Henceforth I am a Constitutionalist, Not a Conservative

Today’s Video is Scott Lively Adopts the Constitutionalist Label

Dr. Lively talks about adopting the name “Constitutionalist” as an alternative to “Conservative” (hat tip to Cherie Z,) and pledges to do so consistently in the future and to encourage others to do the same. He reads his short essay on the subject during this free form video — asking people to weigh in on whether they prefer this style to the teleprompter style of scripted commentaries. During filming his granddaughters Camille and Sophie (and Mom Kelly –Sam’s wife) came out to the campfire and were introduced.

As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but it’s not the intention that condemns you, it’s thinking you can produce any good by turning away from God and toward Hell in the pursuit of your goal. The poster boy for that truism is Karl Marx.

His good intention was to help the poor by getting the super-rich to share their wealth. The impulse was as noble as the excesses of the European monarchies were obscene, and the plight of the poor was heartbreaking.

His fatal error was rejecting the effectual guidance of the Bible in favor of his own godless system of state confiscation and forced redistribution of private property. That hell-bound ideology has produced more death and misery than any other human invention.

But does Marxism’s evil negate Marx’s original good intention or justify the defense of the super-rich who greedily hoard their vast wealth for themselves?

Remember, there are more than two choices, here. We can reject the false choice of capitalism vs socialism and follow the Biblical model instead, where good intentions are always fulfilled by following Jesus Christ. He set the example of charity and laid out clear ethical guidelines for shaping our actions and character to be more like Him.

Yesterday, a man characterized my approval of Marx’s good intention as “Communism,” making the common mistake of equating criticism of selfish hoarding with rejection of private property rights. The Marxists equate those ideas to recruit Socialist foot-soldiers. The predatory corporatists and greedy super-rich equate those ideas to recruit unthinking serfs to defend their castles.

But Biblically “woke” Christians recognize that God gives us both private property rights AND the ethical duty to voluntarily bless others with what we have.

The more we blindly polarize as Socialists vs Capitalists, aligning with either the armies of “social justice” zealots or the oligarchy of the super-rich, the faster they drive our constitutional republic down the road to hell.

Motivated by the Biblical worldview, America’s Founders envisioned a nation that furthered the advance of “civilization” by pursuing God’s goodness in public policy. They set our path toward that Shining City on a Hill. If we break free from the enfeebling Marxist nomenclature of “capitalists” and “conservatives” and start thinking and acting like Constitutionalists, we can take back the steering wheel, pull a U-turn, and get back to pursuing the Founders’ inspiring vision.

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The False Choice of Socialism vs Capitalism

Still learning how to use his teleprompter, Dr. Lively creates a video version of this essay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCbW4yL3wYo

This essay builds upon my recent WND column which addressed the false choice of “progressive” vs “conservative” political affiliation, and exposed it as a tactic of psychological-manipulation-through-rhetoric by the Marxists, designed to trap the people of God into a “tide of history” mind-set, in order to neutralize our resistance to their campaign to replace Judeo-Christian civilization with a “Socialist Utopia.”

The best way to break free from a trap is to know how it was constructed, so today’s column delves deeper into political history.

The origins of left/right progressive/conservative polarization come from France during its revolutionary period that started in the 1790s. The French Revolution, like the American Revolution, was ultimately a war by the “lower classes” against the top-down rulership of European monarchies.

Crying “No King but Jesus,” the children of the First Great Awakening (1740s) in America (many of them Christian clergy of the “Black Robed Regiment” https://teachinghistory.org/history-content/ask-a-historian/24635 ) won that war in 1776, creating the world’s first, best and longest lasting constitutional republic: a non-sectarian Bible-based model embraced by theists and deists alike that ended both rule by Monarchy and formal class distinctions.

The French, however, associated Christianity with the corrupt Roman Catholic system then undergirding the French monarchy and thus rejected the Judeo-Christian framework of the American model. Instead, they invented a new humanistic state religion that blended paganism and occultism with deism, allowing them to justify a demonic orgy of mass murder of aristocrats, clergymen, and others, called the Reign of Terror.

The French Republic which emerged from the revolution was forced back under Catholicism by Napoleon and pursued a pre-Marxist proto-socialist agenda (which Pope Francis would probably have loved). That ended with the “June Insurrection” of 1848 in which ten thousand unemployed workers were slaughtered by the government for protesting a subsistence-level “welfare” program.

Two facts from that period are critical:

First, the Communist Manifesto (1848) by Karl Marx and Frederick Engles was translated to French and published in Paris a few weeks before the June Insurrection.

Second, the French parliament in 1848 was a political battlefield pitting the “Party of Movement” (progenitors of the progressives) against the “Party of Order” (the pro-Royalist “conservatives”). The Party of Movement sat on the left and the Party of Order sat on the right in their assembly hall.

So the framework for the Marxist “tide of history” narrative in which they play the “progressive” heroes fighting for freedom and liberty for the oppressed, and we’re the “conservatives” defending the status quo of privilege for the rich and powerful, embodies the spirit and perspective of the French Revolution, not the American Revolution.

What is the primary difference between the two revolutions that produced such stunningly different results? Allegiance to the God of the Bible!

Americans overwhelmingly prospered by aligning ourselves to God in our constitution and culture until 1947 when our Supreme Court replaced the Bible with Secular Humanism (the religion of Marxism) as our religious foundation. Since then our freedoms and culture have been smothered by ever creeping (sometimes leaping) Socialism.
Now, just as identifying as “conservatives” ensnares us in the Marxist trap of being “foot-dragging defenders of the status quo” instead of proactive visionaries of a God-honoring “Shining City on a Hill,” so does our blind and unqualified defense of “capitalism” (as the term is used today) ensnare us in the role of shielding the globalist super-rich from scrutiny and accountability.

Socialism vs Capitalism is a self-defeating false choice for “conservatives” because it frames the public policy debate in Humanist terms. Both Socialism and Capitalism reflect Darwinist premises: Socialism emphasizes human-driven evolution toward utopian perfection (measured by the advance of egalitarianism), while pure Capitalism emphasizes hands-off economic “survival of the fittest” as the alternate path toward the same goal (measured by technological advancement). Both reject the notion of God’s active guidance of humanity in favor of the Humanist doctrine of human-self-perfectibility.

Both Socialism and Capitalism contain enough elements of the Biblical worldview to lure well-intentioned members of the religious left and religious right into fighting about their respective merits and shortcomings. Thus, once again the Humanist elites use the tactic of polarization to divide and conquer the masses by getting us to believe that predatory corporatism and governmental socialism are our only choices: always keeping public policy debate focused on the fight between the two camps (both of which they control at the top level). It’s just another version of the Dem Blue Team vs GOP Red Team tactic of the Purple Uniparty that we fall for every election cycle.

In contrast, the Biblical model of economics assumes all wealth is God’s and the duty of every human being is ethical stewardship of whatever portion He puts in our hands, to maximize the blessing for all. And the Biblical legal principles for preventing multi-generational hoarding by self-serving family dynasties are limitations on usury and the cyclical Jubilee system of debt-liberation.

Shamefully, we modern Christians are so Biblically illiterate that most of us can’t even grasp how Biblical economics works, let alone articulate its fundamentals as an alternative to the Socialist/Capitalist paradigm. Indeed, we are so heavily steeped in the Marxists’ corrupt logic that even we Christians will fall immediately into squabbling about “forced redistribution of wealth through taxation” vs “the duty of society to care for the poor and needy” as if those are the only options.

We would never have been engulfed in this swamp of false choices had we not first surrendered the culture to “secularism,” which is just the religion of Humanism by another name. To reclaim America we must stop letting the Humanists define reality for us by submitting to their false logical presuppositions, and instead openly and unapologetically champion Biblical wisdom as the solution to social and fiscal problems. Truth will prevail only if those who know the truth resume our duty to defend and teach it.

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Scott Lively on Christmas Mythology

Watch Video HERE

As a cultural tradition Christmas is a great holiday, but as a representation of Christianity to the world it teaches more mythology than it does Bible truth and I’m not just talking about Santa Claus.

I don’t want to “spoil Christmas” for the believers who love the Christmas mythology we’ve grown up with, but let me remind everyone that God’s reality is ALWAYS far more satisfying, edifying and “magical” than any human-created alternatives. And the parts of a story that misrepresent facts cannot be from God, because “it is impossible for God to lie” (Hebrews 6:18).

Let’s start with unpacking the word “magical” by talking about the “Magi from the East.” In the cartoonish version we’ve grown used to, the Magi are like Disney’s fairy godmother, popping in with a few gifts for the newborn Jesus to highlight his royalty, then disappearing. Their actual identity and significance is glossed over, despite tantalizing clues from Bible history that highlight a mystery far more captivating than Hollywood could invent. The scriptural facts even explain why Mickey Mouse’s peaked hat in The Sorcerers Apprentice is adorned with stars and planets.

Then there’s the false depiction of Jesus as a newborn when the Magi arrived, when the Bible clearly reports that he was a toddler. Consider the fascinating implications of the actual communication possible between a two-year old Jesus and those who came to honor and adore Him. Every parent and grandparent knows how very different it is to spend time with a toddler than with a newborn. Think how different Christmas would be if we talked about Jesus as a real boy and not a baby doll.

OK, so maybe conflating events in Nativity Scenes can be excused as artistic license, but not unless our telling of the fuller Christmas story corrects the error, which it usually doesn’t.

Then there’s December 25th. Was Jesus actually born then, and if not, when, and why pretend?

There are more questions to be asked but my point is that people with a true Biblical worldview don’t settle for faith-weakening mythology because the true facts of the Bible are far more interesting – and faith building!

And it’s our willingness to accept and perpetuate mythology over Bible truth that has ridiculously morphed into the Santa Clause narrative we’re now stuck defending as symbolic of our faith.

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Boris Johnson’s Brexit Landslide

Dr. Lively’s commentary on the UK election is HERE on YouTube. Watch, like, comment and subscribe.

While Americans were sleeping (literally), Thursday night’s unfolding UK election results brought a massive victory for Boris Johnson’s pro-Brexit conservatives and the worst loss for the anti-Brexit progressives since 1935! Dr. Lively woke early to do an interview with a British TV network based in Spain on those results as they were finalized (below). He then filmed the above video to explain the enormous geopolitical implications of that vote, and its likely effect on the 2020 US elections.

Dr. and Mrs. Lively conducted a personal world tour through 27 countries in 2015 and 2016 to assess and assist the populist/conservative movement and went to London for the express purpose of being in country for the original game-changing Brexit vote. They returned from Europe that November to vote for the even more significant election of Donald Trump. Dr. Lively asserts based on his personal research that the fates of Brexit, Trump and Netanyahu in Israel are intimately interrelated.

Search “Brexit” on this blog for numerous Brexit-related articles.

Watch the interview in Air1TV HERE
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The False Choice of Conservative vs Progressive

This 10th video post on YouTube in the series titled “Scott Lively’s Biblical Lifestyle” is the first scripted commentary in the longer essay form (1000-1200 words). It argues that without a fundamental change of perspective and approach, “conservatives” are guaranteed to lose the contest with progressives because the debate context was framed by the Marxists themselves to ensure it.

We’ve Been Duped Into An Unwinnable Debate On Terms Our Opponents Control

Ever stop to consider the implications of calling ourselves “conservative” and our opponents “progressive?” Or why our national conversation assumes that the so-called “tide of history” is an actual phenomenon (that always seems to move leftward)? Or why our typical arguments for opposing leftist policies include the admission “Society is not ready for that yet?”

Why don’t “conservatives” project and pursue our own vision for the future in which our value system is fully implemented? Can we even picture such a future society clearly in our minds, or is that space filled only with nostalgia for the past?

On the political front, why isn’t every leftist policy proposal countered by one pushing to the right, but instead merely resisted by our side – even though we all know politicians operate in the realm of compromise between what is and what’s demanded, and thus actual policy changes almost always ratchet leftward?

In a society dominated by a trillion-dollar industry of year-round competitive sports, how can the conservative movement fail to teach its people that a team with no offense can never actually win a series, but at best only delay the other side from winning?

Why is it that we routinely call liberals “leftist” but hesitate to call our own positions “rightist,” implicitly bolstering the left’s false narrative that “right-wing” equals white supremacy and fascism? (Especially galling since both these ideologies are actually leftist!)

Could the answer to all these questions be simply that we’ve been duped by the progressives into playing a game of their invention we are absolutely guaranteed to lose?

That’s a very humbling notion, to say the least. But if its true, and we’re too proud to admit it, we’ll remain hopelessly ensnared in their trap. As the Scripture warns in Luke 16:8 “For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.” If we could accept that reminder, and trust the Holy Spirit to guide our future actions in the political/cultural realm, we could slip the progressives’ noose and hang them like Haman on their own gallows (figuratively speaking).

That’s a big IF, however, because it means restoring the politically-incorrect Biblical worldview that Americans held from the Pilgrims’ first landing through the Eisenhower administration, and relentless leftist bullying has made us afraid to do that.

But if we fail to recognize that the key to their success has been convincing we “conservatives” to let them drive the Biblical worldview from the public realm with minimal resistance from us, we can never turn the tide.

The leftist rule-book for the real-life Game of Thrones we’ve been playing was specifically designed to de-throne the God of Creation and en-throne themselves – the gods of Human Self-Perfectibility. That is the agenda of Marxism, growing in the manure of Darwinian Evolutionism and achieving world-conquering religious expression in Secular Humanism.

Some will grumble “Why can’t you just keep it ‘secular,’ Lively?!” But that attitude proves my case. The notion that “secularism” is neutral ground for liberals and conservatives is a false Marxist premise! It was that very lie which made us acquiesce to humanism as the new national consensus in the 20th Century.

To America’s Founders, “secular” meant non-sectarian consensus on broad Biblical presuppositions, epitomized in the Declaration of Independence’s acknowledgment of “self-evident” truths in and from “Nature and Nature’s God.” But in the Humanist version taught to America’s schoolchildren for generations, “secular” means non-religious: a Trojan Horse false concept that hides their religion within itself.

Theories of origin are unavoidably religious and there are ultimately just two of them in the western world, theism and atheism: either this universe was created by God with plan and purpose as the Bible claims, or it’s all an accident of random chance that somehow vests human beings with opportunity and power to make our own rules as Humanism claims. “Secularism” — even the supposedly conservative form — clearly reflects Humanism in premise and practice.

The “Tide of History” is a phrase that flows from Marxism’s Darwinist premise that human society naturally and inexorably evolves toward socialist utopia. Marxist visionaries established the “progressive” movement as a vehicle to conquer and retask key systems and institutions of human society to speed “progress” toward their vision. As each new target is infiltrated, assimilated, and repurposed to serve their ends, the collective grows more powerful and the unconquered remainder of society grows weaker.

It is logically impossible to win a debate when you adopt the other side’s presuppositions, because premises dictate conclusions with mathematical certainty. When we unwittingly self-identify as “conservatives” and grant that our opponents are “progressives” we literally ensure their progress toward their goal by limiting our influence to the speed at which their “progress” occurs.

Worse, if to avoid bullying and prove we’re not “haters” we shrink from defending unpopular Bible truths we dramatically speed the process of our conquest by undermining our own spiritual and intellectual foundations.

I would love to offer you a label to claim as an alternative to “conservative” but I don’t have one yet. The fact that the today’s English language doesn’t even have a one-word label for a person with a pro-active vision and agenda for an advanced nonsectarian Bible-based society shows just how completely we’ve all been ensnared in the Marxist web for a very long time.

I invite you to join with me in a revolution to overthrow our Humanist masters by starting a movement-wide discussion on rebranding ourselves as conquerors instead of “conservatives.”

UPDATE: The term we have adopted is “constitutionalist.”

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Enlarging our Media Footprint


December 3, 2019. Yesterday I began the process of learning how to produce my own videos and plan to start publishing a series of documented commentaries:
essentially my articles in video form augmented by photos and graphics. Once I
have mastered video editing skills I will publish my books in serial form using the same techniques.

December 5 Posted our 4th Video. I like this raw, unedited format and will
continue producing this type in addition to producing more polished ones once I have mastered the editing program.

Please like, subscribe and comment on our new YouTube Channel
Video #4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctl_4R8FN7c&t=91s
My Weekly Column on WND is Gaining Readership and Impact. 
You can help by commenting on the articles and promoting WND
as a news source. https://www.wnd.com/author/slively/
I’ve become a regular contributor on several media platforms
featuring live interviews. One is Air1 TV, by a British producer based in Spain, with a broad international audience. These are ‘pull no punches” interviews on very hot topics. Search the site by my name for a growing inventory of interviews. Click here for an interview about Chic-Fil-A:
Another is Pastor Greg Young’s Chosen Generation radio show daily on the
USA Radio Network. I’ve done numerous interviews with Pastor Greg:
Print media is still alive, and I was featured this week in an article at a Seventh
Day Adventist publication: http://www.fulcrum7.com/blog/2019/12/2/an-interview-with-scott-lively

I am working diligently to advance our shared values and always working to improve my skill-set and expand the effectiveness of this ministry. I respectfully ask that you include us in your year-end giving so this work may grow in reach and impact. And please remember that donations by postal mail are best because we don’t have to pay a fee to receive them. Scott Lively Ministries, PO Box 2373, Springfield, MA 01101. However, online donations are always welcome if you prefer the convenience. Of course, all donations are tax deductible.

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Redeeming the Rainbow: A Christian Response to the “Gay” Agenda

In 2009 I wrote and published this textbook on pro-family advocacy, which I adapted from the thesis I wrote for my Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) degree in 2007. Importantly, the information contained in Redeeming the Rainbow is not simply the regurgitation of others’ work or the theories of a sequestered academic: it is the fruit of my own missionary efforts as a front-lines culture warrior around the world and its insights and conclusions are hard-earned and forged in the fire of persecution.

Indeed, my first use of this textbook in a classroom setting (of teachers and civil servants) was in early 2009 in Kampala, Uganda during the final pre-publication stage of its development. My truthful and carefully-reasoned teachings were so threatening to the LGBT movement they triggered immediate international outrage by the global LGBT movement, which went nuclear after Uganda falsely blamed my teachings as the impetus for an overly harsh anti-homosexuality law that came out a week after I left the country.

That in turn led to a 6 1/2 year US federal lawsuit for “Crimes Against Humanity” which was ridiculous-in-premise but nevertheless a deadly-serious effort to destroy me by the most powerful leaders of the US LGBT movement — including a Human Rights Campaign Dossier funded by billionaire “gay”-patron Paul Singer, naming me Public Enemy #1 of the “gay” agenda internationally. That’s how afraid the LGBT movement is of the easily grasped and eminently reasonable teachings in Redeeming the Rainbow.

Though now a decade in print, Redeeming the Rainbow remains timely because most of its arguments are rooted in self-evident truth from a Biblical worldview, and do not change with the ebb and flow of “current events” or the pronouncements of the “soft sciences.”

Nevertheless, the evolving political, legal and cultural contexts of culture war analysis have raised new issues that deserve response, and so I have created a Redeeming the Rainbow page on this blog where I will post materials to augment the published book. Indeed, I have already written numerous relevant articles since 2009 that will be linked on that page, and I will add other materials as my schedule allows.

I urge you to download and distribute Redeeming the Rainbow widely, especially to young people and college students who might never otherwise encounter the full toolbox of arguments, strategies, tactics, and insights it contains.

And please donate to support my work. I offer it freely not because I don’t need the income, but because I believe the information is too important to hide behind a paywall. If you have the ability to donate, please do, because, as an avowed missionary that is by choice my only source of income.

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Chic-Fil-A’s Betrayal Goes Much Deeper Than We Thought

Remember August 1, 2012, when Christians grateful for Dan Cathy’s public defense of Biblical marriage launched the now seven year CFA appreciation campaign that propelled the Cathy family’s private company to the #3 Fast Food Empire in the world?

The more we learn the worse it gets.

CFA’s crime isn’t just cowardly capitulation to the LGBT mob like Pilate choosing Barabbas over Christ and then washing their hands of political matters as so many people think, it is intentionally and deviously switching sides in the culture war to fight for the opposition like Benedict Arnold did in the Revolutionary War — while bearing false witness about their own actions in the belief that the Christian public is too stupid to notice, and tricking kind-hearted but gullible leaders like Franklin Graham into doing damage-control for them.

Well-intentioned Christian efforts to petition CFA to correct its course assume the Cathy family just made a mistake out of “weariness with well doing” and a little encouragement can stiffen their spine. That’s a false assumption! During the same period they have been raking in massive profits from the misplaced gratitude of Christian patrons, they have carefully and systematically plotted this betrayal. Don’t be deceived by an ingenuous reference to “Christian values” ,”For by their fruits you shall know them.” Even the reprobate homosexual activist and Democrat presidential candidate, Buttigieg, claims “Christian values!”

It may be possible to convince the Cathy family to switch back, but only if this company they have proven they love more than Bible Truth faces real financial consequences. And that means not just boycotts, but direct action like protests at their restaurants holding signs and distributing fact sheets exposing their duplicity.

IF we don’t take such action, they will used the overflowing bank accounts we blessed them with to weather this storm (I’m certain they have planned for this), and CFA will be quickly and fully assimilated into the great “social justice” army that is relentlessly pounding the foundations of Judeo-Christian civilization into rubble while we watch and wring our hands.

If you share this view, please donate now. I would like to organize a direct action campaign but will only do so if people show their support by donating to fund it.

Did you know that while CFA was grudgingly giving just $115K to the Salvation Army and a puny $25K to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes it was giving about TWO MILLION DOLLARS to leftist “social justice” (aka Marxist) causes?

Did you know that one of the new recipients of CFA “charity” actively promotes the LGBT agenda?
Did you know that to break into the Canadian market, CFA hired the “number one gay lobbying firm” in Canada?

Regular Readers of My Blog Were NOT Taken by Surprise by CFA’s Betrayal Because I Warned It Was Coming! When I learned in early 2014 that during the initial fallout for his pro-marriage remarks in 2013, Dan Cathy took the LGBT bait to prove himself “Not a Hater” by befriending an open and unrepentant homosexual activist, I wrote the following article, titled “Dan Cathy Takes the Mark of the Beast.” I urge you to read it with the current events in mind.

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The Democrat Crime Scene Called Ukraine

Today’s column on WND may be read here.

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Kyrgyzstan-Based Human Rights Group Honors President Trump for Opposing Abortion and LGBT Agenda

The World League of Citizens and Civic Associations has Awarded its ” ҮЙ БҮЛ / Family” Medal to President Donald Trump

For additional information send inquiry by email to scottlivelyministries@gmail.com

I am very pleased to announce that on November 5th, 2019, at its headquarters in Bishkek, Krygyzstan, Central Asia, the Governing Council of the WORLD LEAGUE OF CITIZENS AND CIVIC ASSOCIATIONS (WLCCA) met in special session to approve my proposal (as a founding partner) to award the President of the United States, Mr. Donald Trump the medal “ҮЙ БҮЛ / Family.”

The “ҮЙ БҮЛ /Family” medal was established in 2017 to recognize individuals with global influence for “self-sacrificing, noble activities and personal contributions in preservation, development and protection of the social relationships based on permanent, imperishable, panhuman, recognized, universal, natural and traditional family values.”

It was unanimously agreed that President Trump’s efforts to end the killing of unborn babies and international sex-trafficking, and to affirm the natural two-parent heterosexual family (by incrementally rolling back Obama-era LGBT extremism), overwhelmingly warrants acknowledgment by the issuing of the “ҮЙ БҮЛ /Family” award. I was authorized to present the medal to President Trump, and to specifically thank him for his most recent White House policy proposal to restore the right of faith-based adoption agencies to refuse adoption to homosexuals.

The WLCCA, chaired by Kyrgyz Civil Leader Bolotbek Batilov, was inspired by a 2016 pro-family conference in the capital city of Bishkek which he organized in furtherance of a referendum to protect authentic one man-one woman marriage in the national constitution (which was passed on November 11, 2016). I had the privilege of being the keynote speaker at that conference in my capacity as a Christian attorney and human rights consultant with credentials from the International Institute of Human Rights (Strasbourg, France).

My message at the conference and subsequent meetings with media and other Kyrgyz leaders emphasized the universality of family values rooted in the natural law, which I then codified in seven essential principles that became the platform for the WLCCA. These principles were concurrently published as “The Bishkek Declaration on the Establishment of a Natural Life Movement in Kyrgyzstan.”

Kyrgyzstan is a majority Muslim nation, a fact which highlights the universality of the Natural Life principles we drafted. It is the purpose of the WLCCA to unify the pro-family majority of the world’s population in the defense of these foundational principles of civilization without regard to racial, cultural, religious or political differences that may otherwise exist.

Our seven principles are as follows:

  1. The universal values of all humanity are grounded in the natural order of Creation.
  2. The foundation of civilization is the natural family: a man and a woman created to join together as one flesh to bear and raise children together with mutual love and nurturing.
  3. The true strength of a healthy nation is a network of natural families organized into natural communities which create stability and economic independence through mutual cooperation.
  4. The community which sets the best interest of its children as its highest priority guarantees the highest level of security, prosperity and happiness for everyone.
  5. A child’s best interest is to be raised in harmony with the natural world and respect for the God of Creation.
  6. The natural-life society allows for beliefs and practices that do not conform to majority views, and practices tolerance for those who respect the mainstream culture but choose to live outside of it. The natural life society also recognizes the value of technology that compliments the natural order without doing harm to it.
  7. The natural lifestyle simply prefers the natural to the artificial as a general, flexible principle: Natural foods as contrasted to artificial, genetically modified, or pesticide tainted foods; Natural healing as contrasted with artificial chemicals and processes; Natural persons as contrasted with “legal persons” such as corporations, robots, and “transhumans;” Natural families as contrasted with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or polyamorous groupings; and Natural communities made of independent, self-sufficient families as contrasted with forced urbanization and dependence on government.

Qualification for this award is based solely on actions reflecting the seven universal principles of the WLCCA by individuals with international influence, and is not an endorsement of anyone’s actions or beliefs beyond the scope of these principles.

I anticipate criticism from some quarters that President Trump’s record on pro-family issues is spotty, especially regarding his apparent endorsement of Richard Grenell, the openly activist homosexual US Ambassador to Germany. It is my belief that the President’s hands are tied as to Grenell due to the strong influence of LGBT and other leftist deep state operatives of the Bush, Clinton and Obama administrations who still heavily populate the State Department and Intelligence agencies. Even Evangelical Christian Mike Pompeo, titular head of the State Department, has kow-towed to political-correctness on Grenell.

Significantly, an earlier effort to award the “ҮЙ БҮЛ /Family” medal to President Trump via the US Embassy in Kyrgyzstan was reportedly rebuffed by embassy officials. (My Kyrgyz hosts also informed me that the US Embassy was a driving force pushing “gay” marriage there, triggering the 2016 constitutional referendum).

It must be remembered that in 1995 the reprobate Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 12968 which opened the top ranks of our nation’s intelligence agencies to unrepentant homosexuals in defiance of good sense and deep-rooted experience. They have ever since exploited this opportunity as only LGBT ideological fanatics can do. The Family Research Institute had rightly warned in ‘95 that “in all healthy societies, homosexuality is recognized as a pathology with very serious implications for a person’s behavior.” Now almost twenty-five years later that self-evident and truthful statement is considered evidence of “hate and bigotry” in the politically-correct “new-normal” that LGBT overt and deep-state conspirators have forced on our society through their relentless abuse of power.

So, to those who fault President Trump for attempting a public relations balancing act on LGBT issues, while actually rolling back some truly bad LGBT policies, I say let’s give credit where credit is due. Compared to every declared and potential alternative in the race for the 2020 election, Donald Trump is an outstanding champion of pro-family values, and it is my great honor to announce this award.

World League of Civilians and Civic Associations President, Bolotbek Batilov of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
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First Century Bible College Vision Statement

My vision for First Century Bible College is to pursue post-denominational Christian unity on the essentials of the faith as they were understood from the Hebrew cultural perspective of the Apostles.

For those matters deemed non-essentials, we will pursue a spirit and standard of charitable tolerance for differences of opinion and provide a perpetual open forum for civil discourse and debate.

We will discourage “tribalism” in which people form teams around a slate of doctrines and treat them as dogma, which is largely our definition of denominationalism.

We will instead promote a model of critical thinking and personal study of the Bible itself, rather than the study of other people’s interpretations of the Bible as is unfortunately the custom of most of the modern seminary systems.

Our vision of Christian unity is thus not uniformity of beliefs in all matters as denominationalism intends, but a diversity of perspectives on non-essentials reflecting the uniqueness of each person and their unique place and purpose in the Creation: yet each growing from the same soil on the same bedrock of truth.

The “essentials of the faith” are to some degree a matter of opinion, but we have settled upon our own conclusions and divided them in two categories: Doctrinal and Behavioral.

Doctrinally, Christians have been grappling with the essentials from the beginning but reached a very broad consensus with the Revised Nicene Creed of 381AD. * We consider that our doctrinal bedrock.

For our faculty we have added a prerequisite of commitment to Biblical inerrancy, and have adopted the “1978 Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.” **

We have also adopted with slightly less rigidity “The 42 Articles on the Essentials of a Christian Worldview.” ***

Behaviorally, we consider the two great commandments of Jesus to be the bedrock of essential Christianity: “To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.” We consider these to be a summarization of the Ten Commandments, whose specificity in turn provides guidelines for extrapolation to all other matters.

As a practical matter in this current age, we expressly require adherence to the “one flesh” paradigm of marriage based male/female heterosexual monogamy and to the patriarchal model of family and church life.

Our Philosophy of Education

The goal of First Century Bible College is for our students to achieve the greatest Biblical literacy of which each is personally capable, and to facilitate the maximum positive impact of that knowledge in the world and in the church.

We believe that each student is uniquely gifted by God to serve the Cause of Christ and that the Holy Spirit will clearly direct the path of education and ministry for those whose minds and hearts attend to Him.

We thus believe the role of First Century Bible College is to facilitate student self-direction and self-determination in the course of study — working to assist the student in discovering God’s will and pursuing it with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

While we offer pre-set classes and topical certificate programs in a full range of subjects — and encourage students to explore these topics as a means of clarifying their gifts and direction, our concept of Degree Certification is that no two degrees should be identical but that each degree program should be designed by the student him or herself with faculty and administrative assistance as needed.

Even our certificate programs can be designed by students to suit their own goals and interests, because all classes are considered modules that can be strung like pearls on a string in any order, subject to practical limitations such as sequential prerequisites. But as to topical diversity there are no limitations, because any set of topical studies can produce its own final product that can be titled accordingly.

If a student wishes to pursue a course of study for which the college has no current faculty, the college will seek to recruit faculty specially for that student.

Students are allowed to pick their own teachers and advisors from a full menu of faculty and staff whose credentials, topical specialties, and detailed profiles are provided online.

And students are allowed to pursue hands-on activities in the field on their own initiative (such as mission trips), for college credit, subject to documentation.

Our Philosophy of Incoming Faculty Credentials

First Century Bible College does not place great emphasis on prior educational credentials for either students or faculty, but follows the Biblical maxim: “By their fruit you shall know them.”

We recognize that everyone has something to teach and much to learn, and that the letters one may list after one’s name have limited value in determining what those things are, absent a more holistic profile of one’s life experience and accomplishments.

To be faculty, we require only that a documented “Curriculum Vitae” be published on our website for prospective students to review, and agreement with certain legal formalities. First Century Bible College does not require any formal educational credentials if mastery of the topics to be taught is evident from other sources, such as publications or provable life experience.

Of course, all instructors must adhere to the Essentials of the Faith as defined by the college, but to provide students with a wide menu of educational options, we welcome diverse perspectives on non-essentials, within reason, subject to ongoing review and policy refinement by the administration.

Our Philosophy of Outgoing Graduate Credentials

Likewise for students, our certificate and degree programs emphasize documentation of results. Our graduates will be able to offer prospective employers or ministry supporters more than just a framed certificate or diploma, but actual work-product in the fields of study.

We do not want students who see education as nothing more than a hurdle to jump before their career begins. We want students who pursue their career through their studies, and produce measurable fruit from their efforts.

Similar to modern “degree completion programs” in Christian and secular colleges, incoming students can get credit for provable prior experience.

Our Organizational Structure and System

The Internet offers opportunities for education that did not exist in prior generations. Our online platform works as a hub to which both students seeking Bible education and instructors seeking students can come for mutual benefit and enrichment.

What First Century Bible College provides is an administrative system for providing an active Bible-centered online campus, managing educational interactions between students and faculty, collecting and distributing fees, and issuing credentials.

By heavily emphasizing unity on the essentials of the faith, charitable tolerance for diversity on non-essentials, high Biblical literacy, and a fruit-bearing credentialing model, First Century Bible College also serves as system to advance a culture of evangelism, discipleship and good works in Christendom.

From Concept to Reality: To be clear First Century Bible College is not yet operational. This is just the vision I am moving now to implement. I invite you to be a part of this project in whatever way the Holy Spirit directs.

Dr. Scott Lively

We believe in one God, the Father, Ruler of all, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten from the Father before all time; Light, from Light, true God from true God; begotten, not made; of the same essence as the Father, through Whom all things were made; Who for us and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and was made a man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried, and rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures. He ascended to heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; His kingdom shall have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son, Who is worshiped and glorified together with the Father and Son, and Who spoke through the Prophets.
We believe that there is one holy, universal and apostolic church. We confess one baptism for the remission of sins, and we look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

** “The “Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy” was produced at an international Summit Conference of evangelical leaders, held at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Chicago in the fall of 1978. This congress was sponsored by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. The Chicago Statement was signed by nearly 300 noted evangelical scholars, including James Boice, Norman L. Geisler, John Gerstner, Carl F. H. Henry, Kenneth Kantzer, Harold Lindsell, John Warwick Montgomery, Roger Nicole, J. I. Packer, Robert Preus, Earl Radmacher, Francis Schaeffer, R. C. Sproul, and John Wenham.
It can be viewed online at http://www.bible-researcher.com/chicago1.html

*** 42 Articles of the Essentials of a Christian World View: Articles of Affirmation and Denial and the Foundational Theology of The Coalition on Revival http://theapologeticsgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/42_Articles_Christian_Worldview.pdf

Sample: The Nature of God

1. We affirm that there is only one living God who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure
spirit, invisible, and absolutely distinct from His creation.
We deny any and all views of God that negate or deviate from the traditional Judeo-Christian concept of God, including Atheism, Deism, Finite-godism, Panentheism (Process God), Polytheism, and Pantheism.
2. We affirm that God is both transcendent over and immanent in His creation.
We deny that in His being God is totally Other or that He is identified with His creation.
3. We affirm that from time to time God supernaturally intervenes in the course of natural or human events to accomplish His redemptive purposes.
We deny any naturalistic view which either rejects a supernatural God or His miraculous intervention in nature or history.
4. We affirm that God is a personal, infinite, eternal, self-existent, unchangeable, indivisible, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, spiritual being Who is the creator and sustainer of the universe.
We deny that God is impersonal, finite, temporal, changeable, divisible, material, or is limited in His power, knowledge, or presence in the universe.


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Scott Lively Column Now Weekly on WND


Most of Dr. Lively’s articles since late July, 2019 are posted on World Net Daily when he became a regular weekly columnist after several years of being an occasional contributor.  Click HERE to go directly to the archive of his WND articles.

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Confronting the Chief Heresy of Our Time: “Gay Theology”

Every LGBT Flag on a Formerly Christian Church
Celebrates a Demonic Conquest.

Each One Represents:
  • An Explicit Repudiation of the Bible.
  • A Supremely Arrogant Rejection of the Self-Evident Natural Order of God’s Creation.
  • And a Grossly Blasphemous Reinvention of Jesus Christ as a Champion of Sodomy.


Never in the History of the Church has such a Blatantly Heretical Doctrine Achieved Such Astonishing Global Power —
While Being Willfully Ignored by Frightened Church Leaders.

In 2013, when it became clear to me that we would soon lose the marriage battle at the Supreme Court I warned that the LGBT war machine would next turn its focus on the church. (We lost the marriage battle in 2015.)
Of course, the LGBTs always had strategy and tactics to neutralize the church politically, but at some point in the 1970s they caught the demonic vision to literally conquer the church and remake it in their perverse image. In those days NO ONE but the prophetically gifted would have believed our present dire situation was possible.
To be sure the LGBTs are far from fully achieving their goal, but not so far as most conservative Christians think, and with each congregation that falls to the Rainbow Jihad, the scales tip further in their favor. With each Bible-believing Pastor who shrinks from speaking out publicly for fear of worldly consequences, the strength of the Christian resistance grows weaker.
And then there’s the depressing statistic that roughly half of evangelicals born since 1964 now favor so-called “gay marriage” (thanks to nonstop LGBT propaganda in our public education system and mass media — and, of course, silence from the pulpits).

Perhaps you think this isn’t such a big deal “because it’s not a salvation issue.”

But can a person be saved by faith in a false Messiah
who celebrates sins that both God the Father and His Bible condemn?

When the Son of Man comes (the actual Jesus of the Bible),
will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8

In 2014 I designed and published our NOT ‘Just Another Sin brochure which we also posted on YouTube. From 2014-2017 we delivered over 50,000 of these tri-fold brochures to churches across America by first class mail, many in personalized hand-addressed envelopes.
In 2015, I wrote my book The Petros Prophecy: Simon Peter’s Prophetic Warning About the Heresy of the Last Days which argues that the last days heresy described by the Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 2:1-22 is “gay theology.”
Due to the increasing speed at which the “gay theology” heresy is invading the church, we have decided just this week to make a PDF version of this book available for free download and distribution. Please send a copy to your pastor.
We also believe it is time to begin directly challenging “churches” that have given in to this heresy, and we would like to redesign the NJAS brochure for that purpose, and perhaps even to organize protests at congregations which fly the LGBT flag and to invite members to look at what the Bible actually says about homosexuality and transgenderism.
We’d like to hear your thoughts on this campaign, consider any ideas you might have for confronting this heresy, and find out whether you would be willing to host us for a church protest in your area, or a seminar for local believers on these issues.
Email me at scottlivelyministries@gmail.com.
And please donate if you can.

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The Five Stages of Homofascism


A Primer on “Gay Supremacy” in America

Comments of Dr. Scott Lively on the 4th Anniversary of Obergefell v Hodges, June 26, 2019, US Supreme Court, Washington DC

I am Dr. Scott Lively and I’m here to explain how the LGBT movement gained legal, cultural and political supremacy over Christianity in America in just 50 years. It advanced through five stages and four supreme court rulings.

The Five Stages of Homofascism are:

1. Tolerance
2. Acceptance
3. Celebration
4. Forced Participation
5. Punishment of Dissenters

The original goal of the LGBT movement in the 1950s was tolerance, what Dale Jennings of the Mattachine Society called “The right to be left alone.”

But exactly 50 years ago in the Stonewall riots, homofascism was born – when the movement set its sights on replacing family-centered society with sexual anarchy. Their detailed agenda was published soon after as “The 1972 Gay Rights Platform,” and they launched a united national campaign for “sexual freedom” to be recognized as a constitutional right.

In response, the pro-family movement arose during the Reagan administration in the 1980s to defend marriage and the natural family. In 1986, Justice Byron White (appointed by JFK) dealt a death blow to the LGBT “sexual freedom” strategy in the majority opinion of Bowers v Hardwick, expressly recognizing the right of states to regulate all sexual conduct in the public interest, but specifically homosexual sodomy.

Undeterred, the “gays” launched a new strategy in the late 1980s to characterize so-called “sexual orientation” as an immutable condition and to classify themselves as a civil rights minority. They made the “born that way” argument the centerpiece of their propaganda narrative, and then hijacked the Black civil rights movement to implement their political agenda, essentially stealing Jesse Jackson’s “Rainbow-Push Coalition” for themselves and adopting the rainbow flag as their banner.

All across America LGBT activists then used their growing power in the Democrat party to create “Human Rights Commissions” at the local and state level which in turn pushed for the passage of anti-discrimination laws in which sexual orientation was bundled together with established civil rights minority classes. Wherever resistance to normalizing homosexuality was strong, they followed a two step process, adding sexual orientation later, usually after a media campaign focusing on “hate crimes” reporting (most of which was unverified and almost certainly fraudulent). In all cases the Human Rights Commission tactic was driven by the “gays,” though rarely openly.

In response, the Oregon Citizens Alliance (of which I was Communications Director) pioneered the No Special Rights Act in 1992 to prohibit sexual orientation from being included in anti-discrimination laws. A version of our No Special Rights Act passed in Colorado as Amendment 2, becoming the basis for the supreme court case Romer v Evans in 1996.

Romer was the first of four major cases by which swing voter Justice Anthony Kennedy (the worst enemy of the family in the history of the court) established “Gay Supremacy” in America.

Our pro-family movement had essentially won the culture war with Amendment 2, because the well established test for identifying a “suspect class” (civil rights minority) in constitutional law included two elements that the “gays” could not meet: political powerlessness and an immutable condition like skin color.

But Kennedy simply disregarded the law, saying that Amendment 2 was not a valid exercise of state power because in his opinion it was motivated by “animus” (hatred) – in one stroke both voiding Amendment 2 while simultaneously coaching the political left to cry “Hate” at any conservative policy they wanted to invalidate in the future.

Kennedy followed up on Romer with Lawrence v Texas (2003) in which he used the pretext of striking down Texas’ virtually unenforced sodomy laws to repeal Bowers v Hardwick. (Reportedly Lawrence and his sodomy partner staged the scene to ensure his arrest to create legal standing to sue the state.)

Killing Bowers was a necessary prerequisite to legalizing “gay marriage” which happened the following year in Massachusetts, thanks to the full and immediate acquiescence of fake conservative then-governor Mitt Romney.

In response to the inevitable wave of “gay marriage” laws that followed in liberal states, the pro-family movement created the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which quickly became law in 35 states and the federal government.

The supposed Catholic Kennedy again thwarted us in his ruling in US v Winsor, striking down the federal DOMA. Two years later he finished the job by creating a supposed constitutional right to “gay marriage” in Obergefell v Hodges by judicial fiat: icing the LGBT cake with a declaration in the ruling that homosexuality must now be accepted as “immutable.”

Having fulfilled his globalist mission to establish “Gay Supremacy” in America, Kennedy recently retired from the court after (I strongly suspect) assuring that his legacy would be preserved by the nomination of his former clerk Brett Kavanaugh to fill his vacancy. I sincerely hope I am wrong about Kavanaugh and will apologize profusely if in future cases he shows integrity in helping to reverse Kennedy’s errors.

So here we stand in 2019, four years after Obergefell and the LGBTs instant pivot to “transgenderism” (and pedophilia), watching small children being deliberately infected with hypersexual transgender insanity to the applause of the entire leftist bloc, and Congress seriously debating the so called Equality Act to criminalize Christianity in America.

Throughout this decades-long process America has been pushed inexorably by the leftist elites through the five stages of homofascism until today celebration of all things LGBT is the norm, forced participation in “gay” culture is increasing rapidly, and punishment of dissenters is a virtual mandate of social justice in the minds of the Millennials. God help us!

Can this process be reversed? I believe it can, but only if conservatives, including our presumed five member majority on the supreme court remember what it is that conservatism exists to conserve: the God-fearing, family centered, constitutional republic our founders fought a bloody revolution to secure for us.

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The Sin of Pride

Historically, the Christian Church Considers Pride the Most Dangerous of the “Seven Deadly Sins,” Listed as the Worst of the Seven in in Dante’s Inferno.

But More Importantly, it is the Sin Most Closely Associated with Satan in the Bible (Isaiah 14:12-14). Indeed, Pride Tops the List of the Seven Things that the Bible says God Literally Hates (Proverbs 6:16-19).

In Hieronymus Bosch’s famous 1485 oil painting,”The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things,” Pride is depicted as a woman looking at herself in a mirror being held by a demon.
However, today the sin of Pride is inextricably identified with the LGBT Movement. Below is a screenshot from a simple search of Google Images using just the word “Pride.” One must scroll through several pages to find even a single image that is not associated with LGBTs.


Equally disturbing, their arrogant misappropriation of God’s rainbow has closely identified it with the LGBT movement as well.

In Genesis 9:13, God created the rainbow to serve as a sign of His covenant never again to destroy the earth by flood: “Behold I set my bow in the sky.” He had brought the flood as punishment for extreme rebellion against Him, the form of which is identified in the Jewish Talmud as homosexual and bestial marriage ( Genesis Rabbah 26:5:4), a fact that Jesus also obliquely asserts in Matthew 24:37-38 (referencing the corruption of marriage implied by Genesis 6:5). God then incinerated Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 to warn that the next time mankind rebelled to the same extreme as Noah’s generation, destruction would come by fire ( Jude 1:7, 2 Peter 3:7).

Hijacking God’s Rainbow to associate it with the same sexual conduct that He severely condemns in both the Old and New Testaments is not a minor spiritual crime. In Ezekiel 1:28 and Revelation 4:3, the Rainbow is identified as the specific symbol of God’s presence and authority. Thus, the act of cloaking “Gay Pride” in God’s Rainbow is an attempt to diminish and overrule Him: the very crime for which Satan was cast down from heaven ( Isaiah 14:12-14).

But sadly, many Christian individuals and congregations have rejected the teachings of the Bible and taken sides with “pride,” a phenomenon with grave spiritual implications.

The Bible Gives Specific Warnings About the Last Days Antichrist in Revelation 6:2 and 13:7. While that Man Has Not Yet Been Revealed, the Culture of His Short-Lived Kingdom Appears to be Taking Shape Now.
I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow ; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.”
It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.”
Almost universally, a conqueror plants his flag on conquered territory as proof of his authority and control. Never in history has any cultural or political movement achieved the power to plant its flag over churches as the LGBT movement has done, much less has any done so across virtually the entire denominational spectrum and an ever-widening swath of the world.
Revelation 11:7-8 identifies the culture that will define the Antichrist’s kingdom:
” When the two witnesses have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will wage war with them, and will overpower and kill them. Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city— figuratively called Sodom and Egypt —where their Lord was also crucified ” (i.e. Jerusalem will be defined by homosexuality and polytheism).

What Can the Faithful Do in this Season of Apostasy?
  1. Take Your Stand by Signing Our Proclamation for Morality at Gone2Far.org (A national pro-family coalition of Christians and Jews of which I am a founding member).
  2. Call and Urge Your Congressperson to Vote Against HR5, the “Equality Act” that Will — Over-Night — Quadruple LGBT Political Power in America by Adding “Sexual Orientation” to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. !!This is URGENT!!
  3. Speak Out Against the Sin of Pride Generally and “Gay Pride” Specifically by Using and Distributing Our PRIDE Graphic.
  4. Work to Redeem the Rainbow by Using and Distributing our Rainbow Belongs to God Graphic and Music Video.
  5. DONATE to Scott Lively Ministries.



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President Trump, Please Stop the Grenell Global LGBT Campaign



President Trump has put his conservative base in a terrible situation by allowing openly homosexual US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to lead a campaign to “legalize homosexuality” around the world. This gut-punch of a news story is being spun as a response to Iran’s recent execution of a homosexual man. While I believe I speak for most conservatives in saying I do not condone that execution, or capital punishment for any sexual crimes anywhere, I believe the Iran incident is simply a pretext for perpetuating the “All-In” Obama doctrine on LGBT issues by the US State Department, and I think President Trump has been persuaded to cooperate on the false argument that doing so will mitigate leftist hatred of his administration here at home.

I have some bad news for President Trump: LGBTs and their surrogates in media, academia and government are IMPLACABLE. He will get no credit from the left, but will instead empower a small army of Trojan Horse “conservatives” among his base who are really progressive change-agents in disguise.

Reasonable tolerance and sympathy for people who suffer from same sex attraction disorder is warranted – as is protecting them from violence – but sanitizing homosexuality and transgenderism as if they were morally, psychologically and behaviorally equivalent to sexual and gender normalcy is PC-driven lunacy. Indeed, that ideology is a central cause of the mental illness called progressivism. We must not allow that sophistry to overwhelm objective, self-evident, foundational truths in our conservative ranks or we will become as confused and irrational as the left. It is already spreading like a cancer.

True conservatives are in a real bind, here. If we oppose the Grenell gambit, that fact will be spun by his leftist media allies as support for violence against homosexuals. But if we capitulate to the idea that sexual deviance is a universal human right alongside true family values, what are conservatives actually working to “conserve?” How can we Make America Great Again if we openly embrace the corrosive LGBT sexual anarchy agenda that has been so instrumental in her collapse?

If I had President Trump’s ear, I would offer the following advice:

First, neutralize Richard Grenell on all LGBT issues and remove him as the leader of this campaign. Let Grenell focus on issues unrelated to his personal dysfunction and bring in a true conservative with no personal stake in LGBT issues. Show the world that you don’t have to be a homosexual or support the LGBT agenda to oppose violence against homosexuals and that the goal of opposing violence stands completely apart from the idea of normalizing alternative sexual lifestyles.

Second, very publicly, change the focus of the campaign from “decriminalizing homosexuality” to ending violence against homosexuals. At the same time, affirm that regulating sexual conduct in the interest of public health and morality is a valid exercise of government. Remind the world that from her founding until very recently America had always done so (see Bowers v Hardwick) until LGBT-champion Justice Anthony Kennedy sabotaged us with four Supreme Court majority opinions imposing LGBT cultural supremacy upon us: Romer v Evans (ruling that opposing homosexuality equals hate), Lawrence v Texas (legalizing sodomy and striking down Bowers), United States v Windsor (killing the federal Defense of Marriage Act), and Obergefell v Hodges (inventing a constitutional right to “gay marriage”).

Third and finally, announce a new campaign to restore the marriage-based natural family to primacy around the world, pointing out that civilization is strongest and healthiest when its marriages and families are intact. Affirm America’s tradition of tolerance for those who choose not to adhere to the values of the family-centered mainstream, but proclaim a new era in which the life, health and innocence of children (born and unborn), and the cohesion of families will have priority in public policy. Speak forcefully against poisonous efforts to purge words like Mom and Dad from our language. Defend the right of young people to pursue therapy to reorient their “sexual orientation” to conform to the design of their bodies. Aggressively prosecute those who defile and mutilate children to advance non-binary “transgenderism” fantasies.

I have long stated that I believe Donald Trump is God’s man in the White House, and I still believe that because I assume he does not yet have full control of the State Department (the deepest part of the deep state). Yet, the president should remember that God’s hand of favor has many times been withdrawn from His chosen men when they departed from His agenda. For God’s sake, and the sake of the critical MAGA vision for America, I pray that President Trump will defy the principalities and powers at work behind the Grenell campaign and quickly correct this serious error.

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Explosive Video from Gone2Far Press Conference

Pro-Family Movement Roars Back to Life!

National Gone2Far Movement Has Launched!

Hugely Successful Kick-Off at National Press Club in Washington DC on February 5th, 2019

Watch these clips from the presser:

Dr. Lively was the 5th presenter in the conference, discussing the Gone2Far movement itself — the name and theme of which was his primary contribution to the coalition.

Dr. Randy Short, above, and Pastor Stephen Broder, below, initiated the coalition that has adopted the Gone2Far name and them. They led the first segment of the press conference calling for the resignation of the Congressional Black Caucus for its support of HB 2282, the LGBT “Equality Act.”

Pastors Paul Blair and Dan Fisher (above) of Reclaiming America for Christ (based at Fairview Baptist Church in Oklahoma) drafted the Proclamation for Morality, while Dan and Stephen Black (below — of the First Stone Ministry — an ex-“gay” ministry) presented that in the second segment. (Paul was unable to attend due to treatment for aggressive throat cancer — please pray for him).

Dr. Lively and Peter LaBarbara (above) of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality presented the third segment about the Gone2Far movement itself.

Brian Camenker of MassResistance (who arranged for the conference to be filmed and edited by a professional videographer) offered a short postscript to represent the Torah-faithful Jewish community in the Gone2Far coalition.

Pastor Broden , who “quarterbacked” the press conference, offers concluding comments.

Now it is time to spread the news that America’s grass-roots pro-family movement is back and working to rally this nation’s pro-family silent majority to push back against the LGBT agenda and especially HB 2282, the so-called “Equality Act” to add “sexual orientation” to the 1964 Civil Rights Act — legally equating sodomy with skin color and criminalizing Bible-based Christianity.

Please forward this post to your pro-family lists.

Visit www.Gone2Far.org to Read and Sign Our “Proclamation for Morality” and Consider Attending the “God’s Voice” Conference Feb 23 &24


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They’ve Gone Too Far!

#Gone2Far Movement to Launch Feb 5 with DC Press Conference

You Are Invited to Stand for Morality With Dr. Lively and a Coalition of Black and White Pastors and Pro-Family Leaders at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 12 noon Eastern Standard Time

Click on Graphic Above to Read and Sign Our “Proclamation for Morality” and Consider Attending the “God’s Voice” Conference Feb 23 &24

Press Release:

Equality Act H.R.2282 Threatens Religious Liberty and Free Speech

Contact: Pastor Stephen Broden, 214-394-0098, FPBF@icloud.comwww.gone2far.org

WASHINGTON, Jan. 28, 2019 /Christian Newswire/ — Scores of religious leaders, pastors, pro-life/pro-family activist, and academics have founded the Gone Too Far Movement (GTFM) and have united to challenge the attempt to hijack America’s Civil Rights laws with the pending Equality Act H.R. 2282 in Congress. Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) is the House sponsor of H.R. 2282. To date, he has 201 co-sponsors including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Black Caucus Chair Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA), and Black Caucus Dean John Lewis (D-GA).

Press Conference Details:

The Gone Too Far press conference will be held on:

Tuesday, February 5, 2019,

12 noon Eastern Standard Time

National Press Club

529 14th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20045


The conference is open to the members of the press and the public.

Dr. Randy Short

Coordinator, Gone Too Far

Email: wrandyshort@yahoo.com

Cell: 202-710-4294

The GTFM recognizes that the Equality Act H.R. 2282 is a dangerous, irresponsible, outlandish, morally perverse, and socially deleterious legislation. The Equality Act poses a direct threat to religious freedom and the dignity of Blacks and women by blending the immutability of sex and race with radical-LGBTQ theories, and H.R. 2282 aims to amend 59 existing federal laws and regulations. GTFM believes that H.R. 2282 if passed, will create a dangerous legal precedent creating social chaos and legal loopholes permitting reverse discrimination, and it has the potential to establish legal protections for previously illegal sexual practices and conduct. The GTFM will issue a Proclamation of Faith opposed to the Equality Act and call for the Congressional Black Caucus to resign. The Gone Too Far Movement is bi-partisan, interracial, interfaith, and a nationwide collection of Americans who want to protect and preserve faith, family, freedom, traditional values, and to counter the movement to legalize pedophilia.

Information on Gone2Far Press Conference, The Proclamation for Morality and the God’s Voice Conference


1.       Speaker Pelosi has announced plans to pass the Equality Act.  This would add LGBTQ+ as a protected class to the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  The Bible and orthodox Christianity identify homosexual behavior as a sinful act.  If the US Government declares LGBT as a protected minority, then Christianity would effectively be criminalized and the First Amendment Void. 

2.       July 2018, the REVOICE Conference was held in St Louis supported prominently by the SBC and the PCA.  The purpose of this event was the change how Christianity approached homosexuality.  Rather than calling homosexuality a sin, it will now be treated as a “sexual minority” within the church calling on the church to help this minority flourish. 


1.       On February 5, 2019, black and white ministers will stand together in unity behind Biblical Truth.  There is no black truth and white truth, male truth and female truth.  There is simply truth.  Truth is true for all people in all times in all places.  Jesus is truth.  God’s Word is truth.  We will host a press conference at the National Press Club, for the following purposes:

a.       Dr. Randy Short and Pastor Stephen Broden will call upon members of the Black Caucus to resign for failing to uphold the moral clarity of the Civil Rights effort.  Skin color is genetic, immutable and unchangeable.  Homosexuality is a perverse behavior.  To confuse the two is a gross dereliction of duty. 

b.       Stephen Black, Paul Blair and Dan Fisher will defend the Christian’s Constitutional right and Biblical Responsibility to counsel a person with Same Sex Attraction Biblically.  We will also call for Americans to sign our “Proclamation for Morality” – a bold restatement of common sense, history and facts into our postmodern world.  (www.gone2far.com)

c.       Peter LaBarbera and Scott Lively will present evidence of the homosexual agenda continuing to push in the recruitment and indoctrination of children though Transvestite Reading Hours at Public Libraries, effort to change and eliminate the age of consent for sex with minors and recruiting young drag queens to dance in LGBT clubs.  The LGBTQ+ movement has Gone Too Far. 

2.       We will be calling on Congress to reject the Pedophilia Protection Act (otherwise known as the Equality Act) and call upon Federal, state and municipal governments to reject passing laws which prohibit pastors and Christian Counselors for assisting young people who wish to resist same sex attraction. 

3.       Fairview Baptist Church will host the “GodsVoice Conference” on February 22 & 23 in Edmond, Oklahoma.   An orthodox, Biblical response to the heretical Revoice Conference will be held for a live audience and livestream.  (www.godsvoice.us)


Our Organizing Committee Consists of: 

·         Paul Blair, President, Reclaiming America for Christ / Co-pastor, Fairview Baptist Church of Edmond & Liberty Church of Orlando

·         Stephen Black, Executive Director, First Stone Ministries

·         Pastor Stephen Broden, Senior Pastor, Fair Park Bible Fellowship, President Protect Life and Marriage Texas, National Pro-Life Coalition, Dallas, Texas

·         Randy Short, International Human Rights Association for American Minorities

·         Arthur Shaper, Director, California Mass Resistance

·         Scott Lively, Scott Lively Ministries

·         Dan Fisher, President, Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment / Co-pastor, Fairview Baptist Church of Edmond

·         Brian Camenker, President, Mass Resistance

·         Peter LaBarbera, President, Americans for Truth about Homosexuality

·         Bishop E.W. Jackson, President, S.T.A.N.D. (Staying True to America’s National Destiny)

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Ed Buck and Terry Bean: The DNC’s Poster-Boys of Perversion

Some of you will remember that way back in the early 90s I was the Communications Director for Oregon Citizens Alliance and spokesman for Ballot Measure 9, the “No Special Rights Act” of 1992, which was designed to prevent the hard left from gaining civil rights minority status for so-called “sexual orientation.” A version of our bill passed in Colorado that year, and became the basis for the Supreme Court case, Romer v Evans, in which LGBT-apologist Justice Anthony Kennedy taught the left that alleging “hatred” as the motive of legislators could nullify an otherwise slam-dunk political and legal win (launching the now ubiquitous movement-wide “progressive” strategy of labeling all conservative speech and policy objectives “hate-based” : yes, we have Kennedy to thank for that!)

The Oregon version of the No Special Rights Act narrowly failed — in significant part due to LGBT activist and master-fundraiser Terrace Bean, who went on to co-found the world’s largest homosexual lobbying organization Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and more recently shined as one of Barack Obama’s most-loved financial “mega-bundlers,” earning Bean sleep-overs at the Obama White House and rides on Air Force One.

Mr. Bean was indicted back in 2014 or 15 for allegedly gang-raping (along with his boyfriend) a teenage boy in Eugene, Oregon (coincidentally one of the nation’s oldest and most fruitful breeding-grounds for ultra-far-left Antifa fascism). Yet, Bean was able to buy his way out of trouble by publicly offering a $220,000 cash settlement to the victim, who subsequently disappeared, depriving the prosecutor of his most essential witness. The court then, in an unprecedented ruling given the seriousness of the case, dismissed the indictment. (A civil payoff to void a criminal charge is legal in Lane County, but previously unheard of for serious crimes — such is the power of political correctness to bend rules to the breaking point whenever homosexuals are involved in any public matter).

I wrote about Bean’s store-bought travesty of justice at the time and then forgot about it.

Then just a few days ago, another same-sex attracted Democrat mega-donor, Hillary Clinton pal Ed Buck, made the news when a (second) black “sex worker” met his death by drug-overdose in Buck’s infamous den of depravity. I was not the only one to remember Terry Bean in relation to this story and weigh in about it in the comments section of a couple of news sites.

Suddenly, Mr. Bean is back in the news, having been re-indicted on the original charge of raping a teen boy. Ironically, Bean’s lawyer appears to have been as morally-challenged as Bean himself, though tending toward greed rather than lust. Seems she allegedly pocketed the $220,000 payoff due to the boy, and, in consequence, he recently resurfaced and re-connected with the Lane County District Attorney. Perhaps he was reminded of Bean by Mr. Buck’s re-emergence into the media spotlight or perhaps it was the newly emerging scandal about Bean’s lawyer, but fortunately for the boy and the public, the earlier dismissal of Bean’s cased was made “without prejudice” allowing the same charges to be re-filed. The slippery Terry Bean is now back on the hook.

So, we’ll file this one under “divine justice” and hope that this is the first of many examples from the DNC and its Sodom division — both of which richly deserve public exposure of the many illicit victories they have achieved through cheating, patronage, and abuses of power.

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Purple Uniparty Launches Trump Removal Campaign

Prediction: Mitt Romney will lead GOP wing from US Senate with help from “The Most Popular Governor in America,” Charlie Baker.

The elite globalists who run both political parties at the “establishment’ level have, of course, worked against President Trump since Day One, but once past the mid-term elections, the campaign to force him from office entered a new and more intense phase.

The pre-Christmas take-down of the stock market by Fed Chair Jerome Powell was the opening salvo in the Purple Uniparty’s united campaign against Trump in 2020.  President Trump has apparently attempted to counteract its impact on the economy by forcing oil prices down, but Americans are conditioned to judging the health of the economy by the stock market and I expect to see a series of slides and partial recoveries as the market trends downward for the next two years — with the possibility of a serious crash at the point at which President Trump is most vulnerable in the impeachment cycle, and cries for him to step down by GOP traitors are at their highest volume.

5th Columnist Romney will lead the GOP wing of the Uniparty from within the Senate, trying to force Trump from office “for the good of the country” while the Dem wing pursues its impeachment strategy. Watch for a steadily increasing flow of neo-con political figures to join Romney over the coming months,  including Governor Baker (whom I still believe will join the GOP presidential field against Trump in 2020) and a continuous magnification of their importance by the corporate media (which will gush with admiration).

Massachusetts will continue to be a hive of anti-Trump zealotry, and the exemplar microcosm of Purple Uniparty conspiracy as Elizabeth Warren and Maura Healey in the Dem wing and former Massachusetts Governor (and continuing Mass power-broker) Mitt Romney, and his boy Rino Charlie in the GOP wing tag-team President Trump using every resource of the Commonwealth against him.

In contrast, I will stand firmly with President Trump and invite you to join me.

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