The Truth about Fascism and Groomers

Trigger warning: This article employs a term that is considered the most “homophobic” of slurs against men who suffer with Same-Sex Attraction Disorder (SSAD). If you are a person so incapable of objectivity in LGBT matters that you cannot separate actual hatred and bigotry from dispassionate academic discourse, STOP HERE.

Caveat: While I have used the term “homophobic” in the above trigger warning, I contend that the term “homophobia” and its derivatives are no less offensive and demeaning to defenders of the natural family and traditional sexual morality than the term “faggot” is to men afflicted with SSADness. A slur is a slur, and none of them has a legitimate place in civil discourse.

What is fascism?

When it comes to speaking hard truths about things dear to the hearts of liberals I like using Wikipedia for a source, because of its well-known liberal bias on all topics important to leftist narrative-setters. When Wikipedia states facts that undermine liberal narratives it offers fodder for conservatives to use that bear such a high level of trustworthiness that our legal system has a special category for them in the rules of evidence. They are called “admissions against interest” and are assumed prima facie (on their face) to be true, because it is assumed that guilty people would normally try to hide such facts from the judge and jury.

Since American intellectuals like to emphasize the strength of their arguments with Latin phrases, let’s look at the Latin origin of the word fascism.

According to Wikipedia, “Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a 1) far-right, 2) authoritarian, 3) ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a 4) dictatorial leader, 5) centralized autocracy, 6) militarism, 7) forcible suppression of opposition, 8) belief in a natural social hierarchy, 9) subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and 10) strong regimentation of society and the economy.” [Emphasis added to number and highlight the 10 defining characteristics of fascism.]

“… The Italian term fascismo is derived from fascio, meaning ‘bundle of sticks,’ ultimately from the Latin word fasces. This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates. According to Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini’s own account, the Fasces of Revolutionary Action were founded in Italy in 1915. In 1919, Mussolini founded the Italian Fasces of Combat in Milan, which became the National Fascist Party two years later.

We’ll address the second paragraph first to study the what and why of fascism’s etymology, and then return to the first paragraph to ask which factions on the American culture-war battlefield actually fit the term.

To cut right to the quick, let’s bring in Wikipedia’s most shocking admission, from it’s entry on the word “Faggot” as a pejorative against homosexual men.

The first recorded use of faggot as a pejorative term for gay men was in the 1914 “A Vocabulary of Criminal Slang,” while the shortened form “fag” first appeared in 1923 in “The Hobo” by Nels Anderson. Its immediate origin is unclear, but it is based on the word for “bundle of sticks,” ultimately derived, via Old French, Italian and Vulgar Latin, from Latin fasces.

The connection is prima facie self-evident, but the reason is hidden under layers of obfuscation. Here is where the “admissions against interest” end, and the wall of censorship and suppression rises.

The formalization of fascism in Italy as an ideological movement followed almost two decades of de-facto fascism by the German Gemeinschaft der Eigene “Community of the Elite” – a movement of ultra-masculine “butch” homosexuals who taught that homosexuals of their type had been the founders of all nation-states through history (research Adolf Brand, Hans Blueher and Benedict Friedlander). Their underground network of like-minded homosexuals transcended national boundaries, especially with Italy, where the German industrial titan and predatory pederast and international armaments king Friedrich Krupp set up his own “Epstein Island” of boys on Capri in 1904. The Krupp company later became a major arms supplier of Benito Mussolini’s regime.

Fascism finally came out of the closet as an organized political ideology when Mussolini established his Fasci Italiani di Combattimento (Italian Combat Leagues) in 1919, the same year the Nazi Party was formed in Germany.

Importantly, the Butches did not think of themselves as “homosexuals,” a term associated with the effeminate “gay” men aligned with the higher-profile Karl Heirich Ulrichs and his Scientific Humanitarian Committee devoted to repealing Germany’s sodomy laws. The Butches and Femmes were deadly enemies – which is why “homosexuals” were publicly shunned and disparaged in both Germany and Italy, while the Butches of the “Mannerbund” (militaristic all-male society) were everywhere esteemed as paragons of masculinity. Unlike the Femmes, the Butches kept their sex lives as secret as possible, but the truth was well know to the elites and style-setters, and that’s the inside joke about the link of “fascism” and “faggots.”

Mock this brief summary if you choose, but my 6th Edition of “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party” (in progress) offers over 500 pages of unimpeachable proof of its larger thesis, of which this topic is a small part. Read the 4th Edition if you can’t wait for the upgraded 6th).

Turning back to Wikipedia’s first paragraph on “Fascism,” I highlighted the 10 characteristics it says defines “Fascism.” 1 & 3, “far-right” and “ultranationalist” are redundant, being synonymous opposites to internationalism” (more precisely “one-worldism”), which is a central tenet of Communism. The remainder are all obvious characteristics of the American hard left, not the right. The American right is still defined by its love – indeed demand for – constitutionalism, government by limited delegated authority, opposition to “forever wars,” self-determination not governmental dictates, and provably fair and honest elections and election laws.

Taking for our examples only the COVID plandemic, Ukraine policy and the “Green New Deal,” it is clearly the left that exemplifies authoritarianism, dictatorial leadership, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy (based on ideology), subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race (i.e. racial minorities), and strong regimentation of society and the economy. To those I would add, the “groomer” obsession with total cultural supremacy of all things LGBT – evolved from Butch fascist origins in the on-again/off-again partnership of Germany and Italy – and sustained into the future through the relentless indoctrination of schoolchildren.

Out of their own mouths, the leftist “fact checkers” of Wikipedia condemn themselves.

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