For about a decade I have been a part of the growing chorus of voices warning about “transhumanism” – a phenomenon that in worldly terms is defined by the technological advancement of the interrelated, mutually force-multiplying sciences of genetic engineering, robotics and artificial intelligence. In spiritual terms, it represents the prophesied last-days rebellion of mankind against our Creator God as we humans attempt, like gods, to create a “better” version of ourselves as if His creative powers are inferior to ours and He is inferior to us (the Luciferian delusion of Isaiah 14:12-14, reflected also in the Serpent’s beguilement of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:1-5 and God’s response in 3:22-24).
I have been alone in linking transhumanism directly to the LGBT movement, contending that the LGBT agenda represents not just a coalition of sexual dysfunctions but a chronology of stages in the deconstruction of God’s created order (from the tips of the branches toward its roots), and that “transhumanism” represents a hidden “T” contained within “transgenderism” in the LGBT abbreviation.
Transgenderism is the penultimate (next to the last) stage of deconstruction of the civilization God made for us – destroying the human perception that we are created male and female in His image (Genesis 1:27). Transhumanism is the ultimate stage – destroying through genetic modification God’s separation between humans and animals as distinct “kinds” (Genesis 1:11-25). Transhumanists perceive themselves as wiping the earth clean of God’s “mistakes” (returning back to the blank canvas of Genesis 1:6-10) and creating their own utopia in which they are immortal.
This is not hyperbole but an actual plan currently being implemented by the World Economic Forum’s Yuval Noah Harari (whom I have labeled the best candidate for the end-times False Prophet I’ve seen in my lifetime). Significantly, Harari is an admitted homosexual in a counterfeit “marriage” to another man.
In the incomparable genius of God, the solution to every human error is simple truth. And the solution to the error of transgenderism/transhumanism (and the whole package of LGBT errors) is the simple self-evident truth of the natural family.
One of the great privileges of my life was being a part of a special ad-hoc committee of pro-family leaders who met in Framingham, Massachusetts, in the ’90s. It was set up by a sister in Christ named Nancy Sutton (who then had a ministry to conservative students at Harvard), and drew about a dozen front-lines activist leaders, including Peter LaBarbera, Robert Knight, Frank York of Focus on the Family and a few others I can’t remember.
I flew in from Portland, Oregon, with Mike Gabbard (Tulsi’s dad) who did a layover in Portland on his way from Hawaii. (His health food restaurant there had been put out of business by homosexual picketers after he publicly stood up for the natural family – and so he joined the culture war and led his own natural family into politics).
Our gathering, in a basement meeting room of a large hotel, was a single day-long general strategy session that narrowed over the course of the day to establishing a definition of the natural family that could not be co-opted by the LGBT movement (a harder task than one might think). In the end our “Framingham Declaration” declared this: “A natural family is one man and one woman and their children, by birth or adoption, or the surviving remnant thereof.” It is to my knowledge, the only process-created definition of the natural family ever framed. And, importantly, it both affirms binary heterosexual complementarity as the essential prerequisite for a natural family and implicitly excludes as unnatural any reconfigured “family” unit that adds a new homosexual partner to the mix to replace either of the original parents, because only the surviving remnant of the actual family is deemed natural. Two homosexuals cannot create children together naturally.
Interestingly, without our prior knowledge, there was a major “Christian” conference on “Gay Theology” occurring simultaneously in the big fancy hotel ballrooms above our heads. It was a gathering of hundreds of people from one of the liberal mainstream denominations (I don’t remember which one). While our tiny group of Davids were working to find a solution to America’s LGBT challenge in our plain and sparse basement chamber, the globalist Goliath of pseudo-Christendom was basking in worldly luxury above us as it advanced the leading heresy of our day – which I have contended in my book “The Petros Prophecy” is THE end-times heresy warned about by the Apostle Peter.
One of the great pro-family Davids of our generation who was NOT with us that day in Framingham is the late Julio Severo of Brazil. Julio was one of my closest international allies. We became friends in 2007 just as LGBT fascists, emboldened by their massive “Gay Pride” events in Rio, were taking over the Brazilian government and trying to pass a horrific “anti-homophobia” law under whose terms Julio would have been jailed for boldly speaking biblical truth. He was forced by severe, active persecution to flee to an undisclosed neighboring country, taking his young family into the jungle there as “illegal aliens,” in hiding from his very dangerous enemies and suffering the travails of poverty. Yet he pressed on in the cause of Christ until his sudden, untimely death in May of 2021, leaving behind his wife, Sarah, and seven young children under the age of 14.
Julio’s family is the living epitome of a natural family – “the surviving remnant thereof” – and I will never again recite our Framingham Declaration without thinking of his widow and seven children. Because there was no one else to step in and help them survive, my ministry did so starting in June of 2021, even though our support base is small – typical of long-term missionary families. But God has blessed our efforts on behalf on the Severo family which has allowed them to stay together in their home with all their basic needs met.
Julio Severo, his family and Scott Lively (right).
What we have done for the Severo family is what remnant Christians need to do for the natural family everywhere. We need to boldly affirm it. We need to surround and protect it. We need to sustain it as the essential “ecosystem” of humanity in the face of homo-fascism and trans-insanity.
I didn’t intent this article as a fundraiser, but if you want to help Sarah and the children, please give HERE. To give directly to their support choose the option “Emergency Help for the Severo Family,” or you could choose “Julio Severo Fund (to carry on his work)” because I have decided to take a mission trip to Brazil and work with Julio’s support base there to both raise funds for his family and to promote the natural family as the antidote to transhumanist poison.
This fight against transhumanism is a global battle and the only solution is to restore to primacy the natural family foundations and functions of civilization as He designed it – everywhere!