Scott Lively on Why the Dems are Burning Their Cities
I have repeatedly argued that the reason the globalists played their Black Lives Matter riot-and-mayhem card on the day before the release of the fully exculpatory Michael Flynn transcript was to deflect public attention from Obamagate which the Flynn transcript finally proved was conspiracy-FACT and not theory. That explains the timing of the start of riots, but there’s another, more diabolical reason that the Democrats are goading BLM specifically into burning down their own cities, and augmenting the (mostly peaceful) Black forces with highly trained (and mostly White) Antifa storm troopers to ensure it happens.
The White liberal elites who have owned all these cities since LBJ created the entitlement system and political machinery that made perpetual liberal control possible have finally run out of “other peoples money” and the gravy train is about to drive off the cliff, leaving them holding the bag. These grossly racist White liberal elites are therefore setting up inner-city Blacks as the scapegoats for the collapse of the cities, while cynically creating a false narrative in which they themselves play heroes for supporting “a long-awaited social accounting for systemic racism” (which is all the more ironic, since nearly all the racism being complained of as first-hand accounts by these inner-city Blacks must logically have occurred in the deepest of the deep blue cities where they live).
Why have these While liberal elites run out of other people’s money? Because the Trump Tax Reform of 2018 limited the deductibility of state and local taxes on federal tax returns. That literally killed the “soak the rich” component of the LBJ strategy by triggering an exodus of the rich and super rich from the Dem’s ultra-high-tax showpiece cities like Manhattan, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, Minneapolis, etcetera.
PLUS, the incredible Trump economy created by that Tax Reform dried up the While liberal elites’ other primary income source – federal entitlement money – by liberating their main cash cows – inner-city Blacks – from government dependency. Every job in the miraculous post-Tax Reform explosion of Black inner-city employment (the highest in American history) represented another Black family pulling out of the entitlement system, cutting off another spigot of revenue from the feds to state and city slush funds which had always kept most of that money to fund their army of Democrat loyalist public employee union members – the secret to their perpetual control of the cities.
So, because Trump forced healthy anti-Marxist economic policies upon them these While liberal elites are faced with impending political doom, and their worst nightmare – public accountability – as the river of other peoples money runs dry. With no conceivable solution to this crisis in their Socialism-addled brains, images of guillotines began swimming in their soon to be detached heads.
Who are these White liberal elites most afraid of? First and foremost, they fear the public employee unions, especially the Police Unions, whose political loyalty they have bought election after election since the 1960s with the ever-dangling carrot of increasingly Fatter (but unfunded) Pensions! In the “new normal” these pensions hold about as much value as the confederate currency issued by an earlier generation of Democrat leaders.
Who do they fear almost as much? Inner-city Blacks, whom they have kept politically enslaved by breaking up their families and addicting them to drip-by-drip government subsistence programs. It is these same White liberal elites who have intentionally fostered and nurtured racial and class resentment to ensure that all blame for the LBJ policies was placed at the feet of “the rich,” as leverage to extort increasingly more money from the rich and the businesses they own. (Never forget, that poverty in the inner cities could have been eliminated generations ago by simply promoting and assisting entrepreneurialism in the Black community!)
Now you know not only why the cities are burning, but why the two sides of the “war” for the cities are the Police and the Rioters, while the White liberal elites are pretending to be independent arbiters and referees high above the fray when they are in fact the masterminds of the entire mess. They are implicitly and in some cases expressly encouraging Blacks to dismantle the city infrastructures, pretending that is the reason for defunding the police, when the real reason is they just don’t have the money and can’t get any more unless they force the feds to bail them out – and even that would be a bandaid on a gushing artery. By perpetuating this cynical and racist scam they can put all the blame on the Blacks, whom they secretly loathe.
At the same time, these White liberal elites are using all their propaganda skills and machinery, and are expertly leveraging the race-based rioting, to smear the police forces as a single monolithic group – not individuals – as “systemic irredeemable racists” to justify the elimination of their pensions. Mark my words, the as-yet unannounced plan is to rescind police pension fund obligations and divert the (imaginary) funds for the purpose of reparations for Black slavery.
As is always the case, the White liberal elites project their own evil motives upon the conservatives. But in this situation they have outdone themselves by deliberately attempting to promote racist sentiments in the American public by portraying a tiny fraction of Black thugs and looters as the spokesmen for the entire Black community – and setting them up to take the blame for the now inevitable collapse of the Blue cities – while simultaneously throwing Blue Lives –one of their key municipal constituencies – under the bus because they are no longer useful to them.
I urge every conservative and constitutionalist to raise awareness of this scam as an act against racism, and to help the Black community and the Police unions to recognize they are being pitted against each other purposefully by the White liberal elites they once trusted.