Rainbow Reich: How the German gay movement groomed Hitler

Adolf Hitler did not create the Third Reich – it created him. What started as a nationalist movement dominated by butch male homosexuals grew from an idea to an empire, and as it did these ambitious men literally groomed the young Adolf in both the modern and the old-school meaning of the term.

The Third Reich was a German inevitability: No nation ever escapes the dream of recapturing its former greatness, which in Germany’s history was no less a world power than Charlemagne’s thousand-year Holy Roman Empire. Otto von Bismarck tried to recreate it in 1871 with his Second Reich, which died in World War I under the mismanagement and unshakable homosexual scandals of Kaiser (Caesar) Wilhelm II (research the Eulenberg Affair). But the third effort was launched while the second was still a pile of smoldering embers, while Adolf Hitler was just a teenage street hustler turning tricks in Munich and Vienna to fund his aspiring career as an artist (a fact today’s gay-pandering leftists would self-immolate before admitting as reflected in Wikipedia’s faux-disinterested but desperately dishonest dismissal of Lothar Machtan’s documentation-packed exposé “The Hidden Hitler”).

Hitler’s earliest influence was “The Man Who Gave Hitler His Ideas,” Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, the presumably homosexual former Catholic monk who was expelled from the Cistercian Order for “worldly and carnal desires” and who published Adolf’s favorite magazine, Ostara. Lanz was given that title by German psychologist Wilfried Daim who catalogs and elaborates on the numerous ways Lanz shaped Hitler’s worldview in his 1957 book of that title.

Lanz, along with occult partner and “rune” expert Guido von List, headed Helena Blavatski’s Theosophist movement in Germany and published its magazine, Lucifer, which featured a swastika in its emblem. Lanz was the first to fly the swastika flag in Germany, in 1907 over an old castle he bought to run his operations from, including the homo-occultic “Germanen Order” that later morphed into the National Socialist German Workers Party.

Heavily suppressed post-WWII by the leftist-controlled press and publishing world in the U.S. and Europe, Hitler’s start as a boy prostitute and his lifetime preference for male homosexual associates was already well-known in Germany in the early days of the Nazi Party – documented in police records and by multiple witnesses. UNTIL, that is, the “Night of the Long Knives” in 1934 when just about anyone who knew Hitler’s secrets –friends and foes alike – were murdered and the evidence purged: literally hundreds of people. (But some witnesses and evidence about Hitler and the “gay” Nazis survived as Kevin Abrams and I invested years of our lives documenting in “The Pink Swastika”).

It was Jewish-born news journalist and publisher Maximillian Harden (and the Jewish editors of the Munich Post) who made sure the German public knew that the nationalist/monarchist movement was rife with homosexuality. In 1906 Harden heroically exposed the homosexual cabal that controlled the young Kaiser and kept that scandal alive until Wilhelm (according to some observers) launched WWI to deflect attention from the years-long public trials and their aftermath that threatened his reign. It is said that Hitler’s hatred of the Jews began then, when the Prussian “gay” war heroes at the heart of the Eulenberg scandal were being dragged through the mud for the very sexual orientation Adolf shared with them. The timeline he relates in “Mein Kampf” about his attitude toward Jews fits this theory.

Hitler was a nobody in the military-dominated nationalist movement. He emerged from WWI as a lowly corporal with the taint of a barely hidden homosexual relationship with a fellow soldier hanging over him, which was perhaps what attracted Capt. Ernst Roehm to him. Even today’s leftist propaganda machine can’t bury Roehm’s homo-fascist personae and history, so notorious was he as the founder of the Sturmagteilung (SA) Storm Troopers. For example, a Munich Post article of June 1931was headlined “Warm Brotherhood in [Roehm’s SA] Brown House: Sexual Life in the Third Reich” and began “Every knowledgeable person knows … that inside the Hitler Party the most flagrant [homosexual] whorishness … is widespread.”

Roehm had been recruited into homosexuality by Gerhard Rossbach whose “Rossbachbund” troop of all or mostly homosexual ex-soldiers was called the Brown Shirts because he clothed them in the leftover brown uniforms of Germany’s defeated African colonies – as distinct from the grey uniforms worn by all the other Freicorps. Roehm took command of the troop from Rossbach, and by 1932 had built his Brown Shirted SA to a force 3 million strong – a true threat to the traditional army limited by the Treaty of Versailles to 100,000 (which was the real reason Roehm was killed by Hitler in ’34 at the insistence of President Hindenberg and the military/industrial powers; purging the “gays” was a cover story only partially true).

Roehm was the true power behind Hitler’s throne until his murder: a part of the early leadership circle that prized the young Adolf’s skill for oratory and his passionate hatred of the Communists – whose bands of street fighters were pressing hard into Germany through Bavaria in the late 1910s and early ’20s hoping to repeat their recent victory over Russia. Roehm’s fast-growing fascist SA army, for which Hitler was at first just a figurehead, was recognized by the Socialist Weimar government as its best hope for defeating the Reds and gave them a long leash (at least until the Beerhall Putsch of November ’23 – but by then the Nazi movement proved too strong to kill).

The Third Reich vision and movement was older and broader that the Nazi movement that assimilated it, but nearly every symbol, practice and policy that is emblematic of Nazism also became synonymous with the Third Reich. Importantly, nearly all of these icons originated in one or another of the factions of German’s huge “gay” subculture, specifically those of the butch male persuasion, in contrast to the “femmes” who aligned with the Communists, explaining why many effeminate “gays” (called kummerlings – “puny beings” by the butches) got persecuted and sent to camps by fellow deviants on the Fascist side.

It was the butch-“gay” vision of a homoerotic military hierarchy – popularized by the pederast group Der Meinschaft der Eigene, and implemented by “gay” leaders like Rossbach and Roehm – that produced the Nazi social order. It was in the Wandervogel youth movement built on that mannerbund model where the Seig Heil salute and semi-religious leadership designation “Der Fuhrer” were popularized. That organization was made infamous as a homosexual grooming operation by the brazenly frank 1912 book, “The Wandervogel Movement as an Erotic Phenomenon,” by Wandervogel leader Hans Blueher, and later morphed into the Hitler Youth.

The homo-occult movement of Lanz, List et al. gave the Nazis their swastika and numerous runic symbols such as the single and double lightning bolt, and inspired Heinrich Himmler to spawn the military-occultic order called the SS and its demonic Gestapo. The list goes on and on – all documented by reliable sources, most of which are either well-respected mainstream reporters or self-admitted “gay” journalists or historians.

The term “Third Reich” was never a part of any official declaration by Adolf Hitler, even after the Nazis long march to power put him in the office of German chancellor in 1932. It was only after he orchestrated the Reichstag Fire in 1933 to solidify his control over the legislature that the Nazi Party, not specifically he, adopted the increasingly common public reference to a Third Reich as its own. In reality, the term embodied the vision of the ultra-masculine social and political movement upon whose tide Hitler rose to power – a vision most clearly articulated by a 1923 book on nationalist theory by Arthur Moeller van den Bruck’s titled “Das Dritte Reich” (The Third Empire). Bottom line, the butch-“gay”-dominated Third Reich movement created Hitler, not him it.

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