Prophecy and Politics | 5.2.2021 | Episode 8 | A Prophecy Timeline Update
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King Solomon’s Sins and America’s Civil Divide

In this 10th Installment, Dr. Lively explains the biblical and historical origins and significance of the “Lost 10 Tribes of Israel,” how the two Hebrew houses became two separate kingdoms, and how these things relate to Christianity.

The following article was published on as one of Scott’s weekly columns in April 2021, to apply the lessons of this period of Biblical history to the present crises in America. The video linked by clicking the above graphic is a reading of the verbatim text of this installment, not the essay below.

Read the PDF of the text of this installment HERE:

King Solomon’s Sins and America’s Civil Divide

As we remnant American Christians struggle with the rapid erosion of our republic and our freedoms at the hands of an unelected super-wealthy elite and their partners in government, it helps to remember that abuse of power is a pattern we have seen many times in the Bible. This pattern includes the story of Solomon, perhaps the richest man of all time, whose fall into extreme moral corruption and profligate public spending shattered the unity of his father David’s Kingdom, normalized sexual perversions, and burdened the people with vast debt and oppressive governmental control.

After building the Temple, Solomon had received a conditional promise from God that if he remained righteous before Him, David’s kingdom would belong to him and his descendants in perpetuity — the same promise He made to David (1 Kings 9:4-7).

Sunday school lessons about Solomon tend to emphasize the great wisdom he displayed in his youth, but when he grew old, his wisdom waned and he broke faith with God, becoming one of the most wicked men generally and the single most prolific polygamist in all of Scripture:

“King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites [Mamzers and Canaanites]. They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, ‘You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.’ Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods… He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done” (1 Kings 11:1-6). These demonic religions were characterized by sexual deviance and child sacrifice.

Because of this “The Lord became angry with Solomon…and said “‘Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you…Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son. Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen’ ” (1 Kings 11: 9-13).

But there was another cause, as well. Biblical history shows it was both his moral corruption and his profligate tax-based spending that broke the Kingdom in two – just as America has been polarized nearly to the point of civil war for the same reasons. Despite Solomon’s phenomenal wealth, beyond all the other kings of the earth (described in 1 Kings 10:14-29), he was never satisfied. It was a weakness we see reflected today among Americas oligarchs. (How much personal wealth and power is enough?)

In the latter days of his reign (just as we see in our land today) Solomon essentially enslaved the Hebrew population to a massive tax-funded social and public works ageda. Then, when Solomon died, his son Rehoboam succeeded him, and his “Democrat” style of oppressive dictatorial government was further institutionalized, despite heavy resistance by the people.

“[T]he whole assembly of Israel went to Rehoboam and said to him: ‘Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke he put on us, and we will serve you’… The king answered the people harshly….[saying] ‘My father made your yoke heavy; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions’ ” (1 Kings 12:1-4; 13-14).

It was for this reason that the people backed tax reformer Jeroboam the Ephraimite, who had been a high-level servant of Solomon heading the public-works labor forces of the tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh). After the prophet Ahijah of Shiloh had prophesied that Jeroboam would become king over the northern 10 tribes, Solomon tried to kill him, so he fled to Egypt (1 Kings 10:26-40). Upon his return, amidst Rehoboam’s refusal to enact reforms, the people rebelled against Rehoboam and made Jeroboam king over them: by that act establishing the Kingdom of Israel (as distinct from Rehoboam’s two-tribe – plus Levites — Kingdom of Judah).

Thus the two houses of the Hebrews that had been united as a 12-tribe confederation through the lifetime of Jacob, through the long sojourn in Egypt, and through both the age of the Judges and the reign of Kings Saul and David, were formally divided into two nations: the House and Kingdom of Judah and the House and Kingdom of Israel – never to be fully united again until the yet-future Millennial Kingdom.

It is this milestone in the history and prophecy of the two houses which prompts me to write this article today. This week I am releasing Installment 10 of my book “The Prodigal Son Prophecy: God’s Amazing Plan for the Restoration of the Two Hebrew Houses and the Salvation of the Gentiles” and Solomon is the dominant figure in this portion of the book. As always, I offer free access to all of my books and books-in-progress here at Just hover over the “Scott Lively Books” option in the header and select a book from the drop-down menu.

America is in so many ways a parallel to ancient Israel, and the lessons of Solomon and Rehoboam seem to closely parallel both our current moral and fiscal crises, and our social hyper-polarization. But in the study of the two house Biblical theme we see why and how these patterns illuminate the prophetic calendar and heighten our expectation of the soon second coming of our Messiah.

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Prophecy and Politics | 4.25.2021 | Episode 7 | Preparing for the Day of the Lord
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Prophecy and Politics | 4.18.2021 | Episode 6 | Are “Vaccine Passports” Our Global ID?

This video was BANNED by the leftist censors at YouTube for “medical misinformation” so we’ve posted it at Bitchute.
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Prophecy and Politics | 4.11.2021 | Episode 5 | Abortion and the Antichrist Agenda
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The Year of Living Slavishly

It’s all about the kids

It was right about a year ago that America began seriously locking down to “flatten the curve” of Covid 19 infections as computer models projected a massive death toll and a terrifying tsunami of hospitalizations certain to overwhelm our health care system. Those projections would prove to be outrageously overstated. And the “flatten the curve” narrative would prove to be just a pretext for shutting down small businesses from coast to coast (while enriching the multi-national corporations in league with the Marxist elite) to crash the Trump economy and justify unprecedented anti-Trump changes to election policies and practices.

We’ve since learned that the death stats were consistently, deliberately inflated to maximize public panic, and when enough data had been accumulated to supersede the computer models, the actual proven data showed a better than 95% recovery rate even for octogenarians in bad health (and a better than 99.9% survival rate for young people), so the powers and principalities of public health then shifted their fear-mongering focus to “active cases” and stopped reporting death stats. It was always about creating and sustaining a climate of anxiety and social isolation.

Along with the lockdowns came global government-enforced Mask Mandates: a cynical and totally unwarranted tactic for engendering the psychological submission of the common people. The refusal by some US States to impose these mandates has given us proof in the form of actual health stats that there is NO benefit to mask-wearing. But elites respond with “What of it? Shut up and get in line.” Nothing must disturb their dominance and our submission.

And it’s working. Even as mandates have been lifted by some conservative governors, the vast majority of people continue to voluntarily wear them. Most disturbingly, as I have personally observed, the people most likely NOT to go mask-less are children and young adults. For them, mask-slavery is the new normal and they’ve accepted it – even though CDC stats show pediatric mortality “from Covid 19″ is roughly half of the annual average for deaths from the flu (roughly 200 vs 400 – and that’s not factoring in the politically-motivated presumed inflation of Covid numbers).

Meanwhile, we’re learning more and more about the manslaughter of the elderly in nursing homes by eugenics-minded far-left governors who deliberately sent infected Covid 19 patients into their facilities. One might be tempted to theorize that Covid 19 was deliberately engineered to kill off the elderly while preserving the more propaganda-susceptible young people.

In our well-justified outrage about the suppression of conservative speech and networking on social media platforms we’ve missed the larger purpose of it, which is to insulate the young people from ideas and data that contradict the narratives of the elites. The elites couldn’t care less about what we Boomers and older Gen Xers think or say to each other, and know they’re not going to teach us old dogs any new tricks: they care only about the generations that will replace us, and populate their brave new world of utopian transhumanism. Even the propaganda about “re-educating” Trump supporters is really only about stigmatizing us in the minds of the youth as dangerous crazies they should shun.

As we get further in time from the 2020 election, we can see that all of this evil nonsense has been done with a larger goal than defeating Trump. It is about implementing the United Nations “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” adopted in 2015 through the orchestration of Barack Obama and Pope Francis (who launched the plan with a speech at UN HQ in NYC). In furtherance of that goal, the Plandemic has set the stage for the “Great Reset” (which could be triggered at any time with a global economic collapse), intended to destroy once and for all the “Old Normal” (Judeo-Christian civilization) that we Boomers were the last generation to enjoy as children.

In just the past couple of weeks the global public-heath tyrants began a new wave of lockdowns in Europe, and here at home “Dr. Fausti” (his namesake being famous for making a pact with the devil) is pushing a continuation of mask mandates for another 2-3 years. The authorities waited until their so-called vaccines had been rolled out and injected into millions of people before telling us that even the “vaccines” would not eliminate the mask requirements. Another bait and switch. Now they’re pushing hard for making travel and other basic human privileges conditional on holding a “Vaccine Passport.”

All of our hopes for “going back to normal” in 2021 are being dashed, while we are being forced into greater and greater dependency on government. The Year of Living Slavishly is being extended — despite populist demands.

“How shall we then live?” asked Peter rhetorically. We live the way the first century believers did under Roman military occupation. We make our families and local congregations the center of our lives. We develop methods of coping with unfolding events that do not involve compromise: living IN the world but not OF the world.

But perhaps more importantly, how shall we protect the younger generations from the evils we Boomers see so clearly, but they see only hints of due to the “strong delusions” that have shaped their worldview since infancy? We learn to specialize in using the self-evident witness of God’s natural world to undermine the delusions of the artificial world. We teach them about the birds and the bees – literally. We see that our grandchildren spend some time on working farms (family farms, not agribusiness). We do nature walks. We stand with them on the shoreline and look up at the star-filled sky as we talk about the reality of God. We collectively start promoting the conservation of the natural family as a social responsibility in the way environmentalists have successfully done to protect rain forests and tide pools, and to improve air and water quality.

We use the lessons from our Year of Living Slavishly to start conversations about what freedom really is, and use the self-evident truths of Creation to help introduce them to the Creator, Jesus Christ: “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” And that truth in turn will give them hope for surviving the very tough days that lie ahead as we wait for His return to break ALL the chains now being forged by these temporary slave-masters.

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The Once and Future Sodom

Sodom and Gomorrah - Wikipedia
The Incineration of Sodom

Leviticus 18:21And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech… 22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

There is nothing new under the sun, said King Solomon, who knew from whence he spoke, having departed so far from righteousness in his later years that he instituted Canaanite demon worship on the Mount of Olives (1 Kings 11) that lasted 300 years, until righteous King Josiah ended the practice by, in part, “breaking down the houses of the Sodomites that were by the Temple, where the women wove hangings for Asherah” (2 Kings 23). The Asherah, or Asherim, were huge phallic poles, often carved from oak trees, that adorned the “high places” where Baal and Ashtereth were worshiped through male and female cult prostitution and the sacrifice of children (who were roasted alive). Solomon lost his regency – for himself and all his posterity – for that idolatry and David’s United Kingdom was split in two, because there are some things that Our God – so longsuffering in so many ways – will not tolerate. Chief on the list is Canaanite demon worship, which has always been characterized by extreme sexual deviance and child murder. Abortion. LGBT perversions. There is nothing new under the sun.

Our great grandparents, no matter where they might have migrated from across the world, shared the universal condemnation of “the love that dares not speak its name.” Even as late as the 1950s homosexuality was so utterly reviled as a form of sexual deviance, that it could not be mentioned “in polite company” and thus the absolute primacy of the marriage-based natural family was secure as the foundation and framework of mainstream society.

It was the rise of Marxism that changed everything. Karl Marx and Frederick Engles were themselves hostile to the then-underground homosexual movement. And for its entire history Soviet Communism also thoroughly shunned homosexual practices due to their social destructiveness. But because its ultimate goal has always been the overthrow of Judeo-Christian civilization, and because (Torah-faithful) Jewish insistence on heterosexual monogamy has always been the foundation of that civilization (affirmed most militantly in the Maccabbean overthrow of Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 164BC), it was unsurprising that the greater Marxist Movement would eventually use homosexual activists to stir up “sexual revolution” to topple our civilization from within (just as the magician Balaam advised Moabite King Balak to do to the Israelites in Numbers 25). There is nothing new under the sun.

And so it became standard Soviet policy to foment sexual revolution in all the countries of the West (but never in Russia). And their chief agents were homosexuals, for whom “sexual revolution” meant “liberation” from what Herbert Marcuse called “the repressive order of procreative sexuality.” It was no accident, therefore, that the “Father of the American Gay Movement” was Harry Hay, a long-time teacher of Marxism before he founded the Mattachine Society in 1950.

Now, Germany needed no external manipulation to embrace “sexual revolution,” being the homeland of the “Grandfather of the Modern Gay Movement,” Karl Ulrichs. I’ve addressed that in a prior article. And England, whose “elites” were enamored of envelope-pushing “gay” Dandies like Oscar Wilde (author of the “dare not” quote above) needed no heavy arm-twisting either. But “provincial” America did. And thus we became the target of a multi-faceted social engineering campaign that has succeeded far beyond Oscar’s wildest dreams.

That campaign has always been “progressive” in the sense that LGBT is not a “coalition of sexual minorities” but a set of steps in the dismantling of heterosexual normalcy.

Indeed, the whole concept of “sexual minorities” is a Marxist invention – a component of “Queer Theory.” In self-evident reality, all human beings are, genetically, binary heterosexual beings capable of voluntarily engaging in any form of sexual deviance. It is the spiritual and emotional nature of sexual deviance to capture one’s sense of identity as a sexual person in a process I believe is related to human brain chemistry associated with sexual climax, producing in the human psyche something akin to the phenomenon of “imprinting” in birds. I’ll never forget learning that lesson from my ex-“gay” friend Sonny (whom my wife and I nursed through late-stage AIDS in our home until his death). He was raped by a man in the bathroom of a YMCA at seven years old, and forever after fought the fetish of seeking sex combined with the smell of urine.

Remember that all “sexual orientations” are defined by personal self-identification, not objective physiological criteria, so emotionalism and ideology play a huge role in the process, which is why socially-approved and government-sponsored LGBT propaganda to children is uniquely dangerous. And is the reason I always warn that “gay recruitment” of kids is more about encouraging them to experiment homosexually with each other than it is adult molestations of kids (which also is far more prevalent than the media will report). That’s why they always add Q (for “questioning”) to “LGBT:” it is a marketing strategy.

Lesbianism is the easiest to sell to the public, since it gets the least resistance from men because it has always been a staple of modern porn. Male homosexuality is a tougher sell but they forced it on us gradually over decades. “Bisexuality” is really about finally abandoning the pretext that homosexuals are “born that way” and shifting back to their original argument (soundly defeated during the conservative Reagan Revolution) that all sexuality is a matter of personal choice which society has no right to regulate. We’re there now in the rapid rise of “polyamory,” just another name for bisexuality, but in groups. Transgenderism is the cutting edge and isn’t really about sexuality at all but an attack on genetic determinism designed to prepare the younger generations for “transhumanism” through which human beings use genetic manipulation, robotics and AI to create “superior,” ultimately “immortal,” forms of ourselves. (The very thing God expelled us from the Garden of Eden to prevent).

Sodom is the ultimate symbol of rebellion against God, triggering His wrath. And it is the symbol used to define the Antichrist Kingdom in the Book of Revelation. Sodomy is the behavior associated with both Noah’s Flood (according to the Talmud) and the coming (perhaps emerging) Age of Apostasy (according to Paul). It is never condoned or minimized in Scripture, but mandatory Christian acceptance/celebration of it has become the world’s rigidly inflexible measure of “goodness” in pastors and churches. But should we really be surprised? There truly is nothing new under the sun – only the choice every generation must make: whether to obey God or defy Him and reap the consequences accordingly.

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Why the Neo-Conservatives Hate Trump

One of the great paleo-conservative thinkers of the pre-Reagan era is WND columnist Pat Buchanan. I had the privilege of meeting and sharing a stage with him as a young Christian activist in Oregon around 1990, and have always benefited from his insights and observations in his writings. The main issue that separates paleo-conservatives from neo-conservatives is war-policy: the paleos are the original America First champions firmly against unnecessary foreign wars, and the neo-cons seem to have never met a war they didn’t like. Pat’s piece this past week was about the geopolitics of oil and natural gas pipelines, specifically Russia’s pipeline to Germany, and thus all Europe.

The main reason the neo-cons joined with the leftists to take down President Trump’s presidency was his opposition to foreign wars, and his successful pursuit of domestic energy independence. The leftists hate Trump for many reasons, but the neo-cons have primarily one. You see, the wars of at least the past half-century have almost always been related to the projection of American military power to control oil and gas resources on foreign soil.

Pat Buchanan wrote: “Issue: Nord Stream 2, the Baltic Sea pipeline Vladimir Putin is building to complement his Nord Stream 1 and carry more natural gas from Russia to Germany, and from there to other NATO nations….What is behind American opposition…? First, the pipelines bypass Ukraine and Poland, cutting those countries out of the transit revenue. Second, we want Germany to buy our own shale-produced natural gas.” The rest of the article focuses on the question of whether Germany is wrong to partner with Russia in this. He reveals his own view, by writing “[Post Glasnost] Russia was no longer the largest captive nation of communism but a nation reaching out in friendship to the United States… [But] Having won the Cold War, and unable to find a new mission, we started a second Cold War to contain the new [significantly shrunken] Russia – this time at the borders of Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia, as we had once contained the old USSR at the River Elbe.”

I would add that the second Cold War ran rather luke-warm until, as Secretary of State under Obama in 2009, Hillary Clinton presented a “reset button” stage prop to Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to signal a new season of cooperation between our nations. But, in retrospect, that season of thaw appears to have been just another Clinton Crime Family scam, in this case to enrich themselves through such deals as the Uranium One scandal.

The real restart of a deep-freeze Cold War was triggered shortly after the Uranium One deal closed, when an infuriated Barack Obama (the ultimate LGBT global activist) determined to punish Russia for passing a nationwide ban on homosexual propaganda to children in 2013. It kicked off with an attempt to sabotage the 2014 Winter Olympics in Socci, Russia by humiliating the Russians with massive pro-LGBT propaganda and provocation during the games. It then continued with an Obama/Soros orchestrated 2014 Ukrainian coup that replaced the pro-Russian president with a pro-Obama stooge and handed the keys to the Ukranian treasury to Joe (and Hunter) Biden.

In August of 2013, I published and sent an Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin, predicting that Obama would take severe revenge on Russia for the “gay” propaganda ban.

I had done a public speaking tour across Russia in 2006-2007 and visited Moscow in October 2013 for an international pro-family conference. From personal observation, I can testify that Russia is not only NOT a Marxist state, but that its people are ideologically the closest to American conservatives of any nationality of the 65 countries I have visited in my travels.

I was thus very pleased when then-candidate Donald Trump campaigned heavily in 2016 on restoring relations with Russia. But this Trump campaign promise scared the Purple Uniparty globalists more than any other. Obama, Clinton and Biden were terrified that their crimes in Ukraine would be exposed and prosecuted, and the Neo-Cons were terrified that Trump would pull the military out of their highly lucrative wars – especially Syria, which has only ever been about completing the Qatar to Bulgaria pipeline across Syria and Turkey before Russia could complete Nord Stream 2. For decades, Syria has been a US/Russia proxy-war battlefield over oil revenues, complicated by an Iranian second pipeline across Iraq and Syria to the Mediterranean (presumably stalled by the US occupation of Iraq).

This is the true reason for the Russian Collusion Hoax still being pushed by the Never Trumpers despite having been totally debunked. And the all-hands-on-deck commitment to force President Trump into an anti-Russian posture is, I believe, why he uncharacteristically flipped on Syrian policy and bombed Syrian targets April 6th, 2017 supposedly in retaliation for Syria’s supposed use of “chemical weapons” on April 4th – an allegation vehemently (and very plausibly) denied by Syrian President Assad. It should be noted that international law allows military action outside of wartime on very limited grounds, explaining why “chemical weapons” is the go-to pretext for neo-con warmongers since before the George W. Bush wars (which I regret having supported at the time).

My personal conspiracy theory is that Trump was forced into striking Syria in 2017 by heavy left and “right” media propaganda, combined with extortion from neo-con Senators John McCain and Mitch McConnell, the latter of whom inexplicably held back the Senate confirmation of Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch from January 2017 until just after the bombing. But Trump tipped off Russia with media comments before the attack to (I believe) prevent an intended escalation – in the same way General Flynn (I believe) prevented an intended Obama Hot War between the 2016 election and the inauguration. If President Trump is reelected in 2024, I think he will find a way to keep his promise to essentially end the second Cold War, to the benefit of the world and the detriment of the warmongers.

I don’t wish to suggest Pat Buchanan shares my personal theories – but I think he would agree that while geo-politics always involves partly hidden factual complexities – the motivations behind the actions of nations are no different than the basic motives of powerful individuals: a greed for money, and a lust for power (including, especially in Obama’s case, the power to enforce your will on everyone else). And in our lifetimes the nexus of those motives usually involve politicians, armies, and oil (as in “President” Biden sending the US military sweeping back into Syria in his first week). But in Trump’s case they didn’t. He truly put America First. And that is why the neo-cons hate him.

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Social Justice, the Great Reset and Biblical Economics

When I was a teenager growing up in a lower middle-class family in Western Massachusetts, my prospects for success in life were dramatically reversed when my father suffered a major mental health breakdown that required him to be institutionalized for the rest of his life. My Mom and five younger siblings crammed into a much smaller house, while I (then 16) pretty much lived wherever I could, having become quite independent by then due to a desire to avoid my Dad’s increasingly hostile behavior toward me, in part deserved because of my drug and alcohol centered lifestyle (since the age of 12). Sometimes I lived with the families of friends. For a while I was on welfare and with three friends had our own house (party-central). I spent a brief period in a commune. And sometimes I literally lived on the streets.

One summer vacation from the far-left Hippie alternative-school that I attended after dropping out of High School in 10th grade, I got a temporary job as a groundskeeper at the ultra-exclusive prep-school Deerfield Academy, which prepared the children of the very rich to attend the elite universities which would in turn train them how to rule the world. My main job was to maintain the tennis courts – top-quality clay courts, of course (no concrete or asphalt for these kids). But I also did general maintenance, one day being responsible for cleaning out a barn filled with expensively framed paintings it was my job to throw into a giant dumpster. The casual waste appalled me.

If ever I were susceptible to Marxist recruitment, that summer would have been it, but I guess even the Marxists didn’t want the kid I was then, and fortunately I never went that direction.

Indeed, you’d be hard pressed to find a more stalwart opponent of Marxism than I. But my opposition to Marxism is based on its malicious war against Judeo-Christian civilization – not on its (original, ostensible) motivation to solve the genuine problem of vast accumulated wealth and power in the hands of a few at the expense of everyone else. (The elites of that age were even worse than the Zuckerbergs and Bezos’ and Gates’ of our own.)

I’m not talking about capitalism vs communism – which is itself a false choice invented by Marxists to control the debate. I’m talking about the Biblical concept of stewardship, and its duties that are implicit in Judeo-Christian civilization vs systemic abuse of power for the perpetual self-enrichment of an elite.

Private property is an essential tenet of Christianity implied even in the Ten Commandments. “Thou shall not steal,” and “Thou shall not covet” would be meaningless without a right of private ownership. Even the Christian supposed “experiment with Socialism” in Acts 4:32-5:11 was in actuality a voluntary pact, not a government mandate as Acts 5:4 makes clear.

But conversely, God repeatedly warns against “the love of money” and its corrupting influence (e.g. 1 Timothy 6:10), even identifying abundance from commerce as the source of Satan’s rebellion against Him (Ezekiel 28:16-19). God even imposed the Jubilee economic model upon the Hebrews in the Holy Land. Labor contracts were limited to seven year terms. Transfer of the ultimate commodity, real-estate, was limited to fifty year terms.

Yet even in that Israelite economy under the Mosiac law, the solution to human greed and selfishness was not statutes – which can always be outmaneuvered (Matthew 23:23-24). Instead, the solution was the guiding PRINCIPLE best articulated by David in Psalm 24:1 “The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” Since God owns everything, including us, we are accountable to Him for how we use His stuff.

When America was still a “God-fearing” nation we were the self-regulated “moral and religious” people for whom the Founders created our Constitutional Republic. Our written laws were relatively few because we followed the spirit of the law and practiced self-restraint out of a sense of accountability to the Law-Giver.

But today we have so many laws we need warehouses to store the books that contain them and literally no one knows the law in its totality – and new thousand-page packages of laws are passed annually that are no longer even read by the legislators before voting. Yet, in our conduct we are a lawless society ruled by deeply unethical men and women for whom “Principles” and “ideals” are merely sugar-coatings for poisonous social policies.

The term “Social Justice” suggests high principles that have lured many naive but well intentioned people to embrace it. The false promise of a “Great Reset” suggests the ideal of a “Jubilee” that wipes out global debt and gives the world a new start. But in reality “social justice” is class warfare pitting the poor-to-middle-class against the upper-middle class and lower strata of “the rich,” and the “Great Reset” is a ploy to establish a global China-style Marxist economy marrying Communism and predatory corporatism. Both strategies serve only the ultra-rich – the ones whom the street-level Marxists never seem to target, and the populist conservatives always unthinkingly defend in their unexamined, reductionist definition of “capitalism.”

How do all these diverse ideas tie together? They identify our problem as the collapse of the rule of law into the rule of man, and identify our “masters” as the ultra-rich who want a return to a two-class society in which we are their slaves. And while we placed our hope in a populist movement that fought valiantly to break their yoke – and almost succeeded – they defeated our champion and are now rapidly consolidating their power. I doubt they will let us get that close again.

I believe our best course of action as we await the return of Christ (and continue fighting to overthrow the tyrants) is to actively pursue our own Biblical economy amongst ourselves, outside of the elites’ control. If He tarries, we’ll have something to base a restored America upon. If not, we’ll have our best shot at survival through the troubled times ahead.

I’ll offer my ideas about a Biblical economy in a future article, but until then I encourage us all to meditate upon the idea and imagine what it might look like in actual practice.

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Evangelizing the Progressives

In my last article I addressed the problem of Christian pastors being led into apostasy by “progressive evangelists” using “social justice” themes, especially “gay theology,” to capture an increasing number of Christian leaders who are intimidated by our culture’s relentless attacks on Biblical truth and who desire to be liked by the world and be “relevant” to the Marxism-indoctrinated younger generations. In this article I want to explain how Bible-faithful Christians can turn the tables and successfully evangelize “progressives” and the younger generations influenced by the leftist worldview (and potentially overthrow the elite puppet-masters who rule over both of us through divide and conquer polarization).

Progressives are a particularly challenging mission field for Christians who use traditional evangelistic methods because they have been largely “immunized” against Christianity since childhood through anti-biblical propaganda and talking points pushed in public schools and colleges. We’ve lost something like 85% of young people from Christian homes in this contest and won very few young people from “progressive” homes.

But there is one form of Christian witness that is still has great potency because 1) the enemy has only recently started undermining it (to further the transgender agenda), and 2) it shares a common logical foundation with a core ideology of the progressive movement. That witness is the self-evident NATURE of things. Let me tell you how I discovered this truth and developed it as a bridge to establish rapport with progressives.

Just after the turn of the millennium I was running my Sacramento-based Christian Mediation Center (which I founded as the first business of my law career) and was serving as California State Director for the American Family Association on the side. I was also fighting the LGBT agenda as a public speaker and media figure. All three tracks intertwined when I was asked by Phyllis Schlafley’s Eagle Forum to help stop a major escalation in pro-homosexual indoctrination at Santa Rosa High School.

One of my events in that effort was an evening presentation at a local community center. But when I arrived the room was packed to the gills with hostile high school and college students. (We had been outmaneuvered by local LGBT organizers.) Not wanting to endure another session of obnoxious heckling and childish antics that usually dominate such meetings, I put on my “mediator” hat (while the moderator was introducing me) and silently prayed for guidance from the Holy Spirit on how to connect with these kids.

I had an immediate epiphany about the common ground that pro-family advocates share with environmentalists: the recognition of a natural order that must be respected by humans to prevent harm. I abandoned my prepared notes and with real-time Holy Spirit guidance (per Matthew 10:19) I explained that environmental concepts like “bio-diversity,” “eco-systems,” and “the interdependence of species” all rest upon the natural law presuppositions that the pro-family movement also holds: things are supposed to be a certain way in nature and if you do things like poison the tide-pools with chemicals, or clear-cut the rain forest, bad things will happen. I then said, “All I’m asking you to do is open your minds a little and recognize that humanity has its own ecosystem called the natural family. If you disturb that by, for example, removing one of the parents, it’s the equivalent of cutting down half the rain forest. Negative consequences will follow.”

Watching those young people visibly ponder that idea – one college student with purple hair literally scratching his head as its profundity, light bulbs switching on behind his eyes as he looked off into the air – was one of the most satisfying moments in my entire pro-family career.

A few years later I was invited to debate same-sex marriage at U.C. Berkeley (which is so liberal that the “moderator” was the Northern California director of the ACLU). I dusted off that natural-family ecosystem concept and built my entire argument upon it. Long story short, I started with a 100% extremely hostile standing-room-only crowd but by the end had shifted about 25% of them to an attitude of respectful attention – a huge victory under the circumstances.

Fast forward to 2014. On the final day of my part-time “running-only-to-have-a-platform” campaign for governor of Massachusetts I decided to have some fun and hit the streets of ultra-leftist Northampton with a flyer featuring a still-further developed “natural-family ecosystem” theme, while being shadowed by a hostile film crew from HBO’s “Vice” program hoping for fireworks. Instead, I had such an amazing day of harmonious interactions with random strangers, including a Smith College philosophy professor who really liked the concept, that when I went home afterward I faxed over a copy to the Rainbow Green Party, whose person-in-charge offered to send my flyer to their whole list – until other leaders shut him down after discovering I was the author.

Two years later in October 2016 I was in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia in my capacity as a Human Rights Consultant, helping (successfully) to pass a national constitutional amendment defending marriage. To highlight the universal appeal of the “natural life” theme while there in the eastern hemisphere with my Muslim hosts, we formed the Natural Life Movement and I published the Declaration of the Natural Life Movement to frame its tenets in a final concise form.

The key to “natural life evangelism” is to shift your discussion away from traditional “right vs left” arguments and perspectives toward the completely different paradigm of “natural vs artificial.” The goal is not to flip them from “liberal” to “conservative” (a distinction exploited by the elites) but to establish common ground on the most basic and universal truths of the natural law. Once you reach that common ground on “the laws of Nature,” it is an easy pivot to a discussion about “Nature’s God” – and, depending on the person, turning either to the Declaration of Independence (where “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God” provided the logic for America’s founding), OR directly to the Bible, where there are many mind-healing passages rooted in the witness of nature (e.g. Romans 1:19-20).

Further, to grasp the potency of the Natural Life paradigm as a tool to redeem the political realm, consider how easily we could win all our key culture war battles if the vast majority of world’s population who already embrace natural life presuppositions were united in that goal instead of (as now) being polarized across lines chosen by the elites to keep us fighting amongst ourselves instead of overthrowing their tiny-minority rule.

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Prophecy and Politics | 3.28.2021 | Episode 3 | Has the “Beginning of Sorrows” Arrived?

Has the “Beginning of Sorrows” Arrived?

Are those dark clouds on the horizon the Four Horsemen thundering into view?

In my analysis of Bible prophecy the most critical keys to unlocking the timeline of the last days are 1) the Old Testament duet of Leviticus 25 and 25 (which explain God’s timekeeping system), and Our Lord’s chronology of last days events called the Olivet Discourse. I have addressed these in Chapter One of my book The Prodigal Son Prophecy. The OT Key is the source of the seven year tribulation framework in the Book of Daniel (which has spawned so many erroneous theories on the meaning of “Daniel’s 70th Week” by those who don’t have a firm grasp on the Hebrew cultural perspective of prophecy).

The Olivet Discourse is the Master Key that explains the sequence of events during that seven year “Shemitah” or Sabbath cycle. There are four versions of the Olivet Discourse. Three closely matched versions in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, and a dramatically expanded and augmented version called the Book of Revelations (from Jesus to John, who also wrote the 4th Gospel). The “Decoder Ring” by which all Bible prophecy can be properly aligned is found between Matthew 24:3 and Matthew 26:1, because it contains the full set of the 70th Week’s 15 events: twelve events leading to the resurrection and rapture in Matthew 24, and the three post-rapture events of the Ten Days of Awe leading to the start of the Millennial Kingdom.

All of Revelation smoothly aligns with the Matthew timeline with the help of a Third Key that divides Revelation passages according to their perspective (from inside or outside of time-bound earth). I have identified 25 distinct passages and shown how they help solve the mystery of the Revelation timeline by allowing the student to align the symbols and OT prophecy references of the two versions (such as the obvious connection of the first four Seals of Revelation with the Four Horsemen of Matthew – and the less obvious connection to the Book of Zechariah). All of that is detailed in my book, supplemented with charts.

In the Lesson of the Fig Tree (Matthew 24:32-34), Jesus told us that the countdown to the final Shemitah of the Age of the Gentiles (Daniel’s 70th Week) would begin with the budding of the Fig Tree. The Fig Tree is the Biblical symbol of the House of Judah (the proof-text for which is Jeremiah’s prophetic vision in Jeremiah 24). The House of Judah is, to simplify the matter, the “House of Judaism” which currently has possession of a substantial portion of the Holy Land, including Jerusalem, in fulfillment of a plethora of OT prophecies. Jesus further explained that all of the events of Matthew 24-25 would occur in the lifetime of the generation in which the budding began. That generation is obviously our own, and thus all these things must happen within in the lifespan of the last person alive at the time of the budding – or perhaps a Biblical term of years representative of a lifespan, such as 120 years (per Genesis 6:3).

There are three plausible dates we can consider as the start.

1) December, 1917, when the British military wrested control of the Holy Land from the Ottoman Turks and invited the Jews to resettle the land – for the first time since their expulsion by the Romans in 135 AD (when the Romans renamed it Syriac Palestine to sever the association of the land with the Jews).

2) May, 1948 when the State of Israel was formally established at the end of the British Mandate.

3) June, 1967, when Israel took full possession of the all-important City of Jerusalem.

The sudden establishment of Israel in 1948 seems obviously a fulfillment of Isaiah 66:7-8 “Before she was in labor, she gave birth; before she was in pain, she delivered a boy. Who has heard of such as this? Who has seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be delivered in an instant? Yet as soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children.”

But I think there is a stronger case for 1917 that puts 1948 in a larger context and brings in another critical line of prophecies related to God’s 50-year Jubilee cycles. Serious Bible students will recall that Jesus began his earthly ministry with a reading from and commentary on Isaiah 61:1-2a in which He both identified Himself as Messiah, and identified that year as a Jubilee year. Importantly, He did not read or comment on 61:2b which is Isaiah’s prophecy of the second coming, defined by the phrase “the Day of Our God’s vengeance.”

The theme of Jubilee is liberation. The Holy Land and half of Jerusalem was liberated in 1917. Jerusalem was fully liberated exactly fifty years later in 1967.

If these two dates set the pattern, the next Jubilee cycle would have begin in 2017. But to fit the time limit of the Fig Tree prophecy (if it started in 1917) this Jubilee would need to set the stage for the Antichrist Kingdom that precedes the Day of God’s vengeance. In other words, the final liberation would not occur, as normal, on Yom Kippur 2017, but be delayed due to the rise of a false Messiah – something like the delay described in Daniel 10:12-14.

If we assume for the sake of argument this Jubilee cycle’s first seven-year Shemitah were Daniel’s 70th Week, the all-important half-way point (3 ½ years) would be roughly Passover (March 27-April 4) – NOW. It would begin with the unleashing of the Four Horsemen – the “beginning of sorrows” (i.e. the first contractions of the birth process) accompanied or followed rapidly by the unveiling of the Antichrist.

How would we recognize these horsemen? The first would be the Antichrist himself (the White Horse), posing as the Messiah in ways the mimic the true Messiah of Revelation 19. And in my view, that would likely involve the proclamation of a counterfeit Jubilee.

I’m not saying this is a sure thing: there are still too many variables that require assumptions. And prophecy fulfillment is organic: it does not usually unfold with machine precision. But if in the next few days or weeks we see a global economic collapse to justify the “Great Reset,” attended by dramatically escalating war drums, disease and famine, I’d say start praying the pre-tribbers are right, while setting your timer for a return of Christ at the end of this Shemitah if they’re wrong. And if this scenario does not occur, we can scratch another set of false guesses off our list.

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Prophecy and Politics | 3.21.2021 | Episode 2 | The Last Days, “Decoder-Ring”
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Prophecy and Politics | 3.14.2021 | Episode 1: Perversion and the Antichrist Kingdom

In Episode 1 of his new livestream teaching and commentary series, Dr. Lively explains what the Bible says about the influence of sexual perversion on the rise of apostasy and the Kingdom of the Antichrist and how that is reflected in the present American spiritual and political crisis.

Many Pastors Succumbing to Progressive “Evangelism”

Jesus warned that in the last generation “many false prophets will arise and mislead many [and] because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.”

“Wickedness” involves a wide spectrum of secondary behaviors as shown in Romans 1:18-32 and 2 Timothy 3:1-5 but one specific category of sin is pinpointed by God throughout the Bible as the gateway to widespread apostasy that triggers His wrath: extreme sexual deviance, particularly male homosexuality. My Scripture-based argument in support of that assertion is fully detailed in my book The Petros Prophecy: Simon Peter’s Prophetic Warning About the Heresy of the Last Days.

More important to this article is the false doctrinal teaching (i.e. heresy), associated with all LGBT sin — so-called “gay theology” – which is the chief tool of “evangelism” by “progressives” who are leading an increasing number of pastors and other Christian leaders into apostasy.

One of the most recent, perhaps their biggest American convert ever, is J.D. Greear, President of the Southern Baptist Convention. In a recent message, Greear “defended a former staff member who said that while he was on his personal pastoral staff and ‘very active’ in his church for many years, he secretly looked at gay porn and hooked up on gay dating sites…saying that he needs to ‘feel his pain’ and ‘learn to grapple with his questions from his point of view.’ ” More alarmingly, “Greear has insisted that the Scriptures only ‘whisper’ about homosexuality while addresses other sins–such as greed or boasting–in a much greater way. He’s also called on Christians to stand up for LGBTQ rights.”

A month earlier, famous Christian author Max Lucado made a similar detour from the faith. There has been a steady increase in these progressive conversions for years now.

Any pastor who claims that Scriptures “only whisper” about homosexuality or considers it “just another sin” doesn’t know his Bible, I don’t care how esteemed he may be among men. The Scripture warns all of us clearly “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2). But conform they have.

The LGBTs smugly predicted they would accomplish this goal all the way back in 1987 at the height of the Reagan Revolution when Bible-based pro-family advocacy was very strong and rising. In their seminal strategy blueprint “The Overhauling of Straight America” they said “The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion [i.e. “Just another sin] … While public opinion is one primary source of mainstream values, religious authority is the other. When conservative churches condemn gays, there are only two things we can do to confound the homophobia of true believers.

“First, we can use talk to muddy the moral waters. This means publicizing support for gays by more moderate churches, raising theological objections of our own about conservative interpretations of biblical teachings, and exposing hatred and inconsistency. Second, we can undermine the moral authority of homophobic churches by portraying them as antiquated backwaters, badly out of step with the times and with the latest findings of psychology. Against the mighty pull of institutional Religion one must set the mightier draw of Science & Public Opinion (the shield and sword of that accursed “secular humanism”). Such an unholy alliance has worked well against churches before, on such topics as divorce and abortion. ”

That “accursed ‘secular humanism’ ” is indeed accursed – the Satanic religion of Marxism whose goal has always been to replace Judeo-Christian civilization by any means necessary. By the LGBT strategists’ own admission, this is SPIRITUAL warfare in the cultural realm! And they are winning.

Has the Bible changed in our lifetime? A ridiculous question. Has sexual sin itself changed? Not in terms of the forms of deviance it takes – everything from fornication to bestiality has always been practiced by some. Has the duty of preachers and teachers to expound Bible truth to the world changed? Obviously not. The only factors that have changed in this equation are the rise of “progressive evangelism” and the transformation of our culture through their preaching of all “social justice” themes, but most destructively “gay theology.”

There is absolutely no logical reason for Christian pastors to succumb to “gay theology” at any level – even if it’s just minimizing God’s condemnation of it (e.g. “Just another sin”), except to conform to changing social values. Some call that “man-pleasing.” Yet in all such situations where the world contradicts God’s truth we have this stark warning: “Do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever chooses to be a friend of the world renders himself an enemy of God” (James 4:4).

In June of 2013 I published a Warning to the Church in America in which I predicted what’s occurring today. My prediction was not a prophecy, but simply an educated guess based upon my knowledge of the history, goals and tactics of the LGBT movement. It has largely come true – with much more, and much worse to come. This issue will be central to the coming persecution, which will begin quite soon if the grossly misnamed Equality Act becomes law.

For His own reasons, God has made the social acceptance of homosexuality a key spiritual litmus test for human civilization. All sins are destructive, but only this one is specifically associated with the rise of apostasy and subsequent outpouring of God’s wrath, from Genesis to Revelation. I have charted the key passages to highlight this crucial fact.

If you are in a congregation that is minimizing the danger of the LGBT agenda in the church or our society I urge you to first study this issue for yourself, then challenge the leadership with the facts, and if there is no repentance, shake the dust from your feet and move on.

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Has America Become the 4th Reich?
In this video version of the article of the same name, Dr. Lively offers three truths about the current American crisis: First, that our national collapse into depravity and delusion is entirely orchestrated by wicked men whose actions can be tracked historically if one dares to do so. Second, that what we are experiencing today is literally the rise of the last days Antichrist Kingdom, meaning our duty of evangelism has never been more urgent. And third, that America’s “normalcy” before the 1960s was a reflection of our collective conformity to “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” That witness of the natural world is our bridge to evangelize the lost post-Boomer generations (and many of our own peers) who have been thoroughly conditioned to reject and even mock traditional evangelistic methods.

How Antichrist Germany Conquered America

In a recent article I noted that my Boomer generation was the last to experience normalcy in our childhood years – in the sense that normalcy equates to things operating according to their nature as opposed to being artificially manipulated. At the start of our generation in 1946 we had intact natural families, protected by the institution of marriage, bolstered by the active culture-wide discouragement of promiscuity and adultery. Boys were boys and girls were girls and we celebrated that existential delight with the French exclamation “viva la difference!” We cherished babies as a gift from God, and respected Him as a matter of cultural consensus. Our churches were full and our jails were empty.

Science was grounded in provable facts and reproducible processes consistent with God’s natural order. At the community level we had vibrant natural economies integrating family farms, diverse small businesses and local industries. We primarily ate natural foods, saw health and healing as a natural process, and enjoyed the natural society of mutual cooperation for the common good.

We saw competition in sports and business as beneficial because we also had a code of ethics that demanded fairness and rewarded merit. Journalism was an honorable profession that we trusted to be our eyes and ears for monitoring current events. To a far greater extent than today we the people had control over our lives and our government.

By the final year of the Boomer babies in 1964 all that had changed, and for reasons most don’t realize and won’t discuss today for fear of “Woke” backlash.

The chief culprits were German Communist immigrants who had fled Hitler’s rising “fascist” National Socialism by the tens of thousands in the 1920s and 30s. Through the war years (in cooperation with homegrown Marxists) they gained ideological control of Hollywood, much of the news media, the Democrat Party and many other culture-shaping institutions because they served America’s anti-Nazi interests. Post-war, they shifted their focus to overthrowing our Judeo-Christian culture. The “Red Scare” of the 1950s was an authentic and serious crisis now revised/erased from the history books by the Marxist winners.

Germany had been the chief exporter of Marxism since it’s native son Karl Marx launched it in the mid-1800s. Germany was the birthplace of “higher criticism” in Christian theology, which created the modern “religious left,” and exported its Bible-diluting heresies to America, corrupting nearly every mainstream seminary. Germany was the homeland of the highly manipulable and manipulative “soft sciences” like Freud’s psychology.

Germany (along with London and New York) was a world capital of eugenics long before Hitler. And it was the birthplace of “Cultural Marxism” at the Frankfort School, whose founder Herbert Marcuse was the evil genius behind the rise in America of the left’s ultimate weapon, the “sexual revolution,” and its LGBT activist armies. Marcuse began his American take-down campaign as an employee of the OSS (forerunner to the CIA), and then a high luminary of academia who sowed the seeds of the 1960s cultural revolution in one after another of the elite universities.

As I document in my book The Pink Swastika, Germany was also the birthplace of the LGBT movement under Karl Henrich Ulrichs in the 1860s, which in turn gave birth in the early 1900s to what would later be called Nazism. The homosexual subculture in Germany was so pervasive and so powerful by the Weimar era of the 1920s that sodomy was known worldwide as “the German vice” and extreme and varied sexual perversions virtually defined German culture in the major cities. Opposing camps of LGBTs literally dominated both the Nazi Party and the Communist Party as they vied viciously for total power.

America’s first LGBT organization (in 1924) was a Chicago chapter of the German “Society for Human Rights” (whose most famous member was Ernst Roehm, founder of the Nazi “Storm Troopers”). That Chicago offshoot was launched by German American soldier Henry Gerber upon returning from post-WWI service in Germany. And the so-called “Father” of the American “gay rights” movement, Marxist Harry Hay, was seduced into homosexuality as a pubescent teen by a grown-up former boy-toy of one of Gerber’s co-founders. Hay’s network of “gay” Marxist cell groups, and “in the closet” allies such as Alfred Kinsey literally spearheaded the “sexual revolution” as a weapon against the cultural primacy of marriage-based heterosexual normalcy in America – the literal fulfilment of Marcuse’s plan.

How did Germany become such a center of evil in the world? I contend in my book Dynasty of Darkness that it was related to the excavation and acquisition by Germany of the Pergamum Altar, identified in Revelation 2 as the “Seat of Satan…where Satan dwells.” I have chronicled how Kaiser (Caesar) Wilhelm II, the final Emperor of Second Reich, considered his reconstruction of the Pergamum Altar in Berlin as his highest achievement, and how the process precisely tracks Germany’s descent into great evil, including Fredrich Nietzsche’s infamous declaration that “God is dead,” escalating through the German instigation of both World Wars, and the rise of the demonic European Union (the model for the One World Government of the Antichrist) upon the reunification of Berlin (after the collapse of the Soviet “Evil Empire” which possessed it as a property in East Berlin from 1961 to 1990).

I also show how the United States’ possession of it from 1945 to 1961 (as the dominant Allied power occupying Germany) tracks precisely with the two landmark SCOTUS rulings that officially shifted America off its Biblical foundation onto the quicksand of Secular Humanism, and empowered militant Atheists to purge Christianity from public life. During that same short window we also established the United Nations global headquarters in Manhattan on land donated by the Rockefellers.

I wrote this article to convey three truths. First, that our national collapse into depravity and delusion is entirely orchestrated by wicked men whose actions can be tracked historically if one dares to do so. Second, that what we are experiencing today is literally the rise of the last days Antichrist Kingdom, meaning our duty of evangelism has never been more urgent. And third, that America’s “normalcy” before the 1960s was a reflection of our collective conformity to “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” That witness of the natural world is our bridge to evangelize the lost post-Boomer generations (and many of our own peers) who have been thoroughly conditioned to reject and even mock traditional evangelistic methods.

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The Salvation of ‘the Jews’

In this 8th installment of his book The Prodigal Son Prophecy, Dr. Lively explains Paul’s teaching in Romans Chapter 11 regarding the salvation of the Jews at the Second Coming of Christ from the Hebrew cultural perspective of the Apostles, and key prophecies of the Old Testament. In doing so, he debunks several core arguments of Anti-Semitic groups and shows that Torah-believing Jews of the House of Judah have always had a special relationship with God despite the “partial hardening” that will continue to blind them to the identity of Yeshua Hamashiach until His return at the (imminent) close of the Age of the Gentiles.

The Salvation of “the Jews”

In Matthew 23:37-39, near the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus passed a sentence upon the House of Judah. Standing on the Mount of Olives, looking across the narrow Kidron Valley at the Holy City spread out before Him, he lamented:

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. ‘Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’ ”

Three and a half years later the implementation of that sentence would be initiated and the long 2000-year “Age of the Gentiles” would begin upon the final indictment of the Jews by Stephen, the first martyr of the church (Acts 7). And the man who orchestrated Stephen’s murder, Saul of Tarshish, would very soon become Paul (Acts 9), the Apostle to the Gentiles (Romans 11:13).

That gentile age is nearing its end today, as we await the return of Christ to His city when indeed, the Jews will finally recognize their Messiah and “weep for Him as for an only son” (Zechariah 12:10), and “all Israel will be saved.” (Romans 11:26).

And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.” (Zechariah 12:10, cited in John 19:37).

And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD” (Isaiah 59:20, cited in Romans 11:26).

On the Day of Atonement, the last of the 10 Days of Awe, “all Israel” will receive their salvation when the Messiah appears to rescue Jerusalem from the army of the wicked which have overrun it (Zechariah 14).

And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the LORD will be delivered; For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, As the LORD has said, Even among the survivors whom the LORD calls” (Joel 2:32).

These are represented by the 144,000 Hebrews, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Jacob: faithful Torah-believing men who were sealed against death by God in order to survive the time of wrath.

And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel” (Revelation 7:2-4).

The “seal of the living God” is His name, written upon their foreheads:

And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth” (Revelation 14:1-3).

These two passages, offering snapshots of the Hebrew elect before and after their rescue by the Messiah, evoke a pattern seen in the Passover and subsequent exodus from Egypt, and (to a lesser extent) the rescue of Lot from Sodom, but most especially Ezekiel’s vision in Ezekiel 8-9, including a description of the sealing of the righteous Jews before the execution of God’s wrath:

And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: Slay utterly … but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary” (Ezekiel 9:4-6).

Interestingly, what defines the righteousness of these men is not their actions, but the grief in their hearts over the apostasy that surrounds them. This was also true of covetous, incestuous Lot who nevertheless is described as righteous in 2 Peter 2:9:

He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men (for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day after day by their lawless deeds), then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment.” …

This has been an excerpt from Dr. Lively’s 8th installment of his book. To read and/or view all published installments, go HERE. Or hover your cursor over Scott Lively Books in the button bar above and select The Prodigal Son Prophecy from the dropdown menu.

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The Dynasty of Darkness Unveiled

Dr. Lively continues his serial publication of Dynasty of Darkness with this video and PDF of Chapter 6, Part One, “The Antichrist Capitals of the North” identifying the Antichrists during the period of the divided Hebrew monarchy, showcasing the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian empires. The object in the graphic above is the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser which documents the conquest of Israel by Assyria including a gloating account of King Jehu of Israel personally paying tribute to King Shalmaneser, and details the hierarchy of Satanic principalities including a demonic counterfeit of the Holy Trinity.

The Dynasty of Darkness Unveiled

One of my several books in progress is titled The Dynasty of Darkness: Satan’s long serpentine trail through human history in the form of successive Antichrists, and the imminent rise of his last days kingdom. For the past year I have been publishing it in serial form and this week am releasing installment 7. My thesis for the book is that Satan (and all the demons) are created beings who can only be in one place at one time, and (unlike God’s angels who can take human form per Hebrews 13:2) these fallen angels can only operate in the physical realm by possessing the bodies of people or animals. I believe that whomever the demon Satan is in possession of at any given time is “the Antichrist,” and that there has been a nearly continuous succession of Antichrists since the dawn of humankind.

In previous installments I discussed and catalogued the key identifying characteristics of an Antichrist and used those clues to identify specific Antichrist figures in biblical history, starting in the Book of Genesis. This present installment addresses the Antichrists of the Capitals of the North, through the period of the divided monarchy of Israel, when first Israel and then Judah were conquered by the northern kings and removed from the Holy Land.

Roughly from the time of King Jehu of Israel (841-814BC) until just prior to the first coming of Christ, Satan used three nations to the north of the Holy Land as his primary bases of operation: Assyria, Babylon and Pergamum.

During the reign of Ahab and Jezebel the nation of Israel was entirely given over to the worship of Baal and Ashtoreth which occurrence marked the beginning of the withdrawal of God’s hand of protection: “In those days the LORD began to cut off portions from Israel; and Hazael [of Damascus] defeated them throughout the territory of Israel: from the Jordan eastward, all the land of Gilead, the Gadites and the Reubenites and the Manassites, from Aroer, which is by the valley of the Arnon, even Gilead and Bashan” (2 Kings 10:32-33).

Thus began the process of divorcement of Israel by God that is described in Jeremiah 3:6-8, of which Assyria was the instrument of fulfillment:

“Then the LORD said to me in the days of Josiah the king, ‘Have you seen what faithless Israel did? She went up on every high hill and under every green tree, and she was a harlot there. I thought, After she has done all these things she will return to Me; but she did not return, and her treacherous sister Judah saw it. And I saw that for all the adulteries of faithless Israel, I had sent her away and given her a writ of divorce.’

This “harlotry” was the Canaanite practice of Baalism that began in the northern kingdom under Ahab and ended in the conquest of the House/Kingdom of Israel in 722BC by King Shalmeneser of Assyria. At that time both Ahaz, King of Judah and Hoshea, King of Israel were vassals of Shalmaneser (2 Kings 16:3-12; 17:1-6) whose power in the world was unmatched.

The ancient capital of Assyria was Nineveh, founded by Nimrod, son of Cush, brother of Canaan, the first post-flood Antichrist, who also founded Babylon. Significantly, the two empires rooted in these capitals conquered and enslaved Israel and Judah respectively.

The peak of Assyrian power, and the time of its greatest wickedness, was during the Neo-Assyrian Empire which lasted for about 300 years, from 911BC to 609BC. In other words, it started during the reign of Jeroboam, first King of northern kingdom of Israel (roughly 930 to 910 BC) and ended shortly after the conquest and deportation of all the Hebrews of Israel and the repopulation of the land with the foreign people who would become known as Samaritans. The very purpose of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, it seems, was to serve as the instrument of God’s punishment of the northern kingdom.

There likely were numerous Antichrists in the line of Assyrian kings from its earliest days, especially during the Neo-Assyrian Empire. These would probably include King Ashurnasirpal (883-859 BC) whose boasted of his own cruelty: “[T]heir men young and old I took prisoners. Of some I cut off their feet and hands; of others I cut off the ears noses and lips; of the young men’s ears I made a heap; of the old men’s heads I made a minaret. I exposed their heads as a trophy in front of their city. The male children and the female children I burned in flames; the city I destroyed, and consumed with fire.”

However, we are most interested in what appears to be an Antichrist dynasty that spanned the period of Israel’s incremental dismemberment as a nation. This included, in succession, Tiglath Pileser III, his son, Shalmaneser V, Sargon II (Shalmaneser’s brother), and Sargon’s son Sennacherib.

Tiglath Pileser III took power by killing off the prior ruling family, establishing the world’s first professional standing army, and introduced the policy of mass forced deportation of conquered peoples to foster subservience and discourage rebellions. He greatly expanded the Assyrian empire and was the first Assyrian king to annex parts of Israel. Shalmaneser V was the ruler who conquered Israel and began the deportation of the Israelites. Sargon II killed Shalmaneser in a coup and completed the processes of depopulating the Kingdom of Israel. Sennacherib was de-facto co-ruler with his father Sargon, and later succeeded him, continuing the attacks on the Hebrew people after his uncle’s conquest of Israel, working systematically to defeat Judah in the same manner (Isaiah 36). The Assyrian practice of dragging captives away with iron hooks in their noses is referenced obliquely in Isaiah 37: 29 in reference to Sennacherib.

However, near the end of Sennacherib’s reign, Manasseh emerged as the King of Judah and at some point thereafter assumed the Antichrist role, probably upon the death of Sennacherib, six years into Manasseh’s rule. Manasseh, whose great evil caused God to curse Judah, saying “I will wipe Jerusalem like a man wipes a dish” (2 Kings 21:13), is also believed by Bible scholars to have murdered Isaiah the Prophet by sawing him in two (Hebrews 11:37)…

For the rest of the story go HERE

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Swamp Rangers | 2.21.2021 | Episode 13 | The Evil of Whiteness

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The Nimrod Protocol and America’s Oligarchy

Click on the above graphic to watch the video on Rumble. Or HERE to watch it on YouTube. Summary: Dr. Lively uses current and historical events related to the republican political model of “self-government under the rule of law” to explain the biblical law of liberty as contrasted with the Satanic goal of enslavement of human beings under tyrannical human masters aligned with himself

In my last article, “The Republic We Couldn’t Keep,” I showcased the Israelite and American republics (at their best) as examples of “self-government under the rule of law” – God’s design for optimal human civilization, balancing the need for social order with the blessing of personal freedom. In direct contrast to that is the Satanic system of human slavery under centralized tyrannical power – first observed in the Biblical account of Nimrod, the “mighty hunter before the Lord” whose prey were human beings whom he could enslave into service to himself in the construction of the massive city and tower of Babel.

Nimrod was the first human agent of the post-flood world who exemplified the simple rule for acquiring tyrannical power on earth, articulated by Satan himself to Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:8-10: “the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. ‘All this I will give You,’ he said, ‘if You will fall down and worship me.’ ”

Significantly, Jesus did not declare that boast was a lie, but replied “ ‘Away from Me, Satan! … For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.’ ” His quote, from Deuteronomy 6:13, reflects the biblical principle of “ordered liberty” : if we serve and obey God individually and collectively, He will be our only true master.

Humanity has always fought the war of freedom vs slavery in every sphere of life, but especially in government, and that war has always followed a cycle in which freedom is earned through obedience then lost through disobedience, only to be restored by repentance.

Both biblical and secular history have shown that disobedience to God’s law of civilization – even by secular societies — always leads to the loss of personal liberty under human masters. The Israelite republic required its long parade of Judges (deliverers) because of the people’s continual cycle of backsliding, judgement, repentance, restoration, backsliding – and in the end quit freedom for a monarchy. The pagan Roman republic surrendered its limited self-rule to Imperialism. The early Christian church surrendered its “Presbyterian style” representative republican freedoms (e.g the Jerusalem Council) for an “Episcopal-style” religious imperialism under the Roman Catholic church (which, though usually benign, nevertheless represented top-down dictatorial control instead of self-government.) The short-lived freedoms of the secular French Revolution and it’s (misguided) high idealism degenerated rapidly to brutal tyranny. And on and on.

The American republic was uniquely Bible-based and republican by design. It’s roots were in 16th Century Scottish Presbyterianism, with its system of self-government under “covenantal oaths” entered into by elders. Familiar American examples of such oaths include the Mayflower Compact of 1620 and our Declaration of Independence, which closed with this covenantal seal: “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” These were the actions of sovereign citizens creating their own self-government through a social contract subject to the overarching law of God.

Through the first decade of our independence, our bottom-up control of our government was the strongest. We were called the Confederation of States, with heavy emphasis on the superior authority of the individual states relative to the national government. That changed in 1787 when the Constitutional Convention created a new government called the United States, upon a new US Constitution with greater national power.

This history explains why, in the Civil War, the Confederacy named itself so, and why to this day many people in its former states insist that war-for-secession was first and foremost about states-rights vs national control, with human slavery being just the most contentious one of numerous state-sovereignty issues in dispute (and in my view the chief reason – ironically – that the freedom-demanding Confederacy lost God’s blessing). After the Civil War, centralized national power grew exponentially and has never reversed course. Today, in the aftermath of the globalist coup of 2020 that captured our national government, talk of secession is again on the rise while simplistic propaganda-driven narratives are again supplanting the complexities of objective truth.

Just as America was unique in world history, the form of despotism we are transitioning to is also unique. We’re not becoming a monarchy, an empire, or even a Marxist dictatorship in the traditional sense. We’re becoming a client-state of a new global order in the China model of global socialism, which married the Chinese communist slave-state with predatory multinational corporations hungry for slave labor (e.g. Nike, a pioneer of slave-labor profiteering ). The China model was nurtured and cultivated by the Bush and Clinton political dynasties, who tag-teamed on foreign and trade policy to turn China into an economic superpower by (literally) selling them our manufacturing base (and much of the infrastructure of our country) over the course of decades.

And now ruling us at home during this absorption into the emerging Beast government, are our own home-grown Big-Tech and Chamber of Commerce oligarchs, who have apparently been serving as the Biden/Harris/Obama brain trust and election guarantors for over a year, and whose surrogates heavily populate the current putative presidential administration.

But behind it all is Satan himself, whose worldly power has always been rooted in “trade:” “By the abundance of your trade You were internally filled with violence, And you sinned” said God to Lucifer in Ezekiel 28:16, “Therefore I have cast you as profane From the mountain of God. And I have destroyed you, you covering cherub, From the midst of the stones of fire.” And that same trade-based wealth and power defines “Babylon the Great” in Revelation 18, (which has yet to fall).

Per the Nimrod protocol, human beings have always been the ultimate commodity, as the Antichrist figure King Bera of Sodom made clear to Abraham in Genesis 14:17-24: “The king of Sodom said to Abram, ‘Give me the people, but take the goods for yourself.’

But human liberty has always been the goal of God for men, and of Godly men for all humanity.


The theme of this article is central to Scott’s book “Dynasty of Darkness: Satan’s long serpentine trail through human history in the form of successive Antichrists, and the imminent rise of his last days kingdom” which he offers freely by email request to

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The Republic We Couldn’t Keep

Dr. Scott Lively offers a video version of his WND column of February 16, 2021 in which he highlights a little-known 1787 prophecy of America’s eventual fall into despotism by Benjamin Franklin, and discusses the parallel historical pattern of the Israelite Republic to explain why the 2020 election represented the end of the American Republic as we knew it.

The Republic We Couldn’t Keep

It was Benjamin Franklin who famously replied “A republic, if you can keep it,” when a group of citizens asked him what form of government the Founders had created for them. Few remember that he also said “[This republic] is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other,” and added “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” Notice that he said “when,” not “if.”

Franklin’s prophecy has come true: the putative Biden “presidency” is proof that our republic has been replaced by despotism – the consequence of our loss of virtue as a people. Sure, we can blame the Marxists for usurping our institutions and indoctrinating generations of Americans in Atheism, hedonism and the victim/plunder mentality, but we nevertheless remain responsible for our own choices. “The devil made me do it” defense can’t save you in this life or the next.

What Franklin meant by “virtue” was Christianity, saying to the assembly at the 1787 Constitutional Convention which wrote the US Constitution: “In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers…were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a superintending Providence in our favor.… and have we not forgotten this powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance? [T]he longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: ‘that God governs in the affairs of man.’ And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”

Just one decade after independence our national leaders needed Franklin’s rebuke to jar their conscience. Yet, compared to our generation, these men were veritable Christian zealots. No, we have no one to blame but ourselves. By God’s standard we have a government we deserve: a cabal of lying and cheating degenerates whose contempt for the rule of law is exceeded only by their greed for self-enrichment through the abuse of power.

Modern dictionaries define a republic as “a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.” But the Founders had a different view. Their new constitution was so strongly opposed by states-rights advocates that it took two years before New Hampshire became the necessary 9th state to ratify it. The factor that broke the log-jam was Rev. Samuel Langdon’s sermon to the New Hampshire officials titled “The Republic of The Israelites an Example To The American States.”

Any competent Bible student knows that the Israelite nation never fit the modern definition of a republic. But to the Founders, what defined both the Israelite and the American republics was “self-government under the rule of law.”

From the time Joshua led the Israelites into the promised land until the Israelites grew so rebellious against God that they demanded a monarchy, their God-created government was self-rule under the Mosaic Law, administered by the Levite priests and tribal authorities. God didn’t intend for the people to be ruled by Judges, He only raised up Judges to rescue the people from the political consequences of their sin after they repented and cried out for help (Judges 2:6-19, esp v. 18). In His plan, His people would have what our Founding Fathers called “ordered liberty:” freedom from human masters through mutual agreement to obey God’s laws.

America, from its founding under the Mayflower Compact in November,1620, until November, 2020, was also defined by self-government under the rule of law. It was “well administered for a course of years” but declined through cycle after cycle of rebellion and repentance until, just like Israel, the sins of the people became so deeply institutionalized there was no willingness to repent – only a demand that God deliver us just as we are.

If Donald Trump was America’s Judge, as I believe, he fits the mold of Samson (complete with iconic hair) – who furiously fought the corrupt Philistines and in the end (January 6th) pulled down their temple on all of their heads. What followed Samson in Israel (under Eli and Samuel) was the transition to a monarchy led by Saul, who transformed into an Antichrist figure during his reign, who was followed by David, the Christ figure.

This pattern also fits the last days timeline of prophecy. If so, it could be that Biden is the Eli figure – famous for the criminality of his sons – and Trump could even return in 2024 for a second term as the transitional Samuel figure, but either way there was not in Israel, nor would there be in America, any restoration of the republic, just a possible continuation of the reprieve, consistent with God’s longsuffering nature.

It all comes down to the hearts of the people ourselves, and, just as was true under the final Judges of Israel, there is today no apparent hunger for a return to national godliness that would manifest in repentance.

With apologies to the patriot prophet Benjamin Franklin, it must now be said that he was right, and due to our own collective loss of virtue, America was the republic we couldn’t keep.

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Swamp Rangers | 2.14.2021 | Episode 12 | The Republic We Couldn’t Keep

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