Scott Lively on the Bush ‘Second Front’ Against Trump

Dr. Lively examines the history of the Bush Clan as “Deep Staters” of the “Purple Uniparty” and predicts that recent political acts by Bush insiders and GW himself portend a major effort by Establishment Republicans over the next few months to unseat Trump in November — a campaign he predicts will fail, but in the process expose many now-hidden Cultural Marxists in the GOP.

I will begin this article by confessing that I was once a strong defender of George W. Bush (43), starting with the national conservative uprising triggered by the “hanging chad” political scandal in the Bush v Gore election of 2000. I participated in a massive gathering of conservatives who descended spontaneously on the California State House in my then home-town of Sacramento like a swarm of angry hornets, as other did in countless cities across America. I’ve since come to recognize that the Bush Clan has always been Deep State, it’s continuing political dynasty representing the top strata of the Red Republican half of the Bush/Clinton/Obama/Romney Purple Uniparty.

I was not surprised, therefore, to see the Bush political war machine recently roll onto the 2020 election battlefield flying the flag of George Soros’ Anti-Trump “Purple Revolution.” In early June, Bush 43 announced his intention not to vote for Trump, and then, as reported by WND in early July, a new Pro-Biden super-pac, “43 Alumni for Biden,” was created by “hundreds of former George w Bush staffers….to ‘unite and mobilize a community of historically Republican voters who are dismayed and disappointed by the damage done to our nation’… ‘not necessarily in full support of [Biden’s] political agenda but rather in full agreement with the urgent need to restore the soul of this nation.’ ” I predict this is just the beginning of a major “second front” in the elites’ war on Trump.

When we talk Deep State, we’re talking about a huge, multi-layered, multi-disciplinary, fully integrated network of Cultural Marxists who share the common religion of Secular Humanism, its’ moral code of “political correctness” (especially regarding sexual morality), and the dogmatic cultural narratives that serve as Scripture for them all. It’s roots go very deep indeed – all the way back to the late 1800s in America – but the most relevant period for this essay begins with the shady career of Deep Stater George HW Bush (41).

Bush 41 was apparently high-level CIA under JFK and LBJ before becoming a pro-abortion Texas GOP Congressman during LBJ administration. Though he denied having been a spook, a declassified FBI memo from J. Edgar Hoover named 41 as the sole CIA representative verbally briefed on November 23, 1963 about JFK’s assassination the day before. There’s always been considerable buzz in conspiracy circles about his (and LBJ’s) possible role in that “regime change.” And, of course, Bush 41 was later tapped in 1976 as CIA Director by Gerald Ford.

I have long argued that “Landslide Lyndon,” America history’s poster boy for election fraud, was the most corrupt president in US history (until Obama). From his infamous and unconstitutional 1954 “Johnson Amendment” banning churches from endorsing political candidates, to his “War on Poverty” agenda that created the federal entitlement system by which Democrats gained a seemingly unbreakable hold on nearly every big city in America, LBJ’s legacy was poisonous. Yet the LBJ Presidential Library features a special tribute to Bush 41, stating in part “The Bush and Johnson families share a long history and friendship, beginning in the 1950s when Lyndon Johnson served in the U.S. Senate with Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush’s father. Although from different political parties, the two men enjoyed a productive working relationship steeped in mutual respect.”

The Bush 41/LBJ “productive working relationship” hinted at a “Purple Uniparty” long before we started color coding the GOP as red and the Dems as blue. The much-heralded Bush 43/Bill Clinton “collegiality” was further evidence. Today, of course, we live in a world where Donald Trump’s paradigm shattering election in 2016 has exposed the Purple Uniparty so fully that Bush 43 has now unashamedly joined the Dems and opened a second front in the war on Trump.

Former MA Governor now Utah Senator Mitt Romney has represented the Bush Dynasty on the battlefield since 2016. He pops up whenever his cheap shots against Trump can get the maximum media coverage, the most recent regarding the Roger Stone commutation. Romney’s protégé, second term MA Governor Charlie Baker (whom I ran against in 2014 and 2018) has also sniped repeatedly at Trump and will likely soon escalate his anti-Tump rhetoric. (To show how cozy they all are, Baker’s purple party predecessor and close Obama buddy, Deval Patrick, transitioned from the MA Governor’s office to a seat on the board at Romney-brand “Bain Capital.”)

Many “Establishment Republicans,” meaning Cultural Marxists who still pretend (to varying degrees) to be Conservatives, have been forced to align with Trump to retain power, but now that Bush 43 has emerged from the shadows under the purple banner, some of them will show their true color as well.

Looking back I am now convinced that Bush 41 intentionally lost to Bill Clinton in ‘92 to fast-track the Marxist agenda, on the understanding that the Bush Clan would get back the baton in 2000. I believe Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney were all Bush Team members tasked with taking a dive in their respective races, and that was the role Jeb Bush was intended to play for Hillary, before Trump upset their apple cart.

Looking forward I think the Bush Team will incrementally bring ALL of its assets to bear against Donald Trump and many people will be shocked at how deep the Deep State goes in the ranks of the GOP – especially among “conservatives.” (Jeff Sessions is not an anomaly.)

I am especially concerned about Texas Governor Greg Abbot, since I believe the Covid 19 “second wave” is central to the Anti-Trump strategy, and the media seems to be setting up Texas to be the New York of the second wave. I’m hoping Abbot is a true constitutionalist, but I know his political ascendency was kick-started by appointment to the Texas Supreme Court in 1995 by then Governor George W. Bush. Time will tell if he is a Bush asset, but even if he isn’t there are many who are, and we’re about to see them step out of the shadows with guns aimed at Trump.

All that having been said, I still think Trump will win in a landslide, and by then, for the first time since the start of the Marxist invasion, we’ll know who most of the Deep Staters are when the second Trump term – the Great American Swamp Draining – begins in earnest. At least that’s my hope and prayer.

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UNLOCKING THE MYSTERIES OF REVELATION: Part Three of “The Prodigal Son Prophecy”

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Dr. Lively continues his serial publication in video and PDF of his book ‘The Prodigal Son Prophecy: God’s Amazing Plan for the Restoration of the Two Hebrew Houses and the Salvation of the Gentiles” with this third installment, which is Part Two, of Chapter One of the book, augmented with charts and graphics.

To access all segments of The Prodigal Son Prophecy that have been published in video and PDF to date, use the link in the button bar at the top of the homepage. For a PDF of this third installment, click the download button below.

You are welcome to use the following charts with attribution and a link to this website.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Revelation (also published here at

I have been publishing my most recent prophecy book as a series of videos and PDFs. It is titled “The Prodigal Son Prophecy: God’s Amazing Plan for the Restoration of the Two Hebrew Houses and the Salvation of the Gentiles.” Section One of the book is titled “A Fresh Look at End-Time Prophecy: A Christian Lawyer and Pastor Examines the End-Time Prophecies of the Bible “De Novo” from the Hebrew Cultural Perspective of the Apostles.” Today I am releasing the third installment of this series, starting with the section titled “The Seven Stages of the Last Days.”

In the prior installment (Chapter One, Part One), I explained my approach to prophecy, which begins with the hypothesis that Jesus’ instruction to the Apostles in Matthew 24-25 about the end times (a teaching called The Olivet Discourse) is both chronological and the primary key to harmonizing all the prophecies of the Bible.

A second key is the recognition that God’s system for time-keeping in the prophecies is explained in Leviticus 23 (the Seven Feasts of the Lord) and Leviticus 25 (the Centrality of Cycles of Seven). I then created a set of tools for testing the hypothesis, including a chart in which the Olivet Discourse is divided into a series of fifteen events, twelve events from the “beginning of sorrows” through the resurrection/rapture in Matthew 24, and three post-rapture events represented in the three parables of Matthew 25, along with a second chart showing how the Matthew 25 events fulfill the pattern of the three Fall Feasts of Leviticus 23.

Another major hypothesis in The Prodigal Son Prophecy is that the Book of Revelation should be viewed as an expanded and augmented version of the Olivet Discourse in which Jesus (through John) provided much more information to the church about the end-times at the very end of the Age of the Apostles.

The Book of Revelation can be said to be in one sense the “graveyard” of prophecy gurus since it’s apparent complexity from a Hellenic perspective has produced innumerable false theories and interpretations. Its heavy emphasis on symbolism and lack of a clear and self-evident chronological sequence lends itself to imaginative, sometimes fanciful speculation. However, from the first century Hebrew cultural perspective, the challenge of understanding Revelation is not nearly as daunting or problematic.

In this third installment I show how Revelation perfectly aligns with the Olivet Discourse chronology in the gospels and created a chart for depicting the alignment visually. To accomplish this very challenging task, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I created a new tool for analyzing the chronology of the events in Revelation.

First, I demonstrated how all the events in Revelation can be divided into one of four categories based upon the perspective of time and space in each passage: 1) Events on earth from the perspective of earth, 2) events on earth from the perspective of heaven, 3) events in heaven from the perspective of earth, and 4) events in heaven from the perspective of heaven. Then, I divided the entire book into twenty-five passages based upon the perspective of each passage, and made a chart in which each of the passages is color coded based on its perspective. I then designed a third chart showing how each of the twenty-five passages can be plotted on the Matthew 24-25 timeline.

Importantly in my analysis, I emphasize that events in heaven, especially those from the perspective of heaven, cannot necessarily be plotted on the timeline based solely on their position in the narrative, because these events occur outside of time, where nothing in Creation has begun, yet is fully accomplished and completed. It’s a paradox for we time-bound mortals that must be accounted for in our interpretation of Revelation. To resolve this paradox, I wrote a section in this chapter on using the Biblical symbolism in the problematic passages to anchor them in the timeline – by showing how these symbols are used in other Bible prophecies that also align with the Olivet Discourse.

In this third installment, I also offer a different view on the seven seals, trumpets and bowls, arguing that they are perhaps best plotted on the timeline using another Biblical concept, the “wheel within a wheel” (which I envision as a spiraling cycle like a watch spring). Using this approach I show how we can view the seven trumpets as events which occur within the cycle of the seven seals, and, in turn, that the seven bowl judgments occur within the sixth trumpet. The seventh trumpet declaration of the Millennial Kingdom is in my analysis the final event of the series, it being one of the events in heaven from the perspective of heaven, that do not fit the apparent chronology of the text.

I conclude Chapter One with a discussion of the Season of the End, meaning the final generation preceding the second coming of Christ and how the symbolism of the fig tree can be used to determine which of three events in the 20th Century most likely mark the start of that generation.

As with all my prophecy writings, I hold my conclusions lightly and do not claim to have all of the answers. I believe the most important trait we all should cultivate in ourselves when we study prophecy is humility, since we cannot know with absolute certainty that any of our conclusions are 100% accurate because the events we’re considering haven’t happened yet and the passages we’re studying are usually susceptible to plausible alternate interpretations. That having been said, I think my analysis is sound, and where I am less confident in my conclusions I usually make that clear. I am publishing this book without charge, as an act of service to God in the fulfilment of my ministry for Him, and will provide any interested readers a free copy in PDF by email request to

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Scott Lively Describes a ‘Cancel Culture’ for Our Side

Dr. Lively asks and answers the question “what if conservatives fought back using the Left’s rules?” In this video essay, Scott offers a satirical look at what a conservative version of the “cancel culture’ would look like under the banner “Marxism = Treason.”

Marxism = Treason: A Cancel Culture of Our Own

To quote from one of the earliest manifestos in the American Marxist revolution of the 1960s “This essay is outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.” In other words, it is an up-front disclaimer intended to ensure that the readers recognize the subsequent content as satire.

If “cancelling” things for being socially unacceptable has become the new dogma of the political left, the rest of us should recognize this not as a threat, but an opportunity. Since their leftist “tide of history” has turned our government agencies, courts, schools, media, sports leagues, chambers of commerce and city parks into rat-infested swamps and now threatens to drown the constitution itself, aren’t we now justified in launching a “cancel culture” of our own? Isn’t it about time for a Constitutionalist Cultural Revolution to purge Marxism from America?

What would that look like, if the true American Patriots rose up with the battle cry “Marxism is Treason!” and began using the same rules of engagement that the left has been operating by in 2020. Let’s look at each nest of Marxist usurpers and agitators separately – treating each as an individual cancerous tumor in a host body loaded with them.

We’d want to hit the media first, since they represent the “Air Force” of the far left, and have created a “no truth zone” over America in which any patriotic person, group, and message gets shot down immediately. We’d need a fairly sizable strike force of patriots to make a swift raid on their bases in Manhattan, Atlanta and LA. We clear the buildings, smash the broadcasting hardware, upload military-grade malware into their computer systems, and then burn the structures to the ground. We’d take over a Central Park in each location and turn it into Citizens Judicial Zone where we’d administer judgement on each executive, editor and “journalist” responsible for their campaigns of manipulative propaganda. Each individual would first tried by a jury of citizens based upon the evidence of their work, then we’d horse-whip the guilty, place them in stocks, and eventually release them on the condition they never again work in any field in which public opinion is influenced.

Next we’d want to purge the colleges, universities, pubic schools, teachers unions, and government educational bureaucracies of all the Marxists, which would pretty much leave the entire top strata of each category unmanned. So we’d appoint new leaders from the ranks of patriotic citizens who respect the constitution and the Judeo-Christian principles of America’s founders. All of academia would henceforth be restored as the “Marketplace of Ideas” and, while leftist ideas would be allowed, any attempt to force politically-correct views upon students by any person in authority would be criminalized.

We’d need to deal harshly with government officials who have abused their power to advance Marxist interests at the expense of the constitution. These White liberals would need to be removed from office on the presumption that they only rose to power based on White Privilege. We would hold immediate special and fair elections for new leaders, following the model used by the US Military in Iraq – pots of purple ink for each voter to stick their thumb in so no one can vote twice. Of course, everyone would need to prove their identity before voting, as this would be the new norm we would insist upon forever after.

The judges would not escape justice, either. We’d create a Blue Ribbon Commission on Judicial Integrity to review their past rulings against the standard of constitutional originalism. Judicial activists at every level would be removed from the bench and disbarred.

The Deep State would also be purged. We’d ask General Mike Flynn to head up that effort.

The spineless wimps in the NFL, Chamber of Commerce, and other organizations who have bent over to the Black Lives Matter/Antifa fascists would not be allowed to go back to work but would be forced to spend their work weeks sitting in oversized high-chairs like toddlers, sucking their thumbs and wearing dunce caps.

Our season of change would be of limited duration and have a clean ending point. We would justify it under the logic of the Declaration of Independence, issuing our own Declaration of Restoration (not satire) based upon it. And after the season of restoration, we would simply return to our restored Constitutional Republic.

However, during this season of purging the cancer of Marxism using the Left’s own rules, we would declare open season on the symbols, structures and systems of socialism: allowing the oppressed citizenry, on their own initiative as vigilantes, to strike back against political correctness wherever it may be found – tearing down the abortion clinics, the rainbow flags, the the “safe space for snowfakes” signs, etcetera, etcetera.

But, of course, this is all pure satire, because constitutionalists by definition believe in the rule of law. There is no justification for taking the law into our own hands so long as the constitution stands, and the systems of citizen-delegated government continue to operate, even if they are not functioning well at the moment.

The BLM/Antifa mobs now raging in our streets, tearing down every symbol of American heritage, are doing America a tremendous service: they are revealing the true, hideously ugly face of Marxism for the entire electorate to see, and all the media spiking and spinning can’t hide it from the people. And they’re doing it during the build-up to a national election in which a proven champion of American excellence (who, at Mount Rushmore on the 4th of July, has just delivered the most powerful patriotic speech of our generation), is squared off against a drooling leftist imbecile who can’t remember what planet he’s on.

No, we constitutionalists don’t need to stage screaming tantrums and burn down our own neighborhoods to get our way, we need only to remember the basics of limited, delegated government that the Founders bequeathed to us, and thanks to liberal idiocy, our side is finally WOKE to reality: Marxism is Treason, and it can and must be purged – but within the parameters of the Rule of Law.

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Dissecting President Trump’s Fabulous Speech | Breaking News Bible Study | Episode 14

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Scott Lively on Why the Dems are Burning Their Cities

Dr. Lively explains how and why the “grossly racist” Democrats are setting up inner-city Blacks as the scapegoats for the now inevitable collapse of the deep blue cities, and are smearing all police as “irredeemably racist” to justify not just the defunding of police forces in the cities, but the eventual rescinding of their police pension obligations — because the Trump Tax Reform of 2018 has caused the Dem’s river of “other people’s money” to start drying up.

Scott Lively on Why the Dems are Burning Their Cities

I have repeatedly argued that the reason the globalists played their Black Lives Matter riot-and-mayhem card on the day before the release of the fully exculpatory Michael Flynn transcript was to deflect public attention from Obamagate which the Flynn transcript finally proved was conspiracy-FACT and not theory. That explains the timing of the start of riots, but there’s another, more diabolical reason that the Democrats are goading BLM specifically into burning down their own cities, and augmenting the (mostly peaceful) Black forces with highly trained (and mostly White) Antifa storm troopers to ensure it happens.

The White liberal elites who have owned all these cities since LBJ created the entitlement system and political machinery that made perpetual liberal control possible have finally run out of “other peoples money” and the gravy train is about to drive off the cliff, leaving them holding the bag. These grossly racist White liberal elites are therefore setting up inner-city Blacks as the scapegoats for the collapse of the cities, while cynically creating a false narrative in which they themselves play heroes for supporting “a long-awaited social accounting for systemic racism” (which is all the more ironic, since nearly all the racism being complained of as first-hand accounts by these inner-city Blacks must logically have occurred in the deepest of the deep blue cities where they live).

Why have these While liberal elites run out of other people’s money? Because the Trump Tax Reform of 2018 limited the deductibility of state and local taxes on federal tax returns. That literally killed the “soak the rich” component of the LBJ strategy by triggering an exodus of the rich and super rich from the Dem’s ultra-high-tax showpiece cities like Manhattan, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, Minneapolis, etcetera.

PLUS, the incredible Trump economy created by that Tax Reform dried up the While liberal elites’ other primary income source – federal entitlement money – by liberating their main cash cows – inner-city Blacks – from government dependency. Every job in the miraculous post-Tax Reform explosion of Black inner-city employment (the highest in American history) represented another Black family pulling out of the entitlement system, cutting off another spigot of revenue from the feds to state and city slush funds which had always kept most of that money to fund their army of Democrat loyalist public employee union members – the secret to their perpetual control of the cities.

So, because Trump forced healthy anti-Marxist economic policies upon them these While liberal elites are faced with impending political doom, and their worst nightmare – public accountability – as the river of other peoples money runs dry. With no conceivable solution to this crisis in their Socialism-addled brains, images of guillotines began swimming in their soon to be detached heads.

Who are these White liberal elites most afraid of? First and foremost, they fear the public employee unions, especially the Police Unions, whose political loyalty they have bought election after election since the 1960s with the ever-dangling carrot of increasingly Fatter (but unfunded) Pensions! In the “new normal” these pensions hold about as much value as the confederate currency issued by an earlier generation of Democrat leaders.

Who do they fear almost as much? Inner-city Blacks, whom they have kept politically enslaved by breaking up their families and addicting them to drip-by-drip government subsistence programs. It is these same White liberal elites who have intentionally fostered and nurtured racial and class resentment to ensure that all blame for the LBJ policies was placed at the feet of “the rich,” as leverage to extort increasingly more money from the rich and the businesses they own. (Never forget, that poverty in the inner cities could have been eliminated generations ago by simply promoting and assisting entrepreneurialism in the Black community!)

Now you know not only why the cities are burning, but why the two sides of the “war” for the cities are the Police and the Rioters, while the White liberal elites are pretending to be independent arbiters and referees high above the fray when they are in fact the masterminds of the entire mess. They are implicitly and in some cases expressly encouraging Blacks to dismantle the city infrastructures, pretending that is the reason for defunding the police, when the real reason is they just don’t have the money and can’t get any more unless they force the feds to bail them out – and even that would be a bandaid on a gushing artery. By perpetuating this cynical and racist scam they can put all the blame on the Blacks, whom they secretly loathe.

At the same time, these White liberal elites are using all their propaganda skills and machinery, and are expertly leveraging the race-based rioting, to smear the police forces as a single monolithic group – not individuals – as “systemic irredeemable racists” to justify the elimination of their pensions. Mark my words, the as-yet unannounced plan is to rescind police pension fund obligations and divert the (imaginary) funds for the purpose of reparations for Black slavery.

As is always the case, the White liberal elites project their own evil motives upon the conservatives. But in this situation they have outdone themselves by deliberately attempting to promote racist sentiments in the American public by portraying a tiny fraction of Black thugs and looters as the spokesmen for the entire Black community – and setting them up to take the blame for the now inevitable collapse of the Blue cities – while simultaneously throwing Blue Lives –one of their key municipal constituencies – under the bus because they are no longer useful to them.

I urge every conservative and constitutionalist to raise awareness of this scam as an act against racism, and to help the Black community and the Police unions to recognize they are being pitted against each other purposefully by the White liberal elites they once trusted.

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The Coming Antifa Armageddon

Dr. Lively argues that Antifa and the globalists will continue to escalate their campaign of civil unrest and violence and after the election will either face an Armageddon of their own, or bring one upon America and the world. He contends that both of these paths will end badly. However, he suggests a third possibility is the restoration of our Judeo-Christian republic — contingent in significant part on President Trump’s sincerity in claiming to be a Christian.

Scott Lively on the Coming Antifa Armageddon

This could be the video that gets me banned from YouTube, but I put my trust in God and reaffirm my personal commitment to the love of TRUTH above all else. Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life, and I will not give my loyalty to any person, position or philosophy that contradicts Him or His Word.

“Antifa Armageddon” could mean one of two things. Either, that Antifa (and the Marxists) face an imminent political Armageddon against them, or that Antifa will have victory over constitutionalism, and bring a wave of destruction like we’ve never seen. I believe both of these paths would lead to or at least be the herald of the Biblical Armageddon of the end times, over different political terrain, unless Christianity were restored as America’s primary cultural influence.

If the former Antifa Armageddon is “fated,” then we can assume the left’s day of reckoning is drawing near and it won’t be pretty. In any hard-fought war, the hammer of revenge always falls hardest on the losing side’s front-line units – and that’s a lesson that would soon be learned by the Antifa storm-troopers of the hard left.

As a Christian, I don’t believe in revenge because “vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.” But I do believe in Justice and the Rule of Law, which appropriately punish criminal conduct and dismantle systems and structures built for criminal purposes, including the crimes of sedition, treason, and conspiracy to subvert the constitution.

However, the secular populists and conservatives do not operate by the same rules, and like human societies nearly always do, I believe they will “over-correct” past the line of just punishment and pursue a full and harsh accounting until every indignity imposed upon them by decades of political correctness and trampling of conservative values has been avenged.

It would be like Jehu slaughtering the descendants of Ahab and Jezebel as an act of personal will which invalidated his license from God to execute them as an act of justice. That literally brought an “Armageddon” upon the Kingdom of Israel in the Valley of Jezreel (Hosea 1:4-5) that literally prefigures the end-times version.

Politically/culturally we would then trade secular liberalism for secular conservatism in America and the pendulum would swing all the way to the “right,” where the devil operates just as aggressively among corrupt men as he does on the “left.” We would truly trade Communism for Fascism then, just as in 1930s Germany, where both sides were literally dominated by homosexuals (as Kevin Abrams and I thoroughly documented in The Pink Swastika): it was the Femme-Homosexual affiliated Communists against the Butch-Homosexual affiliated Nazis and the devil really didn’t care which side won. Stalin or Hitler, take your choice.

Now, if “Antifa Armageddon” has the latter meaning, then they will, in essence, take down Trump like toppling the Statue of Liberty into New York harbor (which could literally occur!).

Justice has long slumbered in America under the assault of Marxism upon our Constitutional Republic and upon the Judeo-Christian civilization for which America serves as a capstone.

Indeed, America is like a physical monument resting upon the pedestal of Bible-based civilization, and toppling THIS monument IS the ultimate purpose of Antifa and the globalists. If America falls to the Marxists, the world falls with it, and that is why Donald Trump, the symbol of American antiglobalism is the one man who stands in their way.

Trump is, in the political sense, and perhaps the religious sense as well, the “restrainer” of 2 Thessalonians 2, whose removal would be the final barrier to the Antichrist’s last days reign of terror.

This eventuality in November of 2020 would mark the end of our 400 years as a Judeo-Christian Republic (begun in November 1620 with the Pilgrim’s landing at Plymouth, Massachusetts), in direct parallel to the 400 year life-span of the Israelite Republic (which began with Joshua’s entrance into the Holy Land, and ended with the Hebrews demand to become a monarchy instead). (400 – 40×10 – is the ultimate Biblical number related to God’s testing of human character). In this “Antifa Armageddon” scenario, Trump ends his reign as a vanquished hero and is replace by an Antichrist.

In the former scenario, Trump would win but then preside over a post-Republic Empire – the King Saul of the story; an Antichrist figure – IF it were to be learned in retrospect that his pro-Christian speech and actions had all been just cynical opportunism to win evangelical political support, as some allege.

TO BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR I personally still believe Donald Trump is God’s man in the White House and if that is true, there is a third path possible in which America is restored by a return to Christ. That is my hope and prayer.

Thus, the single most disturbing factor in the Donald Trump presidency is his public endorsement of homosexuality, because it casts serious doubt on the sincerity of his self-proclaimed Christianity. If his LGBT support is sincere and he’s attempting to reconcile it with his presumedly sincere Christian faith, it simply reflects bad theology, and that can be forgiven to a point, since we’re all works in progress as far as sanctification and Christian maturity goes.

If instead his LGBT support is insincere and he’s just pandering to the large part of the homosexual community that considers itself politically conservative, that is also understandable to a point. But it’s not excusable, because it reflects the non-Christian view that God will honor political strategy that openly defies His moral code.

Either way, it is a gross error of judgment that implicitly affirms both a core tenet of Marxist ideology and a central social policy of the Antichrist kingdom.

The fate or America, therefore, appears to hang not on the effectiveness of the Antifa/globalists strategy and tactics, nor the form that the coming Antifa Armegeddon will take, but on the truth or falsity of Donald Trump’s Christianity, as challenged by the spiritual litmus test of one’s attitude about the societal normalization of homosexuality.

To understand just how serious an issue this is Biblically, I refer you to my book The Petros Prophecy. And I urge you to pray with me that President Trump be spiritually awakened on this issue before the Antifa Armageddon (of either form) becomes his legacy and our national demise.

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Where Columbus Day is Still Huge

No Toppling This One!



Where Columbus Day is Still Huge

America’s Marxist revolutionaries, led by the guerilla group “Antifa,” co-opted Columbus Day (October 9th, 2017) for a day of rage and vandalism against the legacy of Christopher Columbus, or as he is known in the Spanish world, Cristobal Colon. Antifa has actually done us a service by bringing attention to a monumental historical event that (under pressure from the left, ironically) has been increasingly downplayed in America, where it has been relegated to the status of a boring bank holiday alongside “Presidents’ Day.”

Unexpectedly, my current research project in Spain on the “Golden Age” of Christian/Jewish/Moslem “harmony” (relatively speaking) on the Iberian Peninsula has been dominated by the phenomenon of Columbus Day and I can tell you that the Spanish go “ALL IN” for Mr. Colon on this massive national holiday, which was celebrated here in Spain on October 12th.

World Net Daily published my article “Antifa Turns its Guns on Hispanics” on October 8th in which I discussed the interesting timing of Antifa’s day of rage against Columbus monuments in the US and the announcement by the (leftist) Catalonian separatists that they would declare independence from Spain on the same day (though that declaration has yet too occur – thanks to the major pushback by the conservative Spanish government and an exodus of multinational corporations from Barcelona, the capital of the Catalon province). As I pointed out in my article, the Catalonians are casting themselves as anti-Fascists much the same as the hard left is doing in the US, and this all seems to be part of a global strategy by the left.

My wife and I flew into Barcelona from Tel Aviv just hours after the vote for independence and got caught up in some street demonstrations as we drove north across Catalon to Andorra then next day. We have been touring Spain ever since, arriving on the 7th in Valladolid – where Christopher Columbus died in 1506 — just as both the secession news and the Antifa news back home was peaking, so I wrote my WND article and included a few pictures, including one of the massive monument to Columbus in Valladolid.

Two days ago, on October 12th, we arrived in Granada without having known either that this was the Spanish Columbus Day or that this was the city in which Columbus received his commission from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to make the journey that would result in his discovery of the Americas. (An impressive monument commemorating that meeting stands just a hundred yards from our hotel.) Consequently for us, the city is simply mobbed with people, and tickets to the Alhambra (Moorish) fortress above the city were completely sold out (though so much of the site is open to the public that we really don’t feel like we missed anything).

My point in writing this short update is just that Americans shouldn’t allow political correctness to rob us of our heritage. Columbus Day should be an even bigger deal in America than it is here in Spain.

I also want to thank God for arranging this completely unique experience for Anne and me. Arriving in Barcelona, Valladolid and Granada just when we did and in that precise sequence, with no prior planning or awareness, what a remarkable thing!

Oh, one last item. At the end of our day at Alhambra, as we were walking back to our hotel, talking religion, history and politics as we always do, we stopped in a park at the base of the mountain fortress to rest. Spray painted across the stone bench there was the bare message “Anti-Fascists.” It was just that singular, incongruous exclamation with no apparent logic or purpose for being in that spot, except perhaps as a wink and a nod of confirmation from the Lord that I was on the right track in my assessment of who’s really driving the secessionist movement.

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Extortion by Terrorism | Breaking News Bible Study | Episode 13

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Dynasty of Darkness, Chapter Three

Dr. Lively continues his serial publication of his book “Dynasty of Darkness: Satan’s long serpentine trail through human history in the role of successive antichrists, and the imminent rise of his last days kingdom” with a reading of Chapter Three, augmented by photos and graphics. Chapter Three addresses “The Antichrists of Earliest Antiquity” using passages from the Bible to identify them and further expand upon the activities and agenda of the Evil One.

The full series of Dynasty of Darkness in video and PDF as of this date may be found HERE

(an article based upon Chapter Three of Dynasty of Darkness)

With prophecy unfolding before us like never before, there is great interest in the topic of the Antichrist. This has prompted me to finally publish my book “Dynasty of Darkness: Satan’s long serpentine trail through human history in the role of successive antichrists, and the imminent rise of his last days kingdom.” As the subtitle suggests, I believe the figure we call the Antichrist is whatever human host the demon Satan happens to be inhabiting at any given time, and that there have been a very long succession of them from the beginning of time. This week I published the third chapter of Dynasty of Darkness, titled “Unmasking the Antichrists of Earliest Antiquity” in video and PDF form. I will gladly send a free copy by email upon request to

To better understand and recognize the final Antichrist, it is helpful to review his resume, as it were – especially since he is almost certainly active in the world today but still hidden per 2 Thessalonians 2:7 “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one who now restrains it will continue until he is taken out of the way.” So let’s look to the Bible for the clues.

[Satan] was a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44).

My hypothesis is that Satan can only operate in the physical world by spiritual possession of a living person or animal. If so, the only way Satan is capable of murder is by the hand of a human host. The first murder in the Bible was of Abel by his brother Cain, who introduced that grievous sin to human society. The first Antichrist, therefore, appears to be Cain. For His own reasons, the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one finding him would slay him in vengeance, warning “whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him seven-fold” (Genesis 4:8-15). This “Mark of Cain” is reminiscent of the last days “Mark of the Beast” in that both marks (while having different purposes) are inseparably associated with a man of evil by which the whole world can recognize him.

Several generations later, Cain’s direct descendant Lamech, the first person specifically identified as a polygamist in the Bible, fits the Antichrist profile even more closely.

Lamech said to his wives, Adah and Zillah, Listen to my voice, you wives of Lamech…For I have killed a man for wounding me, And a boy for striking me. If Cain is avenged seven-fold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold” (Genesis 4:23-24).

Not only is polygamist Lamech the second identified murderer of the Bible, and the first identified megalomaniac, his boast reflects a satanic principle of vengeance that directly contradicts the Messiah’s commandment in Matthew 18:21-22. In that passage Peter asked the Lord whether it was his duty to forgive his brother seven times. Jesus replied we must forgive “seventy times seven” times.

It appears that Lamech was the Antichrist of his time. Based on the average multi-century lifespan of the pre-flood world, Lamech’s term as Antichrist may have extended through his entire lifespan, perhaps until the flood itself.

In any case, insufficient details are provided to specifically identify other Antichrist figures before the great flood. However, from what we read in Genesis 6 we know that through his agents both human and angelic (and perhaps hybrids of the two — Genesis 6:4), Satan managed to corrupt the pre-flood world so completely that God was forced to cleanse the earth of all human beings except righteous Noah and his family (Genesis 6-9).

The first Antichrist figure in the post-flood world was Nimrod, who became “a mighty one on the earth.” Nimrod was the grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah.

Ham appears to have served as a carrier of the wicked pre-flood culture into the new world, corrupting at least two of his sons (Canaan and Sidon). In Genesis 9:22-25, Ham’s son Canaan was banished from Noah’s presence for what the ancient Hebrew sages concluded was most likely an act of homosexual molestation of his grandfather Noah (Rabbi Elie Munk, “Call of the Torah” p. 220).

As I addressed in Chapter Two of Dynasty of Darkness, sexual perversion is one of the six Antichrist attributes commonly seen in likely Antichrist figures through history, meaning that Canaan (almost certainly), and possibly Ham as well could have been Antichrists.

Ham’s grandson through Cush was Nimrod, described in Genesis 10:8-11: “He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, ‘Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD.’ The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went forth into Assyria, and built Nineveh and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah” (Genesis 10:8-11).

Nimrod’s campaign to build the Tower of Babel was an implementation of the Satanic goal described in Isaiah 14:13: “For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.’ ” Under Nimrod’s rule, the people said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” (Genesis 11:4).

Nimrod was a totalitarian megalomaniac (another of the six Antichrist attributes) who exploited all of the people and resources under his control to build a monument to himself. This is the model of Antichrist government we will see repeated throughout the following centuries. Time after time, from the Pharaohs of Egypt to the Emperors of Rome, to the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, we will see armies of slaves building gigantic structures intended to reflect the god-like power and importance of the supreme ruler. Nimrod was the first in the post-flood world.

Importantly, centuries later, the two nations founded by Nimrod (Babylon and Assyria), were, respectively, the conquerors and enslavers of the two Houses/Kingdoms of the Hebrew people. The House of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians in 722BC and the House of Judah was conquered by the Babylonians in 586BC.

This brief summary of the earliest Antichrists offers numerous clues as to the last days Antichrist who is soon to be revealed. For more on this theme, please feel free to email me.

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Scott Lively on Mandatory Face Masks

Covid 19 is a serious disease, and the fact the left has politicized it, and that perhaps the globalists created it for nefarious purposes, should not cloud our judgment in responding to it as a health risk. Even if, as seems likely, Covid 19 turns out to be the disease equivalent of a bad flu, a bad flu season hurts and kills a lot of people, and encouraging policies like better attention to disinfecting public areas and increasing voluntary face mask usage in bad flu seasons would probably be a good idea going forward. So there’s a concession to the pro-mask people.

HOWEVER, these things must be balanced against the disastrous consequences of surrendering personal liberty to over-reaching government, especially regarding mandatory face mask policies, which are in some ways worse than police-enforced lockdowns, because they represent a literal “in-your-face” exercise of statist power like Islamist head coverings for women, or the Nazis “yellow star” for Jews. Unnecessary public mask wearing – as opposed to reasonable usage – is no less a statement of psychological submission to a higher authority than a dog collar.

My position is that face masks are helpful in group settings where the same set of people will be in close proximity for extended periods of time, including public transportation and enclosed workplaces, and in places where one might spend more than a few seconds face to face with highly vulnerable people, such as a hospital or nursing home. They are next to useless in an outdoor setting except as a protection for other nearby people by symptomatic people who are coughing and sneezing. They are unnecessary in settings like supermarkets where nonsymptomatic people, even those who may be unwittingly infected, are simply passing by each other, and in places with advanced air filtration systems, such as some churches that have been in the news. It’s all about viral load, and universal mask mandates ignore that fact and remove discretion from the citizens as to when and where they conclude it is important to wear them.

By imposing nanny-state mandates on people, governments are pushing liberty-loving Americans into a much stronger contrarian position than they would otherwise take, especially those who correctly perceive that public policy related to Covid 19 is heavily driven by 1) anti-Trump politics and 2) Big-Pharma’s predatory scheme to impose mandatory vaccines on the world. The problem here, as in so many left vs right battles, is lack of objectivity and an unwillingness to concede any facts that support the other side’s perspective, even in the slightest degree, especially by leftists, but also by many on the right. And it doesn’t help that at every step in the process various lies and manipulations of the “experts” and “leaders” are being exposed as politically driven when contrasted with hindsight-proven fact-based reality, such as the national and global death rate projections.

And in the greater scheme of things, I believe Liberty is more important than Security if one is forced to choose between the two. Those who don’t believe that are ripe for the Mark of the Beast, which is what this entire season of chaos is really about, in my view. I would rather die or be maimed from Covid 19 — or be beheaded by a mob of Anarchists and Islamists — than become a “safe” slave in a global totalitarian government.

Thankfully, that isn’t the choice today, because we still have the freedom to civilly disobey government overreach, such as mandatory universal mask orders and bans on church and other public gatherings — so long as we exercise those rights in open rebellion for the cause of liberty — while voluntarily following reasonable precautions on our own initiative.

When it comes to mask wearing policies in private settings, like restaurants and department stores, we should acknowledge that business owners have rights, too. If they want to mandate mask, so be it. We can each decide for ourselves whether that’s a deal-breaker regarding our patronage or not.

When it comes to self-evidently symptomatic people deliberately refusing to use a mask when they know they’re risking other people’s life or health, that’s an entirely different matter, and such conduct should be publicly discouraged, and perhaps punished if it results in harm to others.

But by the same token, those who are not symptomatic and choose not to wear face masks in higher risk settings, like indoor church services without effective air-filtration systems, should have the right to take that risk. Let me rephrase that – not “should have” but “do have” that right, because this is still America, whose legal system still rests upon the recognition that rights are from God, not government.

So I suggest that we all think very carefully about our personal choices in the matter of face masks and similar things and don’t get trapped into the false choice of total surrender or total rebellion, but make sure to separate truth from error, wisdom from folly so we don’t lose our balance on this political tightrope America is being forced to walk during this season of widespread irrationality.

Lastly, since hidden conspiracies to do evil are a very real part of the Marxist strategy, I always look for them in the form of leftist media manipulations and in the form of disinformation and social engineering campaigns supposedly from the “right.” In this case, I wonder how much of the less reasonable anti-mask rhetoric we’re letting influence us might be globalist trickery to get more of us infected.

Keeping our balance based on facts and reason is the only real antidote to that.

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Scott Lively Gets Angry With Trump Critics

Dr. Lively chastises conservatives who condition their support for Trump on whether he agrees to violate the 10th Amendment and send in federal troops to end looting and arson in Democrat-controlled states and cities in defiance of state governors who are deliberately encouraging the chaos. Lively contends this is exactly what the left wants, and that the antics of BLM and Antifa anarchists are a form of violent street theater designed to provoke military response to advance the Marxist narrative that these thugs are “resisting fascism.” To put all of this in perspective, and showcase why conservatives should be more loyal to Trump, Dr. Lively has penned an essay on what American would now be like under a Hillary Administration.

Scott Lively Imagines the Hillary Administration

The American public is a fickle beast with a short memory. One minute we’re gushing with sycophantic praise for “first responders” and the next we’re debating whether they’re all just racist brutes unworthy of public employment. One minute we’re overcome with relief that Donald Trump’s election saved us from an unsurvivable plunge into Marxist hell and the next we’re condemning him as a sellout because he won’t trash the constitution and deploy the military on American streets against the wishes of Democrat governors (who are doing everything in their power to provoke him into over-ruling them so they can transform what is presently only media-exaggerated Dem on Dem street theater into an outright “Socialist vs Fascist” civil war). Thank God Donald Trump is a lot smarter than Tucker Carlson and the Hillary-supporting Murdoch children now running Fox News.

Just to put things back into perspective for the conservatives, I’d like to take a few minutes to ponder where we’d be today if Hillary had beaten Trump in 2016.

First of all, on the positive side, we wouldn’t have the utter chaos that is presently on display. There would have been no Russian Collusion Hoax, Impeachment Scam, Covid 19 Plandemic, or BLM/Antifa rioting, because these were all designed to overthrow Trump. Our intelligence agencies would not be tarnished with shame for staging an attempted coup. Our media would not have abandoned its pretense of objectivity and become blatant partisans. Our Democrat governors and mayors would not have been granted dictatorial powers over the citizens. Religious liberty would not have been officially deemed a “non-essential” service.

None of those things would have been orchestrated by the deep state because their champion Hillary would be at the helm. With no serious opposition to globalism, there would be relative peace and order and all that corruption would stay hidden. We’d be full speed ahead with the left’s agenda, spurred by non-stop media praise for her progress in “social justice” and the astonishing unity of vision among corporate America, academia, NGOs, labor unions, and foreign heads of state. There would possibly be some street protests by the “deplorables” – an occasional pro-life demonstration, perhaps a few pickets of Drag Queen Story Hour — but they’d be largely impotent and ignored by the media. Then again, the First Amendment might no longer protect “hate speech” and vigorous criminal prosecutions and non-profit dis-establishment for such “anti-social activities” could be a Hillary priority. The Hillary IRS would gladly help with that.

By now, both houses of Congress would be controlled by a super-majority of Democrats, the fruit of a fully-implemented “open borders” strategy and the perfection of “ballot harvesting” and other “voter franchise protections” by the DNC. The Bush Dynasty would control the GOP and offer token resistance while selling out for a share of the plunder and some plum gatekeeper positions for key agents such as Mitt Romney (on the condition they keep the conservatives suppressed – much like the Dems agreement with RINO Governor Charlie Baker in Massachusetts).

The courts would no longer protect us. There would be 150+ new Hillary federal judges. None of the federal circuits would have been flipped conservative. At SCOTUS, in the place of occasional “conservative” weasels like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh (blame the Heritage Foundation for them) we’d have jurists in the mold of Gloria Allred and Maxine Waters. Ruth Bader Ginsberg would resign to allow Hillary to replace her with Obama, for whom the groveling John Roberts would relinquish his role as Chief Justice. Never again would SCOTUS issue a conservative ruling as it finished jack-hammering the Bill of Rights into rubble, starting with the 2nd Amendment.

The biggest difference we’d see is a globe dominated by Communist China (and prominent Chinese representation in Hillary’s inner circle). The US would have continued to transition to Obama’s “lower expectation” economy and our manufacturing base would have shrunk further. There would be no economic boom, no employment miracle for Blacks and Hispanics, no shredding of bureaucratic red tape and over-regulation, but instead a vast expansion of government, including the total nationalization of our health industry, modeled on Obamacare.

Our military, while fully homosexualized, would not be rebuilt, and our capabilities would be greatly diminished. Taiwan, Hong Kong and the South China sea would likely be fully under Chinese control. South Korea would possibly be under Northern control. Iran would have nuclear weapons and control of Yemen, Syria and perhaps Lebanon. Netanyahu would have been ousted by a pro-Clinton leftist and Israel would be in some form of civil war over surrendering land to the Muslims with no friends outside its own borders. Brexit would never have been implemented in the UK and the European Union would have consolidated its power as the model for global government, crushing all nationalist opposition.

The United Nations would have a much expanded role in the United States and its “2030 Agenda” would be the “Roadmap for World Peace” pushed in our public schools, media, government agencies, and liberal churches (led by the RCC under Pope Francis).

Speaking of public schools, they would by now be openly and overtly teaching Marxism. There would be Planned Parenthood “health clinics” in the bigger high schools and middle schools, and new government agencies tasked with educating parents on LGBT “realities” and removing children from “unsafe” homes where Queer Theory is not fully embraced. Home-schooling would be banned.

Bill Clinton would be Ambassador to Epstein Island (where pal Jeff would still be alive), but the worldwide crackdown on pedophilia and sex trafficking would never have begun.

This is just a quick, incomplete glimpse into the parallel-world Donald Trump saved us from. If he did nothing else but play golf every day and left it to us citizens to take back this country for ourselves, we’d all still owe him a massive debt of gratitude. But instead he’s fighting tooth and nail for every inch of ground he can take, against the most intense political blitzkrieg ever seen in America. Next time you fair-weather friends of our president feel the urge to gripe about his supposed flaws, take a moment to consider how you personally would be affected today if we’d gotten Hillary instead.

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Breaking News Bible Study | Episode 12

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Gorsuch, Transgenderism and Antifa

Dr. Lively argues that the Gorsuch betrayal of the conservative movement on transgenderism is not just one man’s failings as a constitutional analyst but a message from the global elites that they own Gorsuch’s vote and thus resistance to their transformation of American into a Marxist state is futile. He suggests the purpose is to demoralize Religious conservatives and increase the likelihood of civil war by making a mockery of the rule of law, making vigilantism seem more justifiable which would serve the Marxist goal of goading conservatives into street-fighting where the media would brand them as fascists, vindicating the Antifa narrative driving the current unrest.

The Gorsuch Betrayal and Civil War

As a thirty year veteran on the front lines of the LGBT culture war, I have a slightly different take on the Bostock v Clayton County, Georgia ruling than the majority of conservative analysts decrying it as a “surprising” decision. I was not surprised, and I don’t think the ruling itself is a deviation from the trajectory of the court. The Gorsuch betrayal of constitutionalism was a gut punch, and I’ll address that shortly, but the most important fact not getting much attention is that this was a 6-3 vote, meaning that Gorsuch’s vote did NOT decide the case. The snake-in-the-grass John Roberts was the very predictable deciding vote, which actually makes the Gorsuch betrayal a much more significant geopolitical event, since it was completely unnecessary to achieve the policy objective.

The court’s normalization of transgender insanity was a foregone conclusion because 1) the global elites have long “owned” the swing voter on the Supreme Court (Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy and now Roberts) and 2) the “sexual revolution,” of which the LGBT agenda is the point of the spear, is the elites’ primary weapon to dismantle the natural-family-based societal foundation which has always been the Achilles Heel of Marxist totalitarian systems. (History shows that if you leave the family fabric of society intact, the people will always eventually overthrow you, so eliminating the natural family is the real key to ultimate Marxist victory.)

Those shocked by the reframing of an obvious behavioral disorder into a fundamental constitutional right deserving of legal protections SUPERIOR to those actually enumerated in the First Amendment just haven’t been paying attention. We lost this battle a long time ago, and SCOTUS is simply aligning itself with the culture that is already imposing LGBT dogma upon us.

Those who view the Gorsuch betrayal as the action of an independent thinker who just happens to be wrong on the issue, are equally deluded. No, this ruling is a message from the top of the Marxist food chain that they “own” Gorsuch too, that the American republic is at an end, and that the new world order is close on the horizon. It is supposed to persuade us that “resistance is futile,” that the restoration of constitutional originalism is impossible, and that even Donald Trump cannot prevent our transformation to a fully Marxist regime because they can use even his appointments to “trump” him.

I have argued that the goal of the anti-Trump Marxist agitators at every level, including the media, academia, judiciary and the streets has been to provoke civil war, and I think the Gorsuch betrayal makes that now almost a certainty. SCOTUS is in reality the most powerful political body in the world – the ultimate human bastion of law and order whose decisions impact everyone on planet earth. Congress technically has power to curtail the court but we all know that’s not very likely. So what happens when the people realize, in a single season of chaos, that the judiciary will no longer dispense justice? – that the executive branch of the state governments have turned against their own police forces? – that the legislatures of the cities and states are siding with anarchists against their own citizens? What happens is Vigilantism, potentially morphing into widespread Civil War.

This is precisely how Obama, the Clintons, the Bushs and Soros have conducted their “color revolutions” around the world – making their greatest political gains when civil war erupts. Their anti-Trump regime change campaign is the largely unreported Purple Revolution launched by Obama in the last weeks of his administration. The Gorsuch betrayal is, in my view, the coup-de-gras knife-in-the-back of the conservative movement designed to push the Trump base into responding in kind to the anarchists, whose outrageous antics are specifically designed to achieve maximum agitation of the American patriots. They are, literally, “agents provateur” whose purpose is to create a political powder-keg, and the Gorsuch betrayal is intended to be the spark that sets it off.

The more secular populist/nationalist half of the Trump base has been ready to rumble for a while now, but the less reactive Religious conservatives have not. That will change to a significant degree now, I believe.

There remains one shred of hope left for the restoration of our Republic, which is the reelection of Donald Trump. The question in my mind is whether vigilantism and/or civil war would help or hurt that cause. I’m inclined to think it would hurt more than help – but I also think it is virtually inevitable at this point. The left is certainly ready for war and has troops already establishing battle-lines, and if Trump wins reelection they’ll go even more insane than they already are.

On the flip side, if Trump loses, America as we have known it (prior to the Purple Revolution) is over, and an uprising by constitutionalists to prevent totalitarianism would be justified, in my view.

What America’s leftist elites want more than anything else is validation of their narrative that they are fighting a war against fascism. They want a recreation of the bloody street battles of Germany in the 1920s when Bolshevik-inspired Communists tried to do in Bavaria what they had just done in Russia and were countered by National Socialists. Hitler became a hero to the world in the 20s and 30s for his successful suppression of the Communists (who migrated in large numbers to the United States) before growing awareness of his vicious hatred and persecution of the Jews and of the ugly Marxist nature of National Socialism (which was in practice just as tyrannical as Communism) – eventually made him a symbol of great evil.

The greatest victors of the German showdown were the America-transplanted Communists – the fully fascist “Anti-Fascists” – whose propaganda has ever since framed every battle within our borders as fight against “fascism,” even though the true anti-fascists are patriotic constitutionalists.

I’m not saying Americans should remain passive in the face of Communist aggression. I am saying that if push really does come to shove, it shouldn’t be tit-for-tat street skirmishes that fit the Marxist narrative, but a massive shock and awe uprising that stops the coup in one fell swoop, and ends with jails filled to capacity with looters, rioters, and criminal conspirators, guarded by the same heroic police forces they’ve tried to destroy. I suggest we keep our powder dry, pour our energy into reelecting Trump, and only pull the trigger on civil war if no other option remains to save America.

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The True Root of Racism | Breaking News Bible Study | Episode 11

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Obama and the Race Baiters

Dr. Lively again contends that the race riots are a diversion from Obamagate, and compares the Democrat diversionary tactics to those of con-man Harold Hill in the 1962 musical comedy, The Music Man to show how the conservatives have been duped (yet again) by the Marxists.

Obama and the Race Baiters
(The Art of Distraction as Illustrated by Harold Hill and “Lida Rose”)

In the 1962 musical-comedy, The Music Man, grifter Harold Hill cons an entire Iowa town by whipping up a false crisis (the moral decline of its young men) and championing a false solution (a boy’s marching band). He then bilks the town of money for instruments and uniforms while only pretending to follow through with his plan. The Mayor, however, suspects Hill of fraud and tasks the four members of the town council to investigate him. But whenever they manage to catch Hill in person to question him, Hill just begins humming the opening bars of “Lida Rose” and the four men immediately transform like Pavlov’s dog into a barbershop quartet, blissfully crooning “Lida Rose” in four part harmony while Hill slips away unnoticed.

Today in America, a dark and dystopian version of this theme is unfolding before our eyes. The Iowa town is all of America, Harold Hill is Obama and the Democrats, the false crisis is the anomalous death of George Floyd, the false solution is ‘defunding the police’ (an uber-provocative diversion they know is unwinnable), the Mayor is President Trump, and the Town Council/Barbershop Quartet is the conservative movement, including especially conservative media and pundits tasked with exposing Obamagate to the public.

Trump (the Mayor) has alleged criminal fraud by the Democrats (the Russian Collusion Hoax), and just as the conservatives are about to make it the centerpiece of a world-changing public discussion (upon the release of the Flynn Transcripts proving his case that the Trump administration was the victim of constitution-shattering abuse of power by Obama), the Democrats trick the conservatives into singing a race-centered equivalent of “Lida Rose” by launching race riots, literally the day before the release.

Suddenly, the criminality of the Obama team is forgotten, and the Town Council, and all the citizens are all singing their tune, cluelessly swept back up into the Marxist con game while a smug and smirking Harold Hill just picks up where he left off in his scheme to “fundamentally transform America.”

I am publishing this little reminder as a public service message, because unlike the redemptive ending of The Music Man, this dystopian version, “The Riot Man” does not have a happy ending, and we’re doomed to find that out in real time if the “Town Council” and the Citizenry don’t realize they’ve dropped the ball on by far the biggest (and still continuing) scandal in American history.

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Striking Back Against Anarchy

Dr. Lively, a constitutional law attorney and pastor who founded and ran an inner-city mission for many years, offers analysis about the rioting and suggestions for “striking back” against the culture of anarchy. His insights and ideas are the fruit of prayer and meditation literally in the wilderness on a four day “fast” from consuming news, which he was prompted to pursue out of disgust and anger with the political left and their media organs. Three suggests for “striking back” in a positive manner are presented. One regarding the police. One regarding inner cities. The third regarding the media. He asks his viewers to forward these suggestions to the appropriate parties.

Last week my disgust and anger at the hypocrisy of the left surrounding the race riots reached the point that I took a 4-day “fast” from consuming news and literally went into the wilderness, to seek the Lord’s guidance, including a long hike on the Appalachian Trail and a time of prayer for our nation at the peak of a mountain. I would like to share the thoughts and inspiration I received during and after that sojourn.

First, I was confirmed in my mind and spirit that all that has transpired since the election of Barack Obama in 2008 has been the unfolding of end-times prophecy regarding the age of apostasy, and that the election of Donald Trump in 2016 represents a final opportunity for America to choose God and the Judeo-Christian Constitutional Republic that our Christian forebears established upon the foundation of the Bible.

Second, that the left’s abandonment of the pretense of rationality and civilized norms, and their now open embrace of mob-psychology, is an act of extreme desperation. What we’re seeing since the (planned and/or staged) murder of George Floyd is the crudest and least manageable form of regime change strategy (previously seen only in third-world countries like Venezuela), and they wouldn’t shift to this within US borders if there were any other choice.

The desperation is manifested not only in the Democrats letting their own cities burn, but in their willingness to sacrifice the very cornerstone of their long-term control strategy, which is “ownership” of the police and fire employee unions. Democrat city governance, especially on things like revenue bond issuance and other public spending, relies very heavily on the public endorsement of police and fire unions which enjoy a much higher level of public trust than the rest of the Democrat coalition. The fact they are now throwing the police under the bus and preventing the fire departments from fulfilling their mission is strong evidence that nothing now matters to the left but their immediate political survival – meaning the defeat of President Trump.
Like Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon and Hernando Cortez burning his ships on the shores of Mexico, there in now no turning back: the hard left must take control of the nation by force or die trying. If so, this is just the beginning of America’s darkest hour and much worse is to come.

My next point is that the American people are not stupid. While the lying media (which is also driven to extreme desperation) wants us all to think that the viral videos of White people kneeling before Black mobs to repent of their “White privilege” is representative of the national mind-set, it isn’t. Most of that is staged for psychological effect, an attempt to induce “Stockholm Syndrome” on a mass-scale in the hopes that the sheeple will follow suit. Of course, many will, especially young people, but the majority of independence-minded, formally naive Americans are instead getting a crash course in Marxism 101 – even if they’re not yet admitting that they have seen behind the curtain. (Thank God for the secrecy of the voting booth!)

For the first time ever the media have abandoned all pretense of objectivity, and they’re doing it intentionally so as to emphasize the urgency of the need to remove Donald Trump from office. They are literally sacrificing their most important asset – their credibility with the general public – which is now burning down like the Third Precinct Police HQ in Minneapolis. This is evidence that they see their only hope of survival in replacing the Trump administration with a Soviet system to which they can serve the role of “Pravda.”

I was inspired with three ideas for striking back against the anarchy.

First, as President Trump is already doing, we should “Back the Blue” in defense of law and order, but actually push back stronger. Show solidarity and support for the police without equivocating or making concessions based on a few anomalies. The premise of the Black Lives Matter argument is a lie: there is NO institutional racism in our judicial system and we shouldn’t grant that falsehood credence by attempting to placate the mob with policy changes that vindicate their pressure tactics! Whatever you feed will grow. We should instead demand increased police activity wherever they are demanding reductions so that the compromise is the status quo and not a single step further left.

Police unions should immediately call for “Blue-Flu” strikes: Not in the war zones, but in the districts of key Democrat politicians where rioting has not occurred. And, they should demand union member solidarity in these strikes from all other public employee unions. The strikes should last until the Democrat political leadership vigorously condemns the rioting in the war zones as unjustified and affirms the role of the police as essential in ending the epidemic of Black on Black violence in the inner cities.

Second, the Trump Administration should announce a plan to partner with the business community and churches to fundamentally transform the inner-cities through entrepreneurialism to break inner-city families free from government dependency and help them become owners of the real estate and businesses where they live – true top-tier stakeholders with pride of ownership and actual legacy wealth – which is currently not the case anywhere in America. The dirty secret of racism no-one talks about is that inner-city Blacks are still enslaved by the Democrats through 1) government financial dependency and 2) social service policies that intentionally disrupt what was once a healthy network of marriage-based natural families whose sons didn’t wage war against authority because they had loving fathers in their homes.

Third, press freedom under the First Amendment is the only category that has not been chipped away. The free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and the right of public assembly to address grievances have all been curtailed by our increasingly Marxist government, while the pro-Marxist so-called mainstream press has enjoyed free reign to establish an ideological monopoly that lies, misrepresents and manipulates the public with impunity.

President Trump could begin to reform the media by creating new guidelines for how news organizations are defined – including the new category of citizen journalism – and new standards by which journalistic ethics are defined. He could issue an Executive Order that would bind all media receiving taxpayer funding to the new guidelines. This would not legally affect private media companies, but once the public media were reformed to actually serve the public interest, there would be a working model of healthy journalism that the public could pressure the private companies to conform to.

I submit all of this to my readers and viewers to disseminate as they see fit.

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Christian Response to Political Chaos | Breaking News Bible Study | Episode 10

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How We Know These ARE the ‘Last Days’

Dr. Lively cites four key passages of Scripture to show how the Bible sets forth the last days time-frame and where we are in it.

Yes, These Are the “Last Days”

It is always best to let the Bible interpret the Bible. When it comes to understanding the “last days” there are a few straightforward Scripture passages that summarize what and when the “last days” are.

The first tells us precisely when the last days began.

In the very first sermon of the Christian church, the Apostle Peter “lifted up his voice, and addressed the crowd:

Acts 2: ‘14Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen carefully to my words. 15These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It is only the third hour of the day! 16No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 17‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. … 19I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 20The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and glorious Day of the Lord. 21And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ 22Men of Israel, listen to this message…”

We note first that the last days must be a very long period, not a short one, because they include the Day of the Lord (the second coming) which obviously hasn’t happened yet after nearly two thousand years. Why would such a long period of time be counted as “days?”

Peter directly answers that question in his teaching about the “Day of the Lord” in 2 Peter 3:8-13.

“8Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance. 10But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire…11Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to conduct yourselves in holiness and godliness 12as you anticipate and hasten the coming of the day of God, when the heavens will be destroyed by fire and the elements will melt in the heat. 13But in keeping with God’s promise, we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.”

Two main points can be drawn from this passage. The familiar one is the thousand year day concept, which is strongly bolstered by the incredible prophecy of Christ’s coming in Hosea 6:1-4 (which also acknowledged the separateness of the two houses at the time of Christ’s first advent, just as Peter did in Acts 2). “Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us to pieces, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bind up our wounds. 2After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His presence. [These are the thousand year days referenced by Peter.] 3So let us know – let us press on to know the LORD. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the earth. [This is a reference to the alignment of the first coming of Christ to the spring feasts of Leviticus 23.] 4What shall I do with you, O Ephraim? What shall I do with you, O Judah? [This is the two house emphasis in the prophecy in parallel to Acts 2:14 & 22.] For your loyalty is like a morning mist, like the early dew that vanishes.”

The second point to be drawn from 2 Peter 3:8-13 is that the Day of the Lord is also a thousand year day, specifically His thousand year reign in the “Millennial Kingdom.” It arrives “like a thief” and ends with the destruction of all physical matter. The entire thousand year day is compressed by Peter into a single sentence, but, Jesus uses John to unpack what happens between the bookends. In Revelation 19-22, a mind-blowing description of the second coming in 19:11-21, is followed by 20:1-6, unequivocally confirming — three separate times — that the Millennial Kingdom is indeed a thousand year term – (remember that this is Jesus Himself speaking, through John), then describes the events at the close of the thousand years in 20:7-15 (the final rebellion, Great White Throne judgement, Lake of Fire). Revelation 21-22 then follows with a detailed discussion of what Peter called the “new heaven and new earth where righteousness dwells” (Heaven), which the righteous enter while the all of the creation is being destroyed by fire.

To review, there are three last days of a thousand years each. They began running at the first coming. We are near the close of the two day period of two thousand years, which apparently began running either at the start or end of Jesus’ earthly ministry (in no case later than the Peter’s Pentecost sermon) and thus the third day will begin soon, when Hosea said God will revive us so we can live in His presence (the Millennial Kingdom).

This analysis comports with the pattern of the Seven Biblical Feasts (the times and seasons) to which the first and second coming align, the pattern of the seven days of creation (and seven-thousand year duration of the Creation Story), and the pattern of the seven “day” week that always ends with the Sabbath. The Millennial Kingdom IS the Sabbath Day of the seven thousand year Creation week.

So, depending on when exactly the last days clock started, and whether or not the transition from one “day” to the next is abrupt and precise, and whether we’re using the lunar or solar calendar, we’re likely going to see the return of the Lord within a fairly short window of time: months perhaps, years probably, but not decades if Hosea 6 is intended to convey God’s timeframe to us, as I believe it is. For more of my discussions of end-times eschatology, contact me at

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Scott Lively on Trump Unmasking Obama Terrorism

On the road to hold a planning meeting for the upcoming Black Robe Regiment Summit, Dr. Lively films a commentary defending President Trump’s delay in ordering federal intervention to quell Marxist rioting across America as a necessary acknowledgement of State’s Rights under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. Lively argues federal action was only justified by the obvious ineptitude and in some cases complicity of Dem governors (and mayors).
He characterized President Trump’s latitude with these state leaders (and their media co-conspirators) as another example of unmasking bad actors to public view, just as his Justice Department is unmasking Obama and many agents of the Deep State by the release of documentation of their criminal culpability. He reiterates his contention that the current wave of anarchy is designed in significant part to deflect public attention from Obamagate, starting as it did just a day or two before the heavily damning Flynn Transcripts were released.

A Separate but Related Article:

Obamagate and the Race Riots

(Scott’s WND Column of Today)

Isn’t it interesting that Black Lives Matter and Antifa Anarchists launched a national campaign of mayhem and rioting at the start of the weekly news cycle in which the fully exculpatory Michael Flynn transcripts were finally released to the public? The trigger, was, of course, the outrageous and possibly deliberate George Floyd killing, conveniently carried out in full public view and captured on video for instantaneous social media virality. I predicted on April 22nd 2020 that the elites would orchestrate a new crisis as soon as it looked like America would regain her equilibrium, and it seems this may be it, or at least the first salvo in a new campaign of chaos.

The main purpose of the rioting, as was true of the now-waning Covid-19 Plandemic, is to spread fear. Fear is what keeps a sizable portion of the American people “sheltered-in-place,” and that phenomenon of social destabilization is the key to preventing economic recovery. An orchestrated economic depression is, of course, the cornerstone of the elites’ plan for taking down President Trump (which I again predict will fail).

That’s what this Season of Psy-Ops, with all its disinformation, propaganda and political intrigue, has always been about from its very beginning, when Barack Obama first began to realize that Trump could actually beat Hillary, thanks to the sabotage of the HRC campaign and the DNC by Bernie zealot Seth Rich, the Wikileaker Whistleblower who was (I opine) murdered in broad daylight for that act of treachery.

The timing of the rioting, and his immediate, highly inflammatory public statement, betrays the hand of Barack Obama behind it all. I predicted that also, in my WND column of January 3, 2017 . I compared Obama’s actions between the Trump election and inauguration to Hitler’s sabotage of France’s Cherbourg harbor just after D-Day in WWII. I then noted that Obama had taken the highly irregular step of setting up his own post-presidency political base in Washington DC. I closed with this prediction: “I have no doubt that Obama is planning his own Battle of Bloody Gulch [Hitler’s Cherbourg counter-offensive after the Americans had taken the city and began pushing east toward Germany] but one which he assumes he will win. Megalomaniacs cannot surrender graciously. Backed by armies of social justice warriors on the streets and in the hardened leftist bunkers of media, academia and big-money foundations, Obama will fight like a cornered rat to protect his legacy and it’s underlying ideology. Be certain of it, and never stop fighting until freedom has been restored.”

The very next day (January 4th), I published an article titled “Obama’s Desperate War-With-Russia-Gambit” in which I theorized that Obama was literally trying to orchestrate a hot war with Russia.

My WND column of February 17th 2020, titled “Heroic Michael Flynn May Have Prevented WWIII,” updated that argument with new facts. . In a May 9, 2020 follow-up post to my own blog, I boiled the essence of the case down to a set of media screen-shots in chronological order, and posted a video of myself explaining it all. That one was titled “Why Obama Targeted General Michael Flynn.” A big part of my assessment was vindicated with the release of the actual Flynn Transcripts, which I urge everyone to read. Those documents show that General Flynn did exactly as I suggested he did.

How does this all fit together with the new phase of inner-city rioting?

I predicted this rioting in my WND article of June 22, 2017 “The Purple Revolution is About to Run Red.” I was three years too early for some aspects of that prediction, while other aspects have come to pass. The unfulfilled remainder are pretty close to what is now apparently unfolding. . Per that title, I believe the entire campaign of anti-Trump machinations since the 2016 election is best characterized as Obama’s “Purple Revolution.” The Clintons are certainly at the top of Obama’s all-star team roster (and the Bush Dynasty are obvious co-conspirators also) but this pantheon of political evil-doers is clearly headed by Obama. And the regime change strategy and pattern of tactics are unmistakably those of the George Soros “color revolutions” playbook.

From 2016 to 2019, the Obama team’s extensive criminality at home and abroad was not obvious to the general public, though we constitutionalists knew it was virtually certain because of Hillary’s presence in his administration, and we got a few glimpses into the corruption with incidents such as “Fast and Furious” and Benghazi. In 2019, as facts began to emerge about “The Democrat Crime Scene Called Ukraine” (another of my WND articles) the anti-Trump ferocity of the Democrats seemed to rise in direct proportion to the disclosures.

In retrospect, due to the hard documentation of an array of criminal actions and conspiracies that has recently begun flowing into the public view from the still-ongoing investigations, I suggest that the “Purple Revolution” has been motivated as much or more by the Obama team’s fear of exposure and prosecution than by pure Marxist ideology. Thus, I am claiming vindication for my January 3, 2017 characterization of Obama as a “cornered rat.”

Lastly, I am also offering a different take on the significance of the riots. Yes, the fear-mongering agenda is still in play, but I think there’s a new target for that fear added to the mix: Democrat leaders who now realize heads will likely roll for the Obama team’s actions and want to distance themselves as much as possible without being too obvious about it. I think that’s why the race riots (and Antifa aggressions) are taking place in Democrat strongholds and not places like Ferguson and Charlottesville. They are reminders that pain can be inflicted on potential “traitors” as well as established enemies by the ones who wield the real power on the left.

And, call me crazy, but if that’s true, I predict master deal-maker President Trump may actually flip some Democrat leaders to his side by the time of the election. It’s a rare group of crooks that doesn’t turn on each other when actual prosecutors (as opposed to media pundits) start to draft actual indictments of their known associates. ###

Here’s an Excellent Summary of Obama’s Culpability from SkyWatch TV: “WHAT… AND WHO… Is Really Behind Antifa Groups Hijacking Protests Of George Floyd’s Death And Turning Them Into Riots?

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Pentecost and the Contrast of Law and Grace | BNBS Episode 9 | 5.31.2020
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