Rescue Obama’s ‘Human Shields’ and Send Them Home with Escorts

There’s a long line at the Registry of Motor Vehicles. You’ve been patiently  waiting your turn for what seems like hours, with a handful of paperwork you  painstaking filled out before you got into line. Suddenly a new group of people  come in and walk right to the front of the line. You think they’re going to cut  in and you start to join the grumbling of the other people in line with you,  when suddenly the RMV supervisor steps up to the counter and starts handing out  free passes to all the people in the new group. They don’t even have to deal  with the clerk. “No waiting. No paperwork. No scrutiny. No regulations. No  consequences,” says the supervisor, “in fact, you can use these free passes to  get every sort of social service benefits for you and your family at no cost to  you.”

Still in line, fuming, you feel like a chump for following the rules.

Welcome to the Bush/Obama “immigration” scheme. You now know what the rest of  the law-abiding citizens of the world feel like who want to emigrate legally to  the United States.

I call it the Bush/Obama “scheme” but it’s really more of a conspiracy. The  Democrat and Republican globalist “elites” want a borderless North American  Union along the model of the European Union and they’re determined to have it,  constitution be damned. Bush 41 started in with NAFTA, Bush 43 continued it with  a law granting special “free pass” status to minors seeking asylum in the US,  and Obama intends to complete the process with a tidal wave of minors recruited  from Central America and shipped to the border on NAFTA’s Kansas City Southern  de Mexico railway line (an American company). Kudos to Phyllis Schlafly for a  great article on this.

It’s the old Marxist tactic of fomenting chaos to destabilize the system you  want to convert to Socialist control. But even worse, this particular  destabilization effort creates its chaos by using children as “political human  shields”!

The political elites whom I believe have orchestrated this sudden wave of  “refugees” to coincide with President Obama’s adoption of Amnesty as his  domestic priority are just like the Hamas terrorists who use innocents as human  shields in Gaza. These children are pawns in an evil game designed to exploit  our humanity and use it against us.

It is the worst form of manipulation because it traps the good guys in a  complex lose/lose moral dilemma. Do we protect ourselves from an insidious  attack on our social order and its legal underpinnings by heartlessly turning  foreign children away at the border? Or do we abandon the notion of national  sovereignty and the rule of law out of genuine compassion for innocents being  exploited as political pawns? To borrow the language of our Founders: “A pox on  those who hatched this devilish plot!”

In my view we have no choice but to care for these children because they are  innocent, but we must work diligently to return them and every illegal immigrant  to their country of origin so they can get in line behind the law abiding  applicants who are seeking entry properly.

Rather than rewarding those who gained (or gamed) their entry to the United  States by cheating (I’m speaking now of the adults who have been here for a long  time), it is time to ask the illegal immigrants to take all that they have  learned about living in an orderly democratic society back to their homelands so  they can recreate there what they have enjoyed here.

Frankly, it is these very adults who are most responsible for these children  and other neighbors they left behind in the selfish pursuit of their own  prosperity. It is they who set the bad example that these children are now  following. Send them all back together — the long-term illegals serving as  escorts for the children — along with whatever assistance they all need to get  settled back in to their communities. (It won’t cost even a fraction of what  we’ll pay if they stay here). And perhaps back there we can help them establish  for their children a semblance of what our parents and grandparents created for  us here in the U.S..

If any case, they can at any time and for any reason get back in line and  seek entry legally.

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