Scott Lively Explains Marxism

In the beginning, Western Civilization rested on the two testaments of the Bible, and its laws and culture followed a Judeo-Christian model. Even its ancient Greek and Roman foundation-stones shared natural law presuppositions – masterfully articulated by such giants as Aristotle and Tertullian. It is likely that Greek monotheism was introduced by Jewish slaves as early as the ninth century BC (Joel 3:6). In any case our steadily maturing civilization with its “rule of law” and high ethical aspirations reflected the Biblical worldview for more than two millennia.

The satanic agenda was always to bring chaos from order by luring humanity away from God’s truth into false beliefs and conduct that would defile and degrade us. The forms of deception Satan used were crude and obvious at first, but in the modern world he perfected his strategy and tactics with what we call Marxism. Marxism is a comprehensive alternative to the Judeo-Christian order of civilization that matches each tenet of the Biblical worldview with a counterfeit alternative, starting with Darwinian evolution as an alternative to God’s Creation, and replacing the reality of a loving providential God with the fantasy of human self-perfectibility.

Marxism teaches that humanity is evolving toward a perfect egalitarian utopia but we can achieve it much faster by destroying Judeo-Christian civilization and starting over.

Four primary forms of Marxism have emerged: Communism, Socialism, Fascism and Cultural Marxism, better known as Secular Humanism. The first three forms worked to subvert civilization through fiscal policy and tactics but were always ultimately overthrown by the societies they conquered and occupied. Learning from those mistakes, Cultural Marxism adopted the strategy of Baalam (Revelation 2:14) and the tactic of spreading “sexual revolution” to unravel society’s family-based infrastructure. Since the 1960s their “globalist elites” have refined and perfected that tactic and nearly conquered the world with it.

This is a religious war they are waging. Secular Humanism is their religion, the tenets of “political correctness” are its moral code, and Marxist narratives are the “scripture” that teach its dogma.

There is no “secular” solution to this crisis, since Secularism is itself a stealth version of Humanism. The only real solution is a restoration of the Biblical worldview among those who have been duped into embracing “secularism” as “non-religious,” and that will only occur if those who hold the Biblical worldview start teaching and modeling it far more assertively than we are now.

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Scott Lively on Delegated Sovereignty

The first principle of Christianity is that God is sovereign, meaning that He has absolute authority in all things. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, meaning He is all powerful, all seeing, and everywhere: “in Him and through Him do all things consist” (Romans 11:36).

Logically, only God can have absolute sovereignty over Creation, but within the Creation people and nations can have limited sovereignty, meaning controlling authority over a specific realm or domain.

From the days of Samuel the Prophet human monarchs have been “sovereigns” over kingdoms, with authority delegated by God. This is the theology and history behind the political doctrine of “divine right of kings.”

And always there was a separate but parallel sovereign over ecclesiastical matters: first the Jewish Sanhedrine, and later “the church.” These “Kings and Priests” were intended by God to govern humanity as “coadjuvants” (cooperating sovereigns) balancing and harmonizing church and state interests and perspectives.

From the time of Christ, people who accept Him as savior became Sovereigns over ourselves, with absolute authority over our decisions, assisted by the always-available guidance of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us and fully backs our choices when they align with His will. “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

Constitutionalism finally replaced the “divine right of kings” when the “common people” adopted the social contract theory of government to assert their own sovereignty and create collective self-government by the rule of law.

The United States is the best example of a sovereign nation, formed as constitutional republic by a generation of people who asserted their own natural rights as individual sovereigns.

We therefore have a government or delegated power that is designed to be accountable to us.

However, our own power to delegate is itself delegated to us by God. If we aren’t being accountable to Him, we literally have no right to demand government accountability to us.

And we have no one but ourselves to blame for the terrible mess our country is in, because the One who granted us limited sovereignty is the same One who clearly explains the “law above the law” in His Word. Deuteronomy 28 is particularly clear on the consequences of obedience and disobedience.

As the great Christian nationalist Ronald Reagan once prophesied: “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”

But we have not gone under yet, so I urge you to join me in boldly reasserting our collective sovereignty over our government and culture as an act of obedience to God.

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Debating ‘Progressives’

Watch this video HERE

God made me a warrior, all glory to Him. He prepared me for battle with a childhood and adolescence that toughened me with opposition and hardship and trained me in the pure logic of the natural law and strategic reasoning (though I would not recognize it until I got saved).

An alcoholic from the age of twelve, I lived on the streets from the age of sixteen, had been jailed twice by the age of twenty, and hitchhiked at least 20,000 miles through the heartland and to all four corners of the continental United States by the age of twenty-five. I’d taken and quit more than forty short term jobs but never held as much as $500 in my hands or learned to drive a car (legally) until I was twenty eight. I lived by my wits – learning by trial and error – surviving by the mastery of critical thinking and rhetoric. Although in my pre-Christian worldliness I was wrong in so many ways, I never “lost” a debate with anyone because street-sharpened skill in “intellectual judo” was what kept me alive.

I was a “progressive” then, without knowing it – a member of the first generation of boys entering puberty in the late 60s and early 70s who were subject to full-on indoctrination in Hedonism, Feminism and Social Justice dogma. When I dropped out of school in 10th grade I was a radical left-wing ideologue with the longest hair of any boy at my school, and wore a button on my tattered denim jacket reading “Smash the State.” I smoked mountains of weed and took any other drug I could get my hands on. I sowed many wild oats in many different ways in many different stops along a never-ending adventure-seeking path. I fully lived the liberal delusion my generation had been taught was reality and it almost killed me.

Writing to you today as a Bible-championing, post-conservative Constitutionalist pastor, lawyer, author and speaker, the patriarch of a strong and stable traditional family with a thirty year history of world-wide front lines pro-family advocacy and activism, I am living proof that God can transform ANYONE into an effective agent of His agenda. Again, all glory to Him – I boast only in HIM because my life under my control was a disaster.

The above is to establish my “street cred” for advising you that debating “progressives” is a waste of time unless you’re doing it in front of an audience containing potentially open-minded people, or you’re simply sharpening your debate skills without expectation of actually converting your ‘progressive’ opponent. If you have any experience at all in this, you’ll recall that whenever you effectively defeat one or more of their debate points, they change the subject, and if you refuse to follow them to the new subject, or agree and then defeat that point too, they fall back on name-calling and back out of the argument. You can’t win, because they never concede.

Why? Because they share a worldview in which logic and reason have no ultimate grounding in objective reality. Their arguments may be internally-consistent like the plot of a science-fiction movie, but only if you leave the underlying premises unchallenged. A great example is when Jewish Creationist Ben Stein got Atheist Richard Dawkins, in a debate about “intelligent design,” to invoke the seeding of earth by space aliens as his only guess at how life here could have begun, without recognizing the supreme irony of his reliance on the aliens’ intelligent design as a cause of origins nor being able to explain the possible origins of those aliens except that it “must have been by Darwinian evolution:” a perfect circular argument in which the conclusion is its own premise.

The Stein/Dawkins debate is a living example of 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 “Jews demand signs and Greeks search for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”

In this and other passages, the Bible divides the non-Christian world into two classes of people: Jews and Greeks. To the Jews, our spiritual first-cousins, Jesus Christ is a “stumbling block.” But to the Greeks (the Gentiles), Christ is “foolishness.” What distinguishes them from each the other? Their presuppositions.

Torah believing Jews and Bible-believing Christians share Creationist, Natural Law presuppositions, nearly all of the theological, legal and moral principles of the Bible, and the belief in a Messiah. We differ on whether He has already come in the person of Jesus or whether He has yet to come. To a lesser extent, and with certain caveats, “Muslims” share Creationist and Natural Law presuppositions, as do other Theistic religions.

Greeks are those with an entirely different set of presuppositions that are grounded in Atheism or to a lesser extent fantasy-based Pagan religions. Christ is foolishness to them because there is no intellectual common ground on which He can be discussed and understood.

The Progressives are Greeks in this sense of the term – and that is why it is useless to debate them. Almost everything we Christians believe is “foolishness” to them except for a few common moral principles they stole from Christianity to create the Humanist “Social Gospel” in the early 20th Century as a tool to compete for for the hearts and minds of Americans and lure them away from the Bible as the source of that moral goodness. They’ll agree in principle, for example, that society should provide for widows and orphans but never admit that impulse reflects the heart of God. Indeed, the literal motto of the American Humanist Association is “Good Without God.”

As a Constitutionalist I refuse to waste my time debating and fighting Progressives in the unwinnable, strength-draining slug-fest we were lured into by the Marxist elites. They keep the masses polarized and neutralized so they can rule us without fear of being overthrown.

Instead, I am seeking to identify and unify with the Revolutionary Remnant of Bible-centered Christians willing to serve God as benevolent pro-active stewards of “secular” (meaning non-sectarian but God-fearing) society – reestablishing the Creationist natural law foundations that American law and culture were built upon by the Founders’ generations, by seeking the broadest possible consensus of Americans consistent with the Genesis 1:1 — rallying all Genesis 1:1 Theists to push the Progressives out of power as the most important first step to restoring our Constitutional Republic.

We don’t need to debate the Progressives to beat them, and in fact we can’t beat them that way. We just need get out of the Marxist-owned boxing ring and get back to pursuing our own pro-active agenda.

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The Declaration of Restoration
Read and sign the Declaration HERE
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Scott Lively on Winning Impossible Victories

Dr. Lively celebrates the anniversary of his mission to Springfield Massachusetts by showcasing the “impossible victories” that have occurred there from the time of Dr. and Mrs Lively’s arrival by train January 5th, 2008 with just their suitcases and the vague outlines of a plan to create a model for re-Christianizing “post-Christian” cities. He talks about the intense opposition he received from the “progressives” and how God used him to set an example of persistence under persecution in Springfield, and around the state in his two runs for governor.

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Scott Lively on Redemptive Weaponry

A Seven Point Battle Strategy for the Revolutionary Remnant Regiment

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for (2) pulling down strongholds, (3) casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, (1) bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. (4) Carefully consider what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible on your part, live at peace with everyone. (5) Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: ‘Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord.’ (6) On the contrary, ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. For in so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head.’ (7) Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” Romans 12:17-21.

The Seven Steps to Victory

(1) Discipline your mind to learn and follow the Biblical Worldview under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, confirming each thought, idea, hypothesis, conclusion by testing against the Bible.

(2) Set your mission objective high – pursuing the goal of utterly destroying even the most powerful enemy strongholds.

(3) Begin by discovering, exposing and debunking the lies that contradict God’s Word in your own mind and in the world around you.

(4) Diligently learn and master your understanding of God’s broadest universal values written on the hearts of all men, to win trust and rapport with everyone willing to share that common ground with you.

(5) Work to redeem each adversary by blessing them with the nourishment of love and truth, leading them from the broad universal values toward the purer love and truth of Jesus Christ.

(6) Purge yourself of the motive for revenge and fight to save the people from the snare of the Devil: pacify, disarm and convert the people, knowing each conversion is really a gain of two (minus one for the enemy, plus one for the good guys)

To summarize these points as

(7) Do not use the tactics of the world, which feed and spread the culture of death, but use the tactics of Christ which feed and spread the culture of life.

Our Regimental Motto:

Destroy the Fortresses – Rescue the Captives

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Scott Lively on Rescuing Kids from Humanism

A Critical Priority for Constitutionalists of the Revolutionary Remnant Regiment must be to Stop the Enemy from Poaching Our Children and Those of Our Neighbors.

This is an appropriate time to acknowledge the priceless value of homeschooling, which I will address in a separate essay in the future.

In 2008 Anne and I returned from a year-long speaking tour through eight countries of the former Soviet Union to launch an inner-city mission in Springfield, MA called Holy Grounds Coffee House as a model for re-Christianizing post-Christian cities. After seven years we turned the mission over to local leadership and went back on the mission field on a 27 nation personal fact-finding tour to study the anti-globalist revolution.

There is much to share about each of those chapters of our missionary career, but a great success at the Holy Grounds mission deserves special emphasis today. That is the powerful ministry of daily morning outreach to the High School students of Commerce High School, three doors down from the Coffee House.

Early on we launched a daily morning Bible study and Christian discussion group at Holy Grounds that drew street people, the homeless, ex-cons, the mentally ill and people in substance abuse recovery, as well as missionary-minded Christians from the suburbs with a heart for ministering to these groups. Many lives were transformed in that program, which continues to this day.

We noticed that as we would set up each morning for the 7:30 Bible Study that hundreds of High School students would pass by on the sidewalk. So we started a separate pre-Bible Study ministry to these kids (exclusively – no one else but the teens and our team were allowed during this period) – offering them free coffee, hot chocolate, baked goods and other breakfast items – and daily prayer over them for the needs and concerns of their lives and for success in school. Before long as many as 200 kids passed through each morning, and a sizable portion of them wouldn’t leave without being prayed for by our ministry team!

We were later informed by a staff member at the school that the atmosphere at Commerce High was dramatically changed whenever these kids were around. That was all the more gratifying to hear, because Commerce was well known as the worst school in the city. And as time went on former students came back after graduating to testify to the blessing Holy Grounds had been in their lives.

A few years ago a pastor from Mozambique offered to serve at Holy Grounds just when we needed a new leader for the morning Bible Study and he led the Bible study for the next two years.

Yesterday, I received an email from Mozambique, where Pastor Brasio had returned in 2019 to launch his own version of the Holy Grounds mission. His ministry is focusing on morning outreach to school-bound students with bakery carts near the schools.

I was so excited about that development, I awoke early this morning and designed a gospel tract for his use, and wrote “A Prayer for Students” for the back panel.

It dawned on me afterward that this is precisely what we need here in the US as well, and so I offer it to you. And I want to engage you in the completion of this tract by soliciting your suggestions for scriptures that should be listed as bullet-points in the two inner panels, one titled “Scriptures for Success as Students” and “Scriptures for Avoiding the Lies of the World”

If you have graphic art skills and want to offer a suggested design, I’m soliciting those as well.

Lastly, I invite you to join me in helping to fund this mission in Africa – or in Springfield if you prefer HERE.

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Scott Lively on Self-Evident Truth

The Biblical worldview recognizes that God has written His truth on the human heart – every person everywhere shares this gift and the vast majority of the world agrees on what we call the natural law: which is simply the most obvious and self-evident truths about how we’re made and how we should live, such as the nature of family and community. Aristotle called the study of these things Teleology, and observed that every created thing has a purpose that can be discerned by its design and function. The Bible goes even deeper in Romans 1 and says the truth of God is so obvious in the created order that humans who fail to recognize Him in it have no excuse.

Rejecting God and His universal values doesn’t come from ignorance but from “suppressing the truth in unrighteousness.” Children will naturally learn and embrace these values unless they are deceived by training or trauma into believing something else.

We don’t ever really “teach” truth to anyone, we only help them to recognize the truth they already know by clearing away the accumulation of falsehoods that cover up the truth like layers of rubble obscuring a priceless archaeological treasure.

The great challenges faced by the defenders of Judeo-Christian civilization have very little to do with the fine points of Christian doctrine we focus so heavily upon, but are very much about the universal values of the natural law.

God’s truth is like a pyramid: broadest at the base and narrowing to a pinnacle of refinement achieved by diligent pursuit of attunement with His heart and mind.

Advancing God’s kingdom on this earth begins by first uniting humanity on the basics, and ensuring that society and culture rest on those foundations.

The Humanists have tricked us into agreeing that Atheistic secularism is the norm for society and left/right polarization within that framework is the way to fight for our values.

If we can break free from that trap and start thinking of our true allies as the people who share the universal values of the natural order we can build a mega-majority to reset public policy on the broadest and most stable foundation.

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Scott Lively on Christian Nationalism

Restoring America to Constitutionalism means rescuing her from slavery to Marxism. To accomplish that we must first understand our enemy and how he has enslaved us. Many of my commentaries in December addressed this need in broad terms and I will continue to share my observations and insights in ever more specific terms as this series proceeds.

The six most important points to remember are

1) the culture war has always been a war of aggression by the Marxists against Judeo-Christian civilization,

2) it is a religious war pitting Humanism against Yahweh-worship,

3) the Marxist power structure is top-down and centralized in an “elite” strata which depends upon relentless propaganda and psychological manipulation to capture and retain its vast and ever growing army of “useful idiot” foot-soldiers,

4) through their abuse of public education and information systems over the last hundred years the Marxists have duped “conservatives” into adopting an unwinnable defensive strategy on a battleground they control,

5) the most potent weapon of the elites both to undermine conservative resistance and seduce us into slavery is the sexual revolution, and

6) the most critical tactic to preventing the masses from waking up and overthrowing them is jingoism-driven hyper-polarization at the grassroots level.

The seventh and most important point is the counter-point to all of the above:

7) we are a nation created by Christian nationalists, and only through reclaiming that identity can we defeat this enemy.

Here we must be exceedingly scrupulous to define our terms precisely, because the Marxists have preemptively poisoned the well of public opinion against nationalism of any kind – precisely because it is their Achilles Heel. If we shrink from identifying as nationalists out of fear of controversy they win by default.

American Christian nationalism is constitutionalism, and constitutionalism is Christian nationalism. God blessed us with a founding generation of men of true genius and vision, and we need only to embrace and restore what they established for us, adapting its principles and policies to the modern context, and emulating their hands-on pro-active leadership.

Importantly, most conservatives think they understand constitutionalism but they don’t. The Christian nationalism of the founders does not closely align with either modern conservatism or evangelicalism. The founders generation was in many ways far more fundamentalist on New Testament doctrines than we are today, and in many other ways far more invested in Old Testament doctrines and perspectives than we are. They didn’t use the term then, but their Christian Nationalist concept of “secularism” was Judeo-Christian in its breadth, subject, in terms of practical governance, to distinctly Christian control through the then-common doctrine that active “stewardship” of the government was a Christian’s civic duty.

I will explain more fully what I mean by Judeo-Christian in a separate commentary.

For more information visit

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2020: The final culture-war battle is coming

Read the column on WND HERE

It may seem surprising that God would choose something not considered essential to the Gospel of salvation as the litmus test for faithfulness to His Word in this generation, but from Genesis to Revelation the He warns that civilization will stand or fall on the issue of homosexuality. Why? Because it represents extreme rebellion against God’s natural order at the most foundational level of human relationships.

Without the one-flesh paradigm of Genesis 1:27 and 2:24 there is no natural family, and without the naturally occurring mutual cooperation and co-dependence of natural families there is no network of self-sustaining organic communities from which civilization can naturally emerge, only dog-eat-dog self-centered individualism: the law of the jungle.

Civilization as we know it was made possible by sexual self-restraint through the institution of true marriage: lifelong, child-nurturing, heterosexual monogamy.

Satan’s strategy is to use the lure of “sexual freedom” to deceive human beings into dismantling civilization ourselves, piece by piece, in the reverse order to which God made it. The “sexual revolution” works from the branch to the trunk to the root like a life-wasting disease.

As I stated in my short-form version of this essay, “Sex is like fire – a great blessing when safely contained, a deadly curse when unleashed: the difference between a campfire and a wildfire.” Satan’s “sexual revolution” results in forests of trees as dead and dry as tinder that today are engulfed in raging forest-fires, burning civilization to ashes.

First we normalized the “sexual freedom” delusion itself — “fornication” – from the root for “furnace” meaning “to misuse the fire burning within you.” That was the purpose of Griswold v Connecticut in 1966 legalizing “contraception on demand.” Discussions on the morality of contraception aside, the true purpose of Griswold was to separate sex from procreation to establish “sexual freedom” as a universal social value.

Then we normalized adultery state by state, by removing its social stigma and legal consequences via a model statute on No Fault Divorce, released in 1967 by the Uniform Law Commission. Divorce law that punished adultery had been both an effective deterrent to infidelity and a powerful cultural affirmation of the importance of marriage. Soon, divorce reached epidemic status and remains there.

Then “abortion on demand” was established with Roe v Wade in 1973 after a tsunami of out-of-wedlock babies, conceived by legions of newly “freed” libertines, threatened to cause a backlash against the sexual revolution. The abortion industry exists to preserve the delusion that “free sex without consequences” is possible, by murdering the witnesses whose birth and childhood would disprove it. Abortion is thus the spiritual equivalent of Old Testament child sacrifice.

Roe v Wade triggered a Christian cultural revival that crested in the 1980’s “Reagan Revolution,” then slowly faded under the suppression of the Bush and Clinton dynasties.

The next major step in deconstruction occurred with Lawrence v Texas in 2003, decriminalizing sodomy, which in Biblical and classical legal terms is synonymous with homosexuality.

That made possible the complete nullification of Biblical marriage norms in Obergefell v Hodges (2015), purporting to establish a constitutional right to “gay marriage.”

This step was pivotal: the end of the social and legal consensus recognizing the phenomenon of “natural community” (woven from the fabric of natural families), as the wellspring of civilization. It was a game-changing triumph of the artificial-reality of the Marxist-driven soft-sciences over the hard science of the natural order; and of the religious dogma of Humanism over Theism. It was the death of the tree back to its trunk – the nullification in our law of Genesis 2:24 “therefore shall a man leave his family and cleave unto his wife and they shall become ‘One Flesh.’ ”

The current stage, normalizating “transgenderism,” is about formally rejecting Genesis 1:27’s precept that we are created “in his image, male and female:” our very identity as humans.

Thus, it is easy to predict that the next step will be an assault on the reality of Genesis 1:24-26, that God separated humans from animals, and animals from each other, as distinct “kinds.”

That is the emerging final battle of the culture war, over “transhumanism,” in which the sciences of genetics, robotics and artificial intelligence are intertwined to create the technology to blend humans with animals and machines.

Transhumanism is Satan’s sledgehammer to destroy the final foundation stone of the natural world, and achieve his goal, begun in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, to persuade humanity to become our own gods.

And indeed, what is transhumanism but humans taking the role of God into their own hands – creating “superior” forms of ourselves – essentially “eating from the Tree of Life,” which God closed Eden to prevent from happening: Genesis 3:22-24.

All of this was made possible only through the theology of Humanism, the religion of Marxism, which I believe is the religion of the Antichrist.

It is Humanism, not Christianity, that is reflected in the 2019 moral retreat of Josh Harris, Chic-Fil-A and Hallmark, and in the sudden embrace of “social justice” by prominent church leaders.

In 2013 I predicted all this would occur.

My prediction today is that this “great falling away” will speed up and intensify in 2020, but that a larger part of the Bible-faithful remnant will rise up in response like we haven’t seen since the Reagan Revolution.

I’m forming my own Revolutionary Remnant Regiment for 2020, just email me at if you’d like to enlist.

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Scott Lively Forms a ‘Revolutionary Remnant Regiment’

Recently I renounced conservatism in favor of constitutionalism as an assertion of political self-identification. The goal of conservatism is to slow the progressive agenda. The goal of constitutionalism is to totally roll back the progressive agenda through the pursuit of our own agenda which was set by the Founders: to make America a Shining City on a Hill consistent with their pro-active Biblical worldview.

My first act as a constitutionalist was to expose the false choices of Conservative vs Progressive, Capitalist vs Socialist and Left vs Right because these all define a debate framework created by the Marxist elite to advance their agenda and keep the masses neutralized through polarization.

We must think “outside the box” because that box is actually a trap built by the elites to control us.

The next step, therefore, is to establish a new framework and nomenclature of our own, and strategies and tactics for enacting our agenda.

To that end I am forming a Revolutionary Remnant Regiment.

Revolutionary in the sense that we reject the defensive conservative model in which we react to each new initiative of the Marxists and instead set our own policy objectives that reflect our vision for the future. And revolutionary in the manner in which we operate and the philosophy we hold about political alliances and the essentials of a healthy public consensus.

Remnant in the sense that only Yahweh-worshipers whose worldview is defined by Holy Scripture can grasp the true vision of the Founders. It is group with wide theological parameters as implied by the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, that can roughly be summarized as “adherents of Creationist Natural Law presuppositions as reflected in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, capable of distinguishing church from state as separately sovereign ‘coadjuvants’ in a Christian-stewarded “secular” society as the term was understood by the Founders.”

Regiment in the sense that there must be an order to the campaign for restoration of liberty, an order that was best represented during the Revolutionary War by the Black Robed Regiment of Christian clergy who led militias of the continental army. As a long-time member of that regiment philosophically, and by the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, I am forming my own “militia” whose weapons of warfare “are not physical, but are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.

I will expand on each of these revolutionary concepts in future essays.

In the meantime, send me an email at if you want to enlist.

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Top 10 Pro-Family Heroes of 2019

The pro-family movement was slow to emerge in response to the Marxists’ “sexual revolution” strategy for dismantling Judeo-Christian civilization that was launched just after WWII. It began to coalesce during the national pro-life backlash to Roe v Wade in 1973, and had it’s first taste of cultural-street fighting specific to LGBT issues in the brutal Anita Bryant media takedown following her successful campaign to repeal a “sexual orientation” anti-discrimination ordinance in Dade County Florida in 1977.

Mrs. Bryant (we were still allowed to use “Mrs” as a prefix for prominent women then) was the first national symbol of pro-family activism, and thus the first victim of the Marxist smear-machine to be publicly vilified as a social pariah for opposing so-called “gay rights.”

During the Reagan Revolution of the 1980s the pro-family movement became a major political and cultural force, perhaps best represented by the 1986 Supreme Court ruling in Bowers v Hardwick, recognizing the right of states to regulate all sexual conduct (but especially homosexual sodomy) in the public interest. JFK appointee Justice Byron White wrote the majority opinion. Justice Harry Blackmun of Roe v Wade infamy wrote the dissent.

The power of the pro-family movement peaked in the mid-1990s and began to swiftly decline after the irresistible force of Christian constitutionalists met the immovable object of Marxist constitutional revisionism – in the form of Romer v Evans (1996), the first of four majority opinions written by Justice Anthony Kennedy establishing “gay” cultural supremacy in America.

Kennedy’s nomination to the high court had been forced on Ronald Reagan, after the same leftist power-block that destroyed Anita Bryant did the same to Reagan’s first choice, Robert Bork.

In Romer v Evans Kennedy taught the leftist bullies to frame all conservative messaging on LGBT issues as “hate” to render any laws based on conservative values invalid on their face as outside the scope of legitimate legislative authority. That turned the national battlefield over sexual health and morality in public policy into an anti-conservative “killing field” where virtually no-one who stands for traditional Biblical values can survive, since the presumed motive of “hate” by conservatives is deemed so threatening as to justify virtually any act of “self-defense” by leftists: what I call “the Antifa Sanction” and my friend and co-author Kevin Abrams calls the “Victim/Plunder Strategy.”

That’s why so few conservatives stand up to the hard left on LGBT issues and why those who do are true heroes. Here’s my top ten list of them, which I encourage you to use as a guide in your year-end giving. Apologies to other heroes not listed here, but the Lord put these on my heart.

  1. Mat Staver and Horatio Mihet of Liberty Counsel
  2. Brian Camenker of MassResistance
  3. Pastor Stephen Broden and Pastor Paul Blair of
  4. David Kupelian of WorldNetDaily
  5. Ex-Gay Spokesman Steven Black of First Stone Ministries
  6. Dr. Michael Brown of The Line of Fire radio show
  7. Bryan Fisher of American Family Association Radio
  8. Pastor Greg Young of Chosen Generation Radio
  9. Peter LaBarbera of AFTAH
  10. Scott Lively Ministries or via WePay
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Scott Lively Introduces The Trojan Mouse

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My son Samuel has written his first book, titled The Trojan Mouse: How Disney is Winning the Culture War. You can easily find it online, but I’m hoping you’ll get it from me as a premium for subscribing to my ministry.

If anyone in your extended family or social circle watches Disney films this is a great resource for spotting and neutralizing the subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle leftist messaging in the films which are designed to engineer incremental social change through steering the hearts and minds of children.

Sam is a phenomenal film critic and historian, and he’s done a masterful job of detailing the history of the Walt Disney company through several distinct phases, and identifying the specific leftist narratives in the enormous Disney catalogue of films – every one of which he watched and analyzed in his research for The Trojan Mouse.

Sam needs help raising awareness about the book. You can contact him through me at

Sam’s ministry from his early teen years has always been to have a Christian influence on Hollywood and the film industry. We saw this early on because Anne and I home-schooled our children – which frankly was the best decision we ever made as parents. We not only prevented Sam and his older brother Noah from being indoctrinated in Humanism in public schools, we had the chance to identify their natural talents and interests and actively facilitate their growth and learning along the tracks God had established in them.

As the boys were becoming more aware of the things of the world in their pre-teen years, Anne and I grew increasingly angry at the “gotcha” strategy of TV broadcasters who ran crude and obscene advertisements during otherwise family-friendly programming. There was no way to guard against it, so we shut off the TV for good and switched our family entertainment plan to classic films. Five years later, Sam was a full-fledged, home-grown teenage classic film historian who could watch 30 seconds of just about any classic film and tell you the year, plot, cast and director, and had his sights set on a career in film.

In his late teens we were living briefly in Lake Elsinore, CA. One evening Sam called for help because his car had broken down on the I-15 coming home from church youth group in Corona. When I got there, a man had already stopped to help, and I was so grateful I immediately gave him my law office business card and told him to call me if he ever needed help.

“A Christian lawyer?” he said, “I’m a Hollywood stunt coordinator and I’ve always wanted to have a ministry to help young people have an impact on Hollywood.” A true story of God’s Providence! His name was Randall Huber and I set up a nonprofit corporation for him called The Star Above, and last I knew he was doing ‘USO” style entertainment for relief workers of Hurricane Katrina.

He got Sam an internship with a film company at Universal Studios. That springboarded into a script-writing Master’s Degree at Cal State Fullerton, where his professor liked him so much he sponsored him to teach film there immediately after graduation.

Publishing The Trojan Mouse is the next major step in Sam career, and I ask you to help him continue aong that path by buying his book and promoting it to your friends.

However, if you make a donation of $20 or more to my ministry via, I’ll send you a free signed copy of The Trojan Mouse and add you to my postal-mail newsletter The Lively Letter, which is how we fund our missionary lifestyle.

That’s all for now. God bless you, and see you next time.

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Scott Lively on Sexual Anarchy

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Civilization as we know it was made possible by sexual self-restraint through the institution of marriage. Sex is like fire – a great blessing when safely contained, a deadly curse when unleashed: the difference between a campfire and a wildfire. Indeed, the word “fornication,” from the root for “furnace” means “to misuse the fire burning within you.”

The natural order of sexuality is taught by God as a set of moral laws backed by cautionary tales.

He first established the model to follow in Genesis 1:27 and 2:24, the “One Flesh” Paradigm: we’re made in His image as male and female for lifelong monogamy at the initiation of the male.

He then tells a series of Bible stories showing the consequences of deviating from the model:

• the story of Abraham’s polygamy that produced the anti-Hebrew nation of Ishmael;
• the story of Sodom and Gomorrah;
• the story of Lot’s incest with his daughters from which came the anti-Hebrew nations of Ammon and Moab;
• the story of Balaam’s weaponization of Moabite sexual rebellion as a strategy to weaken the Isralite society from within; and
• the consistent Old Testament narrative theme identifying adultery as synonymous with idolatry, best recognized in the story of Hosea and Gomer.

Leviticus 18 lists these plus the derivative sin of child sacrifice as the reason God tasked the Hebrews to purge the Canaanites from the Holy Land.

I learned this from Rabbi Samuel Dresner who, incapacitated by cancer, hired me in the late 1990s to complete his unfinished book on the subject.

The systematic deconstruction of Judeo-Christian America in law and culture follows a satanic strategy, using these sins to unravel the social fabric in the reverse order to which God made it. Follow the sequence:

Fornication (sex before marriage): Griswold v Connecticut (1966), legalizing “contraception on demand.”

Adultery: via state-by state adoption of the No-Fault Divorce model statute created in 1967 by the Uniform Law Commission.

Child Sacrifice: Roe v Wade (1973), legalizing “abortion on demand.”

[Long Pause due to pro-life backlash and Reagan Revolution of Christian conservatives]

Sodomy: Lawrence v Texas (2003).

Nullification of Biblical Marriage Norms: Obergefell v Hodges (2015), purporting to establish a constitutional right to “gay marriage.”

Transgenderism: the current stage, attempting to nullifying Genesis 1:27 as a legal and cultural norm.

Transhumanism: the emerging next stage in which the sciences of genetics, robotics and artificial intelligence combine to blend humans with animals and machines, nullifying Genesis 1:24-26.

I’ll continue this analysis in my World Net Daily column of December 31st so please look for that next Tuesday.

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Pelosi and the A-Team of Evil

The real reason Nancy is slow-walking the fake impeachment

A few weeks ago I stated in my WND column The Democrat Crime Scene Called Ukraine, that the Russian collusion strategy was always about covering up what the Dems A-Team of Evil — the Clinton/Obama/Biden/Soros crime family – did in Ukraine.

They knew from election night 2016 that their crimes would not stay hidden without Hillary in the Oval Office, so their legal defense strategy was to go immediately on the attack. Remember that the Dem elites and their deep state assets aren’t just cold-blooded politicians, they’re cunning lawyers, professional war-gamers, and regime-change super-stars.

The “Russian collusion” narrative was an extortion tactic to pre-taint any Trump investigation into Ukraine as evidence of collusion and force him to drop the case. They picked the wrong guy!

When Mueller’s efforts failed and the Trump team began to expose facts about Ukraine in the build-up to prosecution, the Dems fell back to impeachment, trying to spin Trump’s Ukraine investigation itself as a crime, and the emerging truth as a Trump conspiracy theory concocted as his legal defense to his alleged “extortion efforts.”

But as masterful as their A-Team is, Trump has outmaneuvered them.

People wonder how the Dems (even the Dems) could persist in an impeachment process so embarrassingly baseless and unethical. It’s because they have no choice. They are utterly desperate. All of their collective power and aspirations stand at risk if what their party leaders did in Ukraine is prosecuted in open court!

Now it is clear that the prosecution will proceed, so what’s left in their arsenal? It’s civil war or worse, and, considering that Ahab and Jezebel Clinton are leading the team, I assume all options are open, with civil war being most likely.

What is the key to triggering civil war? It is hyper-polarization even beyond what we’ve yet seen.

Who has the power of hyper-polarization? The Trump-hating corporate media, including now Christianity Today (whose shocking Christmas-time sabotage suggests Dem collusion).

Why then is Pelosi slow-walking the impeachment process? My guess is she was told to delay the start of the acquittal phase to time a riveting false flag incident – a bloody showdown in Virginia over gun rights, perhaps? – during the holiday season when the power of media-driven spin and propaganda can be maximized.

Call me a conspiracy nut, but they really are the A-Team of Evil and they’re cornered. Just do the math.

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Scott Lively Gives His Christian Testimony

Watch this short video on Gab HERE

This is the first of a series of autobiographical videos and essays that will be published on the page titled A Lively Life

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Scott Lively on Tribalism

Today’s Video. Please view, like, comment and subscribe.

Tribalism is an unnecessarily derogatory term for the normal human tendency to form affinity groups. Most tribalism is healthy and benign. What makes tribalism unhealthy is polarization into opposing camps of “Us” vs “Them” in which honest objectivity about ourselves and our opponents gives way to “jingoism:” meaning we lionize our side and demonize the other to a dangerous extreme. Jingoism was coined to describe patriotic fanaticism in wartime, but is most commonly seen in American politics.

The elites have perfected polarization as a tactic for neutralizing the masses, and that phenomenon of orchestrated jingoism-driven polarization is what we see on display today, not organic tribalism. As Jesus said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand” and thus we are being driven deliberately toward civil war to defeat our stand against globalism.

The elites of the British Empire perfected the divide and conquer technique in geo-politics following World War I, carving up the conquered people into new nation-states to dilute the cultural cohesion of the populations, especially in Europe and the Middle east. Reuniting the “German-speaking people” whom the British had split apart to weaken them politically was the issue that propelled Adolf Hitler to power during the Weimar era leading to World War II.

After WWII, and the stunning advance of mass communication technology, it became easier to manipulate the public, and the Socialist elites who had fled Europe to the United States in the 1930s recognized this was the key to reshaping the world in their image. They quickly infiltrated Hollywood and the media but pushed too hard too fast, triggering a legitimate back-lash in the 1950s that they still mock today as the “Red Scare” as if it was all a baseless conspiracy theory.

By the 1960s they had refined their skills and the rest is history – specifically the history of the culture war that we Constitutionalists have been losing steadily for seventy years as mass-media driven leftist “narratives” supplanted self-evident truths in the public mind.

The elites are a relatively small group of people who are united in the Marxist theology of Humanism (notwithstanding nominal religious affiliations) and in the agenda of globalism. The measure of their success is the percentage of non-elite Dupes they convince to align with them.

What they fear most is unification of we Constitutionalists and our rescue of the Dupes, so keeping is polarized is essential

How polarization works as a neutralizer is best shown in their response to the Tea Party movement, which arose spontaneously in 2009 against Obama’s Marxist agenda.

To counter the Tea Party, the elites did two things. First, they created a polar opposite called Occupy Wall Street and deployed their standing army of street activists Dupes to make it newsworthy. That was to shift the Tea Partiers focus away from the elites toward a visible and familiar adversary. Second, they tasked the Republican establishment to absorb the Tea Party into the GOP and diffuse it. Viola, the Tea Party was neutered.

However, being a true ground-up revolution it continued to spread and grow across the world – fanned by the hubris of Obama, who thought he could force the global socialist order into reality during his presidency. He turned up the heat too fast and the sleeping populist frog woke up and jumped out of the pot. That in turn triggered Brexit in the elites’ stronghold of London, and Donald Trump in the elites’ stronghold of New York. And because of those two victories, there is real hope for defeating globalism.

Now back to the problem of forced tribalism in the United States. Although it can work in our favor in the short term, while the “Us” is a partnership of Constitutionalists and Conservative Populists, and the “Them” is the Purple Uniparty of the Clintons/Bushes/Obama/Biden and Soros, we’re headed for civil war unless – after we re-elect President Trump – we transition from war-time tribalism to the peacetime reconstruction.

Here is where the unparalleled wisdom of Christ comes in. He is the one told us that we must love our enemies, and inspired Paul to advise us that “inasmuch as it is within your power, live at peace with all men.”

Today we’re fighting a defensive war with the hard left who are vicious aggressors working to overthrow our president and constitution and install a Marxist regime. It’s not possible to live at peace with these opponents now. We must defeat them!

But after we reelect President Trump, as I am certain will occur, we will have the power and opportunity to reconstruct America in the same way that the God-fearing Greatest Generation reconstructed Germany and Japan after WWII.

Our war-time jingoism – in which all our adversaries have one group identity – must give way to what Chuck Colson called “restorative justice” in which our goal is to identity and rehabilitate those individuals whose minds and hearts are reclaimable, while stripping power from those who are not.

Yes, the main culprits behind the anti-Trump coup must be prosecuted and jailed. Yes, the deep state must be purged like cancer from our government. Yes, the Marxists must be gently but firmly removed from all the institutional seats of power and influence, starting with our public schools and universities. But we must never allow tribalism and jingoism to make us behave like our adversaries who cannot see the humanity in each person. We must have sympathy for the Dupes whose primary fault is believing the leftist propaganda their lives have been steeped in since childhood.

What then must our post-war agenda be? It must be the reimposition of the rule of law and ethics, and a return to the “melting pot” mind-set in which all tribes and cultures within our borders are one American family – all subject to the values and vision of Constitutionalism.

So by all means let’s make the best of this forced tribalism until we win, then let’s get back to showing the world what true American greatness really looks like.

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True Freedom in Christ

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Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed” John 8:36.

Freedom in Christ extends far beyond the fundamental truth usually discussed in sermons: our life-saving liberation from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2), which occurs the instant we accept the free gift of salvation in Him.

His freedom extends even beyond liberation from addictions and other behavioral disorders. He freed me from sixteen years of bondage to drugs and alcohol in 1986 – at the precise moment I surrendered my life to him on my knees in a secular rehab center.

Importantly, our Messiah also liberates us from obligation to human-created customs, traditions, rituals and other expectations of men, which are even stronger chains than physical or psychological addictions.

It was precisely the human tendency to bind ourselves by man-made rules that the Pharisees exemplified and that Jesus rebuked more forcefully than any other human sin. In His preamble to the seven counts in His legal indictment of the House of Judah in Matthew 23, called the “Seven Woes,” he explained:

The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So practice and observe everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, burdensome loads and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them….But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Christ.”

This exhortation from the lips of God Himself is the theological foundation-stone of individual sovereignty which makes the rule of law through Constitutionalism possible.

But it also explains why all Bible-based religions and denominations have strayed from the Biblical Worldview (to varying degrees), in that so very much of what we Yahweh-worshipers do and think about serving and following God is based on human interpretations of the Bible and not the Bible itself.

Total liberation lets us follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in anything that is truly from God, regardless of what anyone else thinks about it. The more our minds are conformed to the Biblical Worldview the easier it is to exercise and enjoy the fullness of that freedom.

I have reorganized my life around this profound truth and I encourage you do so as well.

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Refuting “Gay Theology”

Download and distribute this simple flyer to refute “gay theology”

From Chic-Fil-A to Hallmark to the Southern Baptist Convention to Josh Harris’ public recanting of Christian faith, there is ample evidence to suggest that the “Great Falling Away” has begin — and, of course, it is all the bitter fruit of “gay theology.” As prophesied, homosexuality is the last-days litmus test for Biblical faithfulness vs surrender to the world. That is the theme of my book, The Petros Prophecy, which I offer freely in PDF HERE Please use this book and flyer as tools to strengthen and encourage the faithful remnant and to reprove and exhort those who are wavering in their faith.

Download The Petros Prophecy HERE
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Scott Lively Explains Constitutionalism

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As part of my law program I minored in human rights and in 1997 earned a Certificate’ in that field at the University of Strasbourg, France.

The history of human rights in Western Civilization is the history of Constitutionalism and of the Common Law. They all begin at Runnymede, England in 1215 with the Magna Carta, a set of restrictions on the power of the British monarchy. The Magna Carta was the first constitution in the western world, and the origin of the rule of law in place of rule by monarchs.

Importantly, Rule #1of the Magna Carta was “The English church shall be free.” Not accidentally, our First Amendment to the United States Constitution also begins “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

Constitutionalism eventually became a full-fledged Bible-based political ideology in England.

In 1620, America’s first constitution took the form of a coventental oath by British separatists. Their “Mayflower Compact” was adopted in part “to advance the Christian faith,” and the goal of their government was soon afterward envisioned as the “Shining City on a Hill” of Matthew 5.

Constitutionalism was fleshed out in Thomas Hobbs’ Leviathan (1651), and elegantly refined by John Locke in Two Treatises of Government (1690).

Locke’s first treatise rebutted Sir Robert Filmer’s defense of the “Divine Right of Kings,” in which Filmer argued that God intended humanity always to be subject to one divinely appointed king in an unbroken line of succession from Adam. Locke countered Filmer’s argument with a point by point explication of the Biblical concepts of individual freedom and equality originating in our creation as individual sovereign beings under His rule.

Locke’s second treatise applied those principles to the social contract theory of government, essentially creating what would become the core of American political philosophy as summarized in the Declaration of Independence.

In the 1700s, a heavy political battle in England between constitutionalist Whigs and the pro-royalist Tories spilled over to the American colonies, essentially setting the stage for the American Revolution, which operated in a sense as their proxy war — of which Americans were the biggest winners.

To be a constitutionalist is thus to align with the Founders love for the Bible-based rule of law, and to diligently pursue their vision to make and preserve America as a Shining City on a Hill.

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