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Category Archives: History of the “Gay” Movement
‘Gay Pride’ and the Wrath of God
According to the third century Christian monks called the Desert Fathers, “pride” topped the list of the infamous Seven Deadly Sins. However, the Bible itself identifies homosexuality as the most deadly, giving it the special designation “toeva” (abomination) in the … Continue reading
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The Hidden Homosexual Core of Militant Islam
A few weeks ago the Daily Beast ran a story titled “The Secret, Hypocritical Gay World of ISIS.” The clueless leftist reporter predictably called these homosexual terrorists “hypocrites” for murdering a 15-year-old “gay” boy for homosexual activity while giving a … Continue reading
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‘Gay’ Agenda? What ‘Gay’ Agenda?
Mentioning the “gay” agenda in the presence of an LGBT activist or any other Cultural Marxist is like pulling the string on a Sheriff Woody doll, you hear precisely the same recording each time: “What gay agenda? There is no … Continue reading
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Pink is the New Brown: Mozilla Homo-fascism and The Pink Swastika
I once asked a journalist who was doing a story about my listing as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center to ask SPLC what I would take for them to de-list me. SPLC replied to him that … Continue reading
Posted in History of the "Gay" Movement, Homo-Fascism, Homosexual Agenda, The Pink Swastika
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