the surest way to start a fight there has ever been in the history of the world. It’s especially effective for drawing out zealots and crazies.

That having been said, the organizers of the Charlotte march are either completely stupid not to have realized they were walking into a trap, or they were in on the conspiracy. Likely it was a bit of both, since it defies reason that these groups aren’t infiltrated by undercover government agents. If you’re a war gamer, there’s no better asset on the field than your own agent posing as an enemy extremist. I always suspected, without proof, that the Westboro Baptist Church “God Hates Fags” group was their asset in the “gay marriage” battle. What better way to hurt the pro-family movement than to have a supposedly “anti-gay” group stage obscene protests at the funerals of combat veterans in front of network television cameras. What better way to discredit conservative populists than TV footage of rallies where conservatives mix with Nazis (real or planted) carrying racist and antisemitic signs.

I was once a leftist and hung out with the very type of people being described as “counter-protesters” at Charlottesville. I had hair half-way down my back and sometimes wore a ratty denim jacket with a button that read “Smash the State.” I was hanging with that crowd in 1977 when “gay” Nazi Frank Collins organized the infamous Nazi march on Skokie, Illinois (which actually took place in Chicago). Http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/commentary/ct-neo-nazi-skokie-march-flashback-perspec-0312-20170310-story.html

My fellow leftist travelers were simply giddy at the prospect of going to Illinois “to throw rocks at the Nazis” (which some of them did). There wasn’t a hint of “social justice” in their hearts, only eagerness to indulge in rioting with virtual impunity. Being a rather naive young man, I was a little shocked at their cynicism, but I’ve learned over the years it’s the true nature of a great many on the left. I’ve since observed with my own eyes – as a conservative leader being protested by them – that nothing has changed about leftist street activism over the years. There’s a large core of semi-transient twenty and thirty somethings (a subset of whom are hard-core anarchists) and a smattering of grey haired holdovers from the 60s, and they all show up whenever there’s a rally or protest on the issue of the day: abortion, “gay rights,” environmentalism, Black Lives Matter, whatever.

That’s who the majority of Charlottesville counter-protesters were, notwithstanding media efforts to portray them all as local concerned citizens. Almost certainly a few were posing as alt-rightists, carrying the most offensive signs.

I’ve been writing about the phenomenon of social polarization as a tactic of the elites for years and recently shown how this strategy operates in the Obama/Clinton/Bush/Soros “Purple Revolution” against President Trump, predicting growing street violence in 2017. http://www.scottlively.net/2017/06/22/progress-report-on-the-purple-revolution/

The left wants war and chaos, and they want conservatism to be equated with Nazism. They got a two-fer in Charlottesville. We must defeat both of those goals without descending to their level to do it. That means re-grounding conservatism in Biblical values and countering propaganda-driven emotionalism with clear-headed rationalism and a focus on healthy, positive goals.

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What’s Next on the ‘Gay’ Agenda after Transgenderism?

The “gay” agenda is as old as the LGBT or “gay” movement itself. Every movement has an agenda, of course, which is simply the purpose for which it was founded. The ultimate goal of the “gay” movement has always been the elimination of the restrictions on sexual “freedom” imposed by Judeo-Christian civilization. Others have desired this result, but homosexuals have always pursued it hardest because their sexual appetites deviate furthest from the Biblical “one flesh” norm of lifetime heterosexual monogamy, thus engendering the greatest degree of condemnation. For example, male homosexuality was a capital offense under the Mosaic Law, while a limited form of polygamy was discouraged but tolerated. In other words, “gays” have the most to lose under a Biblically-influenced legal and social system and thus the greatest motivation to overthrow it.

The prototherian aspiration of the “gay” movement was articulated by the Marquis de Sade, for whom sadism is named. Sade’s Philosophy in the Boudoir (1795) called for the decriminalization of sexual crimes, including specifically pederasty (man/boy sex) and sodomy, on the grounds that they were not actually “against nature” as the common law asserted. Sade was an extreme libertine whose sexual practices included torture and murder, and was sentenced to death (in absentia) in 1772 for sodomizing his manservant and for poisoning prostitutes. While in his time he was recognized as a reprobate driven by insanity and/or demonic possession, his concept of “sexual freedom” thrives today in popular culture.

The LGBT movement was formally organized in the mid 1800s in Germany by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, founder of the Scientific Humanitarian Committee with the stated goal of decriminalizing sodomy. The term “homosexual” was coined at that time to cast sodomy as a medical condition rather than a moral weakness, and Ulrichs pioneered the “born that way” argument with his “Third Sex” theory of homosexuality. His successor, Magnus Hirschfeld, coined the term “transvestite.” “Gay rights” first went mainstream in Germany in the 1920s and 30s where it was championed by the Society for Human Rights (SHR) whose most notorious member was Ernst Roehm, head of the dreaded Nazi Sturmabteilung or “Storm Troopers.”

The earliest, but short-lived, American “gay rights” entity was a chapter of the SHR launched in Chicago in 1924 by a German-American soldier named Henry Gerber. More instrumental to the cause was Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfort School (which birthed Cultural Marxism) and his strategy of defeating Judeo-Christian civilization by “elimination of the monogamic…and patriarchal family.” From the US, the movement went global in the “sexual revolution” of the 1960s, the groundwork for which was laid in the late 1940s by the “Father of Gay Rights” Harry Hay, and in-the-closet “gay” activist Alfred Kinsey. In the Stonewall Riot of 1969, the movement abandoned its pretext of seeking only “tolerance” and began aggressively pursuing total political control. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the “Father of Gay Cultural Supremacy,” assured that outcome by writing all five of the majority opinions of the court that enshrined LGBT political goals in constitutional law.

The fifth and final of these rulings, establishing “gay marriage” by judicial fiat in the Obergefell v Hodges case, has been perceived by many as the final blow to Biblical sexual values, with the transgender fight seen as simply a “mop-up” operation. However, the order in which LGBT “rights” were championed gives a clue as to what comes next, and it is actually the biggest and most consequential fight in the so-called culture war.

The fight to decriminalize sodomy was first and represented a challenge to notions of sexual conduct in law. Concurrent with that effort was 1) the promotion of heterosexual promiscuity, and 2) a change in the legal definition of sodomy from it’s common-law grounding in Leviticus 18:22-23 which forbids male homosexuality and sex with animals by either gender. (Classically, sodomy thus has two forms: sex between two people of the same gender and sex with animals.) From that very specific relationship-focus, modern statutory law shifted to banning oral and anal sexual relations by either gender. This drew the increasingly promiscuous heterosexual population into the fight and ensured sodomy’s eventual decriminalization. To show just how contemporary that fight really is, consider that the 2012 repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the United States military first required the legalization of sex with animals, because sodomy was still defined according to the common law.

Next came the battle for “gay marriage” which attacks the “one flesh” model for marriage and the natural family, the cornerstone of civilization.

The supposedly “last” and current fight is over transgenderism which goes much deeper and attacks the very bedrock on which civilization’s cornerstone rests. It challenges what it means to be human by attacking the fundamental order of creation – the binary nature of gender – which is a reflection of the very image of God in humanity (Genesis 1:27).

Ultimately, the “gay” agenda is simply a sub-plot of the larger Satanic agenda and now that LGBT goals appear nearly fully realized, the hidden hands behind them (both human and demonic) are coming into view. The puppet-masters who have made “gay” supremacy possible have been working backward from the branch to the root to bring chaos out of order — the ultimate satanic goal: first confusion of sexuality as conduct, then confusion of marriage and family, then confusion of gender, and next confusion of what the Bible calls “kinds.” It is not just the deconstruction of civilization but the dissolution of all boundaries between human and animal and machine, to produce creatures that are a blend of all three.

We are witnessing the end-game before our very eyes but few recognize what they are seeing. What is next in the LGBT agenda is transhumanism, the redefinition of humanness and emergence of human/animal/machine chimeral forms.  Satan is fashioning a final comprehensive counterfeit alternative to the creation over which Man finally assumes that he has accessed the Tree of Life and is persuaded that he is God, destroying himself and “goodness” itself in the process.

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Culture War Victory Still Possible for Conservatives

What we call the pro-family movement is a component of the larger conservative movement and deals with matters of sexuality and the natural family. Its American roots are in the cultural backlash to the Marxist revolution of the 1960s that turned family-centered society on its head and swapped the Judeo-Christian morality of our founding for Soviet-style “political correctness.”

Before the 1960s there wasn’t any need for a “pro-family” movement because family values had been the overwhelming consensus of the western world for centuries. Indeed, so surprised were Americans about the cultural revolution that it took nearly twenty years for the conservatives to mount a truly effective response to it. That came under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.

The 60’s revolution was not grounded in the Marxist orthodoxy of Lenin and Stalin, but the Cultural Marxism of Herbert Marcuse’s Frankfort School, which envisioned sexual anarchy, not a “workers revolt,” as the key to dismantling Judeo-Christian civilization. The natural core constituency for this ideology was the underground “gay” movement whose dream of social acceptance was not possible without a complete transformation of American sexual morality. Thus, beginning in the late 1940s, Marxist organizer Harry Hay, so-called “father of the American gay movement” was also “father” of the (then hidden) army of “gay” activists most responsible for the “culture war” that exploded in the 60’s and continues today.

America’s Marxist revolution was therefore a “sexual revolution” whose overwhelming success vindicated Marcuse’s destructive vision and became the primary tool of the one-world government elites for softening resistance to their domination by breaking the family-centered society which is every nation’s greatest source of strength, stability and self-sufficiency.

Importantly, though primarily driven behind the scenes by “gays,” the first goal was not legitimization of homosexual sodomy but the normalization of heterosexual promiscuity. This was the motive and strategy that drove “closeted” 1940s and 50s homosexual activist Alfred Kinsey’s fraudulent “science” attacking the marriage-based sexual ethic as “repressive” and socially harmful. It also drove the launch of the modern porn industry, beginning with Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Magazine (Hefner called himself “Kinsey’s pamphleteer”). It drove and defined the battles in the courts where sexual morality was systematically “reformed” by Cultural Marxist elites on the US Supreme Court: contraception on demand to facilitate “fornication without consequences” (Griswold v Connecticut 1966), abortion on demand as the backup system to failed contraception (Roe v Wade 1973), and finally legalization of homosexual sodomy (Lawrence v Texas 2003).

Note the thirty year gap between Roe v Wade and Lawrence v Texas. That major delay in the Marxist agenda was achieved by the election of Ronald Reagan, under whom the pro-family movement became a major political force. That gap also highlights a critical fact: that “street activism” may be essential to any political cause but the real key to the culture war is the Supreme Court. By 1981 when Ronald Reagan took power the Marxists had nearly succeeded in collapsing the nation’s family and economic infrastructure and the LGBT juggernaut had come completely out of the shadows and taken its place at the head of the cultural blitzkrieg it had been steering from the beginning. Reagan stopped that juggernaut by putting Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, the lion of constitutional originalism and ally of Justice Byron White who wrote the majority opinion in Bowers v Hardwick (1986) which affirmed (not created) the constitutional right of states to criminalize homosexual sodomy and other harmful sexual conduct in the public interest.

Reagan and Scalia stopped the sexual revolution in its tracks and made it possible for the pro-family movement to begin restoring family values in society, which we strove diligently to do. I got my start in Christian social activism in those heady days and served as State Communications Director for the No Special Rights Act in Oregon in 1992 which forbade the granting of civil rights minority status based on sexual conduct. We fell short in Oregon but a Colorado version of our bill passed the same year. We had in essence won the culture war with that victory given that the Supreme Court had previously ruled that minority status designation required three things: a history of discrimination, political powerlessness, and immutable (unchangeable) status (such as skin color). We had a slam-dunk win on at least two of the three criteria and it would have been just a matter of time before we passed the No Special Rights law from coast to coast.

However, Reagan had been prevented by the elites from putting a second Scalia on the court in the person of Robert Bork, and was forced by the unprecedented political “borking” of Mr. Bork to accept their man Anthony Kennedy to fill the seat instead. Just ten years later, Kennedy served his function by writing the majority opinion killing the Colorado law in Romer v Evans (1996), audaciously declaring that the court didn’t need to apply its three-part constitution test to the No Special Rights Act because it was motivated by “animus” (hate) and thus did not represent a legitimate exercise of the state’s regulatory authority. The ruling was all the more outrageous given that it was only possibly through a blatant abuse of the court’s own judicial authority. Kennedy’s “disapproval = hate” lie set the tone for the political left from that point forward.

In Lawrence v Texas, Kennedy delivered the coup-de-grace to Justice Scalia by striking down Bowers v Hardwick and brazenly ruling that “public morality” cannot be the basis for law. Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority in all five SCOTUS opinions that have, in essence, established homosexual cultural supremacy in America, including the infamous and utterly unconstitutional Obergefell v Hodges (2015) “gay marriage” decision. He is, in my opinion, the worst and most culturally destructive jurist in the history of the court: the culprit (among many villainous candidates) most responsible for the current dysfunctional state of the family in America.

So where’s the “bright future” amidst this lamentation? It’s in the promise made and so-far kept by President Donald Trump to appoint only constitutional originalists to the supreme court. It is in the pleasantly surprising discovery that his first pick, Neil Gorsuch, seems from his first comments as a “supreme” to be a perfect choice to fill the “Scalia seat” on the court. It is in the hopeful rumors that Anthony Kennedy is about to retire, and the simple fact that ultra-hard leftist Ruth Bader Ginsberg and leftist Steven Breyer are of an age that their seats could at any time be vacated by voluntary or involuntary retirement.

In short, the bright future of the pro-family movement is in the hands of the man we hired to drain the swamp in Washington DC, and who hasn’t yet backed down in that fight despite the remarkable scorched-earth campaign of destruction and discreditation being waged against him by the establishment elites of both parties, Hollywood and the media.

I must admit that after Obergefell I began to think that the pro-family movement had lost the culture war, but I now believe there is real hope, not just for reclaiming some lost ground, but possibly of reversing all of the “gains” of the hard left over the past half century. A solid majority of true constitutional originalists could actually restore the legal primacy of the natural family in America fairly quickly, and our cultural healing could quickly follow.

As the leftist elites and street activists continue their all-hands-on-deck attempted “borking” of President Trump, let’s not forget why they’re doing it. His political survival means the end of theirs. I can’t think of a brighter future than that for our nation.


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World War D, Part 4: Why the Left has Slammed into Reverse on Russia

Demublican and Republicrat elites portray Donald Trump as a clueless boob and many seem to believe their own propaganda. As a Christian I don’t endorse some of his boorish actions, but there is no question that Trump the President is the same “think outside the box” political genius as Trump the Candidate, continuing to win the populist majority by disdaining the political correctness that makes nearly all other politicians slaves of the leftist media.

Never in our nation’s history has a president faced such a massive array of opponents united across partisan lines on so many simultaneous battle fronts. Not even Ronald Reagan suffered this level of hostility, misrepresentation and sabotage: partly because the elites had already forced him to accept their man George H.W. Bush as Vice President, and partly because Reagan’s anti-Soviet focus did not overly conflict with their own geopolitical agenda on such things as US hegemony in banking and oil. They basically tolerated President Reagan’s conservative domestic agenda (with some legislative foot-dragging by “Moderates”), knowing they could reverse it once Bush took over: and they were only forced to “go to the mattresses” once – to stop him from putting a second Scalia on the Supreme Court in the form of Judge Robert Bork (and to instead nominate the Quistling Anthony Kennedy, father of “gay” cultural supremacy).

President Donald Trump, on the other hand, is their worst nightmare. He not only won the election despite all their best – and highly public – efforts to defeat him, but he did so with the backing of a huge army of patriotic populists cognizant (fully so by the election if not before) of the existence, nature and tactics of the global elites. This is the audience for his Tweets, which explains both their tone and why he will never stop sending them. (Populists love a bare-knuckle street fighter.)

Compounding the globalist nightmare is Mr. Trump’s ideological, though not yet transactional ally, Vladimir Putin who is backed by an even larger percentage of patriotic populists in the Russian Federation. The elites are simply apoplectic at the thought that the American and Russian populists will eventually recognize the astonishing similarity of their moral and fiscal conservatism and unify against the globalist agenda. This is the real reason that Obama and McCain worked so desperately to trigger a hot war with Russia before Trump could be inaugurated, and why both the leftist and neo-conservative media have continuously perpetuated the false premise that US/Russian “collusion” is the real crime behind the “Russian election tampering” (fake news) scandal. Since the fall of Communism in 1991, the increasingly Christian Russians are NOT our enemy. Unfortunately, “Big Lie” repetition works, which is why Adolf Hitler perfected it during the Third Reich.

This is so very devious, especially by the neo-con media, who are now singing to the conservative choir that Obama should be investigated and punished for “collusion” with Russia. It’s akin to the continuing manipulation of conservatives regarding Syria, tricking them into backing illegal military strikes there by portraying Obama as “weak” for not enforcing his “red line,” though we all learned at the time that the supposed Assad use of chemical weapons was almost certainly a false flag, as was the recent US strike on the same “chemical weapon” pretext – unverified by any independent monitors.

To this latter point, I suggested at the time that ok-ing the latest Syria strike was probably the elites’ price for finally confirming President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, now Justice Neil Gorsuch. That’s just an educated guess, but what’s not guesswork is the larger strategy they had in play to neutralize the president: impeachment (or forced resignation ala Nixon).

The key to the impeachment strategy was James Comey, the long-serving Clinton Family fixer whom they moved like a Queen on the D.C. chessboard, finally elevating him to FBI Director. Republican Comey was perfect for the bipartisan Trump takedown desired by the entire left, and the GOP establishment in leadership of both chambers of congress. But, the unpredictable political genius Donald Trump bided his time, letting the flood of leaks and the frenzy of media impeachment hysteria make him appear impotent, and then completely turned the tables on his adversaries in one fell swoop. He fired Comey without notice while Comey was in California and (allegedly) a team from Trump’s newly secured Justice Department (under Trump loyalist Jeff Sessions) was in D.C. scooping up all of Comey’s records, files, notes, video recordings and whatever else may have been there.

(That was the assertion of this article http://usdefensewatch.com/2017/05/the-inside-story-on-how-trump-dropped-the-hammer-on-james-comey/, which fact I cannot independently verify, but appears consistent with the way subsequent events played out, and may be the real reason Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation – so as to retain his legal right to hands-on control of the FBI in that matter.)

Importantly, President Trump did not have full control of any part of the US government when he took office, not even the Executive Branch. Nearly all of the career government workers in Washington in all three branches of government were appointed or hired by the elite political class, going all the way back to President George H.W. Bush in 1989, followed by Clinton, W. Bush, and then Obama. Most were either Bush or Clinton/Obama loyalists, and thus presumably enemies of Mr. Trump.

It took most of his first 100 Days just to get his own people into the strategic seats of power. Meanwhile, both parties engaged in sometimes open warfare with him on every act or issue in which it was possible to delay or deny him a victory. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell forced him to dance the bipartisan two-step on every policy goal, and repeatedly pulled the rug out from under him – willingly suffering political damage to themselves in order to hurt the president. That continues.

However, once President Trump had fired James Comey, the impeachment strategy was gutted. Comey did an almost full reversal under congressional questioning a couple of weeks later (likely to save his own butt) and the Special Prosecutor process was forced to unfold without its intended defendant.

Three things happened at this point. First, the elites in both parties realized they’d not only been blindsided by Mr. Trump, but that he was now in tentative de-facto if not legal control of the Special Prosecutor’s office by virtue of his moral victory and (presumably) Session’s possession of documents and intelligence harmful to the anti-Trump conspirators. Second, the Democrats realized that it was no longer as much to the Republicans political advantage to continue working with them against Trump, but worse, that a broader Special Prosecutor investigation of the 2016 election could, and likely will, go badly for them. This is why they suddenly shifted into reverse on Russia and began telling all their people to back off the election hacking narrative. (I wouldn’t be surprised to see admissions on the left that Trump is innocent and suggestions that the Special Prosecutor is now unnecessary). Third, the largest impediment to President Trump’s full control over of the Executive Branch was now removed.

In my view, President Trump’s first “100 Days” really started with the Comey firing. I expect to see a steady increase in his ability to enforce his agenda, and a concurrent steady shift back to the positions he held during the campaign, hopefully including enhanced relations with Russia. The Left will fall back to Marxist v Fascist street-revolution mode as their power in government and the courts slips. The GOP establishment will continue to generate as much heat as they can on the president but increasingly fall back to deal-making mode to maximize their personal power and minimize conservative wrath in the mid-term primaries.

The real Trump presidency has now begun.

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‘Gay Pride’ and the Wrath of God

According to the third century Christian monks called the Desert Fathers, “pride” topped the list of the infamous Seven Deadly Sins. However, the Bible itself identifies homosexuality as the most deadly, giving it the special designation “toeva” (abomination) in the Leviticus 18 list of worst-possible sins which cause the land itself to “vomit out” its inhabitants, and making clear that widespread homosexuality was the cause of the incineration of Sodom and Gomorrah (Jude 1:7, referencing Genesis 19). That incident, unique in Biblical history, expressly linked male homosexual sodomy (and that sin alone) with the last-days destruction of the world by God.

So what should faithful Christians and Jews think of “Gay Pride,” the international month-long celebration of homosexual sodomy that occurs every June, drawing support from numerous governments around the world?

The answer should be the clearest for the western nations with a Christian heritage, since the New Testament strongly reaffirms the condemnation of homosexuality found in the Old Testament. Romans 1:18-32 singularly identifies homosexuality as the sin that epitomizes the “reprobate mind” and the apostasy of the last days (see also 2 Timothy 3, Jude 1 and 2 Peter 2). Yet it is many of these “Christian” nations that are the most “affirming” of homosexual perversion. But Jewish Israel, especially Tel Aviv, is not far behind.

All cultures recognize that flags symbolize the powers that rule over a given territory. Raising its flag is the first action taken by any conquering power. How then should we interpret the raising of the rainbow flag across so many nations of the world, not just in June but whenever the “gay” movement is formally acknowledged? For example, on the US Supreme Court’s issuance of the Obergefell “gay marriage” ruling, Barack Obama used colored lights to bath the White House in a rainbow flag. Importantly, no other special interest group receives such honor by the ruling authorities. Spiritually-minded people should recognize this as a phenomenon with deep significance.

Just what does the rainbow itself symbolize and why do the “gays” cloak themselves in it?

The rainbow is the Biblical symbol of the presence and authority of God from the story of Noah’s Flood, foundational to all the Abrahamic faiths, reaffirmed to Jews and Christians in Ezekiel 1:28, and to Christians in Revelation 4:3 in the New Testament. Could there be any more audacious statement of defiance of God than to hijack His symbol to represent the worldwide legitimization of sexual deviance He explicitly condemns? Could this be the meaning of the prophecy of the Antichrist in Revelation 6:2?: “I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.”

Does this verse definitively associate the “gay” movement with the Antichrist of the last days? No. Neither does the spiritual comparison of Jerusalem with “Sodom and Egypt” under the Antichrist in Revelation 11:8. Nor do modern “gay rights” laws that require Christian businesses such as bakers, printers and florists to endorse homosexuality – so reminiscent of restrictions on “buying and selling” imposed on those refusing to take the “Mark of the Beast” (Revelation 13:17). Still, it should give every Christian pause that the Bible’s many warnings about homosexuality from Genesis to Revelation are tied so closely to the last days and to extreme rebellion triggering God’s wrath, especially when these passages are viewed collectively.

Indeed, the ancient prophecy of Isaiah contains the following verse that seems so timely today:

“The expression of their faces bears witness against them, And they display their sin like Sodom; They do not even conceal it. Woe to them! For they have brought evil on themselves” (Isaiah 3:9).

This appears a perfect caption for the scene at “Gay Pride” parades, and invokes the many horrors that afflict the “gay” community: from a long string of gruesome “gay on gay” slayings such as the Jeffrey Dahmer cannibal killings, Matthew Shepard and Giani Versace, to the lingering movement-wide plague of AIDS and other frightening STDs (carefully minimized by the pro-“gay” press).

The current “gay” supremacist version of the LGBT movement was born June 28th, 1969 in the notorious Stonewall Riots, when homosexual men violently attacked police officers seeking to arrest a boy “drag queen” prostitute at the Mafia-owned Stonewall Bar on Christopher Street in New York City. That was the origin of “Gay Pride Day,” and of the vicious, implacable army of “gay” activists who have battled ever since to transform every institution of western society into a tool of LGBT advocacy. Since that day, any person who opposes them in any meaningful way faces an intense campaign of personal destruction. By these means they have nearly achieved the end of the family-centered order of civilization my generation took for granted just a a half-century ago.

The Apostle Peter wrote only two short letters in the Bible. The second of these is devoted to prophecy about the last days, and it’s special emphasis was to warn the church about a form of heresy that would then emerge. In Christianity, heresy is a set of beliefs that contradict the clear teaching of the Bible. According to Peter, the last days heresy will be rooted in beliefs about sexuality “Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned,” he wrote in 2 Peter 2:2. He went on to define this heresy by reference to four Biblical texts addressing sexual sin, including especially homosexuality. A close reading of 2 Peter 2 strongly suggests that the last days heresy is so-called “gay theology.”

Christians should not be surprised that the world today, and the US especially, is in such a mess. We’ve been steadily losing the “culture war” that in so many ways is a contest pitting LGBT values against ours. And if these are the last days, that’s the way things are supposed to be, However, our responsibility to stand steadfastly for truth has never changed and is not contingent on circumstances.

We must always “contend earnestly for the faith entrusted once for all to the saints” (Jude 1:3). That means having the courage to speak the truth ourselves, to work vigorously to purge the heresy of “gay theology” from the church, and to continue to fight the culture war to win it, trusting God for whatever outcome will result. Lastly, we must rescue as many souls as we can from the seductive evil of “Gay Pride,” knowing that the wrath it heralds is too terrible to wish upon even our worst enemies.

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World War D, Part 3: The “Purple Revolution” is About to Run Red

During the 2016 election, I wrote a series of articles explaining how Barack Obama’s global fast-tracking of the “progressive” agenda had caused the the traditional left/right division of western society to morph into a war of Nationalism vs Communism, essentially recreating the hyper-polarization that Germany experienced in the 1920s and early 30s. This was a phenomenon I predicted in 2009 with the rise of the Tea Party and Occupy movements, and saw come to fruition in 2016 in a 25-nation personal fact-finding tour. http://www.scottlively.net/2016/07/01/my-2009-prediction-of-the-trump-campaign/

Just after the election, news emerged of a planned “Purple Revolution” in the United States, to be orchestrated by George Soros and the Clintons along the lines of Soros’ “color revolutions” in various countries of the former Soviet Union.

I then predicted the following, some of which has already occurred, sooner than I expected:

“1) An army of faceless anarchists engaged in civil disobedience and property destruction on an “anti-fascism” theme (imagine the explosion of street violence in the late 1960s but employing “social justice” rather than anti-war rhetoric – like Black Lives Matter but bigger and broader). This is designed to terrorize the public but also to deliberately provoke police reactions that can be documented on film and edited to misrepresent the police as Brownshirt-style fascists.

2) A coordinated propaganda campaign by all the usual suspects on the left in media, academia, Hollywood, and the non-profit/foundations sector, branding the Trump administration as a fascist regime akin to the Third Reich. This will build slowly but inexorably as the left gathers and weaves together its case like a crooked prosecutor in the courtroom of international opinion.

3) Obstruction of conservative policy through guerrilla litigation tactics by groups such as the Center for Constitutional Rights and Southern Poverty Law Center, and their silent partners in the federal judiciary.”

In the weeks leading to the Trump inauguration, Barack Obama jumped into the “resistance” movement with both feet and conducted a campaign of sabotage of our government designed to deny President Trump an ability to effectively govern. I compared Obama’s actions to Adolf Hitler’s sabotage of Cherbourg, France as the Germans withdrew from Brittany, and predicted an American leftist version of the German post-D-Day counter-offensive known as the Battle of Bloody Gulch.

Obama also attempted to trigger a hot war with Russia in his final days in office, a move that might well have worked save for the remarkable restraint of Vladimir Putin. To the US provocation of withdrawing its diplomatic staff from Russia in manner historically taken only on the threshold of military action, Putin responded with grace and humor, diffusing the crisis. US military maneuvers in Europe that had been set in motion by Obama in anticipation of a hot war footing were forced to play out in an entirely unilateral and unjustifiable context.

From Day One of the Trump administration, Trump-hating leftists and elitists from both parties, including the leadership of the GOP establishment, have worked to undermine every aspect of his administration and policy agenda and to lay the groundwork for his impeachment or forced resignation. It was only through superior strategic thinking that Trump outmaneuvered these “deep state” operatives and removed the linchpin of their strategy: James Comey. http://usdefensewatch.com/2017/05/the-inside-story-on-how-trump-dropped-the-hammer-on-james-comey/ (This is really a must-read analysis).

The “Impeach Trump” strategy was essentially gutted at that point, though those who set the Special Prosecutor process in motion to accomplish the goal were left building a gallows in the public square without a “culprit” to hang.

Like the malicious schemer Haman in the Biblical story of Esther, I predict that some of the very people that set up President Trump are going to dangle from their own noose.

But that’s a sideshow, now. The main event is the full-throated blood-in-the-streets Communist/Anarchist revolt that the political left has always dreamed of. They came close to achieving it in the 1960s. And they got a little taste this decade with the carefully orchestrated Black Live Matter rioting, and more recently with the Steve Scalise shooting. However, now that the “mainstream” media and Hollywood appear fully on board, and Bernie Sanders has given the order to his army to “resist” by any means necessary, and (after Ossoff) the “centrist” Democrats realize that they can’t seem to win through the legitimate political process any more, the perfect storm of political rage and opportunity appear to be shaping up for the summer of 2017.

I was a bit early in my prediction of widespread violence, stating in March of 2016 that I expected it to erupt before the November election http://www.scottlively.net/2016/03/17/there-will-be-blood/

However, as I pointed out then, the original agitators that started the war in the streets of pre-Nazi Germany were not the Nationalists, but the Communists. Nationalism was the reaction, not the cause. It’s very unfortunate that the closest blueprint for what’s unfolding in America is Germany, since the Nationalists here are by no means Nazis, nor is overwhelmingly pro-Israel Trump in any way another Hitler. However, Communists are Communists wherever you find them, as predictable as voter fraud in a Democrat-controlled city: they WILL initiate serious violence and blame it on “fascism,” its only a question of when and to what extreme.

Mark my words, the “Purple Revolution” will run red.


Update: Just a few days after posting this story comes news from Portland, OR:


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The “Great Satan,” the “Deep State,” and Christian America


In 2007 I was with the late, great Pastor Ken Hutcherson in Riga, Latvia, working with a broad coalition of Christian denominations to defend Biblical marriage and family values against the global LGBT agenda. When we discovered that the campaign was being advanced by the U.S. Embassy we paid a visit there to ask why the George W. Bush administration was working against the will of more than 90% of the Latvian people within their own borders. We got a lot of double-talk by a third tier diplomat, and the next day Hutch was publicly attacked and stripped of his credentials as a representative of the White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiative. A few weeks later, diplomats from the US and Sweden led a minuscule “Gay Pride” parade behind a double wall of 6′ steel fences and guarded by an enormous army of riot police with full body armor and machine guns – proof that they truly understood just how offensive this championship of perversion was to the Latvian people, and just how determined they were to shove it down their throats.

In 2011, my scheduled late-February seminar on pro-family activism in Chisnau, Moldova was preempted by a sudden, secretive attempt by the Moldovan government to push through an “anti-discrimination” law on “sexual orientation” — in anticipation of presenting it as a gift to Obama via an upcoming visit to the country by Vice President Joe Biden. Instead of holding that seminar, I helped a coalition of denominational leaders direct a successful 4-day nationwide citizens lobbying effort to kill that bill, explaining in numerous media interviews that such “sexual orientation regulations” (SORs) are the seed that contains the entire tree of the LGBT agenda, with all of its poisonous fruit. This was the same Obama administration that in December of that year – by Executive Order – directed all US agencies to push the “gay” agenda globally: http://thegroundtruthproject.org/obama-administration-pushes-global-lgbt-rights-into-the-limelight/

In 2016, I traveled to Kyrgyzstan where I lent my support to a successful campaign to amend the national constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. Again, it was Obama’s US State Department, and various George-Soros affiliated non-governmental organizations (NGOs), leading the effort to push the LGBT agenda on an overwhelmingly conservative nation.

This month, June, 2017, President Donald Trump’s State and Defense Departments, reaffirmed their support for the LGBT agenda. The White House itself did not, thankfully, but thus far, President Trump has NOT reversed Obama’s Executive Order that still commands the entire executive branch to actively undermine Biblical values on sex and marriage as a international priority.

I love my country, and am deeply grieved that in the area of sexual morality we indeed seem almost to have become, as the Iranians love to chant, the “Great Satan” of the world. When I read Chapters 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelation in my Bible, I cannot help but recognize a parallel between America and “Mystery Babylon,” whether or not they are actually the one and the same. “For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality” (Rev 18:3).

What the world sees today is NOT the America established as a Shining City on a Hill, as proclaimed by the Pilgrim Governor John Winthrop, citing the Sermon on the Mount. Nor is it the “Christian nation” vigorously affirmed by the United States Supreme Court in Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 143 U.S. 457 (1892), nor the “One nation under God” without which “democracy will not and cannot long endure,” as affirmed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. Christian America has been suppressed and its power usurped.

Because of our apathy and fear of “politics,” today’s America is the plaything of the Secular Humanists of the “Deep State” – which really isn’t “deep” any more, because it’s defiance of Biblical morality and abuse of every lever of political power is now blatant and undisguised. True, this demonic shadow government has long existed, and served its own interests in countless undeclared wars, “regime changes,” domestic policy manipulations and judicial subversions of our constitution, but heretofore mostly from behind the curtain. Thanks to the Internet, and an awakened and activist populist movement, the hidden hand of the global “elite” is now visible to those willing to see. Yet so many Christians remain unwilling to look.

American exceptionalism was a manifestation of her Christian heritage and culture, represented by such things as the sending of missionaries throughout the world to build churches, schools and hospitals, and sometimes sending our young men to fight and die to defend the fundamental values of Judeo-Christian civilization. “Freedom” meant the right to raise your family without government control and “Security” meant a limited government that rewarded virtue and discouraged vice through education, law and it’s own internal rules. National Socialism and Communism were the greatest enemies in our history and the Marxist ideology that underlay both of them was the antithesis of what we held dear.

For what do we now send our young men and women to die in foreign lands? The right to kill unborn babies in the wombs of their mothers by the millions? The “freedom” to indulge in every form of sexual deviance with their attendant diseases and dysfunctions? The “security” of public policy and culture that decimates families and breeds social chaos and violence? “Freedom” that promotes vice and punishes virtue? “Security” that bleeds every working family of its earnings to redistribute to an ever expanding welfare class and the bloated bureaucracy that administers it?
Where is the exceptionalism we were once so right to hail? It has been replaced by various forms of National Socialism and Communism, recharacterized as “political correctness.” Yet many Christians still cheer as if nothing has really changed all that much.

I visited 25 countries in 2016 to assess and assist the populist movement wherever it advanced under a tacitly Christian banner. Today, its two biggest victories, the Brexit vote I celebrated in London, and the Trump presidency I flew home to cast my vote for, are both steadily being undermined by the “elites.” This international “Deep State” network is the actual “Great Satan.” It’s agents in this country, from those many still hidden, to the Paul Ryans, Mitch McConnells and John McCains are united in a grand conspiracy – pretending to serve the people while serving only their globalist goals – intentionally failing to accomplish that to which they pay only lip service, while stabbing President Trump in the back at every turn.

The President is not our savior, just a tough man willing to endure rats, snakes and leeches to drain a swamp. Our Savior is Christ and we are His hands and feet in this nation. It is only the Christian nation within the nation that has the power to defeat the “Great Satan.” Let us recognize that end as our duty.

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Returning to the Lion’s Den

After prayer and careful consideration, I, and my courageous wife, have decided, with the help of our stalwart legal team at Liberty Counsel, to take the unusual step of appealing the dismissal of the SMUG v Lively lawsuit to the First Circuit Court of Appeals. We believe that action is necessary to purge the prejudicial ruling of Judge Ponsor’s false and subjective assertion that the incidents in Uganda on which the suit is based (incidents by parties unknown to me that the record shows I had no part in) constitute crimes against humanity, lowering the standard for asserting such claims almost to nothing. While within US jurisprudence his statements might hopefully be recognized as mere editorializing and not legally binding, the same is not necessarily true in foreign and international courts where the ostensibly true (but actually false) statement “The United Stated Federal Court has ruled…” would severely undermine all Christian and morally conservative defendants charged with committing or even “inspiring” the type of garden variety civil rights abuses Judge Ponsor has said are now crimes against humanity.

His ruling:


To be clear, Judge Ponsor considers me guilty of the worst category of international crime for simply preaching the Biblical view against homosexuality and teaching about the history and tactics of the LGBT movement – because other people I never met or communicated with, including officials of an independent sovereign nation where homosexuality has always been illegal, might possibly have been indirectly influenced to be hostile toward homosexuals based on my comments, and then to commit, over a period of ten years, a handful of relatively minor civil rights abuses which I have publicly condemned. To be sure, Judge Ponsor’s false narrative harms not only my name, but also potentially subjects me to further harassment and litigation in state, federal or international courts. But, beyond the harms perpetrated against me, Judge Ponsor’s “ruling” can be used by SMUG and CCR to intimidate and punish fellow Christians who dare speak up for Biblical values. I cannot in good conscience countenance these harms.

In a Daily Beast interview, SMUG’s lead attorney Pam Spees confessed that this is indeed their plan to use Judge Ponsor’s ruling to punish me and others for speaking out against the “gay” agenda around the world.

“The precedent set in the ruling was significant, Spees said, in sending a deterrent message to Lively and other anti-LGBT activists like him… persecution on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is a crime against humanity under international law…one of most serious crimes in international law. In looking at the evidence produced, it showed that Lively aided and abetted persecution, and was trying to do so elsewhere around the world. It’s just that he can’t be held accountable here because of the ruling limiting the Court’s jurisdiction–not that he didn’t do it.”

“Spees said Lively, and others like him, could face prosecution in other countries where laws to prosecute him already existed. These factual findings go a long way in helping advocates in other countries build support for these kinds of claims….[T]his case and these findings have contributed something very significant to the understanding of international law.”

The US federal judiciary is still the world’s most respected legal authority and with this devious strategic maneuver Judge Ponsor – ideologically though not necessarily transactionally aligned with Spees’ so-called Center for Constitutional Rights — had audaciously hijacked that credibility to serve the global “gay” agenda with devastating implications for the cause of Christ around the world. The only way that can be stopped is for me to voluntarily return to the lion’s den and appeal the very ruling that released me from the lawsuit. We now do so willingly, placing our trust in God that he will vindicate us.

Now for some background for those not familiar with the case and its dismissal

On June 5th Judge Michael Ponsor finally pulled the plug on the federal lawsuit under which I have chaffed for five years and two months. Accused of “Crimes Against Humanity” for simply preaching against homosexuality – rationally and compassionately — in Uganda in 2009, I was continually pilloried, harassed and maligned by leftist media and activist organizations around the world and characterized as a global agent of genocidal malice and intent. In 2014, the world’s largest and most powerful homosexual advocacy group, the Human Rights Campaign, designated me as public enemy #1 of the “gay” agenda around the world – a move I believe was designed to bolster the SMUG v Lively lawsuit.

My Motion for Summary Judgment killing the suit was finally granted on the grounds that the Supreme Court had severely restricted the obscure 1790s law under which it was filed, the Alien Tort Statute (ATS). That occurred four years earlier in 2013, and I recall that in open court that year Judge Ponsor advised the parties that he would not rule on my then-pending Motion to Dismiss until SCOTUS had ruled in that case, strongly implying that SMUG v Lively would be moot if they curbed the reach of the ATS. Yet, after the ATS was gutted, Judge Ponsor not only denied my motion in a terribly hostile and blatantly flawed opinion, but also opposed my subsequent effort to ask the First Circuit Court of Appeals to review his decision.

Because of that, I was forced to endure another four years of pain and suffering at the hands of my leftist persecutors, whom Judge Ponsor had granted a fishing expedition into all of my files, writings and other ministry activities to look for ways to harm me. That “discovery process” placed a huge financial burden on my ministry, but even more so on Liberty Counsel, which had taken on my defense pro-bono.

The emotional burden was worse. I was grilled for two days under oath in Manhattan by a hired-gun Boston trial attorney, and forced to spend weeks responding to document demands and written interrogatories, and had year after year to assist my attorneys in preparing and reviewing countless legal filings. I lived throughout the entire half-decade of legal persecution with the knowledge that the long process – if not stopped by the judge – would end with a jury trial in Massachusetts, the most pro-homosexual state in the union, where the potential jury pool had all been subjected to years of propaganda casting me as a social pariah. The specter of a media-driven show trial and the likelihood of a politically motivated adverse ruling, with potentially large compensatory and punitive damages plus millions in attorney fees – followed by decades of harassment as SMUG’s debtor – always loomed before me.

This was all on top of the regular burden of hate-mail, slander and dirty tricks that anyone faces who opposes the “gay” agenda with any degree of effectiveness. Think “cake-bakers, printers and florists” and magnify the abuse they faced by several degrees of magnitude. My load of such things may be the heaviest of anyone in the U.S., though I’m pretty much used to it by now.

As a Christian pastor with deep trust in Jesus Christ, I willingly suffered all these things, praying always “Thy will, not my will, be done,” and recognized that I became a better man through that “refiner’s fire” of persecution. Still, pain of any kind is never easy to endure.

Then came June 5th. The case was dismissed and I was able to separate the sliver of good that I perceived Judge Ponsor did in finally following the law, from the great preponderance of malfeasance he perpetrated by NOT following the law four years ago and by issuing a ruling filled with animus toward me personally and legally indefensible conclusions about the law and facts of the case. I wrote to the journalist who interviewed me for the “Daily Beast” article:

“Like so many who embrace the “gay” cause as their own, Judge Ponsor lacks any sense of objectivity or fairness and has degraded himself and the federal judiciary with his sophomoric rhetoric and willingness to mischaracterize the facts to comport with a false political narrative.”

Over the past few days, my sense of relief from the dismissal has been replaced with the urgency of the danger posed by Judge Ponsor’s ruling to me and to Christian advocates around the world. As I began thinking of the implications of this ruling for me and all the courageous pro-family Christians around the world standing for Biblical truth against great opposition, I realized that our struggle is not yet over, and we must continue to defend the United States Constitution and our shared Biblical values. Therefore, I am voluntarily returning to the lions den. Please keep us in your prayer.

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SMUG v Lively Dismissed

Abiding Truth Ministries
PO Box 2373, Springfield, MA 01101, www.defendthefamily.com, www.scottlively.net
June 6, 2017

For Immediate Release
Contact: Pastor Scott Lively

Judge Dismisses Bogus SMUG v Lively
“Crimes Against Humanity” Federal Lawsuit

Ruling: http://www.scottlively.net/2017/06/06/smug-v-lively-dismissed/

Statement by Pastor Lively:

After five long years, the case of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) v Scott Lively has been dismissed. I thank God for His deliverance from this outrageous and malicious litigation, designed solely to silence my voice for Biblical truth on LGBT issues and to cause me pain and suffering for daring to speak against the “gay” agenda. I also thank Mat Staver and my Christian attorneys at Liberty Counsel, especially Harry Mihet and Roger Gannam, who took on and defeated SMUG’s team of 14 lawyers with exemplary skill and fortitude.

I thank Judge Michael Ponsor, as well, for overcoming his clear ideological bias enough to acknowledge the legal deficiency of SMUG’s case and bring it to a close – even though he had the option four years ago to dismiss this case following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that slammed the door shut on SMUG’S specious legal reasoning.

To be clear, the SMUG case was utterly fraudulent in law and in fact – from the premise that a handful of minor civil rights violations by government officials over a decade in Uganda constituted a “Crime Against Humanity” akin to Hitler’s atrocities, to the ridiculous claim that I masterminded the Ugandan officials actions, unsupported by even a shred of evidence. What I did was tell the documented truth about the history and tactics of the “gay” political movement, and urge a compassionate Biblical response, emphasizing rehabilitation and prevention for LGBT sufferers. That is all I have ever done in almost 30 years as a missionary to the global pro-family movement. No hatred. No advocacy of violence. No invasions of personal privacy. Just an insistence that homosexuality be denied normalization in the mainstream of society in favor of the natural family.

The enormity of Judge Ponsor’s decision to now grant my Motion for Summary Judgment is reflected in the excessive and inflammatory language he used to condemn my beliefs and writings in his ruling. I forgive him for that, especially since he knows it is merely conclusory rhetoric, without any supporting analysis or binding legal authority. There wasn’t any of the systematic prove-up of a serious District Court ruling. Instead he gave the left fodder for propaganda as a consolation prize – the sort of red-meat hyperbole one finds in a college newspaper editorial by a “gay” student activist — but he gave me the legal victory.

Indeed, given the expectation of his fellow travelers that he would put the “gay” agenda above the law, the vast amount of money and legal man-hours they invested to ensnare and harass me, and the extent to which they punish those whom they perceive as traitors to their cause, Judge Ponsor’s decision to finally release me from their trap may bear a personal cost at the hands of his LGBT “friends.” Granted, he could have avoided all the pain and pressure by simply recusing himself from the case at the outset by acknowledging that he has long been a vocal supporter of the “gay” cause, a past financial supporter of an organization that funds the plaintiff’s legal team, and that his former law clerk was a key part of that legal team. Still, what matters most is that he did the right thing in the end, and I am grateful.

Lastly, I thank the many thousands of friends and allies who have been praying for me and sending supportive messages since this bogus lawsuit began. My pledge to you is to redouble my efforts to speak the truth in love and to support and equip the pro-family movement around the world. Our vision for a family-centered society that tolerates but does not condone or normalize homosexuality and related disorders is a little clearer and brighter today.


Press Release by the attorneys of Liberty Counsel, whose extraordinarily generous investment of time and money made this victory possible:


Victory for American Pastor Falsely Accused of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
Jun 6, 2017

SPRINGFIELD, MA – Late yesterday, Liberty Counsel client and American pastor Scott Lively won summary judgment against the foreign LGBT activists, Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), which sued Lively for sharing his biblical views on homosexuality during three visits to Uganda in 2002 and 2009. The summary judgment order, entered by U.S. District Judge Michael A. Ponsor, puts an end to SMUG’s attempt to silence Lively and others who speak internationally about the LGBT agenda.

SMUG is represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights, which has received funding from George Soros. CCR is located at 666 Broadway in New York, an apt address for such an organization that attempts to use international law to silence people of faith and attack Israeli government officials.

In a direct challenge to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law, SMUG tried to create new and dangerous precedent using international “crimes against humanity”—akin to genocide and war crimes—by relying on the obscure Alien Tort Statute (ATS). In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court issued the deathblow to SMUG’s lawsuit by ruling that the ATS was never intended to allow a foreign citizen to sue a U.S. citizen in America alleging violation of some supposed international law. Scores of pending cases around the country were dismissed following the 2013 Supreme Court ruling in Kiobel, but the one not dismissed was the SMUG case. Judge Ponsor has a long history of support for the LGBT agenda and said he considers judges “the unappointed legislators of mankind.” Instead of dismissing the case in 2013, as it should have been, Ponsor opened the door for extensive and needless discovery.

Although Judge Ponsor’s order dismissed the case in 2017, for the same reasons he should have dismissed it in 2013 based on the Supreme Court precedent, he let his personal bias against pro-family values and support of the LGBT agenda slip into what should otherwise have been a straight legal opinion. Legally, Judge Ponsor had no choice on the law. The Supreme Court had clearly spoken. But what he did in his opinion is unbecoming by hurling names at Pastor Lively. None of the evidence supports any of the allegations.

After Judge Ponsor refused to dismiss the case in 2013, thousands of hours later, including 100 hours of depositions, and 40,000 pages of documents, SMUG failed to produce a shred of evidence of any conspiracy or persecution by Lively. Rather, the evidence showed that Lively, in a country where homosexuality has been illegal for decades, urged treatment of LGBT people with respect and dignity, and the liberalization of Uganda’s laws against homosexuality, even as he spoke in favor of biblical sexual morality and against the LGBT political agenda.

“This is a victory for the Constitution and the rule of law,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, “and all Christians should celebrate the end of a lawsuit intended only to intimidate an innocent pastor into silence. But the court’s open display of activism in deriding Lively’s beliefs reminds us of the threats American Christians continue to face from a judiciary that is increasingly hostile to any expression of biblical truth to a decaying culture,” said Staver.

“Once Judge Ponsor properly concluded that he had no jurisdiction over SMUG’s concocted claims, his only duty was to dismiss the case and send SMUG back to Uganda the same way it came—empty- handed,” added Horatio Mihet, Liberty Counsel’s Vice President of Legal Affairs and Chief Litigation Counsel. “Judge Ponsor was without any authority—constitutional, legal, or otherwise—to showcase his contempt for the family values advocated by Scott Lively. Judge Ponsor’s misinformed opinions about Scott Lively are not worth the paper they are written on,” said Mihet.

Pastor Lively commented: “I thank God for His deliverance from this outrageous and malicious litigation, designed solely to silence my voice for biblical truth on LGBT issues and to cause me pain and suffering for daring to speak against the ‘gay’ agenda. I also thank Mat Staver and my Christian attorneys at Liberty Counsel, especially Horatio Mihet and Roger Gannam, who took on and defeated SMUG’s team of 14 lawyers with exemplary skill and fortitude.” And, he continued, “I thank Judge Michael Ponsor, as well, for overcoming his clear ideological bias enough to acknowledge the legal deficiency of SMUG’s case and bring it to a close – even though he had the option four years ago to dismiss this case following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that slammed the door shut on SMUG’S specious legal reasoning.”

Liberty Counsel is an international nonprofit, litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family since 1989, by providing pro bono assistance and representation on these and related topics.

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June is SSAD Shame Month in the US Navy

When the Greatest Generation came home in victory from the global contest of good vs evil we call World War II, America enjoyed a time of moral clarity like none other in our history. In the decade that followed – the 1950s –we reached the height of our civility as a nation. Families were intact and healthy, communities were safe, entertainment was clean and wholesome, business and commerce thrived, churches and synagogues were full and socially engaged, and while improvements in race relations were slow, the Black family was a model of health and stability. It wasn’t perfect, but by most measures it was the closest we ever got before the calamitous 1960s when enthusiastic moral degeneracy began to define us as a people and we entered the long, slow descent into social chaos that continues today.

In 1957, the United States Marine Corps published a document titled “Moral Leadership: The Protection of Moral Standards and Character Education Program,” a set of official guidelines for the U.S. Navy and Marines. It defined the Ten Commandments as “the codified moral law” to which every person is bound as the highest form of law (p.7). With astonishing prescience, it stated:

“Homosexuality should not be accepted as merely a psychiatric problem, or a ‘natural’ event in an ‘age of enlightenment.’ It should be related to promiscuity, bad moral environment, lewdness and indecency. Moral failures in one area of human behavior must ultimately invite disaster in other areas (p.27).” https://archive.org/details/MoralLeadership.

Jump ahead 60 years to 2017 and see how far our moral standards have fallen. On June 1st, the official Facebook page for the United States Navy posted an image of the its official seal superimposed over a rainbow flag under a banner reading “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Month” and above a caption reading “Navy Celebrates 2017 LGBT Pride Month.” The accompanying message states: “The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community is a part of our #OneNavyTeam that contributes their diverse talents, skills and service to the strength of our #USNavy.”

Same Sex Attraction Disorder is not “Gay” it is SSAD, and there is absolutely nothing to be proud of in “LGBT” history. It is commendable that President Trump did not issue an endorsement of the moral atrocity called “Gay Pride Month” as Obama did each year, but he sends a mixed message by allowing the US Navy to do so under his watch.

Let’s review some facts about LGBT history and remember just how far from “pride” it falls. Documentation of the facts cited below may be found here: http://www.scottlively.net/2015/08/14/nothing-to-celebrate-in-lgbt-history/

First, since President Trump identifies as a Christian, lets remember that LGBT history goes all the way back to the beginning of civilization, where it was the sin that caused God to incinerate Sodom and Gomorrah as a warning to all future generations (Genesis 19). Later, in the list of most egregious sins, which God explains were the reason the Canaanites had to be expelled by military force from the Holy Land, homosexuality is singled out for special condemnation as an “abomination” (toeva), the harshest term of judgement in the Bible (Leviticus 18). That condemnation is reaffirmed in the New Testament, where homosexuality is singled out as the sin of rebellion that epitomizes the “reprobate mind” and apostasy (Romans 1). Balancing judgement with mercy, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 assures homosexuals they can be healed by Christ and indicates that “ex-Gays” were part of the early church. Importantly, not a single verse of Scripture condones any form of homosexuality despite the tortuous intellectual gymnastics of pro-LGBT heretics who falsely claim otherwise.

Shifting to the secular perspective does not rescue the LGBT movement from the reality of its past. According to preeminent “gay” historian Gert Heckma PhD, of the Gay Studies department of the University of Amsterdam, the modern movement began with the infamous Marquis de Sade, for whom “sadism” is named. Sade was sentenced to death in 1772 for sodomizing his manservant and for poisoning prostitutes.

The first “gay rights” organization in the United States was the American chapter of the German-based Society for Human Rights (SHR), formed in Chicago by Henry Gerber in 1924. The next year the organization collapsed when Gerber, Vice President Al Menninger and another member were arrested on charges of sexual abuse of a boy. The most prominent member of the SHR’s German parent organization was Ernst Roehm, one of “gay” Adolf Hitler’s closest friends and later head of the dreaded Nazi S.A. or “Storm Troopers.”

The second “gay rights” group in America was started years later by Harry Hay, the champion of pederasty (adult men with teen boys), who was famous for marching in “Gay Pride” Parades on behalf of NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association. NAMBLA, incidentally, was formed by LGBT pioneer David Thorstad, who also formed the Gay Activist Alliance, the earliest version of today’s Human Rights Campaign (HRC) the world’s largest LGBT advocacy organization. HRC’s founder, by the way, was Terrence Bean, in the news in recent years over charges of sexual abuse of a teenage boy.

June was chosen for Gay Pride Month because June 28th is “Gay Pride Day, the anniversary of the Stonewall riots of 1969, when “gay” rioters violently attacked police officers responding to an incident involving a boy prostitute.

The LGBT movement was birthed in depravity and violence and has never changed. Behind the facade of ubiquitous pro-LGBT propaganda in the media and academia is a community of deeply troubled people, rife with drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, self-destructive behaviors, “hate crime” hoaxes, Machiavellian political manipulations at every level, pathological self-centeredness, and seething hatred for anyone who dares oppose the “gay” agenda. While many strugglers manage to live decent and orderly lives despite their dysfunction, far too many others do not, and all of society suffers for failing to face that fact openly. Their cynical exploitation and degradation of our military for political gain is just one example of this enormous problem.

This article is to remind our Commander in Chief that making America great again means restoring the standards and values that America held when it was at its best, as reflected in the Navy Guidelines of 1957 – NOT perpetuating the moral degeneracy that represents America’s worst, as reflected in the Navy’s Facebook page today.

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Christian, Moslem and Jewish Common Ground: Reminding the Children of Abraham to Oppose the Common Enemy of Secular Humanism and Stand Firm for Family Values.

All across the western world the political left has begun propagandizing hard against “Islamophobia” in a multifaceted campaign to woo Moslems into their coalition of victim groups. My eyes were opened to this strategy a few months ago when I was asked to hold a seminar in Talent, Oregon on how to respond to a city resolution against “Islamophobia” that was a thinly veiled attack on Christians. Eyes opened, I quickly recognized that this is a coordinated global strategy, already deep-seated, with very serious implications. I’ve since come to suspect it was planned even before the “crisis” that flooded western nations with Moslem refugees.

In essence, the left is promising Moslems political power in exchange for acquiescing to the LGBT agenda and taking sides with the “gays” against Bible-believing Christians (and Torah-faithful Jews). The strategy appears to have worked in England and the European Union, where there are numerous pro-LGBT Moslem political leaders now in office, and it is spreading rapidly in America where it serves as another cynical Democrat maneuver to win elections.

I am reminded that the world’s most dangerous and aggressive “religion of global conquest” is not Islam but Secular Humanism – a religion rooted in Marxism that presumes a right of dominance over all competitors and which promotes an atheistic version of “religious tolerance” and “cultural diversity” as moral imperatives to neutralize dissent from its rule. It is the religion of globalism, and the common unifying ideology of the elites in every western nation.

This is not to discount the serious threat of radical Islam, but merely to highlight the relatively greater threat to Judeo-Christian civilization. It is the Secular Humanists who use sexual deviance to dissolve the foundations of the family centered social order designed by God, and who skillfully and continually pit the various religious and other factions of society against each other as a mechanism of control – for example, deliberately creating and inflaming monsters like Al Queda and ISIS to use as tools of “regime change.” Secular Humanism is, in my view, the religion of the Antichrist.

Last year my wife and I traveled to Kyrgyzstan where I lent support to a successful effort to amend its national constitution to define marriage as a man and a woman – which defeated a pro-LGBT campaign that appeared to be driven by the US Embassy and Soros-affiliated NGOs pushing Secular Humanist values. I didn’t realize till I arrived that my hosts were Moslems, but in our week-long stay with them, despite serious inherent theological differences, we came to find much in common and I decided to launch a project there that I had been developing conceptually over the past several years: The Natural Life Movement. My report on that is published here: http://www.scottlively.net/2016/10/19/experiment-in-kyrgyzstan-the-natural-life-movement/

My attitude was further changed in spending a day with a Moslem naval officer from Indonesia, who gave us a personal tour of the ancient Borobudur Bhuddist temple complex on the island of Java while we discussed theology and politics. I realized that not all Moslems fit the caricature we’ve allowed ourselves to adopt in conservative Christian circles – even if many or most do.

I believe limited and carefully defined Christian and Moslem cooperation is possible, and probably necessary to defend the natural family model all civilization depends upon. And to be clear, a prerequisite for that cooperation must be agreement on the Christian mandate of genuine compassion for people who suffer from homosexual and related dysfunctions even as we oppose their political agenda. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

Let me next address the knee-jerkers who suspect I’m just a babe-in-the-woods who needs to be set straight on the nature of Islam. As a Christian pastor who has traveled in several Moslem countries, I fully recognize the incompatibility of many aspects of Christian and Islamic theology and am not suggesting any sort of whitewashing of that, or compromise of faith principles. On the contrary, just as in dealing with any other belief system or ideology we must be able to differentiate the people from the beliefs or behavior we oppose. The guidance of Scripture has two parts: 1) Have no fellowship with the unfruitful WORKS of darkness, but rather reprove them (Eph 5:11), and 2) If it is possible on your part, live at peace with every PERSON (Romans 12:18).

Recently I proposed to my Kyrgyz friends that we create a Letter of Understanding on Christian/Moslem Cooperation regarding family values, and I have now begin the long process of study and “due diligence” necessary for a document of such serious import – a process that will involve foreign travel and on-site research and consultations over the next several months.

My first step is seeking counsel (Proverbs 15:22) and I began last week with an email to dozens of my friends and allies around the world. Two responses have been most helpful. A Catholic friend in London (in whose home Anne and I watched the BREXIT election returns last year) pointed me to the ongoing Moslem effort called “A Common Word,” here: http://www.acommonword.com/. And my Jewish friend Arthur Goldberg of the Jewish Institute for Global Awareness offered the following summary of how the Laws of Noah, common to all the Abrahamic religions, have been used to seek common ground despite serious differences:

“Because Noah is recognized as a prophet in the Koran, there is Muslim support for and compliance with the spread of the Seven Noahide Laws. This fact is evidenced by its specific acceptance by many Muslim leaders. For example, the Mayors of several Israeli Arab communities such as the Mayor of the Galilean City of Shefa-Amar (Shfaram) and the Abu Gosh Mayor (Salim Jaber), both of whom signed a declaration in 2004 committing to establish a more humane world by adopting the values of the seven Noahide Laws. Mohammed VI, the King of Morocco, has expressed the view in 2012 that these values truly unite civilizations. The spiritual leader of the Druze community in Israel, Sheikh Mowafak Tarif (in 2004) likewise recognized these seven principles as fundamental values of society. And, Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi, a leader of the Italian Muslim Assembly, unequivocally declared in 2006, ‘Islamic law holds within it the seven laws of Noah and can be taught correctly to the Muslims of the world.’ ”

I therefore issue the following statement of principle as the formal starting point for my pursuit of a broader Letter of Understanding:

“Notwithstanding deep theological and other differences, the people of the Abrahamic faiths strongly agree that homosexuality and related forms of sexual and gender deviance must be not be legitimized in public policy, but opposed through non-violent means that respect the inherent value of persons who struggle with these reversible disorders.”

My email is sdllaw@gmail.com for anyone who cares to comment constructively on the topic. Meanwhile, I urge the adoption and promotion of this statement of principle informally.

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Antisemitism and America’s Present Crisis

Antisemitism is a plague on the earth, and this article will explain why, but we must first precisely define “Semite” to identify what “antisemitism” actually is. “Jew-hatred” is probably the most commonly accepted shorthand version, invoking a tragic and ugly historical reality in the western world. But the deeper meaning of “antisemitism” is profoundly spiritual and actually indicts many Torah-faithless Jews who unrighteously wield the term as weapon. Their power to smear others with the antisemite brush suppresses scrutiny and criticism of their beliefs and acts that defy God and defile His Creation. Their blatant abuse of that power is itself a form of antisemitism in that it breeds resentment and hostility in the society that all Jews must then suffer.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), for example, is a predominantly Jewish organization. At its founding in 1971, it’s target was hate groups like Nazis and the KKK, both strongly antisemitic by anyone’s definition. Understandably, it’s donor base is reportedly largely Jewish also. Like many Christians, I supported the SPLC goals in those days, perceiving that my Jewish spiritual cousins were acting upon shared Biblical values. Later, however, when the SPLC began to define opposition to homosexuality as hate, Bible believing Christians and Torah-believing Jews were equated with Nazis, and my ministry was libeled as a hate group, as was the group “Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality” (JONAH) which the SPLC successfully sued and shut down in liberal New Jersey.

Public awareness of its malign transformation grew slowly, but today the name SPLC is widely associated with the militant defense of homosexual sodomy and the rejection of God and sexual normalcy. The Christian majority, whose prior sympathy for the SPLC helped it amass its now legendary financial war-chest, is shocked that those resources are now being used to persecute those most faithful to the Torah truths that once defined us as co-stewards of America’s Judeo-Christian cultural consensus.

This brings us to the true definition of “antisemite.” Like so many terms of the God-hating left, it is actually a euphemism as they use it. They obscure the meaning to give it the broadest possible effect as a tool of social manipulation while providing the least possible clarification of its limits and underlying logic.

Technically, a Semite (or Shemite) is any genetic descendant of Shem, first born son of Noah, so a literal, etymological meaning for antisemitism is a non-starter. A sizable percentage of genetic Semites in the world today are, unfortunately, Jew-hating Moslems.

Antisemitism might feasibly be reduced to “hatred of the descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel,” but that lends too much weight to genetics. There are a great many Jews not of Jacob’s bloodline.

No, to be precise, “Semite” is a religious designation, delineating the followers of Jehovah God (Yahweh) who descend from Jacob/Israel, or were incorporated into Yahweh worship by conversion, and who received God’s promises as passed down, via Isaac, from Abraham, the first person named in the Torah as a Hebrew. Importantly, referencing Genesis 14, Shem is identified by ancient rabbis in the Talmud as Melchizedek, whom the New Testament affirms was “King of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham and blessed him as he returned from defeating the kings” who had kidnaped Abraham’s nephew Lot (Hebrews 7:1). A school of Christian theological opinion based partly on the Talmud holds that the priestly Order of Melchizedek began with Adam’s son Seth and continued generation by generation to Shem and onward to Christ (Hebrews 6:20).

As a pastor, I teach what I call Whole Bible Christianity, in which understanding the New Testament requires a thorough understanding of the Old Testament, and a Hebrew rather than a Greek cultural perspective of both. I hold the Bible as literally true, which means I absolutely reject man-created doctrines in which the Christian church is deemed to have replaced Israel in Biblical interpretation (“replacement theology”). With Paul, I warn Christian believers against that falsehood: “I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be!…if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you” (Romans 11:1-18).

By my analysis, a “Semite” cannot therefore be defined by DNA, but only by loyalty to God, and must include both Jews and Christians who are faithful to the principles of His Torah, while excluding those who aren’t.  (This is not to say that there aren’t plenty of Jew-haters in this world who don’t care one bit about the spiritual reality — but it should be important to Christians and Jews).

“Replacement theology” has produced terrible consequences over the centuries: many utterly indefensible, often horrific persecutions of Jews stain the history of the Christian west. These understandably created among the Jews a deep-seated culture of self-protection that manifests in a variety of ways today, including the pursuit of top-down social and political controls through such key systems as central banks and mass media. It has also sometimes manifested in the US as sabotage of Christian culture through short-sighted cultural maneuvers, such as working to convert Jefferson’s “separation of church and state” metaphor into constitutional law, subverting the constitution itself. The public is not blind to these things, though many fear to discuss, which breeds wild-eyed conspiracy theories and further antisemitism.

Worst and most destructive of all is the overt promotion of sexual perversion, the insane ultimate outworking of the fear-driven impulse to secularize society that, for example, the SPLC’s fundraising so skillfully exploits. Inexcusably, and inexplicably, that has become a defining cultural goal of many American Jews (and leftist Christians) in media, academia, government and the business world.

My recent DNA profile tells me I’m an ethnic Semite, with a high genetic correlation to Sephardic Jews and a lesser connection to Ashkenazi Jews. My theology tells me I’m a spiritual Semite through Christ. I’ve always had a high affinity for righteous Jews, quite a number of whom I’ve considered among my best friends and allies over the years. The prolific Rabbi Samuel Dresner, from whom I learned so much, hired me to rework his manuscript The Case Against Homosexuality: A Jewish View for publication. I dedicated my own book The Poisoned Stream, to the indomitable Jewish cultural crusader Dr. Howard Hurwitz of New York City. My most famous work, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, was co-authored by my great long-term Orthodox Jewish friend Kevin E. Abrams. And I’ve had a long working relationship with the stalwart rabbis of Torah Jews for Decency.

Relying on all of this for my authority (if the plain truth is not enough), I issue a challenge to the American Jewish community to stop ignoring the antisemitism coming from your own people. Stop funding the SPLC hate group. Stop using your enormous power and resources to undermine Biblical values. Start recognizing the extent to which your rejection of your own Torah’s guidance needlessly fosters resentment and hostility toward you.

You have greatly influenced the rise of secularism and its consequences. I invite you to help undo that damage through the mutual reestablishment of our Judeo-Christian moral heritage.

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Beautyful Normalcy and Beastly Perversion: Persuading Disney to Honor its Legacy

I have a confession to make. While a part of the Christian world is pushing a boycott of Disney Corporation’s remake of Beauty and the Beast, my wife and I spent today at Disneyland, and we didn’t even have our grandchildren with us. Why? Because we wanted to have a day away from all the constant reminders of perversion in our society in a place that is absolutely 100% affirming of heterosexual normalcy. Disneyland’s slogan is “The Happiest Place on Earth,” but in reality it should be called the “The Straightest Place on Earth.” There is literally no other large commercial venture on this planet so utterly family oriented, or so packed with families wanting to be together there that it sometimes produces pedestrian traffic jams in the park.

Disney Corporation’s cash cow would in fact quickly run dry if its executives ever dared to convert Walt Disney’s family friendly life’s work to reflect leftist sexual values. The proof is in the pudding. There is not now, nor will there ever be a line of 75 little girls waiting in the hot sun in princess costumes to get their picture with Bruce “Kaitlyn” Jenner, as there were today to meet Princess Arial. Thank God that after more than five decades of anti-family leftist control of American culture, little girls still want to be like Cinderella and little boys still want to be like Peter Pan. There may be a growing number of troubled children and teens falling into the clutches of the LGBT “community” – a huge problem – but in the big picture the percentages are still minuscule, and they are starkly contrasted with the vast numbers of kids growing up to be just as heterosexually normal as Mom and Dad.

Knowing their own business model, why would high-ranking Disney officials allow the leftist activists among them to diddle around the edges of Walt Disney’s legacy with stupid little pro-“gay” symbolic gestures?

Christian leaders have often asserted that it’s because they can’t help themselves. They’re simply compelled to push the LGBT envelope at all costs. That may be true at their subsidy, ABC, which just had yet another overtly homosexual television program crash and burn. But it’s not true at Disneyland or Disney Studios, no matter how many employees may have sexual dysfunction issues.

No, the truth is ironically a backhanded affirmation of normalcy. The Disney Execs are deliberately and cynically exploiting the “freak-show” nature of LGBT culture. They’re trying to create some controversy, because that’s what attracts public attention – the golden ticket of marketing – without overly agitating the average American Mom. It’s a delicate balancing act but they’ve worked out a pretty successful formula: provoking fundamentalist Christians like me into reacting to things that the majority of secular and nominally Christian people will think are not all that bad. And like fish we usually rise to the bait – launching yet another boycott with almost zero chance of success; marginalizing ourselves in the eyes of the majority who might agree to a point on the larger principle, but not enough to inconvenience themselves; and handing another marketing victory to our cultural adversaries.

I’m not against boycotts per se, and have participated in many of them. I understand and share the desire not to enrich any company that’s using the profits from my purchases in a way that undermines my values in the society. But when a strategy isn’t working, or when, as with Disney, our adversaries have learned how to exploit our predictable tactics to their financial advantage, it’s time to go back to the drawing board.

Beauty and the Beast is enjoying a massive opening weekend as well it should as one of the greatest heterosexual love stories of all time – not because of any incidental “gay” character, but in spite of it. Not only is the heroine of the story the very epitome of feminine sweetness and nurturing compassion, and the hero the epitome of masculine strength and virtue, but their relationship reenacts the essential truth of civilization: that the role of healthy, normal women is to civilize men and steer their masculinity away from animalistic selfishness toward the care and protection of their family.

The social commentator George Gilder noted this in his landmark book “Men and Marriage” (1995) “The crucial process of civilization is the subordination of male sexual impulses and biology to the long-term horizons of female sexuality. The overall sexual behavior of women in the modern world differs relatively little from the sexual life of women in primitive societies. It is male behavior which must be changed to create a civilized order….In creating civilization, women transform male lust into love; channel male wanderlust into jobs, homes, and families; link men to specific children; rear children into citizens; change hunters into fathers; divert male will to power into a drive to create.” This is the same truth in fairy tale form in Beauty and the Beast!

Disney has just released one of the most blatantly heterosexist movies of all time, and will profit enormously from it! Best of all, it is inculcating founder Walt Disney’s family-friendly values in another generation of children, who are also learning another essential truth: that the “gay” character is usually the bad guy. Why would any Christian boycott this film?

No amount of pandering to or funding of the “gay” lobby from its profits can undo Disney’s betrayal of leftist ideology here. What is more, Beauty and the Beast is just one asset in the entire treasury of pro-family films that Disney depends upon for its financial survival.

I suggest that instead of boycotting and opposing Disney, we Christians push the other direction. Lets use the Disney collection, all of its plots, themes and characters as examples of our values in a million letters to the editor, talk show call-ins, and conversations at church, school and work. By the sheer volume of our voices, let’s make Disney publicly acknowledge how much it depends for its success on the pro-family values it’s treasury of assets projects into to the world every single day. What can they do in response? Create new “gay” versions to spite us? Not on your life.

A symbol of Christianity is the fish, but the Bible tells us that in dealing with the world we are instead to be wise as serpents. Let’s stop taking the bait every time some leftist media marketer calls us posing a concerned citizen, trying to get some free publicity from our overreaction. Lets be smart for a change and force the giant to fight for us by sitting on his shoulders to shout the truths he cannot afford to deny.

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Beautyful Normalcy and Beastly Perversion: Persuading Disney to Honor its Legacy

I have a confession to make. While a part of the Christian world is pushing a boycott of Disney Corporation’s remake of Beauty and the Beast, my wife and I spent today at Disneyland, and we didn’t even have our grandchildren with us. Why? Because we wanted to have a day away from all the constant reminders of perversion in our society in a place that is absolutely 100% affirming of heterosexual normalcy. Disneyland’s slogan is “The Happiest Place on Earth,” but in reality it should be called the “The Straightest Place on Earth.” There is literally no other large commercial venture on this planet so utterly family oriented, or so packed with families wanting to be together there that it sometimes produces pedestrian traffic jams in the park.

Disney Corporation’s cash cow would in fact quickly run dry if its executives ever dared to convert Walt Disney’s family friendly life’s work to reflect leftist sexual values. The proof is in the pudding. There is not now, nor will there ever be a line of 75 little girls waiting in the hot sun in princess costumes to get their picture with Bruce “Kaitlyn” Jenner, as there were today to meet Princess Arial. Thank God that after more than five decades of anti-family leftist control of American culture, little girls still want to be like Cinderella and little boys still want to be like Peter Pan. There may be a growing number of troubled children and teens falling into the clutches of the LGBT “community” – a huge problem – but in the big picture the percentages are still minuscule, and they are starkly contrasted with the vast numbers of kids growing up to be just as heterosexually normal as Mom and Dad.

Knowing their own business model, why would high-ranking Disney officials allow the leftist activists among them to diddle around the edges of Walt Disney’s legacy with stupid little pro-“gay” symbolic gestures?

Christian leaders have often asserted that it’s because they can’t help themselves. They’re simply compelled to push the LGBT envelope at all costs. That may be true at their subsidy, ABC, which just had yet another overtly homosexual television program crash and burn. But it’s not true at Disneyland or Disney Studios, no matter how many employees may have sexual dysfunction issues.

No, the truth is ironically a backhanded affirmation of normalcy. The Disney Execs are deliberately and cynically exploiting the “freak-show” nature of LGBT culture. They’re trying to create some controversy, because that’s what attracts public attention – the golden ticket of marketing – without overly agitating the average American Mom. It’s a delicate balancing act but they’ve worked out a pretty successful formula: provoking fundamentalist Christians like me into reacting to things that the majority of secular and nominally Christian people will think are not all that bad. And like fish we usually rise to the bait – launching yet another boycott with almost zero chance of success; marginalizing ourselves in the eyes of the majority who might agree to a point on the larger principle, but not enough to inconvenience themselves; and handing another marketing victory to our cultural adversaries.

I’m not against boycotts per se, and have participated in many of them. I understand and share the desire not to enrich any company that’s using the profits from my purchases in a way that undermines my values in the society. But when a strategy isn’t working, or when, as with Disney, our adversaries have learned how to exploit our predictable tactics to their financial advantage, it’s time to go back to the drawing board.

Beauty and the Beast is enjoying a massive opening weekend as well it should as one of the greatest heterosexual love stories of all time – not because of any incidental “gay” character, but in spite of it. Not only is the heroine of the story the very epitome of feminine sweetness and nurturing compassion, and the hero the epitome of masculine strength and virtue, but their relationship reenacts the essential truth of civilization: that the role of healthy, normal women is to civilize men and steer their masculinity away from animalistic selfishness toward the care and protection of their family.

The social commentator George Gilder noted this in his landmark book “Men and Marriage” (1995) “The crucial process of civilization is the subordination of male sexual impulses and biology to the long-term horizons of female sexuality. The overall sexual behavior of women in the modern world differs relatively little from the sexual life of women in primitive societies. It is male behavior which must be changed to create a civilized order….In creating civilization, women transform male lust into love; channel male wanderlust into jobs, homes, and families; link men to specific children; rear children into citizens; change hunters into fathers; divert male will to power into a drive to create.” This is the same truth in fairy tale form in Beauty and the Beast!

Disney has just released one of the most blatantly heterosexist movies of all time, and will profit enormously from it! Best of all, it is inculcating founder Walt Disney’s family-friendly values in another generation of children, who are also learning another essential truth: that the “gay” character is usually the bad guy. Why would any Christian boycott this film?

No amount of pandering to or funding of the “gay” lobby from its profits can undo Disney’s betrayal of leftist ideology here. What is more, Beauty and the Beast is just one asset in the entire treasury of pro-family films that Disney depends upon for its financial survival.

I suggest that instead of boycotting and opposing Disney, we Christians push the other direction. Let’s use the Disney collection, all of its plots, themes and characters as examples of our values in a million letters to the editor, talk show call-ins, and conversations at church, school and work. By the sheer volume of our voices, let’s make Disney publicly acknowledge how much it depends for its success on the pro-family values it’s treasury of assets projects into to the world every single day. What can they do in response? Create new “gay” versions to spite us? Not on your life.

A symbol of Christianity is the fish, but the Bible tells us that in dealing with the world we are instead to be wise as serpents. Lets stop taking the bait every time some leftist media marketer calls us posing a concerned citizen, trying to get some free publicity from our overreaction. Lets be smart for a change and force the giant to fight for us by sitting on his shoulders to shout the truths he cannot afford to deny.

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Russians, Resets and Recusal

Recusal is the act of voluntarily taking oneself out of the seat of decision making on a matter in which there is an appearance of bias that could undermine public confidence in one’s decisions. Recusal does not equate to guilt, only to the perception of bias which may or may not be accurate, and amounts to sacrificing oneself to preserve the authority and dignity of the court. Only the most law-abiding of people, like Senator Jeff Sessions, recuse themselves when the perception of bias is false. What one sacrifices is the legal right to keep control of the matter in one’s own hands, which is an act of virtue and thus why Democrats almost never do it.

Justices Gingsberg and Kagan didn’t have just the appearance of bias when they refused to recuse themselves on the “gay marriage” case at the Supreme Court: they had actual and blatant conflict of interest in having performed “gay weddings” while the case was pending! Judge Vaughn Walker didn’t have just an appearance of bias when he struck down protections for authentic marriage in CA’s Prop 8 case, he had actual conflict of interest in that he was a homosexual who only disclosed his dysfunction after retirement. Loretta Lynch didn’t have just the appearance of bias in the Hillary Clinton criminal investigation, she had actual conflict of interest in meeting with Slick Willie Clinton, her husband, while the matter was pending. Despite this, none of these Democrats recused themselves. These are only four examples of hundreds from just the past decade.

The perception of bias in Attorney General Sessions’ recusal is not only a false perception, it is based on his response to an bogus intelligence report invented by Obama for the purpose of discrediting the Trump administration. Obama has set up a shadow government for that purpose as I predicted here back on November 17th : http://www.scottlively.net/2016/11/17/world-war-d-part-2/ : and January 3rd : http://www.scottlively.net/2017/01/03/obamas-hitlerian-departure/

At the root of the Obama strategy and propaganda is the false premise that the Russian government is an evil America-hating regime that seeks to weaken or control the United States through James Bondesqe subversion and spycraft. Back in the 1960s and 70, when the liberals were politically aligned with the Russians, the Russian-based Soviet Communist bloc WAS in fact an evil empire, and DID work to subvert America. Indeed, the Cultural Marxism dominant in our university system and mainstream media attest to their success. Today, however, the Russian Federation is socially and fiscally conservative and strongly anti-Marxist.

Obama’s strategy and tactics depend on Americans general ignorance of the dramatic reversal of Russian culture since Ronald Reagan facilitated a Christian revival in what is now the Russian Federation and various independent nations in Eastern Europe. When the Berlin Wall came down, the churches torn down by the Obama-style Soviet Communists were rebuilt and, after a couple of decades of gangsterism due to social disorder, today’s primary cultural influence is not Marxism (as it is in the Democrat Party USA) but Orthodox Christianity.

I am speaking from first-hand observation. I’ve been to Russia three times over the past dozen years including a ten day mission trip to the Russian far east in 2006, a fifty-city speaking tour in 2007 through Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia (from Siberia all the way to St. Petersburg) and I was in Moscow in 2013 where I was interviewed on Russian national television by the Orthodox Patriarch’s right hand man for family issues. In 2011 I did a mission trip to Moldova and helped the 95% pro-family population stop their US-influenced government from sneaking through a major pro-homosexuality law whose passage was timed to match the arrival of Joe Biden. Since 2013 I have visited Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Kyrgyzstan, helping the latter protect marriage in its national constitution in 2016.

I know from whereof I speak: ideologically and culturally the Russian people are the closest match to American conservatives and populists in the entire world, and it is only the constant Obama/McCain/Soros/MSM/Deep State anti-Russian propaganda that keeps the Americans from seeing it. Yet, I fault the conservatives and populists themselves in this, since the very people they’re trusting for news on such matters as Syria, Ukraine, the US election and Russia itself are the one’s they know for a fact ALWAYS lie about cultural and spiritual issues here at home.

I can’t speak to Putin’s character pro or con, but I know he’s a more faithful representative of the will of the Russian people than any of our US presidents from HW Bush through Obama, and I certainly don’t trust the people who are poisoning western minds against him. If anything, their hostility to Putin should enhance his credibility among conservatives.

Sure there are legitimate geopolitical factors at play that cannot be ignored: such as Russia’s alliance with terrorist Shiite Moslem Iran, which blew up our embassy in Beirut and sponsors Hamas and Hezbollah, but that’s hardly worse than the US alliance with Sunni Moslem Saudi Arabia from where most of the 911 attackers originated (and whose brand of Islam spawned both Al Queda and ISIS). There’s also the conflict between “our” oligarchs vs “their” oligarchs who are competing for control of various oil reserves and pipelines (perhaps the biggest factor behind the Syrian proxy war). But a strong US/Russian partnership on global issues could solve those problems.

If I were President Trump I would do three things to turn the tables on Obama’s shadow government and the deep state.

First, I would take on the Russian issue head-on and declare a new and better reset, Trump-style .

Second, I would rehire General Flynn and put him in charge of draining the swamp in the federal bureaucracy.

Third, I would ask pro-America/pro-Russia Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary to host a summit meeting of Presidents Trump, Putin, Prime Minister Netanyahu and like-minded world leaders to discuss a new global alliance in which natural resources are shared without warfare, basic human rights to religious freedom and family values are prioritized, and the Moslem world is forced to end terrorism by its adherents and to recognize Israel’s right to exist.

The world would be a far better place under such an overtly Judeo-Christian alliance than what we have now under the greedy, Godless globalists.

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Milo and the “Stockholm Syndrome” of Sodom

In the mid-1970s, America was introduced to “Stockholm Syndrome” when 19 year old Berkeley student and heiress Patty Hearst was transformed from kidnap victim to domestic terrorist by identifying with her captors. Stockholm Syndrome is trauma-induced mental enslavement to the person or group causing the trauma, and Hearst has ever since been its poster child. Her identity hijacked, she joined her Simbionese Liberation Army kidnappers and eventually went to jail for crimes she committed voluntarily in that false persona.

In the unfolding spectacle of the Milo Yiannopoulos pederasty scandal, America is being introduced to a far more potent and common form of this phenomenon: Sodom Syndrome. Like millions of boys through the centuries, 14-year old Milo was recruited into homosexuality by an adult homosexual predator. He then justified his molester, “Father Michael,” in his own mind and recently in unwise but candid media comments. Very typically of adult homosexual men who experienced similar recruitment, Milo portrayed Father Michael as a sort-of coming-of-age mentor, and his young teen self as a consensual partner, fully competent to make his own decisions. (Historically, most male leaders of the “gay” movement share this profile).

In response to the scandal, Milo has recast himself as a helpless victim. While this seems cynical, he actually IS a victim to a far greater extent than most people, and even he himself, realize. I believe what Milo experienced at 14 was Sodom Syndrome, and like Patty Hearst to the SLA, his identity was subsumed into the LGBT culture by psycho/sexual trauma, reinforced by associating sexual climax with his predator’s orientation. Its all about brain chemistry and subconscious coping mechanisms, not free choice – at least not at first.

Like Milo I had a bad relationship with my father, and ventured into the world at an early age. An alcoholic from age 12 and a pothead/drug addict from 14 I lived a vagabond/hitchhiker lifestyle that lasted over ten years and spanned the continent. As such I was a ripe target for recruitment by predators and was solicited by “gay” recruiters countless times. To be fair, only rarely did these men attempt force and fortunately none was successful. To be clear, I never experienced same-sex attraction and didn’t succumb to “gay” recruitment, though I don’t believe anyone is immune to Sodom Syndrome.

When I was about 14 or 15, I spent an afternoon smoking pot with a “gay” guy in his 20’s who explained that young people during puberty have a very fluid sexual identity and how easy it had been for him to turn young teen boys into sex partners. I was very non-judgmental in those days, and didn’t think twice about it, nor similar conversations I had with other homosexuals (though few were that forthright). A confirming study I later saw said 25% of young teens suffer same-sex confusion but most grow out of it naturally by the end of adolescence.

After I had surrendered my life to Christ, been delivered from my addictions and started a family of my own, I saw the world in a wholly different light. A nineteen-year old man, who had “come out” as “gay” after being molested seven or eight years earlier, himself molested a four-year-old boy. I was close to both families and watched that child change from sweet and loveable to hyperactive and rage-driven. He never became homosexual himself to my knowledge, but never really recovered either and now in his 40s lives a miserable life of addiction and crime.

Later as my compassion grew for homosexuals, we took in a repentant ex-“gay” who was dying of AIDS. Sonny lived with us for the last year of his life and I was with him when he died. He attributed his homosexuality to being raped at age seven in a YMCA men’s room by a friend of his father. Sonny’s form of Sodom Syndrome compelled him to seek “gay” sex in settings with the strong smell of urine. He never chose to be that way and expressed deep shame in it, but even in his last days in Christ, the pattern burned into his brain by the youthful trauma remained the identity of his flesh while his mind and spirit were freed only through sexual abstinence.

In the earliest days of my ministry I had the pleasure of making friends with Anthony Falzerano, a leader of the ex-“gay” movement. He said the most common denominator in boys who get recruited is a kind-of “father-hunger” due to troubled family relationships, and that this is easily recognized by predators on the prowl because they suffered it themselves. He and other ex-“gay” leaders showed me by example that the cure to homosexual dysfunction is restoration of male normalcy through long-term healthy relationships with fatherly mentors.

My ex-“gay” friend Richard of Portland, OR sought me out in this way after the predator who made him his houseboy at age 12 (his piano teacher) kicked him out and replaced him when he got too old. My fatherly help blessed Richard through some rough times and gave me personal experience in mentoring ex-“gays.” He never went back and is doing well today.

I’m frequently accused by pro-LGBT leftists of being a suppressed homosexual myself because my life’s work has been opposing their agenda. That’s not true of me, but I’m not insulted by the suggestion because I don’t despise homosexuals like they assume. I do this work because I am a Christian saved by grace, trained for and assigned to this work by my Savior. I do it because I recognize that the sin of Sodom is the most destructive force in human civilization, singularly unique in it’s condemnation in the Bible. I do it because I don’t want to see any more young people lose their innate heterosexual identity to the Sodom Syndrome. Make no mistake – the problem is growing like runaway cancer because we’ve allowed it to go mainstream.

Past criticisms notwithstanding, my heart grieves for Milo Yiannopoulos, because I see what I might myself have become under different circumstances and it is hard to watch anyone crash and burn so spectacularly. What Milo really needs is his Father in Heaven, of course, but he also needs a Dad to lead him out of the darkness of perversion back into the light of normalcy. I pray that this crisis will open his life and heart to both. I’m personally willing to help him in that, if he doesn’t have anyone else. I also pray that Milo’s suffering will not be in vain, but truly open America’s eyes to Sodom Syndrome and it’s own sin in pretending – as a way to avoid confronting hard truths and harsh push-back — they’re all just “born that way” and can’t be cured.

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The Illusion of Chaos

I’m encouraging Christians not to fall prey to the false-reality being spun by the elites against the Trump administration and our nation. It’s just an illusion now but could become reality if God’s people forget how the Deceiver works, and who’s really in charge. If we let the spooks deceive us into stampeding, they’ll run us right off the cliff. They’re called spooks for a reason.

“The Gates of Hell cannot prevail against the church.” The spiritual truth behind that scripture is that Satan has no power against a person who steadfastly abides in Christ. The Evil One can only do what God allows him to do, but that latitude includes the right to try to trick us into exercising our own self-will self-destructively. God measures our faith in Him by whether we cling to His truth or believe the lies. Thus, Satan’s most potent weapon is deception – especially fear-inducing illusions that tempt us to run away instead of standing firm, voluntarily giving up the ground that our adversary could never otherwise take from us.

As a veteran pro-family activist I know this principle intimately. Through testing and occasional failure in earlier years, I now understand and embrace the corollary scripture “therefore, having done all to stand, STAND.” Indeed, after more than a quarter century of taking everything the “gay” movement could throw at me, culminating in the current bogus federal lawsuit for “Crimes Against Humanity” for preaching against homosexuality in Uganda, my ministry has become a symbol of courage under fire internationally.

They can’t stop me from speaking the plain truth in love, but, importantly, that doesn’t stop them either, because the fabrications and misrepresentations they spin about me and the presumption that I am hurt by them, puts fear into others, and causes them to compromise the truth or remain silent so as not to suffer the same fate. (The truth is that standing up to their persecution has caused me to be spiritually blessed beyond what I ever thought possible.)

Satan is not creative. His strategies and tactics are tediously predictable, once you recognize them. Of course, it’s not easy to stand firm when it seems like you’re about to be engulfed by a mountainous rushing wall of fire, but if you do stand firm the illusion vaporizes on contact and you realize it was a lie. Once you’ve stood up to that wall a few times it loses most of its effect on you.

No group is better at this satanic strategy than the “gay” political movement, which was an unstated reason why open homosexuals were never allowed into the intelligence agencies in the history of the nation, a policy upheld by the none other than the 9th Circuit US Appeals Court in the 1990 case, “High Tech Gays v. Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office.” (Indicating just how dangerous to our nation the idea of homosexual spooks was even to the farthest left-wing judges in the country: J. Edgar Hoover was by no means an anomaly.) But then along came Bill Clinton who issued Executive Order 12968 on August 2, 1995, opening the intelligence agencies and top secret security clearance to the Machiavellian “gay” network.

That policy continued under W. Bush, and when Obama came into office the floodgates really flew open. My guess based solely on my knowledge of the “gay” movement and Obama’s personal priorities, is that the today’s alphabet soup of intelligence agencies could easily be condensed to just four letters: LGBT, since that’s almost certainly who’s driving the agenda evidenced in the ongoing treasonous sabotage of the Trump administration.

More critical to the process of creating the false reality by which the far left has steered American public policy for decades is the mainstream media. Again, an industry so heavily dominated by “gays” and homosexualists that there is no longer even a pretense of balance on stories related to LGBT issues. Pro-family views are openly equated with racism and denied inclusion in news reporting. That same subjectivity and arrogance drives their narrative on their entire slate of issues.

My greatest concern about the Trump administration is that secular-minded advisors will allow self-defeating politically-correct assumptions to convince them to leave the “gays” in the swamp, assuming that will win them points with the ultra-powerful LGBT lobby and the larger progressive community it dominates, as well as crossover libertarian and secularist constituencies.

My prayer is that President Trump will awaken to the correlation of anti-Trump radicalism on the left with the “gay” movement and realize that on virtually any issue one can name the most aggressive liars and agitators are homosexuals and their closest surrogates, and that these people absolutely, positively cannot be placated (just ask the Boy Scouts of America). In other words, there is a spiritual dimension to the culture war in which the key common denominator is LGBT affiliation.

I call on Mr. Trump to adopt my earlier recommendation to establish a “Separation of LGBT and State” as outlined here: http://www.scottlively.net/2017/01/22/the-separation-of-lgbt-and-state-how-the-trump-administration-should-handle-non-traditional-sexual-lifestyles/

I further urge him to take the bold and courageous step of revoking Executive Order 12968 and restoring the ban on “gays” in the intelligence agencies as it existed until 1990.

As to my fellow Christian believers, I urge a steadfast resolve to back every policy of the Trump administration that works to restore America to her former greatness, regardless of the illusion of chaos being spun about them by the Obama/Soros/Media shadow government and their agents in the federal bureaucracy and on the streets. Lets not be stampeded away from Trump by the very propagandists and social engineers who consistently misrepresent us just as egregiously.

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America’s Crisis of Judicial Ethics: A Call to Action


The entirely biased rulings on President Trump’s immigration executive order by leftist federal “Judge” James Robart of Seattle, upheld by three-”judges” of the far-left Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, is unfortunately not shocking. It follows on the heels of the utterly lawless Obergefell decision in which two “justices” of the US Supreme Court refused to recuse themselves despite having performed “gay weddings” during the pendency of the case, the most egregious abuse of judicial ethics in the history of the high court.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Elena Kagan might just as well have taken a sledge hammer to the blindfolded statute of Lady Justice, since they reduced the presumption of impartiality in our courts to rubble on that day. Robart and his comrades salted through our judicial system, were given “carte blanch” by the Obergefell majority to substitute their personal ideology for the rule of law, and a new era of increased leftist judicial tyranny and obstructionism began.

The sad state of our judiciary is one of the most disheartening consequences of America’s continuing moral degeneration. Corruption and abuse of power has always existed in human legal systems, as the reference to the “unjust judge” in Luke 18:6 attests. But a hallmark of an advanced Christian society is a truly impartial judiciary and America was once the gold standard in this. I emphasize “Christian” society (by which I mean Judeo-Christian) because true justice is only possible when the law it administers is itself clear, rational and immutable. Only the Bible truly meets that criteria, which is why the concept of “stare decisis” (binding legal precedent) originated in the common law of Christian Europe.

Stare decisis, the Latin phrase meaning “to stand by what is already decided,” is the bedrock on which stands the Rule of Law as contrasted with the Rule of Man. It originated in the middle ages in England (when the Roman symbol of Lady Justice was first blindfolded to emphasize equal justice under law) and, by virtue of the eventual global dominance of the British Empire, has shaped or strongly influenced nearly every system of jurisprudence in the world.

The Rule of Law presupposes that judges are instruments of Almighty God for resolving disputes, setting aside their own opinions and biases to be a conduit of His will, and thus when one judge has ruled on a matter, that matter is settled, since God doesn’t change. The entire system depends upon the integrity of the judges, and their submission to the Law Above the Law. It is not surprising, therefore, that the erosion of judicial ethics in America parallels the rise of secularism in our society, and is most clearly observed where issues of Biblical morality are at stake.

I first encountered the crisis of judicial ethics as a newly awakened pro-life activist in the late 1980s when Judge Nely Johnson was forced to recuse herself from the case of the so-called “Lovejoy Eight” in Portland Oregon. She had jailed these eight pro-lifers indefinitely, granting them freedom only if they agreed to pledge never again to “trespass” at an abortion clinic. It wasn’t the blatant unconstitutionality of her order that stopped her, only the public disclosure of her election campaign fundraising letter that began “Dear Pro-Choice Supporter.”

My next encounter was a 1992 battery lawsuit against me personally by a lesbian activist from Just Out magazine who set me up in a trap called “Bird Dogging.” http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/10/17/exclusive-okeefe-video-sting-exposes-bird-dogging-democrats-effort-to-incite-violence-at-trump-rallies/ . The goal was to publicly smear me because I was the spokesman for a pro-family ballot initiative (Measure 9) seeking to amend the Oregon constitution to block special rights minority status based on homosexuality. The corrupt Multnomah County court system appointed a corporate lawyer from NIKE corporation (a strong opponent of the ballot measure) as my judge.

My “sure-fire win” in the case was the Assistant District Attorney’s written report rejecting criminal charges (and consequently civil liability) because the self-described “Bull Dyke” confessed she was criminally trespassing during the incident. However, when the ADA suffered a memory lapse in court, the “Judge” threatened my newly licensed attorney with sanctions if he tried to show the jury the report itself and he caved. Thus I lost and became the subject of a million-dollar “October Surprise” ad buy of the No on 9 committee characterizing me as a Nazi-like lesbian-beater. That was the first of five major lawsuits brought against me by LGBT activists and the reason I became a lawyer myself.

As an attorney, I encountered more serious ethical breaches by judges, the most egregious being the ruling by Judge Vaughn Walker (the guy who came out as a homosexual after ruling against California’s marriage-protecting Measure 8 and then retiring). Walker said the free speech rights of my two African American female clients, employees of the City of Oakland, were “vanishingly small,” and upheld the city‘s refusal to let them form a Good News Employee Association as an alternative to the Gay and Lesbian Employees Association. The pinnacle of my career as a constitutional lawyer was arguing their appeal before a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit, held in special session at Stanford University, so these leftist “judges” could give Stanford law students a good look at how Christian conservatives can be denied constitutional rights with impunity. They then left the decision “unpublished,” knowing it would never survive use as a precedent for other cases. Very shrewd but thoroughly unethical.

There’s a lot of hand-wringing by conservatives about the federal judiciary today but this is not in insoluble problem. A vigorous utilization of its impeachment powers by a resolute U.S. Congress can save us from these tyrants, and a pitchforks-and-torches level of populist anger can put the steel in the spine of our federal legislators to make it happen.

I further call on the U.S. Justice Department to immediately publish a statement outlining the fundamentals of judicial ethics to which American jurists are subject — simple and straightforward enough to give citizens a standard to measure judges’ conduct against — and to create a new division of the department to investigate breaches of judicial ethics and issue public reports on their conclusions, and to recommend public sanctions including impeachment to the Congress in cases of serious violations.

Ethics only fail when judges face no consequences. They must be held accountable by the people, through pressure on the other branches of government!

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Milo Yiannopoulos and the Rise of American Nazism, Part 3

Judgment, Mercy and Milo Yiannopoulos

In today’s hyper-frenetic news cycle, the Berkeley rioting against Milo Yiannopoulos is already fading from public memory. But we haven’t seen the last of leftist riots, nor of Trojan Horse “gay conservatives” trying to infiltrate and commandeer the conservative movement in this season of political turmoil.

Though I am both an attorney and a pastor, my articles generally address public policy issues from a Bible-based social activist perspective rather than an overtly evangelical one. This time I’m putting my Pastor hat on to address the spiritual aspect of what we’ve been witnessing both in the street activism of the political left and the insidious and little-acknowledged “gay theology” movement in the church and culture (of which Milo is a part, wittingly or not).

The Berkeley rioters (and their Soros-funded Social Marxist comrades across the world) and the LGBT movement (in every one of its shape-shifting forms) share a central common denominator: Satanic Delusion. All of them believe terrible self-destructive and self-degrading lies about themselves, their opponents, their society and God Himself.

Consider just how awful it must be to live in Milo Yiannopoulos’s world, condemned not only to an ugly and dangerous lifestyle of extreme self-debasement, but compelled by his demons to parade his shame publicly and aggressively: a walking mockery of the God who made him.

Consider how dark and hopeless is the worldview that sees the violent disruption of civil society, the killing of police officers and the open advocacy of the assassination of our President as valid social action – especially after decades of insisting that anything less than full commitment to “tolerance” as a central social value amounts to an actionable “hate crime.” How pitiably insane – literally – these fellow creations of God have become. How desperately needful they are of our fervent intercessory prayer.

In his 1960 masterwork, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer said of the homosexual men who founded and built the Nazi Party that they “quarreled and feuded as only men of unnatural sexual inclinations, with their peculiar jealousies, can.” That observation is particularly helpful in explaining the fierceness of the hostilities and outright Brownshirt tactics seen between the so-called “gay conservatives” and the heavily “gay”-laden ranks of the radical left. They’re playing for the same anti-Biblical team but fight amongst themselves like Orcs and Uraki. The judgement they render upon each other is venomous and merciless.  It’s a predictable manifestation of their self-obsessed satanic ideology.

Bible-believing Christians and Torah Faithful Jews have a duty to correctly discern and oppose anti-social movements and conduct, which gives us authority to judge right and wrong and act accordingly for the good of all. Too often in the past we have neglected that duty out of a fear of political correctness, or of being attacked as “moralists” or “bigots.” Now that the enemies of Judeo-Christian culture have abandoned their pretext of seeking “tolerance” and are actively attempting to enforce their warped morality through violence and terror, shouldn’t we stop trying to placate them by self-suppressing our own righteous authority?

The culture war has always been at its root a spiritual war fought in the physical world. The weapons of our warfare aren’t physical, but mighty spiritual ones: prayer, truth-telling, and leading by selfless example. Considering the circumstances I suggest it is time to bring those weapons to bear more forcefully and consistently, starting with a prayer assault on the demonic agents at work in the lives of Milo Yiannopoulos and the rioters.

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