Pro-Family Movement Roars Back to Life!
National Gone2Far Movement Has Launched!
Hugely Successful Kick-Off at National Press Club in Washington DC on February 5th, 2019
Watch these clips from the presser:

Dr. Lively was the 5th presenter in the conference, discussing the Gone2Far movement itself — the name and theme of which was his primary contribution to the coalition.

Dr. Randy Short, above, and Pastor Stephen Broder, below, initiated the coalition that has adopted the Gone2Far name and them. They led the first segment of the press conference calling for the resignation of the Congressional Black Caucus for its support of HB 2282, the LGBT “Equality Act.”

Pastors Paul Blair and Dan Fisher (above) of Reclaiming America for Christ (based at Fairview Baptist Church in Oklahoma) drafted the Proclamation for Morality, while Dan and Stephen Black (below — of the First Stone Ministry — an ex-“gay” ministry) presented that in the second segment. (Paul was unable to attend due to treatment for aggressive throat cancer — please pray for him).

Dr. Lively and Peter LaBarbara (above) of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality presented the third segment about the Gone2Far movement itself.

Brian Camenker of MassResistance (who arranged for the conference to be filmed and edited by a professional videographer) offered a short postscript to represent the Torah-faithful Jewish community in the Gone2Far coalition.
Now it is time to spread the news that America’s grass-roots pro-family movement is back and working to rally this nation’s pro-family silent majority to push back against the LGBT agenda and especially HB 2282, the so-called “Equality Act” to add “sexual orientation” to the 1964 Civil Rights Act — legally equating sodomy with skin color and criminalizing Bible-based Christianity.
Please forward this post to your pro-family lists.